

Reading Comprehension

Passage 1

Laura walked towards the man. “It is terribly cold,” she said.

“Colder than ever,” the man said. “Now tell me what the hell you want.” He stared at Laura for

a few seconds, and then grinned. “ Maybe you’d like to come inside and warm up.”

“No. No, I don’t want to come in.” she took a deep breath. “I just wanted to know if you’re

interested in selling your dog.”

“That worthless mutt ?” The man pointed to a dog in the yard and laughed for a few seconds,

then suddenly stopped. “I was just joking about the worthless part. He’s a pretty good dog. Yeah, I

might be interested.”

“Well, he’s the kind of dog I’m looking for, and it doesn’t look to me like you’re too fond of

him. I mean he’s tied up outside. I don’t see any food or water.”

“You just wait a minute. I take good care of that dog. The guy I got him from said he was a

trained guard dog. Trouble is the stupid thing doesn’t even bark when strangers come around . But

then I guess that wouldn’t matter to you. You’re probably just looking for a pet, huh?”

“Yeah, well here’s your chance to get rid of him. I’ll give you twenty dollars.’

He snorted(哼着鼻子说). “You expect me to sell a purebred guard dog for twenty dollars? Fifty

dollars. That’s my price. You bring me fifty dollars, honey, and you got yourself a dog.” The man

smiled. “Sure you don’t want to come in?”

Laura shook her head. “I’ll be back with the money.” Breakfast forgotten, she searched for and

found a cash machine four blocks away. I can’t afford this, she thought as she punched the

numbers into the machine. The dog will need a vet(兽医) and where am I going to get the money

for that? Her fears faded(消退) as she pictured the dog, curled up, not outside on the cold, hard

ground, but in front of a glowing fireplace. Blue ceramic bowls filled with food and water sat in

the corner of the kitchen, and she saw him, head held high, matching her stride(大步) on their

daily walk.

With the money in her purse she hurried back to the man’s house.

1. Why did Laura walk up to the man? B

A. To ask him where she could buy a pet.

B. To see if she could buy his dog.

C. To give him a morning greeting.

D. To ask him to let her in and warm up.

2. For what purpose had the man bought the dog?A

A. To protect his home.

B. To get rid of his loneliness.

C. To breed pet dogs.

D. To make money.

3. When Laura left home in the morning, she was most probably going__B_____?

A. to take a walk

B. to get her breakfast

C. to get some cash

D. to buy the man’s dog

4. Judging from the passage, Laura is ___B____.

A. a very rich lady

B. a rather poor girl

C. an animal protectionist

D. a social worker

5. How come Laura’s worry about money faded? A

A. The dog will lead a happy life under her good care.

B. She will soon get a good job and earn money to pay the vet.

C. She will have a guard dog beside her as she takes a walk.

D. She’s got the money in her purse to pay for the pet she desired.

Passage 2

How do young children learn to have good values? How can parents teach their children about

the importance of kindness, patience, and self-discipline? At a time when more and more parents

worry about the negative and violent images(暴力形象) their children see on TV, in the movies

and, on the Internet, some are turning to fairy tales(童话) as a way to teach their young ones how

to behave in society.

Fairy tales were not always intended for children. We know this because some of these stories

have existed for hundreds of years and were passed down from generation to generation through

songs and drama. They were considered entertainment for everyone, not only for young people. In

these ancient stories, the heroes were extremely clever, fiercely independent, and never gave up.

Over the years, some of the heroes’ qualities and story lines have been changed to fit the times.

Psychologists think that fairy tales have a positive influence on children because they present

the two sides of good and evil very clearly. When children hear the stories, they develop

sympathetic feelings for the heroic characters. In each tale, they can see that there are many

different kinds of people in the world and that we all have a choice about what kind of person we

want to be. We can choose to do good actions, rather that bad ones, in our lives.

What kind of values can children learn from fairy tales? In “The Princess and the Pea,” a poorly

dressed girl who insists she is a princess is given a difficult test by the Queen. When she passes

the test, we learn that she is rewarded because she stayed true to herself. In “The Little Mermaid,”

the mermaid(美人鱼)who lives under the sea longs to be with the humans on land. Through her

experiences, we learn about the importance of living with and accepting other cultures. In

“Pinocchio,” a wooden puppet(木偶)turns into a boy when he finally learns how to tell the truth.

Teaching values is the reason most often given for teaching literature and encouraging reading.

These old stories can indeed teach us lessons about human relationships that are universal(普遍的)

enough to survive throughout the centuries. This might be the reason why they have been around

for so long and are unlikely to disappear any time soon.

1. What do we learn about fairy tales from the passage? B

A. They are written solely for children.

B. They teach universal lessons about human relationships.

C. They are all passed down through songs and drama.

D. They are adapted to TV and movies as entertainment.

2. Why do fairy tales have a positive influence on children? A

A. Good and evil are presented in way they can easily understand.

B. The characters are all good examples for them to follow.

C. The heroes go through all kinds of hardships but never give up.

D. There are many different kinds of characters for them to imitate.

3. Some of the heroes’ qualities in fairy tales have been changed over the years ___D_____.

A. to reflect the change of values

B. to suit the tastes of different people

C. to arouse the interest of little children

D. to adapt to the change of the times

4. Children who have heard about the story of the little mermaid might ____D____.

A. learn to be better self-disciplined

B. be more likely to tell the truth than to tell lies

C. learn to stay true to themselves all their lives

D. be better able to accept foreign cultures

5. Parents encourage children to read fairy tales so that they __D______.

A. can entertain themselves without bothering others

B. can get to know great literature of the world

C. can stay away from violence shown on TV

D. can learn how to behave in society

Passage 3

Kaleil Isaza Tuzman moved to the United States from Columbia when he was 15. Within a

few years he was pushing to get ahead, hawking(叫卖)baseball caps to pay the bills his Harvard

scholarship didn’t cover.

After graduating, he landed on Wall Street, but every night he dreamed of working for himself.

During the booming(繁荣的) 1990s, he gave it a try when he and a partner started govWorks—a

software company that helped city government go online.

They raised $60 million and expanded like crazy. Then dotcoms started turning into dotbombs—govWorks broke up too. Says Isaza Tuzman, “Entrepreneurs(创业人)have to be ready for both

success and failure. In Columbia if you fail, you become a pariah and no one will do business with

you. The wonderful thing about this country is you can get up again.”

From national parks to moon landings, America has given the world some amazing ideas. But

the America Dream is still the biggest—the idea that with hard work and a bit of luck you can be

whoever you want to be. Historian James Truslow Adams once wrote that Americans believe “life

should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability

or achievement.”

These days there’s pressure on the dream idea. A 1978 study of boys born and raised after

World War Ⅱ found an astonishing 23% of the poorest had reached the top of the income heap

by 1973. Now, in a typical generation, only 10% work their way from bottom to top.

But every day, some still do make it. After govWorks went bankrupt, Isaza Tuzman built on

what he had learned. His new company, Recognition Group, restructures(重组) firms and finds

them venture capital — nearly $150 million so far. Last year, Hispanic Business magazine

named him to its 100 Most Influential list. Not bad for a dreamer, in a country built on dreams.

1. What did Kaleil Isaza Tuzman dream of after graduating from college? B

A. Working in the Wall Street stock market.

B. Starting a business of his own.

C. Climbing to the top of society.

D. Entering the IT industry.

2. The word “pariah” in “…if you fail, you become a pariah” (Para.3) most likely means


A. a person who has no future

B. a person to be pitied

C. a person to be condemned

D. a person to be avoided

3. What does the author mean by the American Dream? C

A. Everyone can reach the top of the social ladder.

B. People will have a better, richer, and fuller life than their parents.

C. A lucky poor boy can move to the top if he works hard.

D. Everyone enjoys equal opportunity and share in the wealth.

4. Which of the following statements is true of the American Dream these days? A

A. It is becoming more and more difficult for one to work their way from the bottom to the


B. More and more people are feeling the pressure to work harder in order to realize their


C. It is becoming more and more unpopular because few people today can move up the social


D. If one works hard enough, he will eventually make his dreams come true.

5. To Kaleil Isaza Tuzman, the wonderful thing about America is that ___D_____.

A. there is equal opportunity for everyone

B. every one can get rich if they work hard

C. you can get capital if you want to start a business

D. you can start all over again after failure

Vocabulary and Structure

1. If you love plants, the chances are you buy them on ___B_____ and then wonder where to put


A. purpose B. impulse C. display D. cue

2. If you have to go through a smoke-filled area, you’d better ____A____ with your head low.

A. crawl B. retreat C. proceed D. drag

3. Mother ____B____ my brother to keep his voice down but he ignored her.

A. remarked B. motioned C. shrugged D. impressed

4. If doing one thing gives you an unpleasant feeling, the normal __C______ would be to stop

doing it.

A. perspective B. emotion C. reaction D. function

5. Among these articles, which do you think are most ___D_____ to interest our students?

A. unexpected B. awkward C. competent D. likely

6. Long after even the latest apple tree had finally broken into leaf, the mulberry’s branches

remained stubbornly __B______.

A. empty B. bare C. stale D. dumb

7. These schools come under the supervision of locally __A_____ committees.

A. appointed B. rotated C. consisted D. composed

8. We should see ourselves as part of nature rather than in __C_____ with it.

A. argument B. connection C. conflict D. crash

9. These rows of small trees growing close together __D_____ living walls for shelter and

privacy in the garden.

A. obtain B. breed C. arrange D. create

10. Don’t ____A____ to let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.

A. hesitate B. reject C. puzzle D. thrill

11. During the nine months before her baby is born, her face is one ___C_____ smile.

A. humble B. exclusive C. perpetual D. modest

12. Traditional Chinese food is far ___B_____ to McDonald’s and KFC or any other fast foods I


A. immune B. superior C. essential D. similar

13. Under this law, consumers have the right to ____B____ faulty goods and demand a refund


A. resent B. reject C. object D. replace

14. I was shocked by the conditions in the factory, which ___A_____ definite health and safety


A. constituted B. masked C. enclosed D. consolidated

15. His bedroom __B______ a single bed with a small television at its foot.

A. makes up B. consists of C. lays out D. serves as

16. Linda is 35 years old and, after two close relationships, the prospect of staying single

_____B___ her.

A. impresses B. depresses C. threatens D. stuns

17. Lucy, who did not even go to grade school, had no __C______ of a job at the time.

A. interview B. pressure C. prospect D. application

18. The workers in the factory stopped working in ___A_____ against their foreman using bad

language. A

A. protest B. threat C. conflict D. criticism

19. This technique is traditionally thought to be of Chinese ___A_____.

A. origin B. architecture C. source D. civilization

20. The rise in unemployment ___B_____ the government’s plans for economic recovery.

A. converted B. frustrated C. collapsed D. dismayed

21. Henry seemed ____B____ by this completely unexpected turn of events.

A. consumed B. bewildered C. liberated D. melted

22. Andrew was determined to ___C_____ a computer career after graduation.

A. apply B. shave C. pursue D. select

23. The ___D_____ to this problem is anticipation (未雨绸缪), that is preventing it from

developing by thinking ahead and taking action early.

A. action B. ambition C. strategy D. solution

24. Henry’s actually ____A____ of telling lies, pretending to be sick when he’s healthy.

A. capable B. spontaneous C. competent D. expert

25. As a teacher, he thinks his business is to stir up __B______ in his students rather than insist on


A. observation B. curiosity C. superiority D. judgment

26. As a matter of fact, all those countries with whom we are failing to __B______ invest more in

education than we do.

A. balance B. compete C. emerge D. involve

27. That’s just a(n) ______A__ —nobody really knows what the figure is because nobody bothers

to calculate it.

A. estimate B. range C. balance D. factor

28. The body cannot store vitamin C so it is ___A_____ to have a fresh supply every day.

A. essential B. visible C. ultimate D. profound

29. More and more people are taking to their bikes as a (n) ___C_____ to driving or using public


A. choice B. opportunity C. alternative D. rejection

30. My uncle lived in a comfortable home ___B_____ from farm buildings some 15 miles to the

northwest of the city.

A. constituted B. converted C. stretched D. acquired

31. In view of global warming, coastal buildings should ____B____ sea-level rise.

A. prevent B. anticipate C. discourage D. prompt

32. I feel ___D_____ you will extend a helping hand to those who are suffering from cold and


A. unlike B. complacent C. apparent D. confident

33. The book is written so that a reader will benefit in a future ____C____ with a work of art.

A. encounter B. conflict C. investment D. evaluation

34. My attitude to ageing is that it’s ___B_____ so there’s very little we can do about it.

A. inevitable B. psychological C. contagious D. steady

35. We had better move forward, for it will not do us any good to ___B_____ the past.

A. shrug off B. dwell on C. live on D. single out

36. They took emergency steps to protect themselves from the ___B_____ disease.

A. conveyed B. dreaded C. dispersed D. exploded

37. The spending cuts made it impossible to fill the posts left ___C_____ by retired teachers.

A. depressed B. jealous C. vacant D. dissatisfied

38. Can you list a few problems likely to ___B_____ the human race in the next few decades?

A. fracture B. confront C. occupy D. frustrate

39. More than $10 million in research costs has been lost on a(n)______A__ nuclear safety


A. abandoned B. deduced C. melted D. resolved

40. They will give presentations on those aspects of engineering that are having an ___D_____ on

the development of military equipment.

A. application B. indication C. intent D. impact

41. They got on to the airfield that night and started to place their bombs, but as the aircraft were

widely _____B___, this took time in the dark.

A. reinforced B. dispersed C. relayed D. displayed

42. Disposable(可支配的)income is steady and consumption has barely fallen, though people

have become more ___A_____ about buying luxuries(奢侈品).

A. cautious B. dreary C. reluctant D. alert

43. The new project designed to create more jobs for the laid-off has been ___B_____ quietly and

without fuss.

A. applauded B. launched C. established D. criticized

44. His views have been clearly expressed in ___C_____ speeches and newspaper articles.

A. graceful B. consistent C. numerous D. numerical

45. There is no real __A______ to suggest high-protein diets improve our performance at school.

A. evidence B. intelligence C. indication D. likelihood

46. The majority of reported __B______ on the football field concerned bad language and

unsportsmanlike conduct.

A. accidents B. incidents C. events D. actions

47. Susan is never known to be ___C_____ to follow fashions, however attractive they may seem.

A. granted B. prompted C. tempted D. addicted

48. The ability to sing and dance has become increasingly important in the entertainment industry

nowadays, and there are few actors who don’t __D______ some musical and dance skills.

A. own B. occupy C. pursue D. possess

49. Our firm can help you ____A____ a scheme to meet your needs in the most cost-effective


A. devise B. resolve C. extend D. appreciate

50. During the talks both sides agreed to___B_____ possible areas of co-operation.

A. register B. explore C. conclude D. undo

51. Mary sat on the edge of her chair and looked about with ____D____ glances like a trapped


A. intelligent B. confident C. intellectual D. uneasy

52. Edward had done extremely well in the entrance examinations, which convinced his father that

he was _A_______ financial support.

A. worthy of B. capable of C. short of D. sure of

53. The nests are ___A_____ structures beautifully woven by the male birds to attract females.

A. intricate B. complacent C. competent D. compound

54. A (n)___B_____ agreement is not as binding as a written contract.

A. editorial B. verbal C. surgical D. essential

55. In February, after a(n) ___C_____ series of tests, the doctor told us my father was nearing the

end of his life.

A. relaxing B. consuming C. exhausting D. liberating

56. In addition to tax cuts, the government is also expected to make it easier for foreign investors

to take ___C_____ out of the country.

A. investments B. properties C. profits D. technologies

57. Ann was ___A_____ when she was chosen to speak at the graduation ceremony, but at the

same time she was pretty scared.

A. flattered B. applauded C. puzzled D. bewildered

58. Irene was evidently a heavy smoker, for the first two fingers of her right hand were

___C_____ with nicotine.

A. addicted B. stabbed C. stained D. radiated

59. At what point in his or her career should a singer decide to ___B_____ the stage and concert


A. arrest B. quit C. exit D. conclude

60. ____A____ to miss the lecture on Sunday, I had to cut short the visit and came back on


A. Reluctant B. Mysterious C. Spontaneous D. Emotional

61. The movie star __C______ with your sister, didn’t he?

A. was used to dance B. used to dancing C. used to dance D. was used to dancing

62. The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly, __D______.

A. her long hair flowed in the breeze. B. her long hair was flowing in the breeze.

C. her long hair flow in the breeze. D. her long hair flowing in the breeze.

63. Mother insisted that ___C_____.

A. they are to be back before nine in the evening.

B. they ought to be back before nine in the evening.

C. they be back before nine in the evening.

D. they had to be back before nine in the evening.

64. The professor paused as if ___A_____ his students to ask questions on the point he had just


A .expecting B. to expect C. expected D. to have expected

65. I couldn’t understand why he pretended __B______ in the bookstore.

A. to see me not B. not to see me C. not see me D. to see not me

66. The classroom was almost empty ___B_____ a desk or two.

A. besides B. except for C. except D. In addition to

67. It was in that small room ___D_____ they worked hard and dreamed of better days to come.

A. what B. in which C. which D. that

68. ____B____ ,you must show your ticket to go into the cinema.

A. No matter whoever you are B. Whoever you are

C. Whomever you are D. No matter who are you

69. _____C___ that the left side of the human brain is responsible for logic.

A. It generally is believed B. It is believed generally

C. It is generally believed D. Generally it is believed

70. Scientists didn’t know much about lung cancer ___B_____.

A. before long B. until recently C. long before D. in the past few years

71. Nobody would believe his words though he said he was ___C_____ of the crime.

A. pure B. clear C. innocent D. guilty

72. The university are having to __D______ the government for more money.

A. call at B. call on C. appeal for D. appeal to

73. The basic reason for a protective tariff is to _B_______ goods that will undersell products

made in the home country.

A. keep off B. keep out C. keep up D. deep down

74. A lawyer’s income is usually high, __D______ more than 200 000 dollars a year.

A. add up to B. added up to C. amounted to D. amounting to

75. Most offices are having to ____D____ themselves against computer theft.

A. assure B. ensure C. sure D. insure

76. It was very ___B_____ of you to let us know you were going to be late.

A. considering B. considerate C. considerable D. considered

77. The little boy cried and would not ____C____ the boy which he wanted his mother to buy for


A. let off B. let away C. let go of D. let alone

78. The fall in price is directly ___C_____ to the increase in output.

A. concerned B. connected C. related D. united

79. Do you have any idea what he meant? I really can’t __B______ what he said at this morning’s


A. figure on B. figure out C. find out D. find

80. We should really take some effective __A______ to prevent such terrible things from

happening again.

A. steps B. means C. measure D. ways

81. __A______ trouble me most was that I forgot my student card and my ticket.

A. What B. which C. That D. Whatever

82. When her baby fell asleep, she ___B_____ her pen and began to write.

A. took on B. took up C. took to D. took apart

83. Please don’t ____D____ at the little boy. He will be frightened by your loud voice.

A. smile B. look C. throw D. shout

84. Would you mind ___D_____ for me in downtown? Here is the list, thank you.

A. going skating B. doing homework

C. going helping D. doing some shopping

85. The government has tried its best to ___A_____ the needs of the market.

A. meet B. reach C. supply D. greet

86. The plane had already ___A_____ when I arrived at the airport.

A. taken off B. set off C. got out D. pulled out

87. His mother told him to ____D____ his little brother when she was away.

A. look back B. look over C. look at D. look after

88. As my beloved uncle, he gave me advice __A______ money.

A. as well B. as long as C. as well as D. as good as

89. The big supermarket, which ___C_____ in 1990s, is the tallest building in this city.

A. has been completed B. had been completed

C. was completed D. will be completed

90. He only allowed us two hours __A______ , so all of us were in a hurry.

A. to pack up B. packing up C. to be packed up D. pack up


1. 小约翰一见到妈妈下班回来就往前门跑去。

Little Johnny made for the front door at the sight of his mother coming back from work

2. 玛格丽特有一点情绪低落,她需要时间接受她生意上的失败。

Margarent is a bit depressed. She needs time to come to terms with her business failure

3. 格雷格给我留下了深刻的印象,他想尽办法帮我们到了一个解决方法。

I am very much impressed by went out of his way to help us find a solution

4. 过多地暴露在太阳辐射之下会伤害我们的皮肤。

Too much exposure to solar radiation does harm to our skim

5. 他研究原子科学是为了我国的国防。他根本不在乎名望。

He pursued atomic science for the defense of our country .Fame meant nothing to him

6. 她砰的关上门,一声不吭的走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。

Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without aword.

7. 约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了。

Johnny has outgrow the fear of staying at home alone.

8. 这封信必须交给威尔逊博士本人。

The letter is to be handed to himself

9. 南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆的不敢开口。

While she felt like joining in the argument,Nancy was too shy to open the mouth

10. 他可能会因视力不好而被拒收入伍。

It is likely that he will be rejected by the army because of his bad eyesight

11. 亨利创作的艺术品在许多方面比他兄弟的要好。

Henry`s works of art superior in many respects to those of his borther`s

12. 由于缺乏资金,他们正在设法吸引外资(attract foreign capital)。

Being short of funds they are trying to attract foreign capital

13. 这个房间有股霉味,一定好久没住人了(vacant)。

The room smells of stale must have been vacant for a long time

14. 就业余爱好而言,珍妮和她妹妹几乎没有什么共同之处。

As for as hobbies are concerned, Jane and her sister have little in common

15. 不言而喻,青年人的教育对于一个国家的未来是至关重要的。

It is self-evident that the education of the young is vital to the future of a country

16. 太阳能电池(solar cell)能吸收阳光并把它变成电。

Solar cells can absorb sunlight and convert into electricity

17. 由于受到原子辐射,他最终在工作时倒下了。

As a result of exposure to atomic radiation he finally collapsed at work

18. 只要你不断努力,你迟早会解决这个难题的。

If / As long as you keep (on) trying, you will be able to resolve this

difficult problem sooner or later.

19. 你是否认为公共汽车司机应对乘客的安全负完全的责任?

Do you think bus drivers should take full responsibility for the passengers' safety?

20. 你不必再去多想那些判断上的失误了。重要的是尽量避免再犯。

You needn't dwell on your mistakes in judgment any more. What's important is to try your best to

avoid repeating them

21. 这个展览会很受欢迎,吸引着源源而至的参观者。

The exhibition is very popular and is attracting a steady stream of visitors

22. 妈妈上楼来查看我们这些孩子时,我转过身假装睡着了。

When Mom came upstairs to check on us kids, I turned over and pretended to be asleep

23. 那个曾放火烧教堂的男子打开门时,迎面遇到十来个持的警察。

Opening the door, the man who had set fire to the church found himself confronted by a dozen

policemen with guns

24. 他们为新建一所医院开展了一场筹款运动。

They launched a campaign to raise money for a new hospital

25. 有迹象表明,不少工厂正面临着十分困难的局面。

There are indications that numerous factories are faced with a very difficult situation

26. 调查显示,对某些人来说,退休往往会造成心理上的病痛。

Investigation has revealed that retirement tends to cause psychological troubles for some people

27. 这对我们来说是个很小的损失,不要大惊小怪。

It is a very small loss to / for us. Don't make such a fuss over it

28. 他比任何对手的得分都高的多,证明他不愧为一个胜利者。

He scored far more points / much higher than any of his rivals and proved himself a worthy winner.

29. 作者想通过这篇文章向读者传达她对赞扬和批评的看法。

Through the article the author wants to convey to the readers her views on praise and criticism

30. 作为父母我们应该知道,对于孩子们来说,一句赞扬抵得上十句责骂。

As parents we should know that for children an ounce of praise is worth a pound of scolding

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