


1. discover, uncover, tell, disclose,(reveal, discern, perceive, conceal)

discover --- reveal or expose

uncover --- manifest or disclose; reveal:

tell --- discover by observation; discern:

disclose --- make known (something heretofore kept secret)

E.g. It was suggested that all government ministers

should disclose information on their financial interests.

2. catch up, pick up, make up

catch up on --- bring an activity nearer to completion: I must catch up on my


clear up --- make tidy: Clear up this litter at once.

make up --- make up for, make up along, make up over, make up to

pick up --- take into the mind and understand, typically with speed: picked up

on the new approach and applied it to the project.

E.g. As my exams are coming next week, I’ll take advantage of the weekend

to pick up on some reading.

3. disgust, curse, grudge,hatred

disgust -- profound aversion or repugnance excited by something offensive:

arouse [ awaken / cause / evoke] disgust; feel disgust; hide disgust; return

disgust; show disgust; take a disgust

curse --- an appeal or prayer for evil or misfortune to befall someone or

something: call down curse; give curse; heap curses on; pronounce a curse on

grudge --- a deep-seated feeling of resentment or rancor: bear a grudge about

the accident: bear a grudge

hatred --- intense animosity or hostility: bear sb. hatred; bear hatred against

sb.; conceive a profound hatred for; create hatred; feel hatred; hold a special

hatred for; have a hatred for

E.g. I’m surprised they are no longer on speaking terms. It’s not like either of

them to bear a grudge.

s, discharge, resign, expel

dismiss --- end the employment or service of; discharge; allow to leave: be

dismissed from school [service / class]

discharge --- release, as from confinement, care, or duty: discharge a patient;

discharge a soldier; be discharged from hospital [military service / from prison

/ office]

expel --- force to leave; deprive of membership: expelled the student from

college for cheating: be expelled from a country [school]

resign --- give up (a position, for example), especially by formal notification:

resign from cabinet [committee] The professor resigned from his university.

Resign … to …

E.g. Mary hopes to be discharged from hospital next week.

5. invaluable, priceless, unworthy, worthless

invaluable --- of inestimable value; priceless:

priceless --- of inestimable worth; invaluable.

unworthy --- lacking value or merit; worthless --- a man unworthy of honor;

unworthy of the times in which we live; unworthy to attention [unworthy of]

worthless --- lacking worth; of no use or value: The goods are often

worthless by the time they arrive.

注意:invaluable 不是valuable的反义词。表示某物毫无价值时用worthless

或not worth anything : I started collecting his pictures when they weren’t

worth anything.

a picture is proved to be a forgery, it becomes quite worthless.

6. recover, restore, renew, revive

recover --- restore (oneself) to a normal state: She soon recovered herself

and stopped crying. recover one’s health; recover from fatigue [illness]

restore--- bring back to an original condition: restore a building; The picture

was cleverly restored.

renew --- make new or as if new again; restore: renew the antique chair; a

coat renewed in places; renew one’s friendship with sb.

revive --- return to validity, effectiveness, or operative condition: The fresh

air soon revived him. revive an old custom.

E.g. Jimmy earns his living by restoring works of art in the museum.

7. drain, drop, spill,drip

drain --- cause liquid to go out from; empty:drained the bathtub; drain the


drop --- fall in drops

spill --- accidentally pour something onto something: Water spilled from the

pail. The ink has spilt on the desk.

drip --- slowly and steadily falls one drop after another: Water is dripping

from that leaky faucet. The boy dripped with rain. In the intense heat, sweat

was dripping into his eyes, making it hard to see.

E.g.I couldn’t sleep last night because the tap in the bathroom was dripping.

In a word, when liquid moves or comes out of somewhere, such words as pour,

flow, come out, leak, and drip are often used.

8. outline, reference, frame, outlook

outline --- a statement summarizing the important points of a text. In short, we

usually use the word such as summary or outline to refer to a short statement

giving the main ideas or facts of something

reference --- a work frequently used as a source

frame --- a general structure or system

outlook --- a point of view; an attitude

book gives a brief outline of the course of his research up till now.

9. spin, shiver, skate, stagger

spin --- cause to rotate swiftly; twirl

shiver --- shake because you feel cold

skate --- move on a pair of sharp-edged steel blades to be fastened to a boot

for moving smoothly over ice.

stagger --- move or stand unsteadily, as if under a great weight

In short, we usually use the word such as shake, tremble or shiver to refer to

the situation when someone’s body, hands etc. shakes because you are

frightened, nervous, angry or feel cold, for example:

My hands were shaking so much I could hardly write.

That dog sat trembling in the corner.

Julia shivered and pulled her coat more tightly around her.

She was standing outside in the snow, shivering with cold.

10. adapt, equip, suit, fit

adapt --- make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation.

equip --- supply with necessities such as tools or provisions.

suit --- make appropriate or suitable; adapt

fit --- put into place

Generally speaking, we usually use such words as put in, install, fit, when

referring to “to put equipment in a place and make it ready to be used”. For


The workmen are coming to put in the new windows today.

The company is installing a new computer system.

All the new cars are fitted with alarms.

W e decided to fit bars to the ground floor windows.

the rooms on the second floor have nicely fitted carpets, which are

included in the price of the house

11. eradication, exclusion, extension, inclusion

exclude--to deliberately not include something,名词exclusion from/ the

exclusion of

eradicate--to completely get rid of something such as a disease or a social

problem, 名词eradication = put an end to

extend-continue for a longer period of time, a particular distance or over a

particular area, a room, building, road etc bigger or longer; to affect or include

people, things, or places, etc. 名词extension

include—to make someone or something part of a larger group or set,与exclude相对,名词exclusion in/of

the extension of education 教育普及;

the extension of a treaty条约有效期的延长;

an extension to a factory 工厂的扩建部分

I do not agree to the inclusion of Sally in the party.

plays tennis to the exclusion of all other sports.

12. eloquent, effective, emotional, emphatic

eloquent /eloquentance--- able to express your ideas and opinions well,

especially in a way that influences people( persuasive)

effective--successful, and working in the way that was intended; if a law,

agreement, or system becomes effective, it officially starts.

emotional --- behaving in a way that shows strong feelings

emphatic ---expressing an opinion, idea etc in a clear, strong way to show its

importance /expressed with emphasis.

answered with an emphatic “No” to the request that she attend the

public hearing.

t, violent, energetic, full

vibrant--- vigorous, lively, and vital.

violent--- having or showing great emotional force.

energetic --- active and able to work hard.

full --- filled completely

a city vibrant with life and energy充满活力的城市

The drama is vibrant with life all through. 全剧充满了生气

a nation vibrant with enthusiasm富有热情的民族

be energetic to the uttermost

be full of anxiety

ne who has visited the city agrees that it is vibrant with life. 答案:A

14. thereof, thereby, thereafter, therabouts

thereof --- relating to something that has just been mentioned .

thereby --- with the result that something else happens

thereafter --- after a particular event or time/afterwards/from then on

thereabouts --- near a particular time, place, number etc

These houses were built in 1930 or thereabouts

E.g. We met Mary and her husband at a party two months ago, thereafter

we’ve had no further communication.


therefore--as a result of something that has just been mentioned

thereon/thereupon--on the thing that has just been mentioned

thereto--relating to an agreement, piece of writing, or thing that has just been


therein/herein--in that place, or in that piece of writing

the treaty and any conditions attaching thereto


-made natural crude real

man-made-- materials and substances are not natural(artificial)

natural-- existing in nature and not caused, made, or controlled by people

crude-- crude oil, rubber etc is in its natural or raw condition before it is

treated with chemicals

real-- something that is real exists and is important;something that is real is

actually what it seems to be and not false or artificial

E.g. The painting he bought at the street market the other day was a real


2. back head eye shoulder

turn one’s back-- to refuse to help, support, or be involved with someone or


come to a head/ bring something to a head--if a problem or difficult

situation comes to a head, or something brings it to a head, it suddenly

becomes worse and has to be dealt with quickly

have/keep one’s eye on something--to want something that you think might

become available

an eye for an eye--the idea that if someone does something wrong, you should

punish them by doing the same thing to them

the apple of somebody's eye-- to be loved very much by someone

turn a blind eye (to something)-- to deliberately ignore something that you

know should not be happening

shoulder to shoulder-- having the same aims and wanting to achieve the same


(synonym side by side)

put your shoulder to the wheel--to start to work with great effort and


give somebody the cold shoulder --informal to deliberately ignore someone

or be unfriendly to them, especially because they have upset or offended you

E.g. She’s always been kind to me- I can’t just turn my back on her now that

she needs my help.

3. extensive exclusive inclusive comprehensive

extensive-- large in size, amount, or degree

Exclusive-- available or belonging only to particular people, and not shared

Inclusive-- including a wide variety of people, things etc

comprehensive-- including all the necessary facts, details, or problems that

need to be dealt with

E.g. The bar in the club is for the exclusive use of its members.

4. approachable payable reachable affordable

approachable-- friendly and easy to talk to

payable-- a cheque etc that is payable to someone has that person's name

written on it and should be paid to them

reachable—something could be done

affordable-- to have enough money to buy or pay for something

E.g. The tuition fees are affordable to students coming from low-income


5. consequence aftermath result affect

consequence-- something that happens as a result of a particular action or set

of conditions

aftermath-- the period of time after something such as a war, storm, or

accident when people are still dealing with the results/ in the aftermath of

result-- something that happens or exists because of something that happened


affect-- to do something that produces an effect or change in something or in

someone's situation

medical experts warned the authorities of the danger of disease in the

aftermath of the earthquake.

6. becomes fits supports improves

become-- to be suitable for someone or to look attractive on them/ adj.


Suit--to be acceptable, suitable or convenient for a particular person or in a

particular situation

Fit—if a piece of clothing fits you, it is the right size for your body / if

something fits in a place, it is the right size or shape to go there / if something

fits into a place, there is enough space for it/ if something fits another thing, it

is similar to it or suitable for it

support- if results, facts, studies etc support an idea or view, they show or

prove that it is correct

improve- to make something better, or to become better

E.g. This sort of rude behavior in public hardly becomes a person in your


7. accidental(ly) incidental(ly) eventual(ly) natural(ly)

accidentally(accidental)-- happening without being planned or intended

iIncidentally—used to add more information to what you have just said, or to

introduce a new subject that you have just thought ofᅳsynonym by the way

incidental--happening or existing in connection with something else that is

more important

eventually-- after a long time, or after a lot of things have happened

eventual--happening at the end of a long period of time or after a lot of other

things have happened

naturally-- use this to say that something is normal and not surprising

natural--existing in nature and not caused, made, or controlled by people

E.g. I must leave now. Incidentally if you want that book I’ll bring it next


8. get away with get back at get by get round to

get away with-- to escape from someone who is chasing you or trying to catch


get back at-- to do something to hurt or harm someone who has hurt or

harmed you

get by-- to have enough money to buy the things you need, but no more

get around to-- doing something :to find time to do something. I wanted to

see that movie but never got around to it.

E.g. After a long delay, she got round to replying to my e-mail.

9. promptly instantly readily quickly

promptly-- at the right time without being late/ immediately / without delay

prompt- done quickly, immediately, or at the right time


instant--happening or produced immediately/ᅳsynonym immediate

readily--quickly, willingly, and without complaining

ready--if you are ready, you are prepared for what you are going to do


quick--happening very soon, without any delay/ᅳsynonym speedy

E.g. Personal computers are no longer sth beyond the ordinary people. They

are readily available these days.

10. basics basic elementary elements

basics—n. plural. the most important and necessary facts about something,

from which other possibilities and ideas may develop/ basics of sth.

basic—adj. basically—adv.

base-- the lowest part or surface of something,ᅳsynonym bottom/ the most

important part of something, from which new ideas develop,ᅳsynonym


basis—n. (plu. bases)the facts, ideas, or things from which something can be


elementary—simple or basic

elemental-- simple, basic, and important

element—one part or feature of a whole system, plan, piece of work etc,

especially one that is basic or important/ element of

the elements of something--the most simple things that you have to learn first

about a subject

E.g. In my first year at the university I learnt the basics of journalism.

11. ratio percentage proportion rate

ratio--a relationship between two amounts, represented by a pair of numbers

showing how much bigger one amount is than the other/ the ratio of something

to something/ratio between

percentage- - an amount expressed as if it is part of a total which is 100

proportion -- a part of a number or amount, considered in relation to the

whole/ the relationship between two things in size, amount, importance

etc(the proportion of something to something)/ in proportion to something

rate-- a charge or payment that is set according to a standard scale/at (a) ...


at a rate of something--interest/exchange/mortgage etc rate

ing to the new tax law, my money earned over that level is taxed at

the rate of 39%.

12. audience participants spectator observer

audience—a group of people who come to watch and listen to someone

speaking or performing in public

participant-- someone who is taking part in an activity or event

spectator-- someone who is watching an event or game

observer- someone who regularly watches or pays attention to particular

things, events, situations etc/ who attends meetings, classes, events etc to

check what is happening/ who sees or looks at something

E.g. Thousands of spectators at the stadium came to their feet to pay tribute to

an outstanding performance.

13. space expanse stretch land

space –empty area of a room, container or / between things/outside the earth/

land, or an area of land that has not been built on

expanse-- a very large area of water, sky, land etc

stretch-- an area of land or water, especially one that is long and narrow

land-- an area of ground, especially when used for farming or building

stood still, gazing out over the limitless _ stretch __ of the desert.

14. smelt hear sense touch

smell-- to notice or recognize a particular smell

hear -- to receive news or information from someone

sense -- if you sense something, you feel that it exists or is true, without being

told or having proof

touch-- to have an effect on someone or something, especially by changing or

influencing them

E.g. Doctors often sense uneasiness in the people they deal with.

15. smacked. opened parted separated

smack-- to make a short loud noise with your lips before or after you eat or

drink something to show that it is good/smack your lips

open-- to move your lips apart, or to be moved in this way

part-- to move the two sides of something apart, or to move apart, making a

space in the middle

separate-- to move the two sides of something apart, or to move apart, making

a space in the middle

E.g. Mary sat at the table, looked at the glare and smacked her lips.

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