

Vocabulary and structure

1. It’s none of your business, you have no right to ______.

a. disturb b. interfere c. interrupt d. obtain

2. I wish I could give you the ______ to your problems.

a. conclusion b. answer c. end d. reply

3. To ______ greater accuracy, all invoices will be double-checked before leaving the office.

a. confirm b. insure c. assure d. ensure

4. Peter showed her his draft of the report, and ______ her suggestion.

a. appealed b. required c. asked d. demanded

5. Can you ______ the truth of his statement?

a. deny b. refuse c. decline d. reject

6. We finally ______ an agreement after a lot of hard bargaining.

a. arrived b. did c. reached d. drove

7. It takes years to ______ as a doctor.

a. qualify b. practice c. complete d. pass

8. I don’t really know how to ______ the problem.

a. set in b. tackle c. cope d. draw

9. He said he couldn’t ______ to retire from work and live only on his pension.

a. risk b. afford c. accept d. depend

10. It is ______ of you to turn down the TV while your sister is still ill in bed.

a. concerned b. careful c. considerate d. considerable

11. It is important that you ______ to the dean before leaving for your vacation.

a. speak b. spoke c. have spoken d. are speaking

12. It’s about time people ______ notice of what women did during the war.

a. took b. take c. have taken d. will take

13. I’d have come with you ______ I am so busy.

a. except for b. provided that c. but that d. so long as

14. I wish you ______ me yesterday.

a. tell b. could tell c. would tell d. had told

15. I failed in my new job. If only I ______ my parents.

a. listened to b. had listened to c. have listened to d. would listen to

16. I’d rather you ______ those important documents with you.

a. not take b. don’t take c. won’t take d. didn’t take

17. But for your help we ______ late.

a. would be b. would have been c. had been d. were

18. I left as though we ______ each other for years.

a. have known b. knew c. had known d. would have known

19. I’d rather you ______ me a new one instead of having it repaired as you did.

a. had given b. have given c. gave d. giving

20. It is time the kids ______.

a. go to bad b. went to bed c. have gone to bed d. had gone to bed

1. Although trees and land have been ______, the animals are disappearing.

a. insured b. ensured c. secured d. assured

2. Hunting is thought to be ______ for the extinction of some wildlife.

a. responsible b. blamed c. charged d. denounced

3. It so ______ that two men were caught in the act of hunting wildlife in Daxinganling.

a. occurred b. happened c. took place d. arose

4. People have done a lot in stopping the loss of wildlife habitat, which is expected to ______

the slaughter.

a. end b. finish c. complete d. achieve

5. The problems such as deforestation and population explosion were ______ at an earlier time

than animal hunting.

a. forecast b. foreseen c. estimated d. expected

6. The rising slaughter ______ a formidable challenge for the next century.

a. sums b. amounts c. adds d. increases

7. The ______ cause of the rapid growth of population is attributed to the uncontrolled


a. underlying b. essential c. elemental d. basic

8. ______ logging roads is thought to be helpful for protecting wildlife.

a. Clearing b. Closing c. Closing off d. Clearing up

9. Seeds are ______ in the forest to grow into trees.

a. sprayed b. spread c. spilled d. splashed

10. Tigers are suffering from lack of ______, which are being killed by humans.

a. insects b. pests c. preys d. beasts

11. Selling furs of wildlife can ______ a lot of money.

a. bring in b. bring out c. bring about d. bring up

12. By 2020, the silent dawn ______ in those forests, where animals are largely gone.

a. is occurring b. occurs c. occurred d. could be occurring

13. By hunting, we are losing the animals that make the forests ______.

a. function b. functioning c. functioned d. have functioned

14. Conservationists are struggling to protect a natural world reeling from ______ threats as

population growth, deforestation and pollution.

a. so b. such c. those d. these

15. ______ to the recent research, some cigarette smokers are becoming health-conscious.

a. Respond b. Responded

c. Responding d. Having been responded

16. People sell the hunted wildlife ______ food or medicine.

a. for b. to c. at d. with

17. Daylight ______ the small village.

a. breaks out b. breaks into c. breaks on d. breaks down

18. I don’t know why he complains about his low salary all the time. He doesn’t earn as ______

as I do.

a. less b. few c. little d. more

19. It was in 1985 ______ a hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctic was noticed.

a. which b. where c. when d. that

20. Every week, a staggering 10 000 square kilometers of tropical rainforest are ______.

a. cut off b. cut up c. cut out d. cut down

1. Peter was ______ diligent than Jack because both of them failed the final examination.

a. no less b. not much c. no more d. not more

2. Only when you have obtained sufficient data ______ come to a sound conclusion.

a. can you b. would you c. you would d. you can

3. “Hurry up, or the tickets ______ out by the time we get there.”

a. will have been sold b. will sell

c. have sold d. have been sold

4. Human beings are superior to animals ______ they can use language to communicate.

a. for that b. with which c. in that d. to which

5. The atmosphere of the earth is ______ the moon.

a. much denser than b. much denser than that of

c. more dense than d. more dense than those of

6. The children went there to watch the iron tower ______.

a. erect b. erecting c. erected d. being erected

7. Bats begin their flight as soon as the sun begins to sink ______ the horizon.

a. beyond b. beneath c. below d. down

8. ______ on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountain gives him a sense of peace.

a. When one is walking b. If walking

c. Walking d. While walking

9. He ______ to the movies, had he known that Jane would be free.

a. would go b. had gone

c. will have gone d. would have gone

10. ______, she couldn’t work out the problem at that moment.

a. Clever although she was b. As she was clever

c. She was clever, though d. Clever as she was

11. The government is trying to do something to ______ better understanding between the two


a. raise b. promote c. heighten d. increase

12. There is not the ______ doubt about what he said.

a. smallest b. slightest c. weakest d. thinnest

13. At the sight of the bear, the ______ girl burst into tears.

a. frighten b. frightened c. frightful d. frightening

14. The whole village ______ to welcome the foreign visitors.

a. turned out b. turned up c. turned over d. turned off

15. They suspected that the secret had been ______ by one of their friends.

a. given off b. given away c. given up d. given out

16. American women had been ______ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard


a. ignored b. denied c. neglected d. refused

17. He stopped the car to ______ a young girl who was hitch-hiking across Europe.

a. take in b. get on c. put down d. pick up

18. Though the job was hard and new to them, they ______ accomplish it in two weeks.

a. managed to b. went to c. came to d. succeeded to

19. She felt ______ when she saw that her children were safe from the NATO’s bombing.

a. assured b. relieved c. relaxed d. comforted

20. We are advised that the equipment will be shipped here on due time with its ______ manual.

a. direction b. directive c. instructive d. instruction

Reading comprehension

1. Everywhere we’ve traveled we’ve been asked, ...... complex and valuable

mixture of individual national traditions, fashions, and beliefs.

1. What’s the main idea of this passage?

a. Information technologies bring us into a “global village”.

b. People from different cultures can share many things on the Internet.

c. In spite of information technologies, different cultures remain different.

d. People enjoy watching foreign shows and eating foreign foods.

2. What can be inferred from the passage?

a. The world is going to be a “global village” which all people will enjoy.

b. The assembly line is one feature of low-tech mass production society.

c. People would like to share the same culture all over the world.

d. Web-televiewers will enable us to set up a “global village”.

3. The passage implies that ______.

a. technological and social change always brings about change in culture.

b. culture always bring about technological and social change

c. technological and social change never brings about change in culture

d. culture never bring about technological and social change

4. The passage suggests that high-tech developments bring about ______.

a. more influence on culture in a developed society than in a developing one

b. less influence on culture in a developed society than in a developing one

c. as great an influence on culture in a developed society as in a developing one

d. no influence on culture at all in either a developed or a developing society

5. Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?

a. IT enables people to get easy access to foreign cultures.

b. People in different cultures have different ideas of accepting different cultures.

c. Disney is an example of a combination of different cultures.

d. There won’t be a “global village”.

2. In some place cars are forbidden in city centers altogether. …… how often they

have driven into the city center.

1. Where do people have to share a car if they want to go to the city center?

a. In Hong Kong. b. In Florence

c. In Singapore. d. In Britain.

2. The Park and Ride scheme in Britain aims at ______.

a. limiting cars entering the city center b. improving the public transport system

c. providing more buses in the city center d. setting up a computer-based traffic system

3. The government of the Netherlands is especially interested in building cycle paths, for ___.

a. many people have bikes b. cycle paths are convenient to build

c. the country is very flat d. it wants to save money

4. In the city center of Florence ______.

a. cars are allowed only at night

b. cars are forbidden altogether

c. people walk in the morning and evening

d. people are fined if they use cars

5. The best title for the passage would be ______.

a. Ways to Save money b. Using Cars but Not Bikes

c. Walking in the City Center d. Problems of Using Cars

3. One of the most unusual graduation speakers of the 1983 commencement

season was not a person at all. ...… but you won’t forget a robot.”

1. Robot Redford’s speech was discussed in this article mainly because ______.

a. it was political b. it was controversial

c. it was interesting d. it was insensitive

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

a. Robot Redford was a talking machine.

b. Robot Redford walked to the stage by itself.

c. Robot Redford graduated from a college in Maryland.

d. Robot Redford made a graduation speech in 1983.

3. Which of the following statements can be supported by the passage?

a. A robot was designed to let humans decrease their productivity.

b. Everybody at the commencement was pleased with the arrangement.

c. Robot Redford was the brainchild of William Bakaleinikoff.

d. Robot Redford’s speech was too difficult to understand.

4. According to the passage, an amplified voice is a voice which ______.

a. comes from the designer b. sounds more attractive

c. is unnatural to human ears d. is made louder

5. We can infer from the passage that Robot Redford was at the commencement is order to


a. make the commencement more successful

b. lessen the chair’s workload to deliver the commencement address

c. display the advantages of the new invention

d. remind people of the need for cooperation with technology

4. The game of golf has become more popular each year. …… Together, they

already cover an area about the size of Belgium.

1. The sandy soil ______.

a. can pollute natural water supplies b. is rather poor in absorbing chemicals

c. is the best place to build golf courses d. can take a large amount of fertilizer

2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

a. Golf courses consume a lot of water.

b. Each year many new golf courses are built.

c. There is grass growing on the golf course.

d. There are many golf courses in Belgium

3. We can infer from the passage that ______.

a. golf courses already cover a large area

b. underdeveloped areas should be protected

c. the forest near Saigon is a well protected area

d. golf courses development is speeding up

4. The author’s purpose in writing the passage is ______.

a. to warn against the fast expansion of golf courses

b. to explain how to limit golf games

c. to show how to protect the environment

d. to criticize golf course developers

5. Golf courses may bring many problems EXCEPT ______.

a. consuming much water b. destroying natural areas

c. poisoning sandy soils d. polluting water supplies

5. Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a

woman. …… Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting husbands.

1. When a man is buying clothes, ______.

a. he buys cheap things, regardless of quality

b. he chooses things that others recommend

c. he does not mind how much he has to pay for the tight things

d. he buys good quality things, so long as they are not too dear

2. What do men care about before they buy the new clothes?

a. They care about the size.

b. They care about the price.

c. They make sure a thing fits before they buy it.

d. They make sure that the style is right.

3. What does the passage tell us about women shoppers for clothes?

a. They welcome suggestions for anyone.

b. Women rarely consider buying cheap clothes.

c. Women often buy thing without giving the matter proper thought.

d. They try to buy clothes for more than its real value.

4. When women go on trying new clothes, their husbands ______.

a. stay with them and sit on the chairs waiting

b. stay and wait outside the shop

c. go window shopping around

d. go to buy something for themselves

5. What is the most obvious difference between men and women shoppers?

a. The fact that men do not try clothes on in a shop.

b. Women bargain for their clothes, but men care less about money.

c. Women buy more than men.

d. The time they take over buying clothes.


1. Jim, from New York, was …… and didn’t know what he’d done wrong.

1. a. taking

2. a. trip

3. a. forgot

4. a. joking

5. a. pleased

6. a. far

7. a. expected

8. a. But

9. a. food

10. a. interrupted

1. a. for

2. a. whose

3. a. position

4. a. where

5. a. usual

6. a. spoiled

7. a. by

8. a. looked

9. a. dropped

10. a. for

b. sitting

b. journey

b. reminded

b. talking

b. surprised

b. even

b. expects

b. And

b. idea

b. defeated

c. attending

c. travel

c. remembered

c. laughing

c. depressed

c. enough

c. expecting

c. Still

c. discussion

c. concerned

d. holding

d. voyage

d. recalled

d. approving

d. excited

d. rather

d. expecting of

d. As

d. subject

d. excluded

2. London was originally established …… Tokyo and other major capitals.

b. by

b. that

b. location

b. when

b. ordinary

b. destroyed

b. of

b. saw

b. failed

b. with

c. with

c. which

c. place

c. that

c. common

c. damaged

c. from

c. regarded

c. decreased

c. to

d. of

d. who

d. state

d. which

d. popular

d. injured

d. in

d. thought

d. declined

d. as

3. The dumpling of material in the world’s oceans has a long history. …… become

increasingly important.

1. a. Goods

2. a. amount

3. a. discarding

4. a. stages

5. a. relieved

6. a. surroundings

7. a. until

8. a. practiced

9. a. With

10. a. sustainable

b. Objects

b. range

b. removing

b. bases

b. sent

b. surrounded

b. for

b. arranged

b. For

b. preventable

c. Stocks

c. variety

c. spreading

c. fields

c. freed

c. surrounding

c. since

c. regulated

c. Though

c. noticeable

d. Matters

d. collection

d. dismissing

d. platforms

d. released

d. surround

d. during

d. close

d. As

d. changeable

4. Advertising is an important …… 5 billion is spent on advertising each year.

1. a. substance

2. a. service

3. a. senior

4. a. range

5. a. target

6. a. equipment

7. a. mail

8. a. eager

9. a. develop

10. a. similarly

b. element

b. assistance

b. humble

b. amount

b. victim

b. instrument

b. shopping

b. generous

b. developed

b. properly

c. subject

c. advantage

c. inferior

c. sort

c. goal

c. device

c. distribution

c. difficult

c. developing

c. approximately

d. affair

d. duty

d. superior

d. variety

d. mark

d. media

d. sales

d. potential

d. development

d. relatively

Translate (Chinese to English)

1. 我想和你分住这个房间。

I’d like to share the room with you.

2. 如果我们认为这样不公平,我们就会大胆地说出来。

If we though that was unfair, we should speak up.

3. 为了把公司建成一流的公司,我们要化消极被动为积极主动。

We should transform the passive into the initiative to create a first-class


4. 许多野生动物的灭绝归因于人类对它们的大肆捕杀。

The extinction of much wildlife can be attributed to the fact that humans take a

staggering toll on it.

5. 封闭采伐区的道路被认为有助于保护野生动物。

Closing off the logging roads is thought to be helpful for protecting wildlife.

6. 平等互利是我们合作和基本原则。

Equality and mutual benefit is the underlying principle for our cooperation.

7. 保护野生动物的人类的一项艰巨的任务。

Wildlife protection is a formidable task for humans.

8. 社会和政治关系将美国和不列颠联系起来。

Social and political ties bind the USA to Britain.

9. 主要党派在投票前进行了紧张的谈判。

Intensive negotiations between the main parties precede to vote.

10. 圣诞树上装饰着耀眼的霓虹灯。

The Christmas tree is decorated with dazzling neon lights.

11. 我们走了两个小时,但是仍未见到那所房子。

We walked for 2 hours, but the house was still not in sight.

12. 打电话来的人说旅馆里有,后来证明是一场。

The telephone caller said there was a bomb in the hotel, but it later turned out

to be a hoax.

13. 多年来好莱坞正逐渐衰亡,英国的电影业会步他后尘吗?

Hollywood has been dying for years, will the British film industry follow suit?

14. 州政府声称已经减收了个人税。

The state government claims they have reduced personal taxation.

15. 让我们来分析一下这题,看看有什么地方出了差错。

Let’s analyze the problem and see what went wrong.

16. 我们在市场上的优势受到了这种新产品的严重威胁。

Our dominance of the market is seriously threatened by this new product.

17. 全球性的气候变化也许是造成恐龙灭绝的原因。

Global climatic changes may have been responsible for the extinction of the


18. 警方的法医检测到女死者血液中有毒药。

The police scientists detected the presence of poison in the dead woman’s


19. 通过这种新一代电脑软件的开发,公司正在进入一个全新的领域。

The company is moving into unfamiliar territory with this new range of

computer software.

20. 要是让我来处理,这些贩子就得毙。

If I had my way, these drug dealers would be shot.

Translate (Chinese to English)

1. The equipment, together with the instructional manual, has been


2. Neither Tom nor John studies hard.(努力学习)

3. Not only children but also many grown-up like playing games.(就连许多成年人也喜欢玩游戏)

4. Either her mother or her two elder brothers often help her with her maths.(或者两个哥哥经常帮助她学习数学)

5. The truck along with the glassware was destroyed.(以及装载的玻璃器具全都被摧毁)

6. Making much noise in public places is impolite.(是不文明的)

7. What they need is help rather than sympathy.(是帮助而不是同情)

8. Mathematics is not easy for her.(对她来说并不简单)

9. None of us is depressed.(感到气馁)

10. We spend many an hour in finishing reading that book.(花了好几个小时才把书读完)

11. Three-fifths of the class are boys.(是男同学)

12. Eight kilometers is all that we are going to cover.(是我们今天要走的全部路程)

13. All the means have been tried.(都试过了)

14. Twenty dollars is not enough for her.(对她来说不够)

15. Half of the food was offered to the poor.(送给了穷人)

16. The beauty of the place is more than I can describe.(非我笔墨所能形容)

17. This job is so much harder than my last one that I’ve decided to quit.(比我上次干的要难得多,所以我决定放弃)

18. The more people you know the less time you can spend seeing them.(你能见他们的时间就越少)

19. The higher a mountain is, the more people like to conquer it.(人们就越想去征服它)

20. Tourism has become the third largest industry of the city.(该城市的第三大产业)

21. There are almost as many ways to become interested in a hobby as there are

various hobbies.(就像业余爱好本身丰富多彩一样)

22. Among all of us he did the experiment most carefully.(他做实验是最仔细的)

23. Today there is not the least wind.(连一丝风都没有)

24. It is by far the best film(这里最好的一部影片), that I’ve ever seen.

25. Of all the capital cities in the world, Bangkok is the one I would most like to


26. I do not know any profession in the world that is better than dentistry.(比从事牙科工作更好的职业了)

27. This kind of whale is by far the largest creature that has ever lived on earth(这种鲸是地球上生存的最大生物), 4 times the weight of the largest dinosaur, 30

times that of an elephant.

Word builder







It is very irresponsible of you not to answer my letter.

He always feels uncomfortable with strangers and he prefers staying alone.

Sometimes we ourselves unwittingly invite trouble.

It is an error quite common among students and the teachers.

I tried unsuccessfully to talk to him.

More and more people have come to realize the importance of environmental


7. An operation is beginning to try to save a species of crocodile from extinction.

8. Some biologists think that we need to remove the people from the forests so

as to repopulate the forests with wildlife.

9. It turned out to be a planned exploitation of the potential oil and natural gas


10. The explosive growth in bars is one of the most remarkable signs of


11. Dozens of flats were completely destroyed during that storm.

12. Finally, after ten hours of negotiations, the gunman gave himself up.

13. It is an exquisitely crafted dolls’ house.

14. She sprained her ankle and walked slowly.

15. This whimsically perceived idea came from a little boy.

16. The scandal led to the downfall of the government.

17. The new medicine, having been trial-produced for half a year, was put into

mass production.

18. The greenhouse effect should be paid more attention to.

19. Wild forget-me-nots are blooming along woodland paths.

20. Catherine got married without telling anyone beforehand.

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