


3 African American poet Lucille Clifton writes in a notably (尤其/明显地) ________style, achieving great impact (影响) in a few

unadorned (不加装饰的,简单的) words.

A. incantatory

B. economical

C. disaffected

D. unstinting

E. even-handed

A: 咒语的 C. 对某人/事心怀不满的 D. 慷慨大方的

E. 公平的


incantatory: 咒语的

disaffected: Disaffected people no longer feels any loyalty

and fully support something such as an organization or political

ideal which they previously supported 不再完全支持的;不满的

affected: used for describing behaviour that is not natural

but is done to impress other people 矫揉造作的


1) not involved in something and therefore able to judge it

fairly 公平的

2) not interested Many people think that this use of the word

is not correct, and prefer to use uninterested 不感兴趣的


1) Unstinting help, care, or praise is great in amount or

degree and is given generously 大方的

even-handed: dealing fairly with all the people involved in a

situation 公平的

4 The young man possessed ________disposition (性情),

abjectly submissive (顺从的) to the will of others.

A. an amiable

B. an inscrutable

C. a servile

D. a jocular

E. a melancholy

A. 和蔼可亲的

B. 神秘难懂的

C. 过于顺从的

D. 爱开玩笑的

E. 悲伤地


abjectly: You use abject to emphasize that a situation or

quality is extremely bad(境况)非常糟糕的

amiable: Someone who is amiable is friendly and pleasant to

be with

inscrutable: If someone is inscrutable, it is impossible to

understand what they are thinking or feeling from their

expression or from what they say

servile: Someone who is servile is so willing to serve or obey

other people that you have no respect for them

jocular: formal humorous/fond of joking 幽默的/爱开玩笑的


1) adj You describe something that you see or hear as

melancholy when it gives you an intense feeling of sadness 悲伤的

2) n 忧郁;抑郁melancholia 忧郁症

5 The author’s love of harmonious (和谐的;音调优美的,悦耳的) and pleasing sounds was reflected in the ________phrases of

her fiction (小说).

A. convoluted

B. perfidious

C. bellicose

D. euphonious

E. sympathetic

A. 复杂的

B. 背叛的

C. 好战的

D. 悦耳动听的

E. 同情的


convoluted: very complicated, or more complicated than


perfidious: literary treacherous, deceitful or disloyal 背叛的

bellicose: formal Someone who is bellicose enjoys fighting or

arguing; aggressive

euphoniou s: adj of a pleasing sound

e uphony: n. pleasantness o

f sound, esp in words 声音的和谐

6 Some psychologists argue that a ________of choices can be

paralyzing (不知所措), since too many options (选择) can impede

(阻碍) meaningful selection.

A. prohibition

B. manifestation

C. misapplication

D. modicum

E. plethora

A. 禁止

B. 显现,表明

C. 误用,滥用


E. 太多


manifest: If you say that something is manifest, you mean

that it is clearly true and that nobody would disagree with it if

they saw it or considered it

manifestation: A manifestation of something is one of the

different ways in which it can appear 表现

misapply: to use something, for example a law, theory, or

money, in a way that is wrong or illegal 误用,滥用

modicum: a modicum of something a small amount of

something, especially a good quality

plethora: formal 『of』a greater amount than you need or


7 The scientist warned that global warming might ________a

dangerous ________of some mosquito-borne diseases (蚊媒病),

resulting in an increasing number of epidemics (流行) around the


A. decline

B. surgence

C. plague

D, pansion E. quarantine

A. 在....之前;下降/拒绝

B. 促进;复苏的;复兴的;恢复

C. 消除;瘟疫/困扰

D. 阻碍;扩展/张

E. 引起/劝说隔离


precede: If one event or period of time precedes another, it

happens before it 先于....而发生

stimulate: to stimulate something means to encourage it to

begin or develop further鼓励,刺激

resurgence: If there is a resurgence of an attitude or activity,

it reappears and grows 复苏;恢复resurgent adj


1) Plague is a very infectious disease that usually results in

death. The patient has a severe fever and swelling on his or her

body 瘟疫

2) A plague of unpleasant things is a large number of them

that arrive or happen at the same time 泛滥

3) If you are plagued by unpleasant things, they continually

cause you a lot of trouble or suffering 困扰

deter: to deter someone from doing something means to

make them not want to do it or continue

doing it 阻止


1) to induce a state or condition means to cause it 引起

2) If you i nduce someone to do something, you persuade or

influence them to do it 引诱;劝说


1) n. If a person or animal is in quarantine, they are being

kept separate from other people or animals for a set period of

time, usually because they have or may have a disease that could

spread 隔离

2) v If people or animals are quarantined, they are stopped

from having contact with other people or animals. If a place is

quarantined, people and animals are prevented from entering or

leaving it 对.....进行隔离

8 Nineteenth-century Plains Indians valued ________quite

highly and expected their elites (精英) to be the most giving of all


A. intrepidity

B. reticence

C. candour

D. jocularity

E. munificence


A. 勇气

B. 沉默寡言

C. 坦率

D. 爱开玩笑的

E. 慷慨大方

intrepid: an intrepid person acts in a brave way 勇敢的

intrepidity n. 勇敢

reticent: adj Someone who is reticent does not tell people

about things 缄默的

reticence n.

candou r: Candour is the quality of speaking honestly and

openly about things直率;直言不讳jocular: formal

humorous/fond of joking 幽默/爱开玩笑jocularity n

munificent: formal extremely generous 慷慨大方的munificence n.

9 That Carl Stokes, former mayor of Cleveland was truly

________, which is evident from the significant impact he had in

many different arenas (领域).

A. humble

B. casual

C. influential

D. reflective

E. aloof



1) If you are reflective, you are thinking deeply about


2) If something is reflective of a particular situation or

attitude, it is typical of that situation or attitude, or is a

consequence of it 反映的

3) A reflective surface or material sends back light or heat 反射的

aloof: Something who is aloof is not very friendly and does

not like to spend time with other people 冷淡的

10. Because Alex was a very ________person, he found

satisfaction only in work that involved intellectual stimulation (智力促进).

A. peripheral

B. cerebral

C. facetious

D. complacent

E. superficial

A. 周边的

B. 理智的/理性的;喜欢动脑筋的

C. 诙谐的

D. 洋洋得意的

E. 肤浅的



1) A peripheral activity or issue is one that is not very

important compared with other activities or issues 次要的

2) Peripheral areas of land are ones that are on the edge of a

larger area 周边的

periphery: if something is on the periphery of an area, place,

or thing, it is on the edge of it 边缘

cerebral: If you describe someone or something as cerebral,

you mean that they are intellectual rather than emotional 理智的;理性的

facetious: trying to be funny in a way that is not appropriate

(不当地)引入发笑的,诙谐的factitious: artificial 人为的

complacent: A complacent person is very pleased with

themselves or feels too confident and relaxed because you think

you can deal with something easily, even though this may not be

true 自满的;盲目乐观的

11. The 17th and 18th centuries were the years when Pueblo

pottery (陶器) was least likely to be ________and from which,

consequently, the fewest authentic (真实的) examples ________.

authenticity n. 真实性

A. riginate

B. survive

C. disappear

D. persist

E. dure


counterfeit: adj Counterfeit money, goods, or documents are

not genuine, but have been made to look exactly like genuine (真正的/真诚的) ones in order to deceive people

mishandle: If you say that someone has mishandled

something, you are critical of them because you think they have

dealt with it badly 对....处理不当


1) If you endure a painful or difficult situation, you

experience it and do not avoid it or give up, usually because you

cannot 承受

2) If something endures, it continues to exist without any loss

in quality or importance 延续enduring adj 持久的

12. As advocates (倡导者) of free speech confronted (遭遇)

those who would regulate entertainment strictly, the debates

over shocking content in movies will likely ________.

A. abate

B. concur

C. mediate

D. conclude

E. escalate

A. 事态减轻

B. 意见一致

C. 居中调解

D. 结束

E. 扩大,升级


abate: If something bad or undesirable abates, it becomes

much less strong or severe 减弱

concur: If one person concurs with another person, the two

people agree. You can also say that two people concur意见一致

mediate: If someone mediates between two groups of

people, or mediates an agreement between them, they try to

settle an argument between them by talking to both groups and

trying to find things that they can both agree to. 居中调停

meditate: If you meditate on something, you think about it

very carefully and deeply for a long time 深思


1) to become, or make something become, much worse,

intense or more serious 加剧

2) to increase, especially at a fast rate that causes problems


13. Mala based her new online business in the ________,

because she wanted to work far away from the crowded,

expensive city.

A. metropolis

B. neighbourhood

C. countryside

D. emporium

E. multitude

A. 大都市

B. 附近

C. 乡下

D. 大商场

E. 数量众多


metropolis: Metropolis is the largest, busiest, and most

important city in a country or region 大都会

emporium: old-fashioned a store that sells many different

types of things 商场

multitude: A multitude of things or people is a very large

number of them大量

14. To end his lecture on time, Professor Burke decided to

________his final point and addresses it instead at the next class


A. improvise

B. amend

C. forgo

D. reiterate

E. promote

A. 即兴做某事

B. 修改

C. 放弃

D. 重申



1) If you improvise, to do something without preparing it first,

often because the situation does not allow you to prepare 临时匆忙拼凑

2) When performers improvise, they perform something that

they have not practiced before 即兴/即席表演

forgo/forego: If you forgo something, you decide to do

without it, although you would like it 放弃

reiterate: If you reiterate something, you say it again, usually

in order to emphasizing it 重申

15. Knowing the rewards of ________, NASA astronaut Ellen

Ochoa encourages students to study hard if they wish to pursue

careers in science and engineering.

A. generosity

B. serendipity

C. diligence

D. individuality

E. merriment

B. 全然无意中有所新奇发现 E. 高兴


serendipity: literary the fact of finding pleasant or useful

things by chance 全然无意中有所新奇发现

serene: Someone or something that is serene is clam and

quiet 安详的,安静的

serenity n.

merriment: mainly literary laughter and fun 欢乐;欢笑

16. Jason was truly ________, for he squandered (浪费) a great

deal of money with no thought for the future.

A. prescient

B. infallible

C. reticent

D. improvident

E. sedulous

A. 有先见之明的

B. 永不会犯错的

C. 沉默寡言的

D. 不计后果的大手大脚

E. 勤奋的


prescient: adj formal knowing or behaving as if you know

what will happen in the future 有先见之明的

infallible: not capable of making mistakes 不会犯错误的

reticent: Someone who is reticent does not tell people about

things 缄默的

improvident: very formal not thinking carefully enough

about the future, especially about the future, especially by

wasting money 不顾及将来需要的,浪费的

impudent: If you describe someone as impudent, you man

they are rude or disrespectful, or do something they have no

rights to do 放肆的,不恭的

impromptu: adj An impromptu action is one that you do

without planning or organizing it in advance 无事先准备的

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