

World History: Patterns of Interaction*

Chapter Outline

(CIB = Means Chapter in Brief Summary)


World History Themes, Geography Themes, Time, Place, How Do We Know?

Rand McNally Atlas

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Strategies for Studying History

Test-taking Strategies and Practice

Unit 1

4 Million BC-200 BC

Beginnings of Civilization

Chapter 1 – Prehistory to 2500 BCE

The Peopling of the World

Skillbuilder Handbook:

1. Human Origins in Africa (CIB)

Sec. 1: Reading Critically

Analyzing Key Concepts: Culture

Sec. 2: Higher-Order Critical Thinking

History through Art: Cave Paintings

Sec. 3: Exploring Evidence: Print,

2. Humans Try to Control Nature

Visual, & Technology Sources

3. Civilization > Case Study Ur in Sumer

Sec. 4: Creating Performances

Chapter 2 – 3500 BCE – 450 BCE

Early River Valley Civilizations

1. City-states in Mesopotamia

2. Pyramids on the Nile

History in Depth: Pyramids and Mummies

Social History: Work and Play in Ancient History

3. Planned Cities on the Indus

Science and Technology: Plumbing in Mohenjo-Daro

4. River Dynasties in China

Chapter 3 – 2000 BCE – 250 BCE

People and Ideas on the Move

1. The Indo-Europeans

2. Hinduism and Buddhism Develop

3. Seafaring Traders

History in Depth: Phoenician Trade

4. Origins of Judaism

Analyzing Key Concepts: Judaism

Different Perspectives: The Flood Story

Chapter 4 – 1570 BCE – 200 BCE

First Age of Empires

Primary Source Handbook:

1. The Egyptian and Nubian Empires

Rig Veda

History in Depth: Egyptian Influence on Nubian Culture


2. The Assyrian Empire


3. The Persian Empire


Global Impact: Empire Building

I Ching

4. The Unification of China

History in Depth: The Great Wall of China

Comparing and Contrasting: Ancient Civilizations

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Unit 2

2000 BCE – 800 CE

New Directions in Government and Society

Chapter 5 – 2000 BCE – 300 CE

Classical Greece

Primary Source Handbook:

1. Cultures of Mountains and Sea


2. Warring City-States


History in Depth: Festivals and Sports

3. Democracy and Greece’s Golden Age

History through Art: Greek Art and Architecture

4. Alexander’s Empire

5. The Spread of Hellenistic Culture

Chapter 6 – 500 BCE – 500 CE

Ancient Rome and Early Christianity

Primary Source Handbook:

1. The Roman Republic


2. The Roman Empire

Social History: Life in a Roman Villa

3. The Rise of Christianity

4. The Fall of the Roman Empire

Different Perspectives: The Fall of the Roman Empire

5. Rome and the Roots of Western Civilization

Analyzing Key Concepts: Western Civilization

Science and Technology: The Coliseum

Chapter 7 – 400 BCE – 550 CE

India and China Establish Empires

1. India’s First Empires

2. Trade Spreads Indian Religion and Culture

History through Art: Hindu and Buddhist Art

3. Han Emperors in China

Global Impact: Trade Networks

Chapter 8 – 1500 BCE – 700 CE

African Civilization

1. Diverse Societies in Africa

Science and Technology: African Ironworking

2. Migration

Case Study: Bantu-Speaking People

3. The Kingdom of Aksum

Chapter 9 – 40,000 BCE – 700 CE

The Americas: A Separate World (CIB)

1. The Earliest American

2. Early Meso-American Civilizations

History through Art: Olmec Sculpture

3. Early Civilizations of the Andes

History in Depth: Narzca Lines

Comparing and Contrasting: Classical Ages

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Unit 3

500 – 1500

An Age of Exchange and Encounter

Chapter 10 – 600-1200

The Muslim World

1. The Rise of Islam

Analyzing Architecture: The Dome of the Rock

2. Islam Expands

3. Muslim Culture

Science and Technology: Astronomy








Primary Source Handbook:


Chapter 11 – 500 – 1500

Byzantines, Russians, and Turks Interact

1. The Byzantine Empire

Analyzing Key Concepts: Roman Catholicism and Easter Orthodoxy

2. The Russian Empire

History through Art: Religious Art and Architecture

3. Turkish Empires Rise in Anatolia

Chapter 12 – 600 – 1350

Primary Source Handbook:

Empires and East Asia

Sei Shōnagon

1. Tang and Song China


Social History: Tang and Song Dynasty: People and Technology

Journey to the West

2. The Mongol Conquests

History in Depth: A Mighty Fighting Force

3. The Mongol Empire

4. Feudal Empires in Japan

History in Depth: Japanese Samurai

5. Kingdoms of Southeast Asia and Korea

Chapter 13 – 500 – 1200

European Middle Ages

Chicago History Fair:

1. Charlemagne Unites Germanic Kingdoms

Planning Begins!

2. Feudalism in Europe


Analyzing Key Concepts: Feudalism

3. The Age of Chivalry (CIB)

Science and Technology: Castles and Siege Weapons

4. The Power of the Church (CIB)

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Chapter 14 – 800-1500

Formation of Western Europe

Chicago History Fair:

1. Church Reform and the Crusades (CIB)


History in Depth: Gothic Architecture


Different Perspectives: The Crusades

2. Changes in Medieval Society

3. England and France Develop

Primary Sources:

4. The Hundred Years’ War and the Plague (CIB)

Magna Carta

Global Impact: The Spread of Epidemic Disease

Chapter 15 – 800 – 1500

Societies and Empires in Africa

1. North and Central African Societies

Chicago History Fair:

2. Western African Civilizations


History through Art: Benin Bronzes


3. Eastern City States and Southern Empires


Analyzing Architecture: Great Zimbabwe

Comparing and Contrasting: Trade Networks

Unit 4

500 – 800

Connecting Hemispheres

Chapter 16 – 500 – 1500

Primary Source Handbook:

People and Empires in America

Popul Vuh

1. North American Series

2. Maya Kings and Cities

History through Art: Maya Architecture

Chicago History Fair:

3. The Aztecs Control Central Mexico


History in Depth: Aztec Calendar


4. The Inca Create a Mountain Empire


Social History: Incan Mummies

Chapter 17 – 1300 – 1600

European Renaissance and Reformation

1. Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance

History through Art: Renaissance Ideas influence Renaissance Art

2. The Northern Renaissance

Primary Source Handbook:

Social History: City Life in Renaissance Europe

Nicholas Machiavelli

3. Luther Leads the Reformation

The Prince

Analyzing Key Concepts: Protestantism

Sir Thomas More

4. The Reformation Continues


Different Perspectives: The Reformation

Chapter 18 – 1300 – 1700

The Muslim World Expands

1. The Ottomans Build a Vast Empire

2. Cultural Blending

Case Study: The Safavid Empire

3. The Mughal Empire in India

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History through Art: Cultural Blending in Mughal India

Chapter 19 – 1400 – 1800

An Age of Explorations and Isolation

Chicago History Fair:

1. Europeans Explore the East


2. Science and Technology: The Tools of Exploration

3. China Limits European Contacts

History in Depth: The Forbidden City

4. Japan Returns to Isolation

Chapter 20 – 1492 – 1800

The Atlantic World

1. Spain Builds an American Empire (CIB)

Chicago History Fair:

Different Perspectives: The Legacy of Columbus


2. Europeans Nations Settle North America


3. The Atlantic Slave Trade (CIB)


4. The Columbian Exchange and Global Trade (CIB)


Global Impact: Food Exchange

Analyzing Key Concepts: Mercantilism

Comparing and Contrasting: Methods of Government

Unit 5

1500 – 1900

Absolutism to Revolution

Chapter 21 – 1500 – 1800

Absolute Monarchs in Europe

1. Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism

Analyzing Key Concepts: Absolutism

2. The Reign of Louis XIV

History in Depth: The Palace at Versailles

3. Central European Monarchs Clash

4. Absolute Rulers of Russia

Social History: Surviving the Russian Winter

5. Parliament Limits the English Monarchy

Primary Source Handbook:

James Madison

Chapter 22 – 1550 – 1789

Federalist Papers

Enlightenment and Revolution

Mary Wollstonecraft

1. The Scientific Revolution Rights of Women

2. The Enlightenment of Europe

Different Perspectives: European Values during the Enlightenment

3. The Enlightenment Spreads

4. The American Revolution

Analyzing Key Concepts: Democracy

Chapter 23 – 1789 – 1815

Primary Source Handbook:

The French Revolution and Napoleon

Elizabeth Vigée-Lebrun

1. The French Revolution Begins


2. Revolution Brings Reform and Terror

Science and Technology: Guillotine

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Different Perspectives: The French Revolution

3. Napoleon Forges an Empire (CIB)

4. Napoleon’s Empire Collapses (CIB)

5. The Congress Vienna (CIB)

Chapter 24 – 1789 – 1900

Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West

1. Latin American Peoples Win Independence

Global Impact: Struggling Towards Democracy

2. Europe Faces Revolution

Analyzing Key Systems: Nationalism

3. Nationalism

Case Study: Italy and Germany

4. Revolutions in the Arts

History through Art: Revolutions in Painting

Comparing and Contrasting: Political Revolutions

Unit 6

1700 – 1914

Industrialism and the Race for Empire

Chapter 25 – 1700 – 1900

The Industrial Revolution

Primary Source Handbook:

Sadler Committee

1. The Beginnings of Revolution

Report on Child Labor

Global Impact: Revolutions in Technology

2. Industrialization Spreads

3. Reforming the Industrial World

Analyzing Key Concepts: Capitalism vs. Socialism

Different Perspectives: Industrialization

Chapter 26 – 1815 – 1914

An Age of Democracy and Progress

Primary Source Handbook:

1. Democratic Reform and Activism (CIB)

Abraham Lincoln

2. Self-Rule for British Colonies

Second Inaugural

Social History: Life in Early Australia

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

3. War and Expansion in the United States (CIB)

Rights of Women

4. Nineteenth-Century Progress (CIB)

Science and Technology: Edison’s Inventions

Chapter 27 – 1850 – 1914

The Age of Imperialism

1. The Scramble for Africa

2. Imperialism

Case Study: Nigeria

Analyzing Key Concepts: Imperialism

Different Perspectives: Views of Imperialism

3. Europeans Claim Muslim Lands

4. British Imperialism in India

5. Imperialism in Southeast Asia

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Chapter 28 – 1800 – 1914

Transformations around the Globe

1. China Resists Outside Influence (CIB)

2. Modernization in Japan (CIB)

History through Art: Japanese Woodblock Printing

3. U.S. Economic Imperialism

Science and Technology: Panama Canal

4. Turmoil and Change in Mexico

Comparing and Contrasting: Scientific and Technological Changes

Unit 7

1900 – 1945

The World at War

Chapter 29 – 1914 – 1918

The Great War

Primary Source Handbook:

1. Marching Toward War

Woodrow Wilson

2. Europe Plunges into War

The Fourteen Points

History in Depth: The New Weapons of War

Science and Technology: Military Aviation

3. A Global Conflict

Different Perspectives: Views of War

4. A Flawed Peace

Chapter 30 – 1900 – 1939

Revolution and Nationalism

1. Revolutions in Russia

Analyzing Key Concepts: Communism

2. Totalitarianism

Case Study: Stalinist Russia

Analyzing Key Concepts: Totalitarianism

History through Art: Propaganda

3. Imperial China Collapses

History in Depth: The Long March

4. Nationalism in India and Southwest Asia

Chapter 31 – 1819 – 1939

Years of Crisis

1. Postwar Uncertainty

Social History: Labor-saving Devices in the United States

2. A Worldwide Depression

Supplementary Sources:

3. Fascism Rises in Europe

Stars: Stories of

Analyzing Key Concepts: Fascism


4. Aggressors Invade Nations

PBS: Sugihara

Chapter 32 – 1939 – 1845

World War II

Primary Source Handbook:

1. Hitler’s Lightening War

Elie Wiesel

2. Japan’s Pacific Campaign


3. The Holocaust

Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston

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Farewell to Manzanar

4. The Allied Victory

Global Impact: Arming for War

5. Europe and Japan in Ruins

Comparing and Contrasting: The Changing Nature of Warfare

Unit 8

1945 – Present

Perspectives on the Present

Chapter 33 – 1945 – Present

Restructuring the Post-War World

1. Cold War – Super Powers Face Off (CIB)

Science and Technology: The Space Race

2. Communists Take Power in China (CIB)

3. Wars in Korea and Vietnam

4. The Cold War Divides the World (CIB)

History in Depth: How the Cold War was Fought

5. The Cold War Thaws (CIB)

Chapter 34 – 1945 – Present

The Colonies Become New Nations

1. The Indian Subcontinent Achieves Freedom

Supplementary Sources:

2. Southeast Asian Nations Gain Independence


Social History: Changing Times in Southeast Asia

3. New Nations in Africa

4. Conflicts in the Middle East

History in Depth: Signs of Hope

5. Central Asia Struggles

Chapter 35 – 1945 – Present

Primary Source Handbook:

Struggles fir Democracy

Nelson Mandela

1. Democracy

Inaugural Address

Case Study: Latin America Democracies

Supplementary Sources:

2. The Challenge of Democracy in Africa

Mandela and DeKlerk

3. The Collapse of the Soviet Union

4. Change in Central and Eastern Europe

History in Depth: Ethnic Groups in the Former Yugoslavia

5. China: Reform and Reaction

History through Art: Photojournalism

Chapter 36 – 1945 – Present

Global Interdependence

Primary Source Handbook:

1. The Impact of Science and Technology

Martin Luther King

2. Global Economic Development

I Have a Dream

Analyzing Key Concepts: Globalization

Cesar Chavez

Different Perspective: Economics and the Environment

An Open Letter

3. Global Security Issues

4. Terrorism > Case Study: September 11, 2001

5. Cultures Blend in a Global Age > Global Impact: Rock ‘n Roll

Comparing and Contrasting: Nation Building

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