


The cultural differences of color words between English and ChineseTranslation

Abstract: Red, white, black three color words have similarities in associative meaning, Chinese

culture and Western culture in the symbolic meaning and semantics, and there are also differences,

with the common, confusing phrases and idioms translation, let people know the importance of color

words in English and Chinese in two cultures.

Keywords: color words; symbolic meaning; cultural difference; idiom

Color is closely related with human life, we every hour and moment is not in dealing with color.

Represents various color words embody national cultural features of English and Chinese culture

is different, the performance of different national "personality”, with significant cultural

stigma. The same color words often contain different symbolic significance. Therefore, correctly

grasp the deep meaning of color words in the two languages and the correct translation, master

the vocabulary and idioms in the English language, has a role can not be ignored in cross—cultural


This paper focuses on three color words: red (red), white (white), black (black), it is

in the two languages of English and Chinese language and culture differences be explained, and

some common translation and confusable vocabulary and idioms, for English learners.


Whether in China or in western countries, often live with festive red Move on, but in China the

symbolic meanings of red more strongly。 Red symbolizes celebration, successful, thriving, warm,

such as "full house", ”good”, "fire”。Chinese traditional wedding tone mainly in red, the

bride wearing red clothes, cover red hijab, a red candle, with red hi word, a faction be bursting

with happiness.

In the Anglo—American countries, the bride dressed in white wedding

dress, wearing a white wedding dress。 "Red" stands for "fire" in British and American culture,

"blood", ”agression”, "excitement”, ”Rage", "violence”, such as "seered", ”red— handed",

"a red battle" is reminiscent of violence and bloodshed. Red in China is also a symbol of revolution,

such as "red", "be both red and expert”, while in English often pejorative meaning, with

"red", ”radical left.", Such as ”red belt", ”red activities”。 Red in Chinese also refers

to people who favor or boss, such as ”red”, ”popular"; A joint-stock enterprises at the end

of the year profits distributed to shareholders in economic terms, such as ”bonus", "bonus”,

While in English refers to economic or business often have ”deficit”, "loss" meaning, such as ”be

in the red”, ”red ink"。

Red refers to the color, has the same meaning in English and Chinese, refer to the ”red",

"black”, "red” and other means, can be used as adjectives and nouns。 It refers to the traffic,

with "red" in English and chinese.


And "red" the relevant vocabulary, idioms and English to Chinese language


红白喜事——-weddings and funerals

China known as the wedding for weddings, funerals for the funeral, and Anglo-American countries

marriage funeral custom is different, So it should not be directly translated into "red and white

happyoccasions” in translation, or foreigners will be terrified.

2) 红娘——-go— between/match— maker


”Matchmaker" Yuan drama ”the West Chamber” heroine。 Yingying’s maid, she contributed to

urge YingYing and Zhang Sheng binding, then folk is known as ”matchmaker” eager to others marriage,

not a name.

3) 红粉; 红颜——-a young beauty

Both the beauty, corresponding to the English "red" can’t, Wu Weiye of the Qing Dynasty

"round”: ”six Army Song wail with white mourning dress, red crown anger as a confidante.”

Chinese old beautiful woman die or be married to a bad husband is beautiful, often have ”since

ancient times, confidante much"。 So in the translation should adopt free translation, avoid direct

translation of color. For example,

红颜薄命译为“a beautiful girl has an unfortunate life".

4)《红楼梦》——-The Story of the Stone

"A dream of Red Mansions" also known as ”stone”. A dream of Red Mansions in Chinese refers

to the magnificent buildings, the old often refers to a rich woman. Many people directly translated

into ”A Dream of the Red Mansion", but the British translator David Hawks in translation is not

to take the literal translation, but taking into account the ”differences in English and Chinese

culture, according to red” translate ”a dream of Red Mansions” alias "stones".

5)红本—-—memorials to the throne read and written in red by Chinese emperors

The Ming Dynasty eunuch Liu Jin dictatorship, the memorial has two copies, a name for the

emperor's white, a fine—sounding name red this to Liu Jin, but later until the Qing Dynasty,

almost by Emperor Zhupi is red。 Such as take the words too literally, directly translated into

"red book", will let the Anglo-American countries were considered to be a cover for the red book,

and misunderstand the meaning。

6) 红尘——-the world of mortals; human society

Buddhism, Taoism and other known world to red, so in the translation should be the translation

of the true meaning of。

7) 红豆--—love pea

Wang Wei "Acacia” poem: ”health and southern red beans, spring a few branches。 Take home

an armful, for my sake, as a symbol of our love. In China, red is used to symbolize love or love,

so in the translation should adopt free translation can play a vivid effect。

8)满堂红-——all— round victory; success in every field

In the translation of this phrase should adopt free translation, translation of red in Chinese

means "victory, the success of" symbolic significance.

9) 红榜--—honour roll

In the translation of "honor roll” also should adopt free translation, translation of the

"red" ”victory in the Chinese language, the symbolic meaning of success", not the literal


10) 红利—-—extra dividend; bonus

Chinese in the "dividend” means a part of the dividend, ”red” is not a color, not the ”red"

in English, the translator should adopt free translation。

11) 红运——-good luck

”Good luck” means good luck, the translator should adopt free translation。

12) 红糖———brown sugar

Here the "red" instead of "red” in English translation, this is the expression of English

and Chinese color misalignment。

13) 红茶—-—black tea


14) 红得发紫—--extremely popular

The word "red", with the color "purple", in order to translate the true meaning, should not

use literal translation and free translation, color, in order to reach to a proper extent to express


the true meaning of the word.

15) 又红又专——-both socialist- minded and vocationally proficient

"Be both red and expert” is used to describe the advanced sex revolution, so the translation

should be the translation of the Chinese characteristics。

2。 And ”red" relevant vocabulary, idioms and their translation in English

1) be in the red—-—亏损; 赤字

In English ”red” not only means ”red" color, with "deficit” in terms of economic or

business, ”loss" and other means, the commonly used "in the red", ”red ink" said, so the

translator should grasp the correct meaning of the word, in order to avoid mistranslation。

2) red- ball———(美俚)货运快车;铁路特快货车

”Red- ball” is not a Chinese "red", but ”express", namely the express freight train; railway

express freight.

3) red ink———赤字; 亏损; 亏空状态

”Red ink” in English refers to the accounting records of Central Plains debit or loss of

red ink balance, interpreted as "deficit; loss; the red.". For example:

The company went into

red ink last year。

( 去年那家公司处于亏空状态。)

4) red— blooded--—精力充沛的; 健壮的; (作品)充满紧张情节的

Although the ”red" and ”blood", but "red- blooded" does not refer to red blood, not bleeding。

For example: Tom is a red- blooded American boy。(汤姆是个精力充沛的美国男孩。)

5) roll out the red carpet--—表示热忱而隆重的欢迎和接待

The English "red carpet” refers to the red carpet to welcome the distinguished guests,

extension of the said warmly and grand welcome and reception。 For example:

We rolled out the

carpet for the President of the United States when he visited our country.( 美国总统访问我国时,


6) see red—-—火冒三丈; 气得要命

The translation must not take the words too literally understanding of "see red", this word

is derived from the Spanish Matador with red cloth provoke bulls to madness, we used an analogy

to ”fly into a rage for some reason or circumstance, mad”. For example:

I see red whenever I hear that man' s name。(我一听到那人的名字, 便火冒三丈。)

7) red eye———廉价、质劣的威士忌

”Red eye” is not a Chinese "red eye” or ”pinkeye", but also refers to a kind of cheap,

poor quality of the source whiskey, whisky on the people, the eyes will be redness. For example:

We drank a lot of red eye when I was in college.(在大学念书的时候, 我们喝了许多廉价威士忌。)

8) red— handed———在犯罪现场被捕

Whether in English or Chinese, red has the meaning of "blood", or the color。 The murderer

bloodstained hands called ”red hands". For example: The murder was caught red— handed, the gun

still in his hand.(杀人犯当场被捕了, 还抓在他手里。)

9) red— letter day———值得纪念的/有特殊意义的/喜庆的日子

Whether in China or in western countries, holiday or Sunday, calendar the date on are printed

on the red, a happy happy day.

It was one of the red- letter days of my life。(这是我一生中值得纪念的吉日之一.)

10) red- pencil-——修改; 校订; 检查; 删除

Much of the truth about the massacre was red- pencilled.

( 关于屠杀的真相大部分经审查删剪了.)

11) paint the town red——-( 俚语) 饮酒作乐; 狂欢庆祝

They decided they would paint the town red after winning so much money by gambing on the horses.

( 赢得了那么多钱, 他们决定狂欢庆祝一下。)


12) red tape—-—繁文缛节; 拖拉费时的繁琐手续

"Red tape” means "to bind documents with red” with the old, now known as the ”unnecessary

and overelaborate formalities; hauling cumbersome procedures and time-consuming"。 For example:

He gets things done by cutting through the bureaucratic

red tape。( 他能避开官僚的繁文缛节把事情迅速办好。)

13) red flag———(用作危险信号或停止信号的)示警红旗; 易爆危险品旗; 激怒因素; 引人冒火的事

In Chinese, ”red flag” is the symbol of the revolution, the symbol of progress, advanced,

but ”red flag" in British and American culture is refers to ”red flag” and other means。 For

example: When your mother raises her voice, remember it is always a red flag and you' d better

shut your mouth.(当你妈妈提高嗓门时, 记得那是危险信号, 你最好少说话。)

14) red herring-——转移注意力的东西或话题

Mentioning adult education in a discussion on decolonization is a complete red herring.

(在讨论非殖民化时谈成人教育, 这全是转移注意力的闲扯。)

15) red cap———红帽子; 搬运工

”Red cap" in addition to the red hat, in American English also refers to "the airport or railway

station". For example:

When I arrived at the airport, a red cap helped me with my heavy luggage.(当我到达机场时, 一名搬运工来帮我提沉重的行李。)



Chinese traditional culture is heavy red bogey white, white and death, the funeral linked, such

as "red funeral" in the "white” refers to the funeral。 The traditional funeral in white tone,

with white to mourn. And in the Anglo—American culture, ”white” stands for

"purity", ”chastity”, ”innocence”, ”happiness”, "Brightness" meaning。 As Chinese

traditional heavy red, British and American wedding in white color, the bride wore a white wedding

dress, to symbolize the purity of love and marriage, happiness.

Chinese in the "white” with "clear; see" meaning, such as ”unrighted wrong"; ”blank; no

results; in vain; free; no pay" meaning, such as ”white boiling water”, "in vain", "eat";

and ”error; statement" accent to say the drama, such as ”white”, "monologue” etc.. The

implication is that in English "white” does not have. And the English "white" can also refer to

a ”white", ”upright; honest” meaning, but the Chinese ”white” is not the meaning of。

But the color in Chinese culture and Western culture also has some of the same point: with "pure

(purity)”, "innocent (innocence) symbolic meaning, such as" Chinese "flawless white jade”,

"innocent", the English ”a white soul"; in the aspect of politics, have ”the reactionary;

counter—revolutionary" symbolic meaning; refers to the color, the two cultures with similar colors,

such as the Chinese ”Snow White", the English "Snow White"; in the two cultures are doctors and

nurses wear color hospital, a symbol of their work is pure and noble, such as "doctor", ”angel

in white” has been accepted by the whole world culture。

1. And the "white" relevant vocabulary, idioms and English to Chinese language

1) 白璧无瑕-—-flawless white jade; spotless virtue

"Flawless white jade" refers to the beauty of triclosan net work, metaphor of people or things

without the shortcomings, as a "white jade”.So in the translation should pay attention to the

word is the original meaning and extended meaning, such as the former is translated into ”flawless

white jade”; if the latter is translated into "spotless virtue” or ”impeccable moral integrity”。

2) 白菜-——Chinese cabbage

"Chinese cabbage” also known as "cabbage", "cabbage”, commonly known as ”vegetables”,

similar to the cabbage, but is not the same, should be translated into "Chinesecabbage”, to

show the difference between。


3) 白藏———autumn; fall

"Er Ya Shi”: ”autumn of white Tibetan", it should be translated as ”autumn” or ”fall".

4) 白丁——-the common people

”Private” refers to the "civilian; not fame”, translation should be taken to avoid the。

5) 白痴—--idiot; fool

It refers to "a kind of" the most severe mental retardation, equivalent to the

English ”idiot", ”fool” means.

6) 白费———to lose; to waste; to be in vain

"Waste", "waste", ”waste" refers to "waste; useless”, has nothing to do with the "white”

color, corresponding to the English "white” can not, the translator should adopt free translation。

7) 白银-——silver

The ancient Chinese called silver yellow white, ”white” refers to the ”silver”。

8) 白马王子———prince charming

”Prince Charming" refers to ”the girl love ideal young man", and "Prince Charming” in English

means ”married Cinderella and the prince; the ideal of marriage, both men" is the corresponding.

9) 白手起家———to rise in life by one' s own efforts; to start from scratch

This idiom means ”no economic basis or in poor condition and create a career", so the

translation cannot translate the color, because the ”white" refers to the ”empty-handed or

manual”, rather than ”the white hand”.

10)白字-—-wrongly written or mispronounced character

White is not white, but refers to ”mistakes or read the wrong word or character"。

11) 白话———vernacular

The vernacular Chinese (Mandarin) refers to a written language, such as the vernacular Chinese,

vernacular fiction, and regardless of color, can not use the "white” in English translation.

When the vernacular means "can not be achieved or not according to the words”, such as ”empty

talk”, should be translated into "noncence".

12) 白描———a kind of Chinese outline drawing; the simple, straightforward style of writing

Baimiao refers to the techniques of Chinese painting. It originated from the ancient "white

painting”, also refers to a style of literary creation, with concise text, without contrast,

depict a vivid image。 Translation note around.

13) 白战———fight unarmed

White and unarmed combat, no weapons, no white war.

14)白头偕老———live to ripe old age in conjugal bliss; remain a devoted couple to the end of

their lives

This idiom means ”couples living together to the old" married ”a harmonious union lasting

a hundred years, common in the eulogy; said of a couple”, "bald” does not mean "white head”,

it means ”old”。

15) 白开水-——plain boiled water

”No tea or other things of boiling water", not "white” boiling water, translation without

the white color。

16) 白衣天使———nurse

"Angel in white” is the nurse of the name, "doctor" is on the doctor’s name, so the translation

of "nurse” and ”doctor" on the line。


And "white" the relevant vocabulary, idioms and their translation in English

1) white alert—-—解除空袭警报

International air raid alarm is divided into three kinds, namely ”yellow alert”, "Red Alert”

and ”white alert" refer to ”yellow alert”, "warning” and "the all-clear"。


2) white book——-白皮书

"White book" refers to the "government, Parliament and other published political, diplomatic,

financial and other major issues of files, this is the white”, "white paper” has been accepted

by the people。

3) white coffee———加牛奶的咖啡

Coffee milk color looks better than the original light, so the English called ”white coffee".

4) white collar———白领

The ”white collar” directly translated as ”white-collar” has been accepted by the people,

it refers to the mental work white-collar class.

5) white elephant-——累赘的东西

"White elephant” does not refer to the elephant, but refers to the ancient king of Thailand

to "white elephant” to give out the retainer, can not sell, raise it and spend a lot of money

story, later described it as useless but not any treatment, and the need for money or labor to

management and maintenance. For example:

6) white feather-——怯懦; 胆小鬼

Don’t put the "white feather" translated into ”white feather”, Old English think tail minister

Bai Yumao cockfighting is improved, and not good fight, to a man of cowardice or coward。

7) white goods——-家用白织物; 大型家用电器

The Anglo—Americans sheets, pillowcases, tablecloths colour mostly white; their household

appliances are mostly white.

8) white— haired/headed boy———得宠儿; 幸运儿

9) white hands—-—清白无辜; 廉正; 诚实

The phrase is not a white hands, but the metaphor of ”innocent; integrity; honesty”。

10) white hope——-被寄予厚望的人( 或事物) ; 承担艰巨任务的人

11) White House———白宫

”White House” literal translation ”White House", referring to the president of the United

States White Palace or the United States government, had to accept the people.

12) white— knuckle—-—神经紧张的; 引起神经紧张的

13) white lady—-—鸡尾酒

”White lady" does not mean ”white lady", nor ”dressed in white lady”, but also refers

to a kind of cocktail gin, orange wine, lemon juice, shake with ice and strain into a protein,

can also refer to a "cocaine".

14) white lie—-—善意的谎言

"White lie" means "a harmless lie", translated as ”white lie" or ”not hurt the important

essentials lie" properly.

15) white market—-—白市; 合法交易市场

Because of the ”white" in English is ”pure” meaning, ”white market” to describe and ”black

market (black)” instead of the official market, fitting.

16) whitewash-——粉饰; 掩盖

"Whitewash" refers to the original ”white coat", after dressing or conceal errors and

shortcomings compared to.

17) white war———不流血的战争; 经济战

To refer to a bloody war with the "red battle/war” in English, with corresponding white war

to describe the war without bloodshed, mainly refers to economic warfare.

18) white days—-—吉日; 好日子

Because of the "white" with ”fortunate; lucky" meaning, so the correct translation of the phrase

is "auspicious day”。



Semantics in the Chinese culture and American culture in black and symbolic significance has

roughly the same, ”dark", ”black”, ”evil", "cruel", ”illegal" meaning, such as the Chinese

"dark forces", ”black", ”black heart”; the English ”black heart” ”black market", etc。。

But the symbolic significance of black in Anglo—American culture is more strongly, it

is ”sinister", "evil”, "criminal", "despair", "mourning", "demons" meaning. It is the analogy

always give a person a kind of terrible, even the evil feeling。 Black also contains a ”devastating;

gloomy; angry" meaning, such as "Black Friday (unlucky Friday)”, ”in a black mood (depressed

mood)”, "give sb。 a black look (ferocious stare sb。)"。

1。 汉语中与“黑”有关的词汇、习语及其英译

1)黑帮———reationary/sinister gang

The society covert activities of criminal gangs, use reationary or sinister to translate more

image, outstanding。

2)黑店———ganster inn

Refers to the murder plunders the goods inn, "ganster (bandits, bandits) to translation”

is preferable to ”black".


The dialect describe black ugly, while in English, ”swarthy” is the meaning of.

4)黑社会———Mafia— style organizations; gangland

The Anglo—Americans have black society called "Mafia- style organizations; gangland”。


1) Black and white———白纸黑字; 书面

”Black” means ”black ink", "white” means ”whitepaper", meaning black words written on

white paper, conclusive evidence in Chinese saying, put it down in black and white on the source


2) black- bag-——非法秘密搜查

In American English, it refers to the illegal secret search the United States Federal people


3) black belt———黑腰带

Now ”black belt" is mainly used to refer to "the highest level of judo”

4) black box-——黑匣子

The English "black box" refers to the electronic equipment installed in the aircraft, used

to record flight data, because its name is black。

5) black coffee—-—清咖啡; 不加牛奶( 或奶油) 的咖啡

The British and Americans do not add milk (or cream) in coffee called black coffee, from the

milk (or cream) coffee white coffee.

6) black eye—-—乌黑的眼睛;丢脸的事,耻辱;

"Black eye” and ”dark eyes or bruised eyes", a "disgrace still in American spoken English;

stigma; bad reputation”。

7) Black Hand———黑手党; 黑社会组织;

”Black Hand" is not a black hand it means "mafia or black social organization", it has become

a specific appellation。

8) black hole———黑洞

”Black hole" in the field of astronomy refers to the ”black hole”, but it also "black jails;



9) Black Friday—-—不吉利的星期五

Jesus suffering so on Friday, with Black Friday, metaphor calamity, dangerous unknown.

10) black— letter day———倒霉的日子

"Black” is ”unlucky" mean in English, "white", "auspicious; good", with "black— letter day"

and ”white day to refer to (good day)" the opposite meaning。

11) blacklist———黑名单

"Blacklist" in English means "list of people or organization to boycott or punish”, Chinese

translation is ”black list”, and "whitelist" white list contrary。

12) black market———黑市

The "black market” translated into the black market is very appropriate, because both the

illegal trade means, with the official market "white market" means just the opposite。

13) blackout———灯火管制; 暂时性失去记忆

”Blackout” means there are many, such as "power; power; painted out; remove;” out of the

stage lights ", the most common means” Blackout ”or” temporary loss of memory"。

14) black sheep——-害之马; 败类; 有辱门楣的人

”Black sheep” from the proverb ”There is a black sheep in every frock”, used to describe ”an

evil member of the herd” or "scum; the black sheep of the family”。

15) black smith—-—铁匠

”Black Smith” means to create a darker color, metal (such as iron) craftsmen, with ”White

Smith" to refer to create lighter hardware (such as silver).

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