


常用1 1 0警务用语



4、问题、麻烦事 trouble

7、违法的 illegal

10、遵守 abide by/observe

13、禁止 forbid/ban





28、签字 sign










2、值班on duty/shift

5、公共的 public

8、法律 law

11、秩序 order

14、法规laws and regulations

17、申请 apply for

20、执照 license

23、受理 deal with/attend to





38、通行证gate pass








3、巡逻go on patrol

6、安全 security

9、噪音 noise

12、许可 permission

15、警告 warning

18、局 bureau

21、现场 scene/site




33、管制 control


39、徒步on foot








58、传唤 summon to court

61、地址 address

64、航班 flight

67、派出所 local police

59、监管 supervision

62、受伤 get injured

65、公寓 apartment

68、抓住 catch/seize/arrest

60、危险的 dangerous

63、死亡 get killed/dead

66、车牌号 car number

69、出租车 taxi

station/police substation

70、打架 fight/scuffle

73、击 gun slinging

76、爆炸 explode/bomb

79、 cheat/deceive

82、 rape

85、 prostitution

88、强行行乞 forced begging

91、滋事 cause trouble

94、工地 construction site

97、机场航站楼 terminal

100、立案 register/put on


103、抢夺 snatch

71、 traffic in drugs

74、赌博 gamble

77、 blackmail

80、盗窃 steal

83、走失 get lost

86、扰民 disturb neighborhood

89、爆炸 explosion

92、投诉 complain

95、干扰 interference

98、高额消费 great-amount


101、城管 city maintenance

104、威胁 threaten


72、交通事故 traffic accident

75、自杀 suicide

78、遗失 lose

81、抢劫 rob

84、 kidnap

87、强买强卖 buy or sell

under coercion

90、纠纷 dispute

93、汇款 remit money

96、社区 community

99、出入境管理 immigration


102、消协 association of


105、协商 consultation




Hello, this is the service counter for 110, what can I do for you?

2、请将您的准确地址告诉我。Could you please tell me your accurate location?

3、我可以知道您的名字吗? May I have your name please?

4、请问您的国籍是? What is your nationality?


May I have your phone number and address so that we can contact you if necessary?

6、请稍候,警察将会尽快赶到。 Please wait for a second. The police are already on the way.


I’m sorry, but I can’t understand you. Could you find a native to speak for you?

8、请别着急。 Don’t worry. /Calm down, please.

9、我想报警。 I want to report to the police.

10、我们这里发生了纠纷。 We have a dispute here.


Someone is behaving like a hooligan. /Someone is taking liberties with women.

12、有人多收我的钱。 I have been overcharged.

13、有一个男人打我。 A man has beaten me up.

14、有人拿刀要杀我。 Someone wants to kill me with a knife.

15、有人试图闯入我家。 Someone is trying to break into my home.


Some people are fighting at the gate of Peking University.



17、请问受伤者的人数。 How many people are injured?

18、死亡人数是多少? How many people are killed?


Officer, my stuff (e.g. purse, camera, watch, or luggage) has been stolen.

20、有人正在偷汽车。 Someone is stealing a car.

21、请问当事人是否还在现场? Is the person concerned still at the scene?

22、您的什么东西遗失在出租车上了? What have you left behind in the taxi?

23、能否记得出租车号? Can you remember the car number of the taxi?

24、我被人抢了。 I have been robbed.

25、有人抢劫银行。 Someone is robbing the bank.


Please describe what xx looks like, and we will do our best to find him/her.

27、别担心,我们会逮住罪犯的。 Don’t worry. We will catch the criminal.

28、有人我。 Someone has blackmailed me.

29、我被骗200美元。 I have been cheated out of 200 dollars.


Please wave at the patrol car when you see it, so that they can find you sooner.

31、有人在我酒里下毒。 Someone has poisoned my alcohol.


Someone is trafficking in drugs (taking drugs/ conducting prostitution/ visiting prostitutes).

33、做这种事情是违法的。 It is illegal to do this.

34、谢谢合作。 Thanks for your cooperation.



35、我出车祸了。 I have had a car accident.


Our car broke down on the main road in South Third Ring when running from west to east.

37、这里有交通堵塞。 There is a traffic jam here.

38、您是否需要救护车? Do you need an ambulance?

39、有人拿打我。 Someone has shot at me.

4 0、有人在赌博。 Some people are gambling.

4i、一个女的在XX宾馆里自杀了。 A woman has committed suicide in xx hotel.

42、他身上有,准备搞爆炸。 He has explosives with him, ready to carry out explosion.

43、你把放在什么部位了? Where have you put the bomb?

44、案发现场在哪? Where is the criminal scene?

45、你亲眼看见的,还是听说的? Have you witnessed it yourself or just heard of it?


I’m sorry, but you have misdialed. This is the service counter for 110.


I’m sorry. We will try to help you as much as we can, but you have to seek help from other

sections concerned.

48、有人落水了。 Someone has fallen into water.

49、有人晕倒了。 Someone has passed out.


My car broke down on xx highway, about xx kilometers from the toll station.

51、我想要求助开锁。 I need help with unlocking.




I have got an electric shock and need an emergency treatment.

5 3、他身上带有汽油,准备纵火。 He has gasoline with him, ready to commit arson.

54、我家煤气泄露。 There is gas leak in my home.

55、请问(火势、伤势、病情)是否严重? Is the fire/ injury/ disease serious?

56、火灾引燃物是什么,过火面积多少? What caused the fire? How large an area is on fire?

57、我迷路了。 I’m lost.

58、我的家人走失了。 One of my family members is lost.


I want to sue an officer because he has not provided good service.


If a police officer doesn’t do his duty, you can complain.


What you have reported is very important, and we will take it seriously. Many thanks.

62、我被关在电梯内出不去。 I am locked in the lift and have no way out.

6 3、我的钥匙丢了,需要你们帮我开门。

My key is lost, so I need you to help me unlock the door.


Please wait a moment. We will immediately assign some policeman and lift maintenance worker

to the scene.

65、工地施工噪音影响我休息。 The noise from the construction site has disturbed me.

66、我想知道在中国工作需要办什么手续? I want to know the procedures for working in




67、我想问一下XX派出所的报警电话? I want to know the phone number of xx police



My visa has expired. Could you tell me what I shall do with it?

69、我的护照丢失了,请问该如何补办? My passport is missing, how can I get a new one?


Please hold on, and I will transfer you to the Immigration Control Office.


1、 A:您好,这里是11 0报警服务台,有什么需要帮助的吗?

Hello, this is the service counter for 110, what can I do for you?

B:有一个男人打我。 A man has beaten me up.

A:请您把地址说一下。 Please give me the location, OK?


This is Chaoyang District, XX Street, Department XX, Building XX, Unit XX, Room XX

A:您的姓名是? Could you please tell me your name, please?

B.Rosemary Nelson.

A:可以拼读一下吗? Could you spell it, please?

B:R—O—S—E—M—A—R—Y N—E—L—S—O—N.



A:您的国籍是? What is your nationality?

B:美国。 U.S.A.


Please wait there a few moments,. The police will get there as soon as possible.

2、 A:警官,我的行李被偷了。 Officer, my luggage has been stolen.

B:你在哪里? Where are you right now?

A:我在机场第三航站楼的候机大厅。 I’m in the departure lounge of the 3rd airport


B:你的行李里有什么贵重物品吗? Are there any valuables in your luggage?

A:是的,我的钱包、相机、护照全在里面。 Yes, my purse, camera and passport.


I see. Please don’t worry. I will immediately assign the police to help you look for it on the


3、 A:您好,这里是11 0报警服务台。

Hello, this is the service counter for 110, what can I do for you?

B:您好,我要举报,我的邻居家里有人赌博,而且他们很吵, 影响我休息。

Hello. I want to report. There are people gambling in my neighbor’s home and they are really

noisy. I cannot sleep well.

A:请您把地址说一下。 Could you give me the address, please?


Here is Haidian District, XX Road, XX Department, Building 5, Door 1, and Room 501.

A:那您的邻居在哪? Then where is your neighbor?



B:就在我家楼上。 Just upstairs.


OK, I see. Please wait a moment. The police will arrive soon.

4、 A:我要报警,我出车祸了! I want to report to the police. I had an accident.

B:请问有人受伤了吗? Is there anyone injured?

A:没人受伤,可我的车尾灯被撞坏了。 No one was hurt, but my taillight was broken.


Please hold on, I will transfer you to the traffic accident counter for 122,

5、 A:您好,这里是110报警服务台。

Hello, this is the service counter for 110, what can I do for you?


Hello, I lost my key, so I need you to help me open the door.


I will give you the number for lock opening and repairing hotline,you can contact them directly.


Professionals who can open your door will be assigned to your place along with a policeman.


But I cannot speak Chinese. Can you please tell them about it?


Sure. However, I have to inform you in advance that you need to pay some fee for having

your lock opened.

B:这个没问题。 No problem.



A:请您把地址告诉我。 Could you please give me your address, please?


Here is East City District, XX Road, XX Department, Building 6, Unit 3 and the 3rd Floor.


OK, please wait a moment. We will assign a professional and a policeman to your place


6、 A:救命啊,我家失火了! Help!! My house is on fire!

B:有人被困吗? Is there anyone locked inside?

A:没有,我们都跑出来了。 No, we all have run out.

B:是什么东西着了? So what exactly caught fire?

A:做饭时锅突然着了。 The pan did when I was cooking.

B:请把地址说一下。 Could you give me your address, please?


Here is Chaoyang District, XX Department, Building 3, Room 308.

B:现在过火面积有多大?How much area has been affected?

A:大概有两坪米。About 2 square meters.


OK. Please wait a moment. We will inform the police and firemen to the spot immediately.

7、 A:您好,我的护照遗忘在出租车上了。 Hello. I have lost my passport in the taxi.


Did you take the invoice with you? Do you still remember the plate number?

A:我有发票,车牌号我也记得。 I have invoice and I also remember the number.




Well, in your case, you can contact the taxi administration office and they will help

you look for it. The telephone number is 8409-3491.


OK. If I cannot find my passport, can I get a new one?


Of course you can. Please hold on, I will transfer you to the Immigration Control Office.

You can ask them about the details.

A:好的,非常感谢。OK, thanks very much.

8、 A:您好,我刚刚被抢了。 Hello, I was robbed just now.


Could you tell me the exact time and location, please?


I was robbed just now outside of the Worker’s Club at Hufang Road.


How many suspects are there and which directions they took running away?


The suspect is a man, in dark clothes, with short hair, and ran east riding a bike.


Please hold on. I will assign the police. OK, I want to ask more details. Could you tell me if they

have taken knife or anything else to threaten you, please? Or did they run away directly after the





He rode his bike, grabbed my bag from behind, and ran way directly.

B:请问您什么东西被抢了? What have been robbed?


A dark satchel with 5000 yuan cash, 2 bank cards and my passport.

B:请问您现在哪里?Could you tell me where you are now?


I’m in the southeast corner of the crossing at Hufang Road.


Where are you from? And what’s your profession here in Beijing?

A:我是英国人,在英国大使馆工作。 I am British, and I am working in the British



OK. Please wait there a moment. The police will go to meet you soon.


1、 李XX报称:5分钟前,在宣武区广安门桥东侧100米路北XX









Li--reports: Five minutes ago, my backpack was snatched in front of the xx hotel, 100

meters east to the Guanganmen Bridge in Xuanwu District. In the backpack, there were 100

RMB in cash, a cell phone, keys and some credentials. The suspects were two men with an

accent of northeast China. They ran away towards the east in a white Jetta, the car license of

which is Jing N12345. One of the suspects is about 1.8 meters high, wore a black jacket and

cream-color trousers, and had a crew cut and a round face. The other is around 1.75 meters high,

wore a white shirt and dark trousers, had a moderately long hair and long face, and wore glasses.

I need the help from policemen soon.

2、 王xx报称:我路过海淀区北京大学正门时,发现有20多人打



Wang –reports: I was passing the main gate of Peking University in Haidian District, where 20

people were scuffling. Some of them carried knives and clubs in their hands and victims have

already been cut down to the ground. We need policemen and doctors to come to take care of

this at once.

3、 孙XX报称:10分钟前,我在朝阳区建国门外建设银行被人以

谎称中奖的方式骗汇1万元。 对方账号为:





奥巴马赞华尔街改革法 责共和党计划(中英)

This week, I signed into law a Wall Street reform bill that will protect consumers and our

entire economy from the recklessness and irresponsibility that led to the worst recession

of our lifetime. It’s reform that will help put a stop to the abusive practices of mortgage

lenders and credit card companies. It will end taxpayer bailouts of Wall Street firms. And

it will finally bring the shadowy deals that caused the financial crisis into the light of day.


Wall Street reform is a key pillar of an overall economic plan we’ve put in place to dig

ourselves out of this recession and build an economy for the long run – an economy that

makes America more competitive and our middle-class more secure. It’s a plan based on

the Main Street values of hard work and responsibility – and one that demands new

accountability from Wall Street to Washington.


Instead of giving tax breaks to corporations that ship jobs overseas, we want to give tax

breaks to small business owners who are creating jobs right here in America. Already,

we’ve given small businesses eight new tax cuts, and have expanded lending to more than

60,000 small business owners.


We’re also investing in a homegrown, clean energy industry – because I don’t want to see

new solar panels and wind turbines and electric cars manufactured in some other country.

I want to see them made in America, by American workers. So far, we’ve provided new

tax credits, loan guarantees, and investments that will lead to more than 800,000 clean

energy jobs by 2012. And throughout America, communities are being rebuilt by people

working in hundreds of thousands of new private sector jobs repairing our roads, bridges,

and railways.




Our economic plan is also aimed at strengthening the middle-class. That’s why we’ve cut

taxes for 95% of working families. That’s why we’ve offered tax credits that have made

college more affordable for millions of students, and why we’re making a new

commitment to our community colleges. And that’s why we passed health insurance

reform that will stop insurance companies from dropping or denying coverage based on an

illness or pre-existing condition.


This is our economic plan – smart investments in America’s small businesses, America’s

clean energy industry, and America’s middle-class. Now, I can’t tell you that this plan will

bring back all the jobs we lost and restore our economy to full strength overnight. The

truth is, it took nearly a decade of failed economic policies to create this mess, and it will

take years to fully repair the damage. But I am confident that we are finally headed in the

right direction. We are moving forward. And what we can’t afford right now is to go back

to the same ideas that created this mess in the first place.





UN Secretary-General's Message on the International Day of the World's Indigenous


New York, 9 August 2010



The world's indigenous peoples have preserved a vast amount of humanity's cultural

history. Indigenous peoples speak a majority of the world's languages, and have inherited

and passed on a wealth of knowledge, artistic forms and religious and cultural traditions.

On this International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, we reaffirm our commitment

to their wellbeing.


The landmark United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by

the General Assembly in 2007, lays out a framework for governments to use in

strengthening relationships with indigenous peoples and protecting their human rights.

Since then, we have seen more governments working to redress social and economic

injustices, through legislation and other means, and indigenous peoples' issues have

become more prominent on the international agenda than ever before.




But we must do even more. Indigenous peoples still experience racism, poor health and

disproportionate poverty. In many societies, their languages, religions and cultural

traditions are stigmatised and shunned. The first-ever UN report on the State of the

World's Indigenous Peoples in January 2010 set out some alarming statistics. In some

countries, indigenous peoples are 600 times more likely to contract tuberculosis than the

general population. In others, an indigenous child can expect to die twenty years before

his or her non-indigenous compatriots.


The theme of this year's Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples is indigenous filmmakers,

who give us windows into their communities, cultures and history. Their work connects us

to belief systems and philosophies; it captures both the daily life and the spirit of

indigenous communities. As we celebrate these contributions, I call on Governments and

civil society to fulfil their commitment to advancing the status of indigenous peoples






(Ophelia. Sitting on the base of a tree, the young Ophelia drops flowers into the water in

which she will drown herself. "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark." 1603)


"To be, or not to be: that is the question". Hamlet quote (Act III, Sc. I).


"Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend, and

borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry". Hamlet quote Act I, Sc. III).


"This above all: to thine own self be true" Hamlet quote (Act I, Sc. III).


"Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't." Hamlet quote (Act II, Scene II).

“ 这些虽然是疯话,缺有深意在内”。

"That it should come to this!". Hamlet quote (Act I, Scene II).


"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" Hamlet quote (Act II, Sc.



"What a piece of work is man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and

moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like

a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals! " Hamlet quote (Act II, Sc. II).




"The lady doth protest too much, methinks". Hamlet ( Quote Act III, Sc. II).

“我觉得那女人表白心迹的时候,说话过火了些 ”。

"In my mind's eye". Hamlet quotation (Quote Act I, Scene II).


"A little more than kin, and less than kind". (Hamlet Quote Act I, Scene II).


"The play 's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king". Hamlet Quote (Act II,

Scene II). “凭着这一本戏,我可以发掘出国王内心的隐秘”。

"And it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man".

(Hamlet Quote Act I, Scene III)."


"This is the very ecstasy of love". - ( Hamlet Quote Act II, Sc I).


"Brevity is the soul of wit". - Hamlet Quote (Act II, Scene II).


"Doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love". Hamlet

Quote (Act II, Sc. II).


"Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind". - (Hamlet Quote Act III, Scene I).


"Do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe?" Hamlet Quote (Act III, Sc. II).


"I will speak daggers to her, but use none". - (Hamlet Quote Act III, Sc. II).



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