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1、In our comparison of the net electrical power output of

both combined heat and power(CHP)and power-only plants, the

electrical output of the CHP plants is assumed to be the output

that could the oretically be produced if there were no heat

electrical power净电力

combined heat and power热电联供


be assumed to be假设为



2、The lower heating value is defined here as the higher

heating value(HHV)minus the energy necessary to evaporate the

water that is created by the combustion of the hydrogen in the

fuel and minus the energy needed to evaporate the moisture that

was already part of the fuel before g value热值

Evaporate [ɪ'væpəret]



Combustion [kəm'bʌstʃən] n.燃烧,氧化;骚动

moisture ['mɒɪstʃə] n.水分;湿度;潮湿;降雨量


3、In the case of biomass combustion , however, this will be

possible on only very large scales, whereas atmospheric biomass

gasification is projected to attain these efficiencies on

considerably smaller scales。

biomass [‘baɪə(ʊ)mæs] n.生物质

biomass combustion 生物质能

large scales 大规模

gasification [,ɡæsifi'keiʃən] n.气化


1、In developing countries like Ghana where solid waste

disposal is increasingly an environmental burden with its

attendant health hazards, the idea of converting the organic

fraction of municipal solid waste into energy for the national grid

is a welcome proposition towards reducing volumes of domestic

waste to be disposed of or al—n.处理;





organic fraction—有机部分;


the national grid—国家电网;


volumes of—大量的;


2、In spite of the perceived low heating values of

biodegradable waste, the increasing volumes of MSW as well as

the generally high percentage of the organic component

observed in Ghana’s MSW means that the amount of energy

that can be obtained from the waste is not





3、Thus, a combined cycle plant can be designed that uses

the hot flue gases produced from organic waste combustion to

generate steam and gasify liquid methane in stages to turn a

steam turbine and a gas turbine respectively , and the flue gases,

cooled down, can be used to pre-dry the organic waste in a cycle

for use as fuel to increase the efficiency of the —v.气化;



4、It is further comparable to a coal-fueled power plant with

respect to flue gas emissions and solid residues from the

combustion process and flue gas on—n.排放;





Hydrogen production from biomass can contribute not only

to large-scale development and utilization of renewable energy,

improve energy structure and reduce pollution as well as to meet

people's demand for clean energy, but also is the most viable

hydrogen production methods from renewable energy near the

s: n.生物质



Biomass gasification in supercritical water(SCW超临界水)is a

promising technology for Hydrogen production from biomass,

which is based on the special physical and chemical properties of

water near the critical point.


Reading Material 10

Corrosion Control

Corrosion problems can be solved in the following ways:

(1)Select a material that is resistant to be the corrosion

environment.(2)Give metal a protective coating.(3)Change the

service conditions, such as temperature, pressure, or

velocity.(4)Change the environment chemistry such as pH,

concentration, aeration, or impurities.(5)Add a corrosion

inhibitor.(6)Shift the electric potential of the metal by cathodic or

anodic protection

(7)Modify the design of the equipment or system.(8)Let it

corrode and replace it(often a viablealternative!)

Once the engineer has determined that there is no danger of

a catastrophe, deciding which way to combat corrosion usually

comes down to the economics of the al Selection

Stainless steels are usually the first choice for a “probably

corrosive” environment with unknown properties, because

these alloys are resistant to a wide range of oxidizers, but they

cannot withstand strong reducing solutions, such as hydrochloric

ess steels can be corroded, despite their

stainless steels are classified into five general groups(martensitic,

ferritic, austenitic, duplex and precipitation-hardenable strainless

steels)according to their metallurgical structures, with the of

which one to use depending not only on corrosion resistance but

also on required strength and cially pure nickel has

high corrosion resistance, especially to alkalies, combined with

mechanical properties similar to mild steel, and good

and nickel alloys widely used in the food

industry and are frequently selected for service in chlorine,

hydrogen chloride, and chlorinated are very

resistant to high-temperature air and to stress-corrosion

um is a very reactive metal in the standard

electromotive force series;it immediately reacts with air to form a

passive film consisting of two layers: an inner, compact,

amorphous oxide and an outer, thicker, more permeable

hydrated um is naturally compatible with the

atmosphere and withstands many solutions well if the pH lies

between about 4 to acids and moderately strong bases

destroy aluminum’s passive de ions are particularly

damaging because they attack the film only at weak spots and

pit chlorinated organic solvents and alcohols

can attack aluminum alloys disastrously, sometimes

tive Coatings

The major purpose of coating a metal is to protect it from a

corrosive environment when the metal is otherwise suitable for

the service conditions in terms of mechanical and physical

g metal with good mechanical properties

(usually steel)is often more practical in terms of cost and

required life than selecting a more corrosion resistion but

expensive tion can be achieved in four ways, with

many coatings functioning in more than one way:

(1)A barrier coating that prevents the corrosive environment

from contacting the metal.(2)A sacrificial coating that corrodes

while giving cathodic protection to the underlying metal.(3)An

inhibitor coating that slows electrode reactions.(4)An electrically

resistive coating that stifles electrochemical corrosion cells,

Paints fall into this last ion Inhibitors

An inhibitor is a chemical added to the corrosive

environment in small amounts to reduce the corrosion

inhibitors interfere with the anode reaction, some with the

cathode reaction, and some with usually used to

prevent general corrosion but most are not effective in

preventing localized attack, such as crevice corrosion, pitting, or

stress-corrosion tors have a critical concentration

that must be reached or exceeded for them to be effective, and

in some cases to prevent them from making corrosion

ic and Anodic Protection

Cathodic protection converts all anodic on a metal surface to

cathodes so that corrosion protected metal has

positive current flowing onto it from the electrolyte everywhere

on the surface so that no current flows result can be

achieved in two distinictly different ways.(1)By connecting a

sacrificial anode the metal that is be protected.(2)By applying an

electric current from a separate source, a technique called

impressed-current cathodic protection, on the

contray, makes the entire metal surface anodic-so anodic that the

metal completely sly, then, this technique is

limited to metals that can form protective passive

passivated metals still corrode at a low rate, anodic protection

almost, but not completely, stops corrosion

problems originate with either improper design or improper

material r, a good choice of material can

overcome severe environmental conditions and even some

deficiencies in methods listed above are the accepted

ways of dealing with a corrosion problem, but not all of them

apply in a given particular, the corrosion engineer

often cannot change the service conditions or environment

may be as unalterable as the ocean, or nearly as

unalterable: an industrial process that is running fairly smoothly

where any change will be fanatically opposed by the production

































Reading Material 9

Heat Treatment of Steel

Types of Heat Treating OperationsFive operations are

detailed in this lesson as the basis of heat ations

of these

Operations RelievingWhen a metal Is heated,expansion occurs which is more or less proportional to the

temperature cooling a metal,the reverse reaction takes

is, a contraction is observed.When a steel bar or

plate is heated at one point more than at another,as in welding

or during forging,Internal stresses are set up.During heating,

expansion of the heated area cannot take place unhindered,and

it tends to deform.On cooling,contraction is prevented from

taking place by the unyielding cold metal surrounding the heated

area.The forces attempting to contract the metal are not

relieved,and when the metal is cold again,the forces remain

as internal stresses.stresses also result from volume changes,

which accompany metal transformations and

precipitation.Internal or residual stresses are bad because they

may cause warping of steel parts when they are machined.To

0relieve these stresses,steel is heated to around 595C,assuming that the entire

part is heated uniformly, then cooled slowly back to room

temperature.This procedure is called stress relief annealing, or

merely stress e of characteristics inherent in cast

steel, the normalizing treatment is more frequently applied to

ingots prior to working,and to steel castings and forgings prior

to izingThe process of normalizing consists of

heating to a temperature above the third transformation

temperature and allowing the part to cool in still actual

temperature required for this depends on the composition of the

steel,0but is usually around ly, the term normalize

does not describe the

process might be more accurately described as

a homogenizing or grain-refining any piece of

steel, the composition is usually not uniform is,

one area may have more carbon than the area adjacent to

compositional differences affect the way in which the

steel will respond to heat it is heated to a high

temperature, the carbon can readily diffuse throughout, and the

result is a reasonably uniform composition from one area to the

steel is then more homogeneous and will respond to

the heat treatment in a more uniform cold

deformation, steel has a tendency to harden in deformed areas,

making it more difficult to bend and liable to ate

deforming and annealing operations are performed on most

manufactured steel annealingFull annealing, where

steel is heated 50 to 100C above the third transformation

temperature for hypoeutectoid steels, and above the lowest

transformation temperature for hypereutectoid steels, and slow

cooled, makes the steel much easier to cut, as well as full

annealing, cooling must take place very slowly so that a coarse

pearlite is cooling is not essential for

process annealing, since any cooling rate from temperatures

below the lowest transformation temperature will result in the

same microstructure and s annealingProcess

annealing consists of heating steel to a temperature just below

the lowest transformation temperature for a short

makes the steel easier to heat treatment is commonly

applied in the sheet and wire industries, and the temperatures

generally used are from 550 to ing The two--stage

heat treating process of quenching and tempering is designed to

produce high strength steel capable of resisting shock and

deformation without the other hand, the annealing

process is intended to make steel easier to deform or machine.1n

manufacturing steel products, machining and severe bending

operations are often tempered steel may not cut

or bend very easi1y and annealing is often effect

of tempering may be il1ustrated as the head of a

hammer were quenched to a fully martensitic structure, it

probably would crack after the first few ing during

manufacture of the hammer imparts shock resistance with only a

slight decrease in ing is accomplished by

heating a quenched part to some point below the transformation

temperature, and holding it at this temperature for an hour or

more, depending on its steels are tempered between

205°C and 595° higher temperatures are employed,

toughness or shock resistance of the steel is increased, but the

hardness and strength ingDuctility is the ability

of a metal to change shape before it y quenched

martensite is hard but not ductile;in fact, it is very

ing is needed to impart ductility to the martensite,

usually at a small sacrifice in addition, tempering

greatly increases the resistance of martensite to shock

TreatmentThe hardest condition for any given steel

is obtained by quenching to a fully martensitic

hardness is directly related to strength, a steel composed of 100%

martensite is at its strongest possible r,

strength is not the only property that must be considered in the

application of steel ity may be equally

or modify the magnetic properties of

e the electrical properties;

Improve the machinability;

Increase the toughness;that is, to produce a steel having

both a high tensile strength and good ductility, enabling it to

withstand high impact;

Increase the hardness so as to increase resistance to wear or

to enable the steel to withstand more service conditions;

Decrease the hardness and increase the ductility;

Secure the proper grain structure;

Refine the grain structure of hot worked steels which may

have developed coarse grain size;

Remove stresses induced by cold working or to remove

stresses set up by nonuniform cooling of hot metal objects;

Reasons for Heat TreatingHeat treatment of steel is usually

intended to accomplish any one of the following objectives:

Stress relievingStress relieving is the heating of steel to a

temperature below the transformation temperature, as in

tempering, but is done primarily to relieve internal stress and

thus prevent distortion or cracking during is

sometimes called process ing Tempering

consists of reheating a quenched steel to a suitable temperature

below the transformation temperature for an appropriate time

and cooling back to room this process makes

steel tough will be discussed ing Hardening is carried

out by quenching a steel, that is, cooling it rapidly from a

temperature above the transformation is

quenched in water or brine for the most rapid cooling, in oil for

some alloy steels, and in air for certain higher alloy

steel is quenched, it is usually very hard and brittle;it may even

crack if make the steel more ductile, it must be

izingNormalizing is identical with annealing,

except that the steel is air cooled;this is much faster than cooling

in a is normalized to refine grain size, make its

structure more uniform, or to improve

annealingFull annealing is the process of softening steel by a

heating and cooling cycle, so that it may be bent or cut

annealing, steel is heated above a transformation temperature

and cooled very slowly after it has reached a suitable

distinguishing characteristics of full annealing

are:(a)temperature above the critical temperature and(b)very

slow cooling, usually in the furnace.阅读材料9


各种不同的热处理操作 本单元介绍了五种热处理的基本方法。这些方法介绍如下。




















退火过程退火过程就是加热钢到稍低于最低转变温度的一个温度后保持一会儿。这使钢更容易成形。这种热处理通常应用于薄板和电线工业,它的温度一般在550度到650 度之间。








第四篇:过程装备与控制工程专业英语翻译 20

Reading material 20

Basic Stirred Tank Design

The dimensions of the liquid content of a vessel and the

dimensions and arrangement of impellers, baffles and other

internals are factors that influence the amount of the energy

required for achieving a needed amount of agitation or quality

of internal arrangements depend on the objectives of

the operation: whether it is to maintain homogeneity of a

reacting mixture or to keep a solid suspended or a gas dispersed

or to enhance heat or mass transfer.A basic range of design

factors, however, can be defined to cover the majority of the

cases, for example as in Fig.4.4(a).The Vessel A dished bottom

requires less power than a flat a single impeller is to

be used, a liquid level equal to the diameter is optimum, with the

impeller located at the center for an all-liquid ic

and manufacturing considerations, however, often dictate higher

ratios of depth to s Except at very high Reynolds

numbers, baffles are needed to prevent vortexing and rotation of

the liquid mass as a solids are present or when a

heat transfer jacket is used, the baffles are offset from the wall a

distance equal to one-sixth the baffle width which is about one-twelfth the tank radial baffles at equal spacing are

standard;six are only slightly more effective, and three

appreciably less the mixer needed, particularly at low

Tubes A draft tube is a cylindrical housing around

and slightly larger in diameter than the height may

be little more than the diameter of the impeller or it may extend

the full depth of the liquid, depending on the flow pattern that is

y draft tubes are used with axial impellers to direct

suction and discharge impeller-draft tube system

behaves as an axial flow pump of somewhat low top

to bottom circulation behavior is of particular valve in deep tanks

for suspension of solids and for dispersion of er Size

This depends on the kind of impeller and operating conditions

described by the Roynolds, Froude, and Power numbers as well

as individual characteristics whose effects have been

the popular turbine impeller, the ratio of diameters

of impeller and vessel falls in the range, d/Dt0.30.6, the lower

values at high rpm, in gas dispersion, for er Speed

With commercially available motors and speed reducers,

standard speeds are 37, 45, 56, 68, 84, 100, 125, 155, 190, and

320 requirements usually are not great enough to

justify the use of continuously adjustable steam turbine

-speed drives may be required when starting torques

are high, as with a settled er Location As a first

approximation, the impeller can be placed at 1/6 the liquid level

off the some cases there is provision for changing the

position of the impeller on the off-bottom suspension

of solids, an impeller location of 1/3 the impeller diameter off the

bottom may be of Impellers A rotating impeller

in a fluid imparts flow and shear to it, the shear resulting from

the flow of one portion of the fluid past ng cases of

flow are in the axial or radial directions so that impellers are

classified conveniently according to which of these flows is

reason of reflections from vessel surfaces and

obstruction by baffles and other internals, however, flow patterns

in most cases are e the performance of a particular

shape of impeller usually cannot be predicted quantitatively,

impeller design is largely an exercise of judgment so a

considerable variety has been put forth by various

manufacturers.A few common types are illustrated on

Fig.4.4(b)(i)and are described as follows:

three-bladed mixing propeller is modeled on the

marine propeller but has a pitch selected for maximum

are used at relatively high speeds(up to 1800

rpm)with low viscosity fluids, up to about 4000 stabilizing

ring shown in the illustration sometimes is included to minimize

shaft flutter and vibration particularly at low liquid

turbine with flat vertical blades extending to the shaft is suited

to the vast majority of mixing duties up to 100000 cP or so at

high pumping horizontal plate to which the

impeller blades of this turbine are attached has a stabilizing

rd curved blades may be used for the same reason

as for type e with blades are inclined

45(usual,ly).Constructions with two to eight blades arde used,

six being most ed axial and radial flow are

ally effective for heat exchange with vessel walls

or internal blade turbines effectively disperse

fibrous materials without swept back blades have a

lower starting torque than straight ones, which is important

when starting up settled ed turbines consisting

of a rotor and a stator ensure a high degree of radial flow and

shearing action, and are well adapted to emulsification and

paddles fit the contour of the container,

prevent sticking of pasty materials, and promote good heat

transfer with the paddles are used in wide, shallow

tanks and for materials of high viscosity when low shear is

speeds are low.阅读材料20



















第五篇:过程装备与控制工程专业英语翻译 16

Reading Material 16


History of Pressure Vessel Codes in the United StatesThrough

the late 1800s and early 1900s, explosions in boilers and pressure

vessels were frequent.A firetube boiler explosion on the

Mississippi River steamboat Sultana on April 27, 1865, resulted in

the boat’s sinking within 20 minutes and the death of 1500

soldiers going home after the Civil type of catastrophe

continued unabated into the early 1905, a destructive

explosion of a firetube boiler in a shoe factory in Brockton,

Massachusetts, killed 58 people, injured 117 others, and did

$ 400000 in property 1906, another explosion in a

shoe factory in Lynn, Massachusetts, resulted in death, injury, and

extensive property this accident, the

Massachusetts governor directed the formation of a Board of

Boiler first set of rules for the design and construction

of boilers was approved in Massachusetts on August 30,

code was three pages 1911, Colonel ,

the president of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers,

established a committee to write a set of rules for the design and

construction of boilers and pressure February 13,

1915, the first ASME Boiler Code was was entitled

“Boiler Construction Code, 1914 Edition.” This was the

beginning of the various sections of the ASME Boiler and

Pressure Vessel Code, which ultimately became Section 1, Power

first ASME Code for pressure vessels was issued as

“Rules for the Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels, ”

Section Ⅷ, 1925 rules applied to vessels over 6

diameter, volume over 1.5 ft3, and pressure over 30

December 1931, a Joint API-ASME Committee was formed to

develop an unfired pressure vessel code for the petroleum

first edition was issued in the next 17 years,

two separated unfired pressure vessel codes 1951, the

last API-ASME Code was issued as a separated 1952,

the two codes were consolidated into one code-the ASME

Unfired Pressure Vessel Code,Section Ⅷ.This continued until the

1968 that time, the original code became Section Ⅷ,

Division 1, Pressure Vessels, and another new part was issued,

which was Section Ⅷ, Division 2, Alternative Rules for Pressure

ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is issued

by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers with approval

by the American National Standards Institute(ANSI)as an

ANSI/ASME or more sections of the ANSI/ASME

Boiler and Pressure Vessel code have been established as the

legal requirements in 47 states in the United States and in all

provinces of , in many other countries of the world,

the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is used to construct

boilers and pressure zation of the ASME Boiler and

Pressure Vessel CodeThe ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

is divided into many sections, divisions, parts, and

of these sections relate to a specific kind of equipment and

application;others relate to specific materials and methods for

application and control of equipment;and others relate to care

and inspection of installed following Sections

specifically relate to boiler and pressure vessel design and

n ⅠPower Boilers(1 volume)

Section Ⅲ

Division 1Nuclear Power Plant Components(7 volumes)

Division 2Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containment(1


Code CaseCase 1 Components in Elevated Temperature

service(in Nuclear Code N-47

Case book)

Section Ⅳ Heating Boilers(1 volume)

Section Ⅷ

Division 1 Pressure Vessels(1 volume)

Division 2 Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessels(1 volume)

Section Ⅹ Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels(1


A new edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

is issued on July 1 every three years and new addenda are issued

every six months on January 1 and July new edition of the

code becomes mandatory when it addenda are

permissive at the date of issuance and become mandatory six

months after that ide Pressure Vessel CodesIn

addition to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, which is

used worldwide, many other pressure vessel codes have been

legally adopted in various ulty often occurs when

vessels are designed in one country, built in another country, and

installed in still a different this worldwide

construction this is often the following list is a partial

summary of some of the various codes used in different countries:

AustraliaAustralian Code for Boilers and Pressure Vessels,

SAA Boiler Code(Series AS1200): AS1210, Unfired Pressure

Vessels and Class 1 H, Pressure Vessels of Advanced Design and

Construction, Standards Association of

Construction Code Calculation Rules for Unfired

Pressure Vessels, Syndicat National de la Chaudronnerie et de la

Tuyauterie Industrielle(SNCT), Paris,

KingdomBritish Code BS.5500, British Standards Institution,

London, apanese Pressure Vessel Code, Ministry

of LABOR, PUBLISHED BY Japan Boiler Association, Tokyo,

Japan;Japanese Standard, Construction of Pressure Vessels, JIS B

Gas Control Law, Ministry of International Trade and Industry,

published by The Institution for Safety of High Pressure Gas

Engineering , Tokyo, talian Pressure Vessel Code,

National Association for combustion Control(ANCC), Milan,

mCode for Good Practice for the Construction of

Pressure Vessels, Belgian Standard Institute(IBN), Brussels,

Swedish Pressure Vessel Code, Tryckkarls

Kommissioner, the Swedish Pressure Vessel Commission,

Stockholm, Sweden.(Selected from : and ,

Structural Analysis and Design of Process Equipment, John Wiley

& Sons Inc.,1984.)










ASME锅炉和压力容器规范的组成ASME锅炉和压力容器规范分成许多部分、章节、子章节。其中的一些是关于特种设备的。其他事关于特种设备的的材料和使用方法以及控制,还有的是关于已安装好的设备的维护和检查。以下的章节是关于锅炉和压力容器的设计和建造的第一章 动力锅炉(1卷)




标准容器《案例1 升温装置中的部件》(在核规范N-47案例书中)

第四章 加热锅炉(1卷)



第二节 压力容器的替代规范(1卷)

第十章 玻璃纤维加强塑料容器(1卷)









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