





Here are a few things you should know before you take off on your next trip.

Frontier Airlines Face Covering Requirement

As required by federal law, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Order and

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Security Directive, all passengers and

employees must wear a face covering over nose and mouth throughout the Frontier travel

experience including at ticket counters, gate areas, baggage claim and onboard all flights.

Face coverings are not required for children under the age of 2. Face coverings must fit

snugly(紧密地) over your nose and mouth and be secured under the chin. Not wearing an

approved face covering is a violation of federal law and you may lose future travel privileges

on Frontier.

* Persons with a disability who cannot wear a mask, or cannot safely wear a mask,

because of that disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act can apply for a face

mask exemption(豁免). To learn about pre-travel exemption requirements, click here.

Temperature Screening Requirement

Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher will not be able to

board the plane. If time allows, we will give customers the opportunity to rest before

receiving a second check. If the second temperature screening is 100.4 degrees or higher, our

team will help the customer to rebook travel on a later date when they are feeling better.

Know Your Travel Policy

CDC issued an Order on January 12, 2021(effective since January, 26, 2021) requiring

proof of a negative COVID-19 test or documentation of having recovered from COVID-19

for all air passengers arriving from a foreign country to the US.

1.Who can legally board a Frontier Airlines flight without wearing a face covering?

A.A senior manager of Frontier Airlines.

C.A one-year-old baby.

B.A blind man in a wheelchair.

D.A high school student.


2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A.Passengers without proper face coverings may be banned from flying with Frontier

Airlines in the future.

B.Passengers can take off their face coverings when they pick up their checked baggage.

C.Passengers with a high fever will have their flights rescheduled.

D.Passengers without proof of a negative COVID-19 test can’t enter the US on January 20,


3.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A website.

C.A guidebook.

Last year before Christmas, I had a 7-day paid leave and I decided to go on an overnight

stay to a nearby fancy hotel Airbnb. I was drawn to the beautiful views and distance from the

hustle and bustle (喧嚣) of the city. After I arrived, I was shocked to know that my room had

no WiFi or even television! We were in a modern society, weren’t we? Then what was the

matter with them?

“We learned from recent studies that people avoiding social media for one week might

result in considerable improvements in their well-being, depression, and anxiety,” the staff

explained with patience to me when I questioned their service. “And now, many hotels and

homestays around the world have been offering visitors exactly this, sir…”

Later, I ran across some brochures about such trend in my room. Sheldon Chalet, a

famous place of interest in Alaska, has gone tech-free in an attempt to provide its guests with

a truly relaxing vacation without technology. Owner Marne Sheldon hopes that guests can

become less dependent of technology. “Here they can spend their nights looking at shooting

stars and the aurora (极光), rather than checking through smartphones, messages and posts or

watching the news.” For travelers who prefer peace in the sun and sand, one tiny island in the

Caribbean has no televisions, telephones or WiFi. Guests at the island’s resort have to

communicate with staff using traditional methods, such as raising or lowering a flag outside

their cottage!

“In today’s environment of constant information and digital connection, many people are

in need of a digital detox (数码脱瘾).” Anyway, as for my case, it is actually a new

luxury—peace and quiet.


B.A brochure.

D.A newspaper.

4.Why did the author go to the hotel?

A.To tour the busy city.

C.To get himself a break.

B.To kill the time online.

D.To celebrate the festival.

5.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Hotel-guided tourism.

C.Digital printing service.

B.Self-service marketing.

D.Technology-free service.

6.What does Marne Sheldon expect people to do?

A.Stick to traditions.

C.Be self-dependent.

7.Which is the best title for the text?

A.Tech-free: a New Travel Trend

C.Never Believe in the Travel Ads

Climate change is a global challenge. One way to fight it is by reducing the amount of

carbon dioxide in the air. New research shows that trees planted in China have helped in this


A recent study in the journal Nature shows that the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed

(吸收) by new forests in two parts of China is more than we thought. These areas are in the

northeastern Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces and the southwestern Yunnan and Guizhou

provinces and Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. They make up about 35 percent of

China’s land-based (基于陆地的) carbon sinks (碳汇). A carbon sink is a natural area like a

forest or ocean that absorbs more-carbon dioxide than it emits (排放). Carbon sinks help to

reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

China’s goal is to peak (达到峰值) its CO2 emissions (排放) before 2030 and reach

carbon neutrality (中和) by 2060, Xinhua reported. Carbon neutrality refers to removing as

much CO2 as one puts into the air.

According to study co-author Yi Liu at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, “the

afforestation activities described in our Nature paper will play a role in reaching that goal.”

8.A recent study in Nature shows that ________.

A.China has serious air pollution


C.China has fewer CO2 emissions now D.China has planted fewer trees

B.China has planted the most trees in the

B.Get Away from the Real World

D.An Island-based Tour Destination

B.Be close to nature.

D.Become reasonable.


9.According to Xinhua, China ________.

A.is the world’s largest emitter of CO2


C.will not release CO2 in the future D.will reach carbon neutrality by 2030

B.will bring CO2 emissions down after

10.Which of the following is NOT TRUE in the passage?

A.One way to fight climate is by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.

B.Trees planted in China have helped fight against climate change.

C.New forests in two parts of China absorbed more carbon dioxide than we thought.

D.35 percent of China’s land has been affected by CO2 emission.

11.What do we know from the story?

A.It takes a long time for carbon sinks to form. B.Climate change is no longer a serious


C.More trees will be planted in China in the future. D.China has beaten climate change.

An article caught my attention this week. It claims that few parents these days tend to

hire neighborhood teens to watch their kids. In fact, the article states that the average age of

babysitters (代人临时照看小孩的人) in the UK has risen from 14 to 34 over the past several


I worked as a teenage babysitter for years. At that time, I took up those jobs as they were

economic to do so, but now I see them as valuable experiences. The article reminded me of

just how significantly babysitting influenced my worldview and my approach to parenting. It

made me think that more teens should be involved in babysitting because it really does

prepare them for life in a way that few other things can.

Babysitting makes everyone’s life easier. I gained many practical skills adapting to

children. I discovered that the outdoor activities are the best way to wear out high-energy

children and that reading books aloud is an excellent way to pass the time and that music

makes an instant party. Babysitting reveals how other households operate. This is a

fascinating, invaluable lesson. I had great conversations with the parents of children I babysat.

Some parents introduced me to their favorite music, described their own jobs and interests,

and showed curiosity about my schoolwork and life goals.

In a society where families are increasingly isolated (孤立的) from each other, where

children are no longer raised by a “village” or community of caring individuals, hiring a


teenage babysitter is a simple way to bridge that gap and it also gives that teen a chance to

gain some independence. The next time you’re having a date night with your partner, don’t

hesitate to call on that teen down the street and offer him or her a job. It could be the best

thing for all of you.

12.What is the common phenomenon of babysitting in the UK?

A.The adults’ having difficulty watching over their kids.

B.The youth’s lack of interest in babysitting.

C.The increasing average age of babysitters

D.The rising demand for babysitters.

13.Why did the author choose to be a babysitter in the past?

A.To make money.

B.To gain social experiences.

C.To learn how to get along with others.

D.To encourage more teenagers to be babysitters.

14.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 3?

A.To state the benefits of babysitting.

B.To reveal the kindness’ of some parents.

C.To share her experiences of babysitting.

D.To show how other households operate.

15.What does the author suggest that parents do in the last paragraph?

A.Create harmonious community culture.

B.Spend more time at home with their kids.

C.Encourage their kids to be more independent.

D.Offer opportunities of babysitting to teenagers.


Easy Ways to Fight SAD in Dark Winter Days

When sunlight is in short supply and nights are long and cold in the winter, millions of

people realize they don’t feel as merry as usual. ____16____ , you may be suffering from

“seasonal affective disorder” or SAD.Try these easy ways to fight SAD.

Get more light. Most researchers agree that people who fall victim to SAD most often


are particularly sensitive to the lack of light. ____17____ , getting light in the morning seems

to offer the most benefit. If the weather permits, take a walk. In your home or office, try

sitting close to a window that faces south.

Increase exercise. Although exercising may be about the last thing you want to do and

you would rather curl up (蜷起来) with a book or watch TV, studies have shown that upping

your exercise routine can reduce SAD.Doctors advise exercising at least 20 minutes a day at

least three times a week. ____18____ . The benefits of exercise are also long-lasting. The

longer you do it, the more benefit you’ll get.

____19____ . Studies have found that people who have low levels of two chemicals

found in fish, EPA and DHA, are at increased risk for SAD.You can eat more fish-at least

three times a week to fight it.

Take extra vitamin D.The body makes vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunshine.

____20____ .

A.Eat more fish

B.Work out at the gym

C.If you’re one of them

D.Any type of exercise offers benefits

E.Fresh fish contains a lot of EPA and DHA

F.Although any amount of outdoor light can help

G.Doctors recommend one pill a day if you get little exposure to the sun


Last year I ruined my summer vacation by bringing along a modern convenience: the

iPad. Instead of looking at nature, I ____21____ my e-mail. Instead of paddling an old boat, I

followed my Twitter feed. Instead of reading great novels, I stuck to reading four ____22____

each morning.

And that was the problem: I was acting ____23____ I were ____24____ in the office.

My body was on vacation but my head wasn’t.

So this year I made up my mind to try something ____25____: getting away from the

Internet. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, since I’m not good at ____26____. But I was determined.

I started by handing the iPad to my wife. Then, a stroke of luck: The cell phone signal at our


cabin was ____27____ than in the past, meaning that I couldn’t cheat. I was trapped, forced

to carry out my plan. Largely ____28____ from e-mail, Twitter and my favorite newspaper

websites, I had little way to connect to the world ____29____ radio—and how much radio

can one listen to, really? I had no _____30_____ but to do what I had planned to do all along:

read books.

This experience has had a _____31_____ ending—for now, at least. With determination

and the strong support of my wife, I succeeded in my vacation struggle _____32_____ the

Internet. I _____33_____ realized that it was me, of course, not the iPad, that was the


I knew I had _____34_____ when we passed a Starbucks and my wife asked if I wanted

to stop to use the WiFi. “Don’t need it,” I said. _____35_____, as we return to post-vacation

situation, a test begins: Can I _____36_____ when I’m back at work? And I don’t plan to

_____37_____ my convenience _____38_____. But I hope to resist the temptation (诱惑) to

check my e-mail every five minutes, _____39_____ often leads to following my Twitter feed.

I think a vacation is supposed to help you rest your _____40_____ to become more

productive (有效的). Here I hope this one worked.



23.A.so that





28.A.set off

29.A.more than




B.ever since






B.turn off

B.except for



C.cut off

C.instead of








D.put off

D.rather than









C.even though





D.as if



31.A.meaningless B.hopeful











37.A.give in





B.give up





C.give off





D.give away






What will our cities be like in 2050? How much will artificial intelligence advance?

Some scientists____41____ (make) different predictions recently.

Joel from the The Rockfeller University says____42____is likely that by 2050

the majority of the people in the world will live in urban areas, and will have

a____43____(significant) higher average age than people today. Cities will

be____44____only realistic solution to housing a population that is expected to

expand____45____9.7 billion by 2050.

And the technology will keep____46____(advance) rapidly. According to Bill Michell,

the late director of MIT Media Lab’s Smart Cities research group, cities of the future won’t

look like “some sort of science-fiction fantasy” or “Star Trek” ,but virtual reality will

change____47____we live. Self-driving cars will make the roads____48____(secure), driving

more efficient, and provide faster transport.

Charles Ebinger at the Brookings Institution thinks that by 2050 we will also have a

so-called “smart grid” where all of our____49____ (appliance) are linked directly to energy

distribution(分布) systems,_____50_____(allow) for real-time pricing based on supply and

demand. Such a technology would greatly benefit most people and reduced the

consumption(消耗) of fossil fuel energy.











I had an extraordinary experience when I was in Senior 1. I am doing badly in chemistry.

However hardly I tried, I just couldn’t catch up others. Fortunately, we had a new chemistry

teacher, Mr Hu, which is plain-looking but very good at teaching. He gave so interesting

lessons that we all liked him. The most excited thing was doing experiments because this was

wonderful to see the chemical changes. Soon I made a great progress. I even began to apply

the knowledges I acquired in chemistry classes to real life. I’ll remember his kind forever and

want to be a teacher like Mr. Hu in the future.






注意:1.词数 100



Hello, boys and girls,


Thank you for your listening.


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