


Lesson Thirteen Hobbyist

Fredric Brown

Learning Guide



n. (业余)爱好,嗜好(不包括阅读等)

st n. 有某种癖好者

n. 传闻,传言,谣言

tely adv. 绝对地;完全地

st n. 药商,药剂师

ore n. 药房


pletely adv. 完全地,彻底地

ctable adj. 觉察不到的,发现不了的

detect v. 侦察,觉察

detectable adj. 觉察到的


detective n.

n. 毒药,毒物

poisonous adj. 有毒的

y n. 门口

n. 休息时间

12. ring v. 充满

13. be ringed with 被…….装满

14. coffee-pot n. 咖啡壶

15. motion v. 用动作或手势示意

motion sb. to do sth. 示意某人做某事

16. upraise v. 抬起,抬高

17. convince v. 使信服,说服;使确信

Convincing adj 令人信服的

Convinced adj 感到信服的

18. deserve v. 值得,应得

19. shrug v. 耸肩

20. briefly adv. 简短地

21. freely adv. 免费地

22. case n. 事例,实例

23. murderer n. 凶手,杀人犯

murder v. 杀人

24. antidote n.['?ntid?ut]解毒药,解毒剂

25. possibility n. 可能性

Possible adj.

26. double-cross n. 欺骗行为,出卖行为

27. blackmail n. ,

28. pistol n. 手

29. chuckle n. 低声地笑,自笑

30. deadly adj. 致命的

31. bluff v. 虚张声势,吓唬人

32. growl v. 咆哮,发火

33. reasonable adj. 合理的,有理由的

34. wallet n. 钱包

35. confession n. 自白,供认,承认

36. intension n. 目的,意图,打算

intend to do sth. 打算做某事

37. former adj. 以前的

formal 正式的

38. evidence n. 证据


Para. 1 Page 295

1. " I heard a rumor," Sangstrom said, " that you-" He turned

his head and looked about him to make absolutely sure that he

and the druggist were alone in the tiny drugstore.



A. 注意:rumor与其同位语从句之间插入了一些描述性词句。同位语从句为:that

you have a completely undetectable poison."(你这里卖一种别人完全察觉不到的毒药)

B look about /around 环顾四周

look at v. 看;考虑;着眼于

look for寻

look forwardto 期待;盼望

take a look看一下

have a look看一下,看一眼;看一看

look into观察;窥视;浏览

look up仰望;查阅;尊敬;拜访

look after照顾;关心;目送

look back回顾;回头看

look in看望;顺道访问

look on观看,旁观;看待

look around游览;到处察看;到处寻


look out注意;面朝;照料

look good看起来很好看

look down俯视;向下看;用目光慑服某人;[股]看跌

C make sure :make certain 查明,务必,确信,弄清楚

E.g. They wanted to make sure they got a slice of the profits.


E.g. Make sure how many are going to bring in the wheat



D alone isolated from others 单独的


alone是表语形容词,因此能说The man is alone,

不能说an alone man。

也不能说very alone,只能说much alone或very much alone,


lone是定语形容词,因此能说a lone man,不能说The man is




却还是寂寞)。有时lonely还指“不大有人到的”,如a lonely



Mary is very lonesome with her husband and children so

much away.

druggist was a little man who could have been any age

from fifty to a hundred.


A could 表示推测可能加完成形式,表示对过去的推测。

3. They were alone, but Sangstrom dropped his voice just the

same. "-that you have a completely undetectable poison."

A. drop one's voice 降低声音

B. just the same 仍然,还是= all the same

E.g. He's not very reliable, but I like him just the



e.g. The sun's out, but I'll take a raincoat just the



mother is a lady, but just the same she eats boil

cabbage with a


Para. 2 Page 295

4. The druggist nodded. He came around the counter and

locked the front

door of the shop, then walked toward a doorway behind the

counter. "

I was

about to take a coffee break," he said. "Come with me and

have a cup."



A. nod to sb. 对某人点头.

B. be about to do sth.将要做某事 (不和具体的时间状语连用)

e.g. I was about to leave when it began to rain.


Para. 3. Page 295

rom followed him around the counter and through

the doorway to

a back room ringed by shelves of bottles from floor to ceiling.




A。 Follow 跟随,尾随

B. Around 绕过

C. Through 穿过

D. (be ) ringed with/by 充满.....被....环绕

with 表示状态,by表示动作“被”

E.g. The city is ringed with mountains.


E.g. The lake is ringed with willows. 该湖四周柳树环绕。

E. From floor to ceiling 从地面到天花板

6. The druggist plugged in an electric coffee pot, found two

cups and put them on a table that had a chair on either side of it.

He motioned Sangstrom to one of the chairs and took the other

himself. "Now," he said. "Tell me. Whom do you want to kill, and





A. plug in sth. 把……插上电源

you plug in the tape recorder for me?


e.g.. He put plug in his ear because the noise was too



B. coffee pot 咖啡壶

C. either:(两边的)各边

D. Motion sb. to do sth.示意某人做某事

E. he other:一个......另一个 (指两者中一个.....另一个)

Page 296 Para. 4

7. "Does it matter?" Sangstrom asked. "Isn't it enough that I

pay for—"


A. It 指上文的 Whom Sangstrom wanted to kill

B matter v 要紧,有关系本句相当于 Is it important to you

personally ? 这对你个人来说很重要吗?

C pay for 付款,支付,买主语通常是人。

D ----- dash 破折号表示Sangstrom 的话还没说完,被the

druggist 打断。

Page 296 Para. 5

8. The druggist interrupted him with an upraised hand. "Yes,

it matters. I must be convinced that you deserve what I can give

you. Otherwise-" he shrugged.



A interrupt sb. With sth.

e.g.. It is not polite to interrupt a speaker with frequent



e.g. It is not polite to interrupt when someone is talking.


B be convinced (of) ......确信……

e.g..I am convinced of his


C deserve 值得

e.g.. He didn't really deserve (that) she should be so kind to



e.g.. You really deserve a good beating, you naughty boy.



e.g.. I do not deserve all the praises bestowed upon me. 我不配得到这些赞扬。


e.g.. What punishment do you think you deserve? 该当何罪?

D shrug 耸肩, 不理会

can shrug off her troubles and keep smiling.


e.g..With a shrug, he went out of the room.


Para. 6 Page 296

9. "All right," Sangstrom said. "The whom is my wife. The why-" he started the long story. Before he had quite finished, the

coffee pot had finished its task and the druggist briefly

interrupted to get the coffee for them. Sangstrom finished his



A he why 当名词使用相当于

The person whom I want to kill, the reason why I want to kill


B. Before he had quite finished, the coffee pot had finished

its task

此处两个 finish 故事没有 finish, 而 coffee 已经finish了,即:coffee 已经煮好了(= the coffee was ready )

Para. 7 Page 296

little druggist nodded. "Yes, I occasionally give out an

undetectable poison. I do so freely; I do not charge for it, if I think

the case is deserving.

I have helped many murders."


A give out:分发,分送;这里指医生开处方。

Give 短语

give oneself(为...)献身

give up放弃;交出

give out分发,发出;公布,发表;用尽,精疲力竭

give in v. 屈服;让步;交上

give aid to给…予帮助

give one's attention to v. 注意

give away放弃;泄露;分发;出卖

give advice劝告,忠告

give off发出(光等);长出(枝、杈等)

B an undetectable poison. 一种察觉不到的毒药

C freely 免费的

D charge for sth. 对......收费,要价

Para. 8 Page 296

11. "Fine," Sangstrom said. "Please give it to me, then."


Para. 9. Page 296

12. The druggist smiled at him. "I already have. By the time

the coffee was ready I had decided that you deserved it. It was,

as I said, free. But there is a price for the antidote."



A. smile at sb. 对某人微笑

B .By the time the coffee was ready I had decided that you

deserved it

by the time: 到......的时候,主句谓语一般用完成时。

Para 10 Page 296

13. Sangstrom turned pale. But he had expected-not this,

but the possibility of a double-cross or some form of blackmail.

He pulled a pistol from his pocket.



A turn 变得

不是.... 而是.....

C possibility 可能性

D double-cross 欺骗行为,出卖行为

e.g..The thieves tried to double-cross each other each

wanting to keep

all the money for himself. 窃贼们互相欺骗,都想把所有的钱据为己有。

E.g. They say that he would even double-cross his own



E. Blackmail 胁迫,,,讹诈

e.g..She demanded $ 1000 blackmail from him. 她向他了1000美元。

Para. 11 Page 297

14. The little druggist chuckled. "You daren't use that. Can

you find the antidote"—he waved at the shelves—"among those

thousands of bottles? Or would you find a faster, more deadly

poison? Or if you think I'm bluffing, that you are not really






A. Chuckle 轻声笑, 咯咯笑, 暗自笑

are you chuckling about?


chuckled(to himself) as he read the



B. Dare 敢,既可以是情态动词,也可以是实意动词。作情态动词多用于否定和疑问。

C. Deadly adj 致命的

D. bluff 吓唬;愚弄;以假象欺骗;虚张声势绝壁;断崖

E.g. Operators bluff about closing their online businesses,

saying price rises will scare buyers



15. go ahead and shoot. You'll know the answer within three

hours when the poison starts to work."


A。 Go ahead 继续这里指拿着要杀害药店老板。

B work 指药物体作用。发作

Para. 12 Page 297

16."How much for the antidote?" Sangstrom growled.


A. growl 怒吠, 咆哮, 吼

ly we were aroused by a thunder of a growl.


Para. 13 Page 297

17. "Quite reasonable.A thousand all, a man

must live. Even if his hobby is preventing murderers,there's no

reason why he shouldn't make money at it, is there?"


A. After all 毕竟

All 短

in all总共,合计

all over到处,遍及;浑身;全部结束

at all(否定句)根本;究竟

after all毕竟;终究

above all首先;尤其是

first of all adv. 首先

all in all总而言之;头等重要的东西

that's all就这样;说完了

B. even if …即使……引导让步状语从句

C. There is no reason why he shouldn't…双重否定

Para. 14. Page 297

rom growled and put the pistol down, but within

reach, and took out his wallet.


A. Within reach 伸手可及,在附近 beyond reach= without

reach =

out of reach 够不着

e.g..The village is within reach of London.


e.g..Medicine should not be left within reach of small



19. Maybe after he had the antidote, he'd still use that pistol.

He counted out a thousand dollars in hundred-dollar bills and

put them on the table.

put sth. down 把......放下

within reach 伸手可及

counted out a thousand dollars in hundred-dollar bills

and put them on the


A. count out: 数出

B A hundred-dollar bill 面值为100美元的一张钞票

Para. 15. Page 297

21. The druggist made no immediate move to pick them up.

He said:" and one other thing—for your wife's safety and mine.


A. immediate move:立即行动

B pick up 拾起,捡起,

C one other thing 还有一事。

22. You will write a confession of your former intention, I

hope---- to murder your wife. 你要写份自白书──我希望是写你以前的打算──你要毒死你妻子A。 Confession 坦白,自白,供认

B intention 意图,意向

23. Then you will wait till I go out and mail it to a Friend of

mine in the police. He'll keep it as evidence in case you ever do

decide to kill your wife. Or me, for that matter.


A. a friend of mine = one of my friends

B. in case: 以防…….后面接从句, in case of 以防,万一,后面接名词

the telephone number down in case you



E.g.. In case of rain, they can't


Para. 16 Page 297

24. "When that is in the mail ,it will be safe for me to return

here and give

you the antidote. I'll get you paper and pen…



A. That 指前面的confession 坦白书

B it will be safe for me to return here and give you the

antidote it 为形式主

语,真正的主语为后面的不定式复合结构for sb. To do sth.

Para. 17 Page 297

25. "Oh, one other thing—although I do not absolutely insist

on it. Please

help spread the word about my undetectable poison, will you?



A insist on 坚持

bank will insist on collateral for a loan of that



e.g..I still insist on my viewpoint. 我仍坚持我的观点。

e.g..I must insist on more regular hours. 我必须强调起居定时。

e.g..I'm afraid we have to call the whole deal off if you still

insist on your original


B. spread 传播,扩散

C the word 消息,信息口信

D will you 用于祈使句后面,使语气委婉。

26. One never knows, rom. The life you save, if you

have any enemies, just might be your own."


A one never knows,===you never know 指事情的不确定性。


e.g..You never know how he is going to react.


E.g. You never know what you can get till you cry.


B. Might 表示推测“也许,大概”

三、Useful Expressions (Page 299)

1. Make sure (that) 确定;确保

2. Be about to do 正要做……

3. Be convinced that 确信,信服

4. Give out 分送,分发

5. Charge (sb.) for (sth.) (就……)向某人索取……的费用

6. Count out 数出(钱等)

ahead (and do) 请做,请说

8. In case 以防,还是

the same (= all the same) 仍然,还是

-------- Do you need any help?

---------No, I can manage it, but thank you just the same.

10. Otherwise 否则

E.g. You must mend your ways, otherwise you’ll end up in



11. Within the reach of sb. /within sb.’s reach

e.g..While reading I always have a dictionary within my reach.

12. Insist on sth./doing sth. 坚决要求某事或做某事

e.g..He insisted on his rights.

e.g..My friend insisted on going with me.

E.g. He insisted on my going to see a doctor.

四、Verb Pattern 13


e.g. Watching TV is not good for your eyes. 看电视对你的眼睛不好。

注意:动名词短语的逻辑短语可以是人称代词、名词、名词短语(如him,its,Tom, the students)或是比较正式的所有格形式。不表示人的代词或名词所有格则很少使用。

E.g. I don't like watching TV. 我不喜欢看电视。 (看电视的是“我”)

e.g..I don't like him watching TV.(看电视的是“他”)(非正式)

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