新编实用英语综合教程2 Unit 6 Shopping and Sightseeing教案


Unit 6 Shopping and Sightseeing

Unit Goals

What you should learn to do

1. Ask about the price

2. Ask about style, size, and color of clothing

3. Ask about the model, use and guarantee of appliances

4. Talk about shopping

5. Ask for a discount

6. Understand and talk about shopping and travel ads

7. Read and ask about operating instructions

What you should know about

1. Shopping

2. Tourist attractions

3. Present participate and past participate as attributives

Section I Talking Face to Face

1. Imitating Mini-Talks

2. Acting out the Tasks

3. Studying Email Information on the Internet

4. Following Sample Dialogues

5. Putting Language to Use

Section II Being All Ears

1. Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication

2. Handling a Dialogue

3. Understanding a Short Speech / Talk

Section III Trying your Hand

1. Practicing Applied Writing

2. Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar

Section IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye

Passage 1 :

Information Related to the Reading Passage

From the first World Expo held in London in 1851, the World Expos have been

held successively for many years. In 1933, World Expo Chicago set up its theme, and

then the following expos also had their special themes.

Text How I “Survived” the Shanghai Expo

An Overseas Visitor’s Personal Experience

My aunt in Vancouver shared a wise Chinese saying after she came back from

her trip to the Shanghai Expo:“If you didn’t go to the Shanghai Expo, you

would regret it. If you did go to the Shanghai Expo, you would regret it even more.”

I laughed. However, there was a lot of truth to the statement. For the price of an

admission ticket to the Expo, you could get to witness a great human accomplishment:

Over 200 architecturally cutting-edge national pavilions in a 4-km2 exhibition site. At

the same time, you could get to witness and experience the exhausting 4 or 5 hours’

long queuing lines.

Believe me: the Expo itself would wear you out after Day One. In addition, you

shouldn’t have come just to visit Shanghai for the Expo. Shanghai was a dynamic,

modern, international city — the “city of the future” — and it is really worth

breaking up your Expo visit with trips to the Bund, to Nanjing Road, to ultra-modern

Pudong, maybe even to the neighboring cities: Hangzhou and Suzhou. And if you’d

been to Shanghai many times already and seen all these sights, then you could use the

rest of your time to do the one thing Shanghai was best known for: shopping,

shopping, shopping.

How I Chose The Best Pavilions to See

“What were the best pavilions to see?” This was a good question. With over

200 pavilions and such limited time and such long lines, you wouldn’t want your day

at the Expo site to go to waste.

Actually, answering this question would start with yourself. If you’d been to

France, there was no point waiting an hour to see the Fisher Price version of France in

the French Pavilion (although still quite beautiful).

The Real Stars I enjoyed most: mid-sized Countries pavilions

You might be very much exhausted by queuing before the heavy hitters of the

Expo — the China pavilion and the big “brand-name” countries — but you will

also discover that there are some real gems —mid-sized countries’ pavilions.

Mid-sized countries pavilions had short lines (10-30 minutes at most) and their

displays could be quite beautiful and informative! Two that I enjoyed were: Indonesia

and New Zealand. Indonesia had a long, snaking exhibit that showcased everything

from coral reefs to ruins of culture. New Zealand, while short on the actual interior

display, had a roof garden with everything from stuffed animals to Kiwi trees and

herbs. Some countries were too small or poor to afford their own stand-alone pavilion.

In that case, they rented space in a pavilion warehouse, usually grouped by region or

continent. The Africa pavilion reminded me of a college activities fair, with booths

and stands for individual countries. These places are also great if you were looking to

learn more about a lot of countries in a short amount of time.

Simply stated, the Shanghai Expo was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Maybe

it’s because, after visiting the Expo, you would probably tell yourself that you never

want to do this again. But once you get to recall this rare Shanghai Expo experience

sometime in the future, you will probably be happy that you had the chance to partake

in such a world-class event and such an unusual experience.

Language Points

1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences

1. (Para. 3) Shanghai is a dynamic, modern, international city — the “city of the

future” — and it is really worth breaking up your Expo visit with trips to the Bund,

to Nanjing East Road, to ultra-modern Pudong, maybe even to neighboring Hangzhou

and Suzhou.

Analysis: This is a long compound sentence, with several parallel phrases to …,

to …, to …, even to … as attributives modifying the word trips.

It is really worth breaking up your Expo visit means there is a good

enough reason for visiting some other places except the Shanghai Expo.

Translation: 上海是个充满活力的现代化的国际城市——“未来之城”,因此的确



Example: It’s well worth getting to the lecture early if you want a good seat.

His proposal is really worth considering.

2. (Para. 3) And if you’ve been to Shanghai many times already and have seen all

these sights, then use the rest of your time to do the one thing Shanghai is best known

for: shopping, shopping, shopping.

Analysis: This is a complex sentence, in which you can is omitted before the verb use

in the main clause. And the relative clause (the word which is omitted) — (which)

Shanghai is best known for modifies one thing, with shopping, shopping, shopping as

the appositive to one thing.

Translation: 如果你之前已经多次去过上海,上述景点都参观过,那么你可以把其余的时间用在上海最著名的一件事上:购物、购物、再购物。

Example: The region is best known for its fine wines.

This small town is best known for its handicraft products.

3. (Para. 5) If you’ve been to France, there’s no point waiting an hour to see the

Fisher-Price version of France in the French Pavilion (although still quite


Analysis: Fisher-Price is a brand name of toys. Here it implies pocket size.

There is no point doing sth. means there is no reason for doing something.

Translation: 如果你以前去过法国,就没有必要排一个小时的队去参观微缩版的法国馆了(尽管这个展馆很美)。

Example: I see no point in arguing over the details of the contract.

Thank you. There’s no point in being surprised about it.

4. (Para. 7) New Zealand, while short on the actual interior display, had a roof garden

with everything from stuffed animals to Kiwi trees and herbs.

Analysis: while here means although; short on means having few.

Translation: 在新西兰国家馆,尽管里边实际的展品很少,却有一个屋顶花园,里面有很多东西,从动物模型到猕猴桃树和草药。

Example: While there was no conclusive evidence, most people thought he was guilty.

While she is a likable girl, she can be extremely difficult to work with

2 Important Words

1. share

v. to divide or use (sth.) with others 分享


Students were able to share their experiences.

They meet to share secrets and relive old memories.

2. regret

v. to feel sorry about something you have done and wish you had not

done it 后悔


If we don’t act now, we’ll regret it in the future.

I’ve never regretted the decision.

I’m going to regret eating all this food.

3. sights

n. ( plural) famous or interesting places that tourists visit 风景


We enjoyed seeing the sights of San Francisco.

In the afternoon, you’ll have a chance to relax or see the sights.

4. experience

n. something that happens to you or something you do, especially

when this has an effect on what you feel or think 体验

v. if you experience a problem, event, or situation, it happens to you

or affects you 经历,体验


This was my first experience of living with other people.

Children need to experience things for themselves in order to learn

from them.

5. display

n. an arrangement of things for people to look at or buy 展品

v. to show something to people, or put it in a place where people can see

it easily 展示


The window display caught her eye.

Local train and bus timetables are displayed in the station.

6. informative

a. providing many useful facts or ideas 提供大量资料的


This is really an informative and entertaining book.

The engineer’s lecture was very informative.

7. recall

v. to remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the past 回想起


I seem to recall I’ve met him somewhere before.

I can’t recall who gave me the information.

8. fair

n. an event at which people or businesses show and sell their products



a trade fair (where companies show their newest products)

a craft fair (where people sell handmade products such as jewellery,

paintings, etc.)

Passage 2 :

Information Related to the Reading Passage

Yiwu is a city with a population of over 2 million people and is located in

Zhejiang Province. Yiwu is about 100 km south of Hangzhou. Its GDP was 52 billion

Yuan in 2009 and the per capita GDP over US$10,000. A World Bank report describes

Yiwu like this: “Yiwu, 300 kilometers away from Shanghai, is the largest market of

petty commodity wholesales in the world where various foreign buyers go to place


Text Yiwu, a Mega Market for Small Commodities

Measuring around 1,100 square kilometers, almost the size of Hong Kong, Yiwu

seems just like another ordinary small inland city in eastern China. However, in the

past two decades, the city has grown into a mega market that is attracting attention

from all over the world.

Every day, over 1,000 TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit) containers of products

are sent from Yiwu to around 200 countries and regions. In the first half of this year,

the city saw over 800 million US dollars in trade volume.

With the fame of Yiwu as a mega market for small commodities growing

globally, more and more foreign businessmen are flooding into the city. While

searching for good business here, they also brought opportunities and fortune to the


As foreign businessmen have become an important part of the city’s economy

and social life, Yiwu is embracing more and more newcomers of different

nationalities and diverse cultures. Some foreigners choose Yiwu to start their career

and the city has become their home outside their motherland.

Azimi from Afghanistan arrived in Yiwu to start his business after he graduated

as an overseas student in Beijing. Just like some other foreign businessmen in the city,

now he owns a trade company here and speaks fluent Chinese. However, two

years ago, Yiwu was somewhere he had never heard of.

“I came to Yiwu in 2001 for the first time, when my cousin told me that there

was a city in China called Yiwu, which sounds like YOU, and I had no idea where it


During his first visit to Yiwu, Azimi saw the early phase of the small

commodity market there, which impressed him a lot. After he finished his studies, he

finally decided to start his career in Yiwu, and the fast development of the city has

brought big profits to him. At the beginning, Azimi planned to stay in Yiwu for a year

to earn some extra money before continuing his study, but he had to change the plan


“Now I’ve decided to continue my stay in Yiwu, because my business is going

quite well, which is out of my expectation.”

Now, Azimi’s company sells various products for daily use from Yiwu to many

other countries, including the U.S. and European countries. As for many other foreign

businessmen in the city, Yiwu has now become what their lives and careers are all


Pushed by the integration of different cultures, the small inland city is turning

into the foreland of globalization. People with different backgrounds gather here and

try hard to realize their business dreams. They profit from the city’s development,

and also fuel the future development of the city.

Language Points

1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences

1. (Para. 3) While searching for good business here, they also brought opportunities

and fortune to the city.

Analysis: while here means at the same time when something is happening. In this

clause, they are has been omitted.

Translation: 他们在义乌寻良好的商机的同时,也为这座城市带来了机遇和财富。

Example: She met Andy while working for the production department of Carmen.

I bought a magazine while waiting for the train.

2. (Para. 5) … however, two years ago, Yiwu was somewhere he had never heard of.

Analysis: Be had never heard of is a relative clause with that omitted, modifying


Translation: 然而,两年前义乌却是一个他从没听说过的地方。

Example: It’s odd that I haven’t heard of you.

I’ve heard of a job which would be just right for you.

3. (Para. 7) During his first visit to Yiwu, Azimi saw the early phase of the small

commodity market there, which impressed him a lot.

Analysis: which impressed him a lot is a relative clause, which refers to the whole

clause before it. This clause is used to add more information about the event just


Translation: 当第一次来到义乌时,阿兹米看到的是这个小商品市场的早期状况,


Example: A skilled workforce is essential, which is why our training program is so


Bogart starred in the film Casablanca, which was made in 1942.

4. (Para.9) As for many other foreign businessmen in the city, Yiwu has now become

what their lives and careers are all about.

Analysis: what their lives and careers are all about is a subject complement clause.

Translation: 至于城里的许多其他外国商人,义乌现在已经成为他们生活和事业的全部。

Example: I could get you a job here if that’s what you want.

Peter always does his best, and that’s what I like about him.

2 Important Words

1. grow

v. to increase in amount, size, number, or strength 发展,增长


In the early part of the century, our foreign trade grew steadily.

He has spent the past seven years growing his business.

2. search for

to try to find someone or something by looking very carefully 寻


I’ve searched high and low for my glasses.

A plane was sent to search for the missing tourists.

3. flood

v. to arrive or go somewhere in large numbers 蜂拥而至

n. a very large amount of water that covers an area that is usually dry 洪水


Donations have been flooding in since we launched the appeal.

The village was cut off by floods.

4. hear of

to find out that something has happened 听说


I was shocked to hear of his death.

This was the first time that I’d heard of any trouble in the area.

5. expectation

n. the belief that something will happen 预料,预期


The team set off without any expectation of success.

Gina has succeeded beyond our expectation.

6. impress

v. to make someone admire and respect 留下印象


We were very impressed by the standard of work.

One candidate in particular impressed us with her knowledge.

7. profit

n. money that you gain by selling things or doing business after your

costs have been paid 利润

v. to get advantage or benefit from doing something 收益


All the profits from the auction will go to cancer research.

Some industries, such as shipbuilding, clearly profited from the war.

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