


通州区 2018 年高三综合练习(二)


本试卷共 10 页,共 120 分。考试时长


45 分)

100 分钟。



15 小题;每题 1 分,共 15 分)

从每题所给的 A、 B、C、 D 四个选项中,选出能够填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡大将该项涂黑。

例: It ’s so nice to hear from her again.

, we last met more than thirty

years ago.

A.What’s more

C. In other words

答案是 D。

B.That ’s to say

D. Believe it or not


—Oh, no! I haven ’t got my camera!

— But you

A. use

it just now to take photos.

B. have used C. used

D. would use

2. Happy Homes is a local organization


offers home repairs for needy

A. whose

B. what

C. where

foreign talent to work in the country.

D. which

3. China will improve services

A. attract

B. attracting

C. to attract



4. Her heart stopped three times,

the doctor ’s brought her back to life.

C. for

in a clothes drier.

A. while

B. but

D. or

5. The sweater will get ruined if it

1 / 23


A. dries

B. is dried

C. will dry

D. will be



— Can I help you?

— Yes. I wonder

A. if

I could change the running shoes. They

B. that


C. what

action to fix

C. would take

’re too tight.

D. why

the quality




7. The company promised they

A. have taken


B. took

8. Famous paintings will be put on show in a new building especially

the collection.

A. build

9. Good neighbors

we lose them.

A. until

B. building


C. to build

D. built

are like

water: we don’t

know how much we depend on


B. though

C. unless D. because


—Waiter, this isn

— Oh, sorry. I

have confused the orders. I

’ll check it.

A. need

B. would

C. must

D. should

11. In many countries with sea coasts, human waste is piped directly into the sea



’t what I ordered.

A. treating


12. Clean Up Australia

A. will be held


B. being treated

C. to treat D.





since 1989, growing bigger every year.

C. is held D. has been B. was held

2 / 23


13. A good diet is necessary for

those A. who B. what

want to have a healthy body.

C. where

D. which

14. Th e writer

A. at

15. I wished I

A. booked

’s early works were filmed

B. over


tickets earlier

black and white.

D. in C. on

because the cost I paid nearly

C. were to book


B. had booked


should have booked



20 小题;每题分,共


30 分)

A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出最正确选项,


Tom felt pleased

to get a role for the school play. It wasn’t a 16


after all, this was only his first year at high school. It just felt good to be

in the play, even if he had only four or five lines.

“Do them in front of a mirror,

” his drama teacher had advised him.

how you look;



as often as you can.

” Tom did just that.

He worked and worked at it. It was fun and exciting rehearsing( 排演 ). He 18 the time with

other students. Then finally the big night came.

However, things felt 19

. The theater was full of people. He could hear

the noises of the

audience. He looked around at

other experienced actors and found

the 20 they ’d shown at rehearsal seemed to have disappeared. Had they got their

makeup right? What if they forgot their lines? They talked about their


and the whole of the backstage area seemed to be buzzing with tension and worry.

When, suddenly,

Tom heard his cue(

提示 ) and went on the stage. The

lights were


in his eyes; he couldn ’t

22 the audience but knew there were hundreds

3 / 23


of people out there all watching him. The 23 that had flowed so easily didn ’t want to come and

when they did he found himself hurrying into them. He tried to 24 down his thoughts and his words

but, thinking about doing that, he suddenly realized he had 25 a sentence. What should he do? Go

back and start from the beginning? T r y a n d a d d t h e s e n t e n c e i n w h e r e h e w a s , o r j

u s t

26 it and go on as though nothing had happened?

He chose to carry on, but when he finished and left the stage his hands felt

sweaty and his heart was racing. He didn ’t think about what he had


—performing his first solo part in a major production. Instead he was 28

himself up for the sentence that he

’d missed.

The audience, of course, didn

sounds of laughter at his 29

’t know he had missed a

sentence. They made no

the play had finished,


His fellow



were so busy talking about their own performances that no one 30

on Tom’s

missed sentence

— apart from his drama teacher.

“Well done, ” she said. “Acting is a like learning to ride a bike. You may fall off

a few times,

31 each time you get back on you do it better. Your performance may not have




but, for your first time, it was great.



Tom felt 33 . It seemed like his teacher was saying it is okay to learn.

You don’t have to be perfect, especially when you start something

34 .

Tom caught the look of his face in a mirror. It was smiling back at him with







o f

35 . He looked at his face smiling back at him and raised two hands with his

thumbs up.

4 / 23


16. A. fresh

17. A. create

18. A. remembered

19. A. different

20. A. patience


21. A. anxiety

22. A. hear

23. A. shouts


24. A. slow

25. A. repeated


26. A. correct

27. A. predicted

28. A. beating

29. A. goal

30. A. worked


31. A. for

32. A. moving

B. small

B. practice

B. killed

B. smooth

B. confidence

B. sadness

B. notice

B. tears

B. take

B. missed

B. show

B. understood

B. locking

B. plan

B. brought

B. yet

B. vivid

C. major D. hard

C. discuss D. write

C. arranged D. enjoyed

C. interesting

D. natural

C. politeness D.

C. disappointment D. anger

C. see

D. touch

C. songs


C. put

D. pull

C. completed


C. mention

D. ignore

C. achieved

D. changed

C. raising

D. cheering

C. mistake D. decision

C. agreed


C. or

D. so

C. real

D. perfect

5 / 23


33. A. curious

34. A. new

35. A. belonging

B. relieved

B. unusual

B. appreciation

C. proud

C. important

C. satisfaction

D. ashamed

D. dangerous




40 分)

2 分,共 30 分)

A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上

第一节(共 15 小题;每题




Your First-aid Travel Kit

When you hit the road, all you want to think about is freedom and good times.

But wherever you go, accidents can happen. The more prepared you are, the

better you’ll deal with any emergencies that might occur.

What to take

— the basics

What you carry in your first-aid


can depend on where you’re going;

you won’t

need snakebite antivenom in the Arctic, for example. Think about the places you’ll be visiting

before you pack. Painkillers such as aspirin are a necessity for

everything from headache to fever.

Carry a thermometer

— one that works in the ear is probably best. Although you

should have sunscreen with you anyway, put some in your kit, just in case. Simple

things like


medicine can prevent a lot of discomfort.

Keep medicated

lotions( 乳液 ) on hand for cuts, painful sunburn, and insect bites.

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Finally, don

’t forget your mobile phone to call for help if you really need

it. Remember to charge it and top up with credit. Or bring a phone card and some

change. That way, in the event of an emergency you can

’t handle, you can call for


Think ahead

Think about where you

’re going. Many possible problems can be avoided before

leaving home. If you

’re going abroad, for instance, have any immunizations(


接种 ) needed for that country. If you are taking medicine, ensure you have enough

to last throughout your trip.

You can buy pre-packaged first-aid kits, and they certainly have their place.

But remember, the needs of each traveller

are different.

Buying piece-by-piece


that you ’ll have exactly what you want. Your kit might take up a little room on

t he trip, but the first time you need it you

’ll understand just how worthwhile it


36. The author highly recommends a first-aid kit because


A. they are required by law

B. you can know where you

’re going on a


C. unexpected injuries can easily occur

D. they give you more freedom when


37. You should phone emergency services

A. to check you are in the right place

B. to make sure they can help if needed


C. when you don ’t have a first

-aid book at hand

D. when yo u don ’t know how to deal with an emergency

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38. According to the author, you should always take a first-aid kit

A. even if it takes up some space in your luggage

B. as long as you

’ve bought one pre



C. when you have any immunizations

D. if you aren

’t in very good health


A Bountiful Billboard

Lima, the capital city of the South American country of

Peru, is located in the Sechura Desert. This

desert region is one of the driest in the world and receives almost no rainfall. Yet

more than eight million people live in Lima. Because of the lack of water, one out

of every 10 residents has no access to running water. Some people depend on

private companies to deliver water to their homes and businesses.

The engineers at the University of Engineering and Technology of Peru (UTEC)

thought about how Lima

’s extreme water shortage problem could be solved. They


that even though there was little


in Lima, the humidity(

湿度 ) was

high. Due to the city

’s coastal location, humidity can be higher than 90 percent

on summer days. The engineers wondered whether they could make use of the moisture

in the air.

The staff at the university realized that this project, while helping the

residents of Lima, could also show the public UTEC’s engineering program. Thus they formed a

partnership with the advertising agency Mayo DraftFCB. The two groups

created an advertisement to demonstrate the univers

ity ’s engineering projects.

and turned it into drinkable They made a billboard

that obtained moisture from the air

8 / 23



The engineers used the city

’s power lines to provide electricity to five

within the billboard.


冷凝器 ) that operate

The condensers are cooler than

it cools. The water the outside air. Whenair comes in contact

vapor in the air condenses, becoming liquid

into a storage tank at the

with the condensers,

water. The water then flows through pipes

People can access the water through

foot of the billboard.

a tap.

Now the billboard produces 96 liters of water a day. This can supply hundreds

of families with water each month. Additionally,

since the construction

UTECrecorded a 28 percent increase

The problem-solving of new students of the billboard.

billboard has inspired more young people to choose engineering careers. They want

to be part of productive, clever solutions to unresolved problems.

39. The engineers decided on a billboard project because

A. it served a double purpose

B. it could deliver water to homes

C. it could produce more clean water

D. it was the best equipment for condensers

40. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Engineering in Peru is quite underdeveloped.

B. Advertising industry in Peru is very successful.

C. The result of the project is beyond their expectation.

D. Billboard is most important in obtaining water in deserts.


41. We know from the last paragraph that some students in Peru


9 / 23


A. are interested in billboard advertisement design

B. want to be devoted to working on practical problems

C. tend to follow the trend when choosing their majors

D. are often confused about making a decision on careers

42. The passage is intended to


A. show that water shortage is a major problem in Peru

B. explain the process of turning moisture into drinkable water

C. prove that billboards are an effective way to advertise products

D. tell about a project creating an interesting solution to a problem


Shipping containers

these trips can be rough,

are used to carry cargo on ships,

the containers are used for

trains, and trucks.


only about five to ten years.

Then they usually end up in a junkyard. However, these

containers are durable, lightweight,

and of relatively


cost, so companies and artists


are finding ways to repurpose

One trend that has gained popularity is creating houses from retired shipping

containers. The containers already have the basic elements we think of when we

imagine shelter: four walls, a ceiling, a floor, and a door. It is truly amazing

what interior designers and architects can do to maximize the layout of these

containers in order to add comfort to the cold metal interiors. With features like solar panels and

sliding glass walls, the repurposed homes are an environmentally

smart practice.

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Like building blocks, shipping containers can be used to create multilevel

structures. By cutting out hallways, offices and even hotels are being built from

these recycled


Urban areas and colleges

that struggle



affordable housing have also begun to explore building container housing and work

spaces. In London a container “city ” was created in 2001 in just five


months using

It was so


more than 80 percent recycled materials


from shipping

that the following year, the city of London created another

structure that was five stories high!

Housing uses for shipping


are not limited

to cities.


container accommodations are available

in rural

to campground rentals,

in remote areas.

areas as well. From hideaway cabins

the city


these versatile

accommodations can be found in

Sculpture artists from all over the world have also found value in repurposing

shipping containers. Artists rework the shell of the containers. Whether welding

the panels into

the possibilities


new shapes or using them as metal canvases, artists

are endless. The Container Art Project


have found that



was established

around the world. artists to help museums share artistic

addition to using the retired containers to move art pieces, the project has also

used the interior of the containers as the setting for the galleries themselves.

With all these options and new purposes, fewer shipping containers will be headed to the

junkyard. They are having their usefulness extended with new forms and function. 386

43. What can we infer about building houses with shipping containers?

A. It is cold inside these houses.

B. The houses are low and small.

11 / 23


C. Interior design plays an important part.

D. Recycled materials improve the comfort.

44. What makes shipping containers good for new purposes?

A. They are recycled and lasting.

B. They are inexpensive and rough.

C. They look modern and splendid.

D. They look firm and close to nature.

45. What is the main idea of Paragraph 5?

A. Moving art pieces in shipping containers are simple processes.

B. Artists must reshape the shell of the container to make sculptures.

C. Artists see the potential of using shipping containers into their art.

D. Museums are using the containers as galleries for their collections.

46. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Getting Back to Basics

B. Breaking out of the Box

C. Keeping up with Fashion

D. Setting a New Trend


The Power of Young People to Change the World

Today s young people s three big wishes would be: More hugs. More time


in nature.

More belief in their own power to change the world. While most people

third one

leaves some folks

understand the importance of the first two wishes, the

wondering why this is so essential.

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Let ’s start

with the fact that all of us— especially

young people — need heroes.

We need them to be our guides on the twisting and to show us just how far we can

go. We need heroes today


more than ever, as our modern society is terribly


all about the difference

between a hero and a celebrity(

名人 ).


fame while

A celebrity


fame— temporary,

a hero is about character

— qualities

beneath the surface that aren

’t visible until they take action.

Real heroes are all around us. They hold our world together, through their

unselfish devotion to helping others, supporting families, teaching children,


the environment. They don’t want fame or glory; they just want to help.

In many ways, these unsung heroes direct the boat in which all of us sail.

Yet young people hear a lot more about celebrities than about heroes. Worse

yet, they are too often target of advertisers. The underlying message they get from

all this is that their self-worth comes from what they buy, not who they are

down inside.

What gets lost in this? The sense of their own potential

for heroic


which exists in every young person, from whatever background. All it takes for

that to be true is belief. How do we help them believe in their own power? The

best way by far is simply to share examples of other young people who have made

a difference. To turn the spotlight on such amazing young people, I founded a

national award Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes, which is now in its tenth

year, honoring 25 young people each year.

Here are a few of the winners from recent years:

Ryan, age 11, has

worked tirelessly

to raise money for clean


water to

who died

African villages.

When he first

heard about the plight of African children

from impure water, Ryan was only six years old. In the next five years, he raised

over $500,000

— enough to build over 70 water wells.

Barbara, age 17, grew up on a farm in Texas. Whenshe realized that local farmers

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were pouring their used motor oil into rivers and on the ground, causing


Her project,


she organized the creation of a recycling center for crude oil.

“Don’t Be Crude, ” has grown to include 18 recycling centers in Texas.

There could be a long list of such examples, who have discovered that they can

build on their own energy and ideals to do something truly great.

47. The author wrote the article most likely to


A. explain why more heroes are needed in the world

B. show why celebrity has become confused with heroism

C. persuade media to report on more role models for young people

D. urge young people to believe in their ability to make a difference

48. What does the underlined word


” mean?

A. Not known.

B. Without depth.

C. Undervalued.

D. Unexpected.

49. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A. Heroes affect many people.

B. Everyone is a hero in some way.

C. Heroes must believe in themselves.

D. Most heroes focus on working with children.

50. How does the author prove that every young person has the potential

A. By giving definition of a young hero.

B. By comparing different ideas of a hero.

14 / 23

to be a hero?


C. By providing qualities of famous people.

D. By exhibiting achievements of young heroes.


5 小题;每题 2 分,共 10 分)

依据短文内容, 从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。



Do you like reading? Do you read for pleasure, or only if you have to, for school?

Not so long ago, children and teenagers used to read a lot of comics(

and books of short stories. Sometimes, if the

漫画 ), novels

story was really exciting, they were

favorite characters

so keen to find out what happened to their

under the bedclothes at night with a flashlight.


that they would read

Today’s teens also

have access to the Internet

and instead of reading


As a result,

did, spend time on social media, messaging and chatting

the ability to concentrate is being affected and young

books, as earlier

to their friends.

people have a shorter attention

At least tha

span( 连续时间 ) than

their parents and grandparents.

t ’s what many people believe, but recent research suggests something


In contrast to what a lot of older people think, teens don

new technologies to talk to their friends. 52

A World Book Day survey of

’t in fact just use

teenage reading habits revealed over 40% read books on a computer, almost 20% on

a mobile device(


设施 ) and around 14% on a tablet, with around 10% reading on an

Whyshould this be? Well, the British telecommunications supervisor Ofcom points

better than adults.

out that children as young as six understand digital technology

53 They even take it for granted. Teens today have never known a time without

the Internet, so it is as natural to them to use Internet-enabled

devices as it was

to their parents to use books.

15 / 23


So, what are teenagers

reading? 54 In

fact, this is not the case. Today’s

teens still like to read the classics as well as modern fiction and they have no


in reading them on a digital

device. Adventure crime and spy stories are

all popular, with some authors like John Grisham and Ian Rankin as popular among

teens as adults. Among the classics Charles Dickens remains a favorite,

along with

Jules Verne and Alexandre Dumas.

The classics

do not only include



It isn ’t only


comic-style books that are proving popular with teens these days either, but the

modern-day comic, the graphic novel is gaining in popularity

everywhere. So it


there is no danger of teens losing the habit of reading any time soon!

A. Reading can take place anywhere, anytime.

B. This variety of digital devices tends to discourage reading.

C. They may not be reading books, but that doesn

’t mean they aren ’t reading.

D. However, that was at a time before television was available 24 hours a day.



You might think the smaller surface would make it hard to read long books.

They were born at a time when the Internet was already part of everyday life.

G. Cartoon characters like Tintin and Asterix are as popular today as they

were in the past.


35 分)

第一节( 15 分)


Jim 对中国传统节日感兴趣,


请你给 Jim 写信向他介绍此次活动,内容包含:

1. 活动内容;

2. 活动意义;

16 / 23


3. 你的感觉。

注意: 1.词数许多于



Dear Jim,


Li Hua


第二节( 20 分)

假定你是红星中学高三学生李华。 请依据以下四幅图的先后次序, 写一篇英文周记, 记录你邀请你班互换生 Jim 来家里做客的全过程。



17 / 23



18 / 23


通州区 2018 年高三综合练习(二)



第一部分: 知识运用(共两节,

45 分)

第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每题 1 分,共 15 分)

1. C

2 . D

3 . C

6. A

7 . C

8 . D

11. B

12. D

13. A


完形填空(共 20


30 分)16. C

17. B

18. D

21. A

22. C

23. D

26. D

27. C

28. A

31. B

32. D

33. B


40 分)


15 小题;每题

2 分,共 30 分)

36. C 37. D

38. A

41. B 42. D

43. C

46. B 47. D

48. B


5 小题;每题 2 分,共 10 分)

51. D 52. C

53. F


35 分)

19 / 23

4 . B

9 . A

14. D

19. A

24. A

29. C

34. A

39. A

44. A

49. A

54. E

5 . B

10. C

15. B

20. B

25. B

30. D

35. C

40. C

45. C

50. D

55. G


第一节( 15 分)


1.此题总分为 15 分,按 4 个品位给分。

2. 评分时,先依据文章的内容和语言质量初步确立其品位,




5.词数少于 50,从总分中减去

1 分。






( 13 分- 15 分)







(9 分- 12 分)



20 / 23






( 4 分- 8 分)







0 分


三、 One possible version:

( 略 )

第二节( 20 分)


1.此题总分为 20 分,按 5 个品位给分。




5.词数少于 60,从总分中减去 1 分。

21 / 23








( 18 分- 20 分)








( 15 分- 17 分) ·语法和用词基本正确, 少量错误主要为尽可能表达丰富的内容所致;·使用了简单的语句间连结成分,所写内容连结。






( 12 分- 14 分)



22 / 23






(6 分- 11 分)






( 1 分- 5 分)



0 分


三、 One possible version:


23 / 23

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