

Unit 5 It will be sunny and cool tomorrow

Period 1

一、 教学目标

(一) 语言目标

1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词forecast,clear,heavy,light,rain;能听懂、理解、会说新单词won’t;能在语境中复习与运用关于天气的旧单词sunny,rainy,cold,warm,cool,hot

2. 句型:能理解、运用句型“It will∕won′t betomorrow.”描述不同天气;能 理解、运用句型“There will ∕won′t be a”进一步描述不同天气

(二) 应用目标

1. 能用英文指认将来的不同天气

2. 能向同伴介绍将来的天气情况

3. 能听懂、会说课文A部分的天气预报

二、 教学重、难点

1. 重点:能听懂、会说、认读新单词forecast,clear,heavy,light,rain;能用句型“It will∕won′t be, tomorrow.”与“There will ∕won′t be a,”对不同天气做出细致描述。

2. 难点:能运用名词rain,wind,snow等以及他们相对应的形容词rainy,windy,snowy等;能理解并学会运用“It will∕won′t be,”与“There

will ∕won′t be a”。

三、 教学准备 单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等

四、 教学过程

Step 1 warm-up

1. Greetings

2. Sing a song: How is the weather? How is the weather?It is a fine day

How is the weather? It is a cloudy day How is the weather? It is raining

How is the weather? It is snowing

Step 2 Presentation

1. New words and new sentences

(1) Brainstorming 教师出示核心单词weather,在weather四周出示不同天气的图片,帮助学生复习已学过的天气单词sunny,rainy,windy,snowy,cold,warm,cool,hot等

(2) 情景创设:教师结合实际,为学生创设秋游的情景,在情景中学习并操练新单词weather forecast,clear,heavy,light,rain,won’t等 师生讨论:提到秋游,孩子们首先考虑的是什么?

T:good weather is very important。Now let’s listen to a weather forecast

板书并操练新单词 用课件播放声音或教师现场配音:this is CCTV。It’s time for the weather ow will be clear in„,It will be

sunny and cool.

T:Shall we go outtomorrow?(可播放多次后提问)

Ss:Yes,because it will be sunny and cool.

T:So it will be clear.“clear”means “sunny”.So we will go out

now,my friend Lily called is a teacher,

students in Beijing will have a school outing tomorrow, what

about the weather there?

Listen again. 播放声音之前,用课件或卡片出示三个句子让学生填空:It will----in Beijing.

There will be----in the morning,but there will be----in the afternoon. 用课件播放声音或教师现场配音:This is CCTV. It’s time for the weather

forecast. It will rain in Beijing. There will be a light rain in the

morning,but there will be a heavy rain in the afternoon.

学生作答,并在教师的简笔画帮助下理解light rain 与heavy rain T:What a pity!They won′t go out tomorrow(理解、操练won′t)

2. The text

第一步:Listen and count 不打开书,听音。

听音前给出任务 (1) How many cities can you hear?

(2) What are they?

第二步:Listen and find 完成表格 City Beijing Xi’an Shanghai

Changsha Sanya

第三步:Read and check 打开书,圈出五个城市的名称及天气,并检查自己听到的是否正确。

第四步:Listen and repeat 听音,跟读。引导学生正确模仿,提醒学生注意读出天气预报员的语气

第五步:Read and act 根据教学挂图,引导学生记忆天气预报和表演

Step 3 Practice

1. 游戏:吟古诗,根据古诗的描述说出相应的天气 教师出示古诗,


如:敕勒川,阴山下,天似穹庐,笼盖四野。天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊(可复习windy,strong wind等词)



was rainy and windy last night,but maybe it will be sunny.)


千里黄云白日曛,北风吹雁雪纷纷。莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君?(可复习winter,snowy,heavy snow等词)

2. 情景创设:周末块到了,和朋友一起讨论周末活动的计划 如:

S1:Hello,Jim,nice to meet you.

S2:Peter,nice to meet you,ow is are yougoing

to do on Saturday?

S1:I’m going to play basketball with my father

S2: Did you watch the weather forecast?

S1: will be sunny and about you?

S2:I will go to the bookstore

Step 4 Homework

1. 听一听,读一读:认真听、有感情地朗读A部分内容

2. 背一背,记一记:和好朋友比一比,看谁能更快更好地背出A部


Period 2




2.句型:能在语境中运用新句型“It will/won′t be, tomorrow.”与 “There

will ∕won′t be a„”描述明天或将来的天气

3.语法:能理解will∕won′t表示将来的含义;能理解“It will∕won′t be,

tomorrow.”与 “There will ∕won′t be a„”中be的用法






1.重点:能在语境中运用新句型“It will∕won′t be,”与“There will ∕won′t

be a„”描述明天或将来的天气;能运用合适的阅读技巧进行阅读。

2.难点:对名词rain,wind,snow等以及他们相对应的形容词rainy,windy,snowy等的正确运用;对“It will∕won′t be,”与“There will ∕won′t


三.教学准备 单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等


Step 1 Warm–up


T:what date is it today?

T:what day is it today?

T:what’s the weather like today?


Step 2 Presentation 1.

Part C:Let’s practice


①sunny it tomorrow be will

②it snowy will be Changchun in

③be there wind strong Changsha in will a

④next there rain a heavy Monday will be

(2)情景创设:为十一黄金周设计理想的天气 学生分组讨论理想的国庆出游计划,然后交流

S1:I will go to Beijing.

S2:I will visit my grandparents in the countryside.

T:Ilike your good weather is very you design

your weather forecast?

(3) Pair work:为十一黄金周设计理想的天气并进行描述

(4) Show time:两人一组分工合作,一人绘图,一人写句子。再


: Let’s read

第一步:Read and find 请学生快速阅读文章,然后圈出文中提到的两个城市

第二步:Read and answer 再次快速阅读文章,填空

(1) There will be ________in Guangzhou

(2) There will be a________and ________tomorrow

(3) All students in Guangzhou will not________

(4) It will be ________and ________in Beijing

第三步:Read and write

(1) What will people do in Guangzhou?

(2) What will people do in Beijing?

第四步:Give some advice 学生给教师提出建议:根据天气,提议教师去其中某个城市。或教师出示句子,学生填空:Emily,I think you

should go to________,because it will be ________in________,and there

will be a ________.People will________. So ________is better Step 3


1. 听力操练:Weather in New York

听力材料:weather forecast for New York. Tomorrow is Sunday. It will

rain all day,but it won’t be heavy. Please go out with an umbrella. It will

be cloudy on Monday. There will be a light wind. It’s cool. Then on

Tuesday,it will be sunny and cool. On Wednesday,it will be clear,too.

On Thursday,there will be a big storm. There will be a strong wind and

heavy rain,so please stay in safe places. On Friday,it will rain,but there

will be a light rain. You can go to the park on Saturday,because it will be

sunny and warm. Remember to wear a thin coat!Bye!


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

2. 游戏操练:天气预报员


Step 4 Homework

1. 看一看,记一记:请和家人一起观看CCTV-1晚上7:30的天气预报,并记录你喜欢的五个城市明天的天气情况

2. 想一想,说一说:根据十一黄金周的天气预报或预测情况,向父母提议去某地的方案,并利用学过的句型陈述理由。

Period 3




2.句型:能在语篇中运用新句型“It will/won′t be„”与 “There will ∕won′t

be a„”描述明天或将来的天气




2.能在唱英文歌Itsy Bitsy Spider的过程中感受到学习英语的快乐 3.能在出行前关注天气变化,进一步了解全球气候变暖的问题,树立保护环境的意识。



2.难点:学唱Itsy Bitsy Spider;能运用天气单词与句型向他人介绍将来的天气

三.教学准备 单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等


Step 1 Warm–up

1. Greetings

2. Revision:学生汇报国庆节某地天气情况,并试着运用已学句型陈述想去该地的理由

Step 2 Presentation 1. PartE:Let’s write

(1) Free talk 教师和学生自由交换,讨论自己去过的城市或地方,并谈论天气,地理位置等具体信息

S1:I went to Shanghai. It’s a big city. It’s hot in summer

S2:I went to Sanya. It’s near the sea. It’s hot in summer. It’s warm in


(2) 情景创设:match these photos 教师述说自己也去过很多地方,并出示冰雕、海滨、黄河、橘子洲头的照片,打乱顺序,让学生帮助自己,分别把她们与哈尔滨,海口,兰州,长沙配对。

(3) Free talk 根据图片,谈论哈尔滨、海口、兰州、长沙的天气情况,复习并运用已学过的天气单词与句型,并陈述自己想去其中某个城市的理由

T:which city do you want to go?Why?

S1:I want to go to Harbin,because it’s snowy,and I like snow very much.

I can skate.

(4) Think and write

T:yesterday I watched the weather forecast for these cities,and I took

Notes。Please look at the weather forecast。




City Weather What will people do?

Harbin Lanzhou Changsha Haikou

2. Part F:Let’s have fun 听磁带,学唱歌曲Itsy Bitsy Spider

(1) 听歌曲,学说itsy bitsy, spider, spout等词

(2) 学生跟唱歌曲,教师同时教授F部分右边的①~⑤手指图,教学生用手指模仿蜘蛛往上爬的动作

(3) 学生配合动作唱歌

(4) 男女生分组PK

Step 3 Practice

1. 视频/图片欣赏 教师向学生出示全球极端天气与温室效应的视频或图片,看完后,师生讨论感受,并表达人类应该保护环境的想法

2. group work:学生还可以讨论,为了环保,为了减少温室效应,我们能干做什么?

Step 4 Homework

1. 听一听,唱一唱,听录音,演唱F部分的歌曲给家人听

2. 画一画,比一比,用A4纸制作一张国庆旅游指南,绘制某地风景,并运用相关句型列出天气及可去游玩的原因,在全年级进行展览。

本文发布于:2024-09-23 23:26:29,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:学生   天气   单词   教师   运用
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