




1.His father ________ in a panda protection center for over 10 years, so he knows a lot about


A.works B.is working C.has worked D.will work

2.—Look! The light in Lucy’s office is still on. She ________ be working there.

—It ________ be her. She has gone to Hangzhou on business.

A.must; can’t B.can; mustn’t C.must; mustn’t D.may; needn’t

3.I don’t know when he ________ tonight. When he ________, I will call you.

A.will return, will return

C.returns, will return

4.—Listen! Someone is playing the piano.

—Wow! ________ beautiful music it is! I love it very much.

A.How B.What a C.What an D.What

B.will return, returns

D.returns, returns

5.— What do you want to say about your driving test?

— I think if I _________ another chance, I’ll certainly do it better.

A.give B.am given C.will give D.have given

6.—Can you tell me ________ to fly to Beijing from Guangzhou?

—About 3 hours.

A.how long does it take

C.how long it takes

B.how far it takes

D.how soon it takes

7.Scott keeps on trying _________ there is little hope. He doesn’t want to give up such a

good chance.

A.even though B.because C.so that D.unless


A slow train in Southwest China has attracted much attention from netizen (网民)

because of its own study room. The train No.5609/5610, which runs ____8____ Chongqing

and Xiushan county, is a slow train.

In some carriages (车厢), some seats have been replaced with desks and chairs under the


windows ____9____ it into a “study carriage” for passengers in need.

The Chinese characters “Yu Yue” appear on ____10____ train, which translates to

“traveling and reading happily”. Other inspirational slogans (标语) ____11____ throughout

the study carriages.

Besides No.5609/5610, ____12____ slow trains have been upgraded with “study

carriages”, including No.5619/5620 and 5633/5634 which run along the Chengdu—Kunming

Railway. Students ____13____ are from nearby schools often take the train between school

and home. The trains are their “school buses” and many passengers use their travel time to

complete homework.

On train No. Z150, which runs between Guiyang and Beijing, a book bar carriage has

been welcomed by college ____14____. There are nearly 400 universities and colleges in the

cities along the line, ____15____ train No. Z150 becomes the first choice for most students of

those schools.

Since 2015, the train’s dining car ____16____ open for free at night to offer returning

students a lending library, free tea and other services. These small measures by the railway

department are popular with passengers in need of a ______17______ place to continue their

studies. How amazing!




11.A.are seeing










B.are seen

B.the other







C.to make


C.were seeing





C.has been



Have you ever dreamed of becoming a marine(海洋的) scientist? If you have, you might

need to ____18____ for trips to Antarctica(南极)!


Rob King is a marine biologist from Australia. He ____19____ Antarctic krill (磷虾).

Each year, he does research in the world’s ____20____ place—Antarctica where the

temperature is below zero all year round. In January, he returned from his latest journey there,

which ____21____ 39 days. “Each year we ____22____ fresh samples(样本) of Antarctic

krill and bring them back to our research center in Australia,’’ said King. “This way we can

do long-term research, not only on krill but on ____23____ that can live for several years.”

Little krill ____24____ a big role in the marine food chain (链条). They eat

phytoplankton(浮游植物), while they are eaten by fish, squid, seabirds, penguins, seals and

whales. According to King, Antarctic krill are ____25____ important for scientists because

they can learn more from them than other animals.

However, as climate change ____26____ the Southern Ocean and the temperature is

higher and higher, the area for krill to live and grow is reducing. “Our research tries to better

understand the effects of climate change on krill,” said King.

King said one of the highlights in his career was traveling to Antarctica. “Trips to

Antarctica are usually one to three months long,” he said. “Before setting out, we would have

some ____27____, including survival(生存) at sea, fire fighting, and how to work well in a

team. It’s really a great experience for me to see the beauty of the environment there.”





22.A.put out









B.give away









C.take after










D.look for









Making a Scarecrow

How would you like your very own scarecrow( 稻草人)? You can make one out of some old

boards. You can use it to scare away birds in your garden.

You can also put a scarecrow near your front door to give visitors a big surprise!

Here are what you will need:

an adult helper

seven boards(each 10 cm wide): one160 cm long; three 50 cm long; one 30 cm long; two 60

cm long.

a hammer and nails; safety pins; a pen

a shirt with long sleeves

a long skirt

gloves and boots

a hat and a pillow

Step1: Lay the boards on the ground. Make the shape according to the picture. You will have

two arm pieces left over. You will add them later.

Step 2: Ask an adult to nail the pieces together.

Step 3: Put the shirt on. Ask an adult to nail one arm piece to the shoulder. Let the sleeve fall

down so that it covers the board. Pin the glove to the sleeve. Do the same with the other arm.

Step 4: Put on the skirt.

Step 5: Stick the pillow on top as the head. Draw eyes, a nose and a mouth on it.

Step 6: Stand the body up and put it where you want.

Step 7: Put the hat on and then put the boots under the skirt so it looks like it has feet.


28.What can a scarecrow be used for?A.Catch birds.

C.Scare dogs away.

B.Protect the fields.

D.Surprise your guests.

29.If you want to make a scarecrow, how long is the board you need?

A.300 cm. B.460 cm. C.370 cm. D.350 cm.

30.In which steps do you need the help from adults?

A.Step 2 and Step 5.

C.Step 2 and Step 3.

B.Step 1 and Step 3.

D.Step 4 and Step 6.

31.Which shows the correct steps to make a scarecrow?

a. Prepare all that you need.

b. Let the body stand where you want.

c. Dress up the body and make a head for it.

d. Put the hat on and put the boots under the skirt.

e. Nail the body parts together according to the picture.

A.a-e-c-b-d B.a-e-b-c-d C.e-c-b-d-a D.a-b-c-d-e

32.Who is the passage most probably written for?

A.Young kids.

My 14-year-old son, John, and I saw the coat at the same time in a second-hand clothing

store. It stood out among big and old coats. It was so beautiful and had an unbelievable price,

$28. I looked at my son and we both said nothing, but John’s eyes shone. Dark, woolen(

羊毛的) coats were popular with teenage boys, but new ones could cost several hundred dollars.

This coat was even better. John tried it on and turned from side to side, eyeing himself in the

mirror. It fit him so well.

John wore the coat to school the next day. After he came home, I asked, “Did the kids

like your coat?”

“They love it!” he said with a big grin.

Over the next few weeks, John changed. He was polite, more thoughtful, and much

happier. “Good dinner, Mom,” he would say it every evening. Without a word of complaining,


B.Old people. C.Parents. D.Adult helpers.

he would carry in wood for the stove(炉子). One day when I suggested that he might start on

his homework before dinner, John, who always put things off, said, “You’re right. I guess I

will.” When I mentioned this change to one of his teachers, she joked that the coat must have

changed him.

John and I both know we should never judge(判断) a person by his clothes. But it is true

that when wearing beautiful and suitable clothes, we may try to be better in thought, speech

and behavior to match what is on the inside to what is on the outside.

33.From the first paragraph, we can learn that ________.

A.the price of the coat was too high

C.they often went shopping together

B.John liked the coat very much

D.the writer didn’t want to buy the coat

34.The underlined word “grin” means ________.

A.a wide smile B.a worried look C.an upset voice D.an angry mood

35.John used to ________ when he was asked to study.

A.start at once

C.work hard on schoolwork

B.put off his homework

D.carry in wood for the stove

36.Which of the following changes did NOT happen to John after he wore the coat?

A.He was willing to follow suggestions.

B.He often helped to do some housework.

C.He always complained about his study.

D.He said sweet words to make his mother happy.

37.The writer wants to tell us that ________ through this passage.

A.what we wear could help what we are

B.teenagers need to be polite and thoughtful

C.life is full of possibilities when we are young

D.it’s a good choice to try different things in our lives

Dirty water can be dangerous to drink and can make people ill. It can damagethe

(破坏)environment, animals and fish. Here are some causes of the dirty water.

Sewage(污水)is a big part of dirty water. In many places, untreated sewage goes

straight into rivers, lakes or seas. Too much sewage kills fish and other water life. It can make

the water unsafe to drink, wash or swim.

Oil is an important source of energy, but it can also cause pollution. If a truck or ship


leakswhile transporting oil, plants and animals can die. For example, birds get covered

(泄露)in oil and they are unable to fly, and their feathers no longer protect them from the cold.

Factories often run waste liquid into rivers. This may contain dangerous chemicals,

which could do harm to plants, animals and humans. Some factories would filter

the waste

before it goes into rivers. This helps to keep the environment cleaner.

Smoke and the gases from factories and cars mixed with water vapor(蒸汽)in the air

can cause pollution. When the water vapor falls to the ground as rain, the chemicals in smoke

and gases are mixed with the rain. This is called acid rain(酸雨), it can kill plants and


As we all know, water is an important part of human life. And the water resources are

limited on our earth. We should take action to save water and protect the valuable water

resources in our daily life. At the same time, we can also encourage more people to join us.

38.Why do we need to treat the sewage before it comes into the river?

A.Because it looks dirty.

B.Because it would cause damage to water life.

C.Because it would kill some animals, like fish and pigs.

D.Because it would make the drinking water taste terrible.

39.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.Oil makes plants and animals die.

B.Oil is an important source of energy.

C.Oil can be leaked during transportation.

D.Oil is an important cause of pollution.

40.What does the underlined word “filter” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A.Throw. B.Check. C.Clean. D.Keep.

41.How do the smoke and gases influence the environment?

A.They may form acid rain.

B.They contain dangerous chemicals.

C.They can directly kill plants and animals.

D.They will influence the drinking water.

42.What’s the main purpose of the passage?

A.To tell people the influence of dirty water.

B.To call on people to protect the water resources.


C.To make people know the reasons of damaging the environment.

D.To tell people how to protect the water resources.





A.Shanghai Science and Technology Museum has

13 main exhibitions(展览) and 4 science theaters.

Lights of Exploration(探究) is one of them and it

__43__ Jerry is a super fan of cars. His

father bought him lots of model cars.

But he wants to know more about them.

__44__ Communication technology

makes the world smaller and smaller.

It’s so amazing that Jenny would like to

learn something about the history of it.

__45__ Bob plans to go for a holiday to

a western country to improve his

knowledge about the history of some

ancient countries.

__46__ Daisy learns Chinese hard and

wants to go to China to learn about the

country and its history.

__47__ Ken likes science very much.

He wants to know something about the

Energy Machine and the history of it.

shows human scientific achievement in the 20th


B.Shanghai Auto Museum is the first museum

with a wide range of exhibits including hundreds

of cars from China and other countries. It’s a place

where children can learn how the car works.

C.Hong Kong Science Museum covers a wide

range(范围) of science and food science. The

biggest exhibit is the Energy Machine. Visitors

can learn about science there.

D.Nanjing Museum is one of the largest museums

in China. It’s just like a Chinese history book. You

can find what Chinese people used and how they

lived in the past.

h Museum is a museum in London which

tells human history and culture. You may find the

history of ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and even

China. It’s free for every visitor.

communication Museum is a part of Macao

Post, which brings knowledge of communications

to visitors. You can enjoy the history of Macao


Post, collections of stamps and communication


al Industry Museum of China shows the

development of China’s chemical industry. It’s an

interesting place for children to learn more about

chemistry by watching all kinds of experiments.



In the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, products made in China have caught the attention

from all over the world. ____48____ could be seen both on and off the fields, as Chinese

companies are the biggest sponsors(赞助商).

The World Cup final game was ____49____ in Qatar’s biggest stadium(体育馆), which

was built by a Chinese company. Do you know ____50____ large it is? It has 80,000 seats!

As the main stadium, the closing ceremony and ten games took place there, ____51____ the

final game. Chinese companies also ____52____ the “fan village” with more than 6,000

container houses. With each house designed for ____53____ people, the fan village could

hold up to 12,000 fans in total. The buses running on electricity were also made in China

____54____ they were used for taking fans to the stadium. A university in China offered the

technologies of watering and taking care of the ____55____ in the soccer fields.

Besides big companies, producers from Yiwu, China’s capital of small goods, also made

a great influence during this great event for ____56____ lovers. Over 70 percent of the

products for this 2022 World Cup, from soccer balls ____57____ national flags, were made in

Yiwu. The people in Qatar were very thankful to China.






More and more people in China are now sharing parts of their lives with people all over

the world on social media. They often post their personal events like holidays and weddings

to other people through videos or photos. Live streaming(直播) is one of the common ways

of sharing.

Live streaming is especially popular among people aged 18 to 35. Besides leaving

comments, they can also communicate directly with the hosts by buying gifts, such as flowers,

toys and clothes for them online. The latest example was the Olympic swimmer Fu Yuanhui.

She did a one-hour live streaming, which attracted more than 11 million viewers.

What’s more, live streaming allows users to communicate with strangers and express

themselves. A 19-year-old college student Nic Li often uses an app called Ingkee to do live

streaming. She spends three to four hours each week talking and singing with viewers on the

app. “Sometimes I feel lonely and want to talk to people, so I do live streaming,” she says, “I

feel good when viewers are paying attention to me.”

However, there are worries about the misuse(滥用) of live streaming. Papi Jiang

promised to correct her unsuitable and impolite words after she was warned by government

officials. As there are more than 300 websites and 80 apps for live streaming in China, the

Internet regulators can hardly monitor what’s going on all the time. “We support the use of

live streaming. But people should be aware of both advantages and disadvantages of it,”one

of the officials said.

58.What do some people often post to other people through videos or photos?


59.Who did a one-hour live streaming which attracted more than 11 million viewers?


60.Which app does Nic Li use to do live streaming?


61.Why was Papi Jiang warned by government officials?


62.How many websites are there in China for live streaming?













Nowadays, more and more people like to share their lives on social media.



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