

Unit 1

I. Translation

A. Translate the following sentences into


1. 他是经理的儿子,但光凭这一点,他是没有资格批评我们的工作的。(qualify)

2. Smith 先生从教学岗位上退休下来之后,开始从事摄影这一兴趣爱好。(take up)

3. 相比较下来,这幢房子的优点是价格低,儿那幢房子的有点是交通便利。(by


4. 他似乎正在使出全身解数,试图提高这一新产品的销售量。(promote)

5. 那些热切的学生们纷纷挤进了讲堂,以聆听来自剑桥大学的那位著名教授讲课。

6. 正如成千上万的其他人一样,她被这件艺术品深深迷住了。(like)

7. 知道我结婚的时候,我才有钱买了自己的房子。(It…)

B. Translate the following passage into



又不足,所以交通问题越来越严重。最近几年由于人口增长很快,该市变得很拥挤。世界上几乎没有一个城市象雷文港市那样拥挤。自1851年以来,该市人民一直在拦海拓地(reclaim land from the sea)。现在已经很难想象原来的海岸的面目了。但是几年来,拦海计划的费用越来越贵。今天几乎没有什么可以拦海拓地的地方了。公共汽车、电车、轿车和出租车使街道越来越拥挤。雷文港市的海港是世界上最繁忙的海港之一。每天在雷文港市大约有五百万乘客使用这种或那种公共交通工具。

II. Choose a word or phrase that best complete

each of the following sentences.

1. A ______ statement is a false and malicious

one meant to harm a person’s reputation.

A. slanderous B. flattering

C. ill-natured D. critical

2. Computers can help students ______ objects

that are difficult or impossible to view, such as

human anatomy, molecular structures, or

complex geometrical objects.

A. dramatic B. visualize

C. realize D. organize

3. This famous businessman ______ most of

the profits from his business to various

charities after his success.

A. donated B. distributed

C. discharged D. designated

4. In his most celebrated book, the author

describes his experience in an unknown

country against ______ obstacles of

environment and weather, and failure of


A. discriminating B. disguising

C. disheartening D. disregarding

5. Beverly Hills is known for the ______

homes of film and television personalities and

contains many fashionable shops.

A. priceless B. luxurious

C. pleasurable D. precious

6. When people are physically ______ a drug,

they suffer ill physical effects if they stop

taking the drug.

A. absorbed in B. accepted


C. addicted to D. attracted to

7. Within three months after birth, babies

begin to show a preference for complex and

______ stimuli as opposed to simple and

familiar stimuli.

A. common B. normal

C. strange D. novel

8. The oldest known systems of education in

history had two characteristics in common;

they taught religion, and they ______ the

tradition of the people.

A. developed B. encouraged

C. forwarded D. promoted

9. Though unsuccessful, steam-powered

models of airplanes made by the English

inventor Henson in 1847 were ______, as

many later models generally followed his


A. encouraging B. instructive

C. promising D. victorious

10. With the increasing consciousness of self

heath care, millions of Chinese people ______

in a variety of daily physical exercises,

ranging from the traditional shadow boxing to

the modern earobics.

A. compels B. participate

C. play D. share


I. A

1. He is the manager’s son, but that alone does

not qualify him to criticize our work.

2. Mr. Smith took up photography as a hobby

after he retired from teaching.

3. By comparison, this house has the advantage

of low price and that house has the

advantage of convenient transportation.

4. It seems that his is making every effort to

promote the sale of this new product.

5. The eager students crowded into the lecture

hall to hear the famous professor from

Cambridge University.

6. She, like thousands of others, is greatly

fascinated by this work of art.

7. It was not until I got married that I could

afford to buy a house of my own.


The transport problem in Lavenport has

been growing because in this cosmopolitan

city there are too many people but there is not

enough space. The population has been

increasing very quickly in recent years and

now Lavenport has become very crowded.

Hardly any city/ Very few cities in the world is

/ are as crowded as Lavenport. Since 1851 the

people in this port city have been reclaiming

land from the sea and today it is difficult to

imagine what the original shoreline looked

like. But over the years, reclamation schemes

have been growing more and more expensive

and today there is hardly any place left where

reclamation is possible. The streets are

becoming more and more crowded with buses,

trams, cars and taxis. The harbour is one of the

busiest in the world. Each day about five

million passengers make use of some kind of

public transport or other in Lavenport.

V. A.

The take over Romans

called people ended This

know question took each

shortened time caused was

their any like another

write period just like


B. her the a no some

a little a few a The /

her the her / one a

/ / one the


1 ~ 5 ABACB 6~10 CDDCB

Unit 2


A. Translate the following sentences into


1. 你能拿出他那天晚上不在家的证据吗?(use a relative clause)

2. 刚才在这儿说的所有的话必须保密。(Whatever…)

3. 如果这次旅行的花费不超过一百元,那你把我也算上吧。(count)

4. 每天晚上上床之前,Smith先生都要巡视一下房子,以确保所有的门窗都锁上了,所有的灯都关了。(make sure)

5. 他确实把真相告诉了你,但你就是不相信。(use the emphatic form of the verb)

6. 我延误了给他回信,这使他如此担忧,他竟乘了直达航班来看我。(delay n.)

7. 当我告诉他,他父亲心脏病发作被送进了医院时,他看上去似乎并不在意。(as if)

8. 公共汽车突然刹车,一只沉重的皮包从他头顶上的行李架上落下俩,正好落在他的头上。(land v.)

B. Translate the following passage into







1. Can you produce any evidence that he was

not at home that night?

2. Whatever was said here just now must be

kept secret.

3. If the trip costs no more than 100 yuan, you

can count me in.

4. Every night before going to bed, Mr. Smith

goes round the house to make sure that all the

doors and window are locked and that all the

lights are off.

5. He did tell you the truth, but you simply did

not believe him.

6. My delay in answering his letter worried

him so much that he made a non-stop flight to

come to see me.

7. When I told him that his father had been

sent to hospital because of a heart attack, he

looked as if he didn’t care.

8. The bus suddenly stopped; a heavy bag fell

from the rack above him and landed on his



Where did the movie begin? It is often said

that they are an American invention; but this is

not entirely true. The motion picture has been

the most international of the arts. At the end of

the nineteenth century, inventors in France,

England, and the United States were among

the dozens of men who were trying to develop

ways of using photographs to create the effects

of motion.

Soon after 1889, when the famous American

inventor Thomas Edison first showed motion

pictures through a device called the kinescope,

other devices for the same purposes appeared

all over the world. Edison had solved certain

problems making it possible for other

inventors to develop their own devices. One

other important contribution by Edison was

the introduction of 35 mm, as the international

standard film width. When it became possible

to use any 35 mm. machine for showing

movies from any parts of the world, the

international trading of films began to take


Unit 3


A. Translate the following sentences into


1. 特技演员的惊险(breathtaking)表演使得观众惊恐万分。(leave)

2. 由于他的健康越来越差,我想现在该是去掉吸烟恶习的时候了。(it is time…)

3. 当Bill全神贯注地作他的实验时,他全然不知周围发生的事情。(be preoccupied)

4. Tom 提议用他的这张邮票换John的那本书,但是John拒绝了。(exchange)

5. 他指控他的邻居晚上唱片放得太响了。(accuse)

6. 他并不是你所认为的那种笨蛋。(assume)

B. Translate the following passage into


在许多场合,我们可以听到人们说男子比女子强,这是大男子主义(male chauvinism)的一个表现(manifestation).

确实, 在大多数领域,男子做得比女子好,但这不是女子的过错。旧的传统观念使妇女不能享受同男人一样的机会,这同这一问题有很大的关系。

还有一种不明显的偏见,那就是根深蒂固的(deep-rooted)女子无才便使得德的偏见(see ignorance as a woman’s virtue)。当然,不可否认这样的事实:五十年来,我国妇女的地位有了很大的提高。




1. The stuntman’s breathtaking performance

left the audience panic-stricken.

2. Since his health is deteriorating, I think that

it is time he got out of the bad habit of


3. When Bill is preoccupied with his

experiment, he has no idea of what is going on

around him.

4. Tom proposed to exchange this stamp of his

for that book of John’s, but John refused.

5. He accused his neighbor of playing the

records too loudly at night.

6. He is not such a fool as you assume him to



On many occasions we may hear people say

that men are superior to women. Actually this

is a manifestation of male chauvinism.

True, men are doing better than women in

most fields, but this is not women’s fault. The

age-old traditions which prevent women from

enjoying equal opportunities with men have a

lot to do with the problem.

There is yet another form of invisible

discrimination. That is the deep-rooted

prejudice that sees ignorance as a woman’s

virtue. But of course it is true that in our

country women’s status has been greatly raised

in the past fifty years.

A main obstacle that often holds women

back is fear, which results from social

prejudice. Fear keeps women form doing

anything significant. To root out the

conventional prejudice, women should hold to

the belief that they can catch up with and

surpass men. This belief will build up

women’s confidence, overcome their fear, and

shatter the myth that men are superior to


Unit 4

I. Translation

A. Translate the following sentences into


1. Linda 不可能已去美国,因为我昨天在街上看见她了。(use a modal auxiliary + have

done structure)

2. 这些国家的政府必须采取有力的措施以完全控制住人口增长。(measures)

3. 这对老夫妇其实应该申请几张旅游支票,这样他们在周游世界时就不用随身携带那

么多现金了。(use modal auxiliaries + have

done structures)

4. 他是如此著名的一位艺术家,他的画全应保存在诸如美术馆或博物馆之类的地方。(such…as…)

5. 由于缺乏经验,那位青年医生没有立即采取行动,这导致了病人的死亡。(take action)

6. 她想以某种方式表示一下,她是多么地关心他和他的幸福。(in some way)

7. 总统发表了一次演讲,其意思是国家将保护野生动物。(to the effect)

8. 教师应该发挥他们的想象力,增加教学的艺术性。(add…to…)

B. Translate the following passage into



II. Choose a word or phrase that best

completes each of the following sentences.

1. People who lose their way in a desert often

suffer from ______ thirst and hunger, in

addition to extreme anxiety.

A. painful B. tormenting

C. colossal D. unperceived

2. During times of war or economic ______

many people convert their wealth into precious

stones, which are transportable and more

easily sold.

A. distraction B. disturbance

C. tremor D. vibration

3. In Victoria, Australia, in 1850, miners

became ______ with the high cost of mining

licenses and restrictions on their right to search

for gold.

A. amazed B. confused

C. irritated D. puzzled

4. The debate centered on the fear that a

rapidly growing population would put an

_______ strain on the finite capacity of the

earth to provide resources.

A. intolerable B. moderate

C. negotiable D. controllable

5. A winter ______ technique in mammals is

slowing the physiological processes, including

reduction of body temperature.

A. continuation B. endurance

C. existence D. survival

6. The sprinkler system installed in buildings

in usually activated by beat from a fire, and

the sprinkler head then ______ water over the

fire area.

A. discharge B. pour

C. give away D. throw

7. Concerned with the worldwide pollution

problems, people from all walks of life are

struggling to ______ the impact of human

activity on the natural world.

A. decrease B. degrade

C. lessen D. lower

8. Beginning from the 1960s in the West, more

and more women with children have joined the

work force, and the popularity of preschool

educational programs has ______ increased.

A. fixedly B. regularly

C. stably D. steadily

9. Fire insurance and accident insurance

companies made efforts to ______ safety rules

and to educate the public.

A. dictate B. enforce

C. observe1 D. regulate

10. The sky is bright because small particles

in the air ______ sunlight.

A. direct B. guide

C. scatter D. transport



1. Linda can’t have gone to America, for I saw

her yesterday in the street.

2. The government of these countries must

take strong measures to bring population

completely under control.

3. The old couple should have applied for a

number of traveler’s checks so that they

needn’t have carried so much cash with them

while traveling around the world .

4. He is so famous an artist that his paintings

should all be kept in such places as art

galleries or museums.

5. for lack of experience, the young doctor

didn’t take immediate action, which caused the

death of the patient.

6. She wanted to show in some way how much

she cared about him and his happiness.

7. The president made a speech to the effect

that the state would preserve its wildlife.

8. Teachers should exercises their imagination

and ass art to their teaching.


The queen wasn’t an entirely successful film.

The music might not have been right for the

theme of the film. The actress might not have

been quite right for her role as a queen. The

director could have organized the plot more

carefully. The actor’s role ought to have been

larger. The producer might not have had

enough time to supervise the production. They

may not have had enough money to make a

truly successful film. But is was still a fine



1 ~ 5 BBCAD 6 ~ 10


Unit 5

I. Translate the following sentences into


1. 要管理好一所学校,校长起着很重要的作用。(play…role)

2. 在家庭事务中具有最后决定权的是我母亲。(say n.)

3. 生物学,特别是微生物学,从他很早的学生时代起就让他着迷。(in particular)

4. 她有没有说什么令你特别感兴趣的东西呢?(appeal)

5. 在这么复杂的情况下,没有人能揣测出谁将赢得下一次竞选。(tell)

6. 这是100英镑,它够支付你所有的花费了。(cover)

7. 工程师的工作需要智力以及经验。(plus)

II. Choose a word or phrase that best completes

each of the following sentences.

1. From the mid 1980s, the Chinese

government began to give top ______ to

scientific and educational development.

A. preference B. primary

C. privilege D. priority

2. Many people believe that wild animals

provide ______ in the form of sport hunting

and sport fishing, bird-watching and visits to


A. challenge B. happiness

C. recreation D. satisfaction

3. In Britain alone in the late 1980s,

approximately £30 billion was spent in a

single year on advertising to ______ the

purchase of commodities and services.

A. influence B. control

C. draw D. seduce

4. It is always considered very ______ for a

young couple to walk arm in arm on a rainy


A. attractive B. emotional

C. romantic D. sentimental

5. The polar bear feeds almost exclusively on

seals an other animals, but it may also ______

on vegetation.

A. eat B. graze

C. gulp D. take

6. The Huang He is traditionally referred to as

“China’s Sorrow” because, throughout

Chinese history, it has periodically ______

large areas by flooding.

A. depressed B. devastated

C. occupied D. poisonous

7. Only about 1 percent of cockroach species

are considered pests to humans and these are

basically ______ pests.

A. dangerous B. irritation

C. nuisance D. poisonous

8. In writing, you should avoid using ______

expression; clear and straightforward ones can

help the readers understand your viewpoint

more easily.

A. mystifying B. puzzling

C. uncertain D. vague

9. When buying a house, it is customary for

the seller and the buyer to enter into a contract,

at which time the buyer makes a _______

according to the amount of the purchase price.

A. deposit B. installment

C. payment D. promise

10. Many tourists come to the central part of

Australia, which is mostly uncultivated, to

enjoy a _______ experience.

A. civilization B. disorder

C. quietness D. wilderness


I. Translation

1. The headmaster plays an important role in

the effective administration of school.

2. IT is my mother who has the final say in

family affairs.

3. Biology, microbiology in particular, had

fascinated him from his earliest student days.

4. Has she said anything that appeals to you


5. Under such complicated conditions, not one

can tell who will win the next election.

6. Here is 100 pounds; that should cover all

your expenses.

7. The work of an engineer requires

intelligence plus experience.


1 ~ 5 DCACB 6 ~ 10 BCDAD

Unit 6

I. Translation

A. Translate the following sentences into


1. 不管雨下得多大,昨天你也应该来机场接我们的。(no matter…)

2. 他越想这件事就越生气。(The more … the


3. 这个农夫情愿以半价出售这些蔬菜,也不愿意听任它们烂掉。(rather than)

4. 那本小册子里的全部信息仅限于高级军官知道。(restrict)

5. 通常医生要求病人彻底戒烟。(as a rule)

6. 直到火车开走了我才赶到车站。(It was

not until)

7. 昨晚有20名学生发高烧病倒了,医生们现在正在忙于调查这件事,希望能到病因。(down with, in the hope of)

8. 父母有权干涉他们子女的个人生活吗?(interfere)

B. Translate the following passage into




II. Choose a word or phrase that best

completes each of the following sentences.

1. During our holiday in Venice we went on a

few _____ to places nearby.

A. voyages B. trips

C. journeys D. travels

2. When writing an academic paper, always

quote your _____, i.e., give the names of

books, people, etc. used as sources for facts.

A. sources B. authorities

C. names D. information

3. The government is trying to ______ drug


A. wipe off B. wipe down

C. wipe out D. wipe away

4. I prefer drinking ______ coke, because I

want to lose some weight.

A. classical B. sweetened

C. normal D. diet

5. Qualifications are not absolutely ______,

but some previous experiences is useful.

A. basic B. essential

C. fundamental D. elementary

6. If students want to enlarge their vocabulary,

it is advisable to make a careful study of the

______ words when they come across a new


A. allied B. combined

C. linked D. related

7. Harry was ______ by the President as the

Security Adviser for the government.

A. asked B. designated

C. elected D. given

8. Your work is _____, but I’m sure you could

do better.

A. enough B. sufficient

C. adequate D. appropriate

9. Many Islamic government s attempt to

______ private access to western satellite

broadcasts in fear of foreign cultural


A. confine B. control

C. prevent D. restrict

10. Plants draw minerals and other ______

from the soil.

A. food B. nutrients

C. nutrition D. materials


I. A

1. No matter how heavily it rained, you should

have come to meet us at the airport yesterday.

2. The more he thought about it, the angrier he


3. The farmer sold the vegetables at half price

rather than allow them to rot.

4. All the information in that booklet is

restricted to high-ranking military officers.

5. As a rule, doctors require their patients to

give up smoking completely.

6. It was not until the train had left that I

reached the station.

7. last night twenty students were down with a

high fever and the doctors are busy

investigating the case in the hope of finding

the cause.

8. Do parents have the right to interfere in the

private lives of their children?


China has long been looked upon as a land

of many famous craftsmen shoes artistic works

are treasured to that day. The most famous of

all was a man called Lu Ban. He lived many

centuries ago, but people still remember the

marvelous houses and palaces he planned and

built though the buildings themselves have

long since disappeared. Bu Ban’s skill was so

great that people even used to wonder if he

was an immortal. Although it is a long time

since Lu Ban left this world, old men in

Beijing say that Lu still has the welfare of all

craftsmen in his heart. Whenever craftsmen

find themselves in difficulty, they pray to Lu

Ban for help. There are many stories in Beijing

about the occasions on which Lu Ban gave his

help to ordinary craftsmen.


1 ~ 5 BACDB 6 ~ 10


Unit 7


A. Translate the following sentences into


1. 肯定会有人反对在下个月举办歌唱比赛的。(be bound to, object to)

2. 事故发生后,John 很沮丧地发现他那辆崭新的汽车已经被损坏的无复修的希望了。(beyond)

3. 如果我开价,比如说100美元,来买你那台旧电视机,你会接受吗?(say)

4. 除了Dick以外,Tom没有跟任何人说其他很想去当一名特技演员的事。(other than)

5. 这份工作从现今收益的角度来看不是很盈利的,但我正从中获取很有价值的经验。(in terms of)

6. 缺乏营养价值的饮食无法使人保持健康。(lack)

7. 我当时真想朝那个演讲者的脸上揍上一拳,我紧握双拳跑出了房间。(urge n.)

B. Translate the following dialogue into












1. There is bound to be someone who will

object to having a singing contest next month.

2. After the accident, John was depressed to

find that his brand-new car was damaged

beyond the hope of repair.

3. Would you take an offer of, say, $100, for

your old TV set?

4. Tom did not tell anyone other than Dick that

he would like very much to be a stuntman.

5. This job is not very profitable in terms of

cash earnings, but I’m getting valuable

experience from it.

6. A diet lacking in nutritional value will not

keep a person healthy.

7. I resisted an urge to hit the speaker in the

face and ran out of the room with clenched



Harold: You haven’t shown me the camera

that you bought yesterday.

Richard: I forgot to bring it today. I’ll try to

remember to bring it with me tomorrow.

Harold: Where did you buy it?

Richard: I bought it from the shop you took

me to last week.

Harold: You do like taking photographs,

don’t you?

Richard: Yes, I find it interesting to take

photographs, to develop films and enlarge

pictures. I don’t mind spending a lot of

money doing it.

Harold: That must be a very interesting


Richard: It certainly is.

Unit 8


A. Translate the following sentences into


1. 这个男孩如此的固执,他不愿听从任何人的劝告,甚至连他父母的话也不听。(not


2. 新的型号(model)发明之后,对比之下旧的那种就显得很笨重和缓慢了。(by


3. 由于时间很紧迫,他们不得不日夜兼程。(as well as)

4. 家庭燃料油的消费量各个月份不等,冬季一个月可达150加仑,而七、八月份时几乎为零。(vary)

5. 得到展览会的票子,你费了很大周折吗?(trouble n.)

6. 他奇迹般的从这次事故中幸存了下来,但其他人都没有。(survive)

7. 这两个男子如此相似(resemblance),给我留下了深刻的印象。(strike)

8. 在会议上,总经理向我眨眼示意了好几次,但我还是没有弄明白他在暗示什么。(figure out)

B. Translate the following dialogue into


杰 姆:你的牙痛怎样了?



杰 姆:牙齿老是给人烦恼,但就是没有人能有什么办法。我真不懂为什么。


杰 姆:为什么不能用移植心脏的方法去移植牙齿?


杰 姆:仔细想想(on second thoughts),我不知道我是不是想用其他人的牙齿来吃东西。


杰 姆:噢,听上去这倒是个好主意。



1. The boy is so obstinate that he won’t listen

to anybody’s advice, not even his parents’.

2. After the invention of the new model, the

old one, by contrast, seemed very clumsy and


3. Since time was very pressing, they had to

travel by night as well as by day.

4. The consumption of domestic fuel oil varies

from 150 gallons a month in winter to

practically nothing in July and Augest.

5. Did you have much trouble getting tickets

for the exhibition?

6. He survived the accident miraculously, but

no one else did.

7. I was struck by the resemblance between the

two men.

8. At the conference the general manager

winked at me several times, but I still couldn’t

figure out what he was hinting at.


Jim: How’s your toothache?

Andrew: It’s gone, thanks. I went to the dentist

last night.

Jim: Teeth keep causing trouble, and nobody

really does anything about toothache. I can’t

understand why.

Andrew: They can put men on the moon, but

they can’t keep people from having trouble

with teeth.

Jim: Why can’t they transplant teeth the way

they transplant hearts?

Andrew: I’ve heard they’re working on that.

My dentist says they’re working on tooth

transplants right now.

Jim: On second thoughts, I’m not sure I’d

want to eat with some other person’s teeth.

Andrew: That’s not how it works. The idea is

to develop a plastic tooth that can be put into

the hole where your own tooth came out.

Jim: Well, that sounds a good idea.

Unit 9

I. Translation

A. Translate the following sentences into


1. 关于野生植物方面的知识,我们班里没人能和他相比。(match)

2. 他滑了一跤,摔伤了腿。结果,他只得两

个月不来上学。(as a result)

3. 经过一年的艰苦训练,他英语不仅说得更流利,而且更准确了。(not only…but…as


4. 因为她怀孕了,所以我们对她的情况给以例外处理。(exception, case)

5. 这本根据一个真实故事而写的书能使你感动得流泪。(base v.)

6. 这所新建的学校里所有的桌子和椅子都能根据每个孩子的身高进行调节。(adjust)

7. 当她逐渐认识到他利用了自己对他的信任时,她感到非常伤心。(take advantage of)

8. 我吞下一片阿司匹林以缓解痛苦,使我晚上可以安睡。(free from)









II. Choose a word or phrase that best

completes each of the following sentences.

1. Manufacturing used to be accomplished by

hand, but most of today’s modern

manufacturing operation are highly

mechanized and ______.

A. automated B. complicated

C. controlled D. manual

2. The poverty line in the United States is

______ annually, to allow for inflation.

A. adjusted B. determined

C. modified D. raised

3. Competition in the long-distance runs must

______ their speed carefully in order to avoid

tiredness coming too early.

A. keep B. maintain

C. quicken D. regulate

4. Digital devices such as computers have

built-in electronic ______ that can turn on and

off extremely rapidly.

A. machines B. designs

C. circuits D. materials

5. The residential nuclear radiation can be a(n)

______ mover very large areas that are

completely free from other effects of a nuclear


A. accident B. hazard

C. nuisance D. risk

6. Computer technology has brought about

rapid scientific development and dramatic

social progress that were barely ______ less

than fifty years ago.

A. convincing B. existing

C. imaginable D. feasible

7. Many students hate ______ calculation by

hand, so they prefer an electronic calculator

when working with large numbers.

A. troublesome B. annoying

C. tireless D. tedious

8. Wrist watches are mechanical ______

devices that are carefully constructed and are

used for timekeeping.

A. accuracy B. precision

C. correctness D. exactness

9. Depending on the work for which it was

designed, a computer programme can ______

texts, numbers, graphics, or a combination of

these elements.

A. exploit B. manipulate

C. operate D. work

10. A literate population is a necessity for any

nation wishing to ______ modern

technological growth.

A. take advantage of B. take a

chance of

C. take care of D. take into



I. Translation


1. No one in our class can match him in the

knowledge of wild plants.

2. He slipped and broke his leg. As a result, he

had to be away from school for two months.

3. After one year’s hard practice, not only did

he speak English more fluently, but he spoke it

more accurately as well.

4. Since she was pregnant, we made an

exception in her case.

5. This book, which is based on a true story,

will move you tears.

6. All the desks and chairs in the

newly-established school can be adjusted to fit

the height of any child.

7. When she came to realize that he had taken

advantage of her trust in him, she felt deeply


8. I took an aspirin tablet s that I’d be free

from pain and be able to sleep peacefully at




12 2004

Dear Helen,

It’s fun being a student again. There are

always things to learn. I wish you had come

with me.

The weather is really nasty. It’s always

raining and drizzling. I wish it would stop for

a minute.

It’s quite an experience living in a hall of

residence. It’s fun, but it’s too noisy! The

students next door are always playing their

pop records. They ought to know that they’re a

nuisance. I wish somebody could tell them that

other students are annoyed and that they want

to study or relax.

I hope you’ll write me more often. Though I

enjoy the life here, I often miss home and feel


Write soon.



V. Blank Filling

A. 1. before 2. spread 3. is 4. some

5. reaches 6. boy 7. paper 8. story 9. or

10. pushes 11. appears 12. homes

13. serve 14. type 15. answer

16. screen 17. VDT 18. use 19. mail

20. borrow 21. like 22. now 23. will

24. your 25. future 26. exciting

27. progress 28. big 29. no 30. understand

B. 1. would improve 2. would have done

3. had had 4. was/were 5. would force

6. could…get 7. could persuade

8. could do 9. would…pay 10. were

11. wouldn’t cost 12. would…be

VI. Vocabulary work

A. halt 6 wish 3 case 8 bear 7

get 1 external 2 help 4 timetable 5


1 ~ 5 AADCB 6 ~ 10 CDBBA

Unit 10

I. Translation

A. Translate the following sentences into


1. 昨晚我刚要睡着,急促的敲门声把我吵醒了。(hardly…when…)

2. 他们是在慎重的考虑之后才决定离开家乡在巴黎定居下来。(It was … that…)

3. 警察不知该如何解释这一事件。(at a loss)

4. 任何他女儿想要的东西,不管要花费多少钱,他都买给她。(regardless)

5. 那个男孩向他的老师报告了这一偷窃行为,而她又向校长汇报了。(in turn)

6. Rose要求出租车司机走Brook大街,而不要走Baker大街,因为Baker大街那里正在修路。(the latter)

B. Translate the following dialogue into


露 丝:上周六你们按计划去野餐了吗?



露 丝: 太遗憾了! 你们愿意明天同我们一起去吗?

爱丽丝: 愿意,我想一定会很愉快的。

露 丝: 肯定的。那我就盼着你们去哪。

爱丽丝: 我们怎么去呢?

露 丝: 乘我们的车子去怎么样?

爱丽丝: 太好了! 也许我该同我丈夫商量一下。如果他同意,我就打电话给你。

露丝: 好吧!

II. Choose a word or phrase that best completes

each of the following sentences.

1. More recently, ______ researchers have

turned their attention to the study of variation

patterns in American English and to the social

and historical sources of these patterns.

A. linguist B. linguistic

C. lingual D. lexical

2. Arms race is an intense competition

between nations to ______ technologically

advanced and militarily strategic weapon


A. strengthen B. collect

C. heap D. accumulate

3. In his speech, there is no information

______ to the recent development in cancer


A. belonging B. bringing

C. leading D. pertaining

4. For some serious coin collectors, a coin with

a different date, mint (制币厂) mark, and even

a little ______ in design is counted as a

different coin.

A. contrast B. diversity

C. variety D. variation

5. The total land area of Hong Kong, SAR

(Special Administrative Region), is small,

_____ only 1076 square kilometers (415

square miles).

A. comprising B. including

C. making D. occupying

6. In different historical times, governments

have ______ by various means to promote the

common welfare of the members of the society

over which it exercises control.

A. decided B. endeavored

C. maneuvered D. struggled

7. Industrialization without proper planning

may bring about ______ effects to natural


A. drastic B. enormous

C. uncontrollable D.


8. Children under the age of ten may be

harmed by the ______ physical requirements

of a ballet class.

A. active B. hard

C. strenuous D. vigorous

9. Quite a large number of old people enjoy

______ in gardens on sunny afternoons in


A. sauntering B. tramping

C. trotting D. wandering

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