

关于数学的英文单词一、数学的英文单词的拼写和发音数学的英文单词mathematics是一个复数名词,但它的意思是单数的,表示一门学科或一种科学。因此,它的谓语动词要用单数形式,例如:Mathematics is my favorite subject.数学是我最喜爱的学科。数学的英文单词mathematics的缩写有两种,一种是math,一种是maths。它们的意思和用法都一样,只是在不同的地区有不同的习惯。一般来说,美国和加拿大的人更喜欢用math,而英国、澳大利亚和其他英语国家的人更喜欢用maths。例如:I'm good at math.我数学很好。I'm good at maths.我数学很好。二、数学的英文单词的用法数学的英文单词mathematics可以用来表示数学这门学科,也可以用来表示数学的内容或能力。当表示数学这门学科时,它的前面一般不用冠词,当表示数学的内容或能力时,它的前面一般要用冠词。例如:I like mathematics. 我喜欢数学(这门学科)。I like the mathematics of fractals. 我喜欢分形的数学(内容)。He has a talent for mathematics. 他有数学(能力)的天赋。数学的英文单词mathematics可以和其他的词组合,形成一些专门的术语,表示数学的不同分支或领域。例如:applied mathematics 应用数学pure mathematics 纯数学discrete mathematics 离散数学computational mathematics 计算数学mathematical logic 数理逻辑mathematical physics 数学物理mathematical biology 数学生物学数学的英文单词math或maths可以用来修饰其他的名词,表示与数学相关的事物或人。例如:math problem 数学问题math teacher 数学老师math class 数学课math book 数学书math test 数学考试math major 数学专业math student 数学学生math club 数学俱乐部数学的英文单词math或maths也可以用来表示数学课程或数学作业。例如:I have math on Monday. 我周一有数学课。I have to do my math. 我要做我的数学作业。三、数学的一些常见术语和缩写的英文表达

数学是一门有着丰富的术语和符号的学科,为了方便交流和理解,我们需要掌握一些常见的数学术语和缩写的英文表达。中文数整数奇数偶数分数小数百分数比例比例尺指数对数平方根立方根四则运算加法减法乘法除法等式不等式函数变量常量参数系数未知数方程组解解集代数线性代数几何英文numberintegerodd numbereven numberfractiondecimalpercentageratioscaleexponentlogarithmsquare rootcube rootarithmeticadditionsubtractionmultiplicationdivisionequationinequalityfunctionvariableconstantparametercoefficientunknownsystem ofequationssolutionsolution setalgebra缩写numintoddevenfracdecpctrsexplogsqrtcbrtarithaddsubmuldiveqineqfvarconstparamcoeffunksyssolsol setalg例句There are two numbers in this equation. 这个方程中有两个数。The set of integers is denoted by Z. 整数集用Z表示。3 is an odd number. 3是一个奇数。4 is an even number. 4是一个偶数。1/2 is a fraction. 1/2是一个分数。0.5 is a decimal. 0.5是一个小数。50% is a percentage. 50%是一个百分数。The ratio of boys to girls is 3 to 2. 男女的比例是3比2。The scale of the map is 1:10000. 地图的比例尺是1:10000。2^3 means 2 to the power of 3. 2^3表示2的3次方。log2(8) means the logarithm of 8 to the base 2. log2(8)表示以2为底的8的对数。sqrt(9) means the square root of 9. sqrt(9)表示9的平方根。cbrt(27) means the cube root of 27. cbrt(27)表示27的立方根。Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are arithmetic operations. 加减乘除是四则运算。2+3=5 is an addition. 2+3=5是一个加法。5-2=3 is a subtraction. 5-2=3是一个减法。23=6 is a multiplication. 23=6是一个乘法。6/3=2 is a division. 6/3=2是一个除法。2x+3=5 is an equation. 2x+3=5是一个等式。x>0 is an inequality. x>0是一个不等式。f(x)=x^2 is a function. f(x)=x^2是一个函数。x is a variable. x是一个变量。pi is a constant. pi是一个常量。a is a parameter. a是一个参数。2 is the coefficient of x. 2是x的系数。x is the unknown. x是未知数。x+y=3 and x-y=1 form a system of equations. x+y=3和x-y=1组成一个方程组。x=1 and y=2 is a solution of the system. x=1和y=2是方程组的一个解。The solution set of x^2=4 is {-2, 2}. x^2=4的解集是{-2, 2}。Algebra is the study of symbols and rules for manipulating them. 代数是研究符号和操作规则的学科。Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics that deals with vectors, matrices,linear equations and transformations. 线性代数是数学的一个分支,涉及向量、矩阵、线性方程和变换。Geometry is the study of shapes, sizes, angles and positions. 几何是研究形状、大小、角度和位置的学科。linear algebralin alggeometrygeo

中文平面几何立体几何解析几何点线线段射线角三角形四边形圆圆周半径直径弧扇形弦切线微积分微分导数积分原函数定积分不定积分极限英文plane geometrysolid geometryanalyticgeometrypointlineline segmentrayangletrianglequadrilateralcirclecircumferenceradiusdiameterarcsectorchordtangentcalculusdifferentiationderivativeintegrationantiderivativedefinite integralindefiniteintegrallimit缩写pl geosolgeoangeoptlnsegrangtriquadcircrdasctancalcdiffderintantdef intind intlim例句Plane geometry is the branch of geometry that deals with two-dimensionalfigures. 平面几何是几何的一个分支,涉及二维图形。Solid geometry is the branch of geometry that deals with three-dimensionalfigures. 立体几何是几何的一个分支,涉及三维图形。Analytic geometry is the branch of geometry that uses coordinates andequations to describe figures. 解析几何是几何的一个分支,用坐标和方程来描述图形。A point is a location with no size or dimension. 点是一个没有大小或维度的位置。A line is a straight path that extends infinitely in both directions. 线是一条在两个方向上无限延伸的直路径。A line segment is a part of a line with two endpoints. 线段是线的一部分,有两个端点。A ray is a part of a line that starts at a point and extends infinitely in onedirection. 射线是线的一部分,从一个点开始,在一个方向上无限延伸。An angle is the figure formed by two rays that share a common endpoint. 角是由两条共享一个端点的射线形成的图形。A triangle is a polygon with three sides and three angles. 三角形是一个有三条边和三个角的多边形。A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides and four angles. 四边形是一个有四条边和四个角的多边形。A circle is the set of all points that are a fixed distance from a given point. 圆是所有与给定点距离固定的点的集合。The circumference is the distance around a circle. 圆周是围绕圆的距离。The radius is the distance from the center of a circle to any point on the circle.半径是从圆心到圆上任意一点的距离。The diameter is the longest distance across a circle. 直径是穿过圆的最长距离。An arc is a part of a circle. 弧是圆的一部分。A sector is the region bounded by two radii and an arc. 扇形是由两条半径和一条弧围成的区域。A chord is a line segment that joins two points on a circle. 弦是连接圆上两点的线段。A tangent is a line that touches a circle at one point. 切线是在一个点上接触圆的线。Calculus is the branch of mathematics that studies rates of change and limits.微积分是数学的一个分支,研究变化率和极限。Differentiation is the process of finding the derivative of a function. 微分是求函数的导数的过程。The derivative of a function is the rate of change of the function at a point. 函数的导数是函数在一点处的变化率。Integration is the process of finding the antiderivative of a function. 积分是求函数的原函数的过程。The antiderivative of a function is a function whose derivative is the givenfunction. 函数的原函数是一个函数,它的导数是给定的函数。The definite integral of a function is the area under the curve of the functionbetween two points. 函数的定积分是函数曲线下在两点之间的面积。The indefinite integral of a function is the general antiderivative of the functionplus a constant. 函数的不定积分是函数的一般原函数加上一个常数。The limit of a function is the value that the function approaches as the inputapproaches a certain value. 函数的极限是函数在输入趋近于某个值时所趋近的

中文英文缩写例句值。Infinity is a concept that represents something that has no end or bound. 无穷是一个表示没有结束或界限的东西的概念。Infinitesimal is a concept that represents something that is infinitely small orclose to zero. 无穷小是一个表示无限小或接近于零的东西的概念。Infinite is a concept that represents something that is infinitely large orunbounded. 无穷大是一个表示无限大或无界的东西的概念。无穷无穷小无穷大infinityinfinitesimalinfiniteinfinfiinf

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