

初二下册Module 5 Problems


Dear Diana,

I have a problem but I don’t want to talk to my school counsellor (顾问), Alice,

because all my friends say she’s not helpful (有帮助的). What should I do?


Dear John,

Start by giving Alice a chance. Some counsellors and students may seem to be more

helpful than others. You shouldn’t deny Alice only by your friends’ words. Anyway,

you don’t know what Alice is like now. You can meet her a few times and then you

can know what she’s like. If you think you can’t get any help after meeting her, talk to

your school counselling office. They may offer you a different counsellor or suggest

someone else for you. You can also ask your family and they may help you.

Good luck!

Best wishes


( )1. John wrote to Diana because he wanted to ______.

A. ask for some advice

B. borrow some books

C. make friends with Diana

D. talk about Alice with her

( )2. The underlined word “deny” means ______ in Chinese.

A. 赞成 B. 否定 C. 憎恨 D. 接受

( )3. What did Diana suggest John do first? John should ______.

A. follow his friends’ words

B. tell his parents

C. ask Alice himself

D. tell his teachers

( )4. If Alice can’t help John, John can talk to ______.

A. his friends B. his classmates

C. Diana herself D. the school counselling office

( )5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Diana is John’s maths teacher.

B. Alice should ask Diana for some advice.

C. John asked a different counsellor.

D. John’s friends didn’t want to visit Alice.


Dec. 3, 2005

Dear John,

Thank you very much for your letter. I’m glad that you enjoy holiday with us. We

enjoy having you and your sister here. We hope that you will both be able to come

again next year. Maybe you will be able to stay longer next year. A week is not really

long enough, is it? If your school has five weeks’ holiday next year, perhaps you will

be able to stay with us for two or three weeks.

We were back at school three weeks ago. It feels like three months! Now you are

in Grade 3. I think you are both working very hard. I shall have to work harder and

harder next year when I’m in Grade 3. Tom and Ann won’t be in Grade 3 until 2007.

They went for a picnic yesterday, but I didn’t go with them because I cut my foot and

I couldn’t walk very well. They went to an island called Guiet Island. It is near

Sunshine Island. Do you remember Sunshine Island? Tom, Ann and I send our best

wishes to Betty and you. We hope to see you soon.



1. _______ stayed at Micheal’s hometown for their holiday?

A. John B. Tom and Ann C. John and her sister D. Tom

2. Their holiday lasted for ________.

A. One week B. two weeks C. three weeks D. five weeks

3. In _______ will Ann and Tom be in Grade Three?

A. 2004 B. 2005 C. 2006 D. 2007

4. ________went to Guiet Island.

A. John and his sister B. Tom and Ann

C. Tom, Ann and Micheal D. Ann and her friends

5. Why didn’t Micheal go to Guiet Island?

A. Something was wrong with his foot. B. It was very hot.

C. He had no time. D. He was very busy.


People are often killed while crossing the road. Most of these people are old people

and children. Old people are often killed because they usually cannot see or hear very

well. Children are often killed because they are not careful. They have to look and

listen before they cross the road.

A car, truck or bus can not stop very quickly. If the vehicle is going very fast , it

will travel many metres before it stops. People don’t always understand this. They

think a car can stop within a few metres. The faster a car is traveling , the longer it

takes to stop. It is very difficult for a person to know how far a car is traveling.

The only safe way to cross the road is to look both ways, right and left. Then if the

road is clear, it is safe to cross. The right way to cross the road is to walk quickly. It is

not safe to run. If people run across the road , they may fall down.

Choose T or F for each question:

( )1. Children are often killed when crossing the road because they usually cannot

see or hear very well.

( ) is easy for a driver to stop his vehicle when he finds something wrong

some metres in front of him.

( ) you cross the road, you’d better look carefully and walk quickly

( ) across the road when the vehicle is coming towards you.

( ) writer asks people to be careful with the traffic.


Americans think a great deal about time. From childhood they learn to value(珍惜) time. As children, they are taught to be on time to go to school, to do work and to

do everything. When they are having a good time, they say that time flies. When a

person is dying, they say he is living on borrowed time.

Time is money. Time is knowledge. Time is everything in America. A working

American has to work hard for 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week. This is the working

time. In his spare(业余) time, he also works hard for more money. Even Saturday and

Sunday are filled with activities(活动). In the street you can hardly see a man who

walks slowly. They walk very fast. In fact, they are running.

They love time because time bring them money, comfort (舒服) and progress(进步).But sometimes they also hate time, for they feel they have become servants of the


( )1. A. working American has to work_____________ days a week in his

working time.

A. seven B. six C. five D. eight

( )2. An American always walks_____________.

A. sadly B. slowly C. fast D. not very fast

( )3. “He is living on borrowed time” means “_________.”

A. He is dead B. He has little money

C. He has no time D. He is dying

( )4. In his spare time, an American usually______________.

A. has a good rest B. plays cards with his friends

C. stays at home all day and watches TV

D. gets more money by work

( )5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. The Americans usually value time.

B. The Americans are often on time.

C. All Americans love time and don’t hate time.

D. Sometimes the Americans hate time.


Let’s be honest; no matter how old we are, most of us love it when our parents do

things for us. It makes our life easier, and we have less to worry about.

However, some parents like to do almost everything for their children. They see

their children (and sometimes even adults) as babies! It can be a very common(普遍的) problem in China. Some parents care so much about the safety of their children

that they are afraid to let them go anywhere or do anything by themselves. As a result,

their children can’t learn social skills, and depend more on their parents!

In fact, no children would really be happy that their parents look after them all

the time. No parents would be happy knowing that their children don’t know a thing

about the world! Children need their own time to learn how to deal with problems.

It is nice that parents show their care to their children, it is nice that children

know that their parents’ care is the result of love, and it will be nicer if the children let

their parents know how much love they really need, and how much love is too much.

( )1. The common problem in China mentioned in the passage is _____.

A. parents in China only have one child

B. parents do almost everything for their children

C. children look like babies

D. parents don’t let children do anything

( )2. According to the passage, children can’t learn social skills because _____.

A. there are not any subjects about learning social skills at school

B. they are too lazy to learn them

C. they have no chance to do anything by themselves

D. their parents don’t teach anything about them

( )3. The underlined phrase “deal with” means _____.

A. 处理 B. 解答 C. 提出 D. 计算

( )4. Parents care too much about their children because _____.

A. they don’t want to let their children learn anything

B. they would like to see that their children don’t know a thing about the world

C. they don’t think their children can do any-thing well

D. they love their children but don’t know how much love the children need

( )5. The title for the passage is “_____”.

A. No Longer Babies

B. Take Care of Your Children

C. Let Your Children Do Anything

D. We Don’t Need Love


People are so busy these days that many people have no time to cook. This

becomes a problem, because most families love home cooking! The food tastes good

and warm, and a family meal brings everyone together. In some families, meals are

often the only times everyone sees one another at the same time. Another reason(原因)

people enjoy home cooking is that it is often a way of showing love. A parent who

makes some cookies is not just satisfying(满足) a child’s sweet tooth. she or he is

sending a message. The message says, “I care about you enough to spend an hour

making cookies that you will eat up in 15 minutes if I let you.” There is also

something about the smell of home cooking. The smell of home cooking pleases

peoples of all ages. It makes most of us feel happy – even if(即使) we are the ones

doing the cooking!

Choose T or F for each question

1.( )Fast food tastes good and warm

2.( ) In some families, meals are often the only times everyone sees one another at

the same time.

3.( ) Home cooking is often a way of showing love

4.( ) The smell of home cooking pleases peoples of all ages

5.( ) This passage asks us to know the importance of home cooking.


The ugly duckling

On a sunny afternoon an ugly duckling(小鸭) was born near some water. All his

brothers and sisters disliked him because he looked different and ugly. How sad the

duckling was! So he ran away from his home.

On the way he met some ducks but couldn’t find a good friend. After lots of

sadness (哀伤) and difficulties, the poor duckling then saw himself in the water. He

found that he was a beautiful swan(天鹅).

The flying trunk(衣箱)

Many years ago in Copenhagen a rich businessman had a lazy son called Erik.

After his father died, he used up all the money except a flying trunk(衣箱).

Later, he used it. The trunk landed in a country in the East. Erik met a girl there

and cheated( 欺骗) her. He filled the trunk with her money and flew away. But the

trunk was too heavy and fell into the sea. He swam ashore (到岸上) and went back

home. The lazy boy spent his life singing sad songs in the street.

( )1. What’s the style of the two articles?

A. News. B. Report ( 报告). C. Story. D. Fable(童话).

( )2. Why did the duckling run away from his home?

A. Because he felt sad.

B. Because he couldn’t find good friends.

C. Because he was a swan.

D. Because his mother disliked him.

( )3. Erik is a man.

A. busy B. lazy C. rich D. hard-working

( )4. How did Erik get the money?

A. He got it from the businessman.

B. His father left it to him.

C. He cheated a girl to get it.

D. He got it from the flying trunk.

( )5. What’s the main idea of The Flying Trunk?

A. Don’t cheat women.

B. Lazy and dishonest( 不诚实的) men lose everything.

C. How to get money.

D. Use a flying trunk in the right way.


Many years ago there lived two frogs. One lived in a river near the town of

Osaka. The other lived in a river that near the town of Kyoto.

They didn’t know each other, but each wanted to leave home and see the world.

The Kyoto frog wanted to visit Osaka, and the Osaka frog dreamed of seeing Kyoto.

One morning, they both started their journey. When they met each other on a hill,

they began to talk about their journey.

“What a pity we are not bigger,” said the Osaka frog, “for then we could see both

towns here.” “I have an idea,” said the Kyoto frog, “if we stand up on our hind( 后面的) legs, and hold on to each other, we will be tall and see the towns.”

Then the Kyoto frog faced( 面对) Osaka, and the Osaka frog faced Kyoto.

However, the frogs forgot that when they stood up, their eyes would be in the back of

their heads. They could face the towns that they wanted to go, but their eyes saw only

the town from which they came.

“Dear me!” cried the Osaka frog. “Kyoto looks like Osaka.” “If I have known

that Osaka is only a copy( 复制) of Kyoto, I would never have travelled all this way,”

shouted the Kyoto frog.

The two frogs said good bye politely. Then they went back home. Until the end

of their lives, they thought that Osaka and Kyoto looked the same.

( )1. The Osaka frog left home because he wanted to .

A. see the world B. live in a town

C. climb a mountain D. meet another frog

( )2. Where did the two frogs meet?

A. In Osaka. B. In Kyoto.

C. On a hill. D. Near a river.

( )3. The two frogs stood up on their hind legs to .

A. see which one of them was taller

B. tell each other about their travels

C. have a rest

D. look at the town that they wanted to go to

( )4. This story is mainly about how .

A. towns all over the world look like

B. the town of Kyoto looks just like Osaka

C. two frogs misunderstood( 误解) what they saw

D. frogs saw best when they looked backwards

( )5. The frogs in this story can be thought to be .

A. happy but clever B. friendly but silly

C. brave and careful D. strong but clever


Jack went on to a university to study history when he had finished middle school.

But at the end of his first year, he didn't pass his history exam, and he was told that he

would leave the university. However, his father decided that he would go to see the

professor to ask him to let Jack go on studying the following year.

"He's a good boy," said Jack's father, "and if you let him pass this time, I'm sure

he'll improve a lot next year and pass the exam at the end of it really well." "No, no,

that's quite impossible!" replied the professor immediately. "Do you know, last month

I asked him when Napoleon had died, and he didn't know."

"Please, sir, give him another chance," said Jack's father. "You see I'm afraid

we don't take any newspapers in our house, so none of us even know that Napoleon

was ill."

Choose T or F for each question

1. ( )Jack passed the exam at the end of his first year.

2. ( ) His father asked the professor to give Jack another chance.

3. ( ) The professor asked Jack when Napoleon was born.

4. ( ) Neither Jack nor his father (两者都不)knew when Napoleon had died.

5. ( ) Jack's father even didn't know who Napoleon was.


Yesterday afternoon the two men were walking along the road when they heard

someone shout, "Help! Help!" He cried more times before they could find him. He

was in a river, about a hundred feet from the bank. Quickly the man called John took

off his shoes and jumped into the water. When he was close enough to hold the man's

clothes or hair, the man threw out his arms in fear, caught John around the neck and

began to draw him down under the water. The other man also jumped into the water

and swam to them. When he reached them, John was very tired. Together they got the

man to the bank.

The man looked dead, but his heart was beating. John did what he could for him

and the other man ran to the nearest house to call a doctor. When he got back, the man

had begun to come to life. He opened his eyes a little and began to moan. The doctor

took him to the hospital, and when the two men called last night to ask about the man,

they were told that he would be all right in a day or two.

1. Which of the following is not true?

A. When they found the man, he was away from John and the other man.

B. When they found the man, he was away from the road.

C. When they found the man, he was away from the bank.

D. When they found the man, he was away from river.

2. The two men found the man _____.

A. as soon as they heard the first cry

B. before the man called a few times

C. after the man called a few times

D. when they got to the bank

3. Why did the man catch John around the neck and drew him down under the water?

A. Because he was in fear.

B. Because he wanted to kill John.

C. Because he wanted to know whether John could swim well.

D. Because he was happy to see John come to save him.

4. Why did the other man also jump into the river?

A. Because he wanted to save John.

B. Because he found it difficult for John to save the man.

C. Because he wanted to show he was brave, too.

D. Because John asked him to do so.

5. The man could be taken to the bank _____.

A. after the other man jumped into the river

B. only by John

C. when John reached him

D. before the other man jumped into the river











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