


My parents divorced when I was 11 years old. One year

later, my father v. (16) providing any type of financial

support for us. Times were definitely adj. (17) then. I

remember the threatening calls from bill collectors, and

the sound of my mother crying late at night.

16. A. stopped 停止 B. remembered 记 得

C. avoided 避免 D. suggested 建 议

· divorced 离婚(的)

· 连续动作:离婚 – 提供

17. A. puzzling 迷惑的 B. memorable 难忘的

C. challenging 有挑战的 D. valuable 宝贵的


填形容词 – 考虑正负态度、人物情感、事物性质

· 负态度

· 描述时间

· challenging – 有挑战的 – 困难

我 11 岁时父母离婚了。一年后,我父亲不再为我们 任何形式的经济支持。那段时期确实 。我记得讨债人的恐吓电话,以及母亲深夜的哭声。


· Don’t limit your challenges; challenge your limits.


Each day we must strive for constant and never-ending



· Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to

look at. Make it fun to read.



· Two places are most valuable in the world… The Nicest

place is to be in someone’s thoughts, and the Safest

place is to be in someone’s prayers.

世上有两个地方最为宝贵… 最好的地方是人的心中,最安全的地方是人的祈祷里。

conj. (18) the memory that surfaces much more

strongly than all the others is one in which I learned a dear

lesson about n. (19).

18. A. And B. So

C. But D. Or

· 表递进

19. A. accepting 接受 B. respecting 尊 敬

C. sharing 分享 D. caring 关 心

· 该空位于文章首段末尾 – 体现文章中心主题

有这样的一段记忆比其他回忆更强烈。在这段记忆中,我学会了一个很重要的道理: 。

To v. (20) our family my mother worked day and night.

Driving home late one night, she stopped at a red light.

A adj. (21) car racing up crashed into the back of my

mother’s car.

20. A. support B. educate

C. unite D. serve

· support family 养家糊口

21. A. shiny 有光泽的 B. speeding 超速的

C. passing 经 过的 D. costly 昂贵的

为了 我们一家,母亲日夜操劳。有天晚上很晚才开车回家,她在红灯前停了下来。一辆 汽车撞到了我母亲的汽车后部。



As/When we unite to serve one another, we accomplish

much more together than we could on our own.


(未提及:合作 cooperate / teamwork)

Amazingly, my mother v. (22), but her car didn’t. The

driver of the other car was a young man with no n. (23), so

he couldn’t afford to repair her car.

22. A. suffered 忍受 B. screamed 尖 叫

C. escaped 逃跑 D. survived 生 存


考虑动作顺序 – 一系列动作之间的逻辑关系

· “but” 表转折

· 正态度

23. A. insurance 保险 B. license 执 照

C. experience 经验 D. family 家 庭

· 与钱相关

令人惊奇的是,我的母亲 了,但是她的车没有。那辆车的驾驶员是一个没有 的年轻人,所以他无法支付费用修理母亲的车。

The next day, I saw our neighbors, the Claytons

handing my mother an envelope with $500 inside. I

remember my adj. (24), tough mother insisting that she

couldn’t take their money. There was no way

she could adv. (25) pay them back.

24. A. desperate 绝望的 B. inspiring 有激励性的

C. proud 骄 傲的 D. loving 可爱的


填形容词 – 考虑正负态度、人物情感、事物性质

· 负态度

· an inspiring teacher / an inspiring story

· be proud of sb./sth. 用以描述骄傲、自豪

proud + n. 骄傲的(正态度)

25. A. secretly 秘 密地 B. possibly 可能地

C. naturally 自然而然地 D. seriously 严肃地

第二天,我看到我们的邻居,克莱顿夫妇递给我母亲一个信封,里面装着 500 美元。我记得我那 、坚强的母亲坚持说她不能拿他们的钱。她不 还得上他们的钱


· A Proud Mother’s Oath 一个骄傲的母亲的誓言

1 It’s okay to say “no” sometimes. 有时说“不”是可以的。

2 Be the Mom my child needs me to be.


3 If my kids stumble, I will be there to help them up.


4 I will love my kid to the best of my ability.


5 And not worry about what others may think.


Mr. Clayton said with a smile. “Don’t worry

about paying us back. When times are better,

just help someone else who is in n. (26). That will be n. (27)


26. A. anxiety 焦虑 B. need 有需要

C. turn 回合 D. depression 抑 郁

27. A. politeness B. success

C. payment D. effort


填名词 – 注意相关内容的范围和方向

克莱顿先生笑着说:“别担心还我们钱。当你们度过了这段艰难的时间后,去帮助其他的 人就好,那就足够 了。

My mother took his words to heart. A year later, on her

way back home from work, she met a young woman

holding a crying baby. She invited them into our kitchen

and v. (28) some food for them.

28. A. cooled B. bought

C. stored D. prepared

· 连续动作:邀请 - 食物

· B 项易混词:brought 带来

· take sth. to heart = memorize sth. 记住某事

我母亲把他的话牢记在心。一年后,在她下班回家的路上,她遇到了一个抱着哭泣婴儿的年轻女子。她邀请他们到我们的厨房,并为他们 了一些食物。

As the night wore on, the young woman’s story v. (29). She had run away from an unfortunate

marriage, taking only her kid and a handful of n. (30).

29. A. unfolded 展现 B. continued 继 续

C. ended 结束 D. paused 暂 停

· 除 A 项外,B/C/D 项均需前文有所 “开始”

· unfold the letter 打开信封

· unfold the card 打开明信片

· unfold the story 真相大白

30. A. possessions 所 有物 B. jewels 珠宝

C. tools 工具 D. purses 手提包


填名词 – 注意相关内容的范围和方向

· “only” 仅 仅

· “a handful of” 一把,少量的

随着夜幕降临,这位年轻女子的故事逐渐 ,她逃离了一场不幸的婚姻,只带走了她的孩子和一把财产


· Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone

with others. Unfold your own myth.


· Joy comes not through possession or

ownership but through a wise and loving heart.


My mother made them a makeshift bed on our living

room couch. Later, I saw her open her purse and hand the

young woman some money. I knew that was almost all the

money she had, yet I saw such a look of n. (31) upon her

face as she handed it freely to the girl.

31. A. hesitation B. confusion

C. determination D. caution


填名词 – 注意相关内容的范围和方向

· “yet” 表转折

· “caution” = warning 警告 – 说明危险


· 用以描述人物心理/表情:unsure / unclear / lost / puzzled

/ confused / baffled

(均为负态度) 不确定/ 不清楚 / 懵 / 不明白 / 困惑

我母亲在客厅沙发上给他们做了一张临时床。后来,我看到她打开钱包,递给那个年轻女子一些钱。我知道那几乎是她所有的钱,但当她自由地把钱递给女孩时,我在她脸上看到了如此 表情。

Through the years, times continued to be tough for our

family. In spite of this, my mother still

v. (32) out to help others however she could, whether it

was prep. (33) money, time, or another form of service.

32. A. rushed 冲 B. worked 完 成

C. gave 给 D. reached 触 摸

· “In spite of” 尽 管 – 表 转 折

· “however” 不论如何

· 连续动作:尽管这样 – – 不论如何

33. A. about B. with

C. at D. for

· 表示“用”

多年来,我们家的日子一直很艰难。尽管如此,我母亲都会尽其所能 去帮助他人,无论是 金钱、时间还是其他的形式。


· When you reach out to others in need, when you reach

out to the world, you really do have a satisfying life

by helping others.


· reach out to the poor 向穷人伸出援手 – 给予

· reach out for some help 伸手向别人求援 – 希望得到

It has been several decades since our neighbors gave

their n. (34). The sweet lesson I have learned from the dear

neighbor and my mother was that when times are tough,

acts of kindness and generosity can make such a n. (35).

34. A. lesson B. opinion

C. chance D. gift 礼 物


填名词 – 注意相关内容的范围和方向

35. A. sense 道理 B. difference 不同

C. request 请求 D. decision 决 定


填名词 – 注意相关内容的范围和方向

· make a difference 带来不同

邻居送我们 已经过去好几十年了。我从这位亲爱的邻居和我母亲身上学到的重要的一课是,在艰难的时候,善良和慷慨的行为可以带来巨大的 。


· The best part of life

is not just surviving, but thriving with passion and compassion and humor and style and generosity and kindness.




一般diddo / doeswill do / be to do

进行was / were doingam / is / are doingwill be doing

完成had donehave / has done


不强调时间一般现在 do / does

强调过去之前过去完成 had done

强调过去一般过去 did

过去进行 was / were doing

强调过去和现在现在完成 have / has done

强调现在现在进行 am / is / are doing

强调将来一般将来 will do / be to do

将来进行 will be doing

主将从现 do / does

计划性动作 am / is / are doing




3、过去将来时 would do 需要过去和将来两个时间,错误率高

4、现在完成进行时 have / has been doing 正确率非常高




与现在将来相反would dodid

与过去相反would have donehad done

标志: would / should / could have done、if(主将从现、虚拟语气) 其它标志:or / otherwise / but for / without ……

方法: 主句一定有 would;从句一定没有 would

与过去相关一定有 have,与现在将来相关一定没有 have


2、wish / as if / as though 虚拟3、虚拟语气倒装形式过去相关:had doneHad I = If I had

现在相关:didWere I = If I were

将来相关:would doShould I = If I should

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