上海牛津版6年级英语上学期单元练Unit 1 Family and relatives 含


Unit 1 Family and relatives

Exercise One

I. Fill in the blanks with the phonetic symbols.

1. I got a lot of presents from my friends and ___________/'relətivz/.

2. On Sundays, Susan likes to go swimming with her _____ /'kʌzn/.

3. —Who is the old lady over there? —She is my


4. Jimmy has a big ____________ /ˈfæməli/.

5. Mary is her mother’s ____________/ˈdɔ:tə(r)/.

II. Choose the best answer.

( ) 1. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation

from others?

A. We have a good time with our family and relatives.

B. My parents eat apples every day.

C. His head is so big.

D. Mary likes to have sandwiches for breakfast.

( ) 2. I have _______ aunt and _______ uncle.

A. an; an

A. cousin

A. he is

B. an; a

B. aunt

C. a; an D. a; a

( ) 3. Joe is my father’s brother. He is my _______.

C. brother D. uncle

( ) 4. Alice,_______ my new friend Bill.

B. she is C. that is D. this is

( ) 5. Look! These are my ________ and _________.

A. family; relative B. family; relatives C. families; relatives D.

families; relative

( ) 6. My brother and I at the same school.


( ) 8. –What are these? – flowers.

A. These are B. They’re C. This is D. It’s

A. am

A. my, mine

B. is

B. my, my

C. are

C. mine, my

D. be

D. mine,

( ) 7. This isn’t book, is here.


III. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1. The students are having lunch with __________ (they) parents.

2. I usually go __________ (swim) with my mum.

3. The two ___________ (family) from Canada will visit Shanghai next week.

4. Tom’s________ (relative) like Tom very much.

5. Danny usually __________ (go) fishing with his uncle.

IV. Rewrite the sentences as required.

1. This is my cousin.(改为复数)

_________ _________ my __________.

2. I often do housework at home. (改为否定句)

I _______ often ________ housework at home.

3. I have three aunts. (对划线部分提问)

________ _________aunts do you have?

4. She always watches TV after dinner. (改为一般疑问句)

________ she always ________ TV after dinner?

5. goes, Mary, with, shopping, her, family. (连词成句)


V. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box.

Each can only be used once.

A. rooms B. drive C. walk D. with E. big

Some people have very __1__ families, with lots of brothers and sisters, and

aunts and uncles. Some people’s families are very small, with no brothers or


Betty has got a big family. There are seven people in her family. She has got

four brothers, Alex, Sammy, Leon and Ken, but she has not got a sister. Betty

lives ____ her parents in a house. It has got four ____ and it has got a garden. It

is not big, but it is beautiful. Her parents haven’t got a car because they can’t

____. They go to work by bus.

How many people are there in your family?

1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________

VI. Reading comprehension.


Mr. Brown __1__ a big garden. There are ___2___ trees and flowers in it.

The flowers are very beautiful. Some flowers are red, some flowers are yellow.

He loves the garden __3__ much. His ___4___ often play near it. His two

daughters __5__kites and his four sons play football. What a big family he has!

And how happy they are!

( ) 1. A. have B. has C. had D. have not

( ) 2. A. much

( ) 3. A. too

( ) 4. A. children

( ) 5. A. fly

B. any

B. more

B. child

B. flys


C. many

C. very

C. brother

C. are flying

D. a lot

D. a lot

D. wife

D. flies

Exercise One参考答案

1. relatives 2. cousin 3. grandmother 4. family 5. daughter

1~5 CADDB 6~8 CAB

1. their 2. swimming 3. families 4. relatives

1. These are, cousins

2. don’t, do

3. How many

4. Does, watch

5. Mary goes shopping with her family.

1. big 2. with 3. rooms 4. drive



5. goes

Unit 1 Family and relatives

Exercise Two

I. Fill in the blanks with the phonetic symbols.

1. He has /'əunli/ one aunt.

2. Tony has three family_________ /ˈmembə(r)z/.

3. Here is a ___________ /ˈpreznt/ for you, Dad.

4. Let’s talk with our______________ /ˈklɑ:smeɪt/.

5. I want to go ____________ /ˈʃɒpɪŋ / with my cousin.

II. Choose the best answer.

( ) 1. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation

from others?

A. Yes, you are right. B. Do you want to go cycling?

C. The birds can fly quickly. D. Look, there are some beautiful

clouds in the sky.

( ) 2. This is a friend of__________.

A. my B. your C. him D. hers

( ) 3. – Happy birthday, Mary! – .

A. The same to you. B. That’s all right. C. OK. D. Thank


( ) 4. Tom is one of my________

A. classmate B. friends C. relative D. cousin

( ) 5. – I have one uncle. – I have one, .

A. too

A. he

A. with

A. do

B. also C. else D. only

( ) 6. Danny usually goes fishing with _______ uncle.

B. his C. he’s D. him

B. by

B. does

C. from

C. write

D. at

D. writes

( ) 7. Tom has got a lot of Christmas cards _______ his good friends.

( ) 8. Mary usually _______ her homework after dinner.

III. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1. What do you do with ________ (he) on Sundays?


2. Alice has got a lot of birthday ________ (card) from her family and relatives.

3. We like_______ (play) badminton.

4. Alice is the old lady’s_____________ (daughter).

5. Mark always __________ (do) some shopping with his family at weekends.

IV. Rewrite the sentences as required.

1. My classmate has lunch at school. (改为否定句)

My classmate lunch at school.

2. Alice gets some birthday cards from her parents. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ Alice get_______ birthday cards from her parents?

3. I go cycling with my father on Sundays. (对划线部分提问)

________ do you ________ with your father on Sundays?

has three aunts. (对划线部分提问)

________ _________ aunts do you have?

5. relatives, these, are , and, people, family, my. (连词成句)


V. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box.

Each can only be used once.

A. spend B. same C. around D. eat E. take

It’s very nice for a family to have twin brothers. Mark and Martin are twins.

They always like the ___1___ things. For example, they like to ___2___ the

same food. They like to wear the same clothes, and they __3___ their free (自由的) time together.

They love cars. Their favourite cars are BMWs and Mercedes. They often

take long drives to travel __4__ the country.

1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________

VI. Reading comprehension.

There’s a special kind of dog. These dogs are like the eyes of blind people.

We call them “seeing eye dogs”. These dogs are trained for several months. Then,

they live with a blind person. Their job is very important. They help blind people

walk around city. Seeing eye dogs know how to cross the street. They wait for a

green light. They can also avoid (避免) danger, like cars bicycles, and holes in

the road. Sometimes you may see these dogs with their owners. Like most dogs,


seeing eye dogs are often cute. But you should not pet them. Remember, they are

working hard.

( ) 1. Seeing eye dogs .

A. are blind B. can’t cross the street.

C. are trained to do their jobs D. don’t usually avoid danger

( ) 2. Which danger is NOT talked about?

A. Crimes B. Bicycles

the road

( ) 3. When will the dogs cross the street?

A. At any time. B. When there are cars in the


B. C. They never cross the street. D. When the light is green.

( ) 4. Which is true?

A. All blind people have seeing eye dogs.

B. In the street, blind people have many dangers to avoid.

C. It’s fine to pet seeing eye dogs.

D. There is no safe way to cross the street.

( ) 5. What is the main idea?

A. Seeing eye dogs are cute. B. Seeing eye dogs are

working hard.

C. Seeing eye dogs help blind people a lot. D. Streets are full of


C. Cars D. Holes in


Exercise Two参考答案

1. only 2. members 3. present 4. classmate 5. shopping

1~5 ADDBA 6~8 BCB

1. him 2. cards 3. playing 4. daughter 5. does

1. doesn’t have

2. Does, any

3. What, do

4. How many

5. These people are my family and relatives.

1. same 2. eat 3. spend 4. around



Unit 1 Family and relatives

Exercise Three

I. Fill in the blanks with the phonetic symbols.

1. I _________ /’əʊnli/ have one uncle.

2. There are three family____________ /ˈmembə(r)z/ in my home.

3. Is she your __________/ɑ:nt/, Jenny?

4. Peter is my __________ /ˈklɑ:smeɪt/. We sometimes do our homework


5. My ________ /ˈkʌzn/ and I always play tennis on Sundays.

II. Choose the best answer.

( ) 1. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation

from others?

A. I only have one uncle. B. Let us have a picnic.

C. This is my uniform. D. Your shirts are under the chair.

( ) 2. How much _______ do you want, Kitty?

A. eggs B. books C. milk D. cakes

( ) 3. I have one aunt, _______.

A. to B. too C. also D. two

( ) 4. --Whose book is his? –This book is _______.

A. my B. her C. his D. you

( ) 5. What you always with your parents?

A. are, do B. do, do C. will, do

A. us B. we

( ) 7. How many does Lily eat?

A. books B. people C. oranges D. juice

( ) 8. Peter sometimes _________ with his classmates.

A. go shopping B. swimming C. plays football D. play


III. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1. Alice has got a lot of birthday ________ (card) from her family and relatives.

2. My __________ (parent) never dance together.

C. my

D. /, do

D. you

( ) 6. – Where does your grandma live? – She lives with .


3. Alice ________ (be not) from the UK.

4. _______ you usually _______ (watch) TV with your family?

5. It often _______ (rain) in Shanghai in spring.

IV. Rewrite the sentences as required.

1. I have lunch at school.(改为否定句)

I ________ ________ lunch at school.

2. I have one pen in my pencil case. (对划线部分提问)

do you have in your pencil case?

3. He usually goes swimming with me. (改为一般疑问句)

___ he usually __ with me?

4. My cousins always watch TV at home together. (对划线部分提问)

___ __ your cousins always together?

5. aunts, does, she, many, how, have.(连词成句)


V. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box.

Each can only be used once.

A. happy B. city C. around D. members E. usually

I have a happy family. There are five ___1___ in my family: grandfather,

grandmother, father, mother and me. My grandparents live in the countryside.

They have six rooms. The house is big. There are two apple trees in the yard. My

parents and I live in the ___2___. My father is a worker. He works hard. My

mother is a high school’s Chinese teacher, she ___3___ rides her bicycle to go to

work at seven o’clock. In the evening, she makes supper for us. The food is

delicious. I am a student. We are busy, but we are very ___4___. I love my


1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________

VI. Reading comprehension.

There is a new park near my house. It’s a fine day today. My family and I

are in the park now. On my left, there is a cafe. On my right, there is a big lake.

There are many flowers and trees near the lake. There’s a small hill behind the

lake. Near the lake, there is a sign. It says, “Don’t swim in the lake!” There is a


playground in the middle of the park. There are some small shops near the gate.

The park is so beautiful. We like it very much.

( ) 1. The park near my house is _____.

A. new and beautiful B. old and beautiful C. clean and new D.

old and clean

( ) there a cafe in the park?______

A. Yes, there isn’t. B. No, there isn’t. C. Yes, there is.

there is.

( ) 3. People can’t _______in the lake.

A. swim B. fish C. boat D. play

( )4. The shops in the park are not _______

A. small B. big C. good D. pretty

( )5.-Do we like the park? -________

A. Yes, we do. B. No, we do. C. Yes, you do.

No, we don’t.


D. No,


Exercise Three参考答案

1. only 2. members 3. aunt 4. classmate 5. cousin

1~5 CCBCB 6~8 ACC

1. cards 2. parents 3. is from 4. Do, watch

1. don’t have

2. How many pens

3. Does, go

4. What do, do

5. How many aunts does she have?

1. members 2. city 3. usually 4. happy



5. rains

Unit 1 Family and relatives

Exercise Four

I. Fill in the blanks with the phonetic symbols.

1. We often play _________ /ˈbædmɪntən/ together.

2. What________ /els/ do you want?

3. Let’s do some_________ /ˈʃɒpɪŋ/.

4. I like going__________ /ˈsaɪklɪŋ/ with my parents.

5. Mary has a lot of ___________ /ˈrelətɪvz/.

II. Choose the best answer.

( ) 1. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation

from others?

A. I like shopping with my mother. B. I am so sorry.

C. It is so hot. D. Today we will go to school.

( ) 2. What _______ do you usually do at weekends?

A. other


( ) 4. Ben only plays football in the park on Saturdays and Sundays. He

play football.

A. usually

A. he

A. Do

B. always

B. his

B. Are

C. sometimes

C. him

C. Is

B. plays football

D. to play badminton

C. not often D. always

D. never

D. he’s

D. Am

( ) 5. Danny sometimes goes fishing with uncle.

( ) 6. they go to school together?

( ) 7. Jack always with his brother.

A. play badminton

C. playing basketball

A. sometimes B. never

A. always is

B. else

B. is always

C. also

C. always be

D. too

D. be

( ) 3. Alice the first to come and the last to leave.

( ) 8. Kitty is a very kind girl. She is ready to help others.

III. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1. What do you (usual) do with your parents?


2. I have two (aunt) in my family.

3. The old man is my (father) father, my grandfather.

4. They are my (cousin) from America.

5. Kitty sometimes goes (shop) with her mother.

IV. Rewrite the sentences as required.

1. We sometimes visit our grandparents. (对画线部分提问)

_________ _________ _________ you visit your grandparents?

2. My sister has lunch at school every day. (改为否定句)

My sister _______ ________ lunch at school every day.

3. I sometimes play games with my classmate. (对画线部分提问)

______ do you sometimes play games with?

4. We often play together after school.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ you often play together?

5. his, to, the, cinema, sometimes, Mr., with, Smith, goes, family(连词成句)


V. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box.

Each can only be used once.

A. closed B. stay up(熬夜) C. as usual D. open E. together

On New year’s Day all shops and factories are__1___. Families meet__2__

for a big meal and a family party. In England, New Year’s Day is not a Holiday

and people go to work__3__. But on New Year’s Eve most people__4__ until

midnight to see the New Year or they go to parties and dances. Most of the big

London hotels have a New Year’s Eve dance.

1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________4.__________

VI. Reading comprehension.

Once there was a little boy. He got angry easily. His father gave him some

nails(钉子)and told him, “When you get angry, put a nail into the wall.”

On the first day, the boy put thirty-seven nails into the wall. The next day,

he put in fewer nails. A few days later, he found it much easier to not get angry.

After a month, the boy was not angry. After some time, the boy was happy every


Then his father asked him to take out a nail each day he was not angry.


After some time, the boy took all the nails out.

Then the father took the boy to the wall and said, “Well done, my son. But

look, there are so many holes(洞) in the wall. When you say things in anger, they

leave a scar(疤) in people’s hearts. No matter (无论) how many times you say

sorry, the scars are always there.”

1. What did the father give his son? The father gave his son________.

2. Did the boy put the nails into the wall on the first day?


3. What happened after a month?

After a month, ___________________________________

4. What did the father ask his son to do then?

The father asked his son____________________________

5. What was on the wall after the boy took out all the nails?

There were______________________________________


Exercise Four参考答案

1. badminton 2. else 3. shopping 4. cycling 5. relatives

1~5 DBBCB 6~8 ABD

1. usually 3. father’s 4. cousins 5. shopping

1. How often do

2. doesn’t have

3. Who/Whom

4. When do

5. Mr. Smith sometimes goes to the cinema with his family.

1. closed 2. together 3. as usual 4. stay up

1. some nails

2. Yes, he did. He put thirty-seven nails into the wall on the first day.

3. the boy was not angry.

4. to take out a nail each day he was not angry.

5. many holes in the wall.


Unit 1 Family and relatives

Exercise Five

I. Fill in the blanks with the phonetic symbols.

1. This is my_______________ /ˈfæməli tri:/.

2. How many __________/ 'ʌŋk(ə)lz/ does Linda have?

3. She has /'əunli/ one daughter.

4. I always go__________ /ˈʃɒpɪŋ/ with my cousin.

5. What___________ /ˈpreznts/ do you want?

II. Choose the best answer.

( ) 1. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation

from others?

A. My mother is in the bathroom now. B. I go swimming with my


C. Do you want apples or pears? D. There are a lot of cars in

the street.

( ) 2. What do you want to say?

A. also

A. a, a

A. he

A. sometimes

A. How much

A. the, the

A. my

B. else

B. a, an

B. his

B. never

B. How many

B. the, /

B. mine

C. still

C. an, a

C. him

C. not often

C. How old

C. /, the

C. me

D. yet

D. an, an

D. he’s

D. always

D. How

D. /, /

D. I

( ) 3. I have aunt and uncle.

( ) 4. Danny sometimes goes fishing with uncle.

( ) 5. Kitty is a very kind girl. She is ready to help others.

( ) 6. brothers and sisters has Mary got?

( ) 7. I don’t play football in morning.

( ) 8. A friend of in my class often helps me.

III. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1. What do you (usual) do with your parents?

2. I have two (aunt) in my family.


3. The old man is my (father) father, my grandfather.

4. They are my (cousin) from America.

5. Kitty sometimes goes (shop) with her mother.

IV. Rewrite the sentences as required.

1. Does Granny Li go (shop) every day?

2. They are both taxi (drive).

3. How many (member) are there in your group, Danny?

4. My father usually (get) up at five thirty every morning.

5. for, make, a, kite, for, me, can, you. (连词成句)


V. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box.

Each can only be used once.

A. pick up B. rest C. get ready for D. nice E. presents

In the U.S., Mother’s Day is a holiday on the second Sunday in May. It is a

day when children give mothers cards, ___1___and flowers.

One of the best ways to celebrate(庆祝)Mother’s Day is to give your mother

the day off. Let her have a good __2__while other members of the family do the


Many families begin Mother’s Day with breakfast in bed. Usually dad and

the children will let mom sleep late as they go into the kitchen(厨房) and

__3__her favorite meal. A Mother’s Day breakfast can make of anything your

mom likes.

After the food is cooked, keep everything nicely on a plate. Don’t forget to

put the bottle with only one flower. With spring here, the children can __4__ the

nicest flower from the garden outside.

1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________4.__________

VI. Reading comprehension.

Nick and his father are on a train. Nick likes to stand and put his head out of

the window. His father says, “Sit down! Don’t put your head out of the window!”

But Nick goes on putting his head out of the window.

His father takes Nick’s cap quickly and says, “You see, your cap has flown.

Sit down! Perhaps, your cap will come back.” Nick is afraid and he sits on the


chair quickly. Nick’s father puts the cap on Nick’s head. Oh! It is wonderful!

Nick is happy. He takes his father’s cap quickly and throws it out of the window.

“Now your turn, Dad!” Nick says happily.

1. Where are Nick and his father?

They are _____________________________________________.

2. Does Nick like sitting on the chair quietly?


3. What does Nick like to do?

Nick likes to___________________________________________.

4. Who puts the cap back on Nick’s head?

___________________ puts the cap back on Nick’s head.

5. What does Nick do after he gets his cap back?

He __________________________________________________.


Exercise Five参考答案

1. Family tree 2. uncles 3. only 4. shopping 5. presents

1~5 CBDBD 6~8 BCB

1. usually 3. father’s 4. cousins 5. shopping

1. shopping

2. drivers

3. members

4. gets

5. Can you make a kite for me?

1. presents 2. rest 3. get ready for 4. pick up

1. They are on a train.

2. No, he doesn’t.

3. stand and put his head out of the window.

4. Nick’s father

5. takes his father’s cap quickly and throws it out of the window.


Supplementary exercise 6AU1


Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar

I. Look at the phonetic transcriptions and complete the sentences. (看音标,完成下列句子):

1. Do you have any __________ /'relətvz/ in Beijing?

2. ___________ /ˈəʊnli/ three people live in this very big house.

3. You are a ____________ /'membə/ of your class.

4. Do you play _____________ /'bædmnt(ə)n/ after school?

5. I can’t___________ /'saɪkl/ to school today because my bicycle is broken.

II. Complete the sentences with proper words. The first letters are given. (用适当的单词完成句子,首字母已给)

1. This is a p________ of my family. We took it last year.

2. Tom and I study in the same class. He is my c___________.

3. I sometimes go c________ at weekends.

III. Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the given words (用所给单词的适当形式填空)

1.What do you __________ (usual) do with your parents?

2.I have two ___________(aunt) in my family.

3.The old man is __________(I)grandfather.

4.They are my ___________ (cousin) from America.

5.Kitty usually goes ___________ (shop) with her mother.

IV.Choice (选择题)

( ) 1. My brother and I at the same school.


( ) 4. Who often a birthday cake for you?

A. am

A. he

A. my, mine

B. is

B. they

B. my, my

C. are

C. our

C. mine, my

D. be

D. them

D. mine,

( ) 2. Look, are Mary’s parents.

( ) 3. This isn’t book, is here.



A. takes

A. always is

B. buys

B. is always

C. makes

C. always be

D. gives

D. be

( ) 5. Alice the first to come and the last to leave.

( ) 6. What you always with your parents?

A. are, do B. do, do C. will, do D. /, do

( ) 7. Ben only plays football in the park on Saturdays and Sundays. He

plays football.

A. usually

A. also

A. us

A. he

A. Do

B. always

B. else

B. we

B. his

B. Are

C. sometimes

C. still

C. my

C. him

C. Is

B. plays football

D. to play badminton

C. not often

C. How old

C. into

D. always

D. How

D. from

D. never

D. yet

D. you

D. he’s

D. Am

( ) 8. What do you want to say?

( ) 9. – Where does your grandma live? – She lives with .

( ) 10. Danny sometimes goes fishing with uncle.

( ) 11. they go to school together?

( ) 12. Jack always with his brother.

A. play badminton

C. playing basketball

A. sometimes

A. How much

A. to

B. never

B. How many

B. on

( ) 13. Kitty is a very kind girl. She is ready to help others.

( ) 14. brothers and sisters has Mary got?

( ) 15. We can get some food and fruit the supermarket.

V. Rewrite the sentences as required (按要求改写句子)

1. He usually goes swimming with me. (改为一般疑问句)

________ he usually ________ swimming with you?

2. My cousins always watch TV at home together. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ your cousins always ________ together?

3. I play badminton with my brother every day. (改为否定句)


I _________ ___________ badminton with my brother every day.

4. This is my cousin.(改为复数)

________ _________ my __________.

5. She always watches TV after dinner.(改为一般疑问句)

__________ she always ____________ TV after dinner?

6. I have three aunts .(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ aunts do you have?

7. I, badminton, play, always, with, aunt, my (连词成句)


VI. Translate the following sentences into English (将下列句子翻译成中文)

1. 你有多少个叔叔? (how many)

2. 我只有一个阿姨。(only)

3. 他有时候和他的祖父一起看书。(sometimes)

VII.Complete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box.

Each word or phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次)


A. beautiful B. children C. daughters D. many E. much

Mr. Brown has a big garden. There are ___1___ trees and flowers in it.

The flowers are very __2__. Some flowers are red, some flowers are yellow.

He loves the garden very much. His ___3___ often play near it. His

two___4___ fly kites and his four sons play football. What a big family he has!

And how happy they are!

1._______ 2._______ 3._______4.______


A. grandmother B. only C. people D. cousin E. sister

My family is a big one. There are eleven ____1____ in my family. My

grandfather and ____2____ are both teachers. My father is a doctor. My mother

is a nurse. They work hard. I ___3____ have one aunt. Her name is Sue. She has


a daughter. My ___4____ and I are students.

1._______ 2._______ 3._______4.______

Supplementary exercise 6AU1参考答案

1. relative 2. Only 3. member 4. badminton 5. cycle

1. photo 2. classmate 3. cycling

1. usually 2. aunts 3. my 4. cousins 5. shopping

1~5 CBACB 6~10 BCBAB 11~15 ABDBD

1. Does, go

2. What do, do

3. don’t play

4. These are, cousins

5. Does, watch

6. How many

7. I always play badminton with my aunt.

1. How many uncles do you have?

2. I only have an aunt.


3. He sometimes reads book with his grandfather.


(A) 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C

(B) 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D


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