自考英语二(新版)原文 Unit 10 Ode to Public Transportation


Unit 10 Ode to Public Transportation

A Famous Quote:

Plain living and high thinking.

— William Wordsworth



William Wordsworth (1770-1850), one of the greatest English poets. He was a leader

of the romantic movements in England and one of the greatest lyric poets in the history of

English literature.

Pre-reading Questions:

1. Do you find it important to use public transportation? What are some of the reasons?


2. What suggestions do you give to others on using public transportation?


New Words


n. to publicly and officially tell people about something important 宣布;宣告;声明


n. a part of an area of activity, especially of a country's economy (尤指一国经济的)部门,领域,行业


n. a thing that you must have and cannot manage without 必需的事物;必需品


n. a plan or preparation that you make so that something can happen 安排;筹备


that is under the control of a particular country or ruler 领土;版图;领地


you pay money upfront, you pay it before any work has been done or

before any goods are supplied 预付地;预交地


condition of having painful red skin because you have spent too much

time in the sun 晒斑;晒伤


n.[pl.] food and other goods sold by a grocer or at a supermarket 食品杂货


n.a straight line between the centre of a circle and any point on its outer

edge;the length of this line 半径(长度)


n. the money that you spend on something 费用;价钱


a year 一年一次地


n. all the people living together in a house 一家人;家庭


journey that a person makes when they travel regularly by bus, train,

car, n their place of work and their home 上下班路程


v. to change or make something change from one thing to another (使)改变,转变


n.a vehicle or method of travel 交通车辆;运输工具;旅行方式


n. a chemical element 碳


n. the largest part of a group of people or things 大部分;大多数


make somebody gradually stop doing or using something 使逐渐戒除恶习(或避免依赖…)


state of needing the help and support of somebody/something in order

to survive or be successful (生存或成功必需的)依靠,依赖,依存


adv. used to show that something is almost, but not completely, accurate

or correct 大概;大约;约莫


l oil that is found under the ground or the sea and is used to produce

petrol/gas, paraffin, diesel oil, etc.石油;原油


n. a thing that does not follow a rule 规则的例外;例外的事物


ted with electricity;using or producing electricity 电的;用电的;发电的


ted with the trade, industry and development of wealth of a country,

an area or a society 经济的;经济上的;经济学的


n. a form of energy from charged elementary particles, usually supplied

as electric current through cables, wires, lighting, heating, driving machines,



fixed;not likely to move, change or fail 稳定的;稳固的;牢固的


become stronger;to make somebody/something stronger 加强;增强;巩固


a result;therefore 因此;所以


become or make something become smaller, weaker, less important, etc.(使)变小,变少,减弱,减轻


n.a supply of something that a country, an organization or a person has and

can use, especially to increase their wealth 资源;财力


state of feeling relaxed or comfortable without worries, problems or pain


make something easier 减轻;放松;缓和


n.a person or an animal that lives in a particular place (某地的)居民,栖息动物


very great in amount or extent 有限的

Phrases and Expressions

bask in to enjoy sitting or lying in the heat or light of something, especially the

sun 晒太阳;取暖

account for to be a particular amount or part of something (数量上、比例上)占

be reliant upon to need somebody/something in order to survive, be successful, etc.依赖;依靠

be attributed to to say or believe that something is the result of a particular thing




publicly and officially tell people about something important 宣布;宣告;声明

eg: After its independence India was proclaimed a republic.印度独立之后宣布成立共和国。


that is proclaimed 公告;布告;声明

eg: issue/make a proclamation 发布公告

构词: 前缀pro- (向前)+词根claim (喊叫)

词根claim, clam 喊叫

claim v.声称,宣称

acclaim v.欢呼

acclamation n.欢呼,喝彩

declaim v.抨击,雄辩

declamation n.朗诵;慷慨陈词

exclaim v.惊叫,呼喊

exclamation n.惊叹;惊叹词


money that you spend on something 费用;价钱

eg: Who's meeting the expenses of your trip? 谁为你支付旅费呢?

at sb's expense with 由某人付费

eg: We were entertained at the editor's expense.由编辑付钱招待我们。



g a lot (of money)费用大的;昂贵的

eg: Houses are very expensive in this area.这地区房价很高。

It's too expensive for me to buy.太贵了,我买不起。


v. the journey that a person makes when they travel regularly by bus, train,

car, n their place of work and their home 上下班路程

eg: She commutes from Oxford to London every day.她每天通勤于牛津和伦敦之间。


n. person who commutes 通勤者

eg: The five o'clock train is always packed with commuters.五点钟那趟车总是挤满了通勤者。


change or make something change from one thing to another (使)改变,转变

eg: Tim could switch easily from French to 可以很容易地从法语转到英语。


switch (sth.)on connect (electricity, an appliance)接通(电流等);开(用电器)

eg: Don't switch the radio on yet.暂时不要打开收音机。

switch (sth.)off disconnect (electricity, etc)切断(电流等)

eg: Switch off the gas, power, the mains 切断煤气源﹑ 电源等


n. a vehicle or method of travel 交通车辆;运输工具;旅行方式

eg: I normally travel by public transport.我出门通常乘坐公共交通工具。


transporting or being transported 运送;运输;流放

eg: road and rail transport 公路及铁路运输


sth./ one place to another in a vehicle 运送,运输(某物[某人])

eg: The products were ~ed from the factory to the station.产品从工厂被运到车站。


n. the largest part of a group of people or things 大部分;大多数

eg: The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio.大部分人似乎喜欢看电视而不喜欢听收音。

反义词 minority 少数


become stronger; to make somebody/something stronger 加强;增强;巩固

eg: Our friendship has steadily strengthened over the years.这些年我们之间的友谊逐渐加强。

反义词 weaken


v. to become or make something become smaller, weaker, less important, etc.(使)变小,变少,减弱,减轻

eg: The pain was already lessening.疼痛正在减轻。


n.a supply of something that a country, an organization or a person has and

can use, especially to increase their wealth 资源;财力

eg: rich in natural, mineral, agricultural, ces 自然的﹑矿产的﹑农业的...资源丰富

Text A: The Importance of Public Transportation


A US Congressman once proclaimed that, “There can be no doubt that the transportation

sector is the most critical sector of our economy.” I know exactly what he means. In this day

and age, access to transportation is considered a necessity.


Public transportation is defined as a service that is available for use by the general public.

It is a cheaper and environmentally friendly alternative. It is not a transportation service that

you can arrange privately to suit your own personal convenience (although you may, to a

certain extent, such as paying for cabin or suite on a train or ship) since you have to consider

other passengers who are riding and making similar arrangements with you.


I have experienced first-hand how important public transportation is.


I live in Saipan, a US territory and the closest things we have to public transportation are

tourist and school buses. You have to have your own car or bike, rent a car, or pay upfront for

a taxi to go from point A to point B. Otherwise you end up basked in a sweat and sunburn

traveling to work every day. When I first came here, I walked. I walked going to and from

work. I walked to the store and lugged my heavy groceries back to the house. I walked to

church and I barely got to places farther than a twenty-mile radius from my house since I did

not own a car then, and I considered renting a car and riding a taxi such an expense for a

starting single mother like I was at that time.


For me, public transportation is very important because of the following reasons:


1. It saves money.


According to research done by American Public Transportation Association, individuals

can save up to $9,515 annually by parking their cars at home and using public transportation

instead. In this economy, saving money become a main concern in most households. With the

rising prices of fuel and other vehicle-related expenses, doing the public commute to work

and school certainly saves money.


2. It helps the environment.


When you switch from driving your car to taking public transport, you are reducing your

carbon footprint and making a great step forward in saving the environment. The

environmental costs of individuals using their cars every day has done massive damage to the

environment and if the majority or all individuals like you and me use public transport

instead, think of what good we could do for the environment.


3. It will wean us out of energy dependence.


According to a paper made by Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue and Dr. Claude comtois,

transportation accounts for approximately 25% of world energy demand and for more than

62%of all the oil used each year. Ninety-five percent of transportation is almost completely

reliant upon petroleum products with the exception of railways using electrical power. While

the use of petroleum for other economic sectors, such as industrial and electricity generation,

has remained relatively stable, the growth in oil demand attributed to the growth in

transportation demand.

根据Jean.Paul Rodrigue和claude comtois博士所写的一篇文章,交通所耗费的能源大概占世界能源需求的25%,每年的耗油量超过62%。除了铁路使用电力外,95%的交通基本上完全依赖于石油产品。而其他使用石油的经济领域,诸如工业和电力行业都保持相对稳定,石油的需求日益增加主要归因于交通需求的增长。

When we strengthen our public transportation services, we are consequently lessening

this oil demand and dependence. It will also motivate us to consider alternative energy and

fuel resources.


4. It provides ease and convenience.


Having public transportation definitely eases some of the burdens of people who do not

have cars or prefer no to own one. They are provided with choices to use public transport.

Public transportation also provides valuable services not just to local inhabitants in the area

but to tourists as well. When a tourist visits a place, which does not have public transportation,

their choices are limited and the experience they get is limited, too.


All in all, public transportation improves our way of life, strengthens the community,

provides new jobs for the public and gives us a cleaner environment.



Text A

I .1.A 2. B 3. D 4.D 5.C

II . Section A

1. economic 2. arrangement 3 . dependent 4. valuable 5 . exception 6. ease

Section B

l. necessities 2. strengthen 3. lessening 4. limited 5. proclaimed 6. commutes

Section C

1. for 2. on/upon 3. to 4. up 5. to 6. in

III. 1. limited 2. running out of 3. refers to 4. low 5. require 6. another 7. compared to

8 . personal 9. positive 10. economic

Ⅳ. Section A

1. basking in the warm sunlight

2. accounts for 35% of the corporate revenue

3. attributed her success to her hard work

4. up to more than 500 guests

5. end up in prison

Section B


V.2 4 3 5 6 l


Pre-reading Questions:

1. Do you prefer public transportation or driving?


2. What advantages do you expect the author will give for taking public transportation?


New Words


n.a thing that helps you to be better or more successful than other people



adj. true and accurate 真实的;真正的


n.a statement that something will certainly be true or will certainly happen,

particularly when there has been doubt about it 保证;担保


intention;in an intentional manner 有意地;故意地


, severe and unkind 残酷的;严酷的;严厉的


a respectful manner 恭敬地


adj. physically healthy, fit and strong in contrast to somebody who is

weak and disabled 健康的;健壮的


state or quality of being enthusiastic and/or friendly 热情;友情


n.[pl.] the courage and determination that it takes to do something difficult

or unpleasant 勇气;胆量;决心;毅力

particularly ally; more than usual or more than others 特别;尤其


n.a boat or ship that carries people, vehicles and goods across a river or across

a narrow part of the sea 渡船


n.a place to which somebody/ something is going or being sent 目的地;终点


act of keeping something in good condition by checking or repairing

it regularly 维护;保养


no more of something than is necessary 节俭的;节约的;简洁的


l and unexpected, and usually unpleasant 异常的;意外的;棘手的;不幸的


ing that happens, especially something unusual or unpleasant 发生的事情(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的)


process of being moved or carried from one place to another 运输;运送;搬运;载运


make an illness or a bad or unpleasant situation worse 使严重;使恶化


n.a determined effort to achieve something 矢志的追求;坚定的努力


make something continue for some time without becoming less 使保持;使稳定持续


gradually get more and more of something over a period of time 积累;积聚


pay careful attention to somebody's advice or warning 留心;注意;听从(劝



place where a particular type of animal or plant is normally found



n.a place where taxis, buses, while they are waiting for passengers


Phrases and Expressions

pick up to allow somebody to get into your vehicle and take them somewhere 让人乘车;搭载

by and large used when you are saying something that is generally, but not completely,

true 大体上;总体上

conduct oneself to behave in a particular way 举止;表现

in public when other people, especially people you do not know, are present 公开地;在别人(尤指生人)面前

to hand something over to somebody else 把…交给(或让与)…

save on to avoid wasting something or using more than necessary 节省;节约

keep tabs on to watch somebody/something carefully in order to know what is happening

so that you can control a particular situation 监视;密切注视

God/Heaven/Lord forbid(that…)used to say that you hope that something will not

happen 但愿这事不发生



n.a thing that helps you to be better or more successful than other people


eg: gain an advantage over an opponent 获得超越对手的优势



adj. true and accurate 真实的;真正的

eg: an authentic document, signature, painting 正式文件﹑亲笔签字﹑原作绘画


done or made in the traditional or original way 原汁原味的

eg: authentic French food 地道法国菜

同义词 genuine



n. quality of being authentic 真实性;可靠性;确实性

eg: The authenticity of the manuscript is beyond doubt.手稿的真实性是毋庸置疑的。


intention;in an intentional manner 有意地;故意地

eg: I have never intentionally hurt anyone.我从没故意伤害过任何人。


which one proposes or plans to do 意图;意向;目的;打算

eg: I have no intention of coming to this terrible place again! 我再也不想到这个糟糕的地方来了。


on purpose; not accidental; intended 存心的;故意的;蓄意的

eg: If I hurt your feelings, it was not intentional.我若伤了你的感情, 那并不是有意的。


act of keeping something in good condition by checking or repairing

it regularly 维护;保养

eg: The caretaker is responsible for the maintenance of the school buildings.看门人负责校舍的维修。



1)keep (sth.)in good condition or working order 保养,维修(某物)

eg: maintain the roads, a house, a car, etc.保养道路﹑房子﹑汽车等

2)cause continue; keep existence at the same level, standard, etc.保持或维持某事物

eg: Maintain your speed at 60 mph.你要保持每小时60英里的速度。


process of being moved or carried from one place to another 运输;运送;搬运;载运

eg: His luggage was lost in transit.他的行李在运送中丢失了。


make an illness or a bad or unpleasant situation worse 使严重;使恶化

eg: He aggravated his condition by leaving hospital too soon.他因过早出院而使病情恶化。

构词:前缀ag-(加强)+词根grav (重)

词根grav, griev, grief=heavy 重

grave adj.庄重的

aggravate v.加重

gravity n.地心引力

grieve v.使悲伤

grief n.悲伤


gradually get more and more of something over a period of time 积累;积聚

eg: He accumulated a fortune by hard work.他靠努力工作积蓄了一笔财富。

Text B: Personal Advantages of Taking Public Transportation


When I take public transport, I always end up seeing a balanced view of regular folks,

which is different from how they’re usually depicted in the profit-driven media. I meet real,

authentic people who may have the same concerns as mine. Whenever I’m on a bus, or the

train, or even at times in a taxi that I share with other passengers, whom the driver picks up

along the way, I get assurances that most folks mean well to me, i.e., they don’s mean to harm

me intentionally, despite a few terrible, harsh experiences I’ve had with some bad people



The meaningful experience of receiving respect from and giving respect to others


People generally behave as politely and respectfully as they can whenever they take

public transportation. That’s how all of us were taught, by and large, by our parents, our

elders and the generations before. We always need to conduct our best selves when in public.

It’s a great experience seeing able-bodied men giving up seats for the elderly, disabled, or

pregnant women. I even see women give up seats to others. I see people smiling and talking

with each other. I feel more warmth among people when on a bus or the train. I see people

behaving genuinely pleasant toward co-passengers, and I realize it takes a lot of guts to do

this especially during there difficult times.


Save cash or other purposes


I always get the opportunity to save money, and am actually gaining pennies these days.

This is particularly true when you live in a city, like New York, where subways and buses are

in place. I’ve done the math: it’s far cheaper to take the subway and then bus, plus the ferry if

you live in Staten Island like me, than to keep a car and drive yourself to your usual

destination. You save on the parking fees, the toll fees, the insurance cost, the repair and

maintenance costs, and the perceived costs of aggravation from motorists on the road, the fuel,

among other costs. On public transportation, you simply just pay the fare.


Light baggage to bring with you


I just carry myself and my tiny baggage. I occupy the least space, which is actually

wherever I happened to be standing or sitting, which contributes to my baggage being very

economical and lighter to carry. If ever there would be untoward incidents while in transit, I’d

always be assured that I only have myself to worry about, which is unlike when you’re in

your car. If an accident happens while you are in your car, you will be doubly aggravated

because you will have to keep tabs on things other than yourself (who, by then, may be

extremely anxious or even, may the Lord-forbid, in a worst situation).



Strong push for long-term environmental projects


I am confident that I contribute more to efforts in sustaining and keeping a much cleaner

environment. Motorists always have to consider that they actually are contributing more to

accumulated environmental damage when they use fossil-sourced fuel for their cars. Those

who are concerned about the environment, especially policymakers, leaders and managers,

might as well heed this by taking the chance to take public transportation if time allows them.

Their followers will eventually get the message: You’ll be contributing more to saving what’s

left of our habitat by keeping away from using less of the natural resources.


Movement and exercise


I get the chance to do my exercises waling from my place to the bus stand (or the

subway station, or the ferry station). I actually feel a much healthier me whenever I take

public transportation.


Come, join me and everyone else taking public transportation.


Text B

I . Section A

1.Y 2.N 3.N 4.N 5.Y 6.Y

Section B

1. end up seeing

2. behave as politely and respectfully as they can

3 conduct ourselves best

4. takes a lot of guts

5. for other purposes

6. efforts in sustaining and keeping .

II . Section A

1. maintenance 2. Considerable 3. economical 4. accumulation 5. warmth 6. assurance

Section B

1. pushing 2. disadvantage 3. incidents 4. intention 5. sustained 6. aggravated

Section C

l. up 2. in 3. to 4. on 5. on 6. in

III. Section A

1. how they conduct themselves at work

2. despite of the government's assurance of expanding employment

3. consider other people before you take actions

4. they have never quarreled with each other in public

5. very confident that everything would go as planned

Section B



IV. Section A

1. at this point in our country, the amount of violence seems to be increasing every day.

2.I called to the children repeatedly to get ion, but failed.

3. from June,1 will be working at the store on a full-time basis.

4. because his car refused to start up, Chen had to take public transportation to his place of work.

5. as a little boy,Ialready knew that my goal was to be a stockbroker in the future。

Section B

1. much as 2. for example 3. Also 4. Similarly 5. Even 6. In conclusion 7. but

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