









Parker Stewart, 15 years old, studies at the Sayre School in Kentucky, US. After doing some

independent environmental studies, Parker wanted to make a difference in his community to help

the environment.

He started to work really hard last year to bring solar (太阳的) energy to his school’s science

labs. Thirty solar panels (电板) are going to be used in late November.

It started when Parker began researching solar energy. He found a solar power app. When he

put in an exact address in it, it would tell him how much sunlight that area receives each day. He

found that his school building receives a perfect amount (数量) of sunlight, which provided help

for finding a good place to install (安装) solar panels for science labs.

At his science teacher’s suggestion, Parker performed an energy examination of one of the

school’s science labs to see how much energy it uses. He then started doing more research,

including communicating with a local company called Synergy Home to install solar panels.

Parker then went to the headmaster of his school to ask for money after explaining the

upsides of solar power. The school used the money to buy one panel, but since then, the project

has grown to a total of 30 panels. They’re expected to produce enough energy to run all of the four

science labs.

Debbie Wheeler, his science teacher, said the success of the project was because of Parker’s

hard work. He did all of the research necessary to make clear of whether solar energy would be a

suitable solution for the school’s labs, as well as found out the number of the cost and good results

for the project.

Others just talk about improving the environment “but Parker had the persistence to make it

happen,” she added.

1.Parker tried really hard to make use of __________ for his science labs.

A.wind energy B.solar energy C.heat energy

2.What do we know about the solar power app in Paragraph 3?

A.Parker Steward created the solar power app.

B.The app helps to receive more solar energy.

C.The app helps find a good place to install solar panels.

3.__________ provided Parker with the money he needed.

A.His teacher B.His school C.Synergy Home

4.According to Teacher Wheeler, Parker succeeded because __________.

A.he got a lot of help from his teachers

B.he did a lot of research before taking action

C.he worked on a similar project for a local company

5.What can be the best title?

A.Young Boy, Great Energy B.Parker and Science Labs


Dear Li Mei,

How are you?

It’s Friday today. Tomorrow is my birthday. And my parents will have a party at my house.

They cook delicious food for us. Then we can sing, dance and play games. I really hope you can

come to my birthday party, but it is not easy to find my house. Now I’ll show you how to get to

my house. Go down Xinhua Street, walk on until you get to the end, you can see a bus stop on

your right. You need to take bus No.11. It will take you to Shengli Street. Get off (下车) at Shengli

Street, Walk along the street and you’ll see a bank on your left. My house is across from the bank.

The party begins at ten to eight in the evening. Please be on time.


Wang Hao


1.Wang Hao’s birthday is on __________.

A.Thursday B.Friday C.Saturday D.Sunday

C.Low Cost, Good Results

2.What will they do at the party?

A.Sing, dance, and play games.

B.Sing, play games and listen to music.

C.Sing, dance, watch TV and enjoy delicious food.

D.Sing, dance, play games and enjoy delicious food.

3.Wang Hao will have the party _______.

A.at 10: B.at C.at 8: D.at 7:

4.Which of the statement (陈述) is true according to the letter?

A.Li Mei knows how to get to Wang Hao’s house.

B.It's difficult to find Wang Hao’s house.

C.Li Mei can take a No.10 bus to Wang Hao’s house.

D.Li Mei’s home is near Wang Hao’s house.

5.Where is Wang Hao’s house?

A.Xinhua Street


Music can be a great power to change people’s lives. Regina del Carmen Sanchez, 14, always

believes this. The girl from Kansas City, US, leads a hard life. She lives in a small house with her

mom and grandparents. Her mom gets a very low pay.

But it doesn’t stop Sanchez’s love of music. She wrote her first song Keep Your Head Up when

she was 12. It described the bad situation at her home, but it also sent the message of hope: “My

house is old and poor, but it beats (胜过) being homeless… Love yourself and never give up.

You’ll see a better life if you keep your head up…”

It took Sanchez several months to finish the song. Sometimes during a break in class, when lyrics

(歌词) came into her head, “I would have to write them down right then,” she told the local

newspaper The Kansas City Star.

Jeremy Lillig was a spokesman for Bright Futures, a charity fund. When he saw the video of the

song, he was moved. He shared it through social media (社交媒体). The fund has provided money

for poor students in Kansas City.

Now Sanchez often plays the song in public. “I want to help people understand what is happening

B.Shengli Street C.Jiefang Street D.Changsheng Street

in the world in an easy way,” she said.

1.There are people in Sanchez’s family.

A.three B.four C.five D.six

2.What’s true about Keep Your Head Up?

A.It was written two years ago.

B.It showed a feeling of hopeless.

C.It described the good situation of a house.

D.It took Sanchez several weeks to write the song.

3.The Kansas City Star is .

A.a music group

C.a charity fund

B.a newspaper

D.a school

4.The word “moved” can be replaced (代替) by .

A.surprised B.interested C.touched D.excited

5.The best title of the passage can be .

A.A girl and her song

B.Poor home is better than being homeless

C.Charity changes the girl’s life

D.Let’s support poor students


Mr. Green is a nice young man. He works in a big hospital. He is busy every day. He loves

his family and he never forgets their birthdays. Last Friday was his little son's birthday. After work,

he went into a cake shop to buy a birthday cake for his son. He bought a big cake for his son.

Before he left, he saw a little boy looking at the cakes. The little boy gave his money to the

salesgirl and said, “This small cake, please.”

“Sorry, this cake is ten dollars, but you only gave me five dollars,” said the salesgirl.

“I… I have no more money,” the little boy started to cry.

“Oh, who do you want to buy the cake for?” Mr. Green asked.

“My mother,” the little boy said.

“Why doesn't she come and buy one?”

“We don't have much money. My mother always works very late at night. She celebrates(庆贺) my birthday every year, but she never celebrates her birthday. Today is her birthday. I want to

buy a cake for her.”

“I'm your mother's friend,” Mr. Green said. “I'll buy her the birthday cake.”

Mr. Green gave the money to the salesgirl and left the shop.

1.Where does Mr. Green work?

A.In a hotel B.In a school C.In a restaurant D.In a hospital

2.Mr. Green went into the shop ________.

A.to make a cake B.to meet his son C.to buy a cake D.to buy a flower

3.How much money did the little boy have?

A.2 dollars B.5 dollars C.10 dollars D.15 dollars

4.Why doesn't the little boy's mother celebrate her birthday?

A.Because she is very busy every day.

C.Because she doesn't like to eat cakes.

5.What did Mr. Green do in the end?

A.He paid for the boy's cake.

C.He made a cake for the boy.


There are many colours in nature. But do you know that a colour has weight? I think you'll

say“no”. But I am afraid you are wrong. If you don't believe, you may do a small experiment(实验).

First, put two objects with the same weight into two boxes. Then cover the boxes. Wrap(包裹) one box with a red piece of paper, the other with a white piece of paper. Now hold the boxes

with your hand one by one. It is certain that you will think the red one is a lttle heavier.

Why does it happen? A scientist found that different colours have different weight in a man's

mind. So he did many tests and at last he got the result. That is to say, every colour has its .own

weight in our mind. The heaviest colour is red, then blue, green, orange, yellow an.d white. The

scientists told us that colours also have smell. Can you smell the colour? Of course not. Then why

B.He called the boy's mother.

D.He gave his cake to the boy.

B.Because she forgets when her birthday is.

D.Because she does not have much money.

did the scientists say so? That is because every colour represents a kind of light wave(光波)— a

certain wavelength(波长). It reaches our brain(大脑) through organs(感觉器官)

According to this discovery, scientists say that people accept the colour they like, and refuse

the colour they hate. So your body and mind will be healthy by using the colours you like. Or

you'll be nervous or even get ill. If you stay in a room with red windows, wallpapers and furniture

for two hours, you'll feel you have been there for four hours. But if the room is blue, you'll feel

you have been there for only one hour. Another example, if a person walks out of a red room and

into a blue room, his temperature will fall. That means our body temperature will change when we

see different colours.

1.Which is the lightest colour in a man's mind?

A.Red B.Blue C.Green D.White

2.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Different colors have different weights in a man's mind.

B.The colours “blue” is the second heaviest colour in a man's mind.

C.People can't smell the colours.

D.The colour you don't like will keep you healthy.

3.According to the passage, how long will you feel if you stay in a red room for an hour?

A.Two hours.


Often you aren’t happy when you are with your parents. You say that your parents never

understand(理解) you. You usually think they are too strict with you and they never give you any

free time. Is everything like what you think of? Not really. You can do some things to be good

with your parents.

Talk to them often. Show your true ideas to them and tell them what you are thinking.

Sometimes they want you to be good and healthy. So they worry much about you. Just let them

understand you by talking. Help them with the housework. Your parents are usually busy. Why not

help them do some housework to make them feel good? A smart child knows what to do for his

parents. Spend time with them. Don’t always watch TV in your room. Go out and stay with your

parents. Listen to some music with them. Play fun games with them. Or just take walks with

B.Fours hours C.Six hours D.Eight hours.

parents also need people to be with. When you don’t want your parents to say no to

what you do, do your best to let them understand you.

1.________ should read this passage.

A.Students B.Teachers C.Doctors D.Parents

2.According to the passage, children usually think their parents are ________.

A.very smart B.too strict C.very funny D.too busy

3.You can make your parents understand you ________.

A.by saying no to them often

C.by watching TV in your room often

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.All parents are good with their children.

B.It’s parents’ job to do things for their children.

C.You only need to talk with your parents on weekends.

D.Doing some housework can make your parents feel good.

5.Which is the best title of the passage?

A.How to get on with(与……相处) your parents.

C.Have fun with your parents.


International Short Story Writing CompetitionOur next International Short Story Competition will

be held in July 2021. It is open to students at school all over the world.

As usual, it is free. You can win prize money, certificates and publication opportunities.

Competition Rules

●Deadline for the competition is the 10th of July 2021. Winners will be announced on August 4, 2021,

on this website.

B.Don’t be too strict.

B.by worrying much about them

D.by doing some things for them

D.Make your parents help you.

●The story has to be written in English.

●Drawings and photos are not allowed.

●You can choose your own topic.

●Only one story is accepted per person.

●The competition will be in three groups:

①Sub-junior (7-9 years) ①Junior (10-12years) ①Senior(13-16 years)

●The required length of the story is as follows:

①Sub-junior: 300+ words ①Junior: 500+ words ①Senior: 700+ words

●Mention the following information below your story:

①Full name ①Date of birth ①Group entered

①Title of your story ①Word count (including the title)

①Email address—parent’s/teacher’s email address can be used here if necessary

①School name ①Country

●Any story that is copied will not be accepted.

●There will be three winners in each group. The prizes for all groups are as follows:

First prize: $75, certificate, and publication on the website

Second prize: $50, certificate, and publication on the website

Third prize: $25, certificate, and publication on the website


Word Bank




1.What do we know about this competition?A.It is a national event.

C.It is free.

2.What of the story can be chosen freely?





D.It is held in August.

B.It is open to all ages.

3.Which of the following information must be included below your story?

A.Teacher’s name.

C.Parent’s email address.

B.Phone number.

D.School name.

4.How many winners will there be in this competition?

A.3. B.6. C.9. D.12.

5.What will happen to each winner?

A.Win a certificate.

C.Get a copy of all the winning stories.


Turner is standing near the window. His wife(妻子), Mrs Turner, is sitting behind him. She is

reading a book. She closes the book and asks her husband(丈夫), “What are you looking at?”

“I’m looking at a boy,” Mr Turner answers. “He’s under the tree near our house. He’s looking at

my bike.”

“Oh,” Mrs Turner says. “What is he doing now?”

“He’s cleaning the seat,” says Mr Turner. “Now he is riding my bike.”

Mrs Turner looks out of the window and then she says, “Ah, don’t you know who he is? He is our

son! He is going to school. You must wear glasses!”


1.Mr and Mrs Turner are .

A.at home

2. is sitting.

A.Mr Turner B.Mrs Turner C.Their son

B.at school C.reading a book

B.Receive a least prize of $50.

D.Have his/her story printed in a magazine.

3.Mr Turner is looking at .

A.a boy B.Mrs Turner C.his bike

4.The boy who is riding Mr Turner’s bike is .

A.Mrs Turner

5.Which one is NOT true?

A.Mr Turner is looking at his son from the window.

B.Mr Turner’s son is going to school.

C.Mrs Turner must wear glasses.


Grace has her birthday on Sunday morning. Her parents buy lots of ice-cream for her on her

birthday. A small strawberry is in one of the ice-creams. How many ice-creams she eats depends

on (取决于) how old she is that year. She will eat 13 ice-creams today. When she is eating the ice

creams, her parents and friends are counting (数数) the numbers. When they count to the eleventh,

Grace shouts out "Oh! I have the strawberry. " "It's great! You can be healthy and happy for the

coming year. " say Grace's parents.

Grace gets lots of birthday cards on her birthday, too. Her friends come to her birthday party

and sing "Happy Birthday to you"to her. Grace's grandparents are not with them, but they call and

say, "Happy Birthday. Dear Grace!" In the afternoon, Grace's parents say that Grace can go out to

play with the friends and come back home before 9 in the evening.

It is really a great birthday for Grace!

1.Grace is ________ years old this year.

A.10 B.11 C.12 D.13

B.his son C.his daughter

2.The strawberry in the ice-cream means(意味着)"good ________" for Grace this year.

A.health B.Sunday C.name D.price

3.Grace ________ on her birthday .

A.buys a birthday cake

grandparents D.has super at home

B.asks friends to come C.meets her

4.Grace has a ________ time on her birthday.



It could almost be an act from a funny cartoon: A marmot (土拨鼠) jumps up with its mouth

open in great surprise and stands on one foot. What was happening to the little one? A fox (狐狸)

drew close silently from behind and was about to catch it!

This amazing picture, named "The Moment" was taken by Chinese photographer Yongqing

Bao. It has won him the prize as Wildlife Photographer of the Year. He took the picture on a

grassland in China's Qilian Mountains in early spring.

People say it's a powerful picture of both humor and horror! It includes the fun and danger of

nature. For a photograph, it is quite simply the perfect moment.

In fact, Bao had watched the two animals for some time. Around an hour earlier before he

caught the act, the marmot had noticed the fox. But it didn't find the fox lie low and still.

Believing there was no risk of being seen, the marmot finally came out to find food. In a very

short while, the fox ran forward. Thanks to his quick response (反应),Bao was able to record

nature's final match—a fight for living.

1.The fox in the photo was going to ________.

A.run away

C.catch the marmot

2.The amazing photo ________.

A.won a great prize

C.was named "Wildlife"

B.was taken two years ago

D.was taken in early morning

B.jump up

D.surprise the marmot

B.bad C.happy D.boring

3.The underlined word "horror" probably means ________ in Chinese.

A.荒诞 B.疑惑 C.愤怒 D.恐惧

4.From the passage, we may know the photographer Yongqing Bao is ________.

A.patient and smart

C.brave and humorous

B.clever but careless

D.confident but serious

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