


STEM Summer Programs for High School Students

STEM is a term that stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Here is a list of

some of the best STEM summer camps for high school students.

Future Matters Program

It is an eight-week paid summer research experience for high school students. This is a hands-on

program for worldwide students interested in going after a career in medical research. Students will

attend seminars led by faculty and participate in discussions with peers.

Simons Summer Research

It is a seven-week program located at Stony Brook University. Students will have the opportunity to

participate in special workshops, tours and events. They will conclude the program by producing a

written research abstract and research poster.

Research Science Institute

It is the first cost-free program of its kind. During this seven-week program, students will dive

deeper into the world of science and engineering by experiencing the entire research cycle. In this

program, students attend classes conducted by famous professors and prepare oral presentations to

present their research.

Program in Math for Young Scientists

This program is a six-week intensive mathematics program designed for students across the globe.

Unlike common programs, it offers a great deal of independence for students to choose their own

schedules and decide what they want to study. Besides learning, there is also “mandatory (强制)fun

time” built into the weekly schedule so that students are able to have non-math related activities.

1. Which program will be summarized with written material?

A.Future Matters Program.

C.Research Science Institute.

B.Simons Summer Research.

D.Program in Math for Young Scientists.

2. What do Simons Summer Research and Research Science Institute have in common?

A.Expense. B.Requirement. C.Duration. D.Content.

3. What’s special in Program in Math for Young Scientists?

A.Cultivating independent sill.

C.Enrolling international students.

When I was 13, I climbed my first mountain--a fairly gentle 3,900-foot peak. I was overweight at the

time and out of breath when I reached the summit. But I loved challenging myself. Soon I’d climbed

nearly 100 peaks. My parents were happy I’d finally found a hobby.

B.Attending non-math activities.

D.Tailoring personal schedules.

I often go climbing with my friend Mel Olsen. She and I drove to tackle 11, 240-foot Mount Hood.

It’s safer to start winter climbs at night when there’s less risk of the sun melting the snowpack. That

day, we started at 3 a. m. At around9 a. m., we reached an ice step. It was about three or four feet tall

and sloped al a 75-degree angle. 1 volunteered to go first. I placed my left foot on the ice step.

I gained a sense of the ice when 1 stuck my ax and crampons (鞋底钉) into it, and it felt good.

Confident I was safe, I put my full weight on it. Suddenly, I heard a crack, and as the snowpack

became thinner, a whole piece of ice broke off the step, right under my foot.

In an instant, I fell backward, bouncing off the rock face and rolling down the mountain as if I were

a character in a video game. I remember thinking, This is it. You’re done. I stuck out my arms and

legs, grabbing at anything. That stopped my rolling down the mountain, but I was still sliding, After

2 few seconds, I came to a stop on a shallow slope.

I asked myself: Where are you? Mount Hood. What’s the date? December 30. Good. My brain was

functioning. Then I checked my body to see where I was hurt. For the most part, I was fine, except

that I was suffering from a sharp pain in my left leg. Later I’d learn that I’d broken my femur (大腿骨) and that the bone was slicing into my skin and muscle.

At the bottom of Mount Hood, I was loaded into an ambulance and taken to a hospital. The doctors

told me it would be a year before I could climb again, but I was back on the trails within six months.

4. Why did the author and her friend set out at 3 a. m. ?

A.It was the best time to enjoy scenery.

C.They wanted to finish the climb before


B.It was more challenging to climb at night.

D.They hoped to avoid some possible


5. Why is “a character in a video game” mentioned in paragraph 4?

A.To show her strong character.

C.To help readers imagine the scene.

B.To make her idea more convincing.

D.To add to the humor of the description.

6. How did the author make sure she could still think clearly?

A.By recalling what had happened.

C.By calling an ambulance for rescue.

7. What can we learn about the author?

A.She is too brave to pay attention to any danger.

B.R She has a strong desire for professional knowledge.

C.Setbacks can’t stop her from challenging herself.

D.The love for nature sets her apart from her friends.

Cancer is caused by gene mutations (突变) that accumulate in cells over time, yet long-lived animals

that have lots of cells, such as elephants and whales, hardly ever get it. Why?

B.By checking whether she was injured.

D.By asking herself some factual questions.

For elephants, at least, part of the answer may be the gene commonly known as p53, which also

helps humans and many other animals repair DNA damaged during replication (复制). Elephants

have an amazing 20 copies of this gene. Those copies, each with two variations produce a total of 40

proteins, compared with humans’ (and most animals’) single copy producing two proteins.

In mammals, p53 plays a crucial role in preventing mutated cells from turning into tumors (肿瘤). It

works by pausing replication and then either initiating repair or causing cells to self-destruct if the

damage is too extensive. Without action from p53, cancer can easily take hold: in more than half of

all human cancers, the gene’s function has been lost through random mutations.

The scientists virtually modeled and studied carefully elephants’ 40 p53 proteins, finding two ways

the gene could help elephants avoid cancer. First, the fact that elephants possess multiple copies

lowers the chance of p53 no longer working because of mutations. Additionally, elephants’ p53

copies activate in response to varying mutations and so respond to damaged cells differently, which

likely gives an edge when detecting and getting rid of mutations.

These “remarkable” results imply that elephants have a series of means though which p53 can

operate, says Sue Haupt, a cell biologist who was not involved in the work. This points to “exciting

possibilities for exploring powerful new approaches to cancer protection in humans,” she adds.

Study co-author Robin Fahraeus and his colleagues are now following up on these results using

blood samples from an African elephant at the Vienna Zoo. They are exploring how its p53 proteins

interact with damaged cells and plan to compare those findings with results from human cells.

8. What does the underlined word “initiating” mean in paragraph 3?



9. How do p53 copies free elephants from cancer?

A.By preventing the replication thoroughly.

B.By providing precise response continuously.

C.By lowering the chance of mutations in advance.

D.By repairing the damaged cells in the same way.

10. What can we conclude from the last 2 paragraphs?

A.The results need further tests.

B.More biologists will participate in the study.

C.The results throw light on humans’ fighting cancer.

D.Researchers have new findings in African elephants.

11. What is the text mainly about?

A.Why elephants don’t get cancer.



B.What contributes to elephants’ long life.

C.Where the anticancer breakthrough lies.

D.How the key cancer-fighting gene works.

The impact of the man-made climate crisis on Antarctica is scientifically undeniable: stable ice

shelves are retreating, air temperature increased by 3 degrees Celsius. krill(磷虾)numbers are

declining, melting ice is contributing to sea level rise, and polar bears and seals are getting

displaced. “Antarctic biodiversity could decline substantially by the end of the century if we

continue with business as usual.” Jasmine Rachael Lee, lead author of the University of Queensland

study says.

Published in the journal PLOS Biology, the study finds population declines are likely for 65% of the

continent’s plants and wildlife by the year 2100. The most vulnerable(脆弱的)species is the

Emperor penguins. In October 2022, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed Emperor penguins as

a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act(ESA), as experts predict the flightless

seabird will see a 26% to 47% dip in its population by 2050. “This listing reflects the growing

extinction crisis and highlights the importance of the ESA and efforts to conserve species before

population declines become irreversible(不可逆转).” said Service Director Martha Williams at the


Aside from Emperor penguins, other Antarctic specialists, like the Adélie penguin and dry soil

nematodes, were also highly vulnerable. We urgently need a combination of global and local

conservation action to best conserve Antarctic species. Global action and global voices to help

relieve climate change—because the biggest threat to Antarctica is coming from outside of it. And

then we need local actions to help protect biodiversity against local threats and give them the best

chance of adapting to climate changes. This will help to save our iconic(代表性的)species like the

Emperor penguins and all of Antarctica’s unique and highly adapted inhabitants. It will also help

humankind, as we rely heavily on the priceless services the Antarctic provides in regulating our

climate and capturing sea level in its ice sheets.

12. What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A.The impact of climate crisis is usually denied.

B.Conservation efforts are badly needed.

C.Air temperature on Antarctic increases 3℃ annually.

D.Sea level rise results in seabirds losing their habitats.

13. Why is the Emperor penguin mentioned in Paragraph 2?

A.To serve as a call to protect wildlife on Antarctic

B.To reflect the growing population of wild species.

C.To prove the effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act.

D.To highlight the severe impact of rising temperature.

14. What is probably the best conservation policy?

A.Reducing the chances of making a trip to Antarctic.

B.Making joint efforts to relieve climate change.

C.Attempting to provide essential nutrients to the ecosystem.

D.Continuing to carry forward the Endangered Species Act.

15. What is the best title for the text?

A.Plants and Wildlife on Antarctica Will Decline Quickly

B.Antarctic Species Are Vulnerable to Human Threats

C.More Action Should Be Taken to Protect Wildlife on Antarctica

D.The Best Conservation Strategy Will Be Carried Out Soon

We often try to save money for a variety of different reasons. It might be to save up for a new

computer or put money aside into a rainy-day fund. 16 , but a recent study showed that over half of

all 22~29-year-olds living in the UK have no savings at all. Did they max out on too many things, or

are there other factors? And how can we become better savers?

First, put a stop to those impulse buys. 17 , even if it is on sale or looks like a bargain. Impulse buys

are done in the heat of the moment and without thought for what it’s costing you. Encouraging

yourself to question your purchase before you buy allows you to process what you are doing.

18 . Withdraw cash before you go to a restaurant or shopping and set a fixed budget you must stick

to. Also, any change that comes from your transactions when you’re using cash can be put in jar and

deposited into your account.

Finally, be disciplined. 19 . It’s about sticking to it, too. You shouldn’t be dipping into your savings

every time you feel like it. Setting up a standing order from your current account into your savings

the moment you receive your salary will ensure you keep up the habit. 20 .

Just as the old saying goes: “A penny saved is a penny earned.” These are some of the actions we

can take to help us all become better savers.

A.Learning how to save is important

B.Ask about discounts and pay in cash

C.It’s not just about creating that budget

D.Sometimes, saving money can be difficult

E.Another way is to use cash rather than card

F.Ask yourself if you really need to buy something

G.Successful savers stick to their plans and watch the money pile up

It was a cold, sunny December day when I set out for a run in Moab, Utah, with my dog, Taz.

About an hour into my ________ along a remote canyon (峡谷) trail, I hit a patch of black ice (透明薄冰) and then ________ 60 feet into the canyon. I wasn’t paralyzed, but I was in great ________.

Taz had managed to ________ his way back to me, so there must be a way out of the canyon, but I

couldn’t ________ or even crawl.

I shouted for help and was intent on ________ myself to the bottom of the canyon. Every inch was

an effort. It ________ me five hours to go a quarter of a mile. ________, it got so dark that I had to

stay where I was for the night, next to a puddle (水坑) of water. At night the temperature dropped

below ________. Taz stayed with me, ________ some next morning, I couldn’t move

at all. I tried to stay ________. The second night in the canyon seemed even ________ and colder.

The puddle turned to ice, and I had to ________ it to get water.

On the third day, I felt myself growing weaker. I was coming to terms with the fact that I might

________. In a last ________ , I called Taz over and told him to go and get help. Taz took off

through the canyon and I lay there thinking about my family and friends. There was more that I

wanted from life.

Taz returned, ________ . Then I heard an engine in the distance. I cried with joy. It ________ that

Taz had found a search and ________ team. I was airlifted to the hospital, where doctors found I had

lost almost half the ________ in my body. If the rescue team had arrived later, I wouldn’t have

________ it. I was grateful to my faithful friend -Taz.














B.dragging C.lifting D.pulling

B.escape C.cry D.shout

B.locate C.find D.confirm

B.shock C.pain D.need

B.jumped C.broke D.headed

B.march C.walk D.run





















A.came out






A.entered B.made C.reached D.got

B.cells C.water D.sweat

B.interview C.rescue D.sports

B.turned out C.proved out D.worked out

B.asleep C.awake D.alone

B.trial C.chance D.break

B.help C.leave D.die

B.adopt C.appreciate D.crack

B.longer C.shorter D.louder

B.confident C.positive D.negative

B.repeating C.delivering D.providing

B.boiling C.freezing D.average

B.Eventually C.Fortunately D.Initially

B.cost C.wasted D.gave



Yuan Longping is a great scientist 41 is devoted to agriculture. He was 42 (bear) in 1930, Yuan

graduated 43 Southwest Agricultural College. After 44 (graduate), finding ways to grow more

productive rice has been his life goal. Thanks to 45 (he) research in hybrid rice, we have more tools

46 (increase) the rice output and rid the world of hunger, for which he is 47 (honour) as “Father of

Hybrid Rice”.

Yuan Longping lives a simple life and he cares little about money or being famous. As for hobbies,

he enjoys swimming as well as 48 (listen) to music.

Yuan Longping 49 (make) great contributions not only to China, but also to the whole world.

Therefore, in my eyes, he is more of 50 scientist, he is a pioneer for all people.








I love reading. I love it so much that no matter where I go, and I will put a book in my bag. And I

will take it out and read a couple of page when I am free. However, so a good habit also has its

disadvantages. Once my mother had anything urgent to deal with and can’t spare time to cook.

I promised her that I would cook. But thinking it was still earlier, I picked up a book to read. Soon I

got lost in the story. Not until my mother came back I realize I forgot to cook the meal. In my relief,

she didn’t blame me. She just reminded me to pay attention to protect my eyesight. What the good
















Dear Han Shuo,



Li Hua.

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