legal terms

2023年12月23日发(作者:pour into)

*Unit One Legal system


jurisdiction 管辖权(区)

legal system 法律体系

legal tradition 法律传统

legal method 法律方法

civil law system 大陆法系

common law system 普通法系

royal court 女王法庭

legislation 立法

petition 申请,诉求

Court of Chancery 大法官法庭、衡平法庭


equity 衡平法

entrusted territories 托管领土

economic hegemony 经济霸权

commonwealth countries 英联邦国家

Privy Councilil 枢密院

Twelve Tables 十二表法

Canon law 教会法

Justinian Code 查士丁尼法典

source of law 法律渊源

civil code 民法典

private law/public law私法/公法

law doctrine 法条

legal education 法学教育

tribunal 审判员席,法官席;特别法庭

breach of contract 违反合同

precedent 先例,前例

predictability 可预期性

legal doctrine 法律原则

stare decisis 遵循先例

trial court初审法院、审判法院

intermediate appellate court 中级上诉法院

Supreme Court of the United States

Res Judicata 已决事件[已裁决的案例]

reversal 撤销;推翻[下级法院的裁决]

overrule 推翻判决, 驳回

judicial precedent 司法先例

plaintiff (民事)原告

defendant (民事、刑事)被告

the accused (刑事) 被告

a right of privacy 隐私权

the losing party 败诉方

bring one’s suit against sb 起诉

reverse the decision 推翻裁判

binding 有约束力的

reasoning 推理

dictum 法官的附带意见

(A council of the British sovereign that until the 17th century was the supreme legislative body,

that now consists of cabinet ministers ex officio and others appointed for life, and that has no

important function except through its Judicial Committee, which in certain cases acts as a supreme

appellate court in the Commonwealth.


Unit Two Court System

court of last resort 最高上诉法院

Court of Common Pleas普通诉讼法院

out-of-state lawyer州外律师

inferior trial court初级法院

petty trial court小型审判法院

trial court of general jurisdiction 具有一般审判权的初审法院

Superior Court高级法院、上级法院

District Court地区法院

Supreme Judicial Court最高法院

matter of grace恩典/matter of right

Intermediate Appellate Courts中级上诉法院

the Claims Court索赔法院

the Tax Court税务法院

diversity of citizenship多样公民身份管辖


judicial circuit巡回审判区

Federal Circuit court 联邦巡回法院

Court of Customs and Patent Appeals


en banc法庭全体法官【出庭审理案件】certiorari 调卷令


Testimony under oath, especially a statement by a witness that is written down or recorded for use

in court at a later date.【法律】 宣誓作证:尤指通过写下的证词或记录的形式作出的在今后法庭上使用的证词。







Unit Three Constitutional Law

vital role 重要的法条

democracy 民主政体

bond 合约

popular sovereignty 人民主权

checks and balance 制衡

separation of powers 分权

procedural safeguards 程序保障

framer 制定者(尤指立宪者)


Articles of Confederation 邦联条例

amendments 修正案

Philadelphia Convention费城制宪会议

Constitutional 宪法


Senate 参议院

Civil War 南北战争

legislative power 立法权

executive power 行政权

judicial power 司法权

necessary-and-proper clause of the Constitution 宪法中的必要性和合理性条款

United States Supreme Court ruling 美国联邦最高法院的裁决

powers and duties 权力和职责

impeachment 弹劾

Supreme Court (美)最高法院

discretion 自由裁量权

criminal cases 刑事案件

crime of treason 叛国罪

original jurisdiction 原审管辖

appeal 上诉

ratify 批准

alteration 修改

submit 提交

representation 代表

approval 通过

resolution 决议


republicanism 共和主义

the European continent 欧洲大陆

tyranny 专制

bail 保释金;保释;保证人

preamble 序言;导言

enactment 制定(法律);(制定的)法律

constitutional convention 宪法惯例;立宪大会


due process 正当法律程序

full faith and credit 完全的信赖和尊重

privileges and immunities clause 特权和免责条款

process of amendments 宪法修正程序

national convention 全国性修宪会议

judicial review 司法审查

Unit Four Criminal Law

restitution 返还原物;恢复原状;

tort 侵权

civil/crime wrong 民事不法行为/刑事违法

press charges/bring charges 起诉

prosecutor 公诉人

general/special/punitive/exemplary damages 一般/特别/惩罚性/惩戒性损害赔偿金

substantive/procedural law 实体法/程序法

statute/ordinance 制定法,成文法/条例,法令

apprehension 逮捕

Miranda warnings 米兰达警告(规则、告诫)

felony/misdemeanor/infraction 重罪/轻罪/一般性违法

Incarceration 监禁,下狱

motive (犯罪) 动机

intent (犯罪/侵权)故意

mens rea 犯意

actus reus 犯罪行为

causation 因果关系

acquittal 无罪判决,宣告无罪

justifiable 可证明是正当的

commission 犯下(罪行)

legal concept 法律概念

strict liability 严格责任制度

self-defense 正当防卫

criminal liability 刑事责任

a first degree murder 一级谋杀罪

capital punishment/death penalty 死刑

the U.S Constitution 美国联邦宪法

the Bill of Rights 人权宣言

Amendment to Constitution宪法修正案

inflict on 使、、、遭受

underprivileged 享有较少权利的、被剥夺基本权利的

disproportionate 不相称、不成比例

aggravating circumstance 加重情节

a first degree murder 一级谋杀

mitigating circumstance 减轻情节

judicial review 司法审查

sentencing discretion判决自由权

irrevocable 不可撤销

unconstitutional 违宪的

deliberately 故意地

a bank robbery 银行抢劫

beyond a reasonable doubt 排除合理怀疑

imprisonment 监禁

detention 拘留

fine 罚金

court costs 堂费

Equal Protection Clause 平等保护条款

be vested with wide discretion 被授予广泛的自由裁量权

legislative enactment 立法

statutory ceiling 法定上限

forfeiture 没收;没收物; 罚金

economic sanction 经济制裁

contraband 违禁品

Uniform Controlled Substance Act 统一控制物质法

Unit Five Criminal Procedure

presumption of innocence 无罪推定

self-incrimination 自证其罪

adversary system 对抗制;

inquisitorial system 纠问制

preventive detention 防范性监禁

double jeopardy 双重追诉的危险

search and seizure 搜查和查封

actus reus 犯罪行为

mens Rea 犯意

bill of information起诉书

complaint 诉状

the grand jury process 大陪审团程序

booking 登记

arrest 拘留

in custody 被监管;被拘留

contraband 违禁品

preliminary investigation 初步调查

decision to prosecuted 提起指控的决定

the initial appearance 首次开庭

formal indictment 正式起诉书

preliminary hearing 预审

the arraignment 传讯

insanity 精神错乱

bench trial 无陪审团的庭审/法官审判

voir dire /selection of jury筛选陪审团

opening statement 开庭陈述

the prosecutor’s case 公诉人举证

motion for a directed verdict 直接裁决的动议

the defendant’s presentation辩护词

closing arguments 结案陈词

jury instruction 陪审团指令

jury deliberation 陪审团审议

probation 缓刑

voluntary/involuntary manslaughter 故意/过失杀人

verdict 陪审团的判断、裁定

sentence 宣判、判决

sentencing guide 量刑指南

capital punishment/capital sentence 死刑

appeal 控诉、上诉

search warrant 搜查令

breach the precedent 打破先例

good-faith exception 善意例外

exclusionary rule 排除原则

justiceships 大法官地位(职务、任期)

chief justice 审判长、首席法官、法院院长

brutal physical force残酷的体罚

corporal/physical punishment体罚

arbitration 仲裁

coerced confession 强迫认罪

adjudication 判决、宣告

Unit Six Civil Procedureprocedure 诉讼程序

action 诉讼(多指民事诉讼);行为,作为

wrong不法行为 (侵犯个人的不法行为; 公共不法行为)

citation法院传票; 警方传讯; 引注

ordinance (地方政府)条例,法令

homicide 杀人

felony 重罪、misdemeanor 轻罪


custodian 监护人

applicable law适用的法律

appellate courts 上诉法院

burden of proof 举证责任

cross-examinations 交叉质证 direct-examination

directed verdict 直接裁决

debtor 债务人

default 缺席


execution 执行

federal courts 联邦法院

motions 议案/动议

pleading theory辩护理论

personal injury人身伤害

property damage财产损害

personal jurisdiction属人管辖


the parties 当事人

sheriff 警长 治安官

trial court 初审法院

trial stage 庭审阶段

Unit Eight Tort Law

warden 警卫;典狱长;监狱长

confinement 限制;监禁;拘禁;关押

lawsuit 诉讼(尤指非刑事案件)

tortfeasor 侵权行为者

arguably 可论证的

fallibility 不可靠,易混

admonitory 警告的、劝诫的

cautionary 警戒的

substantive 有实质的,独立的

litigation 诉讼,起诉

sue (民事)起诉

punitive damage 惩罚性赔偿

compensatory damages补偿性赔偿金

circuit court of appeals 巡回上诉法院


(petty) jury 陪审团

grand jury 大陪审团

jury trial 陪审团审判

right to jury 拥有陪审团审判的权利

hung jury 悬案陪审团

dismiss a jury 解散陪审团

challenge for cause 有因回避

peremptory challenges无因回避

jury box 陪审团席位

jury oath 陪审团宣誓

jury selection 挑选陪审团

potential/perspective juror 潜在的陪审团成员

impartial jury 公正的陪审团

jury of one’s peers同阶陪审团(指陪审团成员必须是与被审判者有相同社会背景、处于同一阶层的人员)

jury pool待选陪审员库

jury summon 陪审团传票

juror 陪审团成员

bailiff 法警

jury instruction/ jury charge (法官)对陪审团的指令

deliberation (陪审团)审议

unanimous decision 全体一致的裁决

simple majority 简单多数

Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution 美国宪法第五修正案guilty decision 有罪裁决

verdict (陪审团)裁决

foreman of the jury 陪审团团长

render the verdict (陪审团向法庭)提交裁决

speak the verdict (陪审团团长在法庭)宣读裁决

fact-finder 事实的发现者

jury box 陪审团席位

jury room 陪审团审议时

witness 证人

testimony 证词

common sense 常识

state attorney 检察官

true bill (大陪审团签发的)予以起诉书

no bill (大陪审团签发的)不予以起诉书

summary judgment 即决判决


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标签:陪审团   法院   法律   法庭   法官
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