


lesson 63 she was not amused






① is jeremy greatly admired for his great sense of humor or


② what was he invited to do?

③ did he immediately agree to do so or not?


4、提出问题:why had jenny not enjoyed her father?s speech?



【第二节课】 1、做291页的两道选择理解题。5? 2、朗读课文。10? 3、复习句型(详见下文)。10?











1. circle [s?:kl]n. 圈子


eg. use your compasses to draw a circle.



a circle of trees 一圈树

eg. we sat in a circle.


a circle of hills 环山

a circle of lookers-on 一圈围观者


square 正方形

triangle 三角形

a star has five ends, a square has four ends, a triangle has

three ends, a line has two ends, i hope your happiness is no



have a large circle of friends 交友广泛

in theatrical circles 在演艺界

in business circles 在商业界

in political circles 在政界


the circle of the seasons 四季的循环

vicious circle 恶性循环

go round in circles没有进展,瞎忙

2. admire [?dmai?]v. 赞美,钦佩


admire sb./ sth. for…因……而羡慕某人、某物

eg. i admire you for your success in business.


eg. we admire him for his sense of humor.


eg. i was admiring his new car.



remember to admire her new dress 记着要称赞她的新裙子。

admirer n. 称赞者,仰慕者

eg. she has a lot of admirers.


admiring adj. 赞赏的,羡慕的

admiring glances 羡慕的眼光

admiration [,?dm?rei??n] n. [u] 钦佩,羡慕

eg. we had great admiration for his courage.


look at a picture with/ in admiration 羡慕地看着一幅画

a mutual admiration society 相互吹捧的社会

3. close adj. 亲密的

1)v. 关[kl?uz]

close the door 关门

close your eyes 闭眼

eg. the shop closes at 5:


close one?s eyes to sth.

turn a blind eye to sth. 视而不见

close one?s mind to 不愿思考

2)adj [kl?us] (在空间或时间上)接近

eg. the church is close to the school.


3)adj. 亲密的,亲近的

a close relative 近亲

a close friend/ a bosom friend 亲近的朋友

4)adj. 势均力敌的

a close match势均力敌的比赛

a close election 势均力敌的选举

closed 关着的 (反义词open)

4. wedding [wedi?] n. 婚礼( marriage ceremony)

wedding breakfast

a wedding ring ( a wedding band) 结婚戒指

eg. when will you have your wedding?


eg. i?m invited to their wedding.



(一周年)paper wedding 纸婚

()straw wedding 稻草婚

(三周年)leather wedding 皮革婚

(四周年)silk wedding 丝婚

(五周年)wood wedding 木婚

(六周年)iron wedding 铁婚

(十周年)tin wedding 锡婚

(二十周年)china wedding 搪瓷婚

(二十五周年)silver wedding 银婚(婚后第一大庆典)

(三十周周年)pearl wedding 珍珠婚

(三十五周年)coral wedding 珊瑚婚

(四十周年)ruby wedding 红宝石婚

(四十五周年)sapphire wedding 蓝宝石婚

(五十周年)golden wedding 金婚 (婚后第二大庆典)

(五十五周年)emerald wedding 翡翠婚

(六十-七十五)diamond wedding 钻石婚


marriage 结婚,婚姻,婚礼(legal union between a man and

woman as husband and wife, state of being married)


marry sb.

get married to sb.

be married to sb.

marry money (以财产为目的的结婚)(marriage hunter)

single adj.(单身)/ married adj. (已婚)

5. reception [risep??n]n. 招待会

1)n. 接受,接纳

give a warm reception to sb.


eg. i got a friendly reception from them.


2)n. [single常用单数] 接待处

eg. wait for me at the reception.


receptionist n. 接待员

reception desk 服务台

3)n. 执行会,欢迎会,宴会(文中的意思)

hold a wedding reception 举行婚宴

official receptions for the foreign guests.


receive v. 收到

receive the nobel prize for literature 获得诺贝尔奖

receive a letter 收到一封信

6. sort [s?:t]n. 种类

1)n. 种类

kind, sort, type

kind 与sort 用法基本相同,kind 比较正式,sort 多用于口语与商业用语,有时含有轻蔑的意味。

eg. i?ll do nothing of this sort.


eg. how did you get this sort of idea into your head?


type 侧重外观,?式样?,?风格?的意思

eg. her beauty was of another type.


2) sort vt. 分类,区分

eg. he sorted (through) the old cards.


sor of… 几分,有些,稍微

eg. the man was sort of peculiar.


eg. i felt sort of embarrassed.


a sort of … 一种……的,像……的

a sort of scholar


of a sort 蹩脚的,还称得上是……

a poet of a sort 蹩脚的诗人


1. jeremy hampden has a large circle of friends and is very

popular at parties.

a large circle of friends 有很广的交际圈子

be popular with sb. 受……的欢迎

eg. the nurse is very popular with little children.


be popular among sb. 在某人中受欢迎

eg. chinese food is becoming popular among americans.


popular newspaper 大众报纸

popular opinion 舆论

popular government 民主政治


1) 聚会,团,一行,一伙

at parties 在各种聚会中

have/give a party 聚会

a party of tourists 旅行团

eg. the president and his party started for geneva.



the party concerned 当事者,当事人

2. everybody admires him for his great sense of humor --

everybody, that is, except his six-year-old daughter, jenny.

admire sb. for sth. 因……而钦佩某人

a sense of humor 幽默感


1) 了解……的感觉

a musical sense 音乐感

eg. he has no sense of business.



a sense of hunger 饥饿感

a sense of shame 羞耻感

a sense of responsibility 责任感

a moral sense 道德观


common sense 常识

a man of good sense 通情达理的人


eg. she lost her senses when she heard the news.


that is 也就是说,即

=that is to say.

eg. she is a housewife, that is when she is not teaching



six-year-old 只可作前置定语。

a face-to-face talk 面对面的交谈

3. recently, one of jeremys closest friends asked him to make

a speech at a wedding reception. one of jeremy?s closest


= a closest friend of jeremy?s

make a speech 做演讲;(文中)祝词

4. this is the sort of thing that jeremy loves.


新概念英语第三册 1-20 课后作文标准答案 阅读580 评论1字号:大中小 订阅 lesson 1 a puma at large

key to composition

a possible answer

mrs. stone had spent the whole morning picking blackberries

in the countryside near her home. it was nearly lunch time, so

she decided to return home for lunch. she was just picking up

her basket when she heard a noise in the bushes. then she

saw an animal which looked like a cat. she knew it was not a

cat because it was so large. the animal suddenly turned round

to look at her and she thought it was going to come towards

her and perhaps attack her. she dropped her basket and

screamed loudly. hearing the sound , the animal disappeared

into the bushes, after which mrs. stone picked up her basket

and ran all her the way home. she told her neighbours that she

had seen a puma in the countryside, but they did not believe

her. she also telephoned the police but they didn’t believe her

either. (148words)

lesson 2 thirteen equals one

key to composition

a possible answer a sticky business

we were used to hearing our church bell striking the hours in

our small morning we saw that the clock had stopped at

exactly one a. m. our clock was clearly damaged, but no one

could explain how this had happened.

armed with a torch, our vicar climbed into the church tower to

see what was going on. he heard a loud buzz as he went

towards t clock and in the torchlight he found it had been

invaded by bees. he was lucky they didnt sting him! he shone

his torch into the great bell and saw that it was full of wax and

honey. no wonder it wasnt working!

a bee keeper was called in to deal with the situation. he

immediately removed the queen bee to one of his bee hives

and the other bees followed. the clock was cleaned and was

soon working again. we not only enjoyed hearing it strike the

hours day and night, but we enjoyed eating the honey as well.


lesson 3 an unknown goddess

key to composition

a possible answer

after walking round the ancient city, the archaeologist

discovered an ancient temple. this temple had obviously been

a place of worship because it contained a sacred room. on

entering the sacred room, the archaeologists found the clay

fragments of fifteen statue, each of which was a goddess

which had once been painted. after this, workmen began

digging and soon discovered the head of a state among

remains dating from the fifth century b. c. they also found the

body of this statue among remains from the fifteenth century

was a modern-looking woman. she had her hands on her hips

and she was wearing a full-length skirt. although the

archaeologists tried very hard to identify her, they were unable

to find out her name. (143words)

lesson 4 the double life of alfrde bloggs

key to composition

a possible answer

nearly caught

one morning alf and three other dustmen were collecting

rubbish in merton street and they stopped outside mrs. frost’s


thought alf didn’t know it, his wife was visiting mrs. frost at

the time. she and mrs. frost were old friends, though mrs. frost

had never met alf. alfe was just getting out of the dustcart to

go into mrs. frost’s backyard when he saw his wife leaving mrs.

frost’s house. he quickly returned to the dustcart and hid in the

driving cabin. while he was hiding, his fellow dustmen helped

him by collecting mrs frost’s rubbish. meanwhile, alf’s wife and

mrs. frost talked on the doorstep. it looked as though their

conversation would never end!at last mrs. bloggs said

goodbye to mrs. frost. she waved to one of the dustmen whom

she recognized and she went towards the dustcart to greet him.

the dustman waved back and gave her a big smile as the

dustcart drove off. mrs bloggs stood on the pavement and

watched the dustcart disappear down the street. then she

began to walk home. ”it’s all right, alf, ”his friend said. ”she

can’t see you now. ”

“thanks, jim, ”alf said. ”that was a lucky escape!”(200words)

lesson 5 the facts

key to composition

a possible answer

the journalist counted the number of steps as he wearily

climbed up to the high wall surrounding the presidents palace.

on arriving at the main gate, he sat down to get his breath back.

he then produced a tape measure in order to measure the wall.

while he was busy measuring the wall, a policeman

approached him and asked him what he was doing. though the

journalist explained he was a reporter and his editor had asked

him to find out the exact height of the wall, the policeman

refused to believe him. he was arrested and sent to prison

because the police thought that he might be a spy or might

even want to assassinate the president when the journalist

insisted he was innocent, he made things worse for himself.

this proved to the police that the man certainly was guilty and

deserved to stay in prison indefinitely.

(149 words)

lesson 6 smash-and-grab

key to composition

a possible answer

they got away

seeing the thieves car join the traffic on piccadilly, mr. taylor

took a taxi and followed them. the taxi driver drove at full

speed when mr. taylor told him what had happened.

there wasnt too much traffic at this time of the morning so

there was a mad chase through the streets of london. for a

short time, the thieves car was on the wrong side of the road

and hit another car, but it did not stop. two policemen in a

police car watched in amazement as the two vehicles went

past, both breaking the speed limit. lights on and horn blaring,

the police car chased both the speeding cars. mr. taylors taxi

stopped when the traffic lights turned red. the thieves ignored

the traffic lights and got away. meanwhile, the police caught up

with the taxi at the traffic lights and the taxi driver was charged

with speeding. they refused to let the driver off, even though

mr. taylor carefully explained the situation.

however, the police informed another police car of the chase

and ten minutes later the thieves car was found abandoned in

a side street. the thieves had escaped on foot and disappeared

among the crowd. (200 words)

lesson 7 mutilated ladies

key to composition

a possible answer

jane opened the oven door and saw that her meal was ready to

serve. she took the food out of the oven and in doing so,

noticed something strange inside the oven which she couldn’t

recognize. so she went to find john and told him about it. in

dismay, john quickly explained that he had put his wallet

containing the day’s takings into the oven for safekeeping.

they both rushed to the oven and saw that the money had been

destroyed. at first, they didnt know what to do. john wanted to

throw the money away, but jane wouldnt let him. its best not to

disturb the wallet jane said. you can see all the money is there,

even if it has been destroyed. jane told john to go and see his

bank manager for advice, so the next day john took the wallet

and ashes to the bank. (150words)

key to composition

a possible answer


one very cold morning, a monk took two st. bernards dogs out

for exercise. he immediately noticed that the dogs were very

restless. suspecting a traveler might be in difficulty, the monk

returned to the monastery to organize a search party.

the two dogs led four monks through the snow. two of the

monks pulled a sledge behind them, in case they needed it.

there had been very high winds the previous night, but now

everything was still and visibility was bad because there was a

heavy fog. moreover, the temperature had fallen to -20. the

dogs led the monks towards the pass and as the monks got

near, they heard cries in . the distance. the dogs soon found a

man who was trapped under the snow and immediately

dragged him out. the man was alive, but frozen stiff. the monks

strapped him to the sledge and took him back to the

monastery. the man was unconscious, but he soon recovered

in the warm atmosphere of the monastery where he was given

plenty of hot drinks and food. when the traveler was able to

speak, the monks listened with interest as he told them what

had happened the previous night. (200 words) lesson 9 flying


key to composition

a possible answer

human beings like to keep dogs and cats. dogs are

submissive and faithful to their masters, but cats like to be

independent. cats are especially lovable when they are still

kittens. as kittens they like to play by chasing anything that

moves. thats how they learn to hunt mice, birds, insects and

other small creatures. a lot of people keep cats so they can

have a pet. as kittens grow into cats, they like to stay indoors.

they like regular meals and enjoy sleeping in front of a nice fire.

however, they also like going out. during the day time and at

night they like to go hunting. sometimes during the night they

have fights with other cats. cats are very clean animals. you

often see them washing themselves. human beings are

fascinated by their behaviour because cats are domestic

animals, while at the same time they enjoy their independence.

(80 words)

lesson 10 the loss of the titanic

key to composition

a possible answer

abandon ship

the titanic began to sink, slowly at first. the order to abandon

ship was unexpected, so passengers and crew were

completely unprepared. it was the lesson 8 a famous


middle of the night. some people were asleep in their cabins.

others were on deck admiring the brilliant night sky and the

giant icebergs rising above them. others were eating and

dancing in the wonderful ballrooms on the ship.

the immediate effect was panic and confusion. people began

rushing in all directions, wondering what so do next. the cold

was indescribable and many passengers were still in their

night clothes. members of the crew came up from below and

began to lower the life boats. it was a case of women and

children first, but it soon became obvious that there werent

enough lifeboats for everyone, so people jumped overboard

into the freezing water in order to save their lives. some of

those swimming in the water struggled to get into the life-boats, but most of them were already full.

the titanic sank rapidly, carrying many people down with it.

there were cries of despair from people in the water as they

watched the lifeboats moving away and were left to drown in

the icy ocean. (200 words)

lesson 11 not guilty

key to composition

a possible answer

when the customs officer asked the traveller if he was

carrying anything valuable, the man said that he had nothing

to declare.

the officer asked the man to open his suitcase. although the

case contained only a suit and some dirty clothes, it was very

heavy. this made the customs officer suspicious, so he

removed all the clothes from the case. the case was soon

empty and when the officer lifted it, he found that it was still

very heavy. the officer examined the case carefully and saw

that the bottom was very shallow. he pressed the base hard

and removed the bottom part of the case which contained a

quantity of emeralds and other precious stones. while the

officer was looking at an emerald, the man tried to escape. for

a moment the man disappeared among the passing holiday

travellers, but he was soon caught and placed under arrest.


lesson 12 life on a desert island

key to composition

a possible answer


the ship went down and everyone was drowned. i was the only

one who managed to jump into the sea. i clung to a plank in

the water for several hours till i was washed up on a desert


i slept on the beach for a very long time — i cant remember

how long. when i woke up, i was hungry and thirsty, so i

decided to explore the island. it was uninhabited, but i found

plenty of fruit which had fallen from the trees. i lived on

coconuts and pineapples and there was plenty of fresh spring

water. i tried to hunt wild animals with my bare hands(small

pigs and other creatures), but i failed to catch anything. so i

spent my days swimming in the warm clear water and lying in

the sun.

one afternoon while i was lying on the beach as usual, i saw a

boat on the horizon. i signaled with my while shirt and shouted

as loudly as i could. fortunately, someone on the boat saw me

and i was rescued. of course, i was pleased to get back to

civilization, but 1 was very sorry to leave this island paradise.

(200 words)

lesson 13 its only me

key to composition

a possible answer

mrs. richards immediately went upstairs and took off her

costume . she felt sorry for the poor man from the electricity

board, but at die same time she was rather amused. suddenly,

there was a knock at the front door and mrs. richards opened it

at once. electricity man had returned, accompanied by a

policeman, so she invited both in. the man told mrs. richards

that he had tried to reader metre and that there was a ghost in

the storeroom. though mrs. richards explained that she had

dressed up as a ghost, he refused to believe her. she told him

to open the storeroom door, but he was too frightened, so she

opened it herself. while the electricity man and the policeman

were looking for the ghost in the storeroom, mrs. richards

fetched her costume. she showed it to both men and only then

did they believe her. (150 words)

lesson 14 a noble gangster

key to composition

a possible answer hawkwood defeated

news that hawkwood and his men were approaching caused

panic among villagers who prepared to defend their farms.

hawkwood had a bad reputation among farmers because they

knew he would not hesitate to kill them and to bum their farms.

the farmers fought very hard, even though they were poorly

armed. with their sticks and spades, they were no match for

hawkwoods well-armed soldiers who had horses, swords and

bows and arrows. during the battle, a great many farmers were

killed. after hawkwood destroyed their farms, he sent a

message to the prince of the city-state demanding a large

amount of protection money. he said that if this money was

paid, he would go away and cause no more trouble. however, if

it wasnt paid, he would invade the city. to hawkwoods

amazement, this demand was refused, so he and his men

invaded the city. as a result, many buildings were destroyed

and thousands of people were killed, including quite a few of

hawkwoods soldiers.

the city people fought very hard until hawkwood and his men

were finally driven off. because the city people defended

themselves so well, hawkwood never attacked them again. he

and the prince even became friends. (200words)

lesson 15 fifty pence worth of trouble

key to composition

a possible answer

i was walking along the street when i saw a crowed ahead of

me. Icould hear people shouting and making a noise.on

arriving at the scene, i saw a small boy on the pavement with

his arm in a drain cover.a lady carrying a large bar of soap

and saucepan of water knelt down beside the boy.she asked

the boy if he was in pain and he said he wasn’t.then she

rubbed his arm with butter, but he couldn’t get it

free.meanwhile, someone had telephoned the fir brigade.the

boy had begun to cry , but when he saw the firemen, he

cheered up. at first, the firemen decided to cut through the

drain cover, but they changed their minds and rubbed the

boy’s arm with a special type of grease. the boy was soon free

and though his arm hurt, he was smiling. (150 words)

lesson 16 mary had a little lamb

key to composition

a possible answer

not so black

dimitri was surprised to find that the lamp had turned white.

he took a close look at and recognized it as his own.


lesson 78

two young boys who had never smoked before wanted to try.

one evening,after they had their supper, father went into the

living-room to watch tv, leaving a packet of cigarettes on the

table. the boys took two cigarettes from the packet and went

out of the house hid in the garage ,hoping to

enjoy their smoking r,when they lit the cigarettes

and began to smoke,they could not help coughing,because the

smoke was too strong for them.

their father somehow saw the smoke coming from the

garage,and rushed down when he saw the boys

there,d of criticizing them,he offered them

cigars and asked them to have a taste. the boys accepted them.

but the cigars were even stronger than the cigarettes. when the

smoked, the both felt very sick and coughed badly. this was a

punishment for them。

lesson 79

a plane took off. there are many passengers on board.

passenger threw a lighted cigarette into an air vent.

unfortunately he thought the air vent was an ash tray. it caused

a fire. soon someone found the smoke from the air vent and

saw the fire. this message caused the passengers into a panic.

the flight attendant came out to tell the passengers to keep

calm until the plane safely returned to the airport. at once the

plane turned around and started to fly back to the airport. the

fire engines and ambulance had arrived at the airport and were

waiting there. after the plane fell on the ground, it was

searched thoroughly and no one was hurt. the fireman rushed

into the plane and the fire soon was put out successfully. five

hours later the plane took off again.

lesson 80

i made a visit to a modern exhibition last sunday. it was a new

car exhibition. when i was on the way to the exhibition, i was

lost and forget the right road, so i found a policeman and

asked him how i got there. the policeman told me the right

road. when i got there the car exhibition had begun and it

attracted(吸引) large crowds here and first

impressions(印象)of theexhibition were very good. there

were many rs ranking(排列)in the exhibition hall and forty

beautiful girls standing near the cars. it was a modern, popular

car exhibition. the exhibits that i liked best were those

beautiful girls. they let me feel comfortable and happy. the

exhibition enlarged (扩大)my horizon(视野). after the

exhibition, i went home and was very tired at the end of the


lesson 83

the politician was giving a pre-election speech, in order to win

the election. but he was so self-confident and ambitious that

he gave big promises: he would provide more houses for the

workers, set up some new schools for the poor children, and

adopt better economic and foreign policies.

then the audience began to ask him questions. he answered

them one by one patiently at first. but when the members of

the audience asked him some rude questions, he lost his

temper, and said that the audience did not deserve more

houses, high wages, etc. and he walked off angrily. as a result,

the politician was defeated in the election.

lesson 84

busmen were not satisfied with their low pay and poor

working conditions, so they went on strike. the strike began

last tuesday. no one knew how long it would last. this caused

great trouble to those who have to go to work by bus everyday.

a number of university students

volunteered to drive buses, and they even offered‘freerides’to

people on their way to school while the strike lasted. this

would relieve pressure on the trains to some extent. but the

students drove badly, as they were not expert drivers. as a

result, the buses were seldom on time, and they were often

crowded. the public began to complain, but the busmen were


then the students threatened to go on strike, and they did so.

this angered the busmen as well as the government. finally,

general agreement was reached and the busmen returned to

work lesson 85

my former headmaster was retired last month. pupils of the

school, old and new, all attended the farewell party in his

honor. at the party, he gave a speech in which he thanked all

the pupils. he remembered his pupils’ past and talked about

their present. many of them, now grown-ups, were successful

in their careers. he especially enjoyed recalling some

humorous incidents he had experienced with his pupils.

ely new hobby. perhaps it would take him forty years to put his

garden in order, but it would not matter, as he had often

said:‘one is never too old to learn.’

lesson 86

a speedboat was moving smoothly. but it sped up suddenly

and got out of control in the river. fortunately, there was no

one in it except the driver himself. he tried to keep the

speedboat in control, but it continued to move very quickly

across the water. it was moving towards a small fishing boat

with two fishermen on it. the fishermen were greatly frightened

and tried to row away.

when the fishermen noticed with dismay that the speedboat

came nearer, they dived into the sea. it now came straight

towards them at tremendous speed. and the fishermen swan

as quickly as they could to get out of danger. suddenly, it

slowed down considerably, for it had run out of petrol. it

stopped completely just before it reached the fishermen.

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