药学英语Unit 8 Text A 注释及译文


Text A What Analytical Chemists Do

Analytical chemistry is concerned with the chemical characterization of matter

and the answers to two important questions: what is it (qualitative) and how much is it

(quantitative). Chemicals make up everything we use or consume, and knowledge of

the chemical composition of many substances important in our daily lives. Analytical

chemistry plays an important role in nearly all aspects of chemistry, for example,

agricultural, clinical, environmental, forensic, manufacturing, metallurgical, and

pharmaceutical chemistry. The nitrogen content of a fertilizer determines its value.

Foods must be analyzed for contaminants (e.g., pesticide residues) and for essential

nutrients (e.g. vitamin content). The air in cities must be analyzed for carbon

monoxide. Blood glucose must be monitored in diabetics (and, in fact, most diseases

are diagnosed by chemical analysis). The presence of trace elements from gun powder

on a murder defendant’s hand will prove a gun was fired. The quality of manufactured

products often depends on proper chemical proportions, and measurement of the

constituents is a necessary part of quality control. The carbon of steel will determine

its quality. The purity of drugs will determine their efficacy.

1、qualitative ['kwɔlitətiv, -tei-] adj.


2、quantitative ['kwɔntitətiv, -tei-] adj. 定量的;量的,数量的

3、consume [kən'sju:m]vt.


vi. 耗尽,毁灭;耗尽生命

4、analytical [,ænə'litik,-kəl] adj.



[fɔ'rensik] adj.


6、metallurgical [,melə'lə:dʒik,-kəl] adj.


7、nitrogen ['naitrədʒən] n. [化]氮

8、contaminant [kən'tæminənt] n.


9、pesticide residues ['pestisaid] ['rezɪ,du:, -,dju:]杀虫剂残留

10、carbon monoxide [无化] 一氧化碳

11、glucose ['ɡlu:kəus]n.


12、diabetic [,daiə'betik] adj. 糖尿病的,患糖尿病的 n. 糖尿病患者

13、defendant [di'fendənt] adj.

为自己辩护的;辩护的 n.


14、constituent [kən'stitjuənt]n. 成分;选民;委托 adj. 构成的;选举的


What is Analytical Science?

The above description of analytical chemistry provides an overview of the

discipline of analytical chemistry. There have been various attempts to more

specifically define the discipline. The late Charles N. Reilley said: “Analytical

chemistry is what analytical chemists do.” The discipline has expanded beyond the

bounds of just chemistry, and many have advocated using the name analytical science

to describe the field. This term is used in a National Science Foundation report from

workshops on “Curricular Developments in the Analytical Science.” Even this term

falls short of recognition of the role of instrumentation development and application.

One suggestion is that we use the term analytical science and technology.

1、advocate ['ædvəkeit, 'ædvəkət] vt.



2、curricular [kə'rikjulə] adj. 课程的

3、short of


4、recognition [,rekəg'niʃən] n.


5、instrumentation [,instrumen'teiʃən, ,instrə-] n. 乐器法;使用仪器;仪表化

通过上面的描述,我们对分析化学这个学科有了大概的了解。许多人试图对分析化学更为具体的定义。已故的著名学者Charles N. Reilley说:分析化学就是分析化学家从事的工作。这个学科的发展已经超出了化学的范畴,因此许多人建议用分析科学来描述这一领域。在一个关于“分析科学的课程建设”的专题研讨会上有一篇关于自然科学基金报告上使用过这个术语。但是,即便是采用这个术语也不足以体现新仪器的应用对分析化学的重要意义,因此有人建议使用“分析科学和技术”这个术语。

The Federation of European chemical societies held a contest to define

analytical chemistry, and the following suggestion by K. Cammann was selected.

Analytical chemistry provides the methods and tools needed for insight into our

material world … for answering four basic questions about a material sample:



How much?

What arrangement, structure or form?

1、federation ['fedəreiʃən] n. 联盟;联邦;联合;联邦政府

欧洲化学学会联合会对分析化学的定义有不同的看法, 该学会的K.







The Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society

provides a comprehensive definition of analytical chemistry, which may be found on

their website. It is reproduced in most part here:

Analytical chemistry seek ever improved means of measuring the chemical

composition of nature an artificial materials. The techniques of this science are used

to identify the substances which may be present in a material and to determine the

exact amounts of the identified substance.

1、reproduce [,ri:prə'dju:s] vt.


vi. 繁殖;复制



Analytical chemists work to improve the reliability of existing techniques to

meet the demands for better chemical measurements which arise constantly in our

society. They adopt proven methodologies to new kinds of materials or to answer new

questions about their composition and their reactivity mechanisms. They carry out

research to discover completely new principles of measurement and are at the

forefront of the utilization of major discoveries, such as lasers and microchip devices

for practical purposes. Their efforts serve the needs of many fields:

In medicine, analytical chemistry is the basis for clinical laboratory tests

which help physicians diagnose disease and chart progress in recovery.

In industry, analytical chemistry provides means of testing raw materials and

for assuring the quality of finished products whose chemical composition is critical.

Many household products, fuels, paints, pharmaceuticals, etc. are analyzed by the

producers developed by analytical chemists before being sold to consumers.

Environmental quality is often evaluated by testing for suspected contaminants

using the techniques of analytical chemistry.

The nutritional value of food is determined by chemical analysis for major

components such as protein and carbohydrates and trace components such as vitamins

and minerals. Indeed, even the calories in a food are often calculated from its

chemical analysis.

Analytical chemists also make important contributions to fields as diverse

forensics, archaeology, and space science.

1、chart [tʃɑ:t] n. 图表;海图;图纸vt. 绘制…的图表;在海图上标出;详细计划

2、archaeology [,ɑ:ki'ɔlədʒi] n. 考古学






分析化学家在法医学、考古学和太空学等多个领域也作出了重要贡献。Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses: What Does Each Tell Us?

The discipline of analytical chemistry consists of qualitative analysis and

quantitative analysis. The former deals with the identification of elements, ions, or

compounds present in a sample (we may be interested in whether only a given

substance is present), while the latter deals with the determination of how much of

one or more constituents is present. The sample may be solid, liquid, gas, or a mixture.

The presence of gunpowder residue on a hand generally requires only qualitative

knowledge, not of how much is there, but the price of coal will be determined by the

percentage of sulfur impurity present.

1、sulfur ['sʌlfə] vt.




Qualitative test may be performed by selective chemical reactions or with the

use of instrumentation. The formation of a white precipitate when adding a solution of

silver nitrate to a dissolved sample indicates the presence of chloride. Certain

chemical reactions will produce colors to indicate the presence of classes of organic

compound, for example, ketones. Infrared spectra will give “fingerprints” of organic

compounds or their functional groups.

1、precipitate [pri'sipitit, -teit]n.

沉淀物 vt.


vi. 猛地落下;沉淀;冷凝成为雨或雪等adj.


2、ketone ['ki:təun] n. [化]酮

3、Infrared Spectra ['infrə'red] ['spektrə] 红外光谱 ;偏振近红外谱 ;近红外谱


A clear distinction should be made between the terms selective and specific:

● A selective reaction or test is one that can occur with other substances but

exhibits a degree of preference for the substance of interest.

● A specific reaction or test is one that occurs only with the substance of interest.

Unfortunately, few reactions are specific but many exhibit selectivity.

Selectivity may be achieved by a number of strategies. Some examples are:

Sample preparation (e.g., extractions, precipitation)

Instrumentation (selective detectors)

Target analyte derivatization (e.g., derivatize specific functional groups with

detecting reagents)

Chromatograph, which provides powerful separation

1、preference ['prefərəns] n.


2、precipitation [pri,sipi'teiʃən] n.






[di'riveitaiz] vi. [生物化学] 衍生化









For quantitative analysis, a history of the sample composition will often be

known (it is known that blood contains glucose), or else the analyst will have

performed a qualitative test prior to performing the more difficult quantitative

analysis. Modern chemical measurement system often exhibit sufficient selectivity

that a quantitative measurement can also serve as a qualitative measurement. However,

simple qualitative tests are usually more rapid than quantitative procedures.

Qualitative analysis is composed of two fields: inorganic and organic. The former is

usually covered in introductory chemistry course, whereas the latter is best left until

after the student has had a course in organic chemistry.

1、inorganic [,ɪnɔ:'gænɪk] adj.



[ɔ:'ɡænik] adj. 有机的;器官的;组织的;根本的



In comparing qualitative versus quantitative analysis, consider, for example, the

sequence of analytical procedures followed in testing for banned substances at the

Olympic Games. The list of prohibited substances includes about 500 different active

constituents: stimulants, steroids, beta-blockers, diuretics, narcotics, analgesics, local

anesthetics, and sedatives. Some are detectable only as their metabolites. Many

athletes must be tested rapidly. And it is not practical to perform a detailed

quantitative analysis on each. There are three phase in the analysis: the fast-screening

phase, the identification phase, and possible quantification phase. In the fast-screening

phase, urine samples are rapidly tested for the presence of classes of compounds that

will differentiate them from “normal” samples. Various techniques include

immunoassays, gas chromatography, and liquid chromatography. About 5% of the

samples may indicate the presence of unknown compounds that may or may not be

prohibited but need to be identified. Samples showing a suspicious profile during the

screening undergo a new preparation cycle (possible hydrolysis, extraction,

derivatization), depending on the nature of compound that have been detected. The

compounds are then identified using the highly selective combination of gas

chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). In this technique, complex mixtures

are separated by gas chromatography, and then they are detected by mass

spectrometry, which provides molecular structural data on the compounds. The MS

data, combined with the time of elution from the gas chromatograph, provide a high

probability of the presence of a given detected compound. GC/MS is expensive and

time-consuming, and so it is used only when necessary. Following the identification

phase, some compounds must be precisely quantified since they may normally be

present at low levels, for example, from food, pharmaceutical preparations, or

endogenous steroids, and elevated levels must be confirmed. This is done using

quantitative techniques such as spectrophotometry or gas chromatography.

1、stimulant ['stimjulənt] n.


adj. 激励的;使人兴奋的

2、steroids ['stiərɔidz] n.


3、diuretics [,daiju'reitikz]

n. 利尿剂

4、narcotics [nɑ:'kɔtɪks]

n. 麻醉;麻醉剂


[,ænəl'dʒi:zɪks, -sɪk],

n. 镇痛药;止痛剂

6、anesthetics [,ænɪs'θetɪks]



7、sedatives ['sedətivz]



8、metabolites [mi'tæbəlaits]n.


9、athletes ['æθli:ts]



10、immunoassays [,imjunəu'æsei]



11、chromatography [,krəumə'tɔɡrəfi] n.谱分析法

12、hydrolysis [hai'drɔlisis] n. [化]水解作用

13、mass spectrometry [mæs] [spek' trɔmitri ] 质谱分析法

14、elution [i'lu: ʃən]


[分化] 洗脱;[冶] 洗提

15、elevated ['eliveitid] adj. 提高的;高尚的;严肃的;欢欣的





16、spectrophotometry [,spektrəufəu'tɔmitri] n.




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标签:化合物   分析化学   样品   例如   方法   分析
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