


C 41. His career was not noticeably ________ by the fact that he had never been to college.

A) prevented B) prevented C) hindered

阻碍,妨碍 D) refrained


noticeably 明显地

D 42. When trapped in drifting sands, do not struggle, or you will be ________ in deeper.

A) absorbed B) pushed C) heaved [hi:v] 举起 D) sucked

吸入; 卷进入

C 43. To ________ for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was good for


A) commence开始; 着手 B) compromise C) compensate D) compliment

A 44. All visitors are requested to ________ with the regulations.

A) comply B) agree C) assist D) consent [kənˈsent]

同意; 准许,赞同

comply with遵从,服从

45. The captain ________ the horizon for approaching ships.

A) scanned

扫描; 浏览 B) scrutinized


C) explored D) swept (sweep扫视)

scan sth.意为审视,细看远距离的目标。句意:船长细看水天相连的地方,查探靠近船只。

B 46. The vast majority of people in any given culture will ________ established standards of

that culture.

A) confine

限制 B) conform使遵守; 使一致; 使顺从

C) confront

面对,遭遇 D) confirm证实

B 47. Although he was on a diet, the food ________ him enormously.

A) inspired B) tempted C) overcame D) encouraged

C 48. His argument does not suggest that mankind can ________ to be wasteful in the

utilization of these resources.

A) resort B) grant C) afford D) entitle


afford to do sth.表示能够承担起做某事的后果.

D 49. If you want this pain killer, you'll have to ask the doctor for a ________.

A) receipt B) recipe C) subscription D) prescription

A 50. Some fish have a greater ________ for acid water than others.

A) tolerance B) resistance C) dependence D) persistence


B 51. There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in ________ with its


A) coincidence B) harmony C) uniform D) alliance

D 52. The court considers a financial ________ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.

A) payment B) obligation C) option D) penalty


B 53. It is true that ________ a wild plant into a major food crop such as wheat requires much

research time.

A) multiplying

(使) 相乘; (使) 增加;多样地 B) breeding


C) magnifying

放大; 夸大 D) generating

C 54. The government has devoted a larger slice of its national ________ to agriculture than

most other countries.

A) resources B) potential C) budget D) economy

devote 奉献,献身,致力于

A 55. In this poor country, survival is still the leading industry; all else is ________.

A) luxury B) accommodation C) entertainment D) refreshment

B 56. Some criminals were printing ________ dollar bills until they were arrested.

A) decent [ˈdi:snt]正派的; 得体的; (服装等) 相称的 B) fake

C) patent D) suspicious

D 57. Mr. Bloom is not ________ now, but he will be famous someday.

A) significant重要的; 有意义的; 有重大意义的 B) dominant占优势的; 统治的

C) magnificent壮丽的; 伟大的,高尚的; D) prominent著名的; 突出的,杰出的

predominant 占优势的; 统治的

C 58. His body temperature has been ________ for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5

degree centigrade.

A) uncommon B) disordered C) abnormal D) extraordinary

D 59. He seems to be ________ enough to climb to the mountain top in an hour.

A) radiant [ˈreɪdiənt] 辐射的 B) conscientious [ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs] [ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs]

C) conspicuous

明显的 D) energetic

C 60. Although cats cannot see in complete darkness their eyes are much more ________ to

light than are human eyes.

A) glowing B) brilliant C) sensitive D) gloomy


D 61. While nuclear weapons present grave ________ dangers, the predominant crisis of

overpopulation is with us today.

A) inevitable B) constant


C) overwhelming势不可挡的,压倒一切的 D) potential


B 62. This is the ________ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.

A) true B) original C) real D) genuine

A 63. Comparison and contrast are often used ________ in advertisements.

A) intentionally B) pertinently [ˈpɜ:tɪnənt] 有关的

C) incidentally顺便; 附带 D) tiresomely令人厌倦地;累人地;

64. A complete investigation into the causes of the accident should lead to improved standards

and should ________ new operating procedures.

A) result in B) match with C) subject to使服从,使遭受 D) proceed with继续进行


B 65. ________ popular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that

only a genius can create.

A) Subject to B) Contrary to C) Familiar to D) Similar to

D 66. The bond of true affection had pulled us six very different men from six very different

countries across Antarctica; we proved in the end that we weren't very different ________.

A) for all B) as usual C) in particular D) after all


B 67. Though her parents ________ her musical ability, Jerrilou's piano playing is really


A) pour scorn on B) heap praise upon C) give vent to D) cast light upon

A 68. Some children display an ________ curiosity about every new thing they encounter.

A) incredible B) infectious C) incompatible D) inaccessible

C 69. Bruce Stephen gripped(紧握)the ________ wheel hard as the car bounced up and down.

A) stirring B) driving C) steering D) revolving

steering wheel 方向盘

D 70. Many of the scientists and engineers are judged ________ how great their achievements


A) in spite of B) in ways of C) in favor of

赞成,支持 D) in terms of


resort 求助于或诉诸某事物,凭借,度假胜地

So power generators must resort to expensive imports. 于是电力企业只得求助于进口,而进口燃料的成本相当高昂。

Ischia is a popular seaside holiday resort.伊斯基亚是个很受欢迎的海滨度假胜地。



D 41. The directions were so ________ that it was impossible to complete the assignment.

A) ingenious B) ambitious C) notorious D) ambiguous

B 42. Because a degree form a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of

the most ________ areas in Japanese life.

A) sophisticated B) competitive C) considerate D) superficial

C 43. If a person talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something in the

way of ________.

A) persuasion B) remedy C) encouragement D) compromise

D 44. Her interest in redecorating the big house kept her ________ for a whole week.

A) constrained

约束; 限制 B) dominated C) restricted D) occupied


C 45. If we ________ our relations with that country, we'll have to find another supplier of

raw materials.

A) diffuse

传播; 四散 B) diminish

(使) 减少,缩小

C) terminate

结束; 使终结 D) preclude排除

An attempt to diffuse new ideas.传播新思想的尝试。

D 46. Movie directors use music to ________ the action on the screen.

A) contaminate

污染 B) compliment恭维;称赞

C) contemplate 沉思,周密考虑 D) complement


C 47. A terrible traffic accident happened; people were saddened when they watched the

________ sight on TV.

A) panic B) patriotic [ˌpeɪtriˈɒtɪk]


C) pathetic [pəˈθetɪk]令人同情的 D) periodic [ˌpɪəriˈɒdɪk]

周期的; 定期的

B 48. Many tourists were ________ by the city's complicated traffic system.

A) degraded B) bewildered [bɪˈwɪldə(r)] 使迷惑; 使为难

C) evoked

唤起; 引起 D) diverted[daɪˈvɜ:t] 转移注意力;使分心

B 49. Over the last fifteen years, running has become a popular ________ for 30 million

participants of all ages.

A) fantasy幻想; 空想 B) pastime消遣,娱乐

C) symposium [sɪmˈpəʊziəm] 学术报告会 D) penalty


A 50. Some people think that a ________ translation, or word-for-word translation, is easier

than a free translation.

A) literal B) literary C) liberal D) linear


A 51. Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really ________ of the reality that they


A) reflections B) demonstrations C) illuminations阐明,解释清楚 D) reproductions

D 52. It is through learning that the individual ________ many habitual ways of reacting to


A) retains B) gains C) achieves D) acquires


C 53. Generally, it is only when animals are trapped that they ________ to violence in order to


A) proceed

进行; 前进 B) appeal C) resort D) incline

be 倾向于...

resort to…诉诸于,采取

B 54. Mary once ________ with another musician to compose a piece of pop music.

A) merged B) collaborated C) coincided D) constituted

coincide(想法、意见) 与„一致,相符

A 55. During their fist teacher training year, the students often visited local schools for the

________ of lessons.

A) observation B) investigation C) inspection D) examination

A 56. He attends to the ________ of important business himself.

A) transaction B) transition C) transmission D) transformation

C 57. Out of ________ revenge, he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her


A) perfect B) total C) sheer完全地,全然地 D) integral



A 58. A most ________ argument about who should go and fetch the bread from the kitchen

was going on when I came in.

A) trivial [ˈtrɪviəl]琐碎的,无价值的 B) delicate微妙的; 熟练的

C) minor D) miniature [ˈmɪnətʃə(r)]微小的


B 59. The children cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons ________ slowly

into the sky.

A) floating B) raising 抬高,举起 C) heaving D) ascending上升; 爬坡;攀登

heave 用力拉

C 60. Do you have any ________ about what living beings on other planets would be like?

A) ideal B) comprehension C) notion D) intelligence

C 61. We rarely perceive more than a minute ________ of the sights and sounds that fall upon

our sense organs; the great majority pass us by.

A) fiction

小说 B) function

C) fraction

[数] 分数; 一小部分 D) friction摩擦; 摩擦力

perceive理解; 意识到

B 62. For many patients, institutional care is the most ________ and beneficial form of care.

A) persistent B) appropriate 合适的 C) thoughtful 思考的,体贴的 D) sufficient

A 63. It's pleasure for him to ________ his energy and even his life to research work.

A) dedicate B) dictate C) decorate D) direct

D 64. They are well ________ with each other since they once studied in the same university.

A) identified B) recognized

C) acknowledged D) acquainted [əˈkweɪnt] 使熟悉; 使认识

B 65. There is a ________ difference in meaning between the words surroundings and


A) gentle温和的; 文雅的 B) subtle 微小的 C) feeble虚弱的 D) humble

D 66. All the finished products are stored in a ________ of the delivery port and shipping is

available at any time.

A) garage [ˈgærɑ:ʒ]车库 B) cabinet [ˈkæbənɪt]


C) capsule胶囊; 航天舱;小容器 D) warehouse仓库

A 67. when he tried to make a ________, he found that the hotel was completely filled

because of a convention.

A) reservation B) claim C) mess D) revision


B 68. Parents take a great interest in the ________ questions braised by their children.

A) nasty肮脏的; 下流的 B) naive C) obscure朦胧的; 晦涩的 D) offensive

A 69. Although it was his first experience as chairman, he ________ over the meeting with

great skill.

A) presided[prɪˈzaɪd]

主持 B) administered C) mastered D) executed执行;处死

C 70. Both parties promised to ________ the contract to be signed the following day.

A) keep with B) tangle with


C) adhere to附着; 遵循 D) devote to完全用于(某事或做某事) 致力于…;



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