





Most people emphasize the important of is

creativity? Creativity is the bringing into being of something that

does not exist before, it can be a product, a process or a

China is criticized as one of the countries which lack

of is because creative thinking are not advocated in

our education vity is the most crucial factor for

future successful leaders or managers own

creativity, they can set their country or company apart from

innovate a new way to develop or solve the

good examples are Bill Gate of Mircosoft and Steve

Jobs of order to compete in the future, developing

creativity is a must in China.



Given is a simple but thought-provoking cartoon :an aged

grandma sits in front of mirror look at “herself”in the mirror an

say to herself ,”I feel rather lonely when my son goesto work and

my grandson goes studies in school.”

Obviously this cartoon can be naturely associated with the

significance of children’s accompany for aged parents :if elderly

people intend to enjoy happiness ,it is advisable for their children

to spend more time on their contemporary society ,it

has become a trend for young people to be busy with their work

and ile ,an increasing number of youngsters find it

difficult to have spare time to accompany longly

r ,it is adult children’s accompany that enables

aged parents to build up adequate hope ,love and enthusiasm

for a matter of fact ,young people in large numbers have

not come to realize the loneliness of aged

youngster ,I am comvinced that it is great necessity for us to

accompany aged parents ,no matter how busy we

ingly we should educate ,advocate and encourage of

frends ,classmates and acquaintances to love respect and care all

eldly people.

第三篇:2014年考研英语作文 图画作文考前预测:创新

Topic 4:Innovation 创新

The cartoon aims at informing us of the importance of

innovation tely,no one can deny the

importance of one thing,Innovation consciousness is

conducive to the continuous progress and improvement of

more innovative you are,the more likely you are

to create new methods,master new skills and discover new

another,many of today's business success or

miracle can be ascribed Steve Jobs as a case in

point,as a member of the mighty oceanof electronic products,if he had not invented innovative devices such as Ipad and

Iphone,he could not have achieved great success in the global

market and even changed the way people communicate,recreate and my perspective,at no time should we

overlook the power of the consciousness of

rmore,we need to develop a habit of

discovering new things,using new methods and applying new

thoughts in our work,study and everyday life.“Innovation is the

spirit of human being's progress.” A philosopher once said.这幅漫画目标在于告诉我们创新意识的重要性。确实,没有人可以否认创新的重要性。首先,创新意识有利于个人的持续进步和提升。你越善于创新,就越有可能创造新方法,掌握新技能并且发现新机会。另外,很多当今世界的商业成功和奇迹都可以归因于创业,以史蒂夫。乔布斯为例,作为浩瀚的电子产品海洋中的一员,如果他没有发明诸如Ipad,Iphone这样创新的设备,他是不太可能在全球市场取得成功甚至改变人们的通讯、娱乐和生活方式的。


个性(individuality)逆境(adversity)谦虚(modesty)耐心(patience)制定计划(making plans)


strong will)



It seems to me that the cartoon / drawing is sending a

message about ____________(图画内容),which reveals

____________(稍作评价).In my perspective of view, ____________(表明个人观点)。Apparently, ____________(将个人观点和图片内容相结合,得出观点。)For one thing, ____________(从社会角度论证).For another thing, ____________(从个人角度说明).For

example, ____________(自己、朋友或他人,只要自己知道或听过的例子).Last but not least, ____________(从反面角度谈论).As a

result, the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _____________(建议或措施).Only in this way can we ____________(展望结果).In conclusion / To my understanding, ____________(再次表明

观点或态度).We should ____________(进一步说明个人的观点).如果是图标作文,用下面的模版According to the bar chart / pie chart

/ line graph displays the changes in the number of____________(图表整体趋势).There was an increase in ____________(图表细节).At the point of ____________, ____________reaches its peak value

of ____________(数据或变化).What has caused these changes?

There are mainly three y, ____________(原因一).Secondly, ____________(原因二).The number of ____________

increased over the period.____________ rose by _________ from

________ to ________________.And there were____________.Finally,

____________(最后一个原因).In conclusion / We can safely draw

the conclusion that ____________(结论).Therefore, ____________(进一步谈论更多个人想法).




is vividly/symbolically

,we can notice














captured our attention,the picture vividly betrays the fact(表现出事实)that___ This set of drawing vividly reflects the fact



会写的话:The picture is captioned “________ ”,which

indicates that_______ 文字不会写的话:The caption reads

that___________(2)象征寓意:It is apparent that

第二段5句左右 论证部分:

At first thought ,people may consider _____.But deeper

thinking leads us to its core meaning___ 1主题句1句:(中心)

(1)The purpose of the picture is to tell us that_____保护环境 保护传统文化_____is of great significance to us human.(2)This picture

dose reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon which is

not uncommon in China now that___社会现象____

(3)However,the man in the picture ,who_____,is not an

isolated example._社会风气_is a problem pervasive throughout

our society。

(4)A life philosophy is clearly reflected above that__人生哲理____.(5)The purpose of the picture is to tell us that it is impretive

to_____(6)Among the topic concerning __象征寓意____,as the

depiction shows,the most cardinal top is related to the issue of




(8)Through the incentive illustration ,the drawer aims to

point out the advantanges and disadantages of______(有好有坏的)、(9)The recent a few years has witnessed a phenomenon of 主题(不好的现象)which seems to be disastrous to individual survival

and prosperity.对我们的生存和社会的繁荣造成影响 论证部分:

举例:(引出原因)Several factors(原因:inducement诱因/incentive)could weight

heavily for the happening of _______,yet,suspended at the top

of the list are the following two begin

With ,_______.Additionally,_______.(引出影响)It is hardly

necessary for me to cite all the evidence of the revolutionary

influences the___give rise to(contribute to/result/tigger/

, through the thought-provoking

illustration,the drawer aims at reminding us the significance

induce/spell).To begin with ,_____(只举例)A good case blowing

my mind now is__人/物___,who/which__修饰___,(也可以加分词作定语)。(1)坚持,追求:A good case blowing my mind now

isJiXianLin,a famous scholar in China,who dedicated his whole life

to the study of liberal arts and even in his later years, he was still

open-minded about new findings and contributed many


(2)优缺点:A good case blowing my mind now is the

famous “wooden barrel theory”proposed by Peter ,an

American management expert ,which argues that how well a

thing can perform is decided by its weaknesses.(PETER的木桶效应认为人的表现取决于他的弱点)

(3)团结:A good case blowing my mind now is drawing

genetic map。It is obvious that a single person could not

accomplish this map even though exhausting all his life and

heles ,if thousands of scientists around the world

together devote their expertise and enthusiasm to his landmark

mission,the victory will be just around the corner.(一个人即使尽自己一生的努力也无法绘制出基因图谱,然而如果几千个世界各地的科学家一起将知识和热情全部贡献给这个有里程碑意义的任务时,胜利指日可待)

(3)成功失败:A good case blowing my mind now is Thomas

Edison ,who had not been stifled by repeated failtures ,

eventually invented the electric lamp.(爱迪生没有被不断的困难所打倒最终成功发明了灯泡)

(4)艰苦奋斗:A good case blowing my mind now is Ma

Yun ,who borned in a common family and raised by semiliterate

parents , finally became the CEO of the Alibaba Group.(马云出生


(5)骄傲自满:Pursuing knowledge and abilities bears close

resemblance to climbing a a long trip to the foot

of the mountain,some people are content with the thought”I

hve reached the mountain ”and thus stop to rest there;some

people,when scending half way up the hill,cease to go on

climbing,scince they have had a taste of the delightful mountain


those people dissatisfied with where they reach will climb to

the high summit to appreciate the real glorious landscape.(对于知识和能力的追求和登山有相似之处,的那个经过一顿长途跋涉到了山脚时,一些满足于我终于到山顶了的想法就会停在那里休息;另一些人会在爬到半山腰时停下来,因为他们已经欣赏都了令人愉悦的山间美景;但只有那些不满足于他们所到之处的人会朝着山顶进军,去欣赏真正壮丽的景)

(6)各有所长:A good case blowing my mind now is Bolt,the world record breaker for the 100-meter race,if he buried his

running talent and instead aimed at becoming a weightlifting

winner ,the Olympic Games would miss a sprint genius and get

one more mediocre weightlifter.(如果世界100M世界纪录保持者博尔特埋葬他奔跑的潜能,励志成为一名举重运动员,那么奥林匹克运动将会失去一名短跑天才)随着经济(文化)全球化The expansion of

culture globalization has seen the popularization of___among___.(这个句子很强大尽量用!)随着文化的全球化____在___中越来越流行

The expansion of economy globalization has seen the

increasingly fierce competition among the young people.随着经济和社会的发展,竞争日益激烈:With the development of

economy and society,competition is increasingly fierce.教育类的废话:

A good education is an asset you can fall back on for the rest

of your life。Some children are just not equipped by nature to

pursue technical education(一些孩子生下来就不具备受教育的条件)So we should cherish the life with education.正反观点:There

is a general debate nowadays about the problem of_____.Those

who object to the____argue that_____lead to harm social

stability(破坏社会稳定)They believe that strict limits should be

placed on _____.But people who favor the ______on the other

hand,maintain that________are needed to support the massive

urban infrastructure construction.第三段

双刃剑:However, _____,is a double-edged sword which can

exert profound influence on the growth of young we

simply_______unresonablly,the obsession will certainly waste us a

great time and money, endangering the efficiency of our

the countrary , we will lead a positive and fruitful life if we

endeavor to __________.Accordingly the latter attitude should be

adopted to direct

our way of life.倡议结尾:Therefore ,it is high time for us to

impose proper restriction upon_____(take proper actions

to______)Just as fish need water to live and kites need strings to

fly ,people need rules and regulations to restrict their beheaviors

to a reasonable by _______,can we find a better

derection to head in and

even accomplish miracles in that kingdom(protecting the

environment /restricting___抵制)道德话题结尾:Everyone of us

should live up to the virtues passed down to us by our

in this way can we be worthy of the name of a


To surve as responsible stewards of the planet ,we must press

forward on environment projection plan alone is

,it is imperative for us to take drastic

measures to reverse this disturbing trend(illustrated in the above

picture).For one thing____.For another_____.Only in this way can

we ____.Also I believe that we humans can surmount this

difficulty ,and we will have a brilliant future.1.(制定法律)Lay

down the effective(reliable/available/pratical)regultions to ___(呼应主题)___。2.(教育)Deliver the moderate _主题词(success/life/material/world/knowledge/energy)__ outlook to

guide us both physically and mentally.(传达正确的_____观念来指导我们的身体行为和思想行为)3.(规范行为)Exert/implement/practice the rational__主题(energy-consuming/ success-attaining)__ manners to live in a much

more harmonious/compatible atmosphere/circumstance.(实施合理的行为让我们生活在和谐的生活环境中)4.(培养意识)Cultivte the

awreness of people that ____is of great significance to us.名人名言:(适合提完建议之后)(人生哲理结尾都可以用这个)

As a classic saying gose,a journey of thousand miles begins

with a single step.(千里之行始于足下)Yet,it is very probable to

say(without any exaggeration毫不夸张)that depending on the

lack of_____,many citizens/youths would have immersed in such

an extreme condition for a long it have opportunities

for us to make a change?/Is it possible to make a change?

Actully,as a classic saying gose,”a journey of thousand miles

begins with a single step”.We will surely handle/optimize/refrain

from „(克制)as long as the above mentioned proposals would be

implemented immediately.

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