
2023年12月14日发(作者:pass away)


Vocabulary and Structure

Choose the best one from the given choices to complete the


1. Mixed-race couples still face ________ in many places.

A. cowardice

B. avarice

C. prejudice

D. sacrifice

2. She ________ a set of silver cutlery from her grandmother.

A. inhibited

B. inheritable

C. inhibition

D. inherited

3. I really don't like first dates—it's like there's a ________ you

have to follow and there are set things you have to talk about.

A. script

B. scroll

C. sketch

D. skit讽刺文;滑稽短剧

4. There is a famous ________ in the centre of London that

many lovers and friends use as a meeting point.

A. ornament

B. moment

C. monument

D. movement

5. His ability to make people laugh was one of his best traits.

A. trades

B. traits

C. treats

D. tropes

6. "After I broke up with my colleague things have become

difficult at work. I don't want to quit my job but I'm considering


A. quit

B. quite

C. quiet

D. quick

7. Spinach is full of ________ and minerals.

A. vapours

B. vegetables

C. vines

D. vitamins

8. Whilst some people think it's very old fashioned, others

still think that poem is the food of love.

A. poem

B. poet

D. poetry

9. I know that recipe but I can't recall the main ingredient.

A. recall

B. recap

C. receive

(d) recite

10. Some religious people, like Hindus or Jews, have special

cooking and eating traditions.

A. realistic

B. religious

C. renowned

(d) respectable

11. People tend to eat turkey or goose on Christmas Day in

the US.

A. temp

B. tend

C. tense

D. test

12. The soup was made with a rich chicken stock.

A. stitch

B. stir

C. stock

D. stout

13. Friends' opinions can be very __ when it comes to a new

girlfriend or boyfriend.

A. infamous

B. infectious

C. inflated

D. influential

14. Bubbles appear in water when it starts to boil.

A. Baubles

B. Billows

C. Bobbles

D. Bubbles

15. Many people think modesty is an important characteristic

in a partner. It's annoying when someone talks about themselves

all the time!

A. mobility

B. modality

C. modernity

D. modesty

16. At the end of the meal I made a toast and thanked the

host for inviting us to dinner.

A. guest

B. host

C. invitee

17. The meat was cooked with a special local recipe that had

been used in the area for hundreds of years.

A. local

B. locale

C. locate

D. location

18. She didn't go on a second date with him because of his

harsh views on women.

A. harmless

B. harsh

C. hasty

D. hearty

19. "I asked the guy from the next office if he would like to

go on a date, but he ________ me."

A. rejected

B. objected

C. subjected

D. projected

20. "I can't believe I'm single again. Perhaps true love only

happens in ________!"

A. novas

B. novels

C. novelties

D. novices

21. _______ by the results of the school leaving exam, she

decided to go to university.


B. Encouraged

C. Encouraging

D. Be encouraged

22.I wish _______ some research before I drew the conclusion.

A.I’d done

B. I have done

C. I did

D. do

university has lots of societies and clubs -- it’s a

chance to _____ new

activities you haven’t done before.


B. trying out

C. try to

D. try out

are on your way to university, this will _____ your



B. relief

C. relieve

D. believe

25.I felt a bit _______ by all the strange looking food.

A. fright

B. frightening

C. frightened

D. being frightened

26. If you _____ late at night you might not be able to get up

in the morning.

A. stay up

B. stay with

C. stay still

D. go on

27. My university has lots of societies and clubs--- it’s a

chance to _____ new activities you haven’t done before.

A. try to

B. try out

C. try

D. trying

28. Don’t ________ your essay late to Mr. Green, or he will get

very angry.

A. hand out

B. handle

C. hand in

D. give in

29. ________ about my time at university, I realize I was very

happy there.

A. Thought

B. Think through

C. Through

D. Thinking

30. _________ the boy to be a new student on her course, she

invited him in.

A. Believing

B. Believe

C. Believed

D. Believe at

31. It is crucial that you submit your subject choices before

the start of the semester.

A. miserable

B. brilliant

C. confident

D. crucial

32. I didn't want to go to the party but my friend _________ me

that I would have a good time.

A. assured

B. assure

C. sure

D. ensure

33. He was so miserable that he wanted to burst _______ tears.

A. in

B. into

C. onto

D. on

34. Many students run _______ of money and have to borrow

some from their parents.

A. up

B. with

C. in

D. out

35. ________ the rain, the barbeque in the park was a lot of fun.

A. Although

B. Despite

C. However

D. Though

36. I saw the waiter _______ something into the dish.

A. puts

B. being put

C. putting

D. be put

37. I ______ him to a beginner’s class in Chinese food.

A. should have taken

B. should take

C. have taken

D. had taken

’s not like a Manhattan Chinatown takeout carefully

_____ Westerners tastes.

d to

B. adapting to

C. adapting for

D. adapted for

39.I cannot accept the system of government ______ I have

had to live.


B. on which

C. under which

D. which

40.______ the description of the man ____ convinced me.

was ... who

B. It is ... that

C. There was ... that

D. There is ... that

41. If you feel ______, you are very tired.

A. joy

B. exhausted

C. bored

D. cheerful

42. I get _____ easily if I have to eat the same thing every day.

A. boring

B. exhausted

C. bored

D. joy

43. The recipe had a long list of ingredients and I found the

instructions rather puzzling.

A. exhausted

B. interested

C. puzzled

D. puzzling

44. Preparing food for 200 people was extremely tiring.

A. tiring

B. tired

C. been tired

D. tied

45. I could feel her heart _____ beneath her coat.

A. beats

B. beating

C. beaten

D. bitten

46. "I want to try these trousers ______. Where's the changing


A. on

B. in

C. with

D. of

47. The desserts looked so delicious that I was ________ and

ate two!

A. gracious

B. grateful

C. greedy

D. grimy

48. The price of strawberries varies a lot at different times of

the year.

A. varies

B. vaults

C. volleys

D. vouches

49. I know that recipe but I can't recall the main ingredient.

A. recall

B. recap

C. receive

D. recite

50. He was so hungry that he couldn't concentrate on his

homework and all he could think about was lunch.

A. compute

B. concentrate

C. conclude

D. control

job they give me to do is __________________.

demanding for the previous one

far as demanding the previous one

to demanding the previous one

demanding as the previous one

have ______ an end to the fighting.

ed for

B. applied for

C. appealed to

D. applied to

53.I must try to avoid _____ the same mistake and stop falling

in love so quickly.


B. making

C. to have made

D. make

and ties go ______ each other.

B. for

C. with

D. on

who buy sports clothes are often loyal ____ a

particular brand.

A. with

B. to

C. by

D. over

56. A(n) _______ noise is one that goes on without stopping.

A. continuously

B. loud

C. continual

D. loudly

57. They’re people _________ we have often worked before.

A. who

B. whom

C. to whom

D. with whom

58. I can't help you, I’m afraid. I’m a bit short ______ cash.

A. of

B. on

C. with

D. off

59. I want to speak to the manager but the line’s busy and

I can’t get ____.

A. on

B. through

C. to

D. off

60. You ______ by changing your ideas or the way you do

things, to get used to a new situation.

A. flip

B. surrender

C. adjust

D. loose

61. The meal came with little pots of sauce to ________ the

meat in.

A. dash

B. dim

C. dip

D. drip

62. Sichuan food is ________ by spicy dishes containing lots of

chilli peppers.

A. characterize

B. characteristic

C. characterization

D. characterized

63. The lady was sitting on the bench crying and was clearly

very ______.

A. to distress

B. distress

C. distressed

D. distressing

64. My first ______ of him was that he was a funny guy, but

still very professional.

A. impress

B. impression

C. impressing

D. impressed

65. They didn't have a good relationship so he was not

________ to help her when she told him about the problem.

A. incline

B. to incline

C. inclined

D. inclining

was reluctant to introduce her to his friends because

he thought they would

laugh at her.


B. refused

C. rejected

D. relative

he was born and brought up in America, he can

speak ___________ Chinese.

A. smooth

B. fluent

C. fluid

D. flowing

68. By the time he arrives in Beijing, we ___________ here for

two days.

A. have been staying

B. have stayed

C. shall stay

D. will have stayed

69. Uncle Sam earned a good reputation ________ being

honest and hard working.

A. because

B. for

C. at

D. despite

70. He is watching TV? He's supposed to be cleaning his


A. known

B. supposed

C. regarded

D. considered

71. If attraction is ______, it is felt in the same way by both

people in a relationship.

A. obvious

B. sparkling

C. attracted

D. mutual

72. I don't feel like ____ out tonight, I’d rather stay in with

my girlfriend.

A. going

B. go

C. went

D. to go

73. We didn’t have much success _____ reducing


A. on

B. in

C. to

D. off

74. He really didn't feel _______ going into town, but he knew

he had to buy a birthday present for his mother.

A. alike

B. liking

C. like

D. to like

75. When people have had a cup of coffee they can carry ____


A. off

B. over

C. through

D. on

76. I caught sight _______ myself in the mirror and realized

that my hair was a mess.

A. in

B. with

C. out

D. of

77. ______ contrast to Hong Kong, Beijing gets very cold in


A. In

B. To

C. With

D. Out

78. It was a very formal party and he was conscious ______ the

fact that he was wearing jeans and trainers.

A. in

B. of

C. out

D. to

79. When you get married you promise to be ________ to you

partner, but many people still have affairs.

A. faith

B. faithful

C. faithfully

D. faithfulness

80. "Did you hear about Karen? Her new boyfriend ________

to her after just six weeks!"

A. proposal

B. propose

C. proposed

D. proposing

81. I was reluctant to go on a blind date, but my friends

convinced me it was a good idea.

A. relieved

B. reluctant

C. reminiscent

D. repellent

82. He ________ he had climbed Mount Everest but she didn't

believe him.

A. claimed

B. disclaimed

C. reclaimed

D. unclaimed

83. Many women love to shop and _______ large volumes of

clothes, shoes and accessories.

A. accumulate

B. to accumulate

C. accumulating

D. accumulated

84. "I love shopping, but I'm a bit of a shopaholic! To avoid

going into debt, I only buy clothes that are ________ or on special


A. discount

B. discounted

C. discounting

D. to discount

85. When you get married you promise to be ________ to you

partner, but many people still have affairs.

A. faith

B. faithful

C. faithfully

D. faithfulness

86. Sometimes there is a powerful ________ between two

people, even when they have only just met.

A. attract

B. attractive

C. attraction

D. attracts

87. Whilst others marry for love, some people consider

financial ________ to be an important factor in a relationship.

A. seclusion

B. secretary

C. sector

D. security

88. When choosing a partner, many people think about

whether a person has the potential to be a good parent.

A. position

B. possession

C. potential

D. protection

89. Being single is an ________ to discover yourself, meet new

people and find out what you want from your next relationship.

A. operation

B. opponent

C. opportunity

D. opposition

90. _____ you have bachelor’s degree can you apply for this


A. Only if

B. If only

C. Only

D. If

91. _______ his five children to raise, he could live comfortably.

A. But for

B. Except for

C. But that

D. Now that

92. _______ had we reached the top of the tower _______ it

began to rain.

A. No sooner ... when

B. No sooner ... than

C. Hardly ... than

D. Scarcely ... then

93. The certificates were false _______ they were not signed

by the right person.

A. in that

B. since that

C. so that

D. for that

94. _______ hard he tries, he never seems able to pass the


A. However as

B. No matter how

C. Although how

D. While how

95. They will let you use their old house _______ you keep it


A. in order that

B. so that

C. on condition that

D. until

96. ______ the children have gone abroad to study we’ve got

a lot of

spare time.

A. Supposing that

B. Now that

C. Seeing that

D. In order that

97. He will choose to send his daughter to this kindergarten

as long as

she doesn’t have to get up so early.

A. lest

B. as long as

C. in case

D. while

98. It may be three or five years _______ it is possible to test


medicine on human patients according to scientists.

A. since

B. before

C. after

D. when

99. A company cannot operate efficiently unless it is free

from such


A. so long as

B. so that

C. unless

D. because

100. It wasn’t such a good party as the host had promised


A. that

B. which

C. as

D. what


1-20 C D A C B A D A A B B C D D D B A B A B 21-40 B A D C

C A B C D A D A B D B C A D C B 41-60 B C D A B A C A A B D A

B C B C D A B C 61-80 C D C B C A B D B B D A B C D D A B B C

81-100 B A A B B C D C C A A B A B C B B B C C

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