




capable [ˈkeɪpəbl]

adj. 有能力; 有才能; 能力强的; 足以胜任的;

[例句]My mother is a strong, capable woman.


英译英:If a person or thing is capable of doing something, they

have the ability to do it.



capacity [kəˈpæsəti] n. 容量; 容积; 容纳能力; 领悟(或理解、办事)能力; 职位; 职责;

拆分:cap(抓)+acity(名词后缀;表性质= the quality)

记忆要点:acity(名词后缀;表性质= the quality)

production capacity 生产力

captive [ˈkæptɪv]

adj. 被监禁的; 被关起来的; 被困住的; 人身自由受限制的; 受控制的; 无权选择的;

n. 囚徒; 俘虏; 战俘;

拆分:capt(抓)+ive(-ive=being… 被…的)

记忆要点:-ive=being… 被…的

captivate [ˈkæptɪveɪt]v. 迷住; 使着迷;

拆分:capt(抓)+ ive(-ive=being… 被…的)+ate(动词后缀)


captor [ˈkæptə(r)] n. 捕获…者; 捕捉者; 劫持者;



capture [ˈkæptʃə(r)]

v. 俘虏; 俘获; 捕获; 用武力夺取; 攻取; 攻占; 夺得; 赢得; 争得;

n. (被)捕获; (被)俘获;

拆分:capt(抓)+ -ure=the result表结果

记忆要点:-ure=the result表结果


receive [rɪˈsiːv]

v. 拿到; 接到; 收到; 体验; 受到(某种待遇或伤害); 对…作出反应;

[例句]We can receive up to 500 cable channels.


[其他] 第三人称单数:receives 现在分词:receiving 过去式:received 过去分词:received

词根ceive:取。前缀re=back回 取回就是收到,收受;或容纳,接收

英译英:When you receive something, you get it after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.

receiver n.收受者,接收机。

reception n.接待,欢迎;接受,容纳。

receptive a.能容纳的;可接受的。

deceive [dɪˈsiːv]v. 欺骗; 蒙骗; 诓骗; 欺骗(自己); 使人误信; 误导;

拆分:de (away from离开)+ceive(拿)某人离开真相,就是欺骗,蒙蔽。

记忆要点:de (away from离开)

conceive [kənˈsiːv]v. 想出(主意、计划等); 想象; 构想; 设想; 怀孕; 怀(胎);



conception n.怀孕;构想、概念。

perceive [pəˈsiːv] v . 注意到; 意识到; 察觉到; 将…理解为; 将…视为; 认为;

拆分:per(thoroughly完全地)+ceive(拿) 完全掌握,就是理解;感知。

记忆要点: per(thoroughly完全地)

perception n.认识能力;知觉

perceptive a.感知的;有洞察力的。


accept [əkˈsept]

v. 收受; 接受(建议、邀请等); (认为合适或足够好而)接受; 同意; 认可;

[例句]We cannot accept children above the age of 10.


[其他] 第三人称单数:accepts 现在分词:accepting 过去式:accepted 过去分词:accepted

词根cept:取。前缀ac=to去 f将他人给的东西取到自己手中,就是接受;同意、承认。

英译英:If you accept something that you have been offered, you say yes to it or agree to take it.

acceptance n.接受,同意。




(用于所言不包括的人或事物前)除…之外;conj. 除了; 只是;v. 不包括; 不计; 把…除外;

拆分:ex(out出)+cept(取) 取出,就是把…除外。

记忆要点: ex(out出)

exception n.除外,例外;异议,反对

intercept [ˌɪntəˈsept]

v. 拦截; 拦阻; 截住;

n. (数学)截距; 截击; 拦截; 截听; 拦截者;



precept [ˈpriːsept]n. (思想、行为的)准则,规范;



concept [ˈkɒnsept]n. 概念; 观念;



Gift-giving is an important part of all human societies. Gifts can express how we feel, but they

can also pass on 1 that we didn't plan to give, so gift-giving etiquette(礼节) in any culture should

be dealt with 2 .

In some cultures 3 think highly of gift-giving, there is a ritual(仪式) in the giving and

receiving of gifts. In Japan, for example, gifts are both given and received using both hands. The giver says

something 4 “It isn't much, but I wanted to show my appreciation.” The receiver of the gift will

5 once or twice, but the giver will insist. Then the receiver will accept the gift and 6 to be

opened later.

The 7 of gifts is important, naturally, and in some cultures it is easy to offend (冒犯)a person

by giving the 8 gift. The givers of gifts must consider the 9 of them. For example, a gift of

a knife or letter opener in Brazil might be seen as the ending of a relationship.

The 10 between the giver and the receiver of a gift can also tell us what kind of gift is suitable.

For example, in the United States, gifts such as perfume(香水)are 11 given to women by

boyfriends or husbands. If a woman receives 12 a gift from her friend, it might be considered


The culture of gift-giving differs from one society to 13 , but they all have an idea in common.

In any country, when choosing gifts we must always 14 the message we wish to show with the gift

and think about whether or not it is suitable for the receiver. Your gift will be 15 if it shows

consideration and respect for the receiver's culture.






6.A.put it down










B.put it up










C.put it off










D.put it away







13.A.the other




















“One day my kid didn’t know how to use a can opener. I told her we couldn’t eat anything until she

found out how to use it.” John Roderick shared this story about himself and his 9-year-old daughter recently.

It took his daughter six hours to open the can. Though his daughter shouted “I hate you”, Roderick didn’t

help. Roderick said this sink-or-swim method would let his daughter learn to care for herself.

Too often, it seems that parents are either very strict with kids or endlessly rescuing(救援)them. But

there’s a middle ground. Parents can keep a close connection with their kids while also encouraging them to

be capable(有能力的)and independent.

Patrick Ishizuka, a researcher from Cornell University, reports that some parents these days are fans of

“intensive parenting” which is seen as an opportunity to undertake a middle road in parenting. In intensive

parenting, “parents are expected to sign children up for extracurricular(课外的)activities, take part in

children’s play at home, reason with children, ask questions and encourage children to express their

opinions,” said Patrick Ishizuka.

Raising capable kids is a long, gradual process in which parents’ willingness to be deeply involved in

their kids is really important. However, it isn’t hurriedly rushing through a list of life skills before our

high-schoolers head off to college, but rather, it’s building the skills and confidence that enable our kids to

take on the challenges they are going to face.

When our goal is guiding children toward capability and confidence, it’s helpful to think of childhood

as an apprenticeship(学徒期). “Little by little, with care and guidance, we hand our children life and its

problems, challenges and satisfactions,” wrote Rudolf Dreikurs in Happy Children:A Challenge to Parents.

Instead of doing almost everything for kids or leaving kids to deal with a difficult situation alone,

apprenticeship parents continually balance challenge and support for kids. Rather than just changing

batteries(电池)for them, we show them how to use the tool and let them have a try. We only step in if our

children need a hand. We accept that mistakes are part of the process, and give children more

responsibility-while coaching kids through the emotional ups and downs of this growth work. In this way,

we patiently help kids grow toward the confidence to do things on their own.

16.John Roderick didn’t help his daughter open the can because ________.

A.he expected her to be patient

B.he wanted her to solve the problem alone

C.his daughter insisted on doing it by herself

D.his daughter had a heated argument with him

17.What does “intensive parenting” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Parents allow their kids to grow naturally.

B.Parents help kids balance their study and play.

C.Parents are deeply involved in their kids' lives.

D.Parents try to encourage their kids to be independent.

18.The writer probably agrees that ________.

A.kids must experience ups and downs to grow up

B.kids need to learn lots of life skills before college

C.parents should avoid making mistakes when raising kids

D.parents should guide kids through challenges when necessary

19.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Giving Kids Encouragement or Responsibility?

B.Apprenticeship Method-a Proper Way to Raise Kids

C.Sink-or-Swim Method-a Helpful Way to Make Kids Capable

D.Rescuing Kids Anytime or Leaving Kids Alone to Solve Problems?



Long March 5 (A)

Country: China

Height: 57 meters

Payload capacity(有效载荷) to low-Earth orbit: 25 tons

First launched(发射): 2016

Angara A 5 (A)

Country: Russia

Height: 64 meters

Payload capacity to low-Earth orbit: 24.5 tons

First launched: 2014

Falcon 9 (A)

Country: America

Height: 70 meters

Payload capacity to low-Earth orbit: 22.8 tons

First launched: 2010

20.When was the rocket Long March 5 (A) first launched?

A.In 2010. B.In 2014. C.In 2016.

21.Where was the rocket Angara A 5 (A) first launched?

A.In China. B.In America. C.In Russia.

22.Which is the highest rocket of the three?

A.Falcon 9 (A). B.Angara A 5(A).


CHINA has built a biscuit factory to make food for its captive (圈养的) giant pandas, giving them a

healthier diet (日常食物) than the usual steamed bread.

The special biscuits, developed by the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding and Research Centre, are

shaped like bamboo so they will not seem unfamiliar to the pandas.

"The cream-colored biscuit, made of bamboo, is rich in vitamins and has 30 per cent more fiber (纤维)

than normal bamboo," said Yu Jianqiu, who is in charge of the project.

Steamed bread, which is eaten by most captive giant pandas as well as fresh bamboo, loses much of its

goodness when cooked, often causing bad health. What's more, it can only be stored for a short time,

making pandas expensive to feed.

Thirty pandas have tried the biscuits since the factory was completed in October.

C.Long March 5 (A).

"They love our new biscuits," Yu said. "In time, all captive pandas will be given the new food."

Around 1,000 giant pandas live in the foggy mountains around the Sichuan basin (盆地) in southwest

China, while about 140 live in captivity around the world.

The destruction of forests, a panda's natural home and major food source, is the biggest threat to the


In 1998, China banned the cutting down of trees in panda-inhabited areas to help save an animal seen

as a national treasure.

23.Why are captive giant pandas given the special biscuits?

A.Because there is not enough fresh bamboo around.

B.Because they are healthier and easier to store.

C.Because the price of steamed bread is too high.

D.Because pandas like to change their food.

24.How does steamed bread cause panda's bad health?

A.The bad taste makes pandas tired of eating.

B.The bread is not fresh enough to keep pandas healthy.

C.Cooking makes it lose what is important to pandas' health.

D.The steamed bread goes bad easily enough to harm pandas.

25.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.There are fewer than 1000 pandas living in the world right now.

B.Most of the pandas in captivity are now living on the newly developed biscuits.

C.The pandas are now in great danger mainly because of trees being cut down in forests.

D.Pandas like to eat food which has enough vitamins and as much fiber as possible.


Welcome to the 26th century! Cyborg (半机器人) technology is a way of life. People with human brains

and artificial (人造的) bodies are everywhere.

This is the future world shown in the film Alita: Battle Angel. US directorJames Cameron made the film.

The movie came out in the Chinese mainland theaters on Feb 22.

The story is based on Japanese manga artist Yukito Kishiro’s popular manga series of the same name. The

series was published during the 1990s. The main character is a girl named Alita. She is a cyborg. One day,

she wakes up in wreckage (残骸) and finds that she has lost her memory. Luckily, a doctor saves her. As

she starts her new life, Alita finds she has superhuman abilities. She decides to find the truth behind her

origin. She sets off a journey that leads her through a dark world.

In Cameron’s own words, the movie is “not like any of the films that I’ve done before”. Its visual effects

(视觉效果) are especially impressive. The film’s actors used the latest motion-capture (动作捕捉)

technology. They wore special suits that record their movements. Later, motion-capture editors use these

movements to make special effects. Rosa Salaza plays Alita. She wore a suit with more than 7,000 pieces

and layers. It can capture human movement . The model that was used for her face was changed nearly

5,000 times to make it more vivid .

26.The story tells us that cyborgs have _____.

A.a robot brain

C.a man-made body

B.a human body

D.half of a human brain

27.Who saves Alita after she wakes up in wreckage?


C.A superhero.

B.A doctor.

D.A police officer.

28.What were used to record the actors’ movements?


C.Motion-capture editors.

29.The last paragraph mainly tells us _____.

A.how Cameron led the actors

B.why Cameron used motion-capture technology

C.how motion-capture technology is used in this movie

D.who plays Alita and how she acts in the movie


One day a man gave his son some wood to saw (锯;

锯子). The boy did not want to do such

work, so after his father had gone away, he threw the saw down, and it broke.

"I did not break the saw," said the boy to himself, "it broke itself." He tried to deceive himself with

words, but he knew in his heart that they were false words, and he was afraid to meet his father.

One day a mother said to her son, who had just returned from school, "It is six o'clock. Your school

closes at four -where have you been, my boy?"

"Oh, mother," said Ned, "when we play at ball, we forget everything else. We do not think of the time,

B.Special suits.


or of coming home. Is tea ready?"

The boy 's mother was cheated. Ned's answer led her to think that he had been playing with his friends.

But he had not been playing at all.

He had been “kept in” by his teacher, because he had not learned his lessons. He did not like to tell his

mother that. He wished her to think that he had been playing.

“What a shame it is for you to try to cheat your mother," said something in Ned's heart, as he sat

down to his tea.

"I don't care," said the boy to himself, “I don't care. I did not tell a lie- I did not say that I was playing.


If we use words which are about to cheat, we tell a lie. Ned's lie was a very bad one, for it looked so

like the truth. A lie that looks like the truth is the worst kind of lie.

30.Who broke the saw actually?

A.The father. B.The boy. C.The mother. D.Nobody.

31.The underlined word "deceive" probably means“

A.鼓励 B.鞭策 C.欺骗 D.惩罚

32.What time did the school close?

A.At 14:00. B.At 15:00. C.At16:00. D.At17:00.

33.The boy got home at six on that day, because he_

A.played at ball B.was busy with his lessons C.forgot the time D.was

asked to stay by the teacher

34.What does the writer mainly want to tell us?

A.A truth is a real lie.

C.A truth that looks like a lie is a lie.


Some people like staying at home, but others like traveling. Some even enjoy going abroad. 35.

Nowadays, more and more people would like to move to other countries and live there for better

natural environment, more educational chances and so on. Whether these new settlers

(移民) should

accept new countries' values and lifestyles has become a public focus. 36.

People who support for accepting new values say that once you live in a new environment, you have

to make yourself feel at home in the new community. If not, you would feel lonely. 37. And your boss will

B.What looks like a truth is a lie.

D.A lie that looks real is the worst lie.

consider you to be an adaptable

(能适应的) person. And your family can also get themselves in the new

community. Last but not the least, as you accept the new values and lifestyles, you can learn something new

besides your own culture.

Those who are against, however, argue that if the settlers accept new values and culture, they are

considered to forget their own countries. 38. Last of all, it is necessary for them to keep their own tradition

and culture, especially the people who are in minority


39. Though people should have their special styles, it is important to get themselves in the new

community. For an easier and better life, accepting new ways of life and values helps a lot.

A.People all like traveling everywhere.

B.Personally speaking, I agree on the first opinion.

C.In my opinion, people shouldn't accept new culture.

D.Do you have any ideas about moving to other countries?

E. They believe new setters are supposed to keep their own styles.

F. Besides, getting yourself in the new environment, you can develop better in work.

G. Before showing my opinion, it is important to talk about two sides of the question.



2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.B12.B 13.C 14.A 15.D






意见箱。由“Gifts can express how we feel,

”及最后一段“when choosing gifts we must always consider the message we wish to ”可知,礼物也会传递我们不打算透露的信息,空格填入 message才能前后呼应,B项符合语境。故选B。



乐意地,高兴地。由“In some cultures that think highly of gift-giving, there is ...”可知,此处指送礼的文化和礼节应该被高度重视和小心对待,A项符合语境。故选A。


what什么;when什么时候;how如何;that那。分析句子结构可知,空格处缺少定语从句的引导词,先行词为some cultures,在从句中做主语,要用that,故选D。


as由于;for为了;like像,about关于。类似;由后文“It isn't much, but I wanted to show my appreciation.”可知,送礼者说了这类这样的话,C项符合语境,故选C。



检查,refuse拒绝;try试图;leave离开。核对;由后文“but the giver will insist. Then the receiver

will accept the gift ...”可知此处应是礼物遭到收礼者拒绝一两次的情况。故选B。


put it down把它放下;put it up把它挂上去;put it off拖延;put it away把它放一边。由后文“to be opened

later”及“The choice of gifts is important, naturally, and in some cultures it is easy to offend (冒犯)a



price价格;choice选择;history历史;skill技能。由后文“The givers of gifts must consider the symbolsof



free免费的;expensive昂贵的;small小的;wrong错误的。由后文“easy to offend (冒犯)a person ”以

及“The givers of gifts must consider the symbolsof them”可知,礼物选择错误很容易冒犯他人,故选D。


symbols符号,象征;conditions条件,情况;shapes形状;colors彩,颜。由后文“For example,

a gift of a knife or letter opener in Brazil might be seen as the ending of a relationship.”可知,此处指礼物所代表的符号和象征意义,故选A。


secret秘密;deal约定,relationship关系;problem问题。交易;由后文“For example, in the United States,

gifts such as perfume(香水)”及“ If a woman receives such a gift from her friend, it might be

considered strange.”可知,此处强调送礼要慎重考虑当事人与收礼者的关系。故选C。


even甚至;only仅仅;also也;still仍然。由前文“The relationship between the giver and the receiver of

a gift can also tell us what kind of gift is suitable.”可知,此处指送礼要靠考虑与收礼者的关系,美国只有亲密爱人的关系才会送香水等礼物。故选B。


so所以;such如此;like像,类似;as由于。由前文“For example, in the United States, gifts such as



the other另一个;other其他的,another

又一,others其他人 to another另外的;另一;(复数)。是常用搭配,表示





理解,认为;形容;懂;由后文“and think about

whether or not it is suitable for the receiver.”可知,此处指送礼时要考虑礼物所展示的信息。故选A。


copied复制;discovered发现,avoided避免;valued重视,到;珍视。由前文“...the message we wish

to show with the gift and think about whether or not it is suitable for the receiver.”可知,符合收礼者文化礼仪的礼物,会被珍视。故选D。

16.B 17.C 18.D 19.B


16.细节理解题。根据第一段“Roderick said this sink-or-swim method would let his daughter learn to care

for herself.”可知,约翰·罗德里克没有帮女儿打开罐头,因为他想让女儿独自解决问题,故选B。

17.词义猜测题。根据第三段“parents are expected to sign children up for extracurricular activities, take

part in children’s play at home, reason with children, ask questions and encourage children to express their

opinions”以及“…gradual process in which parents’ willingness to be deeply involved in their kids is really

important. ”可推测,“intensive parenting”是指父母要对孩子的生活很关心,并愿意深入地参与,故选C。

18.细节理解题。根据最后一段“ Instead of doing almost everything for kids or leaving kids to deal with a

difficult situation alone, apprenticeship parents continually balance challenge and support for kids… We

only step in if our children need a hand.”可知,必要时,父母应该引导孩子们克服挑战,故选D。

19.最佳标题题。本文给我们介绍了一个培养孩子的方法,就是做好学徒期父母,所以选项B“Apprenticeship Method-a Proper Way to Raise Kids”最符合文章大意,故选B。

20.C 21.C 22.A



细节理解题。根据原文First launched(发射): 2016可知,长征5号火箭首次发射是在2016年。C选项In 2016“2016年”符合题意,故选C。

21.题意:安加拉-A 5火箭的首次发射地点在哪里?

细节理解题。根据原文Country: Russia可知,安加拉-A 5火箭是俄罗斯的,所以它是在俄罗斯发射的。C选项In Russia“在俄罗斯”符合题意,故选C。


细节理解题。根据原文可知,长征5号火箭57米高,安加拉-A 5火箭64米高,猎鹰9号火箭70米高,显然猎鹰9号是最高的火箭。A选项Falcon 9 (A)“猎鹰9号”符合题意,故选A。

23.B 24.C 25.C


23.细节理解题,根据“CHINA has built… a healthier diet than the usual steamed bread.”以及“Steamed

bread… making pandas expensive to feed”可知,馒头和新鲜的竹子在烹饪时会失去大部分营养,造成熊猫不健康,储存时间短,价格昂贵,而饼干则会比馒头更加健康,与馒头相反的话,说明也更容易储存。故选B。

24.细节理解题。根据“Steamed bread…often causing bad health.”可知,馒头在烹饪时会失去大部分营养,造成熊猫不健康,所以馒头的烹饪会流失熊猫健康所需的物质。故选C。

25.细节理解题,根据“Around 1,000… around the world.”可知,中国四川有大概1,000只熊猫,在世A错误;界其他地方还有140只左右,所以一共有1140只熊猫在世,不会少于1,000只,根据“Thirty

pandas have…given the new food."”可知,已经有三十只熊猫在尝试吃这种饼干,所有的熊猫将会都B错误;吃这种饼干,并不是现在已经在吃了,根据倒数第二段“The destruction of forests…threat to the


cream-colored biscuit… than normal bamboo”可知,新饼干比普通竹子含有更多维他命和多30%的纤维,但是没有说纤维越多越好。故选C。

26.C 27.B 28.B 29.C


26.细节理解题。根据The series was published during the 1990s. The main character is a girl named Alita.

She is a cyborg.


27.细节理解题。根据Luckily, a doctor saves her.


28.细节理解题。根据They wore special suits that record their movements.


29.理解概括题.根据 The film’s actors used the latest motion-capture (动作捕捉) technology. They wore

special suits that record their movements.


30.B 31.C 32.C 33.D 34.D


30.细节理解题。根据The boy did not want to do such work, so after his father had gone away, he threw

the saw down, and it broke,可知是男孩弄坏了锯子,故选B。


32.细节理解题。根据It is six o'clock. Your school closes at four,可知学校下午四点放学,故选C。

33.细节理解题。根据He had been “kept in” by his teacher, because he had not learned his lessons,可知他被老师留堂了,故选D。

34.文章主旨题。根据全文的内涵,以及A lie that looks like the truth is the worst kind of lie,可知作者想告诉我们听起来很像事实的谎言是最坏的谎言,人们不该说谎,故选D。

35.D 36.G 37.F 38.E 39.B




37.根据后句的“And your boss ”可知此处与工作有关,结合备选项可知F项符合语境。故选F。







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