外研版(2023) 必修 第一册 Unit 4 Friends forever同步练习(含解析


外研版(2023) 必修 第一册 Unit 4 Friends


Book 1 Unit 4 Friends forever

Using language



1.imply vt.含有……的意思,暗示,暗指→ n.含义;暗示;影响

2.patience n.耐心;忍耐力→ adj.忍耐的;耐心的 n.病人→ adv.耐心地

3.constant adj.持续不断的→ adv.不断地;始终,一直

4.logical adj.符合逻辑的;必然的,合乎情理的→ adv.逻辑上;符合逻辑地

5.reality n.事实,实际经历;现实;实际情况→ adj.真正的;确实的;真实存在的→ adv.真正地;实际上

6.distinguish vt. vi.成为……的特征,使有别于;区分,辨别;认出;使出众→ adj.卓越的;著名的;高贵的;受尊重的

7.representative adj.典型的,有代表性的 n.典型人物,代表性人物;代表→ vt.代表;描绘

8.fascinate .深深吸引,迷住→ adj.迷人的,吸引人的

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9.Dr. Brown is a senior professor views are widely respected.

10.The sound of gunfire was too close for .(comfortably)

11.Social refers to the practice of keeping space between

yourself and others to prevent the spread of contagious


12.Will you tell us the things and people you know in your


13.Is this the factory many workers are working hard in

14.At the bus station, you will find taxis you can take to

reach your host family.

15.Those follow the fashion at all costs should change their

lifestyle as soon as possible.

16.I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Green without whose

(generous) my company couldn’t have been set up.

17.We should do all is useful to people.

18.We do the same work they do.


Saturday was her favorite day of the week. It rained most of the day, so,

Kayla enjoyed playing video games inside. On Sunday, her friends came

over and they played basketball for several hours.

Then it was Labor Day, the extra day off that Kayla was so looking

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forward to. But Kayla was awakened early that morning by her dad. He

told Kayla that in honor of Labor Day, the family would be cleaning both

inside and outside the house. Kayla couldn’t believe it. This was a holiday.

She was supposed to be enjoying freshly squeezed lemonade while

playing in her tree house. As Kayla wiped her eyes, she began to wonder

if this was just a bad dream.

As she sat down at the kitchen table, Kayla asked her parents, “Are you

serious about working today Isn’t Labor Day a holiday ” “Yes, Kayla. It

is,” replied her dad. “But your mom and I thought working hard today

would make you realize why Labor Day was observed in the first place.”

At first, Kayla felt disappointed at her parents’ plan for the holiday. How

eagerly she wanted to go out to play with her friends! She was against

the annoying plan from the bottom of her heart, but she had no choice.

First, Kayla was arranged to wash the breakfast dishes. After that, she

was asked to give their puppy a bath. She knew it was a hard task, which

needed a lot of careful work. She began the work with great


But things began to change as she was doing the chores. When she

brushed the puppy, she found it was a lot of fun with so many soap

bubbles. Then it was yardwork and Kayla helped to pick up sticks. She

pretended the small sticks were basketballs and shot them into a large

trash can. So the work was done with great pleasure, and Kayla felt

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proud to see how much better the yard looked. When she finished her

meaningful chores, Kayla enjoyed relaxing in her tree house. The

lemonade tasted wonderful after a hard day of work.

19.How did Kayla feel when she got up

A.nervous B.satisfied C.annoyed D.excited

20.Why did her parents let her do housework on this day

A.Because they were too busy to do it.

B.Because they wish her to understand the meaning of working.

C.Because her family had too much housework to do.

D.Because they want her to be good at doing housework.

21.Which of the following statements is right

A.Her parents expect too much of Kayla.

B.Kayla did not like doing housework.

C.Kayla used sticks to play basketball.

D.The work was more enjoyable than expected.

22.What does the last sentence in the text suggest

A.Work brings satisfaction.

B.The lemonade is fresher than usual.

C.Lemonade juice is Kayla’s favorite.

D.Work is tiring.


Once upon a time, friendship was easy. I miss how spending time

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together used to be as simple as walking across the hall or picking up the

23 to say, “I’ve got wine, and I’m coming over.” I miss the way we could

laugh and cry or talk about nothing for hours because we had 24 to

go and nothing to do. And 25 we did, and whatever it was, laughing,

crying, or talking was much more important anyway.

These days, friendship feels much 26 . Instead of walking across the

hall with a bowl of cookies, we need to 27 for hours or board a plane

to get together. Family responsibilities and work obligations (职责) leave

us with 28 minutes, and when we collapse (瘫倒) in bed at night, we

can barely gather the 29 to wash off our makeup, 30 carry on a

phone conversation. Days and weeks have gone by and we communicate

only by 31 or Facebook updates, and by the time we do get together,

there is so much to say that we aren’t even sure where to start.

I want a handful of real, true, and 32 friendship — not flocks of

fake friends and casual acquaintances (熟人). I want to know that we’ll

be friends whether we 33 within 10 minutes’ walk or a thousand

miles away from each other. I want to know that we’ll be friends

whether it’s as simple as walking across the street or as 34 as

planning a girls’ weekend together. I want friends who are there not just

when it’s easy, but when it’s hard.

True friendship isn’t about being 35 ; it’s about loyalty and trust and

the ability to be who we are with each other. True friendship has no

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limitation of time, 36 or differences. True friends know us inside

out. They know our 37 , so they better understand our present

situation and will continue to be part of our future.

23.A.phone B.bottle C.friendship D.topic

24.A.places B.nowhere C.ways D.anywhere

25.A.unless B.since C.even if D.as if

26.A.more important B.closer C.more efficient D.harder

27.A.jog B.drive C.wait D.prepare

28.A.few B.more C.last D.other

29.A.courage B.speed C.energy D.thought

30.A.no wonder B.in case C.let go of D.let alone

31.A.applications B.halls C.homes D.texts

32.A.honest B.unreliable C.solid D.virtual

33.A.respond B.live C.talk D.part

34.A.challenging B.cheerful C.considerate D.expectant

35.A.easy B.generous C.troublesome D.tiring

36.A.space B.distance C.similarities D.privacy

37.A.heart B.personality C.past D.status


Everyone likes to have friends who are 38 (rely). When what we say

matches what we do, we earn trust and friendship. Therefore, the 39

(important) of keeping one’s promise cannot be stressed too much.

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There was a story of someone 40 (break) his promise to his friend. Two

men 41 were travelling through a forest together promised to help

each other whatever danger threatened them. They had not gone far

when a bear rushed them from some bushes. One man was a good

climber, and climbed a nearby tree very quickly, but the other, seeing

that he had no chance alone against the bear, fell flat 42 his back and

pretended 43 (be) dead.

The bear came up to him and sniffed at him. The bear thought the man

was dead, so he went off into the wood again without hurting him.

When he had gone, the other traveller came down from his tree, and

smilingly asked his partner what the bear 44 (say) to him. “My best

friend,” he said, “I saw the bear put his mouth close to your ear.” “He

told me to tell you,” replied the other 45 (calm), “that you were 46

great coward, and that in the future I ought not to trust those who make

fine promises, but will not stand by their friends in danger.” Don’t trust

fine promises 47 you trust the person who makes them.


1.implication 2. patient patiently 3.constantly

4.logically 5. real really 6.distinguished

7.represent 8.fascinating


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【详解】考查名词。句意:声太近了,不舒服。be too close for comfort

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things and people ,从句缺少宾语,先行词中即有人又有物,应用that引导,关系代词在从句中作宾语,也可以省略,故填that/不填。

13.which / that

【详解】考查定语从句关系词。句意:这就是许多工人正在努力工作的工厂吗?分析句子可知,空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词“the factory”,关系词在从句中作宾语,故应用关系代词which/that。故填which/that。





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【详解】考查定语从句。句意:我们和他们做同样的工作。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词work。定语从句中缺少宾语,而且先行词前面有the same修饰,所以用关系代词as引导定语从句。故填as。

19.C 20.B 21.D 22.A


19.推理判断题。根据第二段中“She was supposed to be enjoying

freshly squeezed lemonade while playing in her tree house. As Kayla

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wiped her eyes, she began to wonder if this was just a bad dream.(她应该在她的树屋玩耍的时候享受鲜榨的柠檬水。Kayla擦了擦眼睛,开始怀疑这是否只是一场噩梦)”可知,Kayla本来想在劳动节假期这一天好好玩一场,因此当被父亲叫醒起来干活的时候她是不高兴的或者生气的。annoyed意为“生气的,恼怒的”。故选C项。

20.细节理解题。根据第三段“But your mom and I thought working hard

today would make you realize why Labor Day was observed in the first


21.细节理解题。根据第四段中“When she brushed the puppy, she

found it was a lot of fun with so many soap bubbles.(当她洗刷小狗的时候,她发现有这么多的肥皂泡,很有趣)”及“She pretended the small

sticks were basketballs and shot them into a large trash can. So the work

was done with great pleasure(她假装那些小棍子是篮球,然后把它们扔进一个大垃圾桶里。所以她愉快地干着活)”可知,Kayla在给玩偶洗澡的时候觉得肥皂泡好玩,把棍子当成篮球投进垃圾桶,说明她在劳动中获得了乐趣,让本来枯燥的家务变得不那么难做。故选D项。

22.推理判断题。根据上文及文章最后一句“The lemonade tasted

wonderful after a hard day of work.(经过一天的辛苦工作,柠檬水味道很好)”可知,Kayla通过自己劳动明白了劳动的意义,劳动的果实更加甜美,所以本句表明“努力劳动会带来满足感”。故选A项。

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23.A 24.B 25.C 26.D 27.B 28.A 29.C

30.D 31.D 32.C 33.B 34.A 35.A 36.B




A. phone电话;B. bottle瓶子;C. friendship友谊;D. topic话题。根据下文中的“”可知这里应指拿起电话。故选A。

24.考查名词和副词词义辨析。句意:我想念那样的状态,我们可以哭和笑,或者聊无关紧要的事一连聊上几个小时,因为我们无处可去,也无事可做。A. places地方;B. nowhere无处;C. ways方法; D.

anywhere任何地方。由空处和“nothing to do”的并列关系可知,此处指“无处可去”。故选B。

25.考查连词和固定短语辨析。句意:即使我们有地方可去,有事可做,不管我们在做什么,笑、哭或者聊天无论如何都重要得多。A. unless除非;B. since自从;C. even if即使;D. as if好像。此处重点理清did指代什么,由上文可知,did相当于“had somewhere to go and

something to do”,再根据上下文逻辑关系可知,此处指“即使我们有地方可去,有事可做”,故选C。


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A. more important更重要的;B. closer更近的;C. more efficient更有效的;D. harder更艰难的。由文章首句“...friendship was easy.”和下文描述的朋友相聚的困难可知,认为友谊在过去很容易维系,但如今变得艰难,故选D。

27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们不是带着一碗饼干穿过走廊,而是需要开车数小时或者乘飞机去相聚。A. jog慢跑;B. drive驾驶;C.

wait等待;D. prepare准备。由本句中“walking”和“board a plane”可知,这里在叙述和朋友团聚的交通方式,而设空处和“乘坐飞机”在麻烦程度上是并列的,故指开车数小时,故选B。

28.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:要承担家庭和工作的双重责任,我们一天中最后剩下的时间没有几分钟,当我们夜里累到瘫在床上的时候,我们几乎连卸妆的精力都没有,更不用说跟朋友打电话聊天了。A. few少量的;B. more更多的;C. last最后的;D. other其他的。根据本段的主题“维系友谊变得艰难”可知,生活和工作的压力使留给自己的时间缩短。故选A。

29.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. courage勇气;B. speed速度;C. energy精力;D. thought想法。根据“when we collapse (瘫倒) in bed

at night”可知,一天的工作结束后我们很疲惫,没有精力做其他事情,故选C。

30.考查固定短语辨析。句意同上。A. no wonder难怪;B. in case以防万一;C. let go of放弃;D. let alone更不用说。结合句意可知,上下文属于递进的逻辑关系,let alone符合语境,故选D。

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31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:日子一天天、一周周地过去了,我们只通过短信和脸书更新的信息交流,而当我们真正聚在一起的时候,有太多话要说,以至于我们甚至不知道从何谈起。A. applications应用,申请;B. halls大厅;C. homes家;D. texts短信。空处和后面的“Facebook updates”并列,指通过短信交流,故选D。

32.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我想要几段真实的、真正的、可靠的友谊,而不是一大假朋友和泛泛之交。A. honest诚实的;B.

unreliable不可靠的;C. solid牢固的,可信赖的;D. virtual虚拟的。根据该空和real、true的并列关系以及fake和casual的反义关系可知,solid“可信赖的”符合语境,故选C。

33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想确信,无论我们与彼此居住在步行10分钟以内的距离还是一千英里以外,我们都是朋友。A. respond回应,响应;B. live居住;C. talk谈话;D. part分开。空处和下文“a

thousand miles away from each other”相对,故这里指朋友间住的距离的远近。故选B。

34.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我想确信,无论是像过马路这样简单的事情,还是像一起计划一个女孩的周末这样具有挑战性的challenging事情,我们都是朋友。A. challenging有挑战的;B. cheerful令人愉快的;C. considerate体贴的;D. expectant期待的,预期的。该空和上文simple是反义关系,challenging“有挑战的”符合语境,故选A。


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信任,以及彼此相处时保持自我的能力。A. easy容易的;B. generous慷慨的;C. troublesome麻烦的;D. tiring使人疲劳的。文章开始虽然表达了对过去简单友谊的怀念,但由上一段最后一句“I want friends

who are there not just when it’s easy, but when it’s hard. (我想要的朋友不仅是在轻松的时候,而且是在困难的时候)”可知,其实并不是觉得简单的友谊一定好,艰难的友谊一定不好。故选A。

36.考查名词词义辨析。句意:真正的友谊没有时间、距离和差异的限制。A. space空间;B. distance距离;C. similarities类似,相似之处;D. privacy隐私。由上文提到的“...whether we live within 10 minutes’

walk or a thousand miles away from each other.”可知,叙述了对于“距离”的看法,故选B。

37.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们了解我们的过去,因此他们会更好地了解我们现在的情况,并将继续成为我们未来的一部分。A. heart心;B. personality个性;C. past过去;D. status地位。根据下文的present、future可知,此处指“过去”。故选C。

38.reliable 39.importance 40.breaking 41.who/that

42.on 43.to be 44.had said 45.calmly 46.a




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42.考查介词。句意:一个人是爬树的好手,很快就爬上了附近的一棵树,但是另一个人看到自己没有独自对抗熊的可能性,就仰面朝天假装死了。固定短语fall flat on one’s back“某人仰面朝天”。故填on。

43.考查非谓语动词。句意同上。固定短语pretend to do sth.“假装做某事”。故填to be。

44.考查动词时态。句意:它(熊)走后,另一个旅行者从树上下来,微笑着问他的同伴熊对他说了什么。设空处为what引导的宾语从句的谓语,asked是过去发生的动作,而say发生在asked之前,因此表示过去的过去,应用过去完成时。故填had said。


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