



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您勇敢传说

Brave (2012)在哪呢?出来吧!Where are you? Come out!快出来哦!Come out!出来咯Come on out.我来你咯 嘻嘻I'm coming to get you.你在哪儿,小坏蛋?我来抓你咯Where are you, you little rascal? I'm coming to get you.哈Hm.我的生日小公主去哪儿啦,嗯?Where is my little birthday girl, hm?等我到她,我要把她一口吃掉I'm going to gobble her up when I find her.哦啊 啊Om我要把你吃掉,小羊儿I'm going to eat you. lam.噢,费格斯,武器别放桌上Och, Fergus, no weapons on the table.我能玩射箭吗?好嘛?好嘛?好嘛?好嘛?Can I shoot an arrow? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I?好不好嘛?好嘛?Please? Can I?1



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您不能玩那把,要不…Not with that. 玩你自己的?...use your very own?生日快乐,我的小不点!Happy birthday, my Wee darling!我的乖女儿Now, there's a good girl.拉弦,直到脸颊,很好Draw all the way back now to your cheek. That's right.睁大双眼瞄准Keep both eyes open.再,放开!And, loose!没射中 那就去捡回来吧I missed. Go and fetch it, then.弓,费格斯?她可是个小女孩呀A bow, Fergus? She's a lady.啊!你!Ooh! You!磷火A wild wisp.它们是真的啊They are real.梅瑞达,快回来,亲爱的Merida, come along, sweetheart.我们马上走啦 我看见磷火了We're leaving now. I saw a wisp.2



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您我看见磷火了 磷火?I saw a wisp. A wisp?你知道吗?人说磷火会引你到自己的命运You know, some say that the wisps lead you to your fate.噢喔,或者一根箭Oh, aye. Or an arrow. Och!快点吧,在碰到跳舞的稻草人Come on, let's be off before we see a dancing Tatty Bogle.或在风信子地里喝酒的巨人前离开这儿Or a giant having a jigger in the bluebells.你爸不相信魔法Your father doesn't believe in magic.唔,他应该相信,因为那是真的Well, he should. Because it's true.熊怪貊蠹!埃莉诺,快跑!Mor'du! Elinor, run!陛下!Sire!来吧,你!Come on, you!人说命运系于土地Some say our destiny is tied to 因为我们源于土地...as much a part of us as we are of it.也有说命运相互交织,就像块织布Others say fate is woven together like a cloth.所以一个人的命运会跟很多人的命运交织So that one's destiny intertwines with many others.3



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您命运是我们一直在寻并试图改变的东西It's the one thing we search for or fight to change.有的人一辈子都没到Some never find it.但也有人能被命运引导But there are some who are led.父亲跟熊怪貊蠹战斗时The story of how my father lost his leg丢掉一条腿的故事成为了传说to the demon bear Mor'du became legend.我成为了三个弟弟的I became a sister to three new brothers.三个小王子,哈米什,休伯特,和哈里斯The princes. Hamish, Hubert and Harris.他们更像小魔鬼Wee devils, more like.他们可以为所欲为,百无禁忌They get away with murder.我什么出格的事情都不能做I can never get away with anything.我是公主I'm the princess.噢!Oh!我是榜样I'm the example.我有义务和责任,还要承担着别人的期望I've got duties, responsibilities, expectations.4



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您我的整个生活都被安排好了My whole life is planned out,只为着准备有一天成为…preparing for the day 唔,我的母亲Well, my mother.她安排着我每一天的生活She's in charge of every single day of my life.啊,知更鸟,快乐的知更鸟,你知我心"Aye, Robin, Jolly Robin, and thou shalt know of mine. "大声点!Project!你知我心!"And thou shalt know of mine!"要清楚,要让房间里每个地方都听得明白Enunciate. You must be understood from anywhere in the room,不然就是白费力气or it's all for naught.这就是白费力气 我听见了!This is all for naught. I heard that!啊哦 从头开始From the top.一个公主必须了解她的王国A princess must be knowledgeable about her kingdom.公主不能乱画She does not doodle.C调,亲爱的That's a C, dear.5



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您公主不能大声发笑A princess does not chortle.嗯! 不能吃太大块!Mm! Does not stuff her gob!起床了Rises early.同情心... 耐心,小心...patient, cautious,整洁clean.还有最重要的是,一个公主要努力追求…唔,完美And above all, a princess Well, perfection.但每隔一段时间But every once in a while,我都有一天可以不用当公主there's a day when I don't have to be a princess.没有说教,没有期望No lessons, no expectations.一个任何事情都可能发生的日子A day where anything can happen.一个我可以改变命运的日子A day I can change my fate.驾!Yah! 寒风在召唤,天空很清明When cold wind is a' calling, and the sky is clear and bright6



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您 雾岭在歌唱,领我入光明Misty mountains sing and beckon, lead me out into the light 我会骑行,我会飞行I Will ride, I Will fly 追着那风,感受天空Chase the wind and touch the sky 我会飞行,追着那风,感受天空I will fly Chase the wind and touch the sky 幽林藏密,奇山怪石之地Where dark woods hide secrets and mountains are fierce and bold 静水流深,斑驳了那岁月Deep waters hold reflections of times lost long ago 静悟岁月,抓紧了我的梦I will read every story, take hold of my own dream 像海潮一样汹涌Be as strong as the seas are stormy 像鹰鸣一样骄傲And proud as an eagle's scream 我会骑行,我会飞行I Will ride, I Will fly 追着那风,感受天空Chase the wind and touch the sky 我会飞行,追着那风,感受天空I will fly Chase the wind and touch the sky 感受天空And touch the sky 追着那风Chase the wind7



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您 感受天空Touch the sky我饿坏了,你呢,安格斯?I'm starving. You hungry too, Angus?噗!Pfft!那吃燕麦咯!Oats it is, then.公主好Good day, Princess.盐巴呢,你放哪了?I cannot find the salt. Where did you put it?一分钟前还在那It was over there a minute ago, the last time I looked at it.就在那时,一只你从没见过的巨熊从天而降!And then, out of nowhere, the biggest bear you've ever seen!它的皮毛里残留着死去勇士的武器His hide littered with the weapons of fallen warriors.脸上仅剩一只狰狞的眼睛His face scarred with one dead eye.我拔出剑…I drew my 唔嘘!Whoosh!只砍了一下,他的宝剑就粉碎了One swipe, his sword shattered.嚓!爸爸的腿不见了Then "chomp"! Dad's leg was clean off.8



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您直进那怪兽喉咙Down the monster's throat it went.哈,那是我最爱的部分Oh, that's my favorite part.从那以后,再也没人见过貊蠹Mor'du has never been seen since,据说它在荒野游荡寻复仇机会and is roaming the wilds waiting his chance of revenge.啊啊啊 让它来吧Let him return.我会第一时间解决这个漏网之鱼I'll finish what I guddled in the first place.梅瑞达,公主是不会把武器放桌上的Merida, a princess does not place her weapons on the table.妈妈!这只是我的弓而已Mum! It's just my bow.我觉得,一个公主不应该有武器A princess should not have weapons in my opinion.由着她吧Leave her be.不管是谁,学会战斗都是必须的Princess or not, learning to fight is essential.妈妈?你猜我今天干什么啦Mum? You'll never guess what I did today.嗯? 我爬上了“老婆婆的尖牙”山Hm? I climbed the Crone's Tooth,在落火瀑布喝水and drank from the Fire Falls.9



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您落火瀑布?Fire Falls?人说只有古代国王才敢去喝那“落火”They say only the ancient kings were brave enough to drink the fire.你干什么了,亲爱的? 没什么,妈妈What did you do, dear? Nothing, Mum.饿了吧?Hungry, aren't we?妈妈! 你会肚疼的Mum! You'll get dreadful collywobbles.噢,费格斯,看看你女儿的餐盘里?Oh, Fergus, will you look at your daughter's plate?怎么了?So what?喂,你们这些… 不要让它们舔…Oh, Don't let 孩子们,你们又淘气了Boys, you're naughty.不要玩羊杂馅饼Don't just play with your haggis.你怎么知道你不喜欢吃Urgh! Och, how do you know you don't like it,如果连试都没试过?if you won't try it?那就是个小羊儿的胃That's just a wee sheep's stomach.味道很不错的It's delicious. Mm! (SMACKS LIPS)10



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您夫人 谢谢你,莫蒂My lady. Thank you, Maudie.你们长太大了,两个大家伙You're getting too big, the two of you.啊哈Aha.领主马森托希,马克古菲,丁沃尔的信From the Lords Macintosh, MacGuffin and Dingwall.肯定是他们的答复了,毫无疑问Their responses, no doubt.你,你!AYE, aye!别碰我的吃的,你们这些贪心的东西Stay out of my food, you greedy mongrels.去嚼那个,脏狗!Chew on that, you manky dogs!费格斯?Fergus?他们都答应了They've all accepted.谁答应了什么,妈妈?Who's accepted what, Mother?男孩们,你们先去玩吧Boys, you are excused.喂!Hey!我没干什么坏事吧?What did I do now?11



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您你爸有事情要跟你聊下Your father has something to discuss with you.费格斯?Fergus?哦Oh.呃…梅瑞达Er... Merida.领主们要让他们的儿子们来向你求婚The lords are presenting their sons as suitors for your betrothal.什么? 那些家族都答应了What? The clans have accepted.爸爸! 什么?我…Dad! What? I...你…她…埃莉诺? Elinor?说实在的,梅瑞达,我不知道你为什么会这个反应Honestly, Merida, I don't know why you're reacting this way.今年,每个家族会有一个求婚者来比赛This year, each clan will present a suitor to compete in the games for your hand.我猜公主就要做那些被安排好的事情了?I suppose a princess just does what she's told?公主不会这么大声说话A princess does not raise her voice.梅瑞达,这是你一生都在准备的日子Merida, this is what you've been preparing for your whole life.不,这是你强迫我准备的日子No, it's what you've been preparing me for my whole life.12



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您我不会答应的,你不能强迫我I won't go through with it. You can't make me.梅瑞达!Merida!哈?梅瑞达!Huh? Merida!呃!Urgh!坏小子们!Boys!妈妈,求婚者?结婚?Mother. Suitors? Marriage?从前有个古老的王国Once there was an 啊,妈妈!Oh, Mum!古老的王国…Ancient kingdom.它的名字早被遗忘Its name long forgotten,受一个睿智,公正并广受爱戴的国王统治着ruled by a wise and fair king who was much beloved.当他老去,他把王国分给他四个儿子And when he grew old he divided the kingdom among his four sons,希望他们成为王国和平的四根支柱that they should be the pillars on which the peace of the land rested.但是年纪最大的王子想统治整个王国But the oldest prince wanted to rule the land for himself.13



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您他一意孤行,导致整个王国倒在了He followed his own path and the kingdom fell战争,混乱和破坏之中to war, and chaos and ruin.好故事喲That's a nice story.这不仅仅是个故事,梅瑞达It's not just a story, Merida.传说都是教训,授予我们真理Legends are lessons. They ring with truths.噢,妈妈Och, Mum.我觉得你应该让自己接受这事I would advise you to make your peace with this.那些家族的求婚者就要来了The clans are coming to present their suitors.这不公平 喔,梅瑞达It's not fair. Och, Merida.这是结婚,不是世界末日It's marriage. It's not the end of the world.你在自言自语 我从不自言自语You're muttering. I don't mutter.啊,你当然会自言自语,小姑娘,当你有心事时Aye, you do. You mutter, lass, when something's troubling you.都怪你,牛脾气I blame you. Stubbornness.全都是从你那边遗传过来的It's entirely from your side of the family.14



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您我猜你们没谈好,是不?I take it the talk didn't go too well, then?噢,我不知道该怎么办了Och, I don't know what to do.跟她好好谈,亲爱的 我一直在跟她谈Speak to her, dear. I do speak to her.她就是不听 来,现在She just doesn't listen. Come on, now.假装我就是梅瑞达,跟我谈Pretend I'm Merida. Speak to me.你会怎么说?What would you say?唔…我做不来 I can't do this.你当然可以Sure you can.来,来,这才是我的好王后There, there. That's my queen.嗯,现在开始Right, here we go.我不想结婚"I don't want to get married.我想一直单身,当骑马过峡谷"I want to stay single and let my hair flow in the wind弯弓射落日时,任头发在风中飞舞"as I ride through the glen firing arrows into the sunset. "梅瑞达,我们花了这么多时间和精力来让你准备Merida, all this work, all the time spent preparing you,15



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您教育你,给你我们以前不曾拥有过的一切schooling you, giving you everything we never had.我想问问你,你还想要我们怎么样?I ask you, what do you expect us to do?让他们都走开,他们走开会死吗?Call off the gathering. Would that kill them?你是王后You're the queen.你可以告诉那些领主,公主还没准备好呢You can just tell the lords the princess is not ready for this.事实上,她可能永远都准备不好,所以就这样了In fact, she might not ever be ready for this, so that's that.祝你们愉快,我们会等着明早你们的宣战Good day to you. We'll expect your declarations of war in the morning.我明白这看起来的确不公平I understand this must all seem unfair.我订婚的那阵我也心里犹豫Even I had reservations when I faced betrothal.但是我们不能逃避自己的身份But we can't just run away from who we are.我不想要失去自己的生活I don't want my life to be over.我要自由!I want my freedom!但是你愿意为你的自由付出这么大的代价吗?But are you willing to pay the price your freedom will cost?我做这些不是要伤害你I'm not doing any of this to hurt you.16



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您如果你仔细想想看,我做这些都是因为爱你啊If you could just try to see what I do, I do out of love.但这是我的生活,这是…But it's my life, 我还没准备好I'm just not ready.我觉得你会明白的,只要你…I think you'd see, if you 我觉得我可以让你心里明白的,只要你…I think I could make you understand if you 用心听我说 用心听我说... listen. ... listen.我发誓,安格斯,我不会答应的I swear, Angus, this isn't going to happen.只要我还有机会改变Not if I have any say in it.马克古菲!MacGuffin!马克古菲!MacGuffin!丁沃尔! 丁沃尔!Dingwall! Dingwall!马森托希! 马森托希!Macintosh! Macintosh!噢!啊!Ooh! Aah!喔Oh.17



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您你看起来美极了You look absolutely beautiful.我没法呼吸了I can't breathe.唔,嘘!转个身看看Och, shush! Give us a turn.我动不了啦I can't move.太紧了It's too tight.太完美了It's perfect.梅瑞达? 妈妈?Merida? Mum?要…记得微笑Remember to smile.他们来啦Aye, they're coming.请坐,各位,请坐Places, everyone. Places.噢!Oh!我挺好的,女人!让我就这样!I look fine, woman! Leave me be!陛下!My Lord!18



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您我要宣布…I want to announce the arrival of 噢! 谁?谁来的?Ow! Who goes there? Who goes there?小的!Boy!嗯,大家都来了…呃…So, here Er...四大家族 是... the four clans. MAN: Aye.呃…聚在一起… 喔Er... Oh.为了... 领出求婚者们 领出求婚者们... the presentation of the suitors. ... the presentation of the suitors.马森托希家族Clan Macintosh.马森托希!Macintosh!陛下,这是我的公子,和继承人Your Majesty, I present my heir and scion,他打败北方的入侵者,保卫了我们的王国who defended our land from the northern invaders,还有他的宝剑,嗜血者and with his own sword, Stab Blooder,斩杀过1000个敌人vanquished 1,000 foes.19



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您马森托希!Macintosh!马克古菲家族!Clan MacGuffin!马克古菲!MacGuffin!陛下,这是我的大儿子Good Majesty, I present my eldest son,他凿沉了北欧海盗的战舰who scuttled the Viking longships并赤手杀掉了2000个敌人and with his bare hands vanquished 2,000 foes.马克古菲!MacGuffin!丁沃尔家族Clan Dingwall.丁沃尔!Dingwall!这是我唯一的儿子I present my only son他曾被10000个罗马人包围who was besieged by 10,000 Romans然后他一个人就干掉了整个罗马舰队and he took out a whole armada singlehandedly.用一只手,他…With one arm, 他用一只手驾驶着战舰With one arm he was steering the ship20



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您用另外一只手,他握着他的宝剑and with the other he held his mighty sword击沉了整个来袭的舰队and struck down a whole attacking fleet.谎言! 什么?我听见了MAN: Lies! What? I heard that.来,当着我的面说Go on. Say it to my face.是不是被吓坏了,傻笑的傻子Or are ye scared, simpering jackanapes,怕弄乱你们的漂亮头发?afraid to muss your pretty hair?至少我们有头发 和健全的牙齿At least we have hair. And all our teeth.我们也不会躲在桥下面,你这个老怪物And we don't hide under bridges, you grumpy old troll.很好笑,哈?You want to laugh, huh?为了丁沃尔!!Wee Dingwall!!(SCREAMS) Get off me!干掉他!干掉他!这才是…Nut 'em! Nut 'em! That's the 好吧All right.停下!Shut it!21



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您现在,都介绍完了,你们也互相发泄完了Now, that's all done. You've had your go at each other.都庄重点Show a little decorum.不要再打架了And no more fighting.啊!Cw!你想试试这个?You want a fresh one?胆小鬼们,你们都很暴力Cravens, you're fierce.我没先动手,是…I didn't start it. 王后,我感觉糟透了,请接受歉意My lady Queen, I feel terrible. My humblest apologies.我们没有不尊敬的意思 我道歉,亲爱的,我没有…但是…We mean no disrespect. I'm sorry, love, I 好的,亲爱的Yes, dear.现在,进行到哪儿了?Now, where were we?啊,对了,根据我们的法典Ah, yes. In accordance with our laws,以我们的传统by the rights of our heritage,只有每个领主的第一个孩子only the firstborn of each of the great leaders22



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您才可以成为竞争者 第一个孩子?may be presented as champion. Firstborn?来争取丹·布若的公主And thus compete for the hand of the Princess of Dun Broch.要赢得公主,就要证明他们的能力To win the fair maiden they must prove their worth在竞赛中用实力证明by feats of strength or arms in the games.按惯例,由公主自己选择竞赛项目It is customary that the challenge be determined by the princess herself.箭术!比箭术!Archery! Archery.我选择比赛箭术I choose archery.开始比赛吧!Let the games begin!拉!Pull!拉!Pull!我只要一个 噢!I'll just take one. Ooh!喔!Ooh!啊!Oh!我说过,你们不许…噢!Now, I have told you, you're Oh!23



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您噢! 啊!Oh! Argh!噢!Oh!就是现在!It's time!弓箭手们,到你的靶子前! 对,弓箭手们,到靶子前!Archers, to your marks! Aye, archers, to your marks.祝幸运之箭正中靶心And may the lucky arrow find its target.喂!开始啦Oi! Get on with it.噢CROWD: Ooh.啊噢! 我打赌他更希望掷木桩Och! I bet he wishes he was tossing cabers.或打桥牌 嘘!Or holding up bridges. Shh!哇…CROWD: Aw...至少你中靶了,儿子At least you hit the target, son.噢,够引人注目的Oh, that's attractive.我拿到啦 不错的臂力MAN: I got it! Good arm.还有飘逸的长发And such lovely flowing locks.24



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您费格斯 怎么了?Fergus. What?喔,小羊羔Oh, wee lamb.噢,快!射啊,孩子!Oh, come on! Shoot, boy!不错,小伙子!不错Well done, lad! Well done.让你大饱眼福!Feast your eyes!这才是我的儿子That's my boy.嗯,那看起来很不错,不是吗?Well, that's just grand now, isn't it?猜猜谁要来共进晚宴? 费格斯Guess who's coming to dinner? Fergus.对了,希望你不要介意我叫你丁夫人…By the way, hope you don't mind being called 我是梅瑞达I am Merida.丹·布若家族的第一个出生的后裔Firstborn descendant of Clan Dun Broch.现在我要为了我自己而射击And I'll be shooting for my own hand.你在干什么?What are you doing?梅瑞达!Merida!25



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您见鬼的裙子!Curse this dress!梅瑞达,停下来!Merida, stop this!你敢再放一支箭!Don't you dare loose another arrow.梅瑞达,我不许你这样Merida, I forbid it.受不了了!我受够你了,大小!Michty me! I've just about had enough of you, lass!是你要我去… 你让他们难堪了You're the one that wants You embarrassed them.你让我难堪了 我遵守了规则You embarrassed me. I followed the rules.你不明白你干了些什么You don't know what you've done!别在乎… 如果不处理好就会爆发战争Just don't It'll be fire and sword if it's not set right.听我说! 我是王后!Just listen! I am the Queen!你听我说!You listen to me!啊!这不公平!Ugh! This is so unfair!哈!不公平?Ha! Unfair?你从来都不为我着想You're never there for me.26



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您这整个婚姻计划都是你想要的This whole marriage is what you want.你曾经问过我想要什么吗?没有Do you ever bother to ask what I want? No.你就不停告诉我应该干什么,不应该干什么You walk around telling me what to do, what not to do,试图让我跟你一样trying to make me be like you.我没法变成跟你一样的Well, I'm not going to be like you.噢,你在耍小孩子脾气Oh, you're acting like a child.你就是个老顽固And you're a beast.那就是你! 噢,梅瑞达That's what you are! Oh, Merida.我永远不会像你一样 不,别那样!I'll never be like you. No, stop that!我宁愿死也不要跟你一样!I'd rather die than be like you!梅瑞达,你是个公主Merida, you are a princess,我希望你能有个公主的样子 妈妈!and I expect you to act like one. Mum!噢!Oh!梅瑞达!Merida!27



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您梅瑞达!Merida!噢,天呐Oh, dear.啊!Ah!噢,不,我都干了些什么?Oh, no. What have I done?噢Oh.啊!噢!噢!Oh! Oh! Oh!哇啊!Whoa!安格斯!(Angus!过来,安格斯Come on, Angus.安格斯!Angus!那些磷火为什么把我带到这来?Why would the wisps lead me here?呃…Uh...喔,随便看看Oh, look around.看见喜欢的东西就叫我You holler if you see anything you like.28



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您所有东西都半价Everything is half off.呃…Uh...你是谁呢? 只是个低下的雕木工Who are you? Just a humble woodcarver.呃…Um...我不明白…I don'看见喜欢的东西了吗? 呃…See anything you like? Uh...也许这件新奇玩意儿可以让你满意?Perhaps a touch of whimsy to brighten any dank chamber?但那些磷火,它们…But the the wisps, 噢!这件可是独一无二的!Oh! This is one of a kind!这件玩意儿我可以给你个好价钱I'll make you a deal for this rare prize.你的扫把! 噢!Your broom! Oh!它自己在扫来扫去 那不可能的It was sweeping by itself. That's ridiculous.木头不能用来当魔法的载体Wood cannot be imbued with magical properties.我当然知道,我是个巫…削木I should know. I'm Whittler.29



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您的人Of wood.噢,这件好东西怎么样?紫衫木做的Oh, how about this conversation starter? It's made of yew wood.跟石头一样硬Tough as stone.噢,啊, 啊,啊!Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah!那是玩具That's stuffed.盯着我看很不礼貌 噢!这只乌鸦会说话!Staring is rude. Ooh! The crow's talking!我还会干很多事情呢That's not all I can do.啦啦,啦啦啦啦Lala lala lala你是个女巫 雕木工You're a witch! Woodcarver.那才是那些磷火带我来的原因That's why the wisps led me here.雕木工! 你可以改变我的命运!Woodcarver! You'll change my fate!雕木工! 你看,是因为我的妈妈Woodcarver! You see, it's my mother.我不是个女巫!太多不爽的顾客了I'm not a witch! Too many unsatisfied customers.如果你什么都不买的话,那就出去If you're not going to buy anything, get out.30



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您不要!那些磷火带我来的! 我不管!No! The wisps led me here! I don't care!出去!走开!去!快走 我全部都买了Get out! Shoo! Get! Be gone with you! I'll buy it all.什么?你说什么? 所有的雕刻What? What was that? Every carving.呃…那你怎么付钱呢,宝贝儿?And how are you going to pay for that, sweetie?用这个 啊…With this. W...噢,天呐,真美,这个项链Oh, my, that's lovely, that is.那可以供我们几个月的生活啦That would set us up for months.所有雕刻,和一个咒语…Every carving and one spell.你确定你知道你在干什么吗?Are you sure you know what you're doing?我想要一个可以改变我妈妈的咒语I want a spell to change my mum.那会改变我的命运That'll change my fate.呃…成交! Done!你在干什么?Where are you going?31



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您那儿There.你在干什么?What are you doing?永远不用魔法变出你做雕刻的地方You never conjure where you carve.这十分重要Very important.上次我做这个是为一个王子WITCH: The last time I did this was for a prince.真漂亮,真开心Easy on the eyes. Tight pants.他想要拥有十个人的力量He demanded I give him the strength of ten men.他给了我这个来交换咒语And he gave me this for a spell.一个可以改变他命运的咒语A spell that would change his fate.他最后得到他想要的了吗?And did he get what he was after?当然Yes.他还偷了我一个红桃心木的干酪板And made off with an especially attractive mahogany cheese board.现在,我需要什么?噢!Now, what do I need? Oh!只需要一点点这个Just a little bit of this.32



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您啊Ah.嚯Hoo!滴滴滴滴,去吧Teeteeteetee. Whoosh.这就好啦That'll do.咪咪咪咪咪咪(咒语)Mimimimimimimi.现在来看看,这是什么?And now let's see. What have we here?噢!Oh!喂!Hey!呃,一块蛋糕?Uh, a cake?你不想要? 要!我当然要You don't want it? Yes! I want it.你确定如果我把这个给我妈妈You're sure if I give this to my mum,就能改变我的命运?it will change my fate?哦Oh.相信我,这相当有效的,亲爱的Trust me. It'll do the trick, dearie.33



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您你买的东西会在两个星期内到Expect delivery of your purchase within a fortnight.噢!哦…Ooh! 还有一件关于咒语的事情是什么来的?What was that thing about the spell?你刚说了什么话关于…Did you say something about咒语吗?the spell?貊蠹,貊蠹,现在正是我们去杀掉你的好时候Mor'du, Mor'du, now the time has come for all of us to slaughter you嚯呀!ALL: Hooray!貊蠹,貊蠹…Mor'du, 梅瑞达 妈妈!Merida. Mum!哦,呃…我,呃…Ooh, uh... I, uh...哦,我担心死了 你…真的吗?Oh, I've been worried sick. You were?我不知道你会去哪里,也不知道你什么时候会回来I didn't know where you'd gone or when you'd come back.我不知道我在想什么,噢,看看你的裙子I didn't know what to think. Oh, look at your dress.喔,安格斯把我丢下来了,但是我没受伤Oh. Angus threw me. But I'm not hurt.34



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您好啦,你回家了,所以一切都结束了Well, you're home now, so that's the end of it.真的吗? 我已经暂时让领主们平静下来了Honestly? I've pacified the lords for now.你爸爸正在外面陪他们玩Your father's out there "entertaining" them.过来试试我的利刃,肮脏的熊Come taste my blade, you manky bear你吃了我的腿,你要付出代价For gobbling up my /99我会逮住你,剥下你的皮,钉起你的头I'll hunt you, then I'll skin you, hang your noggin on 当然,我们都知道我们还是要做一个决定Of course, we both know a decision still has to be made.这是什么? 这是我向你求和的礼物What's this? It's a peace offering.我做的,专门为你,特别做的I made it. For you. Special.你为我做了这个?You made this for me?妈妈Mm.噢,有意思的味道Oh. Interesting flavor.你感觉怎么样? 这是…那是什么?How do you feel? What is that?不一样? 妈妈…Different? Mm...35



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您酸酸的,呃,很强烈Tart and, um, gamy.结婚的事情你改变主意了吗?Have you changed your mind at all about the marriage and all that?喔,好多了Oh, that's better.现在,让我们上楼去那些领主Now, why don't we go upstairs to the lords把整件事情平息下来吧and put this whole kerfuffle to rest?哈?Hm?噢Ooh.妈妈? 我突然有一点头晕Mother? I'm woozy suddenly.我的头感觉在不停旋转,啊!My head's spinning like a top. Ooh!妈妈! 噢,我突然觉得不是很舒服Mum! Oh, suddenly I'm not so well.你现在觉得我还要结婚吗?Er... How do you feel about the marriage now?梅瑞达!噢,带我去我的房间Merida! Oh, just take me to my room.好,那就行了,好了All right, that's fine. That's just fine.往左边一点,好了,再左边一点点,好了A little to the left. That's good. A wee bit to the left. That's good.36



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您已经很好了It's good enough.现在,别站那边了,孩子们,别挡着我射击Now, clear out of there, boys. I don't want you to spoil my shot.什么? 王后What? My lady Queen.我们一直都在耐心地等着We've been waiting patiently.领主们,我现在身体不适Milords, I am out of sorts at the moment.但是你们会得到答案的But you shall have your answer.噢! 呃?Oh! Eh?很快Presently.现在,我们先离开一会Now, if you'll excuse us.埃莉诺,看!Elinor, look!是貊蠹!It's Mor'du!埃莉诺?你还好吗,亲爱的?Elinor? Are you all right, dear?没什么,我没事Fine. I'm fine.去继续为你的腿复仇吧,噢…Go about avenging your leg. Oh...37



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您是,你们都听见啦,小伙子们Aye. You heard her, lads.我一直都在想怎么杀死这个怪兽I dream about the perfect way to make this devil die.好好休息直到你好起来,妈妈Just take all the time you need to getting yourself right, Mum.然后或许你会改变要我结婚的看法Then maybe in a bit you might have something new to say on the marriage.蛋糕里有什么?What was in that cake?蛋糕Cake.妈妈?Mum?那我去告诉他们婚事取消啦?So I'll just tell them the wedding's off, then?妈妈?Mum?熊!Bear!噢!Oh!妈妈?Mum?你…你变成一头熊了! You're a bear!为什么要变成一只熊?Why a bear?38



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您噢,那个丑巫婆给了我一个错的咒语Oh, that scaffy witch gave me a gammy spell.这不是我的错It's not my fault.我没要她把你变成一头熊I didn't ask her to change you into a bear.我只想要她改变你的想法I just wanted her to change you.嘘,你们听见了吗?Shh. Did you hear that?事情不对Something's not right.没有理由责怪我,要怪就怪那个巫婆There's no point in having a go at me. The witch is to blame.眼珠突出的老巫婆Goggly old hag.眼珠到处乱转Eyes all over the place.无法相信Unbelievable.要让她来解决这个I'll get her to fix this.为什么总是我受责怪?太不公平了Why do I always get blamed for everything? It's just not fair.所有人,跟着我Everybody, follow me.眼睛睁大点And keep a sharp eye.39



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您开始了,又一场城堡打猎行动Here we go. Another hunt through the castle.但我们还没吃甜点呢But we haven't had dessert yet.我什么都没明白I have no idea.妈妈,你不能出去Mum, you can't go out there.妈妈!等等!Mum! Wait!你在干吗?爸爸?那个杀熊的国王?What are you doing? Dad. The Bear King?只要他一看见你,你就死了If he so much as sees you, you're dead.又是一个无聊到顶的把戏Another one of your entertainments to bore us to death!噢,我们究竟在什么…Oh, and what exactly are 妈妈!Mum!我的陛下?... my liege?最好陪他玩开心,他毕竟是国王Best to humor him. He is, after all, the King.他那完全就是个猎狗鼻子He's like a hound with that nose of his.妈妈,等等Mum, wait.40



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您我们必须…We 跟我来(CLATTERING) Follow me.停下Stop.停下!Stop!你有毛皮挡着的You're covered with fur.你没裸着You're not naked.好像谁会看见你一样It's not like anyone's gonna see you.现在好了Now you've done it.莫蒂!Maudie!冷静,小,你看见什么了?Just calm down, lass. What is it?说吧,莫蒂!Spit it out, Maudie!一只熊!A bear!我就知道!I knew it!听我说好吗?Would you just listen to me?41



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您不能走这边,你会被发现的We can't go this way. You'll be seen.快!这边!Quick! This way!妈妈?Mum?妈妈?噢!Mum? Oh!哈?Hm?一个巫婆把妈妈变成了一只熊,这不是我的错A witch turned Mum into a bear. It's not my fault.我们必须要出城堡,需要你们帮助We've got to get out of the castle. I need your help.噢,好吧Oh, all right.你们可以吃我的甜点,2…3个星期You can have my desserts Three weeks.好吧,噢,一年Okay. Fine. A year.你听见了吗? 呀呀Did you hear that? Shh.那!There it goes!冲啊,伙计们!Come on, lads!在那!There it goes!42



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您快点,妈妈Come on, Mum.你觉得我们应该弄个陷阱吗?Think we should lay a trap?闭嘴!Try shutting yours!在那!There he is!我确定是这边I'm sure it went this way.你可以从这里看见我的家You can see my house from here.它肯定长了翅膀了It must have sprouted wings.或者被巨鸟带走了Was carried away by a giant bird.一头龙,也许 城堡里的熊!A dragon, perhaps. Bear in the castle!肯定不可能,它没法开门Doesn't make sense. It cannot open doors.爪子太大了He's got big giant paws!还是进去吧Let's just get inside.被锁住了 丁沃尔最后一个上来It's locked. Dingwall was the last up.我用棍子撑着的I propped it open with a stick.43



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您你看见什么了,莫蒂?说出来,莫蒂What did you see, Maudie? Just spit it out, Maudie.噢,为了上帝,莫蒂,你能冷静下吗?Oh, for goodness' sakes, Maudie, would you get a grip?莫蒂,亲爱的,过来,没事了Maudie, honey, come here! It's all right!快,妈妈,快点Come on, Mum. Quick.嘘Shh.弟弟们没事,不是吗,弟弟们?They'll be fine. Won't you, boys?妈妈,我们要快点Mum, we've got to hurry.我很快回来的Now, I'll be back soon.现在去随便吃点什么,作为奖励Go on and help yourself to anything you want, as a reward.噢!(STRAINING) Oh!好了!Right!那些磷火哪去了?Where are these wisps?快出来,磷火,快出来Come out, wisps. Come on out.带我去女巫的房子Lead me to the witch's cottage.44



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您我来了!I'm here!好吧,我妈妈看着的时候别出来Fine. Don't come out now that my mum's watching.那些磷火出来时我就站这I was standing right here and the wisp appeared right there.然后一整串磷火出现把我带进森林Then a whole trail of them led me off into the forest.喔,她觉得我们会突然发现巫婆的小屋吗?Oh, does she think we're just going to happen upon the witch's cottage?噢,妈妈,我认识这个地方Oh, Mum, I know this place.女巫的小屋…The witch'这边来!快点!快!It's this way! Come on! Hurry!真不敢相信啊,我到了I can't believe it. I found it.不,她是在这里的啊No. She was here.不,真的,她是在这里的No, really, she was just here.噢,等下Oh, Wait.不No.不,不,不!不!No, no. No! No!45



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您欢迎来到巧妙工艺坊Welcome to the Crafty Carver,熊主题雕刻和小玩意儿之家home of bear—themed carvings and novelties我现在没有任何存货了I am completely out of stock at this time.但是如果你想要询问肖像画或者婚礼蛋糕装饰But if you'd like to enquire about portraits or wedding cake toppers,把1号小瓶的药水倒进大锅中pour vial one into the cauldron.如果你想要关于大蒜的菜单,二号小瓶If you'd like the menu in Gaelic, vial two.如果你是那个红头发的小姑娘,三号小瓶If you're that red-haired lass, vial three.如果想跟一个活小矮人聊天…To speak with a 公主,我现在去了斯托诺韦的韧柳节Princess, I'm off to the Wickerman Festival in Stornoway要到春天才会回来and won't be back till spring.关于那个咒语有一点忘了告诉你了There's one bit I forgot to tell you about the spell.第二次天亮之后,那个咒语就会永不褪去By the second sunrise, your spell will be permanent,除非你记得这些话unless you remember these words.命运改变Fate be changed,46



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您关注内心look inside,修补纽带mend the bond被骄傲撕裂的torn by pride.“命运改变…修补纽带”是什么意思?"Fate Mend the bond. " What does that mean?再说一次One more time.命运改变Fate be changed,关注内心look inside,修补纽带mend the bond被骄傲撕裂的torn by pride.就是这样啦,塔塔That's it. Tata.噢,谢谢你在巧妙工艺坊购物Oh, and thank you for shopping at the Crafty Carver.不,不!你去哪里了?No. No! Where'd you go?欢迎来到巧妙工艺坊 什么?Welcome to the Crafty What?…为了你的…...for 47



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您也许这里有一本魔法书之类的,到处,我们需要更多的药水Maybe there's a book of spells. Look around. We'll need more vials.我现在去了斯托诺韦的韧柳节…I'm off to the Wickerman Festival 感谢你的光临,祝你有美好的一天Thank you for visiting. Have a lovely day.我们明天会到解决办法的We'll sort it out tomorrow.喔Oh.我勇敢的小不点,妈妈在呢My brave wee lassie, I'm here.我一直都在的I'll always be right here.呃…早上好Uh... Good morning.那…So...这些都是什么东西?What's all this supposed to be?噢Oh.什么?What?对不起,我听不懂熊语Sorry. I don't speak bear.噢Oh.48



施工整理更多[美剧电影纪录片][中英、纯英]台词剧本可定制 排版多样 可以交换中英前后顺序 没事来看看,说不定能帮到您啊!Ah!在溪边到的,是不是? 哈么Find those by the creek, did you? Mmhm.这些是龙葵果They're nightshade berries.么Mmm.它们是有毒的They're poisonous.你从哪里的水?水里有虫子Where did you get this water? It has worms.过来Come on.早餐Breakfast.噢,等等,一个公主不该有武器,你觉得Oh, wait. A princess should not have weapons, in your opinion.来吧There you go.吃吧Go on.你不试试怎么知道你不喜欢吃?How do you know you don't like it if you won't try it?爱是那远方的明星This love it is a distant star指引我们回家的路Guiding us home wherever we are49

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