


aspire to sth.渴望.;有志成为

be given to (doing) sth. 经常做;习惯于

catch the light发光;闪光

confer sth. on/upon sb.授予某人

do away with sth.废除;取消;结束

endow sb. with sth. 赋予某人

few and far between 稀少;稀疏;不常发生

findout (about sb. /sth.)查明,弄清(情况)

for my money依我看;我觉得

give sb. the third degree对某人逼供(或疲劳询问)

leap to one's feet快速站起来

leave sb. /sth. out (of sth.)不包括,不提及

make for sth.促成..

think well of sb. /sth.对.有好感;对..评价很高


as it were从某种程度上;可以说

be chained to sb. /sth.被锁(栓)在...上;为...所束缚

be worthy of sb. /sth.值得(或应得)的

be/ become dotted with布满;遍布

carry along way (声音或气味)传得很远

cross one's mind (想法等)掠过某人心头,出现在某人脑海

fix sth. on sb. /sth.集中(目光、注意力、思想等)于...

give/ pay no head to sb. /sth.不听从...不理会...

revel in sth.陶醉于;着迷于;纵情于

rob sb. /sth. of sth. 剥夺(某人所需或应得之物)



a shadow of一丁点:少许

as a rule一般说来;通常

attribute sth. to sb. /sth.把...归因于,认为..是由于

be consistent with sth.与.一致

be on sb. 's guard警惕;提防;警戒”

beyond qustion毫无疑问;毋庸置疑

consist in sth.在于;存在于

enquire into sth.调查;查究;查问

fit in with sb. /sth.与..合得来;适应

get at sth.获悉;了解;查明;发现

in (the) light of sth.考虑到;鉴于

make allowance(s) for sth.考虑到; 估计到.

rest upon/on sth.基于;以...为基础.

shake off摆脱 tendto趋于

think sth. out认真考虑;仔细盘算....

to sb. 's satisfaction使某人确信(或信服)


call sth. up使回忆起;使回想起


drop off打盹儿;小睡

get/ find/ take one's bearings判明方位;弄清自己所处的位置;熟悉环境

just about几乎;近乎;差不多

make for sth.向...移动

needless to say不用说;不必说.......

not to mention更不用说;且不说

pat sb. /oneself on the back表扬,称赞(某人/自己)

put 安装;修建

stuff sth. with sth. 用..填满或装满...


above all最重要的是;尤其是

account for sth. (数量上、比例上)占

the imune to sth.不受.的影响

be set to do sth.有可能做...的

be well off (for sth. )(某事物)充裕....

carry on with sth.继续做某事;坚持做某事

draw on/upon sth.凭借;利用;动用

for (the) want of sth.因为缺乏

have access to有(使用或见到..的)机会

head for.. .朝..行进

in due course在适 当的时候;到一定的时候

in rticular尤其;特别;格外......

in pinciple原则上;理论.........

in print已刊印;已出版

set off动身;出发;启程

takenote (of sth.)注意到..);(将...)铭记在心

up to sth.到达(某数量程度等);至多有


attend to sb. /sth.处理;对付

call sb. names辱骂;谩骂

cave in (on sb./sth. )塌落;塌陷;坍塌

chime in (with sth.)插嘴;打断谈话

come into view看得见;进人视野

get anywhere有所进展

keep track of sb. /sth.了解..的动态;与...保持联系

out of one's hair不打扰某人

roll by (时间)流逝

talk sb. out of (doing) sth. 说服某人不做某事

talk sense 讲话有道理

trail off声音逐渐减弱到停止;逐渐消

wring one's hands (尤指出于焦虑或烦恼而)扭绞双手


be up to sth.胜任

chew through sth.咀嚼嚼碎...

churn out sth. (粗制滥造地)大量生产,出大量炮制

drumsth. intosb.向某人反复灌输;对某人反复讲述

get by (on/in/with sth. )(靠..)维持生计,设法过活,勉强应付

hit the nail on the head说到点子上;正中要害

live off sb. /sth.靠..过活;依赖.生活

mountains of sth.许多;大量

next to nothing几乎没有

on one's own terms按照某人自己的件;根据某人自己的主张


play out发生;出现

prime the pump投资以振兴(新的或不景气的企业或行业)

ramp up sth. 使...的数量增加.......

the lion's share最大的最好的一份....

tip the balance/ scales使天平倾斜;使结果倾向某方;起决定性作用

translate (sth. ) into sth. (把..)转变为


at one's pleasure根据.的意愿;随意

be alive to意识到;注意到 .

brood over sth.为-.感到焦虑;为--而沉思

cheat of sth.从某人那里骗取某物

engage in sth.从事..;参加...

in truth (强调真实情况)的确,事实上...


on hand现有(尤指帮助)。

set sb. /sth. apart (from sb./sth.)使与众不同;使突出;使优于...

smooth one's path/ way铺平道路

subject sb. /sth. to sth.使...遭受... ;使..经受

take revenge (on sb.)报仇;报复

the saving grace仅有的优点;唯一的可取之处


be caught (up) in sth.被卷人陷人...

be doomed to sth.注定失败(或遭殃死亡等)

bring sth. into being 使...形成;使...产生

cast sb./sth. aside抛弃;丢弃.....

in favor of为获得(更好或更需要的事物)

in terms of谈及;就而言;在.方面...

in the light of考虑到;鉴于

stand in contrast to sth. 与...形 成对比,与...有差异


aspire to sth.渴望.;有志成为

be given to (doing) sth. 经常做;习惯于

catch the light发光;闪光

confer sth. on/upon sb.授予某人

do away with sth.废除;取消;结束

endow sb. with sth. 赋予某人

few and far between 稀少;稀疏;不常发生

findout (about sb. /sth.)查明,弄清(情况)

for my money依我看;我觉得

give sb. the third degree对某人逼供(或疲劳询问)

leap to one's feet快速站起来

leave sb. /sth. out (of sth.)不包括,不提及

make for sth.促成..

think well of sb. /sth.对.有好感;对..评价很高


as it were从某种程度上;可以说

be chained to sb. /sth.被锁(栓)在...上;为...所束缚

be worthy of sb. /sth.值得(或应得)的

be/ become dotted with布满;遍布

carry along way (声音或气味)传得很远

cross one's mind (想法等)掠过某人心头,出现在某人脑海

fix sth. on sb. /sth.集中(目光、注意力、思想等)于...

give/ pay no head to sb. /sth.不听从...不理会...

revel in sth.陶醉于;着迷于;纵情于

rob sb. /sth. of sth. 剥夺(某人所需或应得之物)



a shadow of一丁点:少许

as a rule一般说来;通常

attribute sth. to sb. /sth.把...归因于,认为..是由于

be consistent with sth.与.一致

be on sb. 's guard警惕;提防;警戒”

beyond qustion毫无疑问;毋庸置疑

consist in sth.在于;存在于

enquire into sth.调查;查究;查问

fit in with sb. /sth.与..合得来;适应

get at sth.获悉;了解;查明;发现

in (the) light of sth.考虑到;鉴于

make allowance(s) for sth.考虑到; 估计到.

rest upon/on sth.基于;以...为基础.

shake off摆脱 tendto趋于

think sth. out认真考虑;仔细盘算....

to sb. 's satisfaction使某人确信(或信服)


call sth. up使回忆起;使回想起


drop off打盹儿;小睡

get/ find/ take one's bearings判明方位;弄清自己所处的位置;熟悉环境

just about几乎;近乎;差不多

make for sth.向...移动

needless to say不用说;不必说.......

not to mention更不用说;且不说

pat sb. /oneself on the back表扬,称赞(某人/自己)

put 安装;修建

stuff sth. with sth. 用..填满或装满...


above all最重要的是;尤其是

account for sth. (数量上、比例上)占

the imune to sth.不受.的影响

be set to do sth.有可能做...的

be well off (for sth. )(某事物)充裕....

carry on with sth.继续做某事;坚持做某事

draw on/upon sth.凭借;利用;动用

for (the) want of sth.因为缺乏

have access to有(使用或见到..的)机会

head for.. .朝..行进

in due course在适 当的时候;到一定的时候

in rticular尤其;特别;格外......

in pinciple原则上;理论.........

in print已刊印;已出版

set off动身;出发;启程

takenote (of sth.)注意到..);(将...)铭记在心

up to sth.到达(某数量程度等);至多有


attend to sb. /sth.处理;对付

call sb. names辱骂;谩骂

cave in (on sb./sth. )塌落;塌陷;坍塌

chime in (with sth.)插嘴;打断谈话

come into view看得见;进人视野

get anywhere有所进展

keep track of sb. /sth.了解..的动态;与...保持联系

out of one's hair不打扰某人

roll by (时间)流逝

talk sb. out of (doing) sth. 说服某人不做某事

talk sense 讲话有道理

trail off声音逐渐减弱到停止;逐渐消

wring one's hands (尤指出于焦虑或烦恼而)扭绞双手


be up to sth.胜任

chew through sth.咀嚼嚼碎...

churn out sth. (粗制滥造地)大量生产,出大量炮制

drumsth. intosb.向某人反复灌输;对某人反复讲述

get by (on/in/with sth. )(靠..)维持生计,设法过活,勉强应付

hit the nail on the head说到点子上;正中要害

live off sb. /sth.靠..过活;依赖.生活

mountains of sth.许多;大量

next to nothing几乎没有

on one's own terms按照某人自己的件;根据某人自己的主张


play out发生;出现

prime the pump投资以振兴(新的或不景气的企业或行业)

ramp up sth. 使...的数量增加.......

the lion's share最大的最好的一份....

tip the balance/ scales使天平倾斜;使结果倾向某方;起决定性作用

translate (sth. ) into sth. (把..)转变为


at one's pleasure根据.的意愿;随意

be alive to意识到;注意到 .

brood over sth.为-.感到焦虑;为--而沉思

cheat of sth.从某人那里骗取某物

engage in sth.从事..;参加...

in truth (强调真实情况)的确,事实上...


on hand现有(尤指帮助)。

set sb. /sth. apart (from sb./sth.)使与众不同;使突出;使优于...

smooth one's path/ way铺平道路

subject sb. /sth. to sth.使...遭受... ;使..经受

take revenge (on sb.)报仇;报复

the saving grace仅有的优点;唯一的可取之处


be caught (up) in sth.被卷人陷人...

be doomed to sth.注定失败(或遭殃死亡等)

bring sth. into being 使...形成;使...产生

cast sb./sth. aside抛弃;丢弃.....

in favor of为获得(更好或更需要的事物)

in terms of谈及;就而言;在.方面...

in the light of考虑到;鉴于

stand in contrast to sth. 与...形 成对比,与...有差异

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