



Book 8A

Unit 1 Friends

Key Vocabulary:

more, honest, secret, joy, believe, magazine, good-looking, musical, generous, almost, sense,

humour, bored, joke, advertisement, shoulder-length, everyone, true, vote, better, worse, height,

competition, test, diving, editor, famous, agree, advice, general, appearance, pleasant, exciting



1. secret—screct* 2. magazine—magzine*

3. singer—singger* 4. humour—humor*

5. advertisement—advertisment* 6. shoulder-length—shouder-length*

7. true—ture* 8. height—hight*

9. competition—compitition* 10. skiing—sking*

11. editor—editer* 12. future—futrue*

13. nervous—nervouse* 14. pleasant—plesant*


1. more: adj. 更多的(是much和many的比较级)

『相关词汇』most: adj. 最多的

e.g. Our country will become more beautiful.

A silent tongue and true heart are the most admirable things on earth.


2. believe: v. 相信

『易混淆词』trust: v. 信任,信赖

e.g. I can not believe she is the principal of this school.

You should trust yourself.

3. good-looking: adj. 好看的,漂亮的

『易混淆词』handsome: adj. 英俊的(多指男性)



e.g. She’s terribly good-looking.

He is quite handsome.

4. musical: adj. 有音乐天赋的;爱好音乐的

『相关词汇』music: n. 音乐

e.g. They performed a musical play.

I especially dislike jazz music. (我特别不喜欢爵士音乐。)

5. generous: adj. 慷慨的,大方的;宽厚的

『易混淆词』general: adj. 大体的,笼统的;总的

e.g. He is a very generous man.

The general condition is bettering instead of worsening. (总的情况不是在恶化而是在好转。)

6. sense: n. 观念,意识;感官,感觉

『易混淆词』science: n. 科学

『主要用法』a good sense of humour很强的幽默感

e.g. He has a good sense of humour.

Modern science is developing quickly.

7. humour: n. 幽默

『相关词汇』humorous: adj. 幽默的

e.g. He has no sense of humour.

A humorous person is readily accepted everywhere. (有幽默感的人处处受欢迎。)

8. bored: adj. 无聊的

『相关词汇』boring: adj. 令人无聊的


e.g. I feel very bored during this summer holiday.

It’s very boring to talk to her.

9. joke: n. 玩笑

『易混淆词』joy: n. 欢乐,高兴,乐趣

e.g. He always tells us funny jokes.

She often shares her joy with her classmates.

10. everyone: pron. 每个人 (只能用来指人,相当于everybody,后面不能跟of。)

『易混淆词』every one: (是两个词,可以用来指人,也可以用来指物,后面可以跟of。)

e.g. Everyone should get to school on time.

Every one of us here today has good reason to be proud. (在座的每一位今天都应感到自豪。)

11. vote: v. 选举;投票

『主要用法』vote for sb. 为…投票

e.g. I vote for Mary to be the chairperson.

12. worse: adj. 更坏的,更差的


e.g. I felt even worse today.

13. worst: adj. 最坏的,最差的


e.g. Every man is his own worst enemy. (每个人都是自己最大的敌人。)

14. height: n. 高;高度

『相关词汇』high: adj. 高的

『主要用法』the height of



e.g. The young man is of medium height. (这个男人中等身高。)

15. test: n. 测试,考察

『易混淆词』exam: n.考试


e.g. That’s a real test to me. (对我是不小的考验。)

John did not pass the exam.

16. diving: n. 潜水;跳水


e.g. Some birds like diving into the water to look for food.

He has driving lessons every week.

17. famous: adj. 著名的

『主要用法』be famous for 由于…而著名

be famous as 作为…而著名

e.g. He becomes famous for his international work.

Gong Li is very famous as a good actress all over the world.


18. advice: n. 建议,忠告,劝告 (不可数名词)

『相关词汇』advise: v. 建议,劝告

e.g. Can you give me some advice?

I wouldn’t advise you to leave early.

19. appearance: n. 外貌,相貌;出现

『相关词汇』appear: v. 出现

e.g. Her appearance created a sensation. (他的样貌轰动一时。)

A smile appeared on her face. (她的脸上露出了微笑。)


1. joy: n. 欢乐,高兴;乐趣

『近义词』pleasure, happiness

e.g. Success brought him joy.

He finds great pleasure in reading.

Money does not always bring happiness.

2. honest: adj. 诚实的,正直的


e.g. All my life I have tried to be an honest man. (我一生都想做一个诚实的人。)

It is dishonest to lie about one's age. (虚报年龄是不诚实的。)

3. willing: adj. 乐意的,愿意的


e.g. They are willing to come.

I am always ready to work for you. (我愿意随时为你效劳。)

4. almost: adv. 几乎,差不多


e.g. It was almost dark when they got there. (他们抵达那里时,天几乎黑了。)

They are nearly related. (他们是至亲。)



5. smart: adj. 聪明的


e.g. The boys in their smart school uniforms marched at the head of the parade.


My brother is a clever carpenter. (我的兄弟是个灵巧的木匠。)

6. true: adj. 忠实的,真的,真实的


e.g. Is it true they're getting married? (他们真要结婚了吗?)

The TV play was based on real life. (那出电视剧是根据现实生活写成的。)

7. thin: adj. 瘦的,薄的


e.g. She looks thinner than before.

The air was thick with smoke. (空气中烟雾弥漫。)

8. agree: v. 同意,赞同


e.g. I don't agree with Phil on many things. (我和菲尔在许多事情上意见不一致。)

Our answers to the problem disagreed. (我们对这个问题的回答不一致。)

9. nervous: adj. 紧张不安的


e.g. He's nervous of strangers. (他见到陌生人就感到紧张不安。)

I felt quite relaxed after the exam. (考试过后我感到无比的轻松。)

10. uncomfortable: adj. 不舒服的,不舒适的


e.g. He feels uncomfortable with strangers. (他与陌生人在一起感到不自在。)

We're not rich but we're fairly comfortable. (我们并不富有,但生活还较宽裕。)

11. pleasant: adj. 令人愉快的,舒适的


e.g. The new manager is a pleasant Chinese American. (新任经理是个和气的美籍华人。)

The smell was unpleasant. (这味道很难闻。)




1. He has very poor e___________ because of working on the computer too much at night.

2. My uncle gave me a lot of useful a___________ to learn English well.

3. She is very pretty and a very good s___________ too. She sings very well.

4. The boy has big round eyes and a white s___________ face.

5. I don’t think all of these outdoor a___________ are dangerous if we are very careful.



6. Do you b___________ what he says? I think he is lying to us.

7. What do you want to be in the f___________?

8. I like reading m___________ in the bookshop because there are a lot of beautiful pictures on


9. Mark Twain was a h___________ person. He often told his friends many funny things.

10. When I feel b___________, my mother always tells me many interesting stories.


in the future; in need; knock off; try one’s best; because of

1. Our teacher was ill ___________________ too much teaching work.

2. We should ___________________ to learn English well.

3. Peter wants to be a policeman when he grows up ___________________.

4. There is a saying “A friend ___________________ is a friend in deed.”

5. Yesterday he walked past my table and ___________________ my bowls and dishes.



1. My best friend Betty often shares her ___________ (欢乐) with me.

2. We can borrow many books and ___________ (杂志) from our school library.

3. —I don’t think Jay Chou is ___________ (英俊).

—I really don’t agree with you.

4. We won’t forget the ___________ (令人愉快的) trip to Xi’an forever.

5. —I want to be a doctor like him in the ___________ (将来).

—So do I .

6. Your idea is great, I ___________ (have the same idea with sb.) with you.

7. Can you keep a ___________ (something that only can be known by few people)? This is only

between us.

8. —I am very ___________ (can’t be relaxed) when I speak in front of many people.

—There’s no need to be afraid next time.

9. Lily is a top student. He thinks fast and always answers the questions ___________ (something

is true).

10. I hate the ___________ (something that tells you a kind of goods and asks you to buy it) when

I watch TV.


1. Linda’s handwriting is ___________ (good) among all the students in her class.

2. Diving is ___________ than swimming. But it is not as ___________ (interesting) as skiing.

3. I ___________ (real) like PE. It is so interesting!

4. We are all ___________ at the ___________ news .(surprise)

5. They are clever enough to work out the problem ___________ (quick) and ___________




6. She is studying in a ___________ (mix) school.

7. Millie is a good student. She is very ___________ (care). She always listens to the teacher

___________ (care).

8. Please keep ___________ (quiet). It’s too ___________ (noise) here.

9. The ___________ (follow) Friday , they came to see me again.

10. What is the ___________ (long) of the table ? Two meters.


must; wrong; danger; left; care work; with; two; anywhere; cross;

Have you ever traveled in Hongkong? Do you know that you must be ______1_____ of the

traffic rules? Because the traffic there keeps to the left and it’s different from that of the interior(内地)of China. Before ______2_____ the street, you must look to the right and then to the

______3_____. If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop, people can go across the zebra

line. If the lights turn green, the traffic can go, people ______4_____ cross the road. In the

morning and in the evening, when people go home from ______5_____, the streets are very

busy. The traffic is very ______6_____.When you go ______7_____ by bus in Hongkong, you

have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic keeps to the left. Have a look first, or you

may go the ______8_____ way. In Hongkong, there are a lot of big buses ______9_____ two

floors. You’d better sit on the ______10_____ floor. From there you can watch the city well.



1. Thank you for giving us so much good ___________ (建议).(2010兰州)

2. They ___________ (agree) with each other, so they argued for a long time. (2010兰州)

3. They ___________ (同意) us on some matters yesterday afternoon. (2009河北)

4. Jeff ___________ (几乎) went mad when his elder brother died young. (2009浙江省义乌市)

5. This restaurant looks new and big. I think it is

___________ (好的) than the first one.




Unit 2 School life

Key Vocabulary:

vacation, math, mixed, tasty, hero, close, article,


language, science, useful,

unimportant, useless, unpopular, point, least, health, timetable, length, able, finish,

baseball, ideal



1. vacation—vocation* 2. math—mathe*

3. soccer—socker* 4. hero—hreo*

5. article—aticle* 6. geography—geografy*

7. language—langage* 8. useless—usless*

9. timetable—timtable* 10. length—longth*


1. mixed: adj. 男女混合的;混合的

『主要用法』get … mixed

e.g. Lily, can you help me to get the water and the milk mixed?


2. tasty: adj. 味道好的

『相关词汇』taste: v. 尝,品尝

e.g. There is a lot of tasty food in Japan.

The liquid has a bitter taste. (这种药水有苦味。)

3. hero: n. 被崇拜的对象;英雄


e.g. A monument to the national heroes was erected here after the war.


4. close: adj. 密切的,亲密的

『相关词汇』closed: adj. 关闭的

e.g. She closed the door softly.

The street has been closed for two days. (这条街已被封闭两天了。)



5. science: n. 科学

『相关词汇』scientist: n. 科学家

e.g. The computer is a marvel of modern science. (电子计算机是现代科学的一个奇迹。)

Many scientists devoted their lives to their work.


6. least: adj. 最少的

『易混淆词』last: v. 持续 上一个,最后一个

e.g. He has least money of all of us.

He was the last person to leave.

He was the last of the passengers to leave the ship. (他是最后一个下船的乘客。)

7. health: n. 健康

『相关词汇』healthy: adj. 健康的

healthily: adv. 健康地

e.g. We all drank a health to the bride. (我们都为新娘的健康干杯。)

That book is not healthy reading for a child. (对孩子来说那书不是本健康读物。)

If you want to be healthy, you should eat healthily. (如果你想健康,你必须吃的健康。)

8. length: n.长,长度

『相关词汇』long: adj. 长,长的

『主要用法』the length of

e.g. The railway is 1000 miles long.

The length of the movie is two hours. (影片长两小时。)

9. finish: v. 结束,停止,完成

『易混淆词』over: adj. 结束的,完了的

e.g. I haven't finished reading the book yet.

We spread a carpet over the floor. (我们给地板铺上了地毯。)

10. baseball: n. 棒球

『易混淆词』softball: n. 垒球

e.g. Baseball is very popular among Americans. (棒球运动很受美国人的欢迎。)

Can you play softball? (你会打垒球吗?)

11. ideal: adj. 想象的,理想的

『相关词汇』idea: n. 主意,想法

e.g. You're an ideal family. (你们真是个模范家庭。)

He hit upon the good idea of spending the weekend in the nearby holiday camp.



1. vacation: n. 假日,假期


e.g. School is closed for the summer and children are on vacation. (学校夏天关闭,孩子们放假。)

Friday is a holiday in Muslin countries. (在穆斯林国家里星期五是假日。)

2. useful: adj. 有用的,有益的


e.g. She gave us some useful information. (她给了我们一些很有用的信息。)



I realized it was useless to reason with him. (我知道和他说理是毫无意义的。)

3. unimportant: adj. 不重要的


e.g. The issue was considered unimportant. (该问题被看成无关紧要。)

It is important to learn to communicate. (学会沟通思想很重要。)

4. unpopular: adj. 不受欢迎的,不流行的


e.g. The war was both costly and unpopular. (这场战争既费钱又不得人心。)

She is now a popular film star.

5. point: n. 分数


e.g. In the game we got ten points while the Medical School got only three.


He often get full marks in exams.

6. able: adj. 能够…的


e.g. I am afraid I won't be able to visit you on Saturday. (恐怕我无法在星期六来拜访您了。)

John was unable to afford the house. (约翰买不起这房子。)




1. Which subject do you like better, history or g___________?

2. In a m___________ school, boys and girls have lessons together.

3. My father can cook healthy and t___________ food. It’s very delicious.

4. Our monitor is a top student and she scored the m___________ points in the last Maths exam.

5. Millie walks very fast and Nancy a___________ walks fast.

6. His T-shirt is the same as m___________. We look like twin brothers.

7. Our s___________ teacher told us that the earth goes around the sun.

8. Follow me. Let’s go to the library t___________.

9. You must finish the report t___________. We will leave here tomorrow morning.

10. She is an u___________ person. We all hate her very much.


twice a week; take a bus; talk with; in Grade Nine; learn to cook and sew;

three hours of homework; have driving lessons; call; healthy and tasty food;

drive to school



Harry studies in a mixed school. He is (1) ___________________. He has many subjects at

school and his favourite is Home Economics because he likes (2) ___________________. Now he

can cook (3) ___________________. He also prefers to (4) ___________________. His home is

far from school. He wants to (5) ___________________ by himself because it will take less time

than (6) ___________________.

Harry is a member of Buddy Club. He has about (7) ___________________ every day. So he

only goes to the club (8) ___________________. In the club, he has a buddy (9)

___________________ Nick. He always (10) ___________________ Nick about his school life.



1. I often go to the school library ___________ (两次) a week. I can read many interesting books


2. English is one of my favourite ___________ (科目).

3. Many people ___________ (钦佩) Wang Meng very much because she can skate very well.

4. Yang Liwei is becoming the ___________ (偶像)of teenagers in our country.

5. I always go to the Buddy Club and chat with my ___________ (亲密的) friends.

6. —What does she ___________ (确实,真地) want to do? — I don’t know.

7. I’m lucky that I study in an ___________ (理想的) school in Shanghai.

8. Can you tell me any ___________ (different) between ___________ (Britain) English and

___________ (America) English?

9. This old computer is ___________ (have no use). You’d better buy a new one.

10. Red is ___________ (many people know something and all like it very much ) than black.


1. Thank you for ___________ (tell) us about your ideal school.

2. Do you think dogs are much ___________ (smart) than people?

3. Of all the sweaters, the one on the left is ___________ (bad).

4. My grandma can cook ___________ (health) and ___________ (taste) food for us.

5. It takes ___________ (little) time to drive a car to school than to take a bus.

6. Before having ___________ lesson, you can’t be a ___________. (drive)

7. Jay Chou spends a lot of time ___________ (practise) ___________ (play) the piano.

8. Don’t worry about my English. I know how to teach ___________ (I) now.

9. It’s raining outside. We have ___________ (stay) at home.

10. It’s wrong to think Maths is ___________ (important).

11. The film is so ___________ (bore) that nobody in our class likes it.


at the age of; drive sb. to school; help sb. with; near the end of; ride to; be

able to; each other; be like; as well; cook healthy and tasty meals



1. My father began to work in this shop ___________________ 28.

2. Mr Li will go hiking and his wife will go hiking ___________________.

3. Yesterday my father ___________________ work because his car was broken.

4. John’s new trousers ___________________ Daniel’s. They are blue.

5. ___________________ you ___________________ come to my birthday party next Sunday?

6. Millie and I help ___________________ do the homework on Saturdays.

7. My mother bought a car last week. She will ___________________ from this week on.

8. My English is poor, but Linda is good at it. She often ___________________ my English.

9. We usually have a free talk ___________________ each class.

10. I would like to have Home Economics next term because I want to learn

___________________ for my family.



1. English dictionaries are very ___________ (use) to you when you study English. (2010常州)


Man-made satellites are usually

___________ (use)

for sending and receiving the

messages. (2010来宾市模拟)

3. Eat some vegetables and fruit every day because they are ___________ (health) food. (2009常州)

4. I tried my best to remember all the speech and ___________ it over 100 times. (2009泰安市)

5. Jeff began to understand it wasn’t ___________ (有用的) to be sad. (2009浙江省义乌市)



Unit 3 A day out

Key Vocabulary:

ourselves, president, foreign, beginning, model, metal, inside, interest, real, stomach, beauty,

sunset, possible, wonder, luckily, final, support, medal, winner, receive, fact, opinion, instead



1. ourselves—ourselfs* 2. beginning—begining*

3. foreign—foreigh* 4. model—modal*

5. metal—matel* 6. stomach—stomack*

7. themselves—themselfs* 8. luckily—luckly*

9. support—surpport* 10. cheer—chear*

11. medal—madel* 12. winner—winer*

13. opinion—opnion*


1. president: n.总统,

『易混淆词』present: v. 赠,送 n. 礼物 adj. 在场的,出席的

『主要用法』the president of

e.g. The president of France visited our country last week. (上星期法国总统访问了我国。)

How many people were present at the meeting? (到会的有多少人?)

He often gave his neighbor's kids little presents. (他常常送些小礼物给邻居的孩子。)

They presented him with a bunch of flowers. (他们献给他一束鲜花。)

2. foreign: adj. 外国的

『相关词汇』foreigner: n. 外国人

e.g. He likes collecting foreign stamps. (他喜欢收集外国邮票。)

More than a million foreigners visit the city every year.


3. beginning: n. 开始,起初

『主要用法』in the beginning


e.g. He disliked school in the beginning.



4. model: n. 模型,模特儿

『易混淆词』medal: n. 勋章,奖章

e.g. He made a clay model of the Eiffel Tower. (他做了一个艾菲尔铁塔的粘土模型。)

She won an Olympic gold medal in swimming. (她获得奥林匹克游泳金牌。)

5. interest: n. 令人感兴趣的事,兴趣

『相关词汇』interested: adj. 对…感兴趣的

interesting: adj. 有趣的

e.g. I have lost my interest in chemistry. (我对化学已不感兴趣。)

We had a long and interesting talk.

I'm not interested in politics. (我对政治不感兴趣。)

6. beauty: n. 美,美丽

『相关词汇』beautiful: (adj) 美丽的,漂亮的

『主要用法』the beauty of

e.g. I was attracted by the beauty of the sunrise when I arrived the top of the mountain.


She has a beautiful face.

7. sunset: n. 日落,傍晚

『相关词汇』sunrise: (n) 日出

e.g. They stopped work at sunset. (他们日落而息。)

They woke up at sunrise. (他们黎明即起。)

8. wonder: n. 奇迹 v. 对…感到疑惑;想知道

『相关词汇』wonderful: adj. 精彩的,令人赞叹的

e.g. I wonder at her rudeness. (我对她的粗鲁感到惊讶。)

I think the heart transplant is a wonderful thing. (我认为心脏移植是件神奇的事。)

9. luckily: adv. 幸好;幸运的是

『相关词汇』luck: n. 运气

lucky: adj. 幸运的

e.g. It's a matter of luck whether we are successful. (我们是否成功是碰运气的事。)

You are lucky to be alive. (你活着算是幸运的了。)

Luckily, he was in when I called.

10. final: n. 决赛;期中考试 adj. 最后的

『相关词汇』finally: adv. 最后的,最终的

e.g. This is your final chance. (这是你的最后一次机会。)

They finally realized that the whole thing was a joke.


11. support: v.&n. 支持

『相关词汇』supporter: n. 支持者,拥护者

e.g. They supported the Democratic Party. (他们支持民主党。)

I'm a strong supporter of women's rights. (我是一个妇女权益的坚强支持者。)

12. receive: v. 得到,接到

『易混淆词』accept: v. 接受

e.g. I've just received a telegram. (我刚收到一份电报。)

He has accepted our invitation. (他已经接受了我们的邀请。)

13. fact: n. 实事



『主要用法』in fact

e.g. In fact, I dislike your way of dealing with problems. (事实上,我不喜欢你处理问题的方式。)

14. opinion: n. 观点,看法

『主要用法』in one’s opinion

e.g. In my opinion, you should say sorry to her. (我认为你应该向她道歉。)

15. instead: adv. 代替

『主要用法』instead of

e.g. He is too busy, let me go instead. (他太忙了,让我去吧。)

Instead of disturbing her, the news had a strangely calming effect.



1. inside: adv. 在里面


e.g. There is a label on the inside of the box. (盒子内侧有个标签。)

The outside of the house is painted white. (房子外部漆成白。)

2. real: adj. 真的,天然的,真实的


e.g. His affection for the girl was real. (他对那女孩的爱是真心的。)

This is a true diamond. (这是一颗真的钻石。)

3. possible: adj. 可能的


e.g. It's possible that he will not accept the invitation.

It is impossible for me to climb such a high mountain.




1. My mother is p___________ the dinner for us.

2. Please r___________ to post the letter for me. Don’t forget it.

3. Mr. Wu i___________ me to join their school trip to the World Park yesterday. But I didn’t go.

4. We became very e___________ when we saw the Eiffel Tower from the coach.

5. We all learn Japanese by o___________. We work very hard.

6. A good b___________ is half done.

7. She likes to w___________ the sunset when she was a little girl.

8. Everything is p___________ if we do our best.



9. Please send my best g___________ to your parents.

10. Jack fell off the bike yesterday. But l___________, he didn’t hurt badly.


keep fit; hide-and-seek; teach oneself; have a good time; knock at; look

over; take photos

1. — Who ___________________ the door.

— It must be Kate, I think.

2. — What do you usually do when you are free?

— We like to play ___________________.

3. If there is a sign “No Photos”, it means you can’t ___________________ here.

4. Nobody taught him how to use the computer. He ___________________.

5. He decided to ___________________, but he didn’t eat less at all.



1. The teacher really ___________ (想知道) who broke the window yesterday.

2. Our team ___________ (赢得) the basketball final yesterday.

3. Every season lots of ___________ (外国的) visitors come to visit the Great Wall.

4. The medals are usually made of ___________ (金属).

5. He was late for work this morning because of too much ___________ (交通) in the street.

6. He doesn’t like to travel on ___________ (长途汽车). It’s so boring!

7. Who can describe the ___________ (美丽) of this old park?

8. You will enjoy the trip from the ___________ (开始) this time.

9. Look at the bottle yourself. There is nothing ___________ (在里面).

10. The bus was late, but ___________ (幸运地) he caught it.


1. What an ___________ (amaze) story it is! Can you tell me again?

2. It ___________ (take) me 2 hours to finish my homework yesterday.

3. The students spent 2 hours ___________ (plant) the young trees on that day.

4. He ___________ (get) on the train and ___________ (leave) his hometown ten days ago.

5. Did your mother agree ___________ (go) with me?

6. I want to go to Lu shan mountain because I hope ___________ (see) the beautiful sunset and I

want ___________ (take) photos of it.

7. He tried ___________ (open) the door with a knife, but he failed ___________ (do) it.

8. It is ___________ (interest) to see so many old things in this museum.

9. Beijing is one of ___________ (good) ___________ (city) in the world.

10. How ___________ (luck) you are to catch the last bus!




teach himself look like by oneself make a home page

have a trip take care hurt oneself

1. Tom ___________________ English during the summer holiday. Now he is very good at


2. Aunt Li finished the hard work ___________________. She didn’t ask anybody for help.

3. Tom and I will ___________________ with his parents. We will go there by taxi.

4. “Please ___________________.” Kitty said to her mother.

5. Daniel is good at computer. Every day he spends a lot of time ___________________.

6. You should be more careful, or you ___________________.

7. Daniel thinks the pyramids ___________________ the real ones in Egypt.



1. The dresses ___________ (本身)are made of common materials, but they sell well because of

the famous designer. (2010常州)

2. I couldn't understand why he was so ___________ (interest) in the invitation. (2010广州)

3. ___________ (luck), John got back the notebook that he had lost at the cafe. (2009常州)

4. Please tell me the ___________ (win) telephone number, I want to interview him. (2009常州)

5. 1 couldn't understand why he was so ___________ (interest) in the invitation. (2009广州)

6. Rush hour is the time of day when the t___________ is very heavy. (2009泰安市)

7. I'm glad to know you are going to give me some foreign stamps, but I still have not

___________ the stamps of Nepal which you said to post me. (2009广州)



Unit 4 Wild animals

Key Vocabulary:

wild, delicious, giant panda, kangaroo, squirrel, leaf, hunter, nowhere, action, encourage, continue,

writer, wolf, snake, noon, attack, thirsty, performance, until, medicine, loss, sincerely, destroy, tusk



1. delicious—deliciouse* 2. giant panda—gaint panda*

3. kangaroo—kangroo* 4. squirrel—squirel*

5. writer—writter* 6. snake—snack*

7. attack—attact* 8. thirsty—thirty*

9. until—untill* 10. medicine—medcine*

11. sincerely—sinserely* 12. destroy—distroy*

13. tusk—trusk*


1. wild: adj. 野生的 n. 野生状态

『易混淆词』wide: adj. 宽的,广泛的

e.g. Those are wild roses. (那些是野玫瑰。)

They came to a wide river.

2. leaf: n. 树叶,菜叶


e.g. The trees are thick with leaves. (这些树生长着浓密的树叶。)

3. hunter: n. 猎人

『相关词汇』hunt: v. 打猎,搜寻

『主要用法』hunt for

e.g. November is a good time to hunt deer. (十一月正是猎鹿的好时节。)

John set out that day to hunt for work. (约翰那天外出工作。)

David was a very brave young hunter.

4. nowhere: adv. 无处,没有地方

『主要用法』have nowhere to do 没地方做某事



e.g. If we go on polluting the environment, animals will have nowhere to live.

5. action: n. 行动

『主要用法』take action to do sth.

e.g. The government has taken action to reduce the pollution.

6. encourage: v. 劝告,鼓励

『相关词汇』courage: n. 勇气

『主要用法』encourage sb. to do sth.

e.g. She encouraged him to talk to her. (她鼓励他与她交谈。)

7. continue: v. 继续

『主要用法』continue to do sth./ continue doing sth. 持续做某事

e.g. They continued to meet every week. (他们继续每周见面。)

I was allowed to continue using the library. (我获准继续使用该图书馆。)

8. wolf: n. 狼


e.g. Wolves kill sheep and sometimes even attack men. (狼吃羊,有时候甚至袭击人。)

9. noon: n. 中午,正午

『主要用法』at noon

e.g. The accident happened at noon. (事故时中午发生的。)

10. attack: v&n 攻击

『易混淆词』attract: v. 吸引

e.g. The enemy attacked our airport all night. (敌人彻夜都在攻击我们的机场。)

The garden city attracts many tourists.

11. thirsty: adj. 口渴的

『易混淆词』thirty: n. 三十

e.g. Salty food makes you thirsty. (吃咸的食品会令你口渴。)

He lived in Canada in the thirties. (三十年代他住在加拿大。)

12. performance: n. 表演

『相关词汇』perform: v. 表演

performer: n. 表演者

e.g. The students will perform an opera next Friday. (这些学生下星期五将演出歌剧。)

He is a rotten performer on television. (他在电视上的表演糟糕极了。)

The evening performance begins at 8 o'clock.

13. until: prep. 直到…的时候;直到…为止

『易混淆词』till: prep. 直到

e.g. Will this fish keep until tomorrow? (这鱼能搁到明天吗?)

They danced till midnight. (他们跳舞跳到半夜。)

14. loss: n. 丧失,损失

『相关词汇』lose: v. 失去,损失

lost: lose的过去式,过去分词形式

e.g. Did you lose your wallet?

Carl's father lost his job last month. (卡尔的父亲上个月失业了。)

The loss of the first game did not discourage them.





1. delicious: adj. 美味的,可口的


e.g. The fried chicken is delicious.

I like the fish, yummy!

2. outside: prep. 在…外面


e.g. He has a rough outside but a good heart. (他外表粗鲁,但心地善良。)

That car tried to pass me on the inside. (那辆汽车试图从道路的内侧超过我。)

3. thick: adj. 厚的,密的,浓的


e.g. How thick is the board? (这块木板有多厚?)

He has thin hair. (他头发稀疏。)

4. male: adj. 雄的,男性的


e.g. A male nurse took my temperature. (一位男护士给我量了体温。)

Sewing is considered a female occupation. (缝纫被认为是女性的职业。)

5. sell: v. 卖,出售


e.g. He sold his bike to me for $40. (他以四十美元的价钱把自行车卖给了我。)

Mother bought me a pair of jeans.




1. Giant pandas are very q___________ and peaceful animals. They don’t make any noise.

2. It’s really amazing. A little baby s___________ from that big fire.

3. If people cut down trees and forests, animals will have n___________ to live.

4. If h___________ catch a tiger, they will kill it for its fur and bones.

5. In India, people t___________ elephants to do things or play tricks for them.

6. The sick man was out of d___________ at last. He was safe.

7. He was very i___________ in History when he was young.

8. Many wild animals face the problem of the l___________ of living areas.

9. The doctor said that you should take the m___________ on time.

10. My parents often e___________ me to take part in some activities.




becoming farmland; up to; try our best; smaller and smaller; at a time

Giant pandas live in China. They are beautiful black and white animals. They eat bamboo

shoots and leaves. Mother giant pandas have only one or two babies (1)___________________.

Baby giant pandas drink their mothers’ milk (2)___________________ fourteen hours a day.

Now there are only about a thousand giant pandas in the world. The number is getting

(3)___________________ because their living areas are (4)___________________. If this

continues, soon there won’t be any giant pandas in the world. We should

(5)___________________ to protect these lovely animals.



1. The classroom is very ___________ (吵闹)now.

2. You will know the weight of the oranges after ___________ (称的重量) it.

3. It’s really surprising. A little baby ___________ (幸存) from that big earthquake.

4. ___________ (令人伤心地), the government still doesn’t want to take any actions to protect the


5. Many animals in the whole world are in ___________(危险), we should protect these

___________(危险) animals.

6. In India and many other places, people ___________ (训练) elephants to do things or play

tricks for them.

7. If farmers c___________ to make new farmland, wild animals won’t get enough living space.

8. China is a p___________ country and everyone is kind and loves p___________.

9. I kept waiting for you and didn’t go to bed u___________10 yesterday.

10. I’m very t___________, I want something to drink.


1. Have you read the famous book ___________ (call) “Gone with the wind”?

2. Here ___________ (come) the bus!

3. When the cat is away, the ___________ (mouse) will play.

4. You should do your homework as ___________ as you can. (care )

5. This pair of jeans is very ___________ (suit) for cold winter.

6. There will be no ___________ (bear) in the world if we don’t take any ___________ (act).

7. Teachers should encourage students ___________ (study) hard.

8. Andy was not very tired, so he decided ___________ (not stay) at home.

9. Many wild animals’ ___________ (live) areas are becoming farmlands.

10. The young parents were worried because of the ___________ (lose) of their daughter.


at a time keep standing there be lose one’s life Live alone

make money look lovely on sb. work as a team in the daytime loss of living areas



1. ___________________ a sports meeting in our school next Saturday.

2. It’s difficult for us to see the stars ___________________.

3. Many old people ___________________ at home while their children work and live in other


4. Do you know that I ___________________ outside the door for two hours yesterday?

5. —Oh, Lucy, I must tell you that this pink dress ___________________.


6. The little girl ___________________ for her family by selling newspapers when she was only ten

years old.

7. The soldier ___________________ when he tried to save the boy in the river.

8. It’s difficult for wild animals to survive because of the ___________________.

9. The doctor said you could take two pills ___________________.

10. We all know tigers never ___________________ when hunting.



1. Animals are our friends, so ___________ (protect) them is our duty. (2010兰州)

2. Every student should take an ___________ (act) part in “Sunshine Sports” . (2010上海中考模拟卷A)

3. As Grade Nine Students, we should take a ___________ (medicine) examination in May. (2010上海中考模拟卷A)

4. To make our world a better place, we need to ___________ (保护) those endangered wild

animals. (2010镇江)

5. Sun Jiangping of Beijing University said, “ Teenagers can get cigarettes (雪茄) easily,

especially when their parents smoke or shops s___________ cigarettes to them. (2010重庆)



Unit 5 Birdwatchers

Key Vocabulary:

northern, nature, provide, easily, government, endangered, importance, impolite, regular, irregular,

dishonest, unnecessary, correct, common, impossible, unfriendly, unwelcome, unable, incorrect,

uncommon, litter, return, quietly, gentle, gently, angry, angrily, noisy, frighten, worm, prevent,

flood, rest, per cent, form



1. northern—northen* 2. nature—natrue*

3. government—goverment* 4. impolite—inpolite*

5. irregular—iregular* 6. unnecessary—unecessary*

7. litter—little* 8. quietly—quitely*

9. gentle—gentel* 10. worm—warm*

11. per cent—per sent* 12. form—from*


1. northern: adj. 北方的,北部的

『相关词汇』north: n. 北方,北部(表示方向的词south、west、east的形容词,都是加上ern)

e.g. Beijing is in the northern part of China.

Beijing is in the north of China.

2. nature: n. 大自然,自然界

『相关词汇』natural: adj. 自然的

e.g. Nature does not provide everything we want.


Coal and oil are natural products. (煤和石油是天然物产。)

3. provide: v. 提供

『主要用法』provide sth. for sb./ provide sb. with sth.给某人提供某物

『易混淆词』protect: v. 保护

prevent: v. 阻止,防止

e.g. Somehow she managed to provide her children with food and clothing.




He tries to provide more money for the poor.

Wearing dark glasses can protect your eyes from the sun.


Who prevents their plans from being carried out? (谁阻止他们的计划不让实施?)

4. easily: adv. 容易地,不费力地

『相关词汇』easy: adj. 容易的,简单的

early: adj. 早的

e.g. This new dancing looked easy. (这种新式舞看起来很容易。)

You can find books easily in this library.

They were much earlier than I expected. (他们比我期待的早多了。)

5. endangered: adj. 濒于灭绝的,有危险地

『易混淆词』dangerous: adj. 危险地

danger: n. 危险

e.g. There are lots of endangered animals in China.

He is in danger of losing his job if he goes on like this. (他再这样下去会丢掉工作的。)

Shooting off firecrackers can be dangerous. (放爆竹有可能导致危险。)

6. importance: n. 重要性

『相关词汇』important: adj. 重要的

『主要用法』the importance of …的重要性

e.g. Here I would stress the importance of mathematics to the whole of science.


It is important to learn to communicate. (学会沟通思想很重要。)

7. litter: n. 垃圾

『易混淆词』little: adj. 小的,少的

e.g. There were piles of litter on the streets. (街上有一堆一堆的废弃物。)

The little dog followed the boy everywhere. (那条小狗到处都跟着那男孩。)

8. return: v. 返回

『主要用法』return to

『相关词汇』go back

e.g. The situation has returned to normal in the capital. (首都的局势已恢复正常。)

When will you go back to Guilin? (你什么时候回桂林?)

9. quietly: adv. 安静地


e.g. "I'm going to do it," I said quietly. ("我就去做,"我轻声地说。)

10. gentle: adj. 温柔的,轻轻地

『相关词汇』gently: adv. 温柔地,轻轻地(注意去e)

e.g. He is a gentle person. (他是个温和的人。)

"Don't cry", he said gently. ("别哭了",他温柔地说道。)

11. frighten: v. 吓唬,使惊恐

『相关词汇』frightened: adj. 害怕的

frightening: adj. 令人害怕的

e.g. The ghost story frightened the child. (这个鬼怪故事使孩子十分惊恐。)

I am very frightened because of the sound. (因为这个声音,我感到非常害怕。)



This terrible story is very frightening. (这个恐怖的故事真吓人。)

12. worm: n. 软体虫,蠕虫

『易混淆词』warm: adj. 温暖的,暖和的

e.g. All the apples had worms in them. (这些苹果里都有蛀虫。)

The day was warm and cloudless. (天气温暖而晴朗。)

13. prevent: v. 防止,预防

『主要用法』prevent sb. from doing sth.防止某人做某事

e.g. Of course I can't prevent you from going to Shanghai.

14. flood: n. 洪水,水灾

『易混淆词』blood: n. 血液

e.g. In 1975, the floods in that area made 233,000 people homeless.


Lots of people donated blood.

15. rest: n. 剩余的部分,休息

『主要用法』the rest of …的剩余部分

have a rest 休息一下

e.g. The rest of the eggs have gone bad. (其余的鸡蛋都变质了。)

Let’s have a rest together.

16. form: n. 表格,形式

『易混淆词』from: prep. 从…来,出自

e.g. Churches are often built in the form of a cross. (教堂常常建成十字形。)

She is singing from morning to night.


1. impolite: adj. 无理的,粗鲁的



e.g. I don’t like the boy who is impolite to the old.

She is a very polite girl.

I did not intend to be rude. (我并不想粗鲁无礼。)

2. regular: adj. 规则的,有规律的


e.g. He's got no regular job. (他没有固定的工作。)

The trains from here are irregular. (从这里开出的火车是无规律的。)

3. unnecessary: adj. 不必要的


e.g. Oxygen is necessary for life. (氧气是生命所必需的。)

That was an unnecessary remark. (那句话是多余的。)

4. common: adj. 普通的,一般的

『反义词』uncommon; special

e.g. Smith is a very common name in England.

Snow is not uncommon during these months. (这几个月中下雪并非罕见。)

He never drinks except on special occasions. (除非在特别场合,他从不喝酒。)



5. unfriendly: adj. 不友好的,有敌意的


e.g. He looked unfriendly.

He's not very friendly towards newcomers. (他对新来的人不太友好。)

6. unwelcome: adj. 不受欢迎的,讨厌的


e.g. He is an unwelcome guest.

Hello, Sarah! Welcome back to London! (你好,萨拉!欢迎回到伦敦来!)

7. incorrect: adj. 不正确的


e.g. The newspaper gave an incorrect account of the accident.


Your answer is not correct.

8. uncommon: adj. 不平常的,非凡的,出的


e.g. You are an uncommon person.

It is very common to see foreigners in China.




1. It’s colder in n___________ areas than in southern areas in China.

2. Do you know the i___________ of learning English well now?

3. The Chinese g___________ supports to protect wild animals.

4. It’s impolite to drop the l___________ everywhere.

5. I have many h___________, such as playing football, running and reading.

6. Every year, a lot of t___________ come to China to visit the Palace Museum.

7. When there is a f___________, the water will wash the village away.

8. The beginning was boring, but the r___________ of the story was very interesting.

9. Zhalong Nature Reserve p___________ food and shelter for wildlife.

10. The radio says: “There is a s___________ blowing up this evening. Everything will be

covered with snow.”


Lend; clean; feel; speak; since; comfortable; danger; be; go; quiet








It’s polite to talk _________________ in a reading room.

He wants to save more _________________ wild animals.

Would you like _________________ shopping with us?

I found it difficult _________________ French very quietly.

— How do you feel when you see the national flag of China?

— It makes me _________________ proud.

6. — Hurry up! The bus is coming.

— Oh, no! We mustn’t cross the street _________________ the traffic light is green.

7. Let’s _________________ the classroom now. The teacher is coming.

8. I wonder if you _________________ this book to me.

9. Don’t worry about me. Everything _________________ all right.

10. This pair of shoes is too small. I feel very _________________.



1. Like many other places, Zhalong is a ___________ (自然) reserve in Heilongjiang.

2. Can you tell me the ___________ (原因) why he was late?

3. Don’t you think this area is an ___________ (理想的) home for animals?

4. This kind of music is ___________ (不受欢迎的) now.

5. I like listening to birds in the forest because they can sing ___________ (轻柔地).

6. What’s his favourite ___________ (科目)?

7. Is he waiting for you at the ___________ (enter) at ? Yes, of course.

8. The wetland can p___________ food and shelter for the wild animals and birds.

9. He has many h___________ such as playing computer games.

10. It’s colder in n___________ areas than in southern areas.


1. The problem is so difficult that everyone here is ___________ (able) to work it out.

2. The policeman told the boys ___________ (not play) in the street.

3. Would you like ___________ (join) in the singing club?

4. Polly often spends a lot of time___________ (practise) ___________ (sing).

5. Keeping taking the lands means more and more wetlands will____ __(appear).

6. This kind of tool is quite ___________ in America, however, it’s ___________ (common) in


7. You should take more exercise and eat ___________ (healthy)

8. What do you think ___________ (make) him stay there for the night that day?

9. The old man finds it useful ___________ (exercise) every morning.

10. So much work usually make him ___________ (feel) very tired.


build danger easy bird-watch not rain make be one slow live

1. He told us to walk _________________ and softly because the baby is sleeping there.



2. Zhalong is an important _________________ area for the rare red-crowned cranes.

3. The doctors are trying their best to save the _________________ person in the house.

4. If it _________________ next Sunday, we will have a picnic.

5. It’s not enough to feed the fish _________________ a day.

6. Mr White and his wife are good _________________.

7. How about _________________ more reserves instead?

8. In the reserves, birds can _________________ catch fish for food.

9. Don’t change the wetland _________________ more space for farms.

10. There _________________ a charity show in our school this Friday.



1. Lemonade is ___________ (common) of all American summer drinks. (2010兰州)

2. This drink is often drunk in the afternoon ___________ (当…时候) relaxing in the shade.


3. The local ___________ (政府) has taken actions to call on people to plant trees. (2010兰州)

4. Sun Jiangping of Beijing University said, “ Teenagers can get cigarettes (雪茄) e___________,

especially when their parents smoke or shops sell cigarettes to them. (2010重庆)

5. Congratulations! You’ve answered all the questions ___________ (正确地). (2009常州)



Unit 6 Natural disasters

Key Vocabulary:

natural, earthquake, crash, village, lightning, storm, slight, shaking, fear, scream, shake, wildly,

brick, calm, moment, mind, since, alive, hurry, daylight, wind, windy, fog, foggy, frost, frosty,

weather, low, discuss, break, arrival, cause, last, warning



1. natural—natrual* 2. earthquake—eathquake*

3. village—villge* 4. slight—sight *

5. wildly—widely 6. brick—break*

7. calm—clam* 8. weather—wether*

9. warning—warnning*


1. natural: adj. 大自然的,自然的

『相关词汇』nature: n. 自然

e.g. Animals in the zoo should live in the natural world.

We should take some actions to protect the nature.

2. accident: n. 事故,意外的事

『主要用法』in the accident

e.g. He lost his legs in the accident last year.

3. crash: v. 猛撞,摧毁

『易混淆词』cash: n. 现金,现款

e.g. An airliner crashed west of Denver last night. (昨夜一架客机在丹佛西边坠毁。)

I have no cash on me. Can I pay you later? (我身上没带现金,可以等会儿付给你吗?)

4. lightning: n. 闪电

『易混淆词』frightening: adj. 令人感到害怕的

e.g. The little girl is afraid of thunder and lightning.

That frightening story made him shake at once. (那个吓人的故事让他立刻就发抖了。)



5. storm: n. 风暴,暴风雨

『易混淆词』store: n.&v. 贮存,贮藏

e.g. The ship had no sooner dropped anchor than a storm broke.(船刚下锚暴风雨就来了。)

Water is stored against the dry season.(蓄水以备旱季使用。)

6. slight: adj. 轻微的

『易混淆词』sight: n. 景,景象

e.g. She has a slight fever.(她有一点轻微的发烧。)

We did the sights of Vienna last week.(上星期我们在维也纳观光。)

7. fear: n. 害怕,恐惧

『易混淆词』frighten: v. 使惊恐,惊吓

scared: adj. 害怕的,恐惧的

e.g. She has a great fear of water. (她很怕水。)

Don’t frighten him.

It rained very heavily. She was scared that night.

8. shake: v. 摇动,震动

『相关词汇』shaking: n.摇动,震动

e.g. Shake the bottle before taking the medicine. (服药之前把瓶子摇一摇。)

I can’t understand your shaking. Do you feel cold?


9. wildly: adv. 失去控制地

『易混淆词』widely: adv. 广泛地

e.g. The spectators applauded wildly. (观众拼命地鼓掌。)

Over the next twelve years, he traveled widely. (在接下来的十二年里他周游四方。)

10. brick: n. 砖,砖块

『易混淆词』break: v. 打破,打碎,破坏

e.g. The Great Wall was built with stones and bricks.

He fell down and broke his ankle. (他跌断了脚踝。)

11. calm: v. 平静下来,镇定下来

『主要用法』calm down 平静下来

『易混淆词』alarm: n. 警报

e.g. You must try to calm down.

The doorkeeper gave the alarm as soon as he saw the smoke. (一看到烟,店主九报警了。)

12. moment: n. 片刻,瞬间

『主要用法』at the moment 此刻

『易混淆词』movement: n. 移动

e.g. She is sleeping at the moment.

He lay there without movement. (他躺在那里,一动也不动。)

13. mind: n. 头脑,想法,精神 v. 介意

『主要用法』in one’s mind 在某人脑海中

mind doing sth. 介意做某事

mind one’s doing sth. 介意某人做某事

e.g. I have your safety in my mind. (我记挂着你的安全。)

Do you mind coming to my birthday party?

Do you mind my smoking here?



14. since: conj. 由于,既然;自从

『易混淆词』science: n. 科学

e.g. She left school three years ago and has worked as a nurse ever since.


Some people think that chess is a science, not just a game.


15. alive: adj. 活着的

『相关词汇』live: v.&n. 生活,活着

e.g. I can’t believe my eyes! She is still alive! (我真不敢相信我的眼睛!她还活着!)

He lived to the age of 70.

16. hurry: v.&n. 急忙,匆忙

『主要用法』hurry to do sth. 急忙做某事

in a hurry 匆忙地…

e.g. She hurried to tell them the news.

In her hurry she forgot to leave her phone number. (匆忙间她忘了留下电话号码。)

17. wind: n. 风

『相关词汇』windy: adj. 有风的,多风的

e.g. The north wind is blowing hard.

The winter was cold, wet, and windy.

18. fog: n. 雾

『相关词汇』foggy: adj. 有雾的,多雾的(注意双写g)

e.g. The ships cast anchor because of the heavy fog. (船因浓雾抛锚。)

That was a foggy morning.

19. frost: n. 霜

『相关词汇』frosty: adj. 有霜的,多霜的

e.g. The frost killed the young tomato plants. (寒霜冻死了番茄幼苗。)

The fields look frosty this morning. (今晨的田野看起来有霜冻。)

20. weather: n. 天气

『易混淆词』whether: conj. 是否(通常和or not连用)

e.g. Whether we will go picnicking tomorrow depends on the weather.


I don't know whether you like flowers or not. (我不知道你是否喜欢花.)

21. discuss: v. 讨论,议论

『相关词汇』discussion: n. 讨论,议论

e.g. They discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries.


We had a discussion on language and communication.


22. arrival: n. 到达

『相关词汇』arrive: v. 到达

e.g. We waited for the arrival of our guests. (我们等着客人的到来。)

They arrived in London last Monday.

23. cause: v.&n. 引起;原因

『易混淆词』course: n. 课程



e.g. What was the cause of the accident?

What caused him to quit his job? (是什么原因使他辞职的?)

She took a course in philosophy. (她选读了一门哲学课程。)

24. last: v. 持续

『主要用法』last for 持续了多久

e.g. The snow lasted for a whole month.

25. warning: n. 警告

『相关词汇』warn: v. 警告

e.g. The red light is a warning sign for stop. (红灯是警告停止行进的信号。)

The police warned us not to go out at night.


1. natural: adj. 大自然的,自然的


e.g. Guilin lies in the south of China in a natural landscape.


2. slight: adj. 轻微的


e.g. She had a slight shaking when she heard the news. (当她听到这个消息的时候她有点打颤。)

I heard his heavy steps on the stairs. (我听到他上楼的沉重脚步声。)

3. calm: v. 平静下来,镇定下来


e.g. I couldn’t calm down when I received his letter.

She relaxed her mind by listening to music. (她听听音乐使大脑得到休息。)

4. alive: adj. 活着的


e.g. He was still alive after the accident.

He arrived there but found it dead.

5. daylight: n. 日光,白昼


e.g. It looks different in daylight. (它在日光下看上去就不一样。)

Ice glitters in the moonlight. (冰在月光下闪闪发亮。)

6. low: adj. 低的


e.g. The office is in a low building.

He lives in a high building.






1. Many people were killed in the a___________ last night.

2. When the earthquake started, people ran in all d___________.

3. We all like to play with s___________ in winter.

4. Don’t shout! Please c___________ down.

5. Tom fell down from the tree yesterday and his leg was badly h___________.

6. — How cold it is today!

— Really. The t___________ today is below 10℃.

7. There was a flood d___________ in our hometown last summer.

8. Timmy was t___________ in a dark place when the earthquake stopped. He couldn’t get out by


9. What are your i___________ and hobbies?

10. We must take a___________ to protect the wild animals.


run in all directions; in fear; shake; excite; brick; in a hurry; scream;

thunder; calm down; glass

I was having dinner in a restaurant when the earthquake started. At first, I felt a slight

(1)___________________ through my body. Then I heard a loud noise like

(2)___________________. People looked at each other (3)___________________. Many people

(4)___________________ because they were very frightened. Then the real noise came, like

bombs under the ground. People felt the shaking and (5)___________________. They were

running wildly while pieces of (6)___________________ and (7)___________________ were

falling down. Then the walls began to come down as well. I tried to control myself and

(8)___________________ since I was still alive. After the earthquake, the firemen were

(9)___________________ to move away the bricks and stones. Then I heard shouts from

(10)___________________ people around us.



1. The weather report says the ___________ (温度) will be over 20℃.

2. The ___________ (受害者)in the car accident were sent to hospital at once.

3. The little boy ___________ (幸存) the earthquake last month. How lucky he is!

4. Last night a car accident ___________ (发生) on the highway because of the driver’s


5. Animals should have their ___________ (栖息地). We should leave them alone.

6. Students should be ___________ (鼓励) when they have trouble.

7. The Geography teacher tells the students that bad weather sometimes c___________ natural




8. My father and I had a s___________ talk last night, I felt very sorry to him.

9. Lucy is always frightened by the t___________ and the l___________ when it rains.

10. Look, the snow is very heavy and it c___________ everything.


1. The children ___________ (play) football at three last Sunday.

2. It was ___________ (fog) yesterday. We couldn’t see each other in one metre.

3. I am really sorry ___________ (tell) you that I ___________ (leave) my homework at home.

4. Though Tom was very tired, he kept ___________ (work). Because he must finish it on time.

5. Jack is interested in ___________ (watch) foreign films. His favourite film is “alone at home.”

6. It is going to be ___________ (wind) tonight. The wind will blow ___________ (strong).

7. —What ___________ (happen) to you yesterday? —I fell down from my bike.

8. My parents and I always ___________ (go) on a boat trip. But last year we ___________ (go)

horse riding.

9. The girl always said to ___________ (she), “I’m the prettiest girl in the world.

10. Nancy likes ___________ (play) softball. She spends over one hour day ___________ (play)



in a great hurry, fall down, turn off, at last, make an excuse,

be trapped, try one’s best, say to oneself

1. I was late for school and I tried ___________________, but it didn’t work.

2. The birds flew___________________ when they heard the big sound.

3. Hundreds of workers ___________________ under the building because of the earthquake.

4. Don’t ___________________ the light. It is too dark.

5. The thieves tried to run away, but ___________________ we caught them.

6. “I’m still alive. I must ask for help.” Timmy ___________________.

7. Last year I was weak at Maths. I’ll ___________________ to learn it well.

8. When the earthquake happened, the bricks ___________________ quickly. It was so





My brother ran home in a

___________ (匆忙)to tell us that he had found a job. (2008佛山市模拟卷)

2. Ten people were killed in the traffic

___________ (事故)last week. (2008来宾市模拟卷)


The w___________ in the hills can change very quickly, so take some clothes with

you. (2008临安市模拟卷)

4. During the Spring Festival, a heavy ___________ (暴风雪) hit many areas across southern

China. (2008苏州)



5. The picture in the newspaper shows us that Hu Jintao ___________ (shake) hands with Wu

Poh-Hsiung, chairman of Taiwan Kuomintang in Beijing on May 28, 2008. (2008泰州模拟)





1. You can borrow a lot of ___________ (杂志) in the library.

2. There are too many ___________ (广告) in today’s newspaper.

3. Does your mother like ___________ (缝纫) or cooking.

4. Did you see a ___________ (金属) knife in the open drawer just now?

5. There is too much ___________ (过往的车辆) on the city roads every day.

6. The twins like climbing and they want to be ___________ (登山者) when they grow up.

7. Do you know who is the ___________ (总统) of the USA at present?

8. If you put your heart into it, ___________ (没有事情) is impossible.

9. Nanjing is a city which is ___________ (著名的) for its green trees and interesting places.

10. Most of us have ___________ (同意) with the trip to the History Museum.

11. Animals should have their ___________ (栖息地). We’d better leave them alone.

12. Students should be ___________ (鼓励) when they get low marks.

13. Each year, millions of ___________ (旅行者) come to places of interest in China.

14. At last, they ___________ (到达) at the lake and they were all very tired.

15. Everybody should have a ___________ (业余爱好) to make life more colourful.

16. At weekends, we can go out to enjoy the ___________ (大自然).

17. ___________ (洪水) is very dangerous. We must be very careful.

18. Sam is very clever. He always finishes his homework ___________ (容易地).

19. We can’t cut down trees and ___________ (森林) because they are important.

20. We all know China is a ___________ (和平的) country.


1. Skiing is ___________ (dangerous) than diving, I think.

2. Our newsletter has more and more ___________ (read) this term.

3. John is crazy about music, so he looks ___________ (music).

4. Sandy can answer questions ___________ (clear).

5. I am old enough to look after ___________ (I) now. Don’t worry about me.

6. We are used to sing English songs at the ___________ (begin) of English class.

7. Most of the children in our class are ___________ in the ___________ (interest) stories.

8. Tom is the cleverest boy in our class. Maybe we can ask him ___________ (solve) the problem.

9. When my son studied in the USA two years ago, I ___________ (miss) him very much.

10. Mr Brown was ___________ (luck) enough to buy the last ticket to the concert.

11. Look! The lion is running ___________ (angry) towards the zebra.

12. The mother never leaves the babies by ___________ (they).

13. — How did you feel after ___________ (chat) with your teacher?

— Much better now.

14. It is ___________ (fog) than yesterday. You must be careful when you go to school.

15. — It’s just a cold. Don’t take it so ___________ (serious).



— OK, doctor, I will.

16. I feel very ___________ (comfortable). I need to see the doctor.

17. My brother came into my bedroom while I ___________ (practise) dancing.

18. I was looking for information about natural disasters when my mother ___________ (come)


19. Animals are our friends and we should know the ___________ (important) of them.

20. Can you find the difference between the ___________ (follow) words?








grow up, knock off; a place of interest; enjoy oneself; give one’s seat

We are going to visit some ___________________ in Paris tomorrow.

He usually ___________________ to the people in need on the bus.

Our neighbours ___________________ at the birthday party last night.

Betty wants to be a doctor when she ___________________ in the future.

Yesterday I walked past my table and ___________________ my bowls.


luck; thunder; terrible; nobody; lightning; dark

On 21st August 2007, a terrible typhoon hit the small city. At the beginning, it became (1)

___________. Everyone could hear a strange noise. They were all frightened, but (2)

___________ knew what was happening. A few minutes later, the typhoon came. First, people

heard (3) ___________ and saw (4) ___________. Then everything began to move. The wind

would rolled up paper, rubbish and trees into the sky. It was very ___________. At last it stopped

suddenly. The great noise disappeared. Everything was in a mess. (6) ___________ no one died.

But more than 2800 houses fell down.


teach oneself; keep fit; hide-and-seek; have a good time;

take photos; knock at; look over

1. Eddie agreed ___________________, but he didn’t want to eat less at all.

2. —Who ___________________ the door?

— It must be Kate. I think.

3. — What were you doing at 4:00 yesterday afternoon?

— We were playing ___________________.

4. If there is a sign “No Photos”, it means you mustn’t ___________________.

5. Nobody taught him how to use the computer. He ___________________.


little; catch; hero; wait; many; find; Britain; not snow; save; two



1. Her mother ___________ a lot of people’s lives since she became a doctor.

2. — How often does Millie practice playing the piano?

— She practises it ___________ a week.

3. They said some of them were the ___________ of the World War Ⅱ.

4. Be quick! Our teacher, together with the writer, ___________ for us at the school gate.

5. There is ___________ water in my bottle than in yours.

6. Our school has the ___________ students in our city.

7. Work harder, and you ___________ up with your classmates.

8. What will you do if it ___________ tomorrow?

9. John is a ___________ student. He comes from London.

10. I hear you’ve found your watch. When ___________ you ___________ it?




Unit 1


一、1. eyesight 2. advice 3. singer 4. square 5. activities 6. believe 7. future 8.

magazines 9. humorous 10. bored

二、1. because of 2. try our best 3. in the future 4. in need 5. knocked off


一、1. happiness 2. magazines 3. handsome 4. pleasant 5. future 6. agree 7.

secret 8. nervous 9. correctly 10. advertisements

二、1. the best 2. more interesting; interesting 3. really 4. surprised; surprising 5.

quickly; easily 6. mixed 7. careful; carefully 8. quiet; noisy 9. following 10.


三、1. careful 2. crossing 3. left 4. mustn’t 5. work 6. dangerous 7. somewhere

8. wrong 9. with 10. second


1. advice 2. disagreed 3. agreed 4. almost 5. Better

Unit 2


一、1. geography 2. mixed 3. tasty 4. most 5. also 6. mine 7. science 8. together 9.

tonight 10. unpopular

二、1. in Grade Nine 2. learning to cook and sew 3. healthy and tasty food 4. having driving

lessons 5. drive to school 6. taking a bus 7. three hours of homework 8. twice a week 9.

called 10. talks with


一、1. twice 2. subjects 3. admire 4. heroes 5. close 6. truly 7. ideal 8.

differences; British; American 9. useless 10. more popular

二、1. telling 2. smarter 3. the worst 4. healthy; tasty 5. less 6. driving; driver 7.

practising; playing 8. myself 9. to stay 10. unimportant 11. boring

三、1. at the age of 2. as well 3. rode to 4. are like 5. Will; be able to 6. each other

7. drive me to school 8. helps me with 9. near the end of 10. to cook healthy and

tasty meals


1. useful 2. used 3. healthy 4. practiced 5. useful

Unit 3


一、1. preparing 2. remember 3. invited 4. excited 5. ourselves 6. beginning 7. watch

8. possible 9. greetings 10. luckily

二、1. is knocking at 2. hide-and-seek 3. take photos 4. taught himself 5. keep fit


一、1. wondered 2. won 3. foreign 4. metal 5. traffic 6. coach 7. beauty 8.

beginning 9. inside 10. luckily



二、1. amazing 2. took 3. planting 4. got; left 5. to go 6. to see; to take 7. to

open; to do 8. interesting 9. the best; cities 10. lucky

三、1. taught himself 2. by herself 3. have a trip 4. take care 5. making a home page

6. will hurt yourself 7. look like


1. themselves 2. interested 3. Luckily 4. winner’s 5. interested 6. traffic 7. received

Unit 4


一、1. quiet 2. survived 3. nowhere 4. hunters 5. train 6. danger 7. interested 8. living

9. medicine 10. encourage

二、1. at a time 2. up to 3. smaller and smaller 4. becoming farmland 5. try our best


一、1. noisy 2. weighing 3. survived 4. Sadly 5. danger; endangered 6. train 7.

continue 8. peaceful; peace 9. until 10. thirsty

二、1. called 2. comes 3. mice 4. carefully 5. suitable 6. bears; action 7. to study

8. not to stay 9. living 10. loss

三、1. There will be 2. in the daytime 3. live alone 4. kept standing 5. looks lovely on

you 6. made money 7. lost his life 8. loss of living areas 9. at a time 10. work

as a team

中考链接 1. protecting 2. active 3. medical 4. protect 5. sell

Unit 5


一、1. northern 2. importance 3. government 4. litter 5. hobbies 6. tourists 7. flood 8.

rest 9. provides 10. snowstorm

二、1. quietly 2. endangered 3. to go 4. to speak 5. feel 6. since 7. clean 8. will lend

9. is 10. uncomfortable


一、1. nature 2. reason 3. ideal 4. unpopular 5. softly 6. subject 7. entrance 8.

provide 9. hobbies 10. northern

二、1. unable 2. no to play 3. to join 4. practising; singing 5. disappear 6. common;

uncommon 7. healthily 8. made 9. to exercise 10. feel

三、1. slowly 2. living 3. endangered 4. doesn’t rain 5. once 6. birdwatchers 7.

building 8. easily 9. to make 10. will be


1. the commonest 2. while 3. government 4. easily 5. Correctly

Unit 6


一、1. accident 2. directions 3. snowballs 4. calm 5. hurt 6. temperature 7. disaster 8.

trapped 9. interests 10. actions



二、1. shaking 2. thunder 3. in fear 4. screamed 5. ran in all directions 6. glass 7. bricks

8. calmed down; 9. in a hurry 10. excited


一、1. temperature 2. victims 3. survived 4. happened 5. habitats 6. encouraged

7. causes 8. serious 9. thunder; lightening 10. covers

二、1. were playing 2. foggy 3. to tell; left 4. working 5. watching 6. windy;

strongly 7. happened 8. go; went 9. herself 10. playing; playing

三、1. to make an excuse 2. in a great hurry 3. were trapped 4. turn of 5. at last 6.

said to himself 7. try my best 8. fell down


1. hurry 2. accident 3. weather 4. snowstorm 5.

was shaking


一、1. magazines 2. advertisements 3. sewing 4. metal 5. traffic 6. climbers 7. president

8. nothing 9. famous 10. agreed 11. shelter 12. encouraged 13. tourists 14. arrived 15.

hobby 16. nature 17. Flood 18. easily 19. forests 20. peaceful

二、1. more dangerous 2. readers 3. musical 4. clearly 5. myself 6. beginning 7.

interested; interesting 8. to solve 9. missed 10. lucky 11. angrily 12. themselves 13.

chatting 14. foggier 15. seriously 16. uncomfortable 17. was practicing 18. came 19.

importance 20. following

三、(A) 1. places of interest 2. gives his seat 3. enjoyed themselves 4. grows up 5. knocked


(B) 1. dark 2. nobody 3. thunder 4. lightning 5. terrible 6. Luckily

(C) 1. to keep fit 2. is knocking at 3. hide-and-seek 4. take photos 5. taught himself

(D) 1. has saved 2. twice 3. heroes 4. is waiting 5. less 6. most 7. will catch 8.

doesn’t snow 9. British 10. did; find


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