

Making a Workplace Interpretation (3 minutes)

T: 格林女士,欢迎你来广州,请坐。

(Contestant: Welcome to Guangzhou, Ms. Green. Take a seat, please.)

D: Thank you. I’m very glad to have the chance to visit your company, Mr. Smith. How long have

you been in this line of business

(Contestant: 谢谢,史密斯先生,我很高兴有机会来贵公司参观。您做这一行多久了)

T: 我做这行工作超过十五年了,但是我们公司从事该行有三十多年了。

(Contestant: I’ve been in this line of work for more than 15 years, but our company for more than

30 years.)

D: I see. Will you brief me on the size of your company

(Contestant: 明白了。您能给我简单介绍一下贵公司的规模吗)

T: 当然可以。我们是一家私营企业,有大约一千五百名员工,在全国有五家子公司和两家工厂。

(Contestant: Sure. We are a private enterpise with about 1500 employees. And we have five

subsidiaries and two factories throughout China.)

D: I heard that your company specializes in microwave ovens.

(Contestant: 我听说贵公司专门生产微波炉。)

T: 是的,我们的产品目前出口到十五个国家和地区,订单越来越多。

(Contestant: That’s true. Our products are being exported to 15 countries and regions, and the

orders are getting bigger.)

D: Well, that’s really impressive. Let’s get down to business. Will you show me the latest models

of your products

(Contestant: 嗯,真是很了不起。让我们言归正传,您能让我看看最新款的产品吗)

T: 很荣幸,这边请。

(Contestant: My pleasure. This way, please.)

Q. A great effort, but not quite good enough. How disappointed are you

Q. 打进决赛真的是一次很好的尝试,但是结局并不是很完满。你失望吗

NA LI: You mean today's match李娜:你是指今天的决赛吗

Q. Yes. Are you disappointed afterwards or are you taking positives out of it

Q. 是的。决赛的失利让你失望还是你从中获得了积极的收获

NA LI: I mean, of course, take positives. I think I play great tennis. I mean, she play better than

me. After the match, back to the locker room, I make joke, tennis should only play one set



Q. Were you tired in the last set Did you get tired and your concentration go a little bit

Q. 第三盘时,你的体能是否出现了危机是不是因为累了而导致你的专注力下降了

NA LI: I mean, during the match, many Chinese like of course the fans, they want I can win this

match but they coach me how to play tennis on the court.


Q. Is that why you were talking to the umpire in the third set

Q. 这是你第三盘和主裁说话的原因吗

NA LI: I mean, they can coach -- not coach. They can talk, but not during the point, you know.

Yeah. Maybe they're so exciting, I don't know.


Q. What was the overall experience to be close to being the first Asian to win a major

championship You're the first finalist anyway.

Q. 总而言之,你是第一个打进大满贯决赛的亚洲选手。你有没有得到一些如何夺得首个大满贯的经验

NA LI: Yeah, so exciting I can be the first one. I'm not think about how is that, because always

have to someone be the first. Yeah.


Q. Semis last year; finals this year; next year you win

Q. 去年半决赛,今年亚军,那么明年呢

NA LI: I wish. If I'm not retired (laughter).



You have become quite a popular fantasy writer in the last few years. Did

you ever imagine your book would be so big

帕特:No. In all honesty, I never expected my book to get published at all.



Did you have any particular goal in writing the story in the first place Or

did you write it simply because it was there

帕特:Oh, I wasn't writing just to goof around. I wanted to write a good

book. I wanted to write something that got people excited about reading

fantasy again. But I didn't expect to get published. I knew the odds were

stacked against me there.



Fairly early on I remember hearing some statistics about writing. It was

something along the lines of "Out of every 250 people that start a novel,

one will finish it. Out of every 250 people that finish a novel, one person

will sell it. Out of every 250 people that sell a novel, one will manage to

make a living at it."

帕特:Those are steep odds. So I studied chemistry and physics in high

school. I figured if I was going to be a writer, I better have a job that

could feed me while I worked on my novels.


帕特:So yeah, getting published at all was a pleasant surprise.

Everything else that's come after that, the awards and being translated

into other languages, that'd just icing on the cake.



What's your dream now

帕特:To be happy. To be a good father and watch my little son grow up

happy and healthy.



That’s surprisingly down to earth. Anything more magical, like learning

the name of the wind, or perhaps writing as many books as Terry



If I wanted to aspire to be someone else, Terry Pratchett would be a good

place to start. He's one of my favorite authors. He manages to be be

brilliant, funny, AND prolific. He's amazing.


A:The government policy is to encourage foreign investment,isn’t it


B: participation is encouraged in priority industries.


A:Can we remit our profit to foreign countries


B:Yes,you can after having paid taxes, that is ,the net profit can be remitted abroad.


A:There still exist risks in investment. What if your policy would change


B:China’s political and economic situation is stable, and will remain stable. We do mean what we



A:That is great. We are confident of investment in your have decided to set up a computer

factory in the form of a joint venture.


B:That is wonderful! Could you please consider us as your partner


A:We have had many opportunities to see that you are a reliable partner.


B:That you for your that we have the background,let’s discuss how to set up the joint venture.


A:I think that the first problem for us to discuss is the total amount and proportion of



B:That total amount if investment would at least be 15million this figure can provide the

construction funds and circulating capital.


A:I there a lower limit for the foreign party in the registered capital


B:Generally not less than 25%.May i ask how much you would like to invest


A:We are prepared to contribute 45%.Must we invest in cash only


B:The parties to the venture may contribute cash,capital goods and industrial property rights,

their investment.


A:Good. We will invest machinery and equipment estimated at about 40% of the total shall we

share the profit and losses


B:Then we can share the profit, risks and losses in proportion to our respective contribution.



Hello, Mr. Lin. Glad to see you again. How is everything going

B: 很好。谢谢,有什么需要帮助尽管说

Fine, thank you very much. What can I do for you


I have been sent to discuss quality, quantity and other particulars of the goods

with you.

B: So you must have received the samples and pattern books of handembroidered silk products

we sent last week.


Yes, we studied them carefully after receipt.


Do you have any questions


Oh, find that the color and quality of your silk scarfs are satisfactory, but the quality and design

of the silk handkerchiefs are not am sorry to say that we don’t like them at all.

B: 据我所知,真丝手帕质量不可能出现任何额问题。如您所知,丝绸是中国传统出口商品之一,以其质量上乘而闻名。事实上,它们在欧洲市场上十分畅销,关于图案设计,您是否可以讲得详细一些

As far as I know,there can’t be any problem with the quality of our silk you know,silks are one of

Chinese traditional are highly reputed for their fact,they are selling well in European

regarding patterns,could you please tell me in detail


The patterns with animals are not popular with Americans and I am afraid that they may not

be salable.

B: 真的吗您在开玩笑吧!不管怎样,这个问题容易解决。这儿有一些最新设计,您可以选择你所喜欢的。

ReallyAre you joking Anyway,it’s easy to solve that are our latest can choose what you like.


These designs are so lovely that they’ll appeal to the most selective ’d like to order two of

them:Silk Handkerchief 4000 dozens; 2000dozens.


I am glad that you add your order.

A:I come here to discuss with you how to set up a joint venture this time.

B: 我相信,经过协商我们一定能够办好这家合资企业。

A:First, I’ll ask for information about the current investment environment in your


B: 调查显示,年轻人比较重视手机的外观。

A:This trend is in line with our marketing forecast. Could you evaluate Chinese

buying ability in

an objective way

B: 中国的市场以低端产品为主。大多数消费者更加青睐20美元左右的手机。

A:I see. I also want to know telecommunications and transportation in your city.

B: 我市位于辽东半岛,通讯和交通设施非常完善。

A:I have confidence in the establishment of a joint venture in your city.

B: 我们已经为外国投资者创造了优越的环境,我相信这种新环境对我们双方都会大有好处。

A:Ok. Should a joint venture determine by themselves the organizational structure

B: 当然可以,合资公司的组织结构是由合资双方协商决定的。董事会的人数反映股权的比


A:Do you mean that if the ownership is 50/50 and the number of Board members is

eight, it

should be four each

B: 是的,你们同意吗

A:Yes, I think it is reasonable and will work well. How long do the board members


B: 四年。合资公司的经营管理形式都由董事会决定。

A:The chairman is the legal representative, right

B: 是的,我们还可以建立一个经理部负责合资公司的日常事务。

A: As far as the management is concerned, you might appoint the general manager

and the chief

engineer of the project, and we might appoint the deputies.

B: 我们同意。

本文发布于:2024-09-21 19:48:12,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:公司   投资   图案   合资   形式   贵方   质量   中国
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