2023年中考英语时事热点阅读专练 热点78 健康食品与学生的营养(学生版

2023年12月26日发(作者:brought in)


热点78 健康食品与学生的营养



Teachers and headmasters in Chinese schools are asked to eat with students in dining rooms at every meal. The

new rule was carried out on April 1, 2019.

According to the Ministry of Education, the introduction of the rule is a way of making sure of the safety,

nutrition and health levels of school food. School leaders from kindergartens to high schools should get together

with students during school meals. The plan will guide them to pay more attention to food safety at school.

This move came after a list of school food safety problems in the past few years. In March, 2019, moldy food

was found in a primary school dining room in Chengdu. The news led to people's worries. Parents asked to make

sure of school food safety.

Under the new rule, schools are asked to tell where the food comes from, who offers it and other information.

The rule says schools should help students get into healthy eating habits. It also invites parents to eat with students

at school to make them less worried.

In the United States, obesity rates have kept rising over the past thirty years. The new law introduced by

Michelle Obama has pushed schools to make low-calorie(卡路里) menus. Even the healthiest choices are

commonly provided by large food companies.

Schools in Japan also give children a homemade meal for lunch. The food is grown locally and almost never

frozen. The meals are often made by cooks from the beginning. And they're balanced but heavy on rice, vegetables

and fish.

1. The purpose of asking teachers and headmasters to eat with students at every meal is NOT making sure of


A. students' food safety

C. the health levels of school food

B. avoiding students' noise

D. the nutrition of school food

2. The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 4 refers to "________".

A. the rule B. the information C. the school D. the food

3. Children are usually offered a homemade meal for lunch in ________.

A. Japan B. America C. China D. Russia

4. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. School rules.

C. School food safety.

B. School education.

D. School eating environment.


When you and your family go out for dinner, do you notice how many dishes you usually order? It’s fine if

you finish all of them. But if you waste too much food, you might pay for it in the near future. On Dec. 22 last year,

the government reviewed a draft law (草案) for stopping food waste.

According to the draft law, restaurants should tell customers not to order too much and they should describe

the size of each dish. If they leave too much food uneaten, restaurants can charge (收费) them for food waste.

The draft law also stops waiters from encouraging customers to order too much food. Those who don’t follow

the law will receive a fine from 1,000 to 10,000 yuan.

It also asks schools to teach their students to avoid food waste. Radio and TV programs about overeating and

overdrinking are not allowed. Producers of such programs will face a fine of up to 100,000 yuan.

Food waste happens in many places. In China alone, 35 million tons of food ends up in landfills (垃圾堆)

every year. About 12% of the country’s food goes to waste.

5. Why did the government review the draft law?

A. To protect the restaurants.

C. To teach more students.

B. To stop food waste.

D. To train good waiters.

6. The underlined word “they” in the second paragraph refer to (指的是) ________.

A. customers B. producers C. programs D. restaurants

7. Which is NOT allowed according to the draft law?

A. Charging for food waste.

C. Ordering too much food.

8. What is the best title for the text?

A. A Draft Law by the Government

C. TV Programs about Overeating

B. Different Fines for Food Waste

D. Rules Restaurants Should Follow


Teenagers need to eat food that is good for their bodies while they’re still young so that they will grow up to

be healthy adults. So it is necessary for school cafeterias to provide nutritious and healthy food. With this in

(食堂)B. Producing videos about eating.

D. Teaching children to order food.

mind, the government has introduced a new food safety rule that will improve nutrition and health standards in


The rule came into force on April 1, 2019. It requires the heads of primary and middle schools to eat with

students in their cafeterias. Schools will also be required to make information about food sources and suppliers(供应商)public.

The rule also suggests that parents should eat with students at school in order to provide advice on food safety

and nutrition. Schools must try to find food safety problems and solve them in a timely manner.

If a school is caught buying low-quality food or failing to report food safety incidents(事件), the head of the

school will be warned, fired or handed over to law enforcement(执法机关), the rule says.

Parents across China have become angry about food safety incidents in schools. The most recent example

happened in March at the Chengdu No. 7 High School Development School. Parents posted videos and photos of

moldy(发霉的)food that was served in the school cafeteria. Finally, the head of the school was fired. In October,

the head of an international school in Shanghai was fired after health and education authorities found moldy

tomatoes and onions in the school’s kitchen.

What do other schools do?

Schools in other countries have many ways to ensure food safety. For example, many parents in Australia

volunteer in their children’s school cafeterias. These parents do their best to see that their children are served

nutritious food.

9. What does the word “nutritious” in Paragraph 1 mean in Chinese?


安全的 B.

有营养的 C.

足量的 D.


10. What can we know from Paragraph 3?

A. Food safety problems can be easily solved.

B. Teenagers should go home to eat meals every day.

C. Parents are angry about food safety incidents in schools.

D. Parents should play a part in improving food safety in schools.

11. What does the new rule require schools to do?

A. To build more than one cafeteria.

B. To improve the conditions of their cafeterias.

C. To show the public where their food comes from.

D. To allow teachers and students to eat together.

12. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Better School Meals

C. Food Health Standards

B. Students’ Eating Habits

D. Parent-teacher Relationships


GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT: A kid’s guide to food and nutrition by Lizzy Rockwell.

★★★★☆ 43 customer reviews

Price: $9. 95

Want it two days later? Book it now!

GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT is a guide to kids’ nutrition(营养)written especially for kids. It’s a

tool for families who want to eat a healthy meal. This book explains nutrition from carrots to


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Top Customer Reviews

★★★★★ My kids love this book!

This book is very easy for kids to understand and ifs helpful if you want them to understand why

you want them to eat certain foods. It also explains food groups on a level they can understand.

—L. Markovitz

★★☆☆☆ The book is great except the page that says most of your food should be grain.

The book explains the nutrition you receive and which part of your body it feeds. But when it says

that you get all of your energy from things like cereal(谷类食物), it doesn’t look right. I just

don’t agree with it.

一Sycamore Sewing

★ ★★★★ Recommended

I would recommend(推荐)this to any Mom! It tells Moms what is healthy food.


13. What information CANNOT be found in the text?

A. Pages the book has.

C. The price of the book.

B. Reviews of the book.

D. The writer of the book.

14. When should you order if you want to get the book on July 7th?

A. On July 2nd. B. On July 5th. C. On July 7th. D. On July 9th.

15. Who might be interested in the book?

A. A father who wishes his kid to eat more food.

B. A college student who plans to study nutrition.

C. A mother who wants to know what is healthy food.

D. A person who would like to improve cooking skills.

16. Why does Sycamore Sewing just give the book two stars?

A. Because she doesn’t want children to eat certain foods.

B. Because she thinks it is hard for children to understand.

C. Because she thinks it doesn’t explain everything correctly.

D. Because she finds it doesn’t mention the nutrition we receive.

17. Where is the text probably taken from?

A. A TV advertisement.

C. A storybook.

B. A science magazine.

D. A shopping website.


You might feel full after having a big meal. But you may actually suffer from“hidden hunger”. This means that

what you eat may fill your stomach, but it's not giving you the proper nutrition (营养) that your body needs.

This happens when food lacks the vitamins (维生素) and minerals (矿物质). They are what people need to

keep healthy, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

At present, “hidden hunger”affects 2 billion people worldwide. These people include 300 million people in

China. It is most commonly seen among children and teenagers. It can also result in a bad immune system (免疫系

统), blindness or even death, China News Service reported.

Many Chinese people don't get enough iron (铁), calcium (钙), vitamin A and vitamin D. One main reason is

that agricultural products don't have much of these nutrients. Over 40 percent of China's farmland is losing its

vitamins and minerals, lowering the nutritional value of the crops that grow on it, according to Xinhua.

Many of the processed foods that people enjoy eating today, such as chips, burgers and cookies, have made the

situation worse. Vitamins and minerals are easily lost when these foods are processed, People's Daily noted.

In response, China's government has created several action plans to improve public health. It also develops

and promotes nutritious foods.

Eating more fresh nutrition-rich food like vegetables, whole grains and milk can help us keep healthy. For

vegetables like carrots and broccoli (西兰花), boiling and steaming, can better preserve (保留) their nutrition when

compared with frying them, CNN suggests.

18. What can we know about “hidden hunger”?

A. The hunger is hidden in your mind.

B. There isn't enough proper nutrition for your body.

C. You never have a full stomach at all.

D. The vitamins and minerals are filled in your stomach.

19. What does the underlined word “processed” mean?

A. Healthy. B. Unnatural. C. Delicious. D. Unhealthy.

20. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Feeling full doesn't mean that your body have got proper nutrition.

B. We should eat processed food because it does good to our health.

C. We'd better eat vegetables after frying.

D. The government has taken action to improve public safety.

21. What's the main idea of this passage?

A. We should eat enough nutrition-rich food to stay healthy.

B. The “hidden hunger” has many advantages.

C. We should eat more food until we feel really full.

D. Many products don't have enough vitamins and minerals.


Many of us eat instant noodles once in a while, but have you ever noticed the shape of that? Why is it curved(弯曲)?

Fan Zhihong, a professor on food nutrition(营养)studies at China Agricultural University, said that the shape

of noodles has little to do with its nutrition. She believes that it is mainly for the convenience of transportation that

instant noodles are made curved.

Most instant noodles are made by the processes of steaming and oil frying, which makes them quite fragile(脆弱). Curved shapes could help them get the anti-pressure(抗压)ability.

Curvedness saves money. The same cup can hold more curved noodles than straight ones, while the same

amount of curved noodles take up less space than straight ones.

Curved noodles have bigger spaces from each other, which makes them have a better bath in hot water and

promises better taste.

Whether you use a fork or chopsticks, the curly shape is much more convenient for you to eat.

22. Fan Zhihong believes that the shape of noodles _________ its nutrition.

A. has a lot to do with B. has nothing to do with

23. Which is the process of making instant noodles?

A. Boiling. B. Oil frying, C. Baking. D. Burning,

C. is hardly related to D. is related to

24. We can learn from the passage that ________.

A. curved shapes could make them fragile

B. instant noodles are curved so that it can save money

C. curved noodles have the same spaces from each other

D. we can only use a fork to have instant noodles

25. The passage mainly talks about ________.

A. why instant noodles are curved

C. anyone can eat instant noodles

B. instant noodles are convenient

D. how we can make instant noodles


Students from Sugg Middle School wore blue aprons (围裙) and washed the potatoes before the bell rang.

They were preparing a festival meal. For most of the students it was their first “real kitchen ” experience.

Valerie started the course last year. She said not every lesson was about cooking. Students also learned about

the science behind cooking andnutrition,from which people got the food necessary for health and growth.

“I come home with recipes(食谱) , and my dad tells me cooking is a valuable skill and we should make it

more often.” Valerie said.

Phillip was enjoying the class, even though burns (烧伤) and cuts happened often. He told a local newspaper,

“Cooking is not of much interest to my age group, but our teacher, Mr. Green, makes it fun. I like to see what is in

my food. ”

Mr. Green thought that cooking was a chance for students to practice teamwork skills . He said, “Everyone

helps one another. They learn to share and work together.”

26. The students were__________.

A. working in a restaurant

B. celebrating Christmas

C. preparing a festival meal

27. Phillip thought the course was _________.

A. fun B. boring C. exciting

28. Valerie learned about the followings from the course EXCEPT________.

A. cooking skills

B. healthy diet

C. the math problems

29. What does the underlined word “nutrition” mean in Chinese?


运动 B.

营养 C.


30. Mr. Green said that the students _________ during the class.

A. didn’t want any help

B. should make a dinner

C. learned to share and work together


In many places of China, there are campus (校园) convenience stores. Many students 31 snacks and

have chats. However, recently China’s education and health authorities (官方机构) have banned (禁止)

convenience stores in all schools across the country.

The regulation (规定) has taken 32 since April 1st. Schools should keep 33 of each meal and

solve any food problems as soon as possible. Parents can also eat with students at school dining room. They can

also give a few 34 to the school on food safety and nutrition (营养).

The regulation raised heated 35 . Many students were 36 about the ban. “Without convenience

stores, our school life will be less 37 ,” said Fang, a student in Hangzhou. “We won’t be able to have

different kinds of drinks or snacks.” However, many parents showed 38 for the regulation. Mr. Fang, a

father of a junior school student in Beijing said, “Cheap, low-quality snacks sold at these places are 39 to

children’s health.” He also said, “Students now rush to shops to buy snacks as soon as the class is over. It affects the

normal teaching order.”

And in fact many foreign countries have their own ways to make students eat 40 . For example, in

Australia many parents do their best to see that their children are 41 nutritious food. In Japan, there is

“food and nutrition education”. Primary and junior high school students eat lunch in their classrooms, so they can

42 diet and nutrition, and Japan’s food 43 . They also 44 to serve meals to each other, clean up,

and recycle. This helps children 45 “a sense of gratitude (感恩)” and “appreciate food and social manners”.

It is good for students’ body and mind.

31. A. buy

32. A. advice

33. A. diary

34. A. advice

35. A. care

36. A. sad

37. A. interesting

38. A. please

39. A. hopeful

40. A. quickly

41. A. taken

42. A. learn from

43. A. culture

44. A. take off

45. A. develop

B. sell

B. photos

B. record

B. ways

B. meetings

B. happy

B. important

B. love

B. wonderful

B. healthily

B. bought

B. learn about

B. taste

B. take turns

B. have

C. enjoy

C. turns

C. notice

C. ideas

C. excitement

C. excited

C. difficult

C. support

C. useful

C. happily

C. refused

C. learn of

C. color

C. take down

C. begin

D. see

D. effect

D. watch

D. information

D. discussion

D. interested

D. beautiful

D. thank

D. harmful

D. slowly

D. served

D. learn by

D. habit

D. take back

D. find



Good health is the most valuable thing a person can have. It is important to remember that the body needs

proper c46. in order to be healthy. There are three things that a person can do to help stay in good shape: eat right

food, get enough sleeps, and exercise regularly.

Proper nutrition(营养)is important for good health. Your body cannot work well if it doesn’t receive the

proper kind of “fuel”. Don’t eat to much food with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of foods which are h47. in

protein(蛋白质), like meat, fish, eggs and nuts. Vegetables and fruits are very important because they p48.

necessary vitamins and minerals(矿物质). However, don’t eat too much. It is not helpful to be overweight.

Getting the proper a49. of sleep is also important. If you don’t get enough sleep, you will feel tired and get

angry e50. . You will have no energy. So, be sure to have seven to nine hours of sleep each night. If you do, your

body will feel strong.

Finally, get plenty of exercise. Exercise makes the body strong and p51. you from putting on weight. It also

improves your heart and lungs. If you follow a regular exercise programme, you will p52. increase your lifetime.

Doing exercise is not only good for your body, but it is fun and enjoyable, too.

If you eat the right foods, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly, you will all live to be much older and



热点78 健康食品与学生的营养



Teachers and headmasters in Chinese schools are asked to eat with students in dining rooms at every meal. The

new rule was carried out on April 1, 2019.

According to the Ministry of Education, the introduction of the rule is a way of making sure of the safety,

nutrition and health levels of school food. School leaders from kindergartens to high schools should get together

with students during school meals. The plan will guide them to pay more attention to food safety at school.

This move came after a list of school food safety problems in the past few years. In March, 2019, moldy food

was found in a primary school dining room in Chengdu. The news led to people's worries. Parents asked to make

sure of school food safety.

Under the new rule, schools are asked to tell where the food comes from, who offers it and other information.

The rule says schools should help students get into healthy eating habits. It also invites parents to eat with students

at school to make them less worried.

In the United States, obesity rates have kept rising over the past thirty years. The new law introduced by

Michelle Obama has pushed schools to make low-calorie(卡路里) menus. Even the healthiest choices are

commonly provided by large food companies.

Schools in Japan also give children a homemade meal for lunch. The food is grown locally and almost never

frozen. The meals are often made by cooks from the beginning. And they're balanced but heavy on rice, vegetables

and fish.

1. The purpose of asking teachers and headmasters to eat with students at every meal is NOT making sure of


A. students' food safety

C. the health levels of school food

B. avoiding students' noise

D. the nutrition of school food

2. The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 4 refers to "________".

A. the rule B. the information C. the school D. the food

3. Children are usually offered a homemade meal for lunch in ________.

A. Japan B. America C. China D. Russia

4. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. School rules.

C. School food safety.

【答案】B DAC



细节理解题。根据“According to the Ministry of Education, the introduction of the rule is a way of making sure

of the safety, nutrition and health levels of school food.”可知,新规的出台是为了确保学校食品的安全、营养和健康水平,其中没有说到学生噪音问题,故选B。


词句猜测题。it是代词,代指前文出现的内容,结合it前的内容“... schools are asked to tell where the food

comes from ...”和it前的谓语动词“offers

提供”可知it指代的是“the food



细节理解题。根据“Schools in Japan also give children a homemade meal for lunch.”可知,在日本,学校提供自制中餐,故选A。




When you and your family go out for dinner, do you notice how many dishes you usually order? It’s fine if

you finish all of them. But if you waste too much food, you might pay for it in the near future. On Dec. 22 last year,

the government reviewed a draft law (草案) for stopping food waste.

According to the draft law, restaurants should tell customers not to order too much and they should describe

the size of each dish. If they leave too much food uneaten, restaurants can charge (收费) them for food waste.

The draft law also stops waiters from encouraging customers to order too much food. Those who don’t follow

the law will receive a fine from 1,000 to 10,000 yuan.

It also asks schools to teach their students to avoid food waste. Radio and TV programs about overeating and

overdrinking are not allowed. Producers of such programs will face a fine of up to 100,000 yuan.

Food waste happens in many places. In China alone, 35 million tons of food ends up in landfills (垃圾堆)

every year. About 12% of the country’s food goes to waste.

5. Why did the government review the draft law?

A. To protect the restaurants. B. To stop food waste.

B. School education.

D. School eating environment.

C. To teach more students. D. To train good waiters.

6. The underlined word “they” in the second paragraph refer to (指的是) ________.

A. customers B. producers C. programs D. restaurants

7. Which is NOT allowed according to the draft law?

A. Charging for food waste.

C. Ordering too much food.

8. What is the best title for the text?

A. A Draft Law by the Government

C. TV Programs about Overeating




细节理解题。根据“On Dec. 22 last year, the government reviewed a draft law for stopping food waste.”可知政府审查这一草案是为了阻止食物浪费。故选B。


代词指代题。根据“restaurants should tell customers not to order too much and they should describe the size of

each dish”可知此处指餐馆需要描述每道菜的份量大小,they指代上文中的“restaurants”。故选D。


细节理解题。根据“According to the draft law, restaurants should tell customers not to order too much”可知这条草案不允许点过多食物。故选C。


标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章介绍了政府审查的一条制止食物浪费的草案,用“A Draft Law by the



Teenagers need to eat food that is good for their bodies while they’re still young so that they will grow up to

be healthy adults. So it is necessary for school cafeterias to provide nutritious and healthy food. With this in

(食堂)mind, the government has introduced a new food safety rule that will improve nutrition and health standards in


The rule came into force on April 1, 2019. It requires the heads of primary and middle schools to eat with

students in their cafeterias. Schools will also be required to make information about food sources and suppliers(供应商)public.

The rule also suggests that parents should eat with students at school in order to provide advice on food safety

and nutrition. Schools must try to find food safety problems and solve them in a timely manner.

B. Different Fines for Food Waste

D. Rules Restaurants Should Follow

B. Producing videos about eating.

D. Teaching children to order food.

If a school is caught buying low-quality food or failing to report food safety incidents(事件), the head of the

school will be warned, fired or handed over to law enforcement(执法机关), the rule says.

Parents across China have become angry about food safety incidents in schools. The most recent example

happened in March at the Chengdu No. 7 High School Development School. Parents posted videos and photos of

moldy(发霉的)food that was served in the school cafeteria. Finally, the head of the school was fired. In October,

the head of an international school in Shanghai was fired after health and education authorities found moldy

tomatoes and onions in the school’s kitchen.

What do other schools do?

Schools in other countries have many ways to ensure food safety. For example, many parents in Australia

volunteer in their children’s school cafeterias. These parents do their best to see that their children are served

nutritious food.

9. What does the word “nutritious” in Paragraph 1 mean in Chinese?


安全的 B.

有营养的 C.

足量的 D.


10. What can we know from Paragraph 3?

A. Food safety problems can be easily solved.

B. Teenagers should go home to eat meals every day.

C. Parents are angry about food safety incidents in schools.

D. Parents should play a part in improving food safety in schools.

11. What does the new rule require schools to do?

A. To build more than one cafeteria.

B. To improve the conditions of their cafeterias.

C. To show the public where their food comes from.

D. To allow teachers and students to eat together.

12. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Better School Meals

C. Food Health Standards



B. Students’ Eating Habits

D. Parent-teacher Relationships


词义猜测题。根据“Teenagers need to eat food that is good for their bodies while they’re still young so that they

will grow up to be healthy adults.”可知,青少年需要在他们还年轻的时候吃对身体有益的食物,由此推断,“nutritious”的意思是“有营养的”。故选B。


细节理解题。根据“The rule also suggests that parents should eat with students at school in order to provide

advice on food safety and nutrition.”可知,家长应在学校与学生一起吃饭,以便提供有关食品安全和营养的建议。由此可知,家长应在改善学校食品安全方面发挥作用。故选D。


细节理解题。根据“Schools will also be required to make information about food sources and suppliers



最佳标题题。根据“With this in mind, the government has introduced a new food safety rule that will improve

nutrition and health standards in schools.”和全文内容可知,本文主要讲述了新的食品安全规则的颁布将会改善学校的营养和健康标准,这一标准的实施将会有效改善学校的伙食。故本文的最佳标题是:更好的学校伙食。故选A。


GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT: A kid’s guide to food and nutrition by Lizzy Rockwell.

★★★★☆ 43 customer reviews

Price: $9. 95

Want it two days later? Book it now!

GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT is a guide to kids’ nutrition(营养)written especially for kids. It’s a

tool for families who want to eat a healthy meal. This book explains nutrition from carrots to


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Top Customer Reviews

★★★★★ My kids love this book!

This book is very easy for kids to understand and ifs helpful if you want them to understand why

you want them to eat certain foods. It also explains food groups on a level they can understand.

—L. Markovitz

★★☆☆☆ The book is great except the page that says most of your food should be grain.

The book explains the nutrition you receive and which part of your body it feeds. But when it says

that you get all of your energy from things like cereal(谷类食物), it doesn’t look right. I just

don’t agree with it.

一Sycamore Sewing

★★★★ Recommended

I would recommend(推荐)this to any Mom! It tells Moms what is healthy food.


13. What information CANNOT be found in the text?

A. Pages the book has.

C. The price of the book.

B. Reviews of the book.

D. The writer of the book.

14. When should you order if you want to get the book on July 7th?

A. On July 2nd. B. On July 5th. C. On July 7th. D. On July 9th.

15. Who might be interested in the book?

A. A father who wishes his kid to eat more food.

B. A college student who plans to study nutrition.

C. A mother who wants to know what is healthy food.

D. A person who would like to improve cooking skills.

16. Why does Sycamore Sewing just give the book two stars?

A. Because she doesn’t want children to eat certain foods.

B. Because she thinks it is hard for children to understand.

C. Because she thinks it doesn’t explain everything correctly.

D. Because she finds it doesn’t mention the nutrition we receive.

17. Where is the text probably taken from?

A. A TV advertisement.

C. A storybook.

【答案】 ABCCD

B. A science magazine.

D. A shopping website.

【解析】本文是一则广告信息,介绍了“GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT”这本书,着重介绍了儿童的营养来源,还有一些专家的评论。


细节理解题。根据“by Lizzy Rockwell”“Price: $9. 95”“Top Customer Reviews”可知,本文介绍了这本书的作者,价格以及顾客的评论,没有介绍书的页数,故选A。


细节理解题。根据“Want it two days later? Book it now!”可知,如果想在7月7日得到书,提前两天预定即可,也就是在7月5日预定,故选B。


细节理解题。根据“I would recommend(推荐)this to any Mom! It tells Moms what is healthy food”可知,这本书适用于一位想知道什么是健康食物的母亲,故选C。


细节理解题。根据“ But when it says that you get all of your energy from things like cereal(谷类食物), it

doesn’t look right. I just don’t agree with it”可知,因为她认为这本书介绍的有关身体得到的能量是来自像谷类食物的这个观点是错误的,故选C。


推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文是一则有关“GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT”这本书的广告信息,目的是为了让读者购买,所以这篇文章会在购物网站看到,故选D。


You might feel full after having a big meal. But you may actually suffer from“hidden hunger”. This means that

what you eat may fill your stomach, but it's not giving you the proper nutrition (营养) that your body needs.

This happens when food lacks the vitamins (维生素) and minerals (矿物质). They are what people need to

keep healthy, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

At present, “hidden hunger”affects 2 billion people worldwide. These people include 300 million people in

China. It is most commonly seen among children and teenagers. It can also result in a bad immune system (免疫系统), blindness or even death, China News Service reported.

Many Chinese people don't get enough iron (铁), calcium (钙), vitamin A and vitamin D. One main reason is

that agricultural products don't have much of these nutrients. Over 40 percent of China's farmland is losing its

vitamins and minerals, lowering the nutritional value of the crops that grow on it, according to Xinhua.

Many of the processed foods that people enjoy eating today, such as chips, burgers and cookies, have made the

situation worse. Vitamins and minerals are easily lost when these foods are processed, People's Daily noted.

In response, China's government has created several action plans to improve public health. It also develops

and promotes nutritious foods.

Eating more fresh nutrition-rich food like vegetables, whole grains and milk can help us keep healthy. For

vegetables like carrots and broccoli (西兰花), boiling and steaming, can better preserve (保留) their nutrition when

compared with frying them, CNN suggests.

18. What can we know about “hidden hunger”?

A. The hunger is hidden in your mind.

B. There isn't enough proper nutrition for your body.

C. You never have a full stomach at all.

D. The vitamins and minerals are filled in your stomach.

19. What does the underlined word “processed” mean?

A. Healthy. B. Unnatural. C. Delicious. D. Unhealthy.

20. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Feeling full doesn't mean that your body have got proper nutrition.

B. We should eat processed food because it does good to our health.

C. We'd better eat vegetables after frying.

D. The government has taken action to improve public safety.

21. What's the main idea of this passage?

A. We should eat enough nutrition-rich food to stay healthy.

B. The “hidden hunger” has many advantages.

C. We should eat more food until we feel really full.

D. Many products don't have enough vitamins and minerals.

【答案】BBA A



细节理解题。根据文章第一段第三句“This means that what you eat may fill your stomach,but it's not giving

you the proper nutrition(

营养) that your body needs.”可知隐性饥饿是指人们没有摄取所需的恰当的营养,故选B。


词句猜测题。A项:健康的;B项:非天然的;C项:美味的;D项:不健康的。根据该划线单词所在句子“Many of the processed foods that people enjoy eating today,such as chips,burgers and cookies,have made the

situation worse.”根据后面举的例子,unnatural与“processed”薯条,汉堡和饼干,可知此处指的是“加工的”食品,意思相近,故选B。






Many of us eat instant noodles once in a while, but have you ever noticed the shape of that? Why is it curved(弯曲)?

Fan Zhihong, a professor on food nutrition(营养)studies at China Agricultural University, said that the shape

of noodles has little to do with its nutrition. She believes that it is mainly for the convenience of transportation that

instant noodles are made curved.

Most instant noodles are made by the processes of steaming and oil frying, which makes them quite fragile(脆弱). Curved shapes could help them get the anti-pressure(抗压)ability.

Curvedness saves money. The same cup can hold more curved noodles than straight ones, while the same

amount of curved noodles take up less space than straight ones.

Curved noodles have bigger spaces from each other, which makes them have a better bath in hot water and

promises better taste.

Whether you use a fork or chopsticks, the curly shape is much more convenient for you to eat.

22. Fan Zhihong believes that the shape of noodles _________ its nutrition.

A. has a lot to do with B. has nothing to do with

23. Which is the process of making instant noodles?

A. Boiling. B. Oil frying, C. Baking. D. Burning,

C. is hardly related to D. is related to

24. We can learn from the passage that ________.

A. curved shapes could make them fragile

B. instant noodles are curved so that it can save money

C. curved noodles have the same spaces from each other

D. we can only use a fork to have instant noodles

25. The passage mainly talks about ________.

A. why instant noodles are curved

C. anyone can eat instant noodles


B. instant noodles are convenient

D. how we can make instant noodles



细节理解题。studies at China Agricultural

根据短文第二段“Fan Zhihong, a professor on food nutrition(营养)University, said that the shape of noodles has little to do with its nutrition.”可知,营养教授范志红说方便面的形状和营养没有多大关系。故选C。


细节理解题。根据短文第三段“Most instant noodles are made by the processes of steaming and oil frying”可知,制作方便面的过程包括蒸和油炸,故选B。


细节理解题。根据短文第四段“Curvedness saves money.”可知,方便面是弯曲的,其中一个原因是可以省钱。故选B。



of us eat instant noodles once in a while, but have you ever noticed the shape of that? Why is it curved(弯曲)?”可知,这篇短文介绍了方便面是弯曲的原因。故选A。


Students from Sugg Middle School wore blue aprons (围裙) and washed the potatoes before the bell rang.

They were preparing a festival meal. For most of the students it was their first “real kitchen ” experience.

Valerie started the course last year. She said not every lesson was about cooking. Students also learned about

the science behind cooking andnutrition,from which people got the food necessary for health and growth.

“I come home with recipes(食谱) , and my dad tells me cooking is a valuable skill and we should make it

more often.” Valerie said.

Phillip was enjoying the class, even though burns (烧伤) and cuts happened often. He told a local newspaper,

“Cooking is not of much interest to my age group, but our teacher, Mr. Green, makes it fun. I like to see what is in

my food. ”

Mr. Green thought that cooking was a chance for students to practice teamwork skills . He said, “Everyone

helps one another. They learn to share and work together.”

26. The students were__________.

A. working in a restaurant

B. celebrating Christmas

C. preparing a festival meal

27. Phillip thought the course was _________.

A. fun B. boring C. exciting

28. Valerie learned about the followings from the course EXCEPT________.

A. cooking skills

B. healthy diet

C. the math problems

29. What does the underlined word “nutrition” mean in Chinese?


运动 B.

营养 C.


30. Mr. Green said that the students _________ during the class.

A. didn’t want any help

B. should make a dinner

C. learned to share and work together

【答案】CA CBC



细节理解题。根据 They were preparing a festival meal.可知学生们正在准备一顿丰盛的晚餐。故选C。


推理判断题。根据Phillip was enjoying the class, even though burns (烧伤) and cuts happened often.可知Phillip喜欢这样的练习烹饪的课,故推断他认为这样的课是有趣的。故选A。


细节理解题。根据She said not every lesson was about cooking. Students also learned about the science behind

cooking andnutrition,from which people got the food necessary for health and growth.可知Valerie认为她在这节


词义猜测题。根据from which people got the food necessary for health and growth.可知人们因为健康和成长所从食物中获得的必要的东西,应是营养。故选B。


细节理解题。根据 He said, “Everyone helps one another. They learn to share and work together.”可知格林先生认为学生可以在烹饪课上学会分享和合作。故选C。


In many places of China, there are campus (校园) convenience stores. Many students 31 snacks and

have chats. However, recently China’s education and health authorities (官方机构) have banned (禁止)

convenience stores in all schools across the country.

The regulation (规定) has taken 32 since April 1st. Schools should keep 33 of each meal and

solve any food problems as soon as possible. Parents can also eat with students at school dining room. They can

also give a few 34 to the school on food safety and nutrition (营养).

The regulation raised heated 35 . Many students were 36 about the ban. “Without convenience

stores, our school life will be less 37 ,” said Fang, a student in Hangzhou. “We won’t be able to have

different kinds of drinks or snacks.” However, many parents showed 38 for the regulation. Mr. Fang, a

father of a junior school student in Beijing said, “Cheap, low-quality snacks sold at these places are 39 to

children’s health.” He also said, “Students now rush to shops to buy snacks as soon as the class is over. It affects the

normal teaching order.”

And in fact many foreign countries have their own ways to make students eat 40 . For example, in

Australia many parents do their best to see that their children are 41 nutritious food. In Japan, there is

“food and nutrition education”. Primary and junior high school students eat lunch in their classrooms, so they can

42 diet and nutrition, and Japan’s food 43 . They also 44 to serve meals to each other, clean up,

and recycle. This helps children 45 “a sense of gratitude (感恩)” and “appreciate food and social manners”.

It is good for students’ body and mind.

31. A. buy

32. A. advice

33. A. diary

34. A. advice

35. A. care

36. A. sad

37. A. interesting

38. A. please

39. A. hopeful

40. A. quickly

41. A. taken

B. sell

B. photos

B. record

B. ways

B. meetings

B. happy

B. important

B. love

B. wonderful

B. healthily

B. bought

C. enjoy

C. turns

C. notice

C. ideas

C. excitement

C. excited

C. difficult

C. support

C. useful

C. happily

C. refused

D. see

D. effect

D. watch

D. information

D. discussion

D. interested

D. beautiful

D. thank

D. harmful

D. slowly

D. served

42. A. learn from

43. A. culture

44. A. take off

45. A. develop

B. learn about

B. taste

B. take turns

B. have

C. learn of

C. color

C. take down

C. begin

D. learn by

D. habit

D. take back

D. find








advice建议;photos照片;turns轮到的机会;effect效果。结合语境和动词take可知,此处考查短语“take effect”,意为“生效”。故选D。






advice建议;ways方式;ideas主意;information信息。a few后应接可数名词的复数,故排除A和D;根据上文“Parents can also eat with students at school dining room.”可知,家长可以在学校食堂吃饭,那么他们也可以给学校的食堂提建议,“ideas”符合题意。故选C。






sad伤心的;happy快乐的;excited兴奋的;interested感兴趣的。根据下文“We won’t be able to have different

kinds of drinks or snacks.”可知,学生们认为没了小卖部就吃不了各种各样的饮料和小吃了,所以他们对这个禁令的实施应该是感到伤心的。故选A。






please使满意;love爱;support支持;thank谢谢。根据下文“It affects the normal teaching order.”可知,作为家长代表的Mr. Fang认为小卖部的存在可能影响正常的教学秩序,由此可知家长应该是支持禁止在校内开设小卖部的。故选C。



hopeful有希望的;wonderful精彩的;useful有用的;harmful有害的。根据“Cheap, low-quality snacks…”可知,便宜劣质的零食对孩子们的健康应该是有害的。故选D。



quickly快速地;healthily健康地;happily快乐地;slowly缓慢地。根据下文“For example, in Australia many

parents do their best to see that their children are…nutritious food.”可知,澳大利亚的父母让孩子们吃有营养的食物,由此可知国外也想让孩子们吃得健康。故选B。






learn from学习;learn about了解;learn of听说;learn by从……学到。根据上文“food and nutrition education”可知,学生们应该能从食品和营养教育中了解到饮食和营养。故选B。



culture文化;taste品味;color颜;habit习惯。结合上文“food and nutrition education”和选项可知,食品和营养教育应该还会教授学生们饮食文化。故选A。



take off脱下;take turns轮流;take down拆除;take back收回。结合常识和“…serve meals to each other, clean

up, and recycle.”可知,提供就餐服务、打扫等日常工作应该是轮流进行的。故选B。



develop发展;have有;begin开始;find到。根据“…serve meals to each other, clean up, and recycle.”可知,提供就餐服务、打扫等日常工作能培养和发展孩子们的“感恩之心”。故选A。



Good health is the most valuable thing a person can have. It is important to remember that the body needs

proper c46. in order to be healthy. There are three things that a person can do to help stay in good shape: eat right

food, get enough sleeps, and exercise regularly.

Proper nutrition(营养)is important for good health. Your body cannot work well if it doesn’t receive the

proper kind of “fuel”. Don’t eat to much food with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of foods which are h47. in

protein(蛋白质), like meat, fish, eggs and nuts. Vegetables and fruits are very important because they p48.

necessary vitamins and minerals(矿物质). However, don’t eat too much. It is not helpful to be overweight.

Getting the proper a49. of sleep is also important. If you don’t get enough sleep, you will feel tired and get

angry e50. . You will have no energy. So, be sure to have seven to nine hours of sleep each night. If you do, your

body will feel strong.

Finally, get plenty of exercise. Exercise makes the body strong and p51. you from putting on weight. It also

improves your heart and lungs. If you follow a regular exercise programme, you will p52. increase your lifetime.

Doing exercise is not only good for your body, but it is fun and enjoyable, too.

If you eat the right foods, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly, you will all live to be much older and



46. care

47. high

48. provide

49. amount

50. easily

51. prevents

52. probably




根据所在位置,应该填的是名词,由后文“in order to be healthy”可知,应该是适当的护理,care意为“照料,照顾”,故填care。



根据所在位置,应该填形容词,由后文“like meat, fish, eggs and nuts”可知,应该是富含蛋白质,be high in意为“富含”,故填high。



根据所在位置,应该填动词,由前文“Vegetables and fruits are very important”和后文“necessary vitamins and




根据所在位置,应该填名词,由后文“If you don’t get enough sleep, you will feel tired”可知,应该是适当的睡眠,proper amount of sleep意为“适当的睡眠”,故填amount。



根据所在位置,应该填的是副词修饰动词,由前文“If you don’t get enough sleep, you will feel tired and get




根据所在位置,应该填的是动词,由前文“Exercise makes the body strong”和后文“you from putting on weight”可知,应该是防止体重增加,prevent……from……意为“阻止……”,时态是一般现在时,主语Exercise是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词也用第三人称单数形式,故填prevents。



根据所在位置,应该填的是副词,由前文“If you follow a regular exercise programme”和后文“increase your


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