






In our culture, we are accustomed to sophisticated

prescription drugs containing a _____ of chemical ingredients.


A. plenty

B. variety

C. enough

D. various

正确答案:B 2、

In the last twenty years, breakthroughs in technology have

_____ advanced the way we communicate, bringing us computers,

cell phones and the Internet.


A. profoundly

B. deeply

C. compeletely

D. comic

正确答案:A 3、

The question of going to the United States for a doctor’s

degree _____ his mind.


A. preoccupied

B. intruded

C. took

D. held

正确答案:A 4、

Jack managed to get 147 tapes and 100 books plus lots of

magazines through customs in a(n) _____ way.


A. incredulous

B. miraculous

C. weried

D. poor

正确答案:B 5、

These days people are becoming more and more _____ about

the food they eat.


A. sophisticated

B. selective

C. social

D. sporadic

正确答案:B 6、

Though she _____ and pleaded, he refused to go to the dance.


A. coaxed

B. admonished

C. induced

D. invited

正确答案:A 7、

This _____ factor means that there is often a connection in

appearance and temperament between parents and children.


A. historical

B. hereditary

C. historic

D. hyponymy

正确答案:B 8、

Spoiled children will not manage to live against ______.


A. difficulty

B. adversity

C. advertisment

D. life

正确答案:B 9、

Summoned by the teacher, he approached his office full of



A. apprehension

B. distrust

C. appreciation

D. astonishment

正确答案:A 10、

Filled with great ______ for their integrity and courage, he was

determined to be a man like them.


A. adulation

B. admiration

C. acquisition

D. association

正确答案:B 11、

She has born a ______ against me ever since I turned down

her application.


A. grudge

B. malice

C. love

D. hatred

正确答案:A 12、

Although each TV series will be rated on the basis of its usual

content, the ratings can _____ from week to week.


A. flow

B. fluctuate

C. finite

D. flushing

正确答案:B 13、

She is a ______ person and does not want to live on charity.


A. proud

B. snobbish

C. arrogant

D. shabby

正确答案:A 14、

It is ______ for adults to forget how long and hard and dull

school is.


A. habitual

B. customary

C. natural

D. conventional

正确答案:B 15、

______ of the bombing of the embassy went swiftly across the



A. Condemnation

B. Accusation

C. Cry

D. Blaming

正确答案:A 16、

He said he would go to the dress rehearsal, ______ he was not

too busy.


A. provided

B. unless

C. if

D. because

正确答案:A 17、

The newly-recruited soldiers swore a(n) ______ of loyalty to

their country.


A. promise

B. oath

C. answer

D. word

正确答案:B 18、

He wanted a ______ of the report to show to his friends.


A. description

B. transcript

C. illustration

D. explantion

正确答案:B 19、 The score is 3 to 2 in their favor. This is not

________ result as we expected. (分数:1分)

A. a bad

B. as a bad

C. bad a

D. as bad a

正确答案:D 20、They are an odd couple. She is as tall

________ he is short, and he is as fat ________ she is thin. But they

are ________ happy as they are old. (分数:1分)

A. as; as; so

B. while; while; as

C. and; and; as

D. as; as; as

正确答案:D 21、________ she doesn’t want to have a child,

I will respect her decision.

I’d be the ________ to impose my will on my daughter. (分数:1分)

A. Suppose; last person

B. Assume ; last father

C. In case; first person

D. Supposing if ; last man

正确答案:A 22、 Always bear in mind that your own

resolution to succeed is more important than _______thing (分数:1分)

A. any

B. other

C. other a

D. any other

正确答案:D 23、

Imagine how many times restaurants and merchants had to

change their posted prices during the _____ 1970s, when prices

almost doubled.


A. inflationary

B. extraordinary

C. deflationary

D. very

正确答案:A 24、

In the middle of these otherwise _____ plains is a striking

range of mountains.


A. featureless

B. pointless

C. harmless

D. meaningless

正确答案:A 25、

Compared with the _____ period last year, average

temperatures have been low. (分数:1分)

A. corresponding

B. related

C. crrespondent

D. linked

正确答案:A 26、

We cannot _____ the country’s telecommunications to

unqualified people.


A. trust

B. entrust

C. believe

D. allow

正确答案:B 27、 I think it only reasonable that in this case

the guilty should go ________. She killed a dangerous murderer.


A. not to be punished

B. unpunishing

C. not punished

D. unpunished

正确答案:D 28、You’re not supposed to withdraw more

than that______deposited in your account. (分数:1分)

A. were

B. being

C. to be

D. has been

正确答案:D 29、 If the market is left ____________, there will

sometimes be shortages or over-production. (分数:1分)

A. to be run

B. to run itself

C. running by itself

D. running

正确答案:C 30、 The product must be priced ________ it

competes effectively with rival products in the same market. (分数:1分)

A. as such

B. in such a way

C. so that

D. so


31、You can’t reject _________, can you? (分数:1分)

A. so sincere offer of help like that

B. a such sincere offer of help as

C. so sincere an offer of help as that

D. such sincere offer of help like

正确答案:C 32、 Neither of my parents remembered

___________that man before. (分数:1分)

A. have ever seen

B. to have ever seen

C. having ever seen

D. to ever see

正确答案:C 33、________ he known that it was to be the

president’s last press conference, he would have filmed the

occasion. (分数:1分)

A. Should

B. If

C. Were

D. Had

正确答案:D 34、 The young woman ________ at the head of

the procession was a gold medal winner at the recent Olympic

Games. (分数:1分)

A. being marching

B. being marched

C. marched

D. marching

正确答案:D 35、It is not who is right, but what is right

________ is of importance. (分数:1分)

A. which

B. it

C. that

D. this

正确答案:C 36、 Their coach believes that ________ is going

to win the 3,000-meter race (分数:1分)

A. both Daisy and Julia

B. neither Daisy or Julia

C. either Daisy or Julia

D. neither Daisy and Julia

正确答案:C 37、 He is one of those people who ________

more than can be done. (分数:1分)

A. is promising

B. are promising

C. promise

D. promises

正确答案:C 38、 When ______ with a new situation, a resilient

person is likely to come up with successful solutions. (分数:1分)

A. confronted

B. confronting

C. was confronted

D. being confronted.

正确答案:A 39、 ________ for the war , the two countries

would have normalized their relations thirty years earlier. (分数:1分)

A. If it was not

B. If had it not been

C. Were it not

D. Had it not been

正确答案:D 40、

We must try to create a more caring, more _____ society.


A. compassionate

B. competitive

C. competent

D. comparative

正确答案:A 41、

It was _____ and she did not know enough to analyze each

problem properly.


A. encouraging

B. exhausting

C. excited

D. enchanted

正确答案:B 42、

His _____ and unwillingness to learn from others prevent him

from being an effective member of the team.


A. arrogance

B. advantage

C. proud

D. power

正确答案:A 43、 I recall how ______ it was years ago when

people littered everywhere in our city. (分数:1分)

A. annoying

B. scaring

C. frightening

D. humiliating

正确答案:A 44、 Since then, the contrast between his two

careers has become even more

______. (分数:1分)

A. symbolized

B. distinguished

C. predominated

D. pronounced


45、 She was ______ of her notorious family scandal. (分数:1分)

A. shameful

B. shameless

C. ashamed

D. shamed

正确答案:C 46、 The local government decided to ______

money for the building of a new post office. (分数:1分)

A. distribute

B. divide

C. contribute

D. allot

47、 To remove the paint, he had to apply a knife to ______

the table. (分数:1分)

A. scrape

B. rub

C. dab

D. peel


48、 He killed his enemy and received a ______ wound himself.


A. moral moral

B. fateful

C. mortal

D. factual

正确答案:C 49、The farmers’ ______ from the contest

aroused heated debates. (分数:1分)

A. omission

B. exclusion

C. inclusion

D. emission


50、 He owed his victory to endurance and ______. (分数:1


A. instance instance

B. existence

C. subsistence subsistence

D. perseverance

正确答案:D 51、 The citizens are grateful to the government

for the ______ environment. (分数:1分)

A. wholesome

B. wholesale

C. noisome

D. tiresome

正确答案:A 52、 Such ______ of the facts cannot be allowed

to go unchallenged. (分数:1分)

A. distortion

B. disturbance

C. distraction

D. distribution

53、 Cutting the bush back in the autumn will help promote

______ growth in the spring. (分数:1分)

A. violent

B. virtual

C. vigorous

D. visual

正确答案:C 54、 In this story, the clever little fox ______ the

hunters and escapes from the trap they set. (分数:1分)

A. outweighs

B. outwits

C. outnumbers

D. outgrows

正确答案:B 55、 The British ______ time, effort and huge

sums of money on pets. (分数:1分)

A. lavish

B. grant

C. provide

D. supply

正确答案:A 56、 The fortunes of the major political parties

tend to ______ and flow over time. (分数:1分)

A. halt

B. fall

C. ebb

D. fly

正确答案:C 57、I’m tired of listening to her ______ the

virtues of her children. (分数:1分)

A. exposing

B. explaining

C. extending

D. extolling

正确答案:D 58、 New books were displayed in a ______

position on tables at the front of the shop. (分数:1分)

A. prominent

B. preeminent

C. dominant

D. relevant

正确答案:A 59、 The government is trying to ______ the

people into thinking that a war is necessary. (分数:1分)

A. inspire

B. poison

C. adopt

D. brainwash

正确答案:D 60、 You need to demonstrate to the examiners

that you have more than a(n)

______ understanding of the text. (分数:1分)

A. actual

B. factual

C. literal

D. literary

正确答案:C 61、 Some studies confirmed that this kind of

eye disease was __________ in tropical countries. (分数:1分)

A. perpetual

B. prospective

C. prevalent

D. provocative

正确答案:C 62、

It’s no use _______ about it now.


A. to complain

B. complaining

C. to be complaining

D. having complained


63、 I play tennis but _______ my brother does. (分数:1分)

A. not half as well as

B. not half as well than

C. not half better than

D. not half so better as


64、 There will be a mass ______ to the seaside, the

countryside and foreign holiday destinations during summer

vacation. (分数:1分)

A. departure

B. inflow

C. evasion

D. exodus

正确答案:D 65、 John was angry when the boss said that his

proposal was completely ______. (分数:1分)

A. disposable

B. dismissible

C. unapproachable

D. unavoidable


66、 Lack of sleep has ______ her concentration. (分数:1分)

A. deconstructed

B. impaired

C. demonstrated

D. repaired

正确答案:B 67、 He had long held a(n) ______ fascination

with the horrors of contemporary warfare. (分数:1分)

A. arbitrary

B. mortal

C. morbid

D. courteous

正确答案:C 68、 The government replaced the narrow street

with a wide ______ with the funds raised. (分数:1分)

A. lane

B. path

C. boulevard

D. trail

正确答案:C 69、 Like so many politicians, he had an ______

appetite for power. (分数:1分)

A. innumerable

B. inseparable

C. insufferable

D. insatiable

正确答案:D 70、 At British universities, it is ______ to cease

work and spend a half-hour or so sipping tea and eating cookies

with the members of one’s department. (分数:1分)

A. satisfactory

B. extraordinary

C. contemporary

D. customary

正确答案:D 71、 The concentration of populations in cities

has given ______ to many problems of housing, education, and

medical services. (分数:1分)

A. rise

B. reason

C. result

D. response


72、 This discovery is highly ______ in the circle of science.


A. measured

B. appreciated

C. calculated

D. experimented

正确答案:B 73、I don’t complain about the smoking ______

because I hate watching people smoking in hospitals. (分数:1分)

A. programs

B. restrictions

C. arguments

D. advertisements

正确答案:B 74、 His muscles are firmest and his ______ colds

and infections is highest. (分数:1分)

A. ignorance of

B. independence of

C. resistance to

D. attribution to

正确答案:C 75、 Regardless of ______ poll results, a number

of objections have been published in newspapers. (分数:1分)

A. practical

B. sensible

C. favorable

D. outstanding

正确答案:C 简答练习-选择适合的词填空


1-5 UQMNT 6-10. AFRIY

11-15. BKPDS 16-20. GLVWH

21-15. XJCEO


1-5. MSORN 6-10. WLPXQ 11-15. TUAHI

16-20. JGBEK 21-25. FDVCY


1-5. LCJMV 6-10. DHSUG


21-25. WATEY


16-20. LAIUD




正确答案:【We’re angry about the same things you are in

terms of policy ——a little angrier because our lives were the

things used to those policies.】


正确答案:【With me, nothing illustrates the contrariness of

things better than the matter of sleep.】


正确答案:【The trouble with this solution is that it no longer

is practical on large scale. Our planet, unfortunately, is running

out of noble savages and unsullied landscapes; except for the

polar regions, the frontiers are gone. A few gentleman farmers

with plenty of money can still escape to the bucolic life——but

in general the stream of migration is flowing the other way.】


正确答案:【Organized waste among consumers is the first

condition of our industrial prosperity. The sooner a consumer

throws away the object he has bought and buys another, the

better for the producer.】


正确答案:【She did not carry flowers in her car, but she

carried them in her heart.】


正确答案:【All of these are crucial and interconnected

elements which together determine the quality of late life.】


正确答案:【Our planet, unfortunately, is running out of

noble savages and unsullied landscapes; except for the polar

regions, the frontiers are gone.】


正确答案:【The one American industry unaffected by the

general depression of trade is the beauty industry. 】


may not be an inalienable human right, but it is one that the

highly literate Founding Fathers might not have found

unreasonable or even unattainable. We are not only not attaining

it as a nation, statistically speaking, but we are falling further and

further short of attaining it, And, while I would not be so

simplistic as to suggest that television is the cause, I believe it

sontributes and is an influence.】

10、人类历史上什么时候有这么多人一起把闲暇时间耗在一种玩具——电视上?正确答案:【When before in human history has so

much humanity collectively surrendered so much of its leisure to

one toy——TV?】



正确答案:【Perhaps she would never see again those

familiar objects from which she had never dreamed of being



正确答案:【Putting aside the need to earn a living, I think

there are four great motives for writing, at any rate for writing



正确答案:【England then, for the most part, was free of the

fine distinctions between blacks and whites traditionally made in

America. Except for some exclusive clubs in London, there were

few occasions where racial lines were drawn. The color—blidness

of England was especially true in the student life at Oxford. It was

in such a relaxed racial atmosphere that all my defenses, about

race and home, came down,】


正确答案:【In truth, it is easier to manage the problem of

death than the problem of living as an old person.】


正确答案:【Or are you drawn somehow to this strange

clown, perhaps because he acts out your wildest fantasies?】


正确答案:【He sat down and felt for a cigarette, but when

he got it between his lips he forgot to light it.】


正确答案:【However much you may acquire you will always

wish to acquire more,satiety is a dream which will always elude



正确答案:【Some sociologists say that your answers to

them could explain a lot about what you are thinking and about

what your society is thinking—in other words, about where you

and your society are.】


正确答案:【As the big problem of the thirties were brought

under some kind of rough control, new problems took their

place—the unprecedented problems of an affluent society and

of racial justice.】


正确答案:【Our research shows that no company can

succeed today by tying to be all things to all people.】


正确答案:【That set of facts makes it impossible, of course,

for any American restaurant—or, indeed, any city—dweller

separated from supply by more than a few hours—to have

decent fresh vegetables.】


正确答案:【When I am in the humor, I can compose grand

symphonies and paint magnificent pictures.】



正确答案:【It is often said that wide reading is the best

alternative course of action but even here it is necessary to make

some kind of selection.】

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