


新标准综合教程第一册Unit 1 课文文字和单词

Active Reading (1)

Diary of a fresher


1 After a long drive from home, we arrive at my hall of

residence, and I check in. The warden gives me a set of keys and

a room number. It's five floors up, and the lift doesn't work. Finally,

with my mother red in the face and short of breath, we find Room

8, I unlock the door, and we all walk in.

2 After one minute, my father climbs out. The room is barely

big enough for one, and certainly not big enough for the whole

family. I can lie on the bed and touch three walls without moving

a muscle.

3 Lucky my brother and my dog didn't come too.

4 Later. My parents have just left. I'm here alone, surrounded

by my books and a suitcase. What do I do next?


5 There's a coffee morning for first year students. I meet my

tutor, who is tall with round shoulders, and looks determined to

be pleasant.

6 "Have you come far?" he asks me. As he speaks, he moves

his head from side to side, which makes his coffee spill into the


7 "I live not far from Edinburgh, about six hours away," I


8 "Splendid!" he says, and moves on to the girl standing

beside me. "Have you come far?" he asks, "splendid," he says,

without waiting for the answer, and moves on. He takes a sip of

coffee, and looks surprised to find the cup is empty.

9 My mother calls. She asks if I've met my tutor yet.


10 Am feeling a little hungry, and I realize I haven't eaten for

two days. I go downstairs and find that I can have three meals a

day in the dining hall. I go down and join a very long queue.

11 "What's for breakfast?" I ask the boy in front of me.

12 "Don't know. I was too late for breakfast. This is for lunch."

13 It's self-service and today's menu includes chicken, rice,

potatoes, salad, vegetables, cheese, yoghurt and fruit. The boy in

front puts it all on his plate, pays for it, and goes to sit down.

14 Not feeling very hungry any more.

15 My mother calls. She asks if I'm eating proper meals.


16 I have a lecture at 9 am. I wake up at 8.45. No one has

woken me. Strange.

17 I get dressed, and rush over to the lecture hall. I sit down

beside a girl who looks half asleep. She looks at me. "Just got

up?" she asks. How can she tell?

18 The lecture takes an hour, and at the end I look at my

notes. I can't read my handwriting.

19 The girl's name is Sophie and she's an English literature

major, like me. She looks very intelligent, and when we chat after

the lecture, she tells me she read the whole of this term's reading

list during her gap year. She impresses me, and I feel so ignorant

that I shouldn't even breathe the same air as her.

20 Mum calls. She asks if I slept OK.


21 It's the Freshers' Fair today, and Sophie and I go along to

see how many clubs we can join. We both agree that we want to

make a lot of friends, so I sign up for ballroom dancing, the

Artificial Intelligence Society, bell ringing and the Extreme Sports

Club. Sophie signs up for Amateur Dramatics and the Mozart


22 I wonder if Sophie and I are going to stay good friends.

23 Mum calls. My brother has tried to rent out my bedroom

back home. Mum

assures me that it's mine for as long as I need it, that it's my

home and that they miss

me very much, especially the dog. I burst into tears.


24 In the morning, I go to the library. But it seems I need an

ID card which is used

for identification. For some reason, I have to swear that I

won't damage the books or

break the library rules, and if I do, I'll be sent to prison. (What!?

For speaking too

loudly?) It seems that it's a very old library, and the university

is very proud of it.

25 There's a disco tonight, but I've run out of clean clothes.

I'm not sure what

happens to my dirty clothes after putting them in the clothes

basket and before finding them clean, ironed and folded in my

wardrobe. Maybe Mum will call soon.

New words

fresher n. [C] (AmE freshman) 大学一年级学生

residence n. [C] (fml) 住所;住宅

The building is partly a museum and partly a private

residence. warden n. [C] 看守人;监管人;管理员

unlock vt. (通常用钥匙)打开(门或窗的锁)

Which of these keys unlocks the safe?

barely ad. 几乎不;几乎没有

The roads were barely wide enough for two cars to pass.

muscle n. [C, U] 肌肉

spill v. (使)溢出,(使)泼出,(使)洒出

He slipped and the wine spilt all over the carpet.

sip n. [C] 一小口

If the food is too hot, take a sip of water.

intelligent a. 有智慧的;悟性高的;聪明的

Surely an intelligent person like you can deal with this. gap

n. [C] 1. 间隔;间断

2. 缺口;裂口;缝隙;裂缝

1. The second volume in the series came out after a gap of



2. Through the gaps between the trees I could see a river in

the distance.

ignorant a. ( ~ of) 无知的;愚昧的;无学识的

I was ignorant of the terms used in business.

sign v. 签字(于);签名(于)

You haven't signed Rory's birthday card yet.

ballroom n. [C] 大舞厅;舞场

dramatics n. [U] 戏剧表演

choir n. [C] (学校的)合唱团;(教堂的)唱诗班

assure vt. 1. (fml) 向(某人)保证;使确信

2. 确保

1. There's not much more I can say to assure you.

2. We all worked hard to assure the mayor's re-election. disco

n. [C] 迪斯科舞厅;迪斯科舞会

wardrobe n. [C] 衣柜;衣橱

Phrases and expressions

check in 1. 登记住宿;登记住院


1. He checked in at the Europa Hotel.

2. You must check in at least one hour before your


go along 1. 和(某人)一起去

2. 继续;进展

1. As everyone else was going to the pub, I decided

to go along with them.

2. Things seem to be going along nicely.

sign up for 报名参加;同意从事

She's decided to sign up for a music school.

rent out 出租(房屋、办公室等)

He rented out his spare flat for £1,000 a month.

burst into tears / song / laughter 突然哭 / 唱/ 笑起来

Terri keeps bursting into tears for no reason.

run out of 用光;耗尽

They ran out of money and had to abandon the project.

Proper names

Edinburgh 爱丁堡(苏格兰首府)

Artificial Intelligence



Extreme Sports Club 极限运动俱乐部

Mozart 莫扎特(1756—1791,奥地利作曲家、维也纳古典


ID card (identity card) 身份证

Active Reading (2)

Tis: A memoir

1 Since I'm not a high school graduate and work full-time,

I'm allowed to take only two courses, Introduction to Literature

and The History of Education in America. I don't know why I have

to be introduced to literature but the woman in the admissions

office says it's a requirement even though I've read Dostoyevsky

and Melville and that's admirable for someone without a high

school education. She says The History of Education in America

course will provide me with the broad cultural background I need

after my inadequate European education.

2 I'm in heaven and the first thing to do is buy the required

textbooks, cover them with the purple and white NYU book

jackets so that people in the subway will look at me admiringly.

3 All I know of university classes is what I saw a long time

ago in the movies

in Limerick and here I am sitting in one, The History of

Education in America, with Professor Maxine Green up there on

the platform telling us how the Pilgrims educated their children.

All around me are students scribbling away in their notebooks

and I wish I knew what to scribble myself. How am I supposed to

know what's important out of all the things she's saying up there?

Am I supposed to remember everything? Some students raise

their hands to ask questions but I could never do that. The whole

class would stare at me and wonder who's the one with the

accent. I could try an American accent but that never works.

When I try it people always smile and say, Do I detect an Irish


4 The professor is saying the Pilgrims left England to escape

religious persecution and that puzzles me because the

Pilgrims were English themselves and the English were always the

ones who persecuted everyone else, especially the Irish. I'd like

to raise my hand and tell the professor how the Irish suffered for

centuries under English rule but I'm sure everyone in this class

has a high school diploma and if I open my mouth they'll know

I'm not one of them.

5 Other students are easy about raising their hands and they

always say, Well, I think.

6 Some day I'll raise my hand and say, Well, I think, but I don't

know what to think about Pilgrims and their education. Then the

professor tells us ideas don't drop fully formed from the skies,

that the Pilgrims were, in the long run, children of the

Reformation with an accompanying world view and their

attitudes to children were so informed.

7 There is more notebook scribbling around the room, the

women busier than the

men. The women scribble as if every word out of Professor

Green's mouth were


8 Then I wonder why I have this fat textbook on American

education which I carry

in subways so that people can admire me for being a college

student. I know there

will be examinations, a mid-term and a final, but where will

the questions come from?

If the professor talks and talks and the textbook is seven

hundred pages I'll surely be


9 There are good-looking girls in the class and I'd like to ask

one if she knows what

I should know before the mid-term exam in seven weeks. I'd

like to go to the

university cafeteria or a Greenwich Village coffee shop and

chat with the girl about

the Pilgrims and their Puritan ways and how they frightened

the life out of their

children. I could tell the girl how I read Dostoyevsky and

Melville and she'd be

impressed and fall in love with me and we'd study The

History of Education in

America together.

New words

Tis(literary) it is

memoir n. 1. (~s) 见闻录;回忆录

2. [C] 传略;实录

admirable a. 令人赞赏的;令人钦佩的

It is an admirable book, the first to tell the whole truth about

the war. cultural a. 1. 文化(上)的


1. It is important to look at the political and cultural context

in which

the novel was written.

2. London is still very much the cultural capital of the country.

inadequate a. 不充分的;不够格的;不适当的

We are trying to provide basic education with inadequate

resources. subway n. [C] (BrE Underground) 地铁

admiringly ad.钦佩地;赞赏地;羡慕地

Everybody looked at him admiringly.

Pilgrim n. [C] 1.(17世纪早期离开英国到了如今的美国的)清教徒移民

2. 朝圣者;香客

scribble v. 1. 潦草书写

2. 乱涂;涂写;乱画

1. I scribbled the numbers down as they were read out.

2. Someone had scribbled all over my picture.

detect vt.1. 察觉,发觉,发现(尤指不明显的事)

2. 查出;测出

1. I thought I detected a hint of irony in her words.

2. The system is so sensitive that it can detect changes in


as small as 0.003 degrees.

Irish a. 1. 爱尔兰的;爱尔兰语的;爱尔兰文化的

2. 爱尔兰人的

brogue n. [sing] 土腔,地方腔(尤指爱尔兰腔或苏格兰腔)

persecution n. [C, U] (尤指因种族、宗教政治信仰而进行的)迫害,残害

He may face persecution if he returns to his homeland.

persecute vt.(尤指因种族、宗教或政治信仰而)迫害,残害

The narrators have been persecuted for standing up for their

principles. diploma n. [C] 毕业文凭;学位证书

He has a diploma in marketing.

surely ad.1. 无疑;肯定


1. That is surely the stupidest thing I have ever done.

2. Surely she didn't mean it — it was just a thoughtless

remark. cafeteria n. [C] 自助食堂;自助餐馆

Puritan n. [C] 清教徒

Phrases and expressions

in the long run从长远来看;终究

Moving to Spain will be better for you in the

long run.

frighten the life out of sb / frighten sb to death (infml) 把某

人吓得没命/ 使某人紧张得要死

Don't do that! You frightened the life out of me!

Proper names


Melville梅尔维尔(1819—1891 ,美国小说家)

NYU(New York University) 纽约大学


Maxine Green玛克辛?格林(人名)

the Reformation宗教改革运动(欧洲 16 世纪的一次宗教运动,导致新教各教派的成立)Greenwich Village格林尼治村

Reading Across Cultures

Settling down at college around the world

Tanya Zarutskaya Moscow, Russia

This time last year I was nervous about my new life. I didn't

have any friends, and it was my first time away from home. At

first I worked all the time, going to lectures and studying late into

the night.

But then I realized I was missing out on so many other things

at university. One day a girl in my hall of residence invited

everyone in the dorm to a dinner party. I've no idea where she

managed to buy the food, or how she had enough

she dressed like a model. I don't know why she was bothering

with university! I've got to know lots of interesting people and I

now enjoy myself as well as study hard. Miguel Fonseca

Guadalajara, Mexico

When I first arrived at university, I tried to make notes about

everything the professors said in their lectures. But I ended up

being too busy writing to listen. I'm studying chemistry, and

everything seemed more complicated than what we learned at

school. But then I realized that here, you have to listen and think

more. I've now understood the difference between new

information and things which I knew already. Francine Bonnet

Lyon, France

When I first arrived, the university seemed very large and

unfriendly. I found the freedom and the lack of guidance difficult

at first. At school, I was used to a timetable with homework in the


I also had a lot of trouble managing my allowance. You have

to buy food, books, bus fares, clothes and everything, so it's not

like the pocket money you had as a kid at home. The money

arrives all in one go, so I felt pretty rich at the start of term. Then

I spent too much, and could only afford to eat a sandwich once

a day!

But now I've realized that it's no longer my parents' or

teachers' responsibility to look after me. For the first time, it's me

who's responsible for my life ... and I don't know what to do!

New words

dorm n. [C] (infml)(学校、军营等的)寝室,宿舍unfriendly a.


responsible a. (never before noun) (~ for) 负责……的Proper


Tanya Zarutskaya 塔尼娅?扎茹茨卡娅(人名)Moscow 莫斯科(俄罗斯首都)

Miguel Fonseca 米古尔?方斯卡(人名)Guadalajara 瓜达拉哈拉(墨西哥第二大城市)Mexico 墨西哥(北美洲南部国家)

Francine Bonnet 弗兰辛?博内(人名)

Lyon 里昂(法国东南部城市)

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