

cooks the fish for Tom

Tom weighs ( ) in the shop with his wife.

fish cat wife friend

much fish does Tom often buy?

kilo kilo kilo kilo

likes ( )very much.

wife friends


Leo is thirteen years old. He has a brother and a sister. He has 10 tennis rackets,

8 baseballs, 6 basketballs, 12 soccer balls and 18 volleyballs, but he never

(从不) plays sports. His brother, Neal likes soccer ball. He is a member(成员) of the city soccer club. He plays soccer ball every day with his friends.

His sister, Nancy likes volleyball, but she doesn’t play it. She watches it

on TV!


6. How many balls are there in their family?


7. Do Neal and Nancy like sports?


8. Who(谁) plays ball every day in Leo’s family?


9. Does Leo like sports?


10. What does Nancy like?



A crow (乌鸦)wants to drink, but he can’t find water. He looks here and there. At last (最后),he cries (大叫), “I can see a jar (罐子)and there is some water in it.” He tries (试图) to get the water, but he can’t. “How can I get the water?” he cries, “I can put my break (鸟嘴)quite close (靠近)to it.” But still (仍然)he can not

drink. “What can I do? I want to drink.”

He looks here and there, then he picks up a small stone (石头)

in his break and carries it to the jar of water and drops it

into the jar. “Soon the water will be high in the jar, and I can drink,” says the crow.

So he begins (开始) to do that until (直到)the water is high enough to drink.

1. What is the crow looking for? ( )

A. A jar B. Water C. Food D. Meat

2. Why doesn’t he drink right now(马上)?( )

A. He isn’t very thirsty. B. No water in the jar.

C. He doesn’t want to drink it. D. The water isn’t high.

3. What’s the English meaning (意思) for “drop”?( )

A. put… into… B. take…to… C. carry…to… D. put…on…

4. Why does he pick up the stone? ( )

A. He is hungry. B. He wants to put them into the jar.

C. He wants to make his break strong. D. He is playing

a game

5. Which title (题目)do you think is the best (最好)?( )

A. A Clever(聪明的) Crow B. A thirsty Crow

C. A Crow and A Jar of Water D. A Crow and Stones


One day the famous American scientist Albert Einstein(著名的美国科学家爱因斯坦) came across(碰到) an old friend of his in a street in New York.

“Mr Einstein” said the friend “ It seems that you need to have a new overcoat. Look how worn-out it is ?”

“It does not matter,” answered Albert Einstein, “Nobody knows me here in New York”

Several years later, they met in New York again. Einstein had became a world famous physicist(物理学家) then. But he still wore (wear过去式)the same old overcoat. Once more his friend tried to persuade(劝) him to buy a new one.

“There is no need now” said Einstein. “Everyone here knows me”

1. Where did Einstein meet his friend for the first time?( )

a C. Japan D. New York

2. ---Why did his friend say “you need to have a new overcoat”?

---Because his overcoat was too( )

3.----Why did Einstein say “ Nobody knows me here in New York”?

----Because at that time he was not ( )


( ), Einstein and his friend met again.

days months l hours l years

this article we can find Einstein is a ( )person.



Tom is a lovely boy. He likes playing football very much. He often comes back between 4p.m and day he comes back late. His mother says “ you come back home late today, Tom”.

“Yes, we have a new teacher,. He is a math teacher, ” Tom answers.

“How is he?” His mother asks

“I don’t know, I think I can’t believe him”

“How is that ”his mother says.

“One moment he says two and three is five and the next moment he says one and four is five” Tom answers

comes home( ) today.

4p.m 4:30 p.m 5p.m 5p.m

comes home late because( )

A. he plays football plays baskedball

studies math don’t know

sentence “How is that ”means( )

can you say that teacher is right

me more about that do you feel

is right?

r Dmother

of the following sentence is right?

teacher is wrong is right

is wrong ’t mother is wrong.


Hello, I am Becky. I’m eleven. I have a sister, but I don’t have a brother.

I like sports. I sometimes (有时) play tennis with her. I collect 4 tennis

rackets, and my sister has 2 rackets. I like ping-pong, too. I play ping-pong

with my friends. Do you like sports? Do you play sports every day? Let’s be

friends !

does Becky have ?

A. She has a sister. B. She has a brother.

C. We don’t know. D. She is an English girl.

does Becky like?

A. She likes her sister. B. She likes her friends.

C. She likes ping-pong. D. She likes ping-pong and tennis.

does Becky play ping-pong with?

A. Her sister. B. Her classmates. C. Her friends. D. No one.

one is TRUE (正确的)?

A. Becky’s sister is eleven. B. Becky likes sports.

C. Becky has a sister and a brother.

D. Becky only likes tennis, and she doesn’t like ping-pong.

does Becky want (想要) to do?

A. She wants to write to her parents. B. She wants to find new friends.

C. She wants to write a note. D. She wants to play tennis with you.


The world is not hungry , but it is thirsty . It seems strange that nearly 3/4

of the earth is covered with water while we say we are short of (短缺) water.

Why? Because about 97% of water on the earth is sea water which we can't drink

or use for watering plants directly (直接地) . Man can only drink and use the

3% - the water that comes from rivers and lakes. And we can't even use all of

that, because some of it has been polluted (污染) .

Now more water is needed. The problem is: Can we avoid (避免) a serious water

shortage later on? First, we should all learn how to save water. Secondly, we

should find out the ways to reuse it . Scientists have always been making studies

in the field. Today, in most large cities water is used only once and then runs

to the sea or rivers . But it can be used again. Even if (即使) every large

city reused its water, still there would not be enough. What could people turn

to next?

The sea seems to have the best answer. There is a lot of water in the sea.

All that needs to be done is to get the salt out of the sea water. This is

expensive, but it's already used in many parts of the world. Scientists are

trying to find a cheaper way of doing it. So you see, if we can find a way out,

we'll be in no danger of drying up.

1 . The world is thirsty because ________.

A. 3/4 of the earth is covered with water

B. we have enough sea water to use directly

C. we haven't used all the water in rivers and lakes

D. about 97% of water on the earth can't be drunk or used for watering plants


2. Which of the following is true ?

A. 3% of water on the earth is in rivers and lakes.

B. 75% of water on the earth is the sea.

C. 97% of the earth is covered with water.

D. 3% of water on the earth is sea water.

3. From the passage we learn _________.

A. if every city reuses its water, we'll be in no danger of drying up

B. man can only drink and use about 25% of water on the earth

C. today in most large cities water is used only once

D. water can be used only once



Today is Sunday. My parents don`t go to

91 and I don`t go to school. So we go to the

92 to do some farm work. My uncle is a farmer.

He has many 93 trees on his farm. We often

94 him pick (摘) apples. We get up early this

95 . We all wear (穿) our old clothes. We also

buy many kinds of food 96 my uncle`s son

in a shop. Because 97 likes them very much.

I think my uncle will 98 us a lot of apples

when 99 come back. I like apples very much.

I like to work 100 the farm.

( ) 91. A. shop B. school C. work

( ) 92. A. office B. farm C. hospital

( ) 93. A. apple B. orange C. apples

( ) 94. A. help B. helps C. helping

( ) 95. A. evening B. morning C.


( ) 96. A. to B. for C. with

( ) 97. A. he B. him C. they

( ) 98 A. sell B. bring C. give

( ) 99. A. He B. I C. we

( ) 100. A. at B. on C. in


I am a new student in Class 10. 11

name is Gina Brown. My 12 name is Liu

Yufei. You can 13 me Gina or Liu Yunfei.

I am very happy to 14 two good friends

here. One is a 15 . 16 name is Wang

Lin. The other (另一个) one 17 a girl.

18 name is Xie Caixia. 19 ! it is a

picture of my friends and me. Besides (除了)

Wang Lin, Xie Caixia and me, you can also see

Mary, Michael and Lucy. So there are (有)

__20__ girls in the picture.

( ) 11. A. I B. Me C. My

( ) 12. A. Japanese B. English C. Chinese

( ) 13. A. say B. call C. speak

( ) 14. A. answer B. spell C. meet

( ) 15. A. boy B. girl C. girls

( ) 16. A. His B. Her C. My

( ) 17. A. am B. is C. are

( ) 18. A. His B. Her C. My

( ) 19. A. Hello B. Look C. What

( ) 20. A. four B. five C. six


I have a good friend. 1 Chinese

name is Da Shan and his 2 name is Mark

Rowswell. He 3 from Canada. He can 4

English and French (法语). And he speaks

Chinese very 5 . He likes China very much.

Now he teaches English 6 Beijing. Da Shan

7 a big nose, big eyes 8 short brown

hair. He has a happy family. His wife (妻子) is

from Sichuan, China. They 9 two children.

Da Shan`s father and mother are in Canada. But

10 like China, too. And they often come to


( ) 1. A. He B. Him C. His

( ) 2. A. English B. French C.


( ) 3. A. come B. does C. comes

( ) 4. A. speak B. speaks C. says

( ) 5. A. good B. nice C. well

( ) 6. A. at B. to C. in

( ) 7. A. is B. are C. has

( ) 8. A. and B. or C. so

( ) 9. A. are B. have C. is

( ) 10. A. they B. them C. their


Hi! My name is Jane, I’m from Canada. I’m

in Beijing. now. I like 21 here. So I often

eat a lot 22 food. I have breakfast at

home. 23 breakfast, I eat porridge and

Chinese bread. My mother and father 24

are doctors, they don`t have time to cook lunch.

25 I don`t go home for lunch. I often have

lunch in a restaurant near my school. The food

here is good. I can have 26 foods for

lunch. I eat chicken, rice and vegetables.

Sometimes(有时) I eat Beijing roast duck. I have

dinner at home 27 my father and mother.

Sometimes we 28 with our friends. We

29 fish, vegetables and fruits(水果).

What 30 you? Please tell me.

( ) 21. A. the food B. the drink C.

the people

( ) 22. A. for B. of C. from

( ) 23. A. For B. Have C. On

( ) 24. A. all B. two C. both

( ) 25. A. so C. but

( ) 26. A. the same B. same C.


( ) 27. A. to B. and C.


( ) 28. A. eating B. eat out C.


( ) 29. A. have B. to eat C.


( ) 30. A. are B. for C.



Julia is 31 American girl . She is 32

New York . She’s thirteen . She 33 in a

junior high school in zhengzhou. Julia often

34 up at 6;30 on weekdays . she often has a

cup of tea, an egg and 35 bread for

breakfast . She goes to sohool at 7;30 and 36

there before 8:00. Julia has breakfast 37

her parents at 7:25 “Have a cake, Julia. 38

very nice,” her mother 39 . “NO, thank

you, Mum. I must 40 now. I’m getting late.

School starts at 8:00,”says Julia.

( ) 31. A. a B. an C. the

( ) 32. A. at B. to C. in

( ) 33. A. study B. studies C. studying

( ) 43. A. get B. gets C. put

( ) 35. A. some B. any C. many

( ) 36. A. get B. get to C. gets

( ) 37. A. with B. for C. from

( ) 38. A. Its B. It`s C. It

( ) 39. A. says B. speaks C. tells

( ) 40. A. to go B. goes C. go


Look at this picture. This is a photo 41

my family. There are 42 people in the

picture. They are my father, my mother, my

brother, my sister and 43 . 44 father is

very happy every day. My mother 45

near (在……旁边) my father. The boy beside

(在……旁边) my mother is my 46 . The

47 near my mother is my little sister. 48

is very clever and cute. Everyone likes her very

much. Who is 49 boy in the middle (在中间)? Ah! It is me. 50 love my family

very much.

( ) 41. A. for B. on C. of

( ) 42. A. five B. six C. seven

( ) 43. A. me B. I C. you

( ) 44. A. My B. I C. His

( ) 45. A. are B. am C. is

( ) 46. A. sister B. grandfather C.


( ) 47. A. boy B. girl C. son

( ) 48. A. He B. She C. They

( ) 49. A. a B. these C. the

( ) 50. A. I B. Me C. My


Do you know that girl? 51 name is

Judy. She`s from the U.S.A. She is 52 .

She has a happy family. Her father is an English

teacher in Beijing. Her mother is in 53 ,

too. 54 she is in Shanghai. Judy is in

Beijing with her 55 . She 56 a small

nose, a big mouth and blue eyes. Her hair 57

long and blond. Judy and I 58 in the same

class. Mr. Zhao is our Chinese teacher. He likes

playing the guitar 59 . Judy likes playing

the guitar, too. She often learns it from

60 .

( ) 51. A. She B. Hers C. Her

( ) 52. A. old B. English C. twelve

( ) 53. A. the U.S.A B. England C. China

( ) 54. A. But B. Then C. Or

( ) 55. A. father B. mother C.


( ) 56. A. is B. are C. has

( ) 57. A. is B. are C. has

( ) 58. A. am B. is C. are

( ) 59. A. much B. very C. very much

( ) 60. A. her B. him C. his


Li Lin is a good friend of mine. I go to 61

home for dinner. Zhang Tao and Wang Dong

62 in his home, too. We 63 a good

dinner. There is (有) 64 meat, chicken, fish,

milk and vegtables 65 the desk. And there

is some rice, noodles, cakes, water and tea on it,

66 . We like 67 very much. Li Lin and I

like 68 meat, fish, vegetables, noodles and

cakes. Zhang Tao and Wang Dong like to eat

chicken, fish and 69 . They are really (确实地) nice. 70 are very happy.

( ) 61. A. him B. he C. his

( ) 62. A. are B. is C. am

( ) 63. A. has B. have C. is

( ) 64. A. lot B. many C. some

( ) 65. A. in B. on C. at

( ) 66. A. and B. so C. too

( ) 67. A. them B. they C. their

( ) 68. A. to have B. have C. has

( ) 69. A. rice B. rices C. a rice

( ) 70. A. Us B. Our C. We


It`s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs White go to the

shop. They want to buy their daughter some

71 . They start (出发) 72 eight thirty. There

are too many cars on the way. They can`t 73

too fast and it`s not easy to park (停) their car. It

is about ten o`clock when they 74 the shop.

In the shop they see a 75 dress. it`s nice.

And red is their daughter`s favorite 76 .

“ 77 is this dress?” Mrs White asks. “It`s

eighty yuan.” Answers the girl in the shop. “It`s

not expensive (贵的). We`ll 78 it.” Then

they find a yellow skirt. The skirt also looks very

nice. Mr White says to 79 , “You buy our

daughter the dress, so I`d like to buy this skirt

80 her.” Mrs White says, “All right.” The

skirt is only fifty-two yuan.

( ) 71. A. food B. clothes C. drinks

( ) 72. A. at B. in C. on

( ) 73. A. walk B. drive C. run

( ) 74. A. get B. get up C. get to

( ) 75. A. yellow B. red C. brown

( ) 76. A. sport B. color C. clothes

( ) 77. A. How much B. How many C.

What color

( ) 78. A. do B. take

Mrs White

( ) 80. A. to B. for C. about


C. bring

( ) 79. A. the girl B. his daughter C.

My name is Lisa Green. I`m from 81 . I

have a big 82 . My 83 are old and they

have no work. They love 84 very much.

My father is a cook and my mother is a nurse.

85 is my father`s favorite sport. 86

work, he 87 it with his friends. My uncle is

my father`s 88 . He is an English teacher.

He likes reading and he loves 89 a lot. I

have a cousin. He is eight years old. My cousic

and I often play computer games together (一起).

We are very 90 .

( ) 81. A. Chinese B. Canada C.


( ) 82. A. family

( ) 83. A. parents


( ) 84. A. I

( ) 85. A. Guitar


( ) 86. A. After

( ) 87. A. play

( ) 88. A. uncle

( ) 89. A. study

( ) 90. A. friendly


B. room C. school

B. grandparents C.

B. my C. me

B. Basketball C.

B. At C. On

B. plays C. do play

B. aunt C. brother

B. work C. sports

B. useful C.

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