

名师精编 优秀资料


Sentences Correction(简称SC),句子改错。我们经常称之为“语法”题,但是实际上SC考察的不仅仅是语法,或者说真正的语法考得很少。这里将全面讲解和介绍整个SC。



Although William Pereira first gained national recognition for his movie set designs, including

those for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations remember him as the architect

of the Transamerica Tower, the Malibu campus of Pepperdine University, and the city of Irvine.

(A) including those for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations

(B) like that for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations will

(C) like those for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations

(D) including that for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations will

(E) including those for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations will







Although William Pereira first gained national recognition for his movie set designs, including

those for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations remember him as the architect

of the Transamerica Tower, the Malibu campus of Pepperdine University, and the city of Irvine.

 (A) including those for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations

 (B) like that for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations will

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 (C) like those for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations

 (D) including that for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations will

 (E) including those for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations will




 写下您的纸张上的“ABCDE的”

 读句子,并指出任何明显的错误。

 扫描选项,但不仅仅是读而是出它们的区别。例如,你可以将答案分组,例如以including和以like打头。同样,在句末是否以will结束。(更重要的是remember的时态,是将来时来是现在时)。理想的分组是将选项划分成两组,一组2个另一组3个,这种分组是在你可能确定能排除一些选项时使用。

 比较余下的答案选择重新分组。继续到答案的差异,直到只剩下一个答案。



Although William Pereira first gained national recognition for his movie set designs, including

those for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations remember him as the architect

of the Transamerica Tower, the Malibu campus of Pepperdine University, and the city of Irvine.

(A) including those for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations

(B) like that for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations will

(C) like those for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations

(D) including that for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations will

(E) including those for the 1942 film “Reap the Wild Wind,” future generations will

看完选项首先先到不同点来进行分组,一处是尾部的will remember和 remember。我们之所以这样分组是因为动词的发起者是future generation,任何分配给generation包括remember,必须在将来时。因此,(A)和(C)可以被淘汰。

下一步,我们比较(B),(D)(E),我们发现之间可以用those和 that来进行分组比较。由于这个词those or that,指代movie set designs一个复数名词,我们必须使用复数代词those。因此答案(B)和(D)可以杀掉,留下了我们正确的答案(E)。

事实上,我们也可以使用另一处区别including 和like。Like 在GMAT中是不能引出例子,但是such as可以。由于强调段由一个例子开始,(B)和(C)可以删除。使用like改变了句子的意思,暗示William Pereira’s designs,只是外观设计类似于“Reap the Wind”。


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and so was unable to go to recess


The students came to school without their mittens and so was unable to go to recess.


如果你忽略了非强调的部分,你就无法知道was的使用的是不正确的。 因为was的发起者是students,一个复数名词,所以动词应用were。





 My decision to drive a hybrid car was motivated by ECONOMIC considerations.

 ECONOMICAL considerations motivated my decision to drive a hybrid car.

第二个句子,这是短更简洁但其意思表达准确吗?Economical 意思是thrifty、efficient。作者的原意是想表达希望有一个高效的汽车。正确的词组应该economic considerations。


aggravate (worsen) vs. aggravating (irritating)

known as (named) vs. known to be (acknowledged as)

loss of (no longer in possession of) vs. loss in (decline in value)

mandate (command) vs. have a mandate (have authority from voters)

native of (person from) vs. native to (species that originated in)

range of (variety of) vs. ranging (varying)

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rate of (speed or frequency of) vs. rates for (prices for)

rise (general increase) vs. raise (a bet or a salary increase)

such as (for instance) vs. like (similar to)

try to do (seek to accomplish) vs. try doing (experiment with)

一些单词的改变就能造成句子整体上意思的变化。所以要注意每个单词在句子中的的准确含义。特别是一些助动词,像may, will, must, should,等,也会改变句子的整体意思。

Example 1

 Certain — The drop in interest rates WILL create better investment opportunities.

 Uncertain — The drop in interest rates MAY create better investment opportunities.

Either of these sentences could be correct. However, do not jump from one to the other! Stay

with the intent of the original sentence, whether it uses will or may.

Example 2

 Absolutely Necessary — The court ruled that the plaintiff MUST pay full damages.

 Morally Obliged — The court ruled that the plaintiff SHOULD pay full damages.

请注意,第二句是不正确的should应该是指“道义上的责任”的东西,而法院不能强加。另一方面,第一个句子中的must指的是原告实施的一项具有法律约束力的义务。因此,我们要用must。还应当注意,GMAT中must是指“道义责任”,而不是 “可能性。”

Example 3

 Actual — If Chris and Jad met, they DISCUSSED mathematics.

 Hypothetical — If Chris and Jad met, they WOULD DISCUSS mathematics.

第一句可能是由不确定Chris and Jad是否见面的人说的。“If this did indeed happen, then that

is the consequence.”第二句则预测了这两个人见面后的结果“If this were to happen, then

that would be the consequence.”



 ALL the children are covered in mud.

 The children are ALL covered in mud.


 ONLY the council votes on Thursdays.

 The council votes ONLY on Thursdays.


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The council granted the right to make legal petitions TO CITY OFFICIALS

TO CITY OFFICIALS指什么?市政官员有权进行法律的请愿吗?或其他人有权提出法律请求?无论哪种方式,正确的选项一定要解决这种歧义:

 The council granted CITY OFFICIALS the right to make legal petitions.

 The right to make legal petitions TO CITY OFFICIALS was granted by the council.


 Awkward: A referendum is a general public vote through which IS PASSED A LAW OR OTHER


 Better: A referendum is a general public vote through which A LAW OR OTHER PROPOSAL IS




 Wordy: They HAVE DIFFERENCES over THE WAY IN WHICH the company should MAKE

INVESTMENTS in new technologies.

 Better: They DIFFER over HOW the company should INVEST in new technologies.

第一句是很容易理解,但还是写得不好。“而且短语有分歧,have differences, the way in which,

make investments可以更换为更简洁的表达,比如第二个句子。

GMAT考试使用单词优于词组。例如,have differences means the same as the word differ。但相同情况下我们喜欢differ。



 Wordy: The value of the stock ROSE by a 10% INCREASE.

 Better: The value of the stock INCREASED by 10%.

 Or: The value of the stock ROSE by 10%.

(如果在GMAT句子两个词意思是相同的,则我们应该有意识的检测下句子是否有冗余,也许只有一个词是必要的。)因为 rose和increase两者都意味着增长,只需要一个

 Wordy: The three prices SUM to a TOTAL of $11.56.

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 Better: The three prices SUM to $11.56.

 Or: The three prices TOTAL $11.56.

由于sum 和total达的涵义相同,只需要一个

 Wordy: BEING EXCITED about her upcoming graduation, Kelsey could barely focus on her

final exams.

 Better: EXCITED about her upcoming graduation, Kelsey could barely focus on her final




 PAST: Previously Formerly In the past Before now

 PRESENT: Now Currently Presently At present

 YEARLY: Annual Each year A year (e.g., three launches a year)




 Wrong:The electron named in 1894.

 此句named看起来像一个动词。但是, named肯定不是The electron自己主动发起的动作。

 Right: Stoney NAMED the electron in 1894.

 在这句话named是谓语动词。或者我们可以用另一种表达:

 Right: The electron WAS NAMED in 1894.

在这句话中,WAS NAMED成为了谓语动词。而WAS NAMED中named是一个过去分词。过去分词本身不是一个谓语动词,所以The electron named in 1894不是一个句子,而在SC部分我们要让所选出的答案和原名合成一个完整的句子。


 Wrong: BECAUSE the dog was never mine.

 Wrong: WHICH will be approved tomorrow.

Because 和 which是连词。而上面的结构也被称为从句,这些由连词打头的部分其本身无法成为一独立的句子。为了不被迷惑我们需要将它有意识的关注主句或删除连接,比如第二句:The plan will be approved tomorrow。

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主语和谓语的一致性其中一点表现在逻辑意义上也必须有意义。我们看看下面这个错误的句子:The development of a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able

to travel hundreds of miles without refueling.

乍一看,这句话似乎还好。但请注意句意:The development of a will be able to

?这不是development,将will be able to travel。原句想表达的合理意思应该是氢汽车本身will be able to travel.

正确的写法应该是这样的:Once developed, a hydrogen CAR based on expected performance

parameters WILL BE able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling.







of mice / in Zambia / to the store / for milk / with her / on their orders / by 1800 / at that level /

from the office


 Near Galway, the houses on the road to Spiddle is/are gorgeous.

 (NEAR Galway), the HOUSES (ON the road TO Spiddle) ARE gorgeous.

当然介词短语存在些特例,我们将在下面进行分析,例如Part OF,就由其后面的词决定谓语动词。例如Half of the pie IS blueberry, and half of the slices ARE already gone.


(When the auditors left,) the executive (who had been interviewed) was glad.


(Limping,) the horse (once considered one of the favorites) was taken away.

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In the waning days of the emperor’s life, the conquest of new lands on the borders of the empire

was/were considered vital.

看到这句话我们先到谓语was/were considered vital,同时要形成一个条件反射,这个动词的发起者是谁,可能有时我们认为new lands是主语,实际上new lands只是一个介词短语修饰conquest,所以请记住:在GMAT考试中类似在介短中的名词是不可能作为句子的主语。所以上例的动词要使用was. 所以这种介词短语既可以用来迷惑选项又可以用来帮助我们快速出主语!


The tidal forces to which an object falling into a black hole is/are subjected is/are sufficient to

tear the object apart.


Better: The tidal FORCES(to which an object falling into a black hole are subjected)ARE sufficient

to tear the object apart.


Right: The tidal forces to which an OBJECT(falling into a black hole IS SUBJECTED)are sufficient to

tear the object apart.




 Wrong: Near those buildings SIT a lonely house, inhabited by squatters.

 Flip: A lonely house, inhabited by squatters, SITS near those buildings.

 Right: Near those buildings SITS a lonely house, inhabited by squatters.

原名中真正的主语应该是house而非those buildings,再看一个例子:

 Wrong: There IS a young man and an older woman at the bus stop.

 Flip : A young man and an older woman ARE there at the bus stop.

 Right: There ARE a young man and an older woman at the bus stop.

通过转制可以看出a young man and an older woman才是句子的主语。在英语口语中,对于there is往往使用不当,注意there be具体由后面的词来决定其be动词的选择。


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 Uncertain: Pong is a classic game from which have/has descended many current computer


 Flip it:Pong is a classic game from which many current computer pastimes HAVE descended.

 Right: Pong is a classic game from which…



 Joe AND his friends ARE going to the beach.

 Mathematics, history, AND science ARE mandatory high-school subjects.


along with Polly / accompanied by me / in addition to surgery / together with a tie / as well as the

mayor / including salt and pepper


 Joe, as well as his friends, IS going to the beach.

 Mathematics, in addition to history and science, IS a required subject.



有时我们会遇到诸如:Or, or, nor这样的词,而这样的词会联接两个名词,那么我们在使用时动词用什么形式?答案很简单:到最接近的名词,并使动词与之一致。我们看两个例子:

 Neither the coach nor the players ARE going to the beach.

 Neither the players nor the coach IS going to the beach.

注意有时either or neither会单独出现而句中没有or或者nor时我们将其视为单数,使用单数的动词。



 People: agency, army, audience, class, committee, crowd, orchestra, team

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 Items: baggage, citrus, equipment, fleet, fruit, furniture



 The CROWD in the stands IS cheering loudly as the home TEAM TAKES the field.

 Our ARMY of a hundred thousand soldiers IS attacking the enemy



不定代词通常是指以-one, -body, or –thing为结尾的词,例如Anyone下面再列举些相同类别的词:anyone, anybody, anything, each, every (as pronouns), everyone, everybody, everything,

either, neither (may require a plural verb if paired with or/nor), no one, nobody, nothing,

Someone, somebody, something, whatever, whoever

但是请注意,这里有五个词是单复数都存在的,也就是说无论动词后是单数还是复数都可行,请记住:Some, Any, All, More/Most。


 Some of the money WAS stolen from my wallet. (money是单数)

 Some of the documents WERE stolen from the bank. (documents是复数)

还有none很特别,因为其后面都可以认为是单数或复数,而not one都认为是单数。例如Not one of my friends IS here this weekend.




 Right: Every dog HAS paws.

 Right: Every dog and cat HAS paws.

 Right: Each of these shirts IS pretty.


They each ARE great tennis players.

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比较常用的量词如THE number of我们都很清楚是单数,而A number of则为复数。

例如:The number of hardworking students in this class IS quite large.

再如majority, minority, and plurality这些词也是单复数都可行的,具体情况要看语境及上下文,比如要强调个体时就可以用单数。

 The majority of the students in this class ARE hard workers.

 In the Senate, the majority HAS coalesced into a unified voting block.



The employees were upset by the company’s low pay, poor working conditions, and that they did

not have enough outlets for their creativity.

请注意,这个例子中有三个比较部分upset the employees。前两部分的结构类似,都含有名词性短语(名词为pay 和conditions)。但是第三部分有不同的结构全:它包含主语,动词和宾主的句子。为了使句子平行,我们必须改变的第三部分,使之变为一名词性结构,

Right: The employees were upset by the company’s low pay, poor working conditions, and

shortage of outlets for employees’ creativity.

请注意,我们一般不需要每个词的平行,而需要特别关注重要的单词的平行,如上例中的pay, conditions,和shortage,因为这些都是名词。经过修改the company’s可以修饰这三个部分:

 The company’s low pay

 The company’s poor working conditions

 The company’s shortage of outlets for employees’ creativity


平时常用的平行标志有and, but, and or,最常见当然是and,但现在的考试中常常隐藏平行标志,取而代之的是句意上的平行,这种平行更加隐晦。为了方便大家熟悉平行结构,我们罗列了以下标志供大家参考:






X and Y

X, Y, and Z

Both X and Y

X or Y


Apples AND pears

Apples, pears, AND bananas

BOTH apples AND pears

Apples OR pears

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Not Only/But Also

Rather Than


Either X or Y

Not X but Y

Not only X but also Y

X rather than Y

From X to Y

EITHER apples OR pears

NOT apples BUT pears

NOT ONLY apples, BUT ALSO pears

Apples RATHER THAN pears

FROM apples TO pears



名词:Her expression reflected BOTH anger AND relief.

形容词:The park was NEITHER accessible NOR affordable.

动词:The custodian cleaned the basement AND washed the windows.

不定式:We would like NOT ONLY to hear your side of the story BUT ALSO to provide a


 分词:The actor left quickly, shunning fans AND ducking into a car.

 介词短语:It was important to leave the money in the drawer RATHER THAN on the table.

 从句:The contended that the committee was biased AND that it should be disbanded.

有些平行句中的动词不止有一个,如was opening, can lose, to increase,这往往也是平行的一个标志,我们就需要特别注意。

 The division WAS opening offices, hiring staff AND investing in equipment.

 The railroad CAN EITHER lose more money OR solve its problems.

 They wanted TO increase awareness, spark interest, AND motivate purchases.


 Wrong: I want to retire to a place WHERE I can relax AND THAT has low taxes.

 Right: I want to retire to a place WHERE I can relax AND WHERE the taxes are low.


 Wrong: Ralph likes BOTH THOSE WHO are popular AND WHO are not.

 Right: Ralph likes BOTH THOSE WHO are popular AND THOSE WHO are not.

在第一句中 WHO are not和前面的元素并不平行,我们必须写成 THOSE WHO are



英语日常习语中也常用许多平行结构,如之前我们所讨论的both X and Y,我们还罗列了些需要使用平行结构常见固定搭配:



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X and Y

X, Y, and Z

Apples AND pears

Apples, pears, AND bananas


例如对于X, and Y结构:I really like candy apples, AND I eat them often.


Wrong: She argues that the agency acts with disregard for human life AND property AND reckless

abandon AND it should therefore be shut down.

四个下划线的部分都由AND连接,但是却不平行的,human life AND property是相互平行,但reckless abandon却不和以上平行,而且前面三个元素和第四个句子并不平行。正确的应该是:

Right: She argues THAT the agency acts WITH reckless abandon AND WITH disregard for human

life AND property, AND THAT it should therefore be shut down.


She argues

THAT the agency acts

WITH reckless abandon

WITH disregard for

human life


THAT it should therefore be abandoned



Sal applied himself in his new job, arriving early every day, skipping lunch regularly, AND leaving

late every night.

在上面的句子,-ing分词短语arriving early every day, skipping lunch regularly, and leaving late

every night相互平行。但在主句中applied himself in his new job,却不和后面的元素平行。有问题吗?上面的句子是正确的,主句中的谓语是applied,-ing分词短语则作为一个补充部分说明。而作为GMAT考试中,出题者有时为了结构的平行会故意将其改成:

Wrong: Sal applied himself in his new job, arrived early every day, skipped lunch regularly, AND

left late every night.


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英语的动词有很多种,一种是行为动词如:walk, dance, and jump,另一种则是系动词,其表达的意思不是具体做什么而是这种东西是什么,属于什么,最常见的动词是to be,对于这种系动词其本身也有平行的含义,且相当隐晦。下面我们罗列了相关动词:

 TO BE: is / are / was / were / am / been / being

 其它:appear / become / feel / grow / look / remain / represent / resemble / seem / smell /

sound / stay / taste / turn


Wrong: The bouquet of flowers WAS a giving of love.

系动词was 连接了The bouquet和a giving。而这两部分结构上都没有平行,因此我们可以这样改写句子:

Right: The bouquet of flowers WAS a gift of love.


Wrong: Upon being nominated, this politician REPRESENTS a step forward in urban-rural relations

in this country.

上例中REPRESENTS连接了the politician 和 a step forward。但是句意上出现了问题,变成了this politician代表了a step forward,实际上从句意的合理度上来说应该是nomination和a

step forward的平行。

Right: The nomination of this politician REPRESENTS a step forward in urban-rural relations in this


要注意to te不仅仅可以做为系动词,同时也可以作为表达时态的词,例如过去式,完成时等。



The park rangers discussed measures to prevent severe wildfires, which would be devastating to


IT指代哪个名词?park?实际上在这例句中park只是The park rangers的形容词,所以这个IT的指代有问题。


Right: The rangers discussed measures to prevent severe wildfires, which would be devastating to



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Although the term “supercomputer” may sound fanciful or exaggerated, IT is simply an extremely

fast mainframe that can execute trillions of calculations every second.

我们先到所指代的名词the term “supercomputer”,现在我们更换代词:

... the term “supercomputer” is simply an extremely

这句话在的句意改变是很微妙的,The term 并不是a mainframe,但却指a mainframe,所以这句话可以改为:

Right: Although the term “supercomputer” may sound fanciful or exaggerated, IT simply REFERS

TO an extremely fast mainframe that can execute trillions of calculations every second.



Researchers claim to have developed new “nano-papers” incorporating tiny cellulose fibers,

which THEY allege give THEM the strength of cast iron.

上例中they 和them 指代什么?t我们可以假设hey指代researchers 而them指代new

“nano-papers.”,但是事实上they 和them的指代都不是很明确,任何一个都可以指代researchers 或者 “nanopapers.”所以这句我们可以这样改写:

Right: Researchers claim to have developed new “nano-papers” incorporating tiny cellulose fibers,

which allegedly give THESE MATERIALS the strength of cast iron.



Confronted by radical changes in production and distribution, modern Hollywood studios are

attempting various experiments in an effort to retain ITS status as the primary arbiter of movie


上例中its 指代modern Hollywood studios,但事实上,its 是单数而studios是复数,所以这句可以改成:

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Right: Confronted by radical changes in production and distribution, modern Hollywood studios

are attempting various experiments in an effort to retain THEIR status as the primary arbiters of

movie consumption.

Right: Confronted by radical changes in production and distribution, the modern Hollywood

studio is attempting various experiments in an effort to retain ITS status as the primary arbiter of

movie consumption.




Right: Supernovas destroy their immediate environments in vast explosions, BUT by synthesizing

heavy chemical elements, explosions, THEY provide the universe with the possibility of

biochemistry-based life as we know it.

Supernovas是第一句的主语,第二句与第一句平行,而THEY是第二句的主语,虽然像environments 和 explosions离之很近,但这并没有让我们产生对THEY指代Supernovas的怀疑。


Wrong: The board is investigating several executives’ compensation packages in order to

determine how much may have been improperly awarded to THEM.


Better: The board is investigating the compensation packages of several executives in order to

determine how much THESE EXECUTIVES may have been improperly awarded.

This, That, These, Those


The money spent by her parents is less than THAT spent by her children.

上面的例子中that spent by her children 意思是the money spent by her children,也就是说这两部分钱是不一样的,一部分钱是由父母花另一部分由小孩花。所以在使用it 和they 时,其所指代的东西是同样的:

The money spent by her parents is more than IT was expected to be.

而that 和those 时必须对其所说明的词进行修饰以示区分。

 The money spent by her parents is less than THAT SPENT by her children.

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 Her company is outperforming THAT OF her competitor.


 Wrong: Her company is outperforming THOSE OF her competitors.

 Right: Her company is outperforming THE COMPANIES OF her competitors.

最后,GMAT考试中使用it, they,或 them而不使用this、these、that 或者 those来替换名词,除非修饰that 或those:

 Wrong: Her products are unusual; many consider THESE unique.

 Right: Her products are unusual; many consider THEM unique.



The SMART student works QUICKLY.

这里SMART 修饰student,而QUICKLY修饰works。许多副词就是在形容词后添加-ly。但如果是修饰系动词如smell,则应该用形容词而不是副词,我们来看几个形容词的例子:

Amy is a GOOD person. (Good 是形容词修饰名词 person.)

Amy is feeling GOOD. (Good 是形容词修饰名词Amy.)

Amy is feeling WELL. (Well是形容词修饰名词Amy.)

Amy writes WELL. (Well 是副词修饰 writes.)


1) Adjective + Adjective + Noun,其中两个形容词都修饰名词。

 Adverb + Adjective + Noun,其中副词修饰形容词,形容词反过来修饰名词。


 James Joyce is Max’s SUPPOSEDLY Irish ancestor.

 James Joyce is Max’s SUPPOSED Irish ancestor.

这个例子形容词和副词的使用将导致句意上的不同,第一个句子就变成James Joyce是Max’s

ancestor,只是其是否为Irish不确定,而第二句是James Joyce肯定是Irish,由此可看出形容词及副词的使用不同还会造成句意上的不同。



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位置 举例


The LAZY cat took a nap.


The cat, LAZY from overeating, took a nap.


On the couch, the cat took a nap.


The cat On the couch took a nap.


The TIRED cat took a nap.

TIRED from chasing mice, the cat took a nap.


The cat, TIRED from chasing mice, took a nap.


The SLEEPING cat took a nap.


The cat SLEEPING on the rug is named “Sue”.


The grey cat, WHICH loves tuna, took a nap.

The cat THAT lives next door is noisy.

The person WHO lives next door is noisy.

The city WHERE I live is noisy.



另一个名词 名词前

A LOVER of mice, my cat hunts night and day.

The cat, a TABBY raised on a farm, took a nap.

一个名词用来修饰另一个名词则被称为同位语。在上面最后一个例子中,同位语tabby被过去分词raised on a farm所修饰,修饰语中还能再包含修饰语。


TIRED from chasing mice, the cat took a nap.



Wrong: Jim biked along an old dirt road to get to his house, which cut through the woods.

在上面的例子中,which cut through the woods 句意上是修饰road ,但这种表达却让人误以为修饰house ,所以正确的应当将修饰语和road 相联:

Right: To get to his house, Jim biked along an old dirt road, which cut through the woods.


 Wrong: Resigned to the bad news, there was no commotion in the office.

 Wrong: There was no commotion in the office, resigned to the bad news.

上面的错例中resigned to the bad news 应该修饰某人或某个组织,但是上面的句子中没有出现人,而resigned to the bad news 却像是修饰there 或the office ,所以上例可修改成:

Right: Resigned to the bad news, the office workers made no commotion.

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在GMAT考试中还常见用动词+ing 来作为句子开头,对于这种动名词依然需要一个句词来被其修饰。

 Wrong: Using the latest technology, the problem was identified.

 Wrong: The problem was identified, using the latest technology.


Right: Using the latest technology, the engineer identified the problem.

同时还可以把using 放在名尾:

Right: The engineer identified the problem, using the latest technology.


Wrong: George Carlin, both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation, who also

struggled publicly with drug abuse, influenced and inspired a generation of comedians.

上例中who also struggled publicly with drug abuse应该紧跟着George Carlin而不是nation,而如果简单的把修饰语放在George Carlin的旁边又显得很冗余,所以更好的改法可以是:

Better: Both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation, George Carlin, who also

struggled publicly with drug abuse, influenced and inspired a generation of comedians.


Best: Both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation, George Carlin influenced and

inspired a generation of comedians, even as he struggled publicly with drug abuse.

上面的修饰语:Both shocking 很好的连接着主语George Carlin 并解释了how he influenced and inspired



Wrong: Unskilled in complex math, Bill’s score on the exam was poor.

在这里,Unskilled in complex math 应修饰Bill,但此处却是Bill’s,所以句意变成Bill’s score 是Unskilled in complex math ,显然这非作者要表达的意思。要改正:

Right: Unskilled in complex math, Bill did not score well on the exam.


Only in the past century has origami’s development, a ceremonial activity invented millennia ago,

into a true art form taken place.

上面的例子中句意变成了the development of origami was a ceremonial activity,所以不要忽视development 或其他抽象的名词。他们遵循相同的规则:邻近的修饰语将修饰这个名词。所以上面的句子改写为:

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Origami—a ceremonial activity invented millennia ago—has developed into a true art form only

in the past century.

我们日常英语有时会看到这种形式的所有格OF X’s,但是在GMAT中这是错误的格式,选择OF X或者X’s

 Wrong: The orca, a relative of the blue whale’s, is found throughout he globe.

 Right: The orca, a relative of the blue whale, is found throughout the globe.


名词修饰常常由关系代词引导:Which That Who Whose Whom Where When

对于这些关系代词的使用有一定限制,例如:who 和whom 要修饰人,而which 则一定修饰物,而在GAMT的语法中,that 也不能修饰人,所以修饰人的词有Who, Whose or Whom ,而That 和 Which 则无法修饰人:

 Wrong: The scientists THAT made the discovery were rewarded.

 Right: The scientists WHO made the discovery were rewarded.

而Which 或whom 可以跟在介词后面:

the canal through which water flows; the senator for whom we worked.

Who 在从句中作主语,而whom 则作动词或介词的宾语:

 Wrong: The security guard WHO we met was nice.

 Right: The security guard WHOM we met was nice.

That 和 whom 从句中作宾语时可以省略:

 Right: The movie THAT we watched last Friday was scary.

 Right: The movie we watched last Friday was scary.

where可以用来修改地方名词,area, site, country or Nevada ,但是无法修饰“隐喻”地方的词如:condition, situation, case, circumstances, or arrangement,而要修饰这些词则应该用in

which :

 Wrong: We had an arrangement WHERE he cooked and I cleaned.

 Right: We had an arrangement IN WHICH he cooked and I cleaned.

When 可以指代事件或时间,如:period, age, 1987, or decade ,这里in which 也可以替换when.



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The mansion PAINTED RED is owned by the Lees.

上例中的PAINTED RED 就是一上必要的修饰语,因为如果没有PAINTED RED就会造成很多疑问。


This mansion, RECENTLY PAINTED RED, is owned by the Lees.

上例中,RECENTLY PAINTED RED就是非必须的修饰。因为我们知道This 已经说明清楚所要讨论的mansion。

可以用标点符号修饰必须名词和非必须名词。对于非必须修饰可以用逗号将其中间隔开,而必须修饰则不用逗号。所以一个比较常见的标志就是which 和that ,当用which+逗号,常常用来进行一上说明,即非必须修饰,而直接用that 则进行必须修饰。我们再来看一个例子:

 This mansion, WHICH HAS BEEN RECENTLY PAINTED RED, is owned by the Lees.

 The mansion THAT HAS BEEN PAINTED RED is owned by the Lees.


动词修饰语主要修饰动词。主要是为了解释动词“how,” “when,” “where,” “why,”,通常这种词都是副词或类似副词的短语。



位置 举例


FREQUENTLY, I walk to the store.

I FREQUENTLY walk to the store.


I walk to the store FREQUENTLY.


On Mondays, I walk to the store.


I walk to the store On Mondays.


WHEN my car is broken, I walk to the store.


I walk to the store WHEN my car is broken.



而作为从句一般打头的引导词有:because, although, if, unless, while, so that, while






位置 举例


WHISTLING “Beat It”, I lifted the weight.


I lifted the weight, WHISTLING “Beat It”.


BY CONCENTRATING, I lifted the weight.


I lift the weight BY CONCENTRATING.


TO FREE my leg, I lifted the weight.


I lifted the weight TO FREE my leg.

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 Wrong: The nameless symphony was at last performed, decades after it was composed,


 Right: The nameless symphony was at last performed yesterday, decades after it was


Which 与v+ing


Wrong: Crime has recently decreased in our neighborhood, WHICH has led to a rise in property


原句想要表达的意思是the recent decrease in crime has led to a rise in property values ,但是使用which 意思则变为which 前面最接近的名词,而不是前面的整个句子。所以正确的可以改为:

Right: Crime has recently decreased in our neighborhood, leading to a rise in property values.

而v+ing 的用法非常灵活,可以直接修饰名词(the changing seasons ),也可以修饰动词及其主语(I lifted the weight, whistling)甚至可以修饰整个句子如上例,只要这句子能能转换为名词性句子。之前的两个例子很好的说明了这个变化,我们可以表达:the recent decrease

has led to a rise, 我们也可以这样表达: crime has leading to a

rise,这种以ing 形式作表达主句的结果最为理想,不易让人产生疑问。



 SIMPLE PRESENT Sandy PLAYS well with her friends.

 SIMPLE PAST Sandy PLAYED well with her friends yesterday.

 SIMPLE FUTURE Sandy WILL PLAY well with her friends tomorrow.



 PAST PROGRESSIVE Sandy WAS PLAYING soccer yesterday.


上面的例子表示说Sandy 正在PLAYING soccer ,而一般现在时:Sandy plays soccer,则是强调Sandy 比较经常或者她知道如何plays soccer 。在一般的定义中我们通常避免使用进行时而使用一般时:

 Wrong: Cherenkov radiation is light that particles ARE EMITTING when they ARE TRAVELING

faster than the effective speed of light in any medium.

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 Right: Cherenkov radiation is light that particles EMIT when they TRAVEL faster than the

effective speed of light in any medium.

表达一般状态的动词一般不用进行时,例如know or signify:

 Wrong: This inscription IS SIGNIFYING the emperor’s birth.

 Right: This inscription SIGNIFIES the emperor’s birth.



 She WAS PLAYING with her friends when the babysitter ARRIVED.

 She PLAYED with her friends when the babysitter ARRIVED.

第一个句子表示当babysitter 来的时候she 正在play with her friends. 第二个句子表示当babysitter 来了以后 she play with her friends .



Right: We HAVE LIVED in a hut for three days.


Right: We LIVED in a hut for three days.


 This country HAS ENFORCED strict immigration laws for thirty years.

 They HAVE KNOWN each other since 1987.

上面的例子的动作都是发生在过去并持续到现在,其时间上用了for thirty years 和 since


The child HAS DRAWN a square in the sand.


 Right: The child DREW a square in the sand, but the ocean ERASED it.

 Right: The child DREW a square in the sand, but the ocean HAS ERASED it.

 Awkward: The child HAS DRAWN a square in the sand, but the ocean HAS ERASED it.

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上面的例子中,erase 的时态可以是一般过去时也可以是现在完成时,第一个句子中sand 现在的状态是未知的,而第二句中sand 现在的状态是确定的,因为用现在完成时可以知道其对现在的影响。所以总结一下,现在完成时表示持续的动作或已经结束的动作的持续影响,而since 还有within (如within the past five minutes 或者 within the last ten days),就是现在完成时重要的标志:

 Wrong: Since 1986 no one BROKE that world record.

 Right: Since 1986 no one HAS BROKEN that world record.


 Wrong: Veronica HAS TRAVELED all over the world in 2007.

 Right: Veronica TRAVELED all over the world in 2007.

上面的第一个句子中,如果省略n 2007 则也是一个正确的句子,因为就变成了强调其对现在的影响。现在完成时在强调对现的影响时其效果要强于一般现在进和一般过去时和过去完成时。


She WILL PAY you when you ASK her.

WILL PAY 时间上是和ASK 一致的。

She WILL PAY you when you HAVE TAKEN out the garbage.




不要因为这件事是很久以前发生而没有后来的过去动作就使用过去完成时,如果只是单纯的表达过去的事同样可以使用一般过去式,比如:An asteroid STRUCK the earth millions of years

ago. 从句意上来说,我们不要因为要表示过去更早的动作就选择过去完成时,我们使用过去完成时是为了强调过去的一系列事情。而且如果过去的动作发生顺序相当明显则也无需使用过去完成时,例如:Antonio DROVE to the store and BOUGHT some ice cream.

很明显DROVE 早BOUGHT 之前发生,所以由相同主语发起的先后动作,如果句意上没有强调可以不必使用过去完成时,而直接使用一般过去时即可。我们再看一个例子:

Antonio DROVE to the store, and Cristina BOUGHT some ice cream.

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上面的例子两个主句由and 连接,而我们并没有强调动作的顺序,所以由and 或or 连接的句子并无要求一定要使用过去完成时。同样的词还有after 和before ,因为其已经很明确的表明了动作的先后顺序,所以再用过去完成时就显得多余:

Laura LOCKED the deadbolt before she LEFT for work.


By 1945, the United States HAD BEEN at war for several years.



 Joe LEARNED about an epoch in which dinosaurs HAD WALKED the earth.

 Joe LEARNED about an epoch in which dinosaurs WALKED the earth.

HAD WALKED 的确发生在LEARNED 之前,但是这个动作系列却没必要对其进行强调。如果一个动作发生在过去持续到现在或强调其影响时我们使用现在完成时,如果一个动词比过去的一个动词更早的发生,且强调这个时间的顺序时才用过去完成时。

If Then结构

使用if 的句子一定都是虚拟语气。而if 和then 的结构有多种形式:

 IF you study diligently, [THEN] you will score highly.

 You will score highly IF you study diligently.

Then 在虚拟语气中常常被省略,同是if 也不见得都在首句中出现。下面是常见的if then 的五种结构(在这五种结构中不能在if 引导的句子中出现would ,而且一整句话都不能出现should 在if then 结构中):

1. 不存在不确定性的情况:

 IF Sophie EATS pizza, THEN she BECOMES ill.

 IF Present, THEN Present.

这种情况比较像whenever :WHENEVER Sophie EATS pizza, she BECOMES ill.

2. 存在一些不确定性的情况:

 IF Sophie EATS pizza, THEN she MAY BECOME ill.

 IF Present, THEN Can or May.

3. 将来时不存在不确定性

 IF Sophie EATS pizza tomorrow, THEN she WILL BECOME ill.

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 If Sophie HAS EATEN pizza, then she WILL BECOME ill.

 IF Present, THEN Future.

4. 将来时不太可能发生

 IF Sophie ATE pizza tomorrow, THEN she WOULD BECOME ill.

 IF Hypothetical Subjunctive, THEN Conditional.

这里作者认为Sophie 不大可能吃pizza,这里用到了would,这里的would 可以用could 来替代。

5. 从不可能发生

 IF Sophie HAD EATEN pizza yesterday, THEN she WOULD HAVE BECOME ill.

 IF Past Perfect, THEN Conditional Perfect.


GMAT考试中常用到的另一种虚拟语气是命令语气,其意思是命令别人去执行某件事,常常由某些带命令的动词发起,如require 或 propose :

 The agency REQUIRED that Gary BE ready before noon.

 We PROPOSE that the school board DISBAND.

上面的例子中Be 和 Disband 都是命令虚拟语气,而这种命令虚拟语气等同于直接命令对方:

 BE ready before noon, Gary!

 DISBAND, school board!

在这种虚拟语气中,不定式省略to ,(to be 改为be 而不用is,are,am)第三人称单数动词后不需要加S 。这种命令式的虚拟语气常用的结构为:


We PROPOSE THAT the school board DISBAND.

在这种结构中that 不能省略并且绝不允许出现should。命令虚拟语气的难点在于不是所有命令动词都需要使用虚拟语气,而大多数的命令语气都不能使用虚拟语气,例如want ,而应该使用不定式:

 Right: The vice-president WANTS her TO GO to the retreat.

 Wrong: The vice-president WANTS THAT she GO to the retreat.


 只能用虚拟语气的动词:demand, dictate, insist, mandate, propose, recommend,

request, stipulate, suggest

 只能用不定式的动词:advise, allow, forbid, persuade, want

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 虚拟语气和不定式都可以使用的:ask, beg, intend, order, prefer, urge, require


His demand THAT he BE paid full severance was not met.


GMAT考试中被动与主动是常出考点的地方。在被动式中的发起者常用介词by 来引导出,而如果是方式或工具则用through 或because of 。对于这种表达方式如果使用主动则会显得句子过长并且容易造成歧义:

 Wrong: The pizza WAS accidentally EATEN BY a quirk of fate.

 Wrong: A quirk of fate accidentally ate the pizza.

 Right: THROUGH a quirk of fate, the pizza WAS accidentally EATEN.


 Passive: It HAS BEEN DECIDED by Jason that he will not attend college.

 Active: Jason HAS DECIDED not to attend college.


During this operation, new blood vessels are inserted, bypassing blockages.

上面的这句话使用了inserted 这个词,并没有产生任何歧义或者冗余,上面的话强调了blood

vessels inserted 而非谁发起了这个动作。对于被动态出现的标志词是by ,而在句子中并不一定非要被动和主动出现平行,当然如果能平行就更好了。


Like 和as 是比较常见的比较词,like 是介词,也就意味着其后面需要加名词,代词或名词短语,不能加句子或介词短语。而对于as 可以当作介词或连词,也就是说其后面可以跟名词性的成分或句子:

 Wrong: LIKE her brother DID, Ava aced the test.

 Right: AS her brother DID, Ava aced the test.

上例中her brother DID 是一个句子,其为谓语动词是did,所以要用as来进行连接。

like 指相似的意思,作为介词后面必须跟名词,用来修饰前面的动词或名词,来形成一种比较。在SC部分,特别要注意在句尾的like :

(1) I want to coach divers LIKE Greg Louganis.

= I want to coach divers WHO ARE LIKE Greg Louganis.

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= I want to coach divers IN THE SAME WAY AS Greg Louganis does.

(2) I want to coach divers, LIKE Greg Louganis. 注意like 前面的逗号。

= LIKE Greg Louganis, I want to coach divers. (他coaches divers而我也想这么做)

unlike 在GMAT考试中很常见,其用法和like 相同,在句尾只要不产生歧义就行:

Most materials under a wide range of conditions resist the flow of electric current to some

degree, UNLIKE superconductors, which demonstrate zero electrical resistance.

注:like 在平时会被人误用作表示列举,但在gmat中只有such as 才有这功能。

而as 可以作为介词也可以作为连词,当as 作为连词的时候通常的用法有这几种:

 表示持续的As: AS I strolled to the store, I smelled the air. (= while, during)

 表示原因的As: I will not tell you, AS you already know. (= since, because)

 表示比较的As: You should walk AS she wants you to. (= in the same way)

而表示比较的as 在GMAT考试中是最重要的一种用法,有时会和just, so, 还有so too 连用。

 JUST AS the trains were late yesterday, the buses are late today.

 JUST AS the trains were late yesterday, SO TOO are they late today.

而作比较用的as 不单单只能边句子,也可以连接短语:

AS in the previous case, the judge took an early break.

当as 作为介词使用时,也基本满足下面三种用法:

 表示作用的As: AS your leader, I am in charge. (= in the role of)

 表示相等的As: I think of you AS my friend. (= you are my friend)

 表示阶段的As: AS a child, I thought I could fly. (= when I was)

而对于当介词用的as 并没有相似的意思:

 I will jump up LIKE a clown. (= in a clownish manner)

 I will jump up AS a clown. (= in a clown suit!)

所以要使用as 来比较就要在句子中使用,最常用的as 的用法是as ... as... 第一个as 后跟形容词或副词,第二个as 后跟名词、短语甚至句子。



Frank’s build, LIKE his brother, is broad and muscular.

上面的例句中用Frank’s build 和 his brother 进行比较,这在逻辑意义上不平行。所以正确的应该是:

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 Frank’s build, LIKE his brother’s, is broad and muscular. 或者:

 Frank, LIKE his brother, has a broad and muscular build.

上面的例子中我们可以使用that 来代替build ,而如果是复数的话就要用those 来替换:

Frank’s toes, LIKE THOSE of his brother, are short and hairy.


I like to run through forests more than I enjoy walking through crowds.

上面的例子中run through forests 和walking through crowds 两个比较对象并不平行。To run

作为不定式,而walking 则是作为一个名词来使用,所以正确的可以写成:

I like running through forests MORE THAN walking through crowds.



My car is bigger than Brian’s [car].

My car is bigger than Brian’s [car].

My car is bigger than the Smiths’ [car].

My toes are longer than Brian’s [toes].

My toes are longer than the Smiths’ [toes].


 Whereas I drink 2 quarts of milk a day, my friend drinks 3 [quarts].

 I walk faster than Brian [walks].

 I walk as fast now as [I walked] when I was younger.

而有时为了避免产生歧义我们也会加入助动词,如be ,do 和have 等:

 Ambiguous: I like cheese more than Yvette. (Yvette could be subject or object.)

 Right: I like cheese more than Yvette DOES. (= than Yvette likes cheese)

 Right: I like cheese more than I DO Yvette. (= than I like Yvette)


 Right: Apples are more healthy to eat than caramels.

 Right: Apples are more healthy to eat than caramels ARE.


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Wrong: I need to relax, I have so many things to do!


Right: I need to relax, BUT I have so many things to do!

像and 、but 、or 、for 、yet 、nor 、so 这些都是常见的并列连词。而and 又是最常见的连词,可以用来罗列事物如:apples, grapes, AND pears 也可以用来连接句子如:I like apples,

AND she likes grapes。

从属连词如:because 、although 引导从句,附属于主句。有时可以用逗号+从句来与主句进行连接,对主句进行说明:

 Right: I need to relax, BECAUSE I have so many things to do!

 Right: ALTHOUGH new data from the Labor Department indicate that producer prices

rose rapidly last month, some analysts contend that the economic slowdown in the euro

zone and in Asia will stem the rise in commodity prices, lessening inflationary pressures in

the United States.


 Wrong: ALTHOUGH I need to relax, YET I have so many things to do!

 Right: ALTHOUGH I need to relax, I have so many things to do!

 Right: I need to relax, YET I have so many things to do!


Wrong: She is not interested in sports, AND she likes watching them on TV.


 Right: She is not interested in sports, BUT she likes watching them on TV.

 Right: ALTHOUGH she is not interested in sports, she likes watching them on TV.


Coordinating Conjunctions: For / And / Nor / But / Or / Yet / So

Subordinators: Although / Because / Before / After / Since / When / If / Unless / That / Though /



Citizens of many countries are expressing concern about the environmental damage caused by

the widespread release of greenhouse gases may be impossible to reverse.

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在这个例子中,前半部分Citizens of many countries are expressing concern about the

environmental damage caused by the widespread release of greenhouse gases 非常正确,但是剩下的部分may be impossible to reverse 的主语是谁?句意上来说environmental damage 是其主语,但是environmental damage 不可能既是about 的宾语又是may be 的主语。所以这个句子可以这样将about 改为that :

Citizens of many countries are expressing concern THAT the environmental damage caused by the

widespread release of greenhouse gases may be impossible to reverse.

另一种改法是在may be impossible to reverse 前面加入名词,这种在GMAT考试中非常常见,特别是一些指代不清的情况下,通常出题者会用逗号加名词来解释说明后面的部分:

Citizens of many countries are expressing concern about the environmental damage caused by

the widespread release of greenhouse gases, DAMAGE THAT may be impossible to reverse.





当句子中两个谓语动词发起者是同一个人时,不要在and 前面加上逗号。

Wrong: Earl walked to school, AND later ate his lunch.

Right: Earl walked to school AND later ate his lunch.

Right: Earl walked to school, AND HE later ate his lunch.


 Right: The dam has created dead zones, WHERE fish have disappeared.

 Wrong: The dam has created dead zones; fish have disappeared.

分号又常常同些连接副词一起使用,如however, therefore, or in addition ,注意这些词和连词and 等又完全不相同,所以对于这些词,常常使用分号进行连接:

 Wrong: Andrew and Lisa are inseparable, THEREFORE, we never see them apart.

 Right: Andrew and Lisa are inseparable; THEREFORE, we never see them apart.


 Wrong: I listen to Earth, Wind & Fire, Wow, Owls, and Blood, Sweat & Tears.

 Right: I listen to Earth, Wind & Fire; Wow, Owls; and Blood, Sweat & Tears.

冒号(:)为之前的事提供进一步的解释,说明。冒号前的通常是一个句子,可以独立存在,而冒号后则无需是句子,而有时会在冒号后加入namely 或that is。

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I love listening to many kinds of music: namely, classical, rock, rap, and pop.


 Worse: Three factors affect the rate of a reaction: concentration, surface area, and


 Better: The rate of a reaction is affected by three factors: concentration, surface area,

and temperature.

破折号( - )是一个灵活的标点符号,GMAT考试中偶尔会用到。有时破折号可以代替逗号来使用:

By January 2, 2000, the so-called “Y2K problem” was already widely considered a joke—although

the reason for the non-event was the huge corporate and governmental investment in prior



My three best friends—Danny, Jimmy, and Joey—and I went skiing.

这句话如果用逗号就会让人误以为有七个人go skiing 。破折号有时用来解释或重复之前句子的某个部分,但不像冒号需要紧跟着需要解释的词前面:

Post-MBA compensation for investment bankers tends to surge far ahead of that for management

consultants—by tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars a year.

上面的这个例子中by tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars a year 解释句子前面的far。



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more 、most 、enough 、all 可以修饰可数名词或不可数名词。

对于numbers的比较应该使用greater 而不是more than。



1. 动词优于形容词或副词,而形容词和副词又优于名词:

Wordy: The townspeople’s REVOLUTION WAS AGAINST the king.

Better: The townspeople REVOLTED AGAINST the king.

Wordy: The artist WAS INFLUENTIAL TO the movement.

Better: The artist INFLUENCED the movement.

Wordy: THERE IS AN ABUNDANCE OF funds for school construction.

Better: Funds for school construction ARE ABUNDANT.


Wordy: They are subject to the applicability of rules.

Better: Rules apply to them.

Wordy: His conception of money was as a goal.

Wordy: His conception of money was as a goal.

Better: He conceived of money as a goal.

Wordy: The cost of storms to the country is billions.

Better: Storms cost the country billions.

Wordy: Her decision was to go.

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Better: She decided to go.

Wordy: His example was an influence on me.

Better: His example influenced me.

Wordy: Her example was an inspiration to me.

Better: Her example inspired me.

Wordy: They made a reference to the strike.

Better: They referred to the strike.

Wordy: The weight of the apples is a pound.

Better: The apples weigh a pound.

2. that +v. 优于其他名词短语:

 Wordy: The hypothesis ABOUT the COMPOSITION OF the universe AS largely dark

energy seems strange.

 Better: The hypothesis THAT the universe IS largely COMPOSED OF dark energy seems


当我们关注一堆名词短语时不如想想that 打头引导的句子,当然这些句子中都含有动词。动词就好比一个句子的心脏,有了动词句子就能更加准确简洁的表达现其意思。

3. 形容词好于介词短语:

 Wordy: Oil prices have fallen, but prices at the gasoline pump have not fallen TO A


 Better: Oil prices have fallen, but prices at the gasoline pump have not fallen



Wordy: to a considerable extent

Better: considerably

Wordy: to a significant degree

Better: significantly

4. 形容词好于带有还有BE 动词的形容词子

所以可以发现,对于冗余的结构常常用的是to be 的形式,因为用了to be 就会用到形容词名词等,而不会选择用动词或其他词:

 Wordy: Marcos is a professor WHO IS ADMIRABLE.

 Better: Marcos is an ADMIRABLE professor.


 Wordy: Joan, WHO IS a FIREFIGHTER, works in Yosemite Park.

 Better: Joan, a FIREFIGHTER, works in Yosemite Park.

5. 对于it is …that… 在不影响句意的情况下尽量不使用:

 Wordy: IT IS without fear THAT children should play.

 Better: Children should play without fear.

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总之,对于简洁而言只是最后的一个方法,不要轻易一开始就使用简洁,不要一看到the fact

that, being就把选项删除,现在考试中很多正确的答案都相当冗余但句意和语法上没有太大问题。



1. 不要为了追求简洁而删除介词短语:

 Too Short: I talked to the BOSTON SOLDIER.

 Better: I talked to the SOLDIER FROM BOSTON.

上面的例子中BOSTON SOLDIER 容易让我误解为一种特殊的士兵。所以对于这种介词短语不要轻易省略。但是对于OF 我们却可以进行转换:

A wall OF stone OR A stone wall

这里我们用到名词修饰的概念。但是对于有时间跨度,数量或有测量意思的词则不能用of 结构进行替换:

Too Short: Memorial Day week OR Memorial Day’s week

Better: the week OF Memorial Day

Too Short: the merger year

Better: the year OF the merger

Too Short: the oxygen amount

Better: the amount OF oxygen

Too Short: the honeybee population density OR the honeybee population’s density

Better: the density OF the honeybee population


Too Short: Aegean Sea salt

Better: salt FROM the Aegean Sea

Too Short: Ural Mountain ore

Better: ore FROM the Ural Mountains

Too Short: Danube River access

Better: access TO the Danube River

Too Short: population changes of honeybees

Better: changes IN the population of honeybees


 Too Short: Memorial Day week OR Memorial Day’s week

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Better: the week OF Memorial Day

Too Short: the merger year

Better: the year OF the merger

Too Short: the oxygen amount

Better: the amount OF oxygen

Too Short: the honeybee population density OR the honeybee population’s density

Better: the density OF the honeybee population

2. 不要轻易删除that of 或those of

 Too Short: The face I see in ads every day is a famous actor.

 Better: The face I see in ads every day is THAT OF a famous actor.

第一个句子的意思能理解为:Can a face be an actor?

3. 在报告词后加上that

 Too Short: The study INDICATES the problem has vanished.

 Better: The study INDICATES THAT the problem has vanished.

所谓报告词就是例如:indicate、claim、contend或者report等。这种报告词常常报告一个内容或者包含了某个想法或信念,而其所包含的内容可以单独形成一个句子,如The problem

has vanished.


类似的报告词还有:announce, assert, believe, confess, demonstrate, doubt, expect, hold, know,

mention, observe, proclaim, reason, recognize, repeat, state, think, warn, be convinced, be

certain, be assured,等。

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The bouquet of flowers WAS a giving of love.

很明显,这里的The bouquet of 和a giving of love 在结构上平行但实际上并不平行,虽然giving 在这里是作为句词使用。而作为这种动名词来说,可以被当作名词来使用,但是词性不纯。我们可以把动名词分为两类来讨论:

1.简单的动名词:Tracking satellites accurately is important for the space agency.

上面的例子中Tracking satellites accurately 可以被something 替换,这种动名词际上是将动词放在中间,而整体作为一个名词。

2. 复合动名词:The accurate tracking of satellites is important for the space agency.

这种形式下,动名词被完全包含在名词词组中,通常前面有冦词或形容词,或者of 的结构中,如:the running of marathons ,marathon running 。


Wrong: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions,

significant reductions in overall troop levels, raising the rebel flag on holidays, AND a general


Withdrawal, reductions, 和 pardon 都是名词,所以这里不能使用raising ,而且这样使用容易让我误解为是一种修饰。

Right: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions,

significant reductions in overall troop levels, THE raising OF the rebel flag on holidays, AND a

general pardon.


 Wrong: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed

regions AND releasing certain political prisoners.

 Wrong: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed

regions AND THE releasing OF certain political prisoners.

 Right: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed

regions AND THE RELEASE OF certain political prisoners.



 Wrong: At current prices, Antarctic oil may be worth drilling for, if wells can be dug

THERE and environmental concerns addressed.

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 Right: At current prices, oil in Antarctica may be worth drilling for, if wells can be dug

THERE and environmental concerns addressed.

One 通常指的不确定的,非特指的单数词:

After walking by the chocolates so many times, Roger finally had to eat ONE.

上例中的chocolate 没有特定指哪一个,而如果用其他代词如it ,they 都有明确特指哪个chocolate :

After walking by the chocolates so many times, Roger finally had to eat THEM.

在这个例子中,Roger 吃了所有的chocolate ,而如果我们特指的是单数就要用it :

After walking by the chocolates so many times, Roger finally had to eat ONE. IT was delicious, but

HE could eat only half of IT.


DO SO 可以指代句子的一整个动词,包括它的宾主,修饰语:

Quinn did not eat dinner quickly, but her brother DID SO.

在这里,do so 起的作用就相当于一个代词,而有时我们也省去so :

Quinn DID NOT eat dinner quickly, but her brother DID.

DO IT 则就要明确指前面的名词:

Quinn failed to do the homework, but her brother did IT.

It 指向了the homework,而这句话可以省略do


有时为了句子的简洁我们需要把主语或宾主后置,而需要用it 取代原来的位置,对于这种形式主语或形式宾语,我们不需要去寻它的先行词,这里有几种形式需要使用it :


Awkward: TO RESIST temptation is futile.

TO RESIST temptation 作为这个句子的主语,虽然这个句子语法正确但却显得头重脚轻。可以改写为:

Right: IT is futile TO RESIST temptation.

这里的it 指代不定式TO RESIST temptation 。


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THAT we scored at all gave us encouragement.

That 引导的句子作为这句话的主语,相当于一个名词部分,但是这个句子依然头重脚轻,所以可以改成:

Right: IT gave us encouragement THAT we scored at all.


对于代词的问题最简单的方法就是不使用代词,比如在一个长句子最后常出现it 或them


Wrong: After roasting the deer, the hunter extinguished the fire and then searched for a tree to

hang IT from.

这个句子中猎人想要hang the deer而不是fire,但是it 在这里从语法角度上是可以指向fire,而重复是解决这种问题的手段之一:

Right: After roasting the deer, the hunter extinguished the fire and then searched for a tree to

hang THE DEER from.


Right: New “nano-papers” incorporate fibers that give THESE MATERIALS strength.

这里的MATERIALS指new “nano-papers”,因为其也是materials的一种,我们再看一个例子:

Right: After the land-use agreement surfaced, the commission decided to subject any SUCH

CONTRACTS to debate in the future.

这里的contracts指the land-use agreement。这里不一定要使用those 或such,使用the就足够:

Right: After roasting the deer, the hunter extinguished the fire and then searched for a tree to

hang THE MEAT from.


在of 结构中of 前面的词被of 后面的词修饰,而另一个相对次要的修饰词紧跟着接着修饰:

Right: He had a way OF DODGING OPPONENTS that impressed the scouts.

上面的例子中,OF DODGING OPPONENTS修饰way而that impressed修饰前面整个名词a way



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An ice sheet covers 80 percent OF THE SURFACE OF GREENLAND, an area roughly the size of


an area roughly the size of Alaska修饰80 percent of the surface of而不是GREENLAND而of the

surface of Greenland需要紧跟在80 percent后。


Awkward: A new CEO who will transform the company by decentralizing authority to various

division heads while increasing their accountability through the use of public scorecards has

been hired.


Right: A new CEO has been hired who will transform the company by decentralizing authority to

various division heads while increasing their accountability through the use of public




 Right: This model explains all known subatomic particles, SOME OF WHICH WERE only

recently discovered.

 Right: This model explains all known subatomic particles, SOME OF THEM only recently


 Right: This model explains all known subatomic particles, SOME only recently


值得注意的是这种表达中只有which 后面是跟谓语动词,我们再看一种修饰:

His head held high, Owen walked out of the store.

在上面的这个句子中His head held high修饰后面的动词walked,表示Owen走出的状态,而在His head held high这个短语中,由一个名词His head 和一个名词修饰语held high构成,对于这种修饰方法我们也可以将其放在句尾或者用with的结构来修饰:

 Owen walked out of the store, his head held high.

 Owen walked out of the store with his head held high.


Scientists have found high levels of iridium in certain geological formations around the world,

results that suggest the cataclysmic impact of a meteor millions of years ago.

在上面的例子中,results that suggest the cataclysmic impact of a meteor millions of years ago

进一步解释了found high levels,而这个修饰又由名词results及名词修饰语 years

ago ,注意这时不存在就近修饰,语意上不可能修饰world。所以对于表示主句结果的我们可

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Wrong: Scientists have found high levels of iridium in certain geological formations around the

world, AND THIS suggests the cataclysmic impact of a meteor millions of years ago.




 Wordy: I have never seen an aardvark, but my father has seen an aardvark.

 Better: I have never seen an aardvark, but my father HAS.


 Wrong: I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father DID.

 Right: I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father saw one.


 Wrong: Our cars were designed to inspire envy, and they ARE.

 Right: Our cars were designed to inspire envy, and they DO.

对于第一句,they are (inspiring ) 因为时态的改变所以inspiring 不应该被省略,而第二句They DO inspire 没有什么问题。对于助动词而言,只能指代肯定的内容而不能指代否定句:

 Right: Some people do not eat soup, but others DO. (= do eat soup)

 Right: Some people do not eat soup as others DO. (= do eat soup)

在我们以前所学的过的英语中,有时会使用be to 来表示责任或义务或者是将来的一个时间,但在在GMAT中,这种表达方式容易让人产生误解,因而采用will 或should :

 Wrong: We ARE TO receive an invitation.

 Right: We WILL receive an invitation. OR We SHOULD receive an invitation.

最后在GMAT考试中对于表示条件时应用if ,而不用should :

 Awkward: SHOULD he PASS the test, he will graduate.

 Right: IF he PASSES the test, he will graduate.



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 Noun: I love TO SWIM. To swim 作为love 的宾语.

 Adjective: The person TO MEET is here. To meet 修饰名词person .

 Adverb: Sue paused TO EAT lunch. To eat 修饰动词paused .


Right: The contractors demolished the building TO KEEP it from falling down accidentally.

demolished 的发起者是contractors ,同时也是不定式to keep的发起者,它描述了demolish 的目的,这里的it 指代building。我们再看一个例子:

Wrong: The building was demolished TO AVOID falling down accidentally.

上面的例子中building 本身不可能AVOID falling down,对于上面例子可以这样修改:

The building was demolished TO KEEP IT from falling down accidentally.

这里的it 指代building ,经过这样修改,building 变成了不定式的宾语。不定式虽然可騨发名词用但还是和名词有许多不同的地方,比如不能作为介词的宾语。



 Investors sold the stock rapidly, CAUSING panic.

 Investors sold the stock rapidly TO CAUSE panic.

看出意思上的差别了吗?分词表示的是一种结果,但是我们不知道investors 的用意,恐慌是有意识的还是无恴造成的。而对于不定式,investors 的用意就是要造成恐慌,但是对于不定式我们不知道这个动作所造成的后果。我们还要注意其他修饰语所产生的不同句意,如从句:

 A technique ALLEVIATING pain is growing popular.

 A technique THAT ALLEVIATES pain is growing popular.

 A technique TO ALLEVIATE pain is growing popular.

用现在分词和从句表达的意思其实差不多,technique 是alleviate 的发起者,但如果使用不定式则technique 就不是alleviate 的发起者。




The man is THREE TIMES AS OLD AS his grandson.

我们可以说3 Times As Old As, 但不能写 3 Times Older Than. 同样可以写3 Years Older Than,

但是不能写3 Years As Old As.当然使用times 的时候不一定要用as 或than :

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 Right: The cost of a ticket is $12, SIX TIMES the cost ten years ago.

 Right: The concert was attended by 300 people, TWICE the previous attendance.

而如果想表示两个数字的加或减则要用more than 或less than :

 Right: I am TEN years OLDER THAN you.

 Wrong: I am TEN years AS OLD AS you.

More 和less 可以当作名词代词,也可以用作形容词副词等:

 Right: I own MORE THAN I should. (more = noun or pronoun)

 Right: I own MORE SHIRTS THAN I should. (more = adjective)

 Right: I sleep MORE THAN I should. (more = adverb)

而其他表示数比较的词如high 和low 只能做形容词:

 Right: My bills are LOWER than they were last year.

 Wrong: I spend LOWER than I did last year.

 Right: I spend LESS than I did last year.

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