20版:(创新设计)Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”


Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”



Corvallis Library Events for Teens

All teen events are offered at no cost for teens in middle and high school (6th-12th

grade),unless otherwise note dates and locations below.

Makers Club

The Makers Club meets every second and fourth Tuesday from 4:00-5:30 pm in the

Main Meeting Room of the Corvallis basic programming with open-source platforms such as Arduino and Raspberry group is open to all

also explore 3-D modeling and printing with the library’s 3-D

mming platforms and materials are are welcome to

bring their own laptops if they’d like.

Teen Advisors

This is a teen leadership group that advises staff about library spaces,events,and

materials for may apply to join by completing a Teen Advisor

Membership ations are available at the library in the teen area and

at the Youth Services group meets in the library board room (located in the

basement) on the third Friday of each month from 4:30-6:00pm.

Teen Takeover

This is an after-hours event for teens on the third Friday of each month from 6:30-8:30 us in the Main Meeting Room playing board games,making art,and watching movies during the school als and snacks (小吃) are


Teen Writers

Teens,write with us and meet our writing group leader!Teen Writers is for teens

interested in creating new work and exploring new forms of group meets

in Conference Room A(in the library basement) twice monthly on the first and third

Thursday from 4:30-5:30 pm.

【语篇解读】 本文是应用文。文章介绍了康瓦利斯图书馆提供的适合青少年参加的四个活动。

1.How does Makers Club differ from the others?

A.It is free of charge.

B.There’s no age limit.

C.The group meets twice monthly.

D.It provides materials for participants.

答案 B [推理判断题。根据Makers Club部分中的This group is open to all ages可知,该活动没有年龄限制。]

2.What should you do to join Teen Takeover?

A.Bring a laptop.

B.Bring some snacks.

C.Attend it after class.

D.Apply for membership in advance.

答案 C [细节理解题。根据Teen Takeover部分中的This is an after-hours event可知,该活动在课后举行。]

3.When can you join an event about writing in the library?

A.Every 4th Tuesday.

B.Every 3rd Friday.

C.Every 2nd Tuesday.

D.Every 1st Thursday.

答案 D [细节理解题。根据Teen Writers部分中的on the first and third Thursday可知,在每个月的第一个礼拜四可以参加该活动。]


When I was eleven,my parents gave me the first book I ever owned—“The Tales of

Edgar Allan Poe”.I distinctly remember opening it,reading the first lines of “The

Cask of Amontillado,”and remarking to myself,“So this is what reading is!” My

delight was did I know at the time that I was at the beginning of a

lifelong journey.

So,if I read my first real book at the advanced age of 11,what

was I reading before then?In a word,readers:relatively

plotless,repetitive if well-intentioned attempts to teach

children to recognize letters and their sounds and to build their

a dutiful boy,I went through the motions and I learned what

words I had no idea what writing Poe’s stories,the

sentences were more complex and stylish than anything I had ever read before.

Poe,in short,was a parents gave me that first book,but then I went off on

my own.I liked science,which led me to discover Jules Verne and H.

writers followed quickly one after another:Isaac Asimov,Ray Bradbury,Arthur

C. I didn’t limit myself to science titles that deeply

impressed me early on,and which I have carried on my life’s journey,include:“The

Yearling,”“Shane,”“Ivanhoe.”“Of Mice and Men,”“To Kill a

Mockingbird,”and “The Good Earth”.

It went on from there.I became that kid who,long after his parents told him to turn the

lights off,hid under the covers with a flashlight and a book,his greatest fear of being

discovered and having his flashlight taken away.I realize that my parents must have

known I was defying (违背) in their wisdom they pretended to be ignorant

of so I owe my start as a reader to my parents.

【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。作者讲述了他如何成为一个热爱阅读的人的经历。

4.What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The author’s good memories.

B.The author’s childhood before 11.

C.The author’s parents’ reading habits.

D.The author’s affection for his first book.

答案 D [段落大意题。根据第一段中对作者第一次阅读爱伦·坡的书时的心理描写So this is what reading is以及My delight was unbounded可知,本段主要讲了作者对读这本真正意义上的书的喜爱之情。]

5.What was the influence of plotless reading on the author?

A.He didn’t accumulate enough vocabularies.

B.He didn’t know what real writing was.

C.He couldn’t read complex sentences.

D.He couldn’t write a good article.

答案 B [推理判断题。根据第二段中的I learned what words were以及But I had

no idea what writing Poe可知,作者以前总是看一些简单的读物,但是并没有读过真正的大家之作,不知何为写作。]

6.What is the attitude of the author’s parents to his reading under the covers?





答案 B [推理判断题。根据最后一段中I as a reader to my parents可知,作者认为父母其实知道他在被窝里偷偷看书的事情,只是不拆穿他而已,所以他感谢父母的假装不知道。故正确答案为B。]

7.What is the best title for the text?

A.How I wrote a good book

B.How I found my favorite books

C.How I learned from my parents

D.How I became a reader of books

答案 D [标题归纳题。首先,作者在文章的开头介绍了他得到的第一本书,其次作者在第三段中提到的Poe, my own表明第一本书为他开启了阅读之路。文章的最后一段提到It went on from there和And so I owe my start as a

reader to my parents,更是点明了他是如何成为一个爱阅读的人。故正确答案为D。]


Pop singers,actors and sports stars are not the only ones today’s teenagers seek to

emulate(模仿).It turns out that the legendary American poet Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) has a sincere following among many young people.

She may seem a curious choice for teenage might think of Emily

Dickinson as someone locked away from the world,an old and unmarried woman

living and writing in her bedroom as if she were in a self-made a way,though,many teens are just like ain and a little afraid of the approaching

world of adulthood,it seems safer to many to keep to oneself.

It turns out that Emily Dickinson wasn’t quite like this.A new exhibition at the

Morgan Library in New York is encouraging a different perspective(观点) on the

manager of the show,Carolyn Vega,told the BBC that while it is true that

Dickinson liked to keep herself to herself,she also took a great interest in life beyond

the front door of her father’s house in Amherst,Massachusetts.

According to Vega,Dickinson was deeply connected to her world through family,friendships,and literary mentors and also read many books and was aware

of the political realities that were going on around her,including the American Civil


The title of the New York exhibition,“I’m nobody!Who are you?”,from one of

her poems,tells us a little about Dickinson’s approach to life and seemed

to have thought,“The less I am to myself,the more interesting the world will

become.”And when reading most of the 1,800 poems she wrote,the world seems

just like that—a place we thought we knew,but which Dickinson represents to us in a

brand new way.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了美国传奇诗人艾米莉·狄金森鲜为人知的一面。许多人认为狄金森是一个与世隔绝的人。然而事实并非如此,她其实通过家庭、友谊、文学导师以及编辑将自己和世界紧密相连。

8.What can we know about today’s teenagers?

A.They only admire pop stars.

B.They are curious about Dickinson.

C.Many of them are very indoorsy people.

D.They don’t want to grow up.

答案 C [细节理解题。根据第二段第三、四句可知,许多青少年对即将要面对的成人世界感到茫然,甚至还有一点点害怕,所以对他们来说,不与他人来往看


9.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Dickinson’s isolated life.

B.Dickinson’s high self-esteem.

C.Dickinson’s positive attitude.

D.Dickinson’s wide interest.

答案 A [代词指代题。根据第二段第二句可知,在许多人眼中,艾米莉·狄金森是一个与世隔绝的人,是一个画地为牢、在自己卧室生活、写作的大龄单身女性。而画线词所在句说,但艾米莉·狄金森其实也并非完全如此。因此this指代的就是艾米莉·狄金森与世隔绝的生活。故选A。]

10.What is the purpose of the exhibition in New York?

A.To present a fresh view about Dickinson.

B.To sell poems written by Dickinson.

C.To encourage more people to read classic poems.

D.To attract more young people to read poems.

答案 A [细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,纽约摩根图书馆的一场新展览是为了鼓励人们从不同的视角看待这位诗人。故选A。]

11.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Dickinson didn’t want to be famous.

B.Dickinson is not a productive poet.

C.Dickinson’s world is more colorful than we thought.

D.We knew nothing about the world.

答案 C [推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,狄金森共写了1 800首诗,当我们读完了她的大部分诗作时,世界似乎就像诗中所说的那样:我们以为自己了解的这个世界,狄金森却在以一种全新的方式向我们展示。即狄金森的世界比我们认为的更丰富多彩。故选C。]


(2019·太原模拟)For your next out-of-this-world vacation, you now have the

option of literally going out of this world—but it’ll cost you $40 again,

can you really put a price tag on having the time of your life? According to a new

report from Popular Mechanics, Russia is looking to build a luxury hotel in outer

you will wake up to see a breathtaking blue planet—the earth! The hotel

is expected to be stationed on the International Space Station (ISS).

While space tourism itself isn’t exactly a novel idea, the notion of building a hotel out

there hasn’t been raised , other companies are still focused on the

transportation part of the__puzzle—after all, a trip to space is enough for most folks.

According to Popular Mechanics, the hotel will include a luxury orbital suite with big

windows, personal hygiene (卫生) facilities, exercise equipment, and yes,

e if you can’t share your experience on social media, did it really even


Of course, the reasons behind the hotel aren’t just for fun and ntly,

space tourism might be able to help the Russians pay for another module to add to the

International Space n space contractor RKK Energia is currently

building the first such module, which will give scientists a laboratory and power

supply station from which to conduct tests.

If any of this is going to happen, however, Russia is going to have to the

ISS expected to be out of use in 2028, there’s little time to build the hotel and find

wealthy tourists to actually pay for a trip into outer space.

So if you’ve recently come into a fortune and are interested in investing in what could

be the time of your life, ISS is calling your name.

【语篇解读】 本文为说明文,主要介绍了未来的太空旅游。

12.What do we know about the hotel from the first paragraph?

A.It is quite affordable.

B.It will be built in Russia.

C.It will offer an amazing view.

D.It costs $40 million to build.

答案 C [细节理解题。根据第一段中的“There he earth”可知,在这个旅馆你可以看到令人惊叹的蓝星球——地球,这一令人惊叹的景,故选C项。]

13.What does the underlined phrase “the puzzle” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.An orbital suite.

C.Space exploration.

B.Space tourism.

D.A creative idea.

答案 B [词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“While space tourism itself isn’t exactly

a novel idea”及“after all,a trip to space is enough for most folks”可知,puzzle指“太空旅行”,即文中的“space tourism”或“a trip to space”,故选B项。]

14.What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?

A.Hotel guests won’t be able to see into space.

B.Visitors are required to take exercise each day.

C.Space travel is not possible without the Internet.

D.Tourists tend to share traveling experiences online.

答案 D [推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Because if you can’t...really even


15.The hotel will be built to provide Russian scientists with ________.

A.fun and games

C.space contractors

B.financial support

D.more time in space

答案 B [细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Apparently,space

International Space Station”及“which sts”可知,建立旅馆让人们到太空旅行会给科学家提供经济支持,故选B项。]


Cooking with care

People are so busy these days that many have no time to cook.__1__.Actually most

families love home cooking! The food tastes good and warm,and a family meal

brings everyone together.

Another reason people enjoy home cooking is that it is often a way of showing love.A

parent who bakes a bag of chocolate cookies isn’t just satisfying a child’s sweet

tooth.__2__.The message says,“I care about you enough to spend several hours

making cookies that you will eat up in 15 minutes if I let you!”

There’s also something about the smell of good cooking that appeals to all

ages.__3__,it makes us feel safe and time you smell a cake baking,stop

for a moment and pay attention to your s are,the good smell is making

you feel happy.

Real estate (房地产) agents know that good cooking smells are important.__4__,they

sometimes advise people whose homes are for sale to bake cookies or good

smells make the place“feel like home”.These pleasant smells help convince potential

buyers that the house would make a good home for their family,too!

Home-cooked meals can also benefit the cooking gives us the

opportunity to choose raw materials over processed meals,which cuts down on

packaging.__5__.You’ll make an even bigger effect on the environment by reducing

the amount of transportation required to get food to your plate.

A.This creates a problem

B.If they are too busy to cook

C.He or she is sending a message

D.Even if we are the ones doing the cooking

E.If possible buyers are coming to see the house

F.Get ready to make meals for your family members

G.Buy those materials from local farmers or grow your own

【语篇解读】 本文是议论文。文章介绍了人们应该回归家庭烹饪的原因。

1.A [根据本空前的People are so busy these days that many have no time to cook及本空后的Actually most families love home cooking可知,现今人们无暇在家里烹饪,这造成了一个问题,因为其实大多数的家庭都喜爱家庭烹饪。A项中的This指代“现今人们无暇在家里烹饪”这件事情。]

2.C [本空前的A parent及本空后的The message给出了提示。]

3.D [根据本空后的it makes us aking you feel happy可知,“即使是我们自己亲手烹饪,饭菜的味道也会使我们感到安全和被爱包裹”符合语境。]

4.E [根据本空前的Real estate agents know that good cooking smells are important以及本空后的potential buyers等信息可知,“如果有潜在客户来看房时房地产经纪人会建议要卖房的业主烤饼干或面包”符合语境。]

5.G [根据本空前的choose raw materials over processed meals以及本空后的You’ll make an even food to your plate可知,“从当地农民那里购买这些原料或自己种植这些原料”符合语境。]

本文发布于:2024-09-22 13:39:08,感谢您对本站的认可!



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