

3.32.2Bird bird,oInternational law firm:

AN, TIAN, ZHANG & PARTNERS 安伦oCCPIT PATENT & TRADEMARK LAW OFFICE 贸促会oKING & WOOD 金杜oLIU SHEN & ASSOCIATES 柳沈Jun He Law Offices 君合Kangxin Partners, p.c. 康信NTD Patent & Trademark Agency Ltd 永新Run Ming Law Firm 润明Wan Hui Da Intellectual Property Agency 万慧达Chang Tsi & Partners 铸成China Sinda Intellectual Property Limited 中原信达China United Intellectual Property Protection Center

(CUIPPC) 中联Concord & Partners 共和Dragon International Patent Office 银龙Global Law Office 环球Haiwen & Partners 海问Hylands Law Firm 浩天信和IntellecPro International 英罗Jingtian & Gongcheng 竞天公诚Lehman Lee and Xu 雷曼Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦Zhongzi Law Office 中咨legal500评出的国内IP律所排名Boss & Young Attorneys at Law 邦信阳Broad & Bright 世泽C & M (China) Law Offices 昌明China Science Patent & Trademark Agent Ltd 中科Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤MMLC Group 铭辉达Unitalen Attorneys at Law 集佳


Law Office is the product of the merger of CCPIT trade mark and

patent arms in 1993 and consequently also boasts a considerable

weight of patent activity. Notably larger than other boutiques in the

market, the firm has international offices in New York, Munich and

Tokyo and has recognized proficiency in enforcement matters,

prosecution and litigation, as well as helping foreign and domestic

clients with instructing on filing matters worldwide. Recently the firm

has represented a US lamp company in filing two invalidation requests

regarding design patents, as well as representing a Danish company in

filing an administrative prosecution before the Beijing No.1

Intermediate People’s Court.

An, Tian, Zhang & Partners is recognised by clients as 'the best IP

team available’. An Xiaodi, described by clients as 'number one in

every department’, heads a boutique that addresses each facet of IP

and handles numerous IPR-related enforcement cases. Recently, the

team handled landmark trade mark infringement and unfair

competition suits for Sotheby’s against a Sichuan-located company.

Elsewhere, the team advised on a string of lawsuits for a leading US

technology company against various infringments of the copyright on

one of its leading global products. David Tian is highly recommended

for enforcement & Wood is the only full-service firm in the top tier and takes

advantage of a weight of numbers to offer a range of services and a

deepening pool of talent. The team has been able to leverage off its

Kangxin Partners, p.c.’s ten-partner boutique has continued to add to

its prominent team with two promoted to partner and the addition of

three senior counsel in 2007/08. Led by US-trained patent agent and

managing partner Samson Yu, who is known to clients as 'an

unbeatable attorney’ who 'always delivers’, the team has a track

record of advising global corporations on investigative and

administrative actions, as well as patent infringements.

Liu Honghuan recently joined Jun He Law Offices from Zhong Lun Law

Firm to head up the Beijing office, and her focus on product liability

and IP litigation adds further weight to the dispute resolution aspect of

an IP group that already has four partners with a notable IP

component to their corporate practices.

market-leading reputation for corporate issues, alongside the

development of its IP capabilities, to increase its volume of patent and

trade mark applications, as well as providing one of the largest dispute

resolution groups. Clients recognize the team as 'great at

understanding copyright matters’. Chen Wenping is commended for his

patent protection practice, while Yang Xiaoli heads the flourishing

trade mark practice.

NTD Patent & Trade mark Agency Ltd has 14 lawyers and 87 patent

and trade mark attorneys and has developed a wide range of services,

recently developing expertise in the handling IP-related technology

matters. The firm has international offices in Washington DC, Munich,

Paris and Tokyo, which gives it further reach than many of the

domestic boutiques and a store of international expertise to apply to

the needs of overseas clients.

Liu Shen & Associates, the first foreign-related non government-operated patent and trade mark agency, established in 1993, is a

leading boutique with exceptional reputation in patent work, including

a range of contentious capabilities and the services of patent engineers

with specific focus on industry areas such as electronics and

pharmaceuticals. The firm’s portfolio boasts such clients as Sony,

Samsung, Siemens and Procter & Gamble. Jay Sha, co-founder of IP

boutique Jeekai & Partners has joined the firm, along with his team,

adding depth to the team’s IP offering.

Run Ming Law Firm executive partner Yadong Wang is regarded as

'one of the most experienced and practical attorneys in the market’,

having represented clients in IP disputes since the 1980s. Since the

formation of the firm in 2007, Wang’s team has broadened its practice,

and accommodates both dispute resolution and acts as IP counsel to

foreign brands in China.

网上中文版本之一北京市柳沈律师事务所(Liu, Shen &Associates)在处理各种各样的知识产权事务,尤其是专利权案件方面遐迩闻名。客户包括索尼公司、I BM公司、辉瑞公司(P f i z e r)和波音公司。事务所拥有2 3名律师和60名专利法定代理人。俞建扬(YuJianyang)和黄小临(Richard Huang)在专利权诉讼方面受到特别推荐。小而精的北京安伦律师事务所(An, Tian, Zhang& Partners)在范围广泛的争议和非争议商标、专利权和版权事务方面名望极高。2 0 0 4 年的著名业务包括为三洋电器公司(Sanyo Electric Co Ltd)的商标侵权和不正当竞争案提供法律服务,以及代表一家农业化学公司先正达公司(S y n g e n t a Participations

AG)起诉Yancheng Luye化学品有限公司侵犯其专利权。其他客户包括松下电器(Matsushita)、联邦快递(FedEx)、新奇士(Sunkist)和保乐力加(PERNOD RICARD)。安晓地(An Xiaodi)受到推荐。事务所经常与国际律师事务所,如富而德律师事务所(Freshfields BruckhausDeringer)合作。中国国际贸易促进委员会专利与商标律师事务所(CCPIT Patent & Trademark

Law Office)为著名美国、日本和欧洲客户做代理。事务所为各种各样的有关专利权、商标和版权的争议和非争议知识产权事务提供法律服务。事务所拥有46名律师和150名专利和商标法定代理人,是中国最大的、倍受认可的知识产权律师事务所之一,并在纽约、慕尼黑、东京、香港、上海和广州设有代表处。Wan Hui Da Intellectual Property Agency recently represented the

world’s largest cosmetics group in the trade mark prosecution against

a domestic vendor-resulting in the administrative awarding of the well-known trade mark status to the client’s mark. Elsewhere, the team

defended a leading international manufacturer and supplier of sanitary

fittings in a patent litigation against a local infringer, resulting in

RMB3.52m in damages. The group is described by clients as 'reliable

and always quick to master the intricacies of any case’, while new

arrival Paul Ranjard is highlighted as 'a talented IP lawyer’.

金杜律师事务所(King & Wood)的知识产权业务跨及知识产权的所有领域。事务所为一家中国抗降解剂生产商-山东抗降解剂有限公司(Shandong

Sinorgchem CoLtd)被一家美国化工和橡胶公司FlexsysAmerica LP起诉侵犯其专利权的案件提供法律咨询。李勇(Yong Li)和李中圣(LiZhongsheng)受到推荐。Lehman Lee and Xu’s Edward Lehman is a noted IP practitioner.

Clients of the group come from the US, such as Columbia Pictures, and

Europe, as well as locally, such as IMG China. The team continues to

flourish, with the addition of patent and trade mark expert Andrew

Lillis the latest in a string of hires in recent years.

中咨律师事务所(Zhongzi Law Office)的林波澜(Bonan Lin)以专利权起诉和诉讼业务为重点, 曾为I B M 和诺华公司(Novartis)提供法律服务。中科专利代理(香港)有限公司(China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd)提供知识产权咨询和诉讼业务。该公司拥有100多名专利权和商标法律代理人遍布北京、香港和深圳等地,已经成为主要的知识产权代理机构,在欧洲和美国设有分所。Zhongze Ding和Xiaomei Shi是特别有经验的律师。北京万慧达知识产权代理公司(Wan Hui Da Intellectual Property Agency)在处理知识产权和商标案方面有很高的声誉。客户包括松下电器公司(Matsushita)和法国电子公司汤姆森公司Thomson)。白刚(BaiGang)和任海燕(Ren

Haiyan)是6个合伙人业务队伍的成员。在永新专利商标代理有限公司( N T DPatent & Trademark Agency Ltd),一支1 2 名律师和4 5 名专利权法律代理人的业务团体在争议和非争议知识产权事务的所有领域为客户,如杜邦公司、万豪公司(Marriott)和西门子公司提供法律咨询服务。邵伟(Christopher Shaowei)在处理专利权侵权案例方面受到推荐。网上中文版本之二中国国际贸易促进委员会专利商标事务所(CCPIT Patent & Trademark Law

Office)是中国最大的提供全方位知识产权服务的律师事务所,拥有150多名专利权和商标权法律代理人。事务所是中国第一家商标权代理机构,并自从中国专利权体系建立后一直存在至今。吴磊(Lei Wu)、迟少杰(Shaojie Chi)和事务所主任李勇(Li Yong)是事务所的负责人,该所在中国内地设有3个分所,在中国专利权注册市场上占有相当大的份额。事务所服务的客户包括小到刚起步的小公司,大到全球性的跨国公司。安伦律师事务所(An, Tian, Zhang & Partners)是一个小而精的知识产权事务所,每年处理的文案不断增加,已聘请了更多的律师,2004年又在它已经很令人瞩目的客户名单上加进了数家跨国公司。安晓地(An Xiaodi)是管理合伙人,其工作得到了其他6个精明能干的合伙人(包括N a n c y Sun、David Tian和Liang Chaoyu)的支持。贝克。麦坚时国际律师事务所(Baker & McKenzie)是知识产权市场的领头羊,利用其代理提出申请,其商标注册业务规模很大。枸瑞梓(Chris Smith)领导北京代表处的知识产权业务队伍,通过网上平台-全球知识产权管理系统(Global

IP Manager)管理客户资料。事务所积极支持客户,努力影响政府进行立法变革。合伙人陈乐钧(Loke-Khoon Tan)全面负责中国内地和香港的知识产权业务,2004年代理过一家大型汽车制造商财团和一家国际咖啡公司。

中原信达识产权代理有限責任公司(China Sinda Intellectual Property

Limited)是又一家大型知识产权事务所,是最早创建的私营事务所。事务所发展迅速,是中国目前最大的知识产权事务所之一,在国外设有分所。专利权专家穆德骏(Dejun Mu)与谢丽娜(Lina Xie)共同创建了该事务所。客户包括丰田公司和宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble)。环球律师事务所(Global Law Office)创立时间不长,但已得到迅速发展。事务所以知识产权业务为重点,已与世界100多个律师事务所建立了业务联系,致力于保护中国公司在国际上的知识产权的权利。客户包括惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)、佳能公司(Canon)、爱普孙公司(Epson)和玛氏(Mars)。美国众达律师事务所(Jones Day)经营着世界上最大规模的知识产权业务之一,已经在中国市场活跃了20多年。事务所有一支混合型的业务队伍,律师中有些是中国本地培养的,有些则是在西方国家培养的。在中国的业务队伍由Peter


Wang博士加盟担任上海代表处的顾问。他是一位作家和医学教授,有18年在中国和美国从事知识产权保护业务的经验。Benjamin Bai也有在中国和美国执业的经验,加盟该所出任顾问,Helen Cheng被聘为法律顾问。金杜律师事务所(King & Wood)在2004年得到了迅速发展,新加盟的有8位合伙人,3位高级顾问和1位前高级法官。知识产权部是事务所最大的业务部门,设在事务所的北京总部,有25名中国合伙人。其中包括新加盟的李中圣(Zhongsheng Li)和乔德喜(Dexi Qiao),李是原深圳中级法院的法官和知识产权法庭的创办人。知识产权部的重要业务权威有从事专利权业务的陈文平(Wenping Chen)和从事商标权业务的杨晓莉(Xiaoli Yang)。事务所在中国各地设有5个代表处,在香港、日本和加利福尼亚设有分所,是一家真正的国际律师事务所,这一点也被它令人瞩目的国际客户名单所确认。事务所处理一些大型跨国公司的全部资产组合,结果使事务所在知识产权实施方面的业务实力大大增强。圣奥化工公司(Sinorgchem Co)是事务所的客户之一,尽管客户名单已扩大到制药/化工以外的领域,事务所在为技术和汽车制造业提供法律咨询方面也有很强的实力。永新专利商标代理有限公司( N T D Patent & Trademark Agency Ltd)是中国最早建立的知识产权事务所之一,已发展成为中国最大的知识产权律师事务所之

北京市柳沈一,其分支机构遍及亚洲和欧洲和美国。王晓华(Xiaohua Wang)率领商标权业务队伍,刘兴鹏(Rick Liu)则负责专利权业务。上海雷曼律师事务所(L e h m a n L e e and Xu)是一家提供全面服务的律师事务所,有遍及中国的9个分所。事务所曾代理过一大批重量级的客户,包括葛兰素史克( G l a x o S m i t h K l i ne ) 、通用汽车公司(General

Motors)、罗氏(Roche)和皮尔卡丹公司(Pierre Cardin)。事务所的专利权律师具有很广的技术专长,包括化学工程、制药、电子工程和冶金工程。Annie

Fan、Sunny Su和Grace Wang是商标注册方面的业务带头人,创办人Edward Lehman是一名富有经验、业绩显赫的知识产权执业律师。律师事务所(Liu, Shen &A s s o c i a t e s ) 的R i c h a r d H u a n g 和J i a Zhanying富有盛名。事务所是一家非政府主办的知识产权事务所,为国内外客户提供代理。事务所有120多名商标和专利权法律代理人和工程师,其中许多人都获得了博士学位。上海专利商标事务所有限公司(Shanghai Patent & Trademark Law Office,


北京市铸成律师事务所(Chang Tsi & Partners)是一家提供全部服务的私营律师事务所。尽管事务所的知识产权业务相对较小,但苍雨春(Spring Chang)是受人敬重的商标专家。沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)、霍尼韦尔国际(Honeywell

International)和Formula One等国际大公司都是其客户,使事务所名声鹤起。高露云律师行(Wilkinson & Grist)的业务由其香港代表处向外扩展,并在北京建立了分所。它是第一家被授权的外国知识产权事务所,所以它可以直接向中国商标管理局和版权局提出申请。Howard Tsang负责北京分所的业务,最近又有2名经验丰富的商标代理人Yu Di和Denny Sun Yan加盟。中咨律师事务所(Zhongzi Law Office)是一家提供全部服务的私营律师事务所。知识产权是事务所的中心工作,从经验和能力上讲,事务所可与任何一个专业事务所抗衡。林柏楠(Bonan Lin)的专利权尤其是化学和制药领域的业务得到公认,陈学民(Xuemin Chen)的商标业务也很有名气。

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