
2023年12月15日发(作者:hold up)


1、satisfactory, satisfying, satisfied

这三个形容词均可作定语,表语或补语。 satisfactory和satisfying都表示“令人满意的”的主动含义,两者一般可以换用。当用作表语或定语时,其句中的主语或修饰的名词大都是表示事物的名词。例如:The explanation is a satisfying / satisfactory one.这是一种令人满意的解释。The child's reading ability is satisfying for

his age level.孩子的阅读能力以其年龄来说是令人满意的。That is a

satisfying performance.那是一场令人满意的演出。


satisfied boy has just left.那个感到满意的小孩刚走。The customer

was satisfied with the pair of shoes.这位顾客对他买的那双鞋子感到满意。I was satisfied thathe was guilty.我确信他有罪。

thermocouple pyrometer 热电偶高温计

2、satisfied with, satisfied of


satisfied with后可接人或事物的名词,表示“对……满意”的意思,等于pleased with。例如:She is never satisfied with anything

for long.她对任何东西从来也不会长期感到满意的。Are you

satisfied with his answer?你对他的回答感到满意吗?

satisfied of后一般接事物名词或抽象名词,表示“确信”的意思,相当于sure of。例如:I am satisfied of the truth of his story.我确信他所讲的事的真实性。I am satisfied of your ability to do the


3、say sorry to ,be sorry to, be sorry for

say sorry to表示“向……表示道歉(歉意)”的意思,sorry是名词,to是介词,其后接表示人的名词或代词。例如:I'd say sorry

to you, I must go.我要向诸位表示歉意,我得走了。Don't scold him,

he had said sorry to us.不要责备他了,他已经向我们道歉了。

be sorry to和be sorry for都表示“由于……而感到遗憾”的意思,其中sorry均为形容词。不同的是前者接动词原形,后者接名词或动名词。例如:I'm sorry to hear his failure.听说他失败了,我感到很遗憾。I'm sorry for giving so much trouble.对不起,给你添了这么多麻烦。

4、scene, scenery


scene是可数名词,通常指一片“景”,一个“风光”,舞台的一幕“布景”等,它还可用于指戏剧,电影等中的“一场”或“一段情节”。它也可用于指故事,事件等发生的“地点,场所”。例如:There were distressing scenes when the earthquake occurred.地震发生后到处是悲惨的景象。The scenes are changed during the

intervals.幕间换了布景。The picture presents the bleak, bare,

grayish scene of a February morning.这幅画描绘了二月一个早晨的荒凉、光秃、灰暗的景。The scene on Hamlet is Denmark.哈姆雷特的故事发生在丹麦。A dark lane was the scene of the murder.凶杀的现场是条黑洞洞的小巷。

scenery是集合名词,为不可数名词,通常指户外一个地区整个的自然“景”,而不是个别的局部的风景,它也可指“舞台(全堂的)布景。例如:The scenery is imposing.景壮丽。The scenery

pictures a garden in the moonlight.舞台全堂布景表现了一个月光下的庭园。

5、search, for, in search for

非介词搭配的search是及物动词,表示“搜查”的意思,其后通常接地点名词或人物名词。例如:He even searched my home

without any reason.他甚至毫无理由地搜查了我的家。The

policeman searched the thief, but found nothing.警察搜查了那个贼,但是一无所获。

search for中的search是不及物动词,与其后的介词for结合,构成及物性短语动词,表示花费极大的气力去“搜寻,寻”某个特定的目标的意思。search … for有时可以分开使用,即search … for后接具体事物名词,表示“在(某地)搜寻(某东西)”的意思。例如:For a whole day they searched for the lost child.这个丢失的孩子他们寻了一天。We searched the woods for the missing child.我们在森林里寻那个走失的孩子。The puppet soldiers searched

the village for our underground workers.伪军在全村搜寻我们的地下工作人员。

in search for为短语介词(其中search为名词),表示目的,常

译作“(为了)寻或寻求”,for亦可用of代替。例如:They went

out to Australia in search for/of gold.他们到澳大利亚去寻黄金。

6、select, elect


select指在广泛的范围中进行有斟酌的“精选”,淘汰的意味较重,其后须跟名词或代词作宾语。例如:Most of the delegates to

the conference are selected from advanced workers.出席大会的大多数代表是从先进工作者中挑选出来的。It is difficult to select good

materials for middle school students to read.为中学生选出阅读的好材料是困难的。

elect的最普通意思是通过正式手续或投票形式的“选举”,其后须跟人或职称名词作宾语,亦可跟名词+名词,名词+as短语,名词+不定式短语的复合结构。例如:We elected him monitor.我们选他为班长。They elected Jimmy Carter (as) President.他们选吉米卡特为总统。They elected him to take part in the competition.他们选他参加竞赛。

7、send, send for

send作及物动词时,是“寄;送;派遣”的意思。其句式可以是send sb. sth., send sth. to … 或send sb. to do。例如:They have

sent me some pictures for Guilin.他们寄给了我几张桂林的图片。They have decided to send him to the university.他们决定送他上大学。We'll send the young teachers to work in the countryside.


send for是动介型短语动词用,表示“派人去请,派人去听,派人去拿”的意思,其后接表示人或事物的名词。例如:He is ill,

please send for a doctor.他病了,请人叫医生来。The following

day they sent for Professor Li.第二天他们派人去接李教授。

8、sensible, sensitive


sensible通常指人用感官去察觉,感觉到的对象一般是比较复杂或抽象的事物,其后常接of介词短语或to介词短语,分别表示“知道的,觉察的”和“对……有感觉”的意思。它还可用来说明是“通情达理的,明智的”或“懂事的”,用来说明事物是“合理的,行得通的”等。例如:She is sensible of her shortcomings. 她知道自己的缺点。He is sensible that he has made a grate mistake. 他觉察到自己犯了一个重大错误。His left eye is sensible to light.他的左眼对光线有所感觉。You should be sensible and not make exorbitant

demands.你应该通情达理,不要作过分的要求。She is far too

sensible to believe these ridiculous lies.她很聪明,不会相信这些荒谬的谎言。From the economic point of view, we may regard this

as a sensible plan.从经济观点看,我们可以认为这个计划是合理的。

sensitive强调感觉的敏锐激烈,常译为“敏感的”,其后常接介词to短语;它还可指价格,要求等“易拨动的”,仪器等“灵敏(度高)的”等。例如:His pallid skin was sensitive to the glaring sun.他苍白的皮肤对耀眼的阳光很敏感。Don't be so sensitive, I was only

joking.别太敏感,我只不过是开个玩笑。The cost is not sensitive to

batch size.价格不因批量变化而发生拨动。A barometer is sensitive

to changes in atmospheric pressure.气压计对气压的变化很灵敏。

9、from, into

separate … from意思是“把……和……分隔”,与可divide …

from互换,但前者更常见。例如:Theory should by no means be

separated from practice.理论绝不应该脱离实际。We'd better

separate the good ones from the bad ones.我们最好把好的和坏的分开。

separate … into意为“把 ……分成(为)……”,即把一个整体分成几等分,可与divide … into互换,但后者比前者常见。例如:Let's separate ourselves into three groups.我们分成三个小组吧。Physiographically the United States may be separated into three

major divisions.从地形上美国可以分成三个主要地区。

10、set about, set out, set off


set about是“开始(做某事)或“着手(做某事)”的意思,是短语动词作及物动词用,介词后要接名词,代词或动名词。例如:That evening he set about writing the report.那天晚上他开始写报告。

set out也表示“着手,开始”的意思,但其后须接带to的动词不定式。例如:We now set out to climb the hill.现在我们开始爬山。He sets out to write his novel at seven at night.他每天晚上七点开

始写小说。 set off是短语动词作不及物动词用,表示“出发,动身”地意思。set out也有这一种意思,这时候它们可以互换。例如:I set

off/ out immediately.我立即就动身。We set out /off at dawn.我们黎明时动身了。

11、set fire to, catch fire


set fire to中的to为介词,其后须跟名词作宾语。它表示一种有意识的破坏性的行动,即“放火烧,使燃烧”的意思;它还可以引申来指人的一种感情活动,即“使兴奋,使激动”的意思。它亦可解作set … on fire,但必须注意,原介词to后的宾语则变为动词set的宾语。试比较:The despot set fire to his house beforehe took to

flight.= The despot set his house on fire before he took to flight.恶霸逃跑前,放火烧了自己的房子。The sparks set fire to the oily

rags.火花使油布燃烧起来了。The orator set fire to the audience.演讲者使听众情绪激昂。

catch fire 中的catch可改用take,它亦可解作catch on fire。

catch fire是不及物动词习语,其后不能跟任何宾语,因为实际上它已是一个动宾结构了。它表示一种不受外界干涉或影响的自行“着火”或“燃烧”,它也可引申为“激动,兴奋”的意思,但都是指一种自觉的行动或活动。例如:Cotton catch fire easily.棉花容易着火。First the curtains caught on fire and then the bedclothes.窗帘首先着了火,接着被褥也烧着了。The poet caught fire from the

philosopher's talk.诗人听了哲学家的话激动起来了。

12、shoot, shoot at

shoot用作及物动词和shoot at都有“射击”的意思,其后均可接人或事物名词。shoot着重动作的结果,意为“射死,射中”。不过,其后接,剑等名词时,也可表示动作的过程,即“发射,射出”的意思。此外,它还有“狩猎”的意思。例如:He was shot in the

head.他头部中弹。The hunter shot the rabbit.猎人把那只兔子射死了。They are going to shoot live ammunition today.他们今天要实弹射击了。He is in Africa shooting lions.他在非洲狩猎狮子。

shoot at着重动作本身,指“对……射击”,但不一定射中;它还有“以……为目标;为……而努力”的意思。例如:The hunter shot

at the tiger, but it ran away.那猎人向老虎开了,但老虎跑了。They are shooting at targets.他们在打靶。When it is achieved

there will be other plans to shoot at.这一点实现以后,还要为实现别的计划而努力。They are shooting at a high output.他们在力争高产。

thermocouple pyrometer 热电偶高温计

13、scarce, rare

scarce:“稀有的,缺乏的”,指有用的东西原本常见,而现在变得稀少缺乏,供不应求,常用作表语。例如:During wartime,

many kinds of life necessities such as food, sugar and salt ran

scarce.在战时,许多像食物,糖,盐等生活必需品都极其短缺。Water being scarce in the mountainous area in the dry seasons,

we built many reservoirs.因为旱季山区水源缺乏,所以我们修建了许多水库。

rare:“异常的,珍奇的,珍贵的”,指某物的例子,样品或事物很少到,常含有uncommon之意。例如:He sometimes gave

very precious wines to the rare guests he received in his luxurious


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