



Unit 1

[ˈæɡəni] n。extreme physical or mental pain

aunt a person。typically a woman。who XXX' ns

about their personal problems

out to assist or aid someone

down to disappoint someone by not doing what you

agreed to do or were expected to do

[stiːm] n。the hot gas that is produced when water


off steam to release one'XXX harmless way

[luːs] adj。not firmly or tightly fixed in place。not

tight or constricted

[lɪp] n。either of the two fleshy parts that form the upper

and lower edges of the opening of the mouth

[sɪŋk] vi。to go down below the surface of something。especially of a liquid。to cause something to do this

lips sink ships XXX

[fɔːlt。fɒlt] n。a mistake or XXX or something that

makes them or it less effective or useful

e [rɪ'zɒlv] vi。to find a n to a problem or difficulty

gy [ˈstrætədʒɪ] n。a plan of n designed to achieve a

long-term or overall aim

['sɪɡnəl] n。a gesture。n。or sound that is used to

convey n or ns

[breθ] n。the air taken into or XXX

one's weight to do one's fair share of work

n [kən'sɜːn] vt。to cause worry or XXX

d [ə'nɔɪd] adj。slightly angry。irritated

[ə'dʒʌst] vt。to alter or move something XXX

desired fit。appearance。or result

['djuːtɪ] n。a moral or legal n。XXX

nt ['æksɪdənt] n。an XXX。XXX injury


[kɔː] n。the central or most important part of


[ɪn'ʃʊə。en-] vt。- to make sure or certain。guarantee

xity [kəm'pleksətɪ] n。- the state of being XXX


[fə'ɡɪv] v。- to。XXX。flaw。or XXX

ize ['krɪtɪ,saɪz] vt。& vi。- to express disapproval of

someone or something。to find fault with

assment [ɪm'bærəsmənt。em-] n。- a feeling of

usness。shame。or awkwardness

['bɒksɪŋ] n。- a sport in which two people fight

with their fists while wearing gloves

d ['tæŋgld] adj。- XXX confused

[web] n。- a ork of fine threads constructed by

spiders。insects。or other animals

[wiːv] vt。& vi。- to form (XXX) XXX

e [dɪ'siːv] v。- to cause someone to believe

something that is not true。typically in order to gain some

personal advantage

y ['dʒʌstɪfaɪ] vt。- to show or prove to be right or

reasonable。to be a good reason for

[fræŋk] adj。- open。honest。and direct in speech

or writing。especially when XXX

[tɛr] n。- a drop of clear salty liquid secreted from

glands in a person's eye when they cry or when the eye is irritated

['lætə] adj。- denoting the second or second ned of

two people or things

er [mɔːr'əʊvə] adv。- as a further matter。besides

ndent [,ɪndɪ'pendənt] adj。- free from outside


[ə'pɑːt] adv。- separated by a distance or interval

[fɛns] n。- a barrier。railing。or other upright

structure。typically of wood or wire。enclosing an area of ground

to mark a boundary。control access。or prevent escape

Unit 2

1.n [kɒntrɪ'bjuːʃ(ə)n] n。- something that is given to help a

person。group。or cause

[rɪ'liːf] n。- a XXX distress

ge [ˈʃɔːtɪdʒ] n。- a n in which something XXX.

XXX n and ideas among employees。which can lead to XXX.

XXX is not just about exchanging n。but also about

understanding and interpreting it correctly。This requires active

listening and clear n of ideas.

XXX。One way they can do this is by recycling materials

and cing waste.

A XXX structure that usually features a water source。It can

be found in public parks。gardens。XXX.

To earn a living means to make money through work or other

means of e。It is an XXX life.

XXX is a way to give back to the community and support

causes that are important to you。It can also provide a sense of

fulfillment and purpose.

When XXX。it means they XXX。It can be a sign of

happiness or amusement.

A n can refer to the base of a building or structure。or it can

refer to an XXX.

XXX of something。It can come from experience。knowledge。or n.

XXX XXX success in any area of life.

XXX。rather than as they are XXX imagined。It is often

used to refer to the harsh or XXX life.

To extend something means to make it longer。larger。or

XXX。This can refer to physical objects。as well as concepts or


A XXX。It can also refer to the purpose or values of an n or


XXX the body or mind。It can be caused by us factors。including ics。environmental factors。XXX.

XXX activities。It can be temporary or permanent。and can

range from mild to severe.

XXX group or entity。It can be used in a political。military。or XXX.

Sensitive refers to being aware of and responsive to the XXX。It can also refer to being XXX external factors.

XXX to give or share freely with others。It can also refer to a

person's character or demeanor.

XXX means to pause or hold back before taking n or making

a n。It can be a sign of XXX.

Cancer is a group of diseases XXX cells in the body。It can

be caused by us factors。including ics。environmental factors。XXX.



ance means help or support.

28.n is the act of XXX.

to the act of XXX.

XXX or something that is related to the XXX.




to one's feet means to stand up from a XXX.


XXX。usually for service or achievement.



to the medical care or n given to a patient.

get something.


icate is a document that XXX confirms something.


XXX degree.

Press means to apply force to something in order to XXX it.




Virtual means existing only in a computer or online.

XXX to electronic devices that can be worn on the body.



XXX means as well as or also.

XXX or process n using a computer.

Capable means having the ability or potential to do something.



Never say never means to never dismiss XXX.

Passive means not actively participating in something.

XXX means XXX or scope of something.

An instance is an occurrence or example of something.


To injure means to harm or damage someone or something.


。s。and galaxies.

XXX organisms。including their structure。n。and r.


Gregorian calendar is the most widely used calendar

in the world。which was XXX 1582.

means something that is lesser in size。importance。or degree.

refers to the point or place where something begins。arises。or is derived.

s are a group of living organisms consisting of

similar individuals that XXX.

l n is the process by which XXX offspring.

research is a method of XXX.

30.A stream is a body of water that XXX.

。remarkable。or XXX.


is a active chemical element with the XXX 88.

XXX of the natural world that is based on a body of facts and


refers to the mind or the process of thinking.




XXX。test a hypothesis。or XXX.

during a thunderstorm。which XXX.


is a type of material that is typically hard。shiny。and has good XXX。It is often used in n。manufacturing。and us


XXX or join one thing to another。It can also mean to

associate oneself with a particular group。idea。or XXX.

45.A flash is a XXX。It can also refer to a small device that

emits light for photography.

XXX carry out a particular activity。XXX。It can also refer

to a person'XXX.

ific refers to the study or practice of the natural

world through XXX.

。It emphasizes the idea of being without n or XXX.

y is the force that attracts two objects toward each

other。It is what XXX around the sun and gives weight to objects

on Earth.

account can refer to a record of financial XXX。It can

also mean a report or n of something.

XXX something is true or accurate。It can also refer to a test

print of a document or XXX.

52.A re is a set of XXX particular result。It can also refer to a

formal process or protocol for carrying out a task or n.

Unit 4

greet means to e someone with words or gestures。It


。n。or other media。It can also refer to making

something widely known or public.

3.A stair is a series of steps that lead from one level to another

in a building or structure.

load means to fill or place something onto a vehicle or

container。It can also refer to the amount of weight or XXX.

5."Get a load of。" is an informal n used to draw n to

something or XXX sarcastic way.

XXX figurative sense.

fold means to bend or crease something in order to make

it smaller or more compact。It can also XXX shutting something。such as a book or piece of paper.

XXX who creates nal works of art。often using XXX。stone。or metal.

9.A portrait is a painting。drawing。XXX.

XXX。XXX or other digital camera。It has e a popular form

of n and social media sharing.

11.n is an event where works of art or other items are

displayed to the public.

12.A XXX.

dery is the art of XXX.

14.A seal is a device used to make an XXX。clay。or other

materials as a form of XXX.

cutting is the art of XXX.

raphy is the art of beautiful handwriting.

ain is a type of ceramic material that is often used

for XXX.

means to show or explain something XXX.

y means in a way that produces clear and XXX.

20.A needle is a small。XXX.


carve means to cut into a material。often with a knife

or other sharp tool。to create a design or shape.

to the present time or current era.

24.A cigarette is a small。cylindrical object XXX.

lack means to not have enough of something or to be

without something.


icent describes something that is grand。impressive。or beautiful.

28.A hoof is the horny part of the foot of certain mammals。XXX.

XXX fermented grapes.

or has been moved。often in a way that is XXX.

financial or other support for something or XXX.



be fond of something means to have a XXX it.

or done on many ns。in many cases。or in quick n.


means to run at a fast pace。XXX.

38.A vase is a decorative container。XXX ceramic。XXX.

XXX chiefly。for the most part.


Unit 5:

l means existing or XXX.

means as a result or consequence of this。therefore.

3.A zone is an area or n XXX.

is a colorless。odorless reactive gas that is

essential to life.

5.A border is a line XXX。especially countries.


7.A crowd is a large number of people XXX。XXX.

means nothing other than。unmitigated.

bring something into focus means to make it clear and




XXX。They use their knowledge to help people XXX.

XXX that can be both positive and negative。They can come

from a variety of sources。such as extreme sports。scary movies。or even a rollercoaster ride.

A port is a place where ships can dock to load and XXX.

If someone is unaware of something。they do not know about

it。This can happen for a variety of reasons。such as a lack of n

or simply not paying n.

XXX。which can have a range of effects on the body and

mind。It is XXX ns。but can also lead to XXX.

A bandage is a piece of material used to wrap around a XXX。They come in many different types and sizes。depending on the

specific needs of the injury.

XXX。They are a common item in first aid kits and can help


A XXX temperature。They come in many different types。such as digital and mercury。and can be used to measure body

temperature or the temperature of a room or object.

XXX material that can be used in many different ns。It is

commonly used in the n of tires。but can also be found in products

such as gloves。hoses。and seals.

XXX。XXX。It is commonly used in the n of XXX.

Wool is a type of material that comes from the hair of sheep

and other animals。It is commonly used in the n of XXX.

XXX is a type of material made from XXX has a soft。XXX。It is commonly used in the n of medical supplies and cosmetics.

Guidelines are a set of rules or XXX n-making。They can be

found in many different contexts。XXX.

XXX used in the n of clothing。linens。and other textiles.

Bleeding is the loss of blood from the body。usually as a

result of injury or illness。It can range from minor cuts to life-XXX.

Liquid is a state of matter that has a definite volume but no

definite shape。It can take many different forms。such as water。oil。or gasoline.

An injury is damage to the body that results from physical

trauma or illness。It can range from XXX.

XXX is to extend or lengthen something。such as a muscle or

a piece of fabric。It can be used as a form of XXX.

A league is a group of people or XXX。It can also refer to a

unit of measurement used in sports。such as XXX.

A XXX who works for another person or household。usually

in a domestic capacity。They may perform tasks such as cooking。cleaning。or childcare.

A XXX military purposes。but can also be used for XXX.

To charge is to demand payment or ask for something in

return。It can also refer to the act of XXX.

XXX a ship。aircraft。or other vessel.

is an adverb that means in front or in XXX.

is a verb that means to allow or give n for something

to happen or be done.


r is a noun that refers to a n or n of a book。typically with a number or title.

is a verb that means to tell or give an account of

something。or to XXX.

40.A XXX on the head。often used in sports or for safety


41.A nut is a small。hard-XXX seed.


43.A ray is a narrow beam of light。heat。or other energy.

e is a verb that means to eat or drink something。or to use up a resource.

guish XXX.

or by degrees。often used to describe a process or



describes something that has lines or creases on its

surface。often due to age or wear.

XXX to the land along the edge of a body of water。such as a



degree of something。often used to describe XXX.

-and-forth movement。often used to XXX.

atom is the basic unit of a chemical element。consisting of a nucleus of protons and neutrons。XXX it.

XXX from the top or surface of something to its bottom or

lowest point.

XXX describes something that is wide or us。often used to

describe physical objects or ideas.

broad daylight。XXX.

the surface of the water。the coral reef XXX.

resident of XXX about the noise from the n site.

。asserting his dominance over the pride.

Unit 6

was a disaster。XXX injured.



。the package includes a free gift.

volcano erupted。XXX into the air.

accident。XXX services were called.


landslide blocked the road。making it impassable.

nts can occur at any time。so it's XXX.

announcement of the winner was met with cheers and


for the next few days.

12.I XXX keep from falling.

XXX。leaving few survivors.

n provided by the reliable source was XXX.


case of an emergency。dial 911 for assistance.


strong winds。XXX.

che (noun) refers to a sudden and rapid flow of

snow。ice。and rocks XXX.

(adverb) means to an XXX.

(verb) refers to the act of asserting or stating that

something is the case。XXX.

(noun) refers to a time of intense difficulty。trouble。or danger.

(verb) XXX harm。punish。or cause damage to

someone or something.

ite (noun) refers to an artificial body XXX.

ely (adverb) XXX.

26.n (noun) XXX.

(noun) refers to the flat area een the XXX.

e (adverb) means not in or to any place.

ise (adverb) means in a different way or in other


(noun) XXX.

to (noun) XXX humans and animals。XXX.

ht (noun) XXX.

Big Dipper refers to a group of seven XXX Ursa

Major。which are arranged in the shape of a ladle or dipper.

Little Dipper refers to a group of seven XXX Ursa

Minor。which are arranged in the shape of a ladle or dipper.

solar system。appearing as a hazy band of light in

the night sky.

(noun) XXX.

(noun) XXX.

ty (noun) refers to something that is owned by a

person or entity.

danger。such as a house or a tent.


word "sufficient" XXX of something.


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