



(2)距离说话人近的人或物用this, 距离说话人远的人或物用that。如:

This is a flower. 这是一朵花。(近处)

That is a tree. 那是一棵树。(远处)

(3)放在一起的两样东西,先说this, 后说that。如:

This is a pen. That is a pencil. 这是一支钢笔。那是一支铅笔。

(4)向别人介绍某人时说This is„, 不说That is„。如:

This is Helen. Helen, this is Tom. 这是海伦,海伦,这是汤姆。

(5)This is 不能缩写, 而That is可以缩写。如:

This is a bike. That’s a car. 这是一辆自行车。那是一辆轿车。

(6)打电话时,介绍自己用this, 询问对方用that。如:

—Hello! Is that Miss Green? 喂,是格林小吗?

—Yes, this is. Who’s that? 是的,我是,你是谁?

注意:虽然汉语中使用“我”和“你”,但英语中打电话时绝不可以说:I am„, Are

you„?/Who are you?

(7)在回答this或that作主语的疑问句时, 要用it代替this或that。如:

①—Is this a notebook? 这是笔记本吗?

—Yes, it is. 是的,它是。

②—What’s that? 那是什么?

—It’s a kite. 是只风筝。


this, that, these和those是指示代词,these是this的复数形式,指时间,距离较近的或下面要提到的人或事;those是that的复数形式,指时间、距离较远或前面已经提到过的人或事物。

①This is my bed. That is Lily’s bed. 这是我的床。那是莉莉的床。

②These pictures are good. 这些画很好。

③ Are those apple trees? 那些是苹果树吗?



④Are these/those your apples? 这些(那些)是你的苹果吗?

Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。


1. I like _____ pants. _______ pants are red.(这些)

2. I don’t like ____ shoes. ____shoes are too small.(那些)

3. I want _____(这个) sweater. I don’t want________(那个) sweater._____ (那个)is too big.


1. 这支钢笔 2. 那些英语书

3. these erasers 4. that car


( )1. __________ pen is red. ________ pencil is green.

A. this, that B. These, Those C. That, Those D. This, That

( )2. Is _____ a panda over there?

A. this B. that C. those D. these

( )3. ________two boys are Mr. Green’s sons.

A. This B. These

C. That D. those

( )4. __________ two girls are Mary and Linda.

A. This B. They

C. That D. Those

( )5. _______is Mr. White and _____ is my father.

A. This,those B. That,these C. These,these D. This,this

1. There________many monkeys in the mountain.

3. There _________some water in the glass.

5. _________there any maps on the wall?

2. There_______a beautiful garden in our school.

4. There __________some bread on the table.

6. There __________twenty desks in our classroom.

三,There be句型

(1) There be句型主要用以表达“某处(某时)有某人(某物)。”

下面这首歌诀可帮你巧记there be句型结构:

There be放句首,主语跟在后。地、时放句末,强调置前头。如:

There is a book on the desk.


On the desk there is a book.

(2)There be句型中的be动词如何确定呢?请先看看下面这首歌诀:

Be动词,有三个,am,is还有are。“There be”真特别,不留am只留俩,那就是is还有are。要用is还是are,须看其后的名词是单数还是复数。若是单数或不可数名词用is,否则就用are。如

①There is a tree behind the house.

②There is some water(水)in the bottle(瓶子).

③There are some pears in the box.


①There is a book and some pens on the floor.

②There are some pens and a book on the floor.


7. There__________a bird in the tree.

9. ________there a cup of tea on the table?

11. There_____a bed and two chairs in Betty's room.

13. There __________some children in the park.

8. There __________some trees near the house.

10. There_________some apple juice in the glass.

12. There __________some milk in the bottle.

14. There __________an ice cream in the boy’s hand.

15. There__________a teacher and many students in our classroom.

16. There_______many birds and a lion in the forest. 17. There__________an orange on the table.

18. There__________many things over there 19. There__________an eraser in the pencil-case.

20. There__________a football match on television this evening


五.区别except/besides和except for:

except:指“(不包括本身在内的)除„„之外”,“-” E.g. He gets up early every day except


besides:指“(包括本身在内的)除„„之外”,“+” E.g. Five others were late besides me.

except for:指前后比较范围是不同类型的 E.g. Except for one old man, the bus was



[第一类] 名词类

1. 这些女老师们在干什么?

[误] What are the woman teachers doing?

[正] What are the women teachers doing?

[析] 在英语中,当一名词作定语修饰另一名词(单或复数形式)时,作定语的名词一般要用其单数形式;但当man,woman作定语修饰可数名词复数形式时,要用其复数形式men,women.

2. 房间里有多少人?

[误] How many peoples are there in the room?

[正] How many people are there in the room?

[析] people作“人、人们”解时,是个集合名词,其单复数同形。

3. 我想为我儿子买两瓶牛奶。

[误] I want to buy two bottle of milk for my son.

[正] I want to buy two bottles of milk for my son.

[析] 表示不可数名词的数量时,常用“a / an或数词 +表量的可数名词 + of + 不可数名词”这一结构, 其中当数词大于1时,表量的可数名词要用其复数形式。

[第二类] 动词类

4. 你妹妹通常什么时候去上学?

[误] What time does your sister usually goes to school?

[正] What time does your sister usually go to school?

[析] 借助助动词do(或does)构成疑问句或否定句时,句中的谓语动词用其原形。

5. 琳达晚上经常做作业,但今晚她在看电视。

[误] Linda often do her homework in the evening,but this evening she watching TV.

[正] Linda often does her homework in the evening,but this evening she is watching


[析] 在初一英语学习阶段,我们接触到了两种主要时态:一般现在时和现在进行时。一般现在时表示经常的或习惯性的动作,常和often,usually,sometimes 等时间状语连用。在一般现在时的句子中,若主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词要用其第三人称单数形式。现在进行时表示现阶段正在进行或发生的动作,现在进行时由be(am / is / are) + ving形式构成。

6 这双鞋是红的。

[误] This pair of shoes are red.

[正] This pair of shoes is red.

[析] 在shoes,trousers,gloves,glasses等表示成双成对的衣物或工具名词前用pair(表计量)修饰时,谓语动词的形式由pair的单复数形式来决定。

[第三类] 代词类

7. 这张票是她的,不是我的。

[误] This is hers ticket. It’s not my.

[正] This is her ticket. It’s not mine.

[析] 物主代词有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词之分。形容词性物主代词之后一定要接名词,而名词性物主代词之后不需接任何词。

8. 吴老师教我们英语。

[误] Miss Wu teaches our English.

[正] Miss Wu teaches us English.

[析] teach sb. sth.中的sb.作teach的宾语,因此当sb.为人称代词时要用其宾格形式。

[第四类] 介词类

9. 你能到这个问题的答案吗?

[误] Can you find the answer of this question?

[正] Can you find the answer to this question?

[析] 英语中用“the answer to „”表示“„„的答案”。类似结构还有the key to the

door,the way to the zoo

10. 格林先生星期六上午来这里。

[误] Mr Green will come here in Sunday evening.

[正] Mr Green will come here on Sunday evening.

[析] 表示在上午、下午等时,介词要用in;而表示在具体的某天上午、下午时,介词要用on.

11. 那个穿着红裙子的小女孩是我们老师的女儿。

[误] That little girl on a red skirt is our teacher’s daughter.

[正] That little girl in a red skirt is our teacher’s daughter.

[析] 用介词表示“穿戴衣物”时,只能用in,其他介词没有此用法。

[第五类] 副词类

12. 莉莉,你为什么不回家呢?

[误] Lily,why don’t you go to home?

[正] Lily,why don’t you go home?

[析] come,go 等后接here,there,home等地点副词时,地点副词前不加to。

[第六类] 连词类

13. 我喜欢语文和英语,但我不喜欢体育和历史。

[误] I like Chinese and English,but I don’t like history.

[正] I like Chinese and English,but I don’t like history.

[析] 在肯定句中并列成分之间用and来连接;而在否定句中,并列成分之间的连接需用or。

[第七类] 冠词类

14. 乘飞机去北京花了史密斯一家人一个小时。

[误] It takes Smiths a hour to go to Beijing by a plane.

[正] It takes the Smiths an hour to go to Beijing by plane.

[析] 1.表示“„„一家人”用结构“the + 姓氏复数”;

2.our 一词的第一个字母不发音,它是以元音音素开头的,所以“一小时”要用 an hour;


[第八类] 句法类

15. ――你不是学生吗? ――不,我是学生。

[误] ――Aren’t you a student? ――No, I am.

[正] ――Aren’t you a student? ――Yes, I am.

[析] 对否定疑问句的回答是用Yes还是用No,这取决于实际情况:如果事实是肯定的,就用Yes表“不”;如果事实是否定的,就用No表“是的”。


1. — What about Mr. Black's speech?

—Wonderful! There were ____________ people there.

A. a large number of B. much

C. a great deal of D. lots

2. My uncle went to Australia last year. We haven't seen him_______.

A. since almost a year B. from almost a year on

C. after almost a year D. since almost a year


3. — What would you like for _______ breakfast, Mr. Scott?

—Three pieces of bread with_______ cup of black tea, please.

A. a; a B.不填; the C. a; the D.不填;a

4. — What are you looking for, Michelle?

—My cousin's MP3 player. It _______ right here, and now it's_______.

A. has been; gone B .was; gone C. was; going D. is; going

5. — Can your brother make model airplane?

—Yes, this week he ______ a new model.

A. builds B. is built Chad built D.

is building

6. Mr. White is of great help; you ______ let him go.

A .had not better B. had better don' t

C. had better not D. had no better

7. My grandfather wants ______ around the world because he enjoys ______ new places.

A. travelling; seeing B. to travel; to see

C. to travel; seeing D. travelling; to see

8. Mr. Watson won’t be here next week, and______.

A. neither his wife will B. neither his wife won' t

C. his wife won' t neither D. his wife won' t either

9. What about Sally? She's done her best these days;______?

A. hasn't she B. isn't Sally C. hasn't Sally D. isn't she

10. All the children like Mr. White very much because he often makes them______.

A. laughed B. laugh C. laughing D.

to laugh

11. This is ______ that all of us believe it' s very important.

A. such useful information B. so useful an information

C. so useful informations D. such a useful information

12. Mrs. Shute wouldn't leave the TV set, ______ her children were waiting for their supper.

A. if B. because C. even though

D. as soon as

13. ---Could you lend me your dictionary? I left _______ at home.


A. it B. yours C. one D. mine

14. My uncle used _______ a very good football player, but this was a long time ago.

A. to being B. being C. be D. to be

15. ---My car has broken down. Could you please give me a ride tomorrow?

---I’m sorry I ________. I’m leaving for London tonight.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. couldn’t D. shouldn’t

16. ---Is _______true that Americans eat hamburgers and hot dogs every day?

---No, that’s not true, but they are both very popular foods in America.

A. this B. anything C. it D. something

17. ---How well did you do in the maths exam?

---Better than before. I think it was _______ difficult than the last one.

A. more B. less C. much D. very

18. ______ Mrs Wilson came into the classroom, all the children welcomed her.

A. Whether B. As well as C. If D. As soon as

19. We didn’t have enough chairs, _______some of the students had to sit on the floor.

A. but B. so C. or D. and

20. —Why couldn't you the correct spelling of the word?

—Err. . . I hadn't got a Chinese-English dictionary at hand.

A. look for B. look down C. look up D. look at

21. An old friend of my sister's always helps my brother and with English.

A. I; our B. me; ourselves C. I; my D. me; our

22. The letter from my uncle was short. There wasn't news.

A. many B. a few C. much D. few

23. — I take some photos in the hall?

— No, you .

A. Can; needn't B. Must ; mustn't C. Could; won't D. May; mustn't

24. If you carefully, you the report well.

A. will listen; will be understood

B. will listen; understand

C. listen; will understand

D. listen; understand

25. This is just between you and me. You _________tell anyone about this.

A. mustn't B. can C. should D. have not to

1. Tom is very pleased with the painting. Kate is very pleased with the painting, too. (合并为同一意思的简单句)

______Tom _______ Kate are very pleased with the painting.

2. The boy in white is Sue’s child. (就划线部分提问)

____________________ in white?

3. They enjoyed themselves at the garden party.

They at the garden party.

4. The ice on the lake was so thin that people couldn't skate on it.

The ice on the lake was not enough people .

5. Tom's father came home. Tom began to do his homework.

Tom did not ___________________________________ his father came home.

6. Do more sports and you'll be healthier. ___________________________________, you'll

be healthier.


Thousands of years ago, human didn't live in towns. Sometimes they would live in caves or

build camps (宿营地) in the forest.

Only about thirty people 36 in each camp. The men would go hunting while the women and

children 37 food from the trees around the camp. All the food was 38 between everyone in the

group. Every few weeks they moved to another place to find more food. It was a simple life, but

people had to be 39 They had to make everything that they needed, and they had to know a lot

about plants and animals.

Nowadays most people live in towns and cities, and they work in offices and factories. Life is

40 than in the old days. There are fewer 41 , but there is less excitement. Some people go 42

excitements—sailing round the world, climbing mountains, or exploring caves. Most people look

forward to the 43 , a time when they can enjoy a change from their normal life. For some this

means going camping. But camping today is 44 from camping in the past. Gas cookers,

ready-made food and air-beds mean people can camp much more 45 than they did in the old times.

1. A. lived B. talked C. came D. danced

2. A. planted B. collected C. watched D. bought

3. A. found B. used C. shared D. sold

4. A. polite B. kind C. careful D. clever

5. A. worse B. faster C. easier D. harder

6. A. dangers B. stories C. people D. animals

7. A. waiting for B. looking for C. turning on D. putting on

8. A. dreams B. gifts C. meals D. holidays

9. A. away B. different C. free D. far

10. A. slowly B. terribly C. comfortably D. hopefully


Dear Tom,

Are you surprised to hear from me? I have not heard from you s the beginning of the

summer h . How are you getting on with your s ? How are your parents? Is your

brother Bill b f Canada yet?

My stamp collection (集邮) is g bigger and bigger. I have collected stamps of more

than forty d______ countries. In my stamp books, I usually put the stamps from each country

together. I have got a pen-friend from Britain. She gave me some B____ stamps. My American

teacher has given me some beautiful American and Canadian stamps. I'm glad to know you are

going to give me some foreign stamps, but I still have not r_______ the stamps of Nepal which

you said to p_____ me. Have you sent them off yet?

Please write to me soon.


6~10 CCDAB

11~15 ACDDA

16~20 CADBC

21~25 DCDCA

1. Both and

2. Whose child

3. had a good time

4. thick for to skate on it

5. do his homework until

6. If you do more sports

[文章大意]数千年前,人类住在洞穴里或在树林里宿营,男人 打猎,女人和孩子采集野果。所有的食物会在族内共享。 每过几周就会迁徙到另一个食物更多的地方。为了生存,他 们必须学着更聪明,要制作自己需要的东西,要知道许多关于动植物的知识。现在人们大多数住在城镇,生活变简单了却 也更平淡了。有些人为了寻求刺激而去探险和登山。大多数 人在假期里去体验一种不一样的生活。他们也会宿营,但他们的装备和必需品使得宿营和数千年前相比要舒服许多。

36.A 37.B 38.C 39.D 40.C 41.A 42.B 43.D 44.B


1 since

2. holidays

3. sister/sisters

4. back

5. from

6. getting

7. different

8. Building

9. received

10. post

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