

Unit1 Why we work ?

Lawyers practice a difficult and demanding profession. They expect to be well compensated.


In thinking about what that means, it can help to consider the basic question, “why do we work ?


Samuel Johnson supplied an obvious answer when he famously observed , ” No man but a blockhead ever

wrote, expect for money.”


But I am not being paid to write this artcle , and instead of labeling myself a blockhead, let me refer to the

insight of eminent psychologist Theodor Reik:”Work and love-these are the basics. Without them there is



Why do we work ? For money, but also for sanity.


We expect and need to be compensated in nonmonetary ways. Noneconomic compensation matters to

top-flight lawyers-otherwise, they would have long ago fled to investment banks.


Law firms that want to recruit and retain the best (and the sanest ) must compensate not only in dollars but

also in psychic gratification.


Accordingly, managers of elite firms need to think consciously about what lawyers are looking for beyond

money. Here are some key noneconomic elements of compensation.


Professional identity (职业认同感)

Many lawyers define themselves with reference to the privileges and attributes of their profession.


When firms recognize professional prerogatives, they provide an important form of compensation.


For example, lawyers pride themselves on belonging to a learned profession.


By providing opportunities for continued intellectual growth, law firms can simultaneously provide a form of

compensation and reinforce a core value of the profession.


This isn’t hard to do. Organize and host seminars with leading scholars, support scholarship in-house with

resources such as research assistance and create venues for lawyers to engage in serious discourse.




Another core professional value is autonomy.


A law firm pays psychic compensation when it understands and accepts that in matters of professional

judgment,lawyers are their own masters.


In this regard,firms should encourage a diversity of approaches,letting each lawyer develop his or her own

style of practice.


Empowering lawyers in this way inculcates a heightened sense of personal responsibility, which in turn

reinforces the drive for individual excellence.


Equally important to professional autonomy is that firms need to take care not to impinge on a lawyer’s

exercise of considered professional judgment,even when that means refusing a client.


Lawyers are not the servants of their clients. In appropriate circumstance,telling the client “No” is an act of

the highest professionalism.


A lawyer is well-paid with the confidence that the firm will stand behind him or her in such circumstances.


Lastly professional status encompasses adherence to ethical standards.


Most lawyers find self-worth in setting an example—both within the profession and within the larger society—as ethical actors.


When,management affirms the special respect due to lawyers who act with the utmost integrity and civility in

all of their professional dealings,it provides yet another form of compensation.


Personal pride(个人自豪感)

Few of us make it through the rigors of a legal education without having a deeply internalized sense of

excellence for its own sake.


Lawyers compensate themselves with the powerful self-affirmation of a job well done.




As a matter of both compensation and reputation,an elite firm cannot afford to impede the drive to

excellence,even when it’s not cost effective in the short term.


This means,for example,that firm management should applaud the writing and rewriting of a brief to the

highest standard even when a cynical perspective would suggest that the extra effort will have no practical



Always celebrate superlative work product even when it seems unlikely to make a difference in the outcome.


Instead of kowtowing to client demands for super work at a cut-rate price,deliver excellence and expect to be

paid for it.


Idealism (理想主义)

Think back to law school. Who remembers talking into the night about how to obtain the highest profits per

equity partner?


More memorable discussions covered things such as the advancement of civil rights,the provision of legal

services to the poor,the development of a more equitable system of taxation,the promulgation of

international norms guaranteeing basic human dignity.


Lawyers thirst for justice,and slaking that thirst is an important element of compensation.


Almost by definition,an elite law firm supports pro bono and public service efforts,thereby accomplishing the

intertwined goal of compensating its professionals and discharging its institutional obligations to society.



Psychic compensation includes recognition,both formal and informal.


Rendering such compensation depends on management’s making just a little extra effort to acknowledge



Celebrate important accomplishments and mark important milestones.


On occasion,elaborate dinners or parties are called for,but often casual events will serve the purpose.




Institute formal award programs. Stage ceremonies of public recognition. Never neglect to mark even

relatively minor accomplishments with a congratulatory e-mail or phone call.


Institutional pride(团体自豪感)

Finally,a law firm can compensate its lawyers by giving them cause to be proud to be a part of the firm. Law

firms,as institutions,can outlive,outperform and out contribute any individual。


We join firms in order to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.


When firm management commits itself to building the firm as an integrated institution,with strong

institutional values,and when the firm thrives as an institution,belonging to the firm becomes its own



Of course,this requires management to foster a corporate identity that subsumes individual egos-the greater

good of the group must take precedence.


And the firm as an institution must meet the highest standards in every area:excellent corporate citizenship,superb client service,selfless public service,outstanding reputation.


In sum,lawyers-or,at least,the best lawyers-don’t work for bread alone.


And law firms-or,at least,elite law firms-cannot hope to effectively recruit or retain top legal talent without

an attractive package of psychic compensation,which means that law firm managers must attend to the same.




Unit2 A cuisine crisis

What could be more French than an outdoor market on a sunny Sunday morning?


The air is filled with vital scents from the herbs and fruits and vegetables piled high in the greengrocers’

creative geometrics.


A whiff of the Atlantic blows off the oysters on the fishmongers’ bed of ice.


Wild game-hare,venison,boar-hangs from the butchers’ racks,sausages and cheeses are laid out to savor and



This,you think,is the very essence of France,


until you read those little signs that tell you the tomatoes(which are really pretty tasteless)come from

Moroccan hothouses,the grapes from South Africa,kiwis from Chile and the haricot from Kenya. You can’t

even be sure where that boar bit the dust.


The congenital quaintness of the street market,in fact,draws directly on globalization.


What Emile Zola once called “the belly of Paris”,the rich,ripe,smelly center of the wholesale food business,long since moved out of downtown to a cargo hub near Orly airport.


Quite literally,that is now where a lot of French cooking begins-and,increasingly,where the era of great

French cuisine as something truly unique and exclusive to France is slowly coming to an end.


For generations,the French have prided themselves on their distinctiveness.


Nothing has stood for France’s sense of exceptionalism more famously than its cooking. Gallic talent ,taste

and techniques have been exported all over the world.


And therein lies part to the problem. From the Napa Valley to the Thames and Tokyo,non-French cooks have

cracked the codes of the best French cuisine.


Meanwhile,what was mediocre elsewhere-albeit cheap and popular-has been imported.




The result: Many tourists-as well as the French themselves-no longer see what’s so special about French



The decline goes well beyond recent surveys that show growing complaints about mediocre quality and high

prices-no small concern in a country where tourisme gastronomique earned 18 billion euros in 2002,a quarter

of all tourist revenues.



More and more restaurateurs say that government tax and economic policies are limiting their profits,and

thereby hurting their capacity to invest and hire more staff.


They have become ensnarled in the red tape for which France is infamous-not to mention edicts from Brussels

that affect everything from sales taxes to the bacteria in the Brie.


Not coincidentally,it was the French who taught the world that water has many very different,very

marketable tastes.


At the annual agricultural fair in Paris this spring,visitors not only enjoyed sipping wines,but olive oils-one a

little nutty,another quite fruity,some of them,one is tempted to say,just a little impudent.



Even table salt has its distinctions,with fleur de sel,the thin layer collected on the surface of salt basins in the

Bordeaux region,now much appreciated.


“France is one of those countries where people can leave the table full and still be talking about food,“ jokes

chef Yannick Alleno,35,who brought a new star to the restaurant of the hotel meurice this year. His favorite

specialty:sea bass sewn with golden threads.

35岁的厨师亚尼克·阿勒诺 开玩笑说:“在有些国家人们酒足饭饱离开餐桌后仍会接着谈论食物,法国就是其中之一。”亚尼克今年刚刚为莫里斯饭店的餐厅增加了一颗星。他的绝活是金线鲈鱼。

But the real paradox of French cooking-in French,at least-is that artistic success often spells business disaster.

Starred chefs often end up drowning in red ink as they try to maintain the high standards that made their



Consider the value-added taxes that were “harmonized” all over Europe during the 1990s.




They benefit fast-food chains,since the tax on takeaway is only 5.5% percent,while they penalize sit-down

restaurants,whether humble bistros or haute cuisine,which pay 19.6% .


When president Jacques Chirac ran for re-election in 2002,he promised to reduce the tax,but such is the

nature of the new Europe that all 25 countries will have to approve the measure for it to take effect-in 2006.


The government is instituting other complicated tax breaks and stopgap measures in the meantime to try calm

the restive restaurateurs and in hope of creating employment.


But (a starred chef) Daguin is deeply skeptical. “ If the French were under the same fiscal regime as the United

States,we’d be able to create twice as many jobs,”he says.


Strict labor laws restricting hiring,firing and temp-work also figure in the equation.“Our business is a

succession of high-stress times and quiet times,”says Denis Meliet,a former rugby player and a passionate

restaurateur from Toulouse.


When it comes to employment,”the problem in France is that we have no flexibility whatsoever. When we ‘re

busy it would be good if,like in England,we could hire a couple of extra employees to help out.” But the law

makes that difficult.


Even when government regulations appear specially formulated to support the culture of cuisine,they often ”

go astray ”. The EU’s Common Agricultural Policy,for instance,is supposed to benefit small farmers,keep

them on the land-and thus,you’d think,nurture the terroir that gives French cooking its soul,and France

much of its national identity.


But activist Brigitte Allain of the Confederation Paysanne,a farmer herself,says the CAP,in fact,does just the

reverse-favors quantity over quality. ”In this system,” she says, “farmers are merely providers of staples whose

sole requirement(in order to receive generous EU subsidies)is to deliver the goods according to the rules.”




”If our cuisine has prestige,”says Allain,” it’s because we have chefs who are interested in good products. And

we have good products because we still have a type of agriculture that we call peasant agriculture alongside

the factory farms. Notice I say ‘still’,because this agriculture may not last long. “


As France’s great chefs worry about staying in the avant-garde,with their gold threads and miraculous

meringues,many small farmers and restaurateurs seem to be fighting a rearguard action just to survive.


The problems afflicting French cuisine are emblematic of those that plague the economy as a whole.


Like French cuisine,the French economy still holds the occasional surprise:last week the government

announced that economic growth for 2004 should be higher than expected.


But the basic problem of bureaucracy,taxes and social reluctance to change remain a burden for everyone.


“ At all levels-political,social,cultural or biological-cooking is at the forefront of the great choices that we have

to make as a society,”says Raymond Blanc,born in the Jura region of France and chef of the two-star hotel

restaurant Manoir aux Quat’Saisons.


Blanc believe France is still ahead of the rest of the world in the richness of its cuisine,but for how long?”It’s

as if France stopped caring about its regions and what gives them diversity,”he says.


France’s problem isn’t the lack of creativity,but rather a political environment that stymies initiative. If you’re

choked by bureaucracy and taxes,as so much of France is,” there’s not much you can do.” He adds,“I can

open a business in England in five days. In France it would take three months.”




Unit3 Europeans just want to have fun

Walking across Boulevard in paris last week,on the night before Bastille Day,I bumped into an old

friend-an American who has lived in the city for 25 years-who told me he was taking up the tango. When I

asked him why,he suggested I take a stroll along the Left Bank of the Seine,opposite Ile ,and so of

course I did.


It was one big party. A drop-dead gorgeous crowd was tangoing away in a makeshift,open-air amphitheatre.


Nearby,a multiethnic group was doing merengue. Hundred of others were tucking into picnics by the river as

a full moon rose in a cloudless sky.


Much later that night,after a perfect fish soup in the Place des Vosges,I walked into the narrow passages of

the Marais district and stumbled upon an impromptu block party.


Someone had set up a sound system on the sidewalk,and the street was packed with people-straight and gay,young and old,black and white-dancing salsa.


Europe is enjoying itself. OK,in late July,it always does. The weekend I was in paris,an estimated 500000 kids

descended on Berlin for the annual Love Parade.


Meanwhile,tens of thousands of families started their trek from the damp north of the Continent to their

vacation homes in the warm south.


But even when the sun isn’t shining,Europeans seem to be throwing themselves into fun and festivity with

unprecedented zeal.


Each weekend,central London is one great bacchanal. Cities that for reasons of politics or religion were once

gloomily repressive-Madrid,say,or Dublin-now rock to the small hours.


In Prague the foreign visitors who get talked about are not the earnest young Americans who flocked there in

the early 1990s,but British partygoers who have flown in for the cheap beer and pretty girls.




This place that British historian Mark Mazower once called the true drak continent-and from whose curdled

soul the horrors of fascism sprang-has become Europa Ludens,a community at play.


Funny. This is how the US was supposed to be. In a famous series of essays collected in his 1976 book,The

Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism,Daniel Bell noted how the decline of the Protestant small-town ethic had

unhinged American capitalism from its moral foundation in the intrinsic value of work.


By the 1960s,Bell argued,“the cultural justification of capitalism【had】become hedonism,the idea of

pleasure as a way of life.” This magazine agreed.


In a 1969 cover story entitled“California:A State of Excitement,“ Time reported that,as most American saw

it,“the good,godless,gregarious pursuit of pleasure is what California is all about…‘I have seen the future,’says the newly returned visitor to California,‘and it plays.’”


But the American future didn’t turn out as we expected. While European cut the hours they spend at the

office or factory-in France it is illegal to work more than 35 hours a week-and lengthened their vacations,Americans were concluding that you could be happy only if you work hard and play hard.


So they began to stay at their jobs longer than ever and then,in jam-packed weekends at places like the

Hamptons on Long Island,invented the uniquely American concept of scheduled joy,filling a day off with one

appointment after another,as if were no different from one at the office.


American conservatives,meanwhile,came to believe that Europeans’ desire to devote themselves to the

pleasures of life and-the shame of it !-six weeks annual vacation was evidence of a lack of seriousness and

would,in any event,end in economic tears.


Why do Europeans and Americans differ so much in their attitude toward work and leisure?




I can think of tworeasons. First,the crowded confines of western Europe and the expansive space of North

American have led to varied consumer preference.


Broadly speaking,Americans value stuff-SUVs,7000-sq.--more than they value time,while for

Europeans it’s the opposite.


Second,as Bell predicted,America’s sense of itself as a religious nation has revived. At least in the puritanical

version of Christianity that has always appealed to Americans,religion comes packaged with the stern

message that hard work is good for the soul. Modern Europe has avoided so melancholy a lesson.


Whatever the explanation,the idea of a work-life balance is a staple of European discourse,studied in think

tanks,mulled over by policymakers.


In the US,the term,when it’s used at all,is said with the sort of sneer reserved for those who eat quiche.


But it might still catch on. When Bill Keller was named executive editor of the new York times last week,he

encouraged the staff to do “a little more savoring” of life,spending time with their families or viewing art.


Even better,they could take up the tango.




Unit4 The Last Chapter

“I love you,Bob.”


“I love you,too,Nancy.”


It was And I was hearing my parents’ voices through the thin wall separating my bedroom from theirs.

Their loving reassurance were sweet,touching-and surprising.


My parents married on September 14,1940,after a brief courtship. She was nearing 30 and knew it was time

to start a family.我的父母在一个简短的恋爱期后,于1940年9月14日结婚。那时我母亲已经0岁了,她觉得是到了该建立家庭的时候了。

The handsome,well-educated man who came by the office where she worked looked like a good bet. He was

captivated by her figure,her blue eyes. The romance didn’t last long.


Seeds of differene sprouted almost immediately. She liked to travel;he hated the thought. He loved golf;she

did not. He was a Republican;she an ardent Democrat.


They fought at the bridge table,at the dinner table,over the perceived failings of their respective in-laws. To

make matters worse,they owned a business together,and the everyday frustrations of life at the office came

to roost at home.


There was a hope that they would change once they retired,and the furious winds did calm somewhat,but

what remained steeled itself into bright,hard bitterness.原来以为退休后的情况会有所改变,不错,怒火是稍稍平息了一些,但余怒却结成了强烈的怨恨。

“I always thought we’d…”my mother would begin,before launching into a precise listing of my father’s faults.

The litany was recited so often,I can reel it off by heart today. As he listened,my father would mutter angry

threats and curses. It was a miserable duet.


It wasn’t the happiest marriage,but as their 60th anniversary approached,my sister and I decided to throw a

party. Sixty years was a long time,after all;why not try to make the best of things? We’d provide the cake,the ballrooms,the toasts,and they’d abide by one rule:no fighting.




The truce was honored. We had a wonderful day. In hindsight it was an important celebration,


because soon after,things began to change for my parents. As debilitating dementia settled in,their marriage

was about the only thing they wouldn’t lose.


It began when their memories started to fade. Added to the frequent house-wide hunts for glasses and car

Keys were the groceries left behind on the counter,notices of bills left unpaid. Soon my parents couldn’t

remember names of friends,then of their grandchildren. Finally they didn’t remember that they had



There crises would have at one time set them at each other’s throats,but now they acted as a team,helping

each other with searches,consoling each other with “Everyone does that” or ”It’s nothing ;you’re just tired.”

They found new roles-bolstering each other against the fear of loss.


Financial control was the next thing to go. For all of their marriage,my parents stubbornly kept separate


Sharing being unthinkable,they’d devised financial arrangements so elaborate they could trigger war at any

time. He,for example,was to pay for everything outside the house;she for whatever went on inside. The

who-pays dilemma was so complex for one trip that they finally gave up traveling entirely.


I took over the books. Now no one knew how things got paid;no one saw how the columns that spelled their

fortunes compared. Next I hired a housekeeper. Cooking and cleaning,chores my mother had long complained

about,were suddenly gone.


Finally-on doctors’ orders-we cleared the house of alcohol,the fuel that turned more than one quarrel into a

raging fire.




You could say my parents’ lives had been whittled away,that they could no longer engage in the business of

living. But at the same time,something that had been buried deep was coming up and taking shape. I saw it

when my father came home after a brief hospital stay.


We’d tried to explain my father’s absence to my mother,but because of her memory, she could not keep it in

her head why he had disappeared. She asked again and again where he was,and again and again we told her.

And each day her anxiety grew.


When I finally brought him home,we opened the front door to see my mother sitting on the sofa. As he

stepped in to the room,she rose with a cry. I stayed back as he slowly walked toward her and she toward him.

As they approached each other on legs rickety with age,her hands fluttered over his face. “Oh,there you

are,”she said. ”There you are.”


I don’t doubt that if my mother and father magically regained their oldvigor,they’d be back fighting. But I now

see that something came of all those years of shared days-days of sitting at the same table,waking to the

same sun,working and raising children together. Even the very fury they lavished on each other was a brick in

this unseen creation,a structure that reveals itself increasingly as the world around them falls apart.


In the early morning I once again the voices through the wall. ”Where are we ? ”my father asked. ”I don’t

know,“my mother replied softly.


How lucky they are,I thought,to have each other.




Unit 9 Is Affordable Housing Becoming An Oxymoron?

It seems that houses are now so expensive that no one can afford to own one.


Of course,economists know better. In the short run,the supply of housing in most areas is more or less fixed.


Hence the price of housing is determined primarily by the demand side of the market-by how much people

are willing to pay for housing.


In the last few years,we have seen historically low mortgage rates,which feed directly into housing demand.

In several locations,particularly on the East and West Coasts,where land-use restrictions make it difficult to

increase the supply of housing,prices have been pushed up to unprecedented levels.


Whether these low mortgage rates have created a housing price bubble has been a matter of debate.


There is no universally accepted definition of a “bubble” in economics,but the idea is that a significant part of

the demand for housing is based on an expectation of future appreciation. The more prices go up,the more

people want to buy so as to reap the gains from expected future price appreciation,pushing prices up even



It is quite possible that there is some “froth“ in the market,to use Alan Greenspan’s term,particularly on the



But even when the froth subsides,housing will remain quite expensive in those areas. Can anything be done.


Some municipalities have started subsidized housing programs that provide various types of assistance to new



Unfortunately,such programs just increase demand even more,pushing prices up.


In fact,in an ideal market with a constant supply of housing,a 10% subsidy offered to a broad segment of the

market would simply push housing prices up by 10%. The out-of-pocket,after-subsidy price would end up right

where it started.




If you really wanted to push housing prices down,you would increase taxes on housing. Analogous to the

imposition of a subsidy,a 10% increase in property taxes would push housing prices down by 10%.


Of course,the total cost of the housing(purchase price plus the present value of the taxes)would be

unchanged,so this really does not solve the housing cost problem either.


In California,tax policy has played a significant role in housing price dynamics.


Proposition 13,passed in 1978,limited property tax increases to 2% a year for owner-occupied homes. But

when the house is sold,the property tax assessment is based on the sale price. This means the new owner

typically faces a significantly higher property tax bill than the old owner.


Proposition 13 has been called a “tax on moving”. Indeed it is,since a homeowner in California is much better

off remodeling than moving.


It is a lot cheaper to add a bedroom to a three-bedroom house than to buy a similar four-bedroom house

because of the tax treatment of renovations as compared with new sales.


For the same reason,empty-nesters have strong tax incentives to keep their house,regardless of whether they

need all that space.


The result is that fewer houses come on the market than would otherwise be the case,pushing prices up even

more for the limited stock of housing that is available.


Of course,if you intend to move out of state,these considerations are not so relevant. In California,the best

thing for empty-nesters to do is to sell their nests and migrate to Oregon.


This seems to have become a pretty common practice,at least in some demographic groups.


So what is the answer to high home prices? Basic economics tells us that for housing prices to fall we have to

see a reduction in or an increase in the supply of housing. There is some hope on the demand side.




As interest rates rise,we should see some moderation in demand;indeed,it appears that housing prices are

flattening out in some areas.


Ultimately,the only reliable way to make housing more affordable is to increase the supply. But a new house

requires land zoned for housing.


We cannot make more land,so we either have to use the land we have more intensively or we have to build

houses farther from jobs.


Both of these options are unattractive. In urban California,traffic has become increasingly congested,putting

a limit on how far away from their jobs people can live.


Land use restrictions are tight in many desirable residential areas,and political forces are aligned against

relaxing these restrictions.


Imagine someone who scrimps and saves to buy his dream house in an area zoned for one-acre lots.


The last thing he wants to see is his neighbor’s lot being subdivided to build two or three new houses. Not

only would it affect his quality of life,but,even more important,it would also affect the value of his house.


Zoning laws and land use restrictions are unpopular among those seeking less-costly housing since they push

up the price.


But by the same token,once a searcher becomes an owner,he often becomes a fervent supporter of such

restrictions. As Pogo put it,“We have met the enemy and he is us.”




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