




His each step closer was like a perfectly-outlined fragment which fitted

seamlessly into a thin face resurfacing in my mind.

Some vague and distant memories stirred as enchanting tunes seeped

into my mind.


As flakes of snow soundlessly carpeted the outside world, the warmth of

love was ablaze inside.

Dashing out into the snow-blanketed streets, she left a trail of tinkling

tunes that enveloped the wintry afternoon in heart-warming merriment.


Staring upwards, I found his face amazingly identical to the photo, with

bushy beards, sun-tanned skin, and beads of glistening rainwater clinging to

his steep cheekbones like pearl.


In the mellow twilight, a shimmering circle of light seemed to crown his

disappearing figure, gracing us with a random act of kindness, coloring the

forest a heavenly shade of gold.


As the glittering beads splashed onto the dark blue carpet, their

integration miraculously resembled the starry night above, shinning what

heavenly friendship was all about.

Streams of tears were gushing from his eyes and trickling down his

quivering chin, drowning all attempts to voice his apology amid his profound

regret and sorrow.


Tortured by the waves of dreadful thoughts, he felt himself clutched by

the dire emotion somewhere between apprehension and horror.

Whenever gun shots pierced the chilly autumn air, the chords in our

hearts tightened and as winter gathered pace, the absence of Mildred

gradually crushed the last ray of our hope.


All the names were printed in italic, each letter dancing with its own

unique glamour and charm Blinking, she inched closer, hearing her own voice

muttering the very name syllable by syllable as a sentimental mixture of

disbelief and exhilaration swept over her.

Beyond her wildest imagination, her name took a conspicuous position

topping the list of qualified performers.


Under the gleaming spotlight, Emily slowly paced onto the stage, still

clumsy and strange-figured, yet each step laced with

unique gracefulness hard work and confidence.

Her melodious singing rose and fell, masterly artistry and

genuine emotions weaving into the story of an angel, broken in body

yet intact in soul.

The soothing tunes carrying magnetic fascination flowed out of her

mouth, like a river meandering into every pair of intently listening ears.


As the setting sun shed muted shafts of light on his proudly waving rag

tail, the glowing warmth radiated from the golden sun thawed his heart which

had been frozen with trepidation.

Freeing himself from the leaden shackles of rear, the kite eventually

fulfilled his very destiny, sailing smoothly in where he truly belonged.


The moment a sudden gust whipped through the terror-stricken kite, he

instinctively recoiled with an upsurge of paralyzing fear washing over him,

driving him into the despair of potential crash.

As he gradually gained height in the mild wind, a creeping sense of dread

and unease, began to dominate his involuntarily quivering body.



As the glittering beads splashed onto the dark blue carpet,

shinning their integration miraculously resembled the starry night above,

what heavenly friendship was all about. 当闪闪发光的珠子溅到深蓝的地毯上时,它们的融合奇迹般地像天上的星空,闪耀出神圣的友谊。

splash v.泼洒;哗啦哗啦地溅 starry adj.布满星星的 heavenly adj.很愉快的;美好的

Streams of tears were gushing from his eyes and trickling down his quivering chin,

drowning all attempts to voice his apology amid his profound regret and sorrow. 泪水从他的眼睛里喷涌而出,缓缓流过他颤抖的下巴,淹没了表达他道歉的一切努力在深深的遗憾和悲伤中。

gush v.(从…中)涌出 trickle v.(使)滴,淌


Tortured by the waves of dreadful thoughts, he felt himself clutched by the dire emotion

somewhere between apprehension and horror. 被一波可怕的思想的浪潮所折磨,他感到自己被一种介于忧虑和恐惧之间的可怕的情绪所抓住。

torture v.使痛苦;使苦恼 apprehension n.忧虑;担心

Whenever gun shots pierced the chilly autumn air, the chords in our hearts tightened and

as winter gathered pace, the absence of Mary gradually crushed the last ray of our hope. 每当响刺穿秋天寒冷的空气,我们心中的弦就会收紧,随着冬天的加快,玛丽的缺席逐渐粉碎了我们的最后一缕希望。pierce v.刺破;穿过;crush v.破坏,毁坏


All the names were printed in italic, each letter dancing with its own unique glamour and

charm. Blinking, she inched closer, hearing her own voice muttering the very name syllable by

syllable as a sentimental mixture of disbelief and exhilaration swept over her. 所有的名字都用斜体印刷,每个字母都有自己独特的魅力和魅力。眨着眼睛,她慢慢地走近,听到自己一个字一个字地嘟哝着名字,一种怀疑和兴奋的感情向她袭来。

glamour n.吸引力,魅力sentimental n.情感的 exhilaration n.激动,兴奋

Beyond her wildest imagination, her name took a conspicuous position topping the list of

qualified performers. 超出了她最疯狂的想象,她的名字在合格的表演者名单上登顶。

conspicuous adj.明显的


As the setting sun shed muted shafts of light on his proudly waving rag tail, the glowing

warmth radiated from the golden sun thawed his heart which had been frozen

with trepidation. 当夕阳把柔和的阳光照射在他骄傲地挥舞的破布尾巴上时,金的太阳发出的温暖把他原本惊恐的心融化了。

muted adj.暗淡的;不明亮的 shaft n.一束(光、阳光等) thaw v.融化 trepidation n.惊恐

Freeing himself from the leaden shackles of fear, the kite eventually fulfilled his

very destiny, sailing smoothly in where he truly belonged. 从恐惧的铅制枷锁中解脱出来,风筝最终完成了他的命运,顺利地航行在他真正属于的地方。

shackle n.枷锁 destiny n.命运


Drawing a deep inhalation, Jack was relieved by a sentimental mixture of comfort and

support, initially knitted eyebrows stretching into a faint smile. 深深地吸了一口气,杰克被安慰和支持的混合情感所宽慰,一开始紧皱的眉毛伸展成微弱的微笑。inhalation n.吸气


The moment a sudden gust whipped through the terror-stricken kite, he

instinctively recoiled with an upsurge of paralyzing fear washing over him, driving him into the

despair of potential crash. 一阵狂风突然吹过那只惊恐的风筝,在一阵令人麻痹的恐惧席卷之下,他本能地退缩了,使他陷入了可能崩溃的绝望之中。

whip v.(使朝某一方向)猛然移动 recoil v.退缩,畏缩 paralyzing adj.令人麻痹的

As he gradually gained height in the mild wind, a creeping sense of dread and unease,

began to dominate his involuntarily quivering body. 当他在温和的风中逐渐上升时,一种恐惧和不安感开始支配着他那不由自主地颤抖的身体。

dominate v.支配,控制 involuntarily adv.不由自主地


In that fleeting second, the boy looked up with glistening eyes alight

with unprecedented tenderness while a trace of reassuring smile across the face comforted his

frightened heart. 在那短暂的一瞬间,男孩抬起头来,眼睛闪闪发光,流露出前所未有的温柔,脸上一丝宽慰的微笑安抚着他惊恐的心。

Unprecedented adj.前所未有的 tenderness n.温和,柔软 reassuring adj.令人感到宽慰的


Exhausted though he was, his eyes still sparkled glowingly when his gaze encountered mine,

lips eventually breaking into a gratified smile. 尽管他筋疲力尽,但当他的目光遇到我的目光时,他的眼睛仍然闪闪发光,嘴唇最终露出了满意的微笑。

encounter v.偶然碰到;意外地遇见 gratified adj.满足的,满意的

Having seen my elation, dad flashed, a broad grin at me, with his hazy and drawn eyes full

of tenderness. 爸爸看到我的喜悦,向我投来灿烂的笑容,他那朦胧而憔悴的眼睛充满了温柔。

Elation n.兴高采烈 broad adj.(笑)咧开嘴的 hazy adj.朦胧的

As bone-chilling wind whistled past his weary face, my father inched his way towards our

home with a joyful glimmer in his eyes and a wide smile spreading across his face. 当刺骨的寒风吹过他疲惫的脸时,父亲慢慢地向我们的家走去,眼睛里闪着喜悦的微光,脸上绽开灿烂的微笑。

whistle v.呼啸而行glimmer n.微弱的闪光

Despite the penetrating wind whipping dad’s weather-beaten face, his sunken eyes still

glittered with shimmering exhilaration. 尽管刺骨的风拍打着父亲那张饱经风霜的脸,但他凹陷的眼睛仍然闪烁着闪闪发光的兴奋。

peenetrating adj.刺骨的 sunken adj.(眼睛或面颊)凹陷的,深陷的


With a shy smile registering on his face, Roman found it rather difficult to mutter any word

appropriate enough to respond. 罗曼脸上露出了害羞的微笑,他发现很难说出任何合适的词来回应。register vi.流露出;显得 mutter v.轻声低语


Seconds dragged by with no one daring to look down for help, for a mere peek from that

altitude is enough to drain the colors from their cheeks. 几秒钟过去了,没有人敢低头寻求帮助,因为仅仅从那个高度看一眼就足以让他们面无人了。

drag v.(时间)过得很慢;拖沓地进行 peek n.瞥drain v.使(脸上血)消失,



Like an unexpected hit knocking the air out of my lungs, I found my heart as icy as the

freezing pond, which gradually deprived me of my consciousness. 就像一次意外的撞击使空气从我的肺部出来,我发现我的心脏像冰冷的池塘一样冰冷,这逐渐剥夺了我的意识。

deprive sb. of sth. 剥夺;使丧失;使不能享有


The light blinked back on and illuminated everyone’s face, where even the

slightest trace of fear had gone, and an expression of joy was born. 光线再次闪烁,照亮了大家的脸,即使是丝毫的恐惧都消失了,随之一种喜悦的表情诞生了。illuminate v.照明,照亮 trace n.微量,少许


Endless darkness magnified all sounds so that any movement would quicken their

heartbeats. 无尽的黑暗放大了所有的声音以至于任何动作都会加速他们的心跳。magnify v.放大

As the gigantic shadow that the sun cast over the beach became longer, their chances

of a successful rescue became slimmer, and the dreadful darkness sent massive waves

of unnerving horror over John’s spine. 随着阳光投射在海滩上的巨大阴影越来越长,他们成功获救的机会变得越来越小,可怕的黑暗在约翰的脊椎上掀起了一波令人不安的恐惧。

slim adj.微薄的;小的 unnerving adj.使人紧张不安的

Mellow twilight smoothly veiling the skyline, tender drizzle mildly shrouding the

forest, the tranquility of nightfall gradually engulfed the canyon, none of which admire by

the tormented hearts. 柔和的暮平稳地笼罩着天际线,柔和的毛毛雨温和地笼罩着森林,夜幕降临的宁静逐渐吞没了峡谷,没有一个能理解到那痛苦的心。

mellow adj.柔和的 twilight n.暮;黄昏 tranquility n.平静,安宁 engulf v.包围,吞没


The initial irritation and impatience that dominated the son’s frowning face instantly

melted, transforming into a perplexed combination of guilt and shame, which dyed his

cheeks scarlet. 儿子皱眉的脸上最初的恼怒和不耐烦立刻融化了,变成了内疚和羞愧的结合,把他的面颊染得红红的。 perplexed adj.困惑的,迷惑不解的 scarlet adj.(脸)羞红的


As unexpected thrill racing through the body, he was immersed in an unprecedented

up-welling of sheer excitement and boiling ecstasy, which defeated the

previous mounting panic of height. 当意想不到的刺激穿过身体时,他沉浸在一种前所未有的纯粹的兴奋和沸腾的狂喜之中,这打败了之前日益增长的对高度的恐惧。

be immersed in 沉浸于 sheer adj.完全的,纯粹的 ecstasy n.狂喜 mounting adj.增长的

A tidal wave of exhilaration was boiling in his heart with a beaming smile escaping

from his lips, like a ray of sunlight setting his face aglow. 一阵兴奋的浪潮在他的心中沸腾起来,嘴唇里流露出灿烂的微笑,就像一缕阳光使他的脸闪闪发光。aglow adj.发亮的

Eagerly staring upwards, the boy was dumbfounded and wore an expression

somewhere between blank astonishment and deep contentment, smiling inwardly with the

belief of bravery’s stunning power circling in his mind. 男孩急切地向上凝视着,目瞪口呆,带着一种介于茫然的惊讶和深深的满足的表情,在内心微笑着,对勇敢的惊人力量的信念在他的脑海中盘旋。

inwardly adv.在内心;秘密地 stunning adj.令人震惊的


An air of sadness blanketing the whole world, every nerve in his body screamed at

him that he must save the poor calf. 一种悲伤的气氛笼罩了整个世界,他身上的每一根神经都向他尖叫,说他必须救那可怜的小牛。blanket v.(不好的情感、性质等的)弥漫,充斥


Her face turned pale and stood there tongue-tied. 她的脸苍白,站在那里,张口结舌。

She shook all over, feeling like sitting on pins and needles. 她浑身发抖,如坐针毡。


In the mellow twilight, a shimmering circle of light seemed to crown his disappearing

figure, gracing us with a random act of kindness, coloring the forest a heavenly shade of

gold. 在柔和的暮中,一圈闪闪发光的光似乎笼罩在他消失的身影上,用一种随意的善举赏光,把森林染上了神圣的金。grace v.使荣耀;使生辉;承蒙光临


In the dazzling shimmer of flashlights, the shared dreams came to

life, transcending time and space, bridging life and death, depicting what the real love

was all about. 在手电筒耀眼的闪光中,共同的梦想实现了,超越了时间和空间,连接了生与死,描绘了真爱的一切。

dazzling adj.耀眼的,光彩夺目的 transcend v.超出,超越(通常的界限) depict v.描绘;描画


Somewhere, something unlocked under a tinge of magic, not just an inspiration for the

art competition, but a bond that just clicked alive, transcending all obstacles with the

common language of “LOVE”. 在某个地方,在一种魔力下解锁的东西,不仅仅是艺术竞赛的灵感,更是一种鲜活的纽带,用共同的“爱”语言超越了所有的障碍。

tinge n.微量,少许 click v.豁然开朗;突然醒悟

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