19-20版:(步步高) (晋吉赣豫贵蒙藏皖云陕甘桂青宁新粤京) Warming U


Unit 5 Travelling abroad

Warming Up & Reading—Pre-reading



Nowadays,more and more young people have the chance to go to another country to

ng abroad will enable you to have various best recommendation I’d

like to give you is to be open to the experiences and the culture l common new

experiences are around food,locations,culture,and language.

Food: The food in a foreign country will not only be different from American food,but the

cooking style will also be example,while most American vegetables are usually

boiled,in China,where I studied abroad,vegetables are often fried,which,as far as I’m

concerned,is terrible! China actually helped me like my former enemy,,have an

open mind,and try the local food.

Locations: In terms of locations,I mean that your location abroad may differ from your home

location or college example,coming from San Francisco,going to school at Mount

Holyoke College in South Hadley,Massachusetts,was a location shock for me.I was not used to

the very slow public transport and the need to drive.

Culture: Having an open mind will benefit you the a global education program,we

had Chinese roommates,and my Mount Holyoke Class was mainly made up of Chinese graduate

ore,hanging out with them was not too much trouble,but if finding local friends is

not that easy,join clubs,sit at coffee shops,or start conversations at a gathering or

interested in flea markets and art galleries,I looked online for those types of events and went to

these events,I met expatriates(侨民) and locals alike and became good friends with

r way to fit in with the culture is to find people who will go to cultural events and

places with you.I would walk around Shanghai,taking in the Chinese culture everywhere I went.

语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文。作者结合个人的切身经历从饮食、位置、文化等方面给身在异国他乡、置身于陌生环境中的莘莘学子提出了很好的建议。

can infer from the passage that the writer .

only Chinese friends when in Shanghai

an open mind when studying in China

ed his study experience in Massachusetts

enced Chinese culture by travelling everywhere

答案 B

解析 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“The best recommendation I’d like to give you is to be

open to the experiences and the culture shock.”以及第二段中的“have an open mind”可知作者在中国留学的时候一直保持一种开放的心态,故选B。

may be interested in the passage?

s at home and abroad.

rs teaching foreign languages.

ts studying or to study abroad.

abroad service agencies.

答案 C

解析 推理判断题。根据第一段内容可知,文章是针对在国外留学或即将去国外留学的学生的,故选C。

will be mainly discussed in the following paragraph?



答案 B

解析 推理判断题。文章第一段最后一句“Several common new experiences are around food,locations,culture,and language.”以及第二、第三、第四段的小标题可推知接下来应该是讨论语言方面的内容,故选B。

of the following can be the best title for the passage?

the Most of Your Experience When Studying Abroad

Familiar with Chinese Culture

Open to the Chinese Culture Shock

Wonderful Experience When Studying Abroad

答案 A

解析 标题归纳题。作者在中国学习过,但这不是文章主要讨论的内容,因此B、C项片面;本文主要提出个人的建议而不是叙述个人的经历,因此D项错误。A项概括了全文主旨:应该充分利用在国外学习的经历。故选A。


I’ve personally traveled through many countries that have had US government warnings

issued for them,and I’ve been perfectly ically,in the last year,I have travelled safely

to both the Philippines and Mexico,and traveled to many South Pacific islands during the tropical

cyclone(热带气旋) season and only experienced two days of light rain in six months! This is,of

course,anecdotal,so it’s important that you do your research before booking your trip.

One thing I recommend doing is checking for recent posts on travel forums(论坛),such as


e culture.

Lonely Planet’s Thorntree,to see what people are saying about the country you’ll visit in terms

of US government may make out that an entire country is extremely unsafe when in

reality,it’s a small part of it that tourists will be unlikely to the travel warnings,too,to see which parts of the country the government recommends that you avoid.

Additionally,it’s worth speaking to your travel insurance provider before you leave to check

that you’ll be covered during your travels to these insurance companies won’t

cover you if there’s a severe warning for the country,but some insurance is a

necessity,so it’s definitely something to check out before you leave.

Keep in mind that the US government will help you with emergency evacuation(撤离) from a

troubled country,but it comes in the form of a repatriation(归国) loan via the Office of American

Citizens Services and Crisis Management(ACS),which can be called to rescue you from a bad

situation er by heart that you’ll have to wait overseas for the money to arrive and

eventually repay the loan once you’re home another reason to get travel insurance!

语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文,作者以自己的亲身经历告诉我们,在出国旅游之前应该做好哪些准备。

should you do before a travel according to Paragraph 1?

a good route plan.

a careful study of the trip.

the government for help.

the travel books first.

答案 B

解析 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“This is,of course,anecdotal,so it’s important that

you do your research before booking your trip.”可知,在你预定行程之前做调查是很重要的。

does the author advise you to check for on travel forums?

t places.


答案 C

解析 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,作者建议查看一下旅游论坛里最近的帖子,来了解人们对你要去的国家的安全方面的看法。由此可知查看旅游论坛的帖子是为了旅游安全,故选C。

is it necessary to know about travel insurance companies?

of them don’t cover all the countries.

may provide false information.

seldom talk with customers.

sometimes offer bad service.


r forecast.

答案 A

解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“...before you leave to check that you’ll be covered

during your travels to these insurance companies won’t cover you if there’s a

severe warning for the country,but some will.”可知,在你出发之前,检查一下去这些国家旅行时你是否会被保险。有些保险公司的保险包括所有的国家,而有的不包括。


Volunteering abroad is a great way for young adults to explore,learn about global citizenship,service learning and gain a better insight into the world and different for the

adventure of a lifetime?Visit our website for further details.

Global Vision International

Experience everything a Latin American adventure should be,and more,when you join us in

Costa Rica with a team of international under 18 with construction projects that

will benefit poor children’s development and er the area’s amazing beaches,explore beautiful tropical jungles and immerse(沉浸) yourself in the friendly local culture.

Cost:2 weeks for $2,990




Broadreach Summer Adventures

Since 1993,Broadreach has taken over 12,000 students on their worldwide summer adventure

volunteer programs for middle school and high school 75+ program offerings

include sailing,medicine,culture,arts,community service and leadership ms

are located in 40+ countries including the Caribbean,Central and South America,Canada,Australia,China,India,South Africa,France,Thailand,the Solomon Islands and Fiji.

Cost: Starting at $3,880

Tel: 919-256-8200



Cross-Cultural Solutions

CCS teen summer service trips are for high school students ages 15- High School

Volunteer Abroad program offers you an awesome opportunity to volunteer side by side with local

people and new friends—only group volunteering project in our Costa Rica,India,Peru,Ghana,and Guatemala High School Volunteer Abroad Home ’ll participate in tons of cultural

activities and guided tours during the week and on weekends.

Cost:Contact us for pricing and availability

Tel:US toll flee: 1-800-380-4777



United Planet

United Planet offers tailored volunteer abroad programs in five destinations for those under

eers may work in orphanages,after-school centers,building homes or at environmental

conservation ations for 1-12 week Teen Quests include Romania,Peru,Ecuador

and ates 16 years old and older can apply,or travel with their family.

Cost:Varies with duration of your stay




语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文,介绍了一些国外的志愿服务项目,并详细地介绍了项目内容、申请条件以及申请的,便于读者选择。

offers programs in over 40 countries?


-Cultural Solutions.

Vision International.

each Summer Adventures.

答案 D

解析 细节理解题。根据Broadreach Summer Adventures中的“Programs are located in 40+ ”可知选D。

who want to work with local people should go to .


答案 C

解析 细节理解题。根据Cross-Cultural Solutions中的“The High School Volunteer Abroad

program offers you an awesome opportunity to volunteer side by side with local people and new

friends—only group volunteering project in our Costa Rica,India,Peru,Ghana,and Guatemala

High School Volunteer Abroad Home Bases.”可知选C。

ers who would like to travel with their family can send an e-mail to .







答案 B

解析 细节理解题。根据United Planet中的“Candidates 16 years old and older can apply,or

travel with their family.”可知,16岁及以上的青少年可以申请,也可以和家人一起旅行。若想申请这个项目,需要发邮件到quest@,故选B。

’s the text mainly about?

-training programs.

travel destinations.

ng outdoor adventures.

volunteer programs abroad.

答案 D

解析 主旨大意题。通读全文,并结合第一段段意可知,本文介绍了到国外从事志愿服务的一些项目。故选D。



Self-motivation occurs when a person has the willingness to do something and is internally(内心的) motivated to do it.

12 There is a job to go to,groceries to do,television to watch—whoops!I guess we get

pretty good at finding excuses to escape getting started on goals like an exercise routine or reading

a new fact is that we are creatures of routine and what can we do to motivate

ourselves to accomplish our goals? 13

Decide what you want.

It’s hard to motivate an aimless mind. 14 Then break it down into smaller sections so

it’s easier to handle and less overwhelming(势不可挡的).

Keep track of your progress.

Keep a journal where you can measure how much you have accomplished. 15 Post

motivating pictures or slogans within your sight.

It is always inspiring to see pictures of people who have accomplished what you’re going

makes it se,little slogans like “go for it” or “just do it” can give you

the little support you need.


Once you have accomplished your objective,ng an early riser,keep it up so that

it’s second nature to you and you don’t have to think about it anymore.

it a habit.

t yourself with slogans.

natural tendency is to put off.

are some tips on how to get moving.

modern society people tend to become forgetful.

a goal and decide how you are going to do about it.

g at it can also motivate you to keep pushing further.

语篇解读 本文属于说明文,介绍了怎样实现自我激励。

12.答案 C

解析 根据该空后面的“There is a job to go to,groceries to do,television to watch—whoops!I guess we get pretty good at finding excuses to escape getting started on goals like an exercise

routine or reading a new book.”可知,我们很擅长给自己借口,比如有工作要做、杂事要应付、电视要看,因此与C选项“我们天性喜欢推迟”切题,故选C。

13.答案 D

解析 根据文章结构可知,本文为总分结构,根据后面的小标题Decide what you want.以及Keep track of your progress.可知,本文主要介绍让自己行动起来的方法,故选D。

14.答案 F

解析 根据前一句“It’s hard to motivate an aimless mind.”可知,如果没有目标就很难让自己行动起来,以及后一句“Then break it down into smaller sections(分解成小目标)”可知,关键在于要设定一个目标,然后决定怎么实现目标,与F选项切题,故选F。

15.答案 G

解析 根据前一句“Keep a journal where you can measure how much you have accomplished.”可知,坚持写日记,记录完成的进度,与G选项“查看它能激励你继续前进”切题,故选G。

16.答案 A

解析 根据本段中的“keep it up so that it’s second nature to you and you don’t have to think

about it anymore”可知,坚持下去并使之成为你的第二天性,因此与A选项“养成习惯”切题,故选A。

本文发布于:2024-09-21 10:29:49,感谢您对本站的认可!



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