


A. 用词:

1. 我们很抱歉地通知你, 你的申请被拒绝了.(inform)

2. 当这些画被偷时,警报系统不在工作.(function)

3. 当你收到这封信时,你就会知道他发生了什么事.(moment)

4. 现代化的交通系统是否能解决 问题还不得而知.(remain)

5. 你有没有想过你现在不努力,将来会一事无成?(occur)

6. 这项法令什么时候开始执行和怎样执行是至关重要的.(matter)

7. 我十五岁就辍学了,并开始在一家面包店工作。(drop)

8. 不管你有多少钱,它都无法和健康的身体相媲美。(However)

9. 显然,人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感。(admire)

10. 每年政府要举行特别的仪式来嘉奖那些杰出的科学家。(award)

11. 如此凑巧的是我上周买的大衣颜和我同事的一样。(happen)

12. 许多人喜欢玩电子游戏是因为可以享受到生活中无法获得的成就感和满足感。(enjoy)

13. 我们非常感激你帮助孩子克服了那么多困难。(appreciate)

14. 由于作业过多,学生被剥夺了业余时间(deprive)

15. 我觉得这个新项目会值得你努力的。(worthy)

16. 每个人都应学会面带微笑、乐于助人。(wear)

17. 无论面对何种挑战,他总是全力以赴,这使大家印象深刻。(impress)

18. 18岁生日标志着人生一个阶段的结束,另一个阶段的开始。(mark)

B. 搭配:

1. 农业在我国的国民经济中起着重要的作用.(role)

2. 学习英语几年后,许多学生仍然觉得用英语和外国人交流有点困难.(feel)

3. 城市越大,环境保护措施越为重要.(The more…the more)

4. 这所学校规定:学生不许将手机带进校园.(make)

5. 据说人们在网上可以订购北京奥运会的票.(It)

6. 一旦饭店不能满足顾客的需要, 它就不得不关闭.(demand)

7. 对于我来说,重要的不是输赢而是参与.(matter)

8. 只有当停电的时候我们才意识到电有多么重要.(Only)

9. 我们有责任帮助那些有困难的人。(up to)

10. 直到二十世纪初人们才学会怎样防止这种疾病的蔓延。(Not until)

11. 对于你们的热情好客, 我几乎不能用语言来表达我的感激之情。(express)

12. 我们务必确保这些产品符合环保要求。(make sure)

13. 你可以写个提纲来提醒自己等会想说的话。(remind)

14. 几乎所有的教师都认为孩子的成长和接受的教育密切相关。(relate)

15. 中国人民有能力在几年内把他们的国家建成一个现代化的国家。(capable)

16. 据说如果明天下雨的话,篮球赛将推迟到下周进行。(It)

17. 我从未在任何其他的地方看过这么多的高楼。(Nowhere)

18. 你在学校里学的一切都会在将来的生活中有用的。(Whatever)

19. 用不了多久你就能掌握计算机的基本知识。(before)

20. 科学家普遍认为人的大脑越用越灵活。(the more…the more)

21. 这部电影显然不适合青少年。(obvious)

22. 依我看, 你自己应该为这次实验的失败负责。(blame)

23. 现代教育能使学生具有新的观念。(enable)

24. 最近的一项调查表明,75% 的市民对不断上升的油价表示担忧。(worry)

25. 有些年轻人认为衣服越贵越时尚(the more…the more)

26. 大多数学生没有想到,题目越简单就越该仔细。(occur)

C. 中英文差异:

1. 体育课后,同学们兴奋得无法集中思想看课文(focus)

2. 有年轻人的地方,就有更多的活力和希望。(Where)

3. 即使当手机处于关闭状态时,它也会影响一个人的脑电波。(even when)

4. 他的适应能力很强,能与所有一起工作的人和睦相处。((so…that)

5. 你不必逐字逐句地翻译全文,把大概意思翻译出来就可以了。(need)

6. 那位老人的子女不明白为什么他要费大劲自己种蔬菜。(trouble)

7. 送孩子出国留学是否是件好事因人而异。(vary)

D. 句子成分扩充:

1. 任何一个出错最少的人将成为这场比赛的赢家.(Whoever)

2. 我们永远忘不了北京申办2008年奥运会获得成功的那个晚上.(succeed)

3. 在美国绝对不要问有关工资这样的隐私问题.( ask about)

4. 绿茶含有很多有益于人体的物质,我建议你每天喝.(benefit)

5. 清华大学的目标是培养既拥有专业知识又具备独立思考能力的学生。(aim)

6. 旅游者喜欢上海的原因是应为它是个充满活力的现代都市。 (reason)

7. 多亏了那场大雨,持续了一个月的森林大火终于扑灭了。(Thanks)

8. 令我们感到欣慰的是, 长期受到严重污染的苏州河正在变清。(which)

9. 有些受过训练的动物能帮助人类完成特殊的任务。(which)

10. 昨晚剧场前有许多人在等候一睹那位歌星的风采。(There be)

11. 诚实可信的人更可能赢得他人的尊敬和信任。(likely)

E. 一句多译:

1. 由于缺钱我们没有把这个计划付诸实施.(practice)

2. 学习英语几年后,许多学生仍然觉得用英语和外国人交流有点困难.(feel)

3. 买房之前人们应该考虑方方面面,如价格、环境、交通.(consideration)

4. 直到将近一个月后我才收到那家公司的公司。(until)

5. 根据初步估计,全国大约有两千人感染了这种致命的疾病。(there are)

6. 面对危险,重要的是我们要保持冷静。(what)

7. 不掌握大量的词汇是无法学好一门外语的。(without)

8. 更糟糕的是,那位在考试中作弊的学生拒绝向老师道歉。(refuse)

9. 只有经过仔细观察你才能得出圆满的结论(Only)

10. 收集钱币使我受益非浅。(benefit)

11. 这家店与众不同之处在于他提供更多的服务。(offer)

12. 由于日益增长的人口,我们正面临自然资源的缺乏的威胁。(due)

13. 如果一个人心中有了目标,并且为实现这个目标而努力工作, 他一定会达到目标的。(certain)

F. 意译:

1. 犯了这么严重的错误, 你再狡辩也无济于事.(no use)

2. 看了杰克画的卡通画,他的母亲忍俊不及.(can’t help)

3. 与我们的愿望相反,这部电视剧一点也不吸引人,千篇一律的剧情让我们倒胃口.(contrary)

4. 学习是一种缓慢的过程,我们不应该恨铁不成纲。(trun…into)

5. 他虽然愁眉蹙额,但似乎也想不出另一个可以使他安居乐业的地方。(seem)

6. 他总是这么心不在焉,弄得和他一起工作的人也不能专心致志。(which)

7. 在世纪之交,世界见证了中国经济的大规模稳定的增长。(witness)

8. 这款洗衣机自上市以来因其价廉物美而畅销国内外市场。(sell)

9. 他做生意成功的秘诀在于无论做什么,他都会全身心地投入。(whatever)

10. 现在几乎人人能享用电脑,这给我们的生活带来了方便。(access)

11. 这位女科学家献身科研工作,她对社会的贡献无与伦比。(devote)

12. 上海外滩的夜景美得无法形容。(beyond)

13. 他们失败后没有怨天尤人,而且更加刻苦训练。(instead)



1. We’re sorry/regret to inform you that your application has been rejected/turned


2. The alarm system was not functioning when the paintings were stolen.

3. The moment you receive the letter, you’ll know what has happened to him.

4. Whether a modern traffic system can solve the problem of transportation remains a

question./It remains to be a question whether a modern traffic system can solve the

problem of transportation.

5. Did it occur to you that if you didn’t work hard, you would achieve nothing in the


6. It matters a lot when the law will come into effect and how it will take effect.

7. I dropped out of school at fifteen and started working in a bakery.

8. However much money you have, it can not match a healthy body.

9. It is obvious / clear that everybody admires him for his fine sense of humor.

10. The government holds a special ceremony to award those outstanding scientists

every year.

11. It so happened the color of the coat I bought last week was the same as that of my


12. Many people like to play video games because they can enjoy a sense of

achievement/accomplishment and satisfaction

13. We appreciate your helping the children overcome so many difficulties.

14. Because of too much homework, the students are deprived of their leisure

hours/spare time.

15. I think the new project will be worthy of your efforts.

16. Everyone should learn to wear a smile and be ready to help others.

17. Whatever challenges he may face, he always tries his best, which deeply

impresses everyone..

18. The 18th birthday marks the end of one period/part of one period/part of one’s life

and the beginning of another/ the other.


1. Agriculture plays an important role in the economy of our country.

2. Many students still feel they have some difficulty in communicating with

foreigners in English after learning the language for years.

3. The larger the city is, the more important the measures for environment protection

will be.

4. The school makes it a rule that students are not allowed to take mobile phones/cell

phones to the school/campus.

5. It is said that people can book the tickets for Beijing Olympics online

6. Once a restaurant can meet the demands of customers, it will have to be closed.

7. What matters much to us is not to win but to take part.

8. Only when there is a power cut can we realize how important electricity is.

9. It’s up to u to help those in need.

10. Not until the beginning of the 20th century did people learn how to prevent the

disease from spreading.

11. I will not be able to express how thankful I am for your hospitality.

12. We must make sure that these new products meet the requirements of protecting

the environment.

13. You can write an outline/ a few notes to remind yourself (of) what you want to say


14. Almost all the teachers think that a child’s growth is closely related with the

education he has received.

15. The Chinese people are capable of building their country into a modern one within

a few years.

16. It is said that if it rains tomorrow, the basketball match will be put off until the

next week.

17. Nowhere else have I seen so many high buildings

18. Whatever you’ve learned here will be useful in your future life.

19. It won’t be long before you are able to master the basic knowledge of computer.

20. Scientists generally/fully believe that the more our brains are used, the more

active they will be.

21. It is obvious that this film is not suitable for teenagers.

22. In my opinion, you yourself are to blame for the failure in the experiment

23. Modern education will enable students to have new ideas.

24. A recent survey has showed that 75% citizens are worried about the

constant/continuous rise of the price of gas/oil/petrol.

25. Some young people think that the more expensive the clothes are/the dress is , the

more fashion they will be/it will be.

26. It has never occurred to most students that the easier the problems are, the more

careful they should be.


1. After the PE lesson, students were so excited that they couldn’t focus their attention

on the text.

2. Where there are young people, there are more energy and hopes.

3. Mobile phone can affect a person’s brain waves even when the handset/it is

switched off.

4. He is so adaptable that he can get along well with anyone working with him.

5. You needn’t translate the whole passage word by word; just the general idea will


6. The old man’s children didn’t know/understand why he took the trouble to grow

vegetables himself.

7. Whether it is a good thing to send a child to study abroad varies from person to



1. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes will be winner of the game.

2. We will never forget the day when Beijing succeeded in winning the bid for the

host of 2008 Olympics.

3. In America, never ask a person about any private affairs like salary.

4. Green tea contains a lot of substances that benefit human bodies, and I suggest that

you should drink it every day.

5. The aim of Qinghua University is to equip students not only with professional

knowledge but also the ability of independent thinking.

6. The reason that/ why tourists love Shanghai is that it is a modern city full of


7. Thanks to the heavy rain, the big forest fire which had lasted for a month and a half

was put out at last.

8. To our relief, the Suzhou River/Creek, which was seriously polluted for a long time,

is becoming clean again.

9. Some animals which have been trained can help human beings fulfill the special


10. There were a lot of people waiting in front of the theatre to have a glance at the

star singer yesterday evening..

11. Those who are honest and keep their word are more likely to win other’s respect

and trust.


1. Owing to (a) lack of money/Because we lacked money , we didn’t put the

program into practice.

2. Many students still feel they have some difficulty in communicating with

foreigners in English after learning the language for years.

3. Before people buy houses, many things/ aspects should be taken into consideration,

such as price, surroundings and transportation//Before buying houses, people take into

consideration many aspects such as price, surroundings and transportation.

4. It was not until nearly a month later that I received that company’s reply./I didn’t

receive that company until nearly a month later./Not until nearly a month later did I

receive that company’s reply.

5. According to the rough estimation, there are /about approximately 2000 people

throughout the country infected with this deadly disease.

6. In face of danger/facing danger/When facing danger, what is important is that we

must keep calm.

7. It is impossible to learn a foreign language well without mastering a large

vocabulary./One is unable to master a….

8. To make things worse,/What is worse, the student who had cheated in the exam

refused to make an apology to the teacher.? apologize to the teacher.

9. Only through careful observation can you make/draw/form/come to/arrive at/reach

a sound conclusion.

10. Collecting coins has greatly benefited me./Collecting coins benefits me a

lot./Collecting coins brings great benefits to me.

11. What makes the shop different is that it offers more service(s)

This shop is different from others in that it offers more service(s)

The difference between this shop and others lies in/is that it offers more service(s)

12. Due to the increasing/growing population, we are faced with /are facing the

threat(s) of/ from the lack of natural resources.

Due to the fact that the population is increasing/ growing fast/rapidly,…..

13. One is certain to achieve /accomplish/ reach is goal, if he has one(in mind) and

works hard at it.

It is certain that one will achieve /accomplish/ reach his goal, if he…

If one/a person has a goal(in mind) and works hard at it, he is certain to

achieve/accomplish/reach it./it is certain that he will …….


1. Now that you have made such a serious mistake, it is no using finding excuses.

2. Jack’s mother couldn’t help laughing on seeing the cartoons drawn by him.

3. Country to our wish, the TV play wan not at all attractive, and its story that

followed the same pattern made us upset.

4. Learning is often a slow process; we should not wish that iron could be turned into

steel at once.

5. Although he worried, he just could not seem to think of any other place where he

could go to live in peace and enjoy his work.

6. He is always s absent-minded, which makes people working with him unable to be


7. At the turn of the century, the world witnessed the steady growth of China’s

economy on a large scale.

8. This washing machine (washer)sells well in home and overseas markets/ enjoys

good sales in home and overseas markets because of its good quality and low price.

9. His secret of success in business is/lies in that he puts his heart into whatever he


10. Now almost everyone has access to computers, which brings much convenience to

our lives.

11. The woman scientist devoted all her life to the scientist research and her

contributions to the society are second to none (beyond measure)

12. The beauty of the night view of the Bund in Shanghai is beyond


13. They didn’t complain about the failure. Instead, they trained even harder.

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