

【Top News】

>Daughters more popular


High property prices and economic development have begun to erode China's traditional

preference for sons, leading to a rise in the number of Chinese parents who say they want a

daughter, the Financial Times of London reported Tuesday. The conventional wisdom - that China

is a land of unwanted girls - is being changed as urbanization erodes the advantage of having sons

to work the fields and support parents in old age. Rising property prices are also driving the

change because Chinese families must traditionally buy an apartment for a son before he marries.

As a result, Internet chat groups have sprang up where women exchange advice on how to

conceive girls.



"It is not only an apartment," says Zhang Yun, a Shanxi native who lives in Shanghai, alluding to

the cost of educating and marrying off a boy. "Sons bring [but] a daughter is a

warm jacket for a mother' when she is old, " said Zhang.



According to a recent World Bank report, the gender imbalance favoring boys peaked in Beijing

and some Chinese provinces in 1995 and has fallen since then. Other Chinese provinces saw a

similar trend in 2000.


>Shoplifters love lipstick most


Lipsticks, shaving products and perfumes were most frequently stolen commodities in shops in the

Asia-Pacific region, according to the Global Retail Theft Barometer released by the UK-based

Center for Retail Research. Between July 2009 and June 2010, the Chinese mainland was among

the 10 countries and regions worldwide with lowest rate of money lost from shoplifting, employee

crimes and administrative errors. Chinese mainland retailers lost just $1.07b through such means.

India had the highest rate in Asia-Pacific region.


【In Brief】

>China will become the world's biggest airplane market after the US in the next 20 years and will

likely require 4,330 new commercial airplanes valued at $480b over the same period, according to

a projection by Boeing Co.


>Macao's October gambling revenue surged 50% from a year earlier to hit $2.36b, setting a record

monthly high as the number of visitors ballooned during the Chinese mainland's Golden Week

holiday at the beginning of the month.


>Starting on Monday, workers at a district council in eastern England must clock off and back on

if they take a cigarette break, as they will no longer be paid for time spent smoking, Reuters



>Oil company BP announced a return to profit Tuesday, reporting a net profit of $1.785b in Q3

following a loss from the massive costs of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill crisis.


【Top News】

>SZ residents feel the pinch


As commodity prices continue to surge in Shenzhen, a sudden influx of local shoppers is pouring

into Hong Kong to snap up the basic necessities of life, the China Securities Journal reported

Wednesday. Many shoppers go equipped with large, empty suitcases, in which they stuff their

purchases. Outside the Sheung Shui Railway Station, a Shenzhen housewife who only gave her

first name – Xiaowen – packed bags of natural sea salt into her already-full suitcases, before going

home. Xiaowen said she was reluctant to go so far to buy products but "shopping in Shenzhen has

become so much more expensive than in Hong Kong."


Did You Know?


--The Shenzhen consumer price index (CPI) rose 3.8% in September from the same period last

year, according to the latest figures from the municipal statistics bureau.


>Airbus eyes Chinese deal


European plane maker Airbus is in negotiations that could lead to the sale of around 100 passenger

planes to China during a November 4-5 visit to France by President Hu Jintao, sources familiar

with the matter said, Reuters reported. The potential $10b deal dominates a list of contracts sought

by French-based companies in a week which may also see preliminary contacts between China

and Dassault Aviation over cooperation in business jets, the sources said. Deals for about 150

aircraft were struck at each of 2 previous state visits to China by French President Nicolas Sarkozy

and his predecessor, Jacques Chirac.


【Word Power】


cap on liability


British oil giant BP has told a court it was committed to waiving the legal cap on its liability from

the Gulf oil spill that could have limited the company's liability cost to $75m.



pricing mechanism


Reform of the natural gas pricing mechanism has been on the Central Government's agenda for a

long time.


【Top News】

>60% of gray handsets exported


The gray handset market in China has been growing since 2007, but the use of counterfeit

handsets in the domestic market has been dropping, the Southern Metropolis Daily reported

Wednesday. Now about 40% of the counterfeit handsets produced in China are sold at home and

60% overseas. Market research firm iSuppli predicts that gray market handset unit shipments will

total 175m in 2010, but only 25m will be purchased by domestic consumers and the other 150m

will be exported to India, Southeast Asia, South America and Africa. By 2011, only 12% of the

Chinese counterfeit handsets will be sold in China and by 2012, only 10.5%.


>Housing prices in China's 70 large- and medium-sized cities rose 0.2% in October compared

with September, the National Bureau of Statistics said Wednesday. But the rate of increase is down

0.3 percentage points compared with the rate of increase in September.


>The Chinese mainland has approved exchange of the yuan and the new Taiwan dollar in

Guangdong, to attract more Taiwan residents to the Asian Games host province, Xinhua reported.

The State Administration of Foreign Exchange has given permission to the Industrial and

Commercial Bank of China and the Bank of China to make such exchanges, said Fan Liqing,

spokeswoman for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office Wednesday.


【Word Power】


imported inflation


Because the United States' issuance of dollars is out of control and international commodity prices

are continuing to rise, China is being attacked by imported inflation.



Dow Jones

11,346.75 -60.09 -0.53%


2,562.98 -17.07 -0.66%


>2010 CPI to exceed 3%


>Gray skills important at work


>MSN a winner in cyber war


>New way to regenerate breasts


>Mother-in-law a burden


>Law suffers nerve condition


【Cover Story】

>China, UK ink a $1.2B deal


Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao held talks with British Prime Minister David Cameron in Beijing

Tuesday, Xinhua reported. After their talks, Cameron and Wen oversaw the signing of several

agreements. The highlight of the deals is a $1.2b order from China Eastern Airlines to purchase

Rolls-Royce's engines to power 16 Airbus-330 jets, the largest such deal by far during a trip by the

largest official British delegation ever to visit China. Cameron said he targeted annual trade of

more than $100b with China within 5 years.


【Top News】

>2010 CPI to exceed 3%


China's consumer price index (CPI) will rise more than the government's target of 3% this year,

said Zhang Ping, National Development and Reform Commission head, Tuesday. It is the first

time a government official has said the full-year target will be missed. Besides upward pressure on

commodity prices caused by natural disasters, imported inflation led by depreciation of the US

dollar is also pushing up the CPI. Speculation in food and bulk commodities is another major

factor, Zhang added.


【Top News】

>China tightens housing loans


China, in a bid to curb speculation, will require a 50% down payment from home buyers who are

seeking Public Housing Fund mortgage to purchase their 2nd homes. The minimum down

payment for first-time buyers will be 20% to 30% depending on the homes' size, the Ministry of

Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the country's banking regulator said Wednesday.

China will also prohibit use of the Public Housing Fund mortgage to buy 3rd homes.


Did You Know?


--Urban residents must pay a portion of their income into Public Housing Fund to be eligible for

low-interest loans, while their employers also contribute.



>Show your face to get money


A new type of ATM will reject customers' requests to withdraw money if they try to hide their

faces by wearing masks, sunglasses or hats, Guangzhou Daily reported Wednesday. The new

machine, developed by GRG Banking, one of the largest ATM manufacturers in China, can also

record the serial numbers of the banknotes withdrawn from it to provide proof for those drawing

counterfeit money from the machine.


>Alibaba earns admiration


The Wall Street Journal Asia Wednesday issued its annual review of Asia's 200 most-admired

companies. E-commerce company Ltd was the top-ranked Chinese mainland

company in 2010, with high scores in the innovation and vision categories. Alibaba's strong

performance echoes the significant growth in the Chinese mainland's online e-commerce market,

said the newspaper. China Merchants Bank took the 2nd place for Chinese mainland's companies,

followed by Tencent Holdings. Nintendo Co Ltd was ranked the most-admired company in Japan,

and Samsung Electronics Co was the most admired company in South Korea.


>The World Bank Wednesday raised its forecast for growth of China's GDP for 2010 to 10% from

its previous estimate of 9.5%.


【Top News】

>Rivals take advantage


As Internet company Tencent and Internet security company Qihoo become further immersed in a

scuffle, their rivals immediately took actions to promote their own products, aiming to take

advantage of the mess. Kingsoft and Kaspersky, Qihoo 360's rivals, announced separately

Thursday morning that their anti-virus products will be free for one year. Fetion, Tencent QQ's

rival, called netizens to stop struggling to choose from Tencent QQ and Qihoo 360, and use Fetion

instead in a pop-up frame.



--Tencent and Qihoo 360 have dragged the public into their fight. This incident has broken myth

and shown that the little penguin (Tencent's symbol) that has brought a lot of fun and good

memories in the past 12 years has turned into a huge crocodile. It stares at its clients and rivals,

ready to pounce and bite at any time. "Today Morning Express"


--The root of the fight between Qihoo 360 and Tencent is that Tencent has expanded its product

line into the Internet security industry, in which Qihoo 360 has the most market share. "China

Economic Times"


--Tencent has done an extremely great job in plagiarism and monopoly.-- CEO Zhang



--It seemingly is a fight to protect users' privacy, but in fact it's a fight over vested

interests.--Industry watcher Jiang Debin


>China's stocks rose to a 7-month high Thursday. The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index

climbed 1.85%, or 55.95 points, to close at 3086.94. The Shenzhen Component Index gained

1.52%, or 203.03 points, to finish at 13595.73.




Reform of the natural gas pricing mechanism has been on the Central Government's agenda for a

long time. The National Development and Reform Commission have said that it will implement

pricing reform for some natural resource.


natural gas pricing mechanism即"天然气定价机制",也可以用pricing regime来表示"定价机制"。Price作为动词意思是"给……定价钱,给……标价",例如:The new car is priced very


有分析家认为中国的天然气应该提价,应该更好地与国际价格接轨(linked with international

prices);然而也有人认为现在不是提价(price hike)的好时机,因为消费者价格指数(consumer

price index)等因素会带来不少压力。

【Word Power】


speculative demands


Speculative demands have been prominently checked with falling house trading in major cities.


suicide pact


The parents of a boy who killed himself in a suicide pact arranged over QQ, are suing its owner,

Shenzhen-based Tencent Holdings Ltd.


【Cover Story】

>Credit cards to get a makeover


The simple credit card is about to get a makeover, The New York Times reported. Citibank will

begin testing a card that has 2 buttons and tiny lights that allow users to choose at the register

whether they want to pay with rewards points or credit. Other card issuers are testing even more

technologically advanced cards, including some that can double as credit and debit cards, and

cards with fraud protection built right into the plastic. One, for instance, shows a portion of the

account number only after the cardholder enters a PIN.


>China has become Volvo's 3rd largest market, with more of its car models to go on sale in the

world's largest auto market this year, Alexander Klose, CEO of Volvo Cars China said Friday.



>China welcomes WTO ruling


>Bush promotes new book


>Kitten rescued by firefighters


>When to visit Guangzhou


>Tips: 'Dutch courage'


>Success comes with a high EQ


【Cover Story】

>Car plate price soars


As auto sales peaked in October, car plate prices in Shanghai surged for a 2nd consecutive month,

xinhuanet reported Saturday. The average price for a private car license was up to record

RMB43,000 this month, said Shanghai International Commodity Auction Co. The lowest bid also

rose to RMB43,000 this month, an increase of RMB1,200 from last month. The government

offered 9,000 car plates for auction in October. This month's auction attracted 14,941 bidders,

fewer than last month.


Did You Know?


--Beijing vehicle administration office has decided to remove "4" from car plates randomly

offered by the system, the Beijing Evening News reported. The new policy will have little effect

on current traffic restrictions, under which vehicles are banned from the roads 1 out of 5 working

days, based on the last digit of their license plate.


>China welcomes WTO ruling


China welcomed the World Trade Organization's (WTO) ruling that the US imposition of

anti-dumping and countervailing duties on 4 types of Chinese imports was inconsistent with WTO

regulations, the Ministry of Commerce said Saturday. The 4 categories of Chinese imports are

standard steel pipe, rectangular steel pipe, laminated woven sacks and off-road tires, according to

an online statement posted on the ministry's website. The US should conduct trade remedy

investigations strictly in accordance with the WTO regulations, the ministry said.


【Top News】

>Philanthropy lags in China


Though China's number of billionaires is 2nd only to the US, for most Chinese people, the idea of

charity seems detached from their daily life, reported Sunday. China's total donation

amount in 2009 is $7.5b, which is a negligible fraction of the $300b annually donated in the US.

Typically, only around 20% of China's annual donations come from individuals; the rest are made

by private enterprises. In the US, that number is closer to 70%.


Did you know?


In 2009, China alone accounted for 25% of the world's total luxury consumption, making it the

2nd largest luxury market after Japan, whose GDP per capita is more than 10 times higher.


>The 7th China ASEAN Expo closed on Sunday with a new record of accumulated trading

amount of $1.71b, a 3.5% increase compared with last year, Xinhua reported.



>China reviews vehicle tax bill


>No home decoration during games


>Kids want iPhone for Xmas


>Selina sent back to Taiwan


>11 jump fearing 'devil'


>New trend: hillbilly teeth


【Cover Story】

>Virtual credit card coming?


E-Commerce Company Alibaba is planning to distribute a virtual credit card connected to

customers' Alipay accounts, the Southern Metropolis Daily reported. Alibaba is doing research

through analyzing questionnaires on its online shopping website Taobao. The credit card will be

distributed by Alibaba's bank, ABCD bank, if the company gets a commercial bank license from

the government.



Virtual credit card users will also have card numbers and codes, just like the traditional credit card

users, although the users do not have the real "cards." At present, virtual credit card can only be

used once and are mostly used for shopping overseas. The virtual credit cards that Alibaba plans to

distribute will be long-term and can go into overdraft.


【In Brief】

>Toyota's global production fell for the first time in a year in September, while its rivals, Honda

and Nissan, enjoyed steady growth in output, AP reported. Toyota said Monday its worldwide

production fell 1.3% from a year earlier to 672,604 vehicles.


【Top News】

>China raises fuel prices


China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) raised the retail price of

gasoline by RMB230 per ton and that of diesel by RMB220 per ton from Tuesday. This represents

hikes of RMB0.17 per liter for No 90 gasoline and RMB0.19 per liter for No 0 diesel. This was

the first such increase in 6 months after the NDRC raised both gasoline and diesel prices by

RMB320 per ton on April 14.



--China's domestic crude oil prices will remain lower than international levels after the price hike

because the government has considered its potential impact on the domestic economic situation

among other factors and decided to retain some control over the fuel prices, the NDRC said.


--China is likely to announce a new and more transparent pricing mechanism for refined oil

products this year, according to the NDRC.


>Zhang tops Hurun rich list


Suning Appliances boasted the most of wealthy people on the Hurun Rich List (retail sector)

released Monday. Suning Board Chairman Zhang Jindong topped the list for the 3rd time, with

personal wealth of RMB30.4b, and 4 other top executives also made the list. Former GOME

chairman Huang Guangyu and his family ranked 2nd with RMB16b, followed by Huang Maoru

and wife Zhang Jing (RMB10.5b), who run the Shenzhen-based department store chain Maoye

International. The 5 Suning tycoons own 20% of the total wealth held by the rich folks on the list.



>GEM breeds millionaires


>98.9% pay hidden cost


>20% tax for iPads


>US to build £8B super base


>Fortune's '40 under 40' list


>Whores wear reflective vests


【Cover Story】

>Chinese people stock up


China has in recent months seen price hikes in garlic, mung beans, ginger, and, in the last few

weeks, sugar, edible oil, apples and cotton. Some people are now saying the trend may spread to

every type of farm produce in China. According to the Southern Daily, many people plan to stock

up on all the necessities of life in case these products too are hit by price hikes. These pre-emptive

buyers call themselves "dolphins" because the Chinese translation of dolphins, "haitun", also

means hoarding.



The price of sugar has increased by 13%. As sugar makes up nearly half of the cost of making

candies, prices of many brands of candies are also increasing, including White Rabbit, Alpenliebe

and Hsufuchi.



The prices of many brands of edible oil have increased by different margins, the highest being




The price of apples has risen in major production areas such as Shaanxi and Shandong provinces.

The price is 30% higher than that of last year in some areas.



The highest purchase price of cotton has reached RMB12 per kilogram, nearly twice last year's

price, in the Xinjiang autonomous region, which produces 40% of China's domestic cotton.


【Top News】

>GEM breeds millionaires


The Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) has created so many from-rags-to-riches stories that the

Chinese-style NASDAQ, initiated on October 30, 2009, has been dubbed China's biggest breeding

house of nouveau riche, the Beijing News reported. Many Chinese people say that the GEM is the

quickest way to get instant wealth. Small enterprises swell their market value here and previously

mediocre entrepreneurs turn influential overnight.



There are 134 companies listed on the board, with a total market value of nearly RMB600b, more

than 4 times the market value a year earlier. Only 28 companies, valued at RMB139.97b in total,

were part of the board's launch last year, according to Shenzhen Stock Exchange statistics.



The board has bred more than 500 "new rich", who own RMB100m assets or more each, including

73 billionaires. Roughly 1,000 others gained tens of millions.


>98.9% pay hidden cost


As many as 98.9% of Chinese consumers pay hidden costs they are not aware of before incurring

them, and 32.2% said they "often" have this unpleasant experiences, an online survey released by

the China Youth Daily showed. Among all of the 1,776 respondents, 43% are the post-80s

generation and 36% are born in 1970s. According to the survey, hidden costs happen most

frequently in the info-communications (76.7%), banking (70.4%) and medical (56.3%) industries.

Most consumers, 71.4%, said they have no choice but to pony up the money, while 11.7% said

they refuse to pay.


>20% tax for iPads


Chinese customs says iPad carriers entering the Chinese mainland can expect to be charged a 20%

border tax, the Oriental Morning Post reported. Under Chinese customs regulations,

microcomputers, such as iPads, are one of 20 categories subject to taxes. The customs value for

computers is RMB5,000 and the tax rate is 20%, so travelers bringing an iPad are to be charged

RMB1,000. It's worth noting that those who leaving the mainland with iPads for their own must

declare it as they leave or they will be taxed for it as they re-enter the mainland.


>US Monday dropped its appeal over the World Trade Organization's (WTO) Sept 29 ruling

against US restrictions on Chinese poultry imports, Reuters reported.



>Fortune's '40 under 40' list


Chinese IT mogul Ma Huateng, founder and CEO of Tencent, entered Fortune magazine's 2010

list of the top 40 executives under the age of 40, ranking No 7. Marc Andreessen, the co-founder

of Netscape and other technology companies, was No 1. Other tech leaders include Facebook

founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg at No 2, followed by Twitter founders Evan Williams and Biz

Stone. They're innovating, they're expanding, and they're not really thinking about the recession,

the magazine said.



Ma created the instant-messaging platform QQ in 1999; today it has more than 500m active users.

He has demonstrated a canny knack for figuring out what China's youngsters want – and what

they'll pay for. Ma leveraged Tencent's massive QQ user base to sell games and push e-commerce.



Rupert Murdoch's son James, chairman and CEO of News Corp Europe and Asia, is the

highest-ranked entertainment executive, at No 8.


【Editor's Notes】

How rich do you think you are? Will you be looking just as fabulous as you are now at 90 years

old? You might also be dying to find out what your babies will look like! Is the Web boring you?

Take a look at these super-fun sites!


>Make your own rich list


Never feel only the billionaires can top the world's rich list. Ever wonder how your income

compares to that of everyone else in the world? By telling your annual income in US dollars or

British pounds on , you can find out exactly how rich you are globally. The

website assumes that the world's total population is 6b. For example, if you earn RMB3,000 every

month, or £3,435 every year, you are the 846,447,565 richest person or among the top 15%

richest people on earth. However, the top 10% of the richest people own 85% of global wealth. In

this context, the ranking is nothing but a consolation prize. So, just enjoy yourself.


【Top News】

>Chinese e-commerce leads


Chinese online retailers have achieved a level of service that far surpasses their American

counterparts, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing Deutsche Bank analyst Alan Hellawell

Thursday. In Beijing, for example, if a consumer were to place an order at 10 am, it would be

possible for that order to be delivered by 3 pm. "The threshold for excellence is already extremely

high," he said. Hellawell estimates that e-commerce penetration will grow to become 7.2% of the

total retail market in China by 2013, up from 2% now. In comparison, online transactions make up

6% of all retail in the US.


Did You Know?


--Alibaba Group's remains a dominant force in online retailing in China. It had 75%

of e-commerce transactions as of the 2nd quarter, according to research firm Analysys



--Baidu is working with Japan's Rakuten to launch an online shopping mall for Chinese Internet

users, hoping to leverage Baidu's massive audience with plans to jointly invest $50m over 3 years.

Chinese Internet company Tencent has also made moves in the e-commerce space with its own

platform, Paipai.


>NY incomes drop


New Yorkers' combined personal income plummeted more than 3% last year - the first annual

drop in 70 years, the New York Post reported Thursday. New Yorkers in the private sector saw

their personal income take a whopping 6.8% dive - or $42b - in 2009, even as local- and

state-government workers saw their personal incomes jump 2.5%, or $240m. The State

Comptroller said that although "New York's economy is improving," it is not doing so "fast

enough." "Job growth has been weak and not all regions of the state are benefiting equally. While

revenue collections are also improving, the rate of growth is too slow to solve New York's budget

problems," he said.

据《纽约邮报》7日报道,"纽约客"2009年的个人收入下滑超过3%,这是70年来纽约州首次出现个人年度收入缩水。2009年,纽约州私营企业个人收入暴跌6.8%, 约合420亿美元,地方和州政府工作人员个人收入下滑2.5%,约合2.4亿美元。纽约州主计长表示,"虽然纽约州经济正在增长,但还不够快。" 他表示:"就业增长非常疲弱,而且不是所有的地区均衡受益。尽管税收也在增长,但增长速度太过缓慢,不足以解决纽约州的财政预算难题。"

Do you know?


Even Wall Street - which made record profits of $61.4b in 2009 after the record losses of the prior

2 years - represents a potential weak spot, because its profits were fueled by federal stimulus

spending that will soon peter out.



>Chinese crane to help miners


>Ship with 4 Chinese hijacked


>Guayabera Cuba's official shirt


>Calendar for Putin's birthday


>Piglet thinks it's a dog


【Cover Story】

>More tourists during holiday


China recorded 254m travelers during the National Day holiday, up 27.1% from the same period

last year, the China News Service reported. The tourists generated RMB116.6b in tourism revenue

during the Golden Week, an increase of 32.4% from the same period last year. Of the RMB116.6b

worth of generated revenue, RMB5.6b was from the civil aviation industry, RMB2.52b was from

the railway industry, RMB47.3b was from China's 39 major tourist cities and RMB61.2b from

other tourist cities and destinations.


【Top News】

>Chinese cities grow fastest


Four Chinese cities were ranked by Forbes magazine as some of the cities likely to grow the

fastest in the next 10 years. China accounted for the most on the list, including Chengdu,

Chongqing, Suzhou and Nanjing. Chicago, Berlin and Japan's "Kyoto Kobe metropolitan area"

(Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe) were categorized as declining cities.



Forbes highlighted Chongqing and Chengdu.


--Chongqing's easier access to key coastal cities and western China attracts foreign investors such

as Ford, Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard (HP), Forbes said. Chongqing's GDP jumped from $21b

in 1998 to $86b.


--Forbes also praised Chengdu for its new buildings and high-tech development. Computer

manufacturing giant Dell and software company Cisco have set up offices in Chengdu.


【Top News】

>RMB hits new high


The central parity rate of the yuan, or Renminbi (RMB), China's currency, jumped 181 basis

points Friday from September 30 to a new record high of 6.6830 to the US dollar, according to

data released by the China Foreign Exchange Trading System. The change follows the US dollar's

sharp decline during China's just-finished 7-day National Day holiday. China's trading partners

had been stepping up their calls for yuan appreciation prior to the change.


【Top News】

>Hot holiday destinations


The China National Tourism Institute and released Thursday this year's list of the most

popular cities during the National Day holiday. Shanghai and Beijing had the most citizens travel

of any Chinese cities, and also received the most tourists, reported. Hangzhou,

Xi'an, Hong Kong, Xiamen and Qingdao were also hot destinations. The rankings were made

according to the booking records of hotel rooms, plane tickets and data from tourism agencies.


>IE market share dips below 50%


Microsoft's once-dominant Internet Explorer has dipped below 50% in its share of the global

browser market for the first time ever, the Daily Telegraph of London reported. IE now accounts

for 49.87% of the browser market, followed by Firefox at 31.5%, according to recent figures from

StatCounter. Google's Chrome browser has tripled its global market share in just one year, now

accounting for 11.54% of the market, putting it in 3rd place.


>Reversing China's brain drain?


The overseas-study boom since the 1980s was often criticized by some educational researchers,

who feared that it was creating a "brain drain". Now the trend of overseas Chinese students

staying abroad after finishing their studies has reversed. CNN columnist Jaime FlorCruz

concluded Thursday that "sea turtles" are reversing China's brain drain. In the past returning

overseas Chinese students were a rarity, but now tens of thousands of them have found their niche

in China, said FlorCruz. FlorCruz also lists some successful "sea turtles" - Yi Gang, vice-president

of China's central bank, Rao Yi, dean of the life science department at Peking University, and

CEOs of prominent companies, including Robin Li (Baidu), Charles Zhang (Sohu), Charles Chao

(Sina) and Zhang Xin (SOHO China ).


Did You Know?


--About half of China's IPOs in the last 10 years on Nasdaq have been companies owned or

established by overseas returnees.


--Between 1972 and 2009, about 1.39 million Chinese went abroad for further studies. In recent

years, more than 400,000 of them returned home.


【Top News】

>Brace for heavy rush to Expo


There is a big rush of travelers heading to the World Expo as it draws to an end, causing a shortage

of tickets for flights between Shanghai and other major cities, domestic media reported. Plane

tickets from Beijing to Shanghai are almost sold out, with only a small quantity of first-class seats

available. Residents in Taiyuan, Shenyang and Guangzhou also reportedly had difficulties buying

air plane tickets to Shanghai. As a result, airfares from major cities to Shanghai have become more

expensive than ordinary.



>Minimum wage standard raised


Thirty provinces and autonomous regions have raised their minimum wage standard as of the end

of September, with the minimum monthly wage increased about 24% on average, said Yin Chengji,

spokesman of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Friday. The monthly

minimum wage currently stands at an average of RMB870 on the Chinese mainland.



The urban unemployment rate stood at 4.1% at the end of September, with 9.05m residents

registered as unemployed. The rate dropped 0.1 percentage points from the end of the second

quarter this year. At the end of 2009, the registered unemployment rate was 4.3%. And the

government aims to keep the urban registered unemployment rate below 4.6% this year.


>Baidu Inc, which operates China's leading search engine, said Friday its third-quarter net profit

more than doubled and revenue jumped 76.4%.


>Foxconn will spend $2b to build a new assembly plant in Chengdu, the local government

announced Friday. Earlier, Foxconn had opened plants in the inland provinces of Hebei, Shanxi,

Hubei and Henan.


>Dangdang heads for Nasdaq


Dangdang, China's largest online book retailer, will go public in the US next month with a listing

on Nasdaq and carrying a $1b valuation, Asia Times reported. This is the first major Chinese

e-commerce site to sell shares to the public and is expected to attract considerable attention. The

value put on the company was "aggressive", an investment banking source said. With Dangdang

earning about $5m in profit last year, this suggested a 200 times earning price tag.


【In Brief】

>Apple Inc jumped past Research in Motion (RIM) Ltd and Sony Ericsson during the 3rd quarter

to become the world's 4th largest cell-phone maker for the first time, according to data from the

companies. Nokia Corp remained the overall leader with shipments of 110.4m units.


【Top News】

>Migrants to rich world fewer


Migration from poorer to richer countries, which has been on the increase for the last 30 years, is

now slowing sharply as a result of the international recession, according to the BBC. Inflows to

Spain dropped by 2/3 in 2009, and Ireland and Greece are on the point of changing from being net

importers of labor into their more traditional role as countries which people leave to find work.

This is partly because immigrants tend to end up with less-skilled jobs in economic sectors such as

construction, which shrink quickly at times of economic strain, says the report.


【Top News】

>Shanghai index surges


China's stocks rallied Friday for the 7th consecutive trading day amid mixed Asian markets. The

benchmark Shanghai Composite Index closed at 2,971.16, up 3.18%, or 91.52 points. Banking,

securities and insurance stocks led the gains. The Shenzhen Component Index climbed 2.06%, or

257.79 points, to end at 12,765.50. Other Asian stock markets fell after a lackluster day on Wall

Street. Japan's Nikkei average fell 0.9%, while Hong Kong's Hang Seng index retreated 0.44%.


>US owes UN $1.2b in arrears


The UN is owed $4.1b by members and the US is the biggest non-payer accounting for more than

a quarter of the figure, Xinhua reported, quoting UN Under-Secretary-General for Management

Angela Kane Thursday. The global economic crisis has caused the new financial troubles at the

world body. The UN money shortfall nearly doubled, going from $2.24b at the end of 2009 to

$4.1b this year. Only 13 countries out of the 192 UN members have paid all their contributions to

all the different UN organizations. But 119 have at least paid their share of the UN's regular annual



【In Brief】

>Property prices in 70 major Chinese cities rose 9.1% year-on-year in September, the National

Bureau of Statistics said Friday. The rate was down 0.2 percentage points from the 9.3% increase

in August, but prices were up 0.5% month-on-month.


>Iran will assume the rotating presidency of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

(OPEC) in 2011 for the first time in 36 years, the BBC reported.


【Top News】

>Shanghai adds new loan limits


Shanghai authorities have temporarily stopped the city's housing fund from making some loans to

homebuyers in an effort to cool the city's housing market. The Shanghai Municipal Public

Housing Administration Center said the fund will no longer extend loans to 2nd-home buyers if

the floor area of their first home is larger than the local average of 34 sqm per family member.

Loans to 2nd-home buyers are now also capped at RMB400,000, if the floor area of the first home

per family member is no more than 34 sqm. The fund also stopped lending for purchases of homes

if the buyers already own 2 homes.


>Social networking site has begun profitting since the 2nd quarter of this year,

earning more than RMB10m a month, Cheng Binghao, the website's founder and chief executive

officer said.


【Top News】

>Five-Year Program issued


The Communist Party of China Wednesday issued the full text of a proposal that will play a

crucial role in shaping the country's development over the next 5 years. The document lists the

following as the major targets for the Twelfth Five-year Program (2011-2015):


-- to maintain stable and relatively fast economic growth;


-- to achieve major development in the strategic restructuring of economy;


-- to universally raise people's incomes at a relatively fast pace;


-- to remarkably enhance social construction;


-- to continuously deepen reform and opening-up.


>Singapore home prices soar


Singapore has surpassed China to lead the world in home-price appreciation in the 2nd quarter,

according to a report by UK real estate consultant Knight Frank LLP. Home prices in Singapore

are up 37% from a year earlier while in the Chinese mainland, prices rose 36.8%, Knight Frank

said. Home prices in the Asia-Pacific region increased 14%, the most of any area.


>Affordable graves unveiled


Low-income earners in Beilun, Ningbo, will get affordable burials amid complaints of soaring

funeral costs, the Qianjiang Evening News reported Wednesday. Many people keen to get a nice

posthumous home for their deceased relatives say people can no longer afford to die. As many as

805 affordable graves will be up for grabs in the 1st phase, with a maximum price of RMB7800,

according to local authorities.


>Apple online store in China


Apple Inc launched an online store in China Wednesday and made its app store available in

simplified Chinese. "The Apple Store will offer services with personalized engraving,

configure-to-order options and free shipping on everything," said Apple's Chief Operating Officer

Tim Cook. China has at least 420m web users and is also the world's largest mobile phone market

with more than 833m subscribers as of the end of September, according to official data.



>The Chinese government is planning to raise the country's definition of poverty line from

RMB1,196 a year to as much as RMB1,400, the 21st Century Business Herald reported



> seeks US listing


China's online video website, , has hired Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank for a

planned initial public offering (IPO) on the Nasdaq exchange, aiming to raise between $100m and

$150m, the Financial Times reported. The company said it expected to complete the IPO within

the next 6 months. , the company's main competitor, has indicated in the past that it

aims to go public, but has declined to comment on its timing and the potential size of the

prospective IPO. According to Analysys, revenues in the sector were worth RMB621m in the 3rd

quarter, an increase of 148% over the same period last year. is the market leader with

about 17% and is No 2 with about 13%.



>More cars in China than ever


>3 win econ Nobels


>My big fat credit card


>Russia's balloon arms race


>Sex bomb seeks husband


>17wk-old fetus smiles


【Cover Story】

>UK jobless rate EU's highest


Britain has emerged as the unemployment capital of Europe, with 11.5% of adults - almost one in

8, living in a house where no one works, UK media reported Monday. A new report by the

right-wing think tank Centre for Policy Studies revealed that this is the highest rate among the 6

largest EU economies, and almost twice the level in the Netherlands. The report said a 10% drop

in the number of jobless households would add as much as 1% to the UK's GDP.

据英国媒体11日报道,英国右翼智库"政策研究中心"发布的一份最新报告显示,英国已成为欧洲失业之都,在每8名成年人中,几乎就有1人生活在无人就业的家庭中,比例高达11.5%。报告称,这yi 数字在欧盟最大的6个经济体中是最高的,几乎是荷兰的2倍。此外,如果英国失业家庭数量降低10%,将使英国国内生产总值增加1%。

【Top News】

>More cars in China than ever


Auto sales in China could hit 17m units this year, up from 13.64m in 2009, Economic Information

Daily reported Monday, citing the China Association for Auto Manufacturers. The sale of 17m

units would equal the highest yearly figure ever reached in the US. The rapid expansion of the

sector has been a cause of celebration in the nation's automobile industry, but has also led to

concerns, most notably widespread urban gridlock and increasing air pollution. In Beijing, the

number of cars registered in the city increases by 1,900 every day, with 7m expected to clog city

roads by 2015, up from the 4.5m currently in the capital, the Beijing News said Monday.


Did you know?


--China overtook the US to become the world's largest auto maker and auto market in 2009, with

output at 13.79m and sales at 13.64m units last year.


--"The growth in the auto sector should be maintained at about one and a half times the growth in

gross domestic product (GDP)," said Xu Changming, head of information resource development

at the State Information Center.


>3 win econ Nobels


Two Americans and a British-Cypriot won the 2010 Nobel economics prize Monday for work

focusing on problems like unemployment, Reuters reported. The Royal Swedish Academy of the

Sciences said the 10m Swedish kronor prize recognized US professors Peter Diamond and Dale

Mortensen and British-Cypriot citizen Christopher Pissarides. Their work included analyses of the

process of buying and selling and how job vacancies and wages are affected by regulation and



Did you know?


The economics prize is not among the original awards established by Swedish industrialist Alfred

Nobel in his 1895 will, but was created in 1968 by the Swedish central bank in his memory.


【Top News】

>'Drinks king' tops rich list


Zong Qinghou of Wahaha topped the 2010 Hurun Rich List with a personal fortune of RMB80b,

reported. According to the list released Tuesday by the Hurun Research

Institute,the number of mainlanders who have RMB1b or more has risen to 1,363 this year, while

the number of people worth RMB10b has risen to 97. The average fortune of the top 1,000 rich

people is 64% higher than 2 years ago and 26% higher than last year.



--There are 4 newcomers to the list this year: Zong Qinghou and family of Wahaha (RMB80b), Li

Li and family of Hepalink Pharmaceutical (RMB40b), Liang Wen'gen of SANY Group Co

(RMB37b) and Robin Li of Baidu (RMB36b).


--Six of last year's top 10 richest Chinese people failed to make the top 10 this year, 4 of them

from the real estate industry. Last year's richest person Wang Chuanfu dropped to 12th place with

a personal fortune of RMB31b.


--Of the world's 20 self-made women millionaires who have a personal fortune of $1b, 11 are in

China. Zhang Yin of Nine Dragons Paper with RMB38b remains the richest among the 153

women on the list.



>BBC deputy boss to leave


BBC deputy director-general Mark Byford will be made redundant Monday as the symbolic first

casualty of a round of cost-cutting and restructuring, the Daily Telegraph of London reported. As

well as being paid his salary of £435,000 a year until he leaves in 2011, Byford is expected to

receive redundancy of £800,000-900,000. His departure is understood to be the first move in a

potentially radical restructuring of the BBC executive board and senior management. The post of

deputy director-general will disappear when Byford leaves as will several senior posts reporting to

him. As a result, the BBC will save more than £1m a year.



In 2007, the BBC announced a 6-year plan to axe up to 1,800 jobs, prompted by a smaller than

expected license fee settlement from the government. It has promised to reduce the number of

senior managers by a quarter.



The Financial Times revealed that other members of the board, which includes director-general

Mark Thompson and chief operating officer Caroline Thompson, were under threat. BBC media

correspondent Torin Douglas said it would appear that Byford is the first to go, but will not be the



>US companies are generally expanding operations in China, according to the 2010

AmCham-China Business Climate Survey. About 79% of the respondents indicated that their

company will expand investment in China in 2010.


【Quotable Quote】

《新闻周刊》专栏作家丹·莱昂斯(Dan Lyons)最近刊文,叹息硅谷不再解决高深的技术问题,美国在重要的技术领域开始落后。

The Valley has become a casino, a place where smart kids arrive hoping to make an easy fortune

building companies that seem, if not pointless, at least not as serious as, say old-guard companies

such as HP, Intel, Cisco and Apple.


【Top News】

>Milk powder import surges


China saw a surge in milk powder imports and more foreign brands entering its market this year,

after a spate of tainted milk scandals continued to shake the country's dairy industry, the

Guangzhou Daily reported. A total of 27,000 tons of dairy products entered China via Shandong

from January to August, up 24.3% from last year. Many domestic milk powder companies stopped

collecting milk from seriously battered local farms.


>Higher university fees in UK


Students in the UK may pay higher university tuition fees under a proposal in a

government-ordered review published Tuesday, the BBC reported. The report, led by former BP

chief executive John Browne, proposed the current £3,290 cap that universities can charge for

tuition fees be scrapped and that universities should be free to charge as much as they wish for

degrees. The report has sparked fury from students and academics. The University and College

Union said the proposals would be "the final nail in the coffin for affordable higher education."


Did you know?


--A large number of students studying in Britain come from overseas - the number of visas issued

to them has risen to more than 300,000 this year and research suggests they generate billions of

pounds a year for the British economy.


>Financial institutions on Wall Street are preparing to pay a record $144b in compensation and

benefits this year, according to a study published Tuesday in the Wall Street Journal.



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