


( 1) act v.表演;行动 n.行动;所做之事

→ action n.行为;动作

→ actor n.演员

→ actress n女.演员

( 2) art n.艺术 →artist n.艺术家;画家

( 3) person n人.;人物 →personal adj个.人的

( 4) sing v.唱;唱歌 →singer n.歌唱家;歌手

( 5) end n.结尾;终点 v.结束

→ endless adj无.止境的;没完没了的

→ ending n.结局;结尾

( 6) high adj.高的 →height n.高度

( 7) different adj.不一样的;有区其他

→ difference n.差别;不一样之处

→ differently adv.不一样地

( 8) real adj.真的;真切的 →really adv.真切地;真切地二、短语概括

1. Short curlylong straight blonde black white hair

2. be of medium build height 中等身材、身高

3. look like 看起来像

4. draw a 画一幅 ......的画

5. a little late 有点儿迟

6. a little = a little bit = a bit =kind of


7. a little milk = a bit of milk 少量牛奶

8. meet sb接某人、与某人会面

9. have a meeting 开会

10. have a sports meeting举行运动会

11. in front of 在前面

12. go to the cinema= go to the movies= see movies(去)看电影

13. wear glasses= have glasses戴眼镜

14. a pair of glasses 一副眼镜

15. be like 像...同样

16. have blonde hair= wear blonde hair留着金黄的头发

17. a very interesting job 一个特别风趣的工作

18. a police artist 警察艺术家


19. talk to sb 对某人说话

20. look the same 看起来同样

21. in the end = at last =finally 最后,终于

22. first of all 第一

23. sports shoes运动鞋

24. be good at 善于于

25. like to do 喜爱做

26. remember doing sth 记得做过了某事

27. remember to do sth记得要做某事

28. stop doing sth停止做某事

29. stop to do sth停下往来做某事

30. be different from




( 1) build 作名词意为 “体格,体型 ”

比如: a man of strong build

(2) build 作动词意为 “建筑,建设,成立 ”→ building n建.筑

物比如: We are building a house.

a little bit , a


& a little

表示 “有点,一点 ”时,三者能够通用。

比如: Today is a little bit/ a bit / a little hot.

a bit of=a little 一点儿,修饰不行数名词,比如:

He only has a little / a bit of money.


maybe&may be

( 1) maybe是副词,意为 “或许,大体 ”。

比如: Maybe they won ’t come here tonight.

Maybe she is happy.

( 1) may be是“神态动词 may+动词原形 be”组成的,在句中做谓语, 意为

“可能是、大体是 ”。

比如: She may be at home. You may be right.



(1)glasses 意为 “眼镜 ”,常用复数形式, 表示 “一副眼镜 ”时用 a pair of

glasses。比如: Her grandma always wears a pair of glasses.

(2)glass作“玻璃杯 ”讲时,是可数名词,其复数形式是 glasses; 作 “玻璃 ”讲时,是不行数名词。比如:

Be careful of the glass.

There are two glasses of water on the table.


tall &high




a tall man /a tall building /a tall tree


多指山高,也指空间的地点或程度上高,还可指抽象意思上的“高 ”,如

物价、速度、温度等方面的 “高”,其反义词为 low 。

a high mountain /high prices 高价



v. 喜爱 like sth. / sb. 喜爱某物 /某人

like to do/doing sth. 喜爱做某事

他喜爱看电视。 He _______ ________(watch) TV.

What does he like? (咨询喜好 ) 他喜爱运动。 He _______ sports.


prep. 像 样 look like 看起来像样(相貌)

be like

像 样(性格、质量;相貌)

What does he look like?

他是中等身高。 He is ______ ________ _________.

What is he like?他和善、友善。 He is ________ and _________.


a little/ little 与 a few/few

a little + 不行数名词 “有一点儿 ”表一定

little + 不行数名词 “几乎没有 ”表否认

杯子里有一点儿水。 There is _______ _________ water in the cup.

杯子里几乎没有水了。 There is ________ water in the cup.

差别:a little / a bit / kind of / a little bit + adj. / adv. 有点儿 /有几分 +形容词或副词

It ’ s ______ ________ hot today. = It ’ s _____ ______ hot today. = It

hot today.

= It ’ s _____ _______ ______ hot today. a

few + 可数名词 (复数 ) “有一些 ”表一定

few+可数名词 (复数 ) “几乎没有 ”表否认

I have _____ _______ friends in America.

She’ s new here. She has




person 可数名词,有单、复数形式,侧重指个人方面,可与不定冠词 a 或数词


比如: He is a good person.

people 是一个会合名词,侧重指全体方面。只用来表示复数观点,不可以与不定冠词或数词 one 连用。比如:

s ______ _

Some people are playing games.


look 的用法:

1). have a new look相貌面目一新

2). look at = have a look at看一看

3). look + 形容词 , 看起来

4). look like + 名词,看起来像

5). look for 寻 look at


look out 向外看,当心 /look into 检查 /look down 向下看,歧视

look up 向上看,查词典 /look over 检查


Wear, put on 与 have on 的辨析

wear 表示 “穿、戴 ”的意思时,重申穿的状态。

比如: My mother is wearing her pink dress.

put on 意为 “穿上、戴上 ”,表示瞬时达成的动作,不可以和表示一段时间的状


比如: She put on her coat and went out.

have on的意思是 “衣着、戴着 ”和 wear 是同义词,指穿的状态,后边能够用表




( 1)each 和 every 都能够用作形容词,作定语,修饰单数可数名词,但 each

重申个体,而 every 重申整体。


Each child gets a present.每一个孩子都获得一份礼品。

Every student has a pen. = All students have pens.

(2 )each指两个或两个以上中的每一个; 而 every 指三个或三个以上中的每一个,不可以指两其中的。比如: There are trees on each side of the road

I go out for a walk every day.

(3)each 可作代词,作主语或宾语,可与



every 则只好作形


Each of us has a ticket.


1. I ______really_______(real) like black.

2. She enjoys __listening_____ (listen) to the music after class.

3. What does Tom__look____ (look) like?

4. He wants to be an _actor_____ ( act).

5. I want to go___shopping_____(shop) with my mother because I need a T-shirt.

6. The man speaks English quite __different_____ (difference) from others.

7. The boy often goes _swimming______ (swim) in that river in summer.

8. Nobody _likes_____ (like) his new look.

9. There are three _persons_____ (person) in my family.

10. What ’ s your _height_____ (high)?


( C ) he tall ________ short? He isn't tall ________ short.

A. or;and B.and; or C.or;or D.and;and

( D ) favorite actor ________ brown hair and ________ glasses.

A. have;wear B.has;wear C.have;wears D.has;wears

( B

)3.—Do you know Peter?

— He is a short boy ________ short hair.

A. in B.with C.has D.have

( B ) friend ________ tall and he ________ of medium build.

A. has; has B.is;is C.is; has D.has;is

( A )5.I ________ my mother and I ________ her.

A. am like; like B.am like;am like C. like ;like D. look;like

( D

)'s a kind ________.She often helps other

A.person;peoples B.people;person C.people;persons D.person;( A

) has ________and ________.

A. big eyes;a small nose B.big eyes; small nose

C. big eye; a small nose D. a big eye; small nose

( D

) apples are very I have ________ one,Mom?

A. other B. others C.the other D. another

( B ) girl is ________ heavy.

A. little B.a little C.a kind of D.kinds of

( A )10.________ friend is ________ actor.

A. His; an B.His; a C. She;an D. Her;a

( D ) police ________ my mother find her bike.

A. helps B. helping C.to help D.help

( C

)12.— ________you

________ to the library tonight?

— Yes,I am.

A. Does; go B.Do ;go C.Are;going D.Are; go

( C

)13.— ________?

— He's very short.

A. What does he like? B.Where's he from?


C. What does he look like?

D. How's his school?

( B

)14.— Lucy doesn't have curly hair.

— That's right,she has ________ hair.

A. black B.straight C.blonde D.brown

( A

)15.I don't know what to 's difficult to ________ how I feel.

A. describe B.study C. write D.Forget

( D

)16.--What does your mother______?

--She is tall with long hair.



C. look likes

D. look like

( B )17.My brother is not tall or short .He ______ .

A.has medium heights

C.medium heights

( B )18.Joe Brown wants


( A

B .to draw

B. is of medium height

D. be a medium height

a good picture of each criminal.



)19.--Look at those teachers over there.Which is your new art teacher?

--The man_____ curly hair. He is very funny.


--The one




( A )20.--Which is your teacher?

thick( 厚厚的 )glasses over his eyes is.


A.a little

B. wear

B. kind of

C. with


D . has


A )21.We still have ______ money, so we can take a bus there.

D.kinds of


D )22.--Would you like to go to the movies with me?

--I ’ d like .to


I can

.’tIam very busy these days.

B.so C.or


D . but

C. popular


C )23.Skating is getting_____now.Many people1ike to skate.





B )24.Reading is a good _____ to learn English.

B. way C. problem D. dream

C.driver D.singer

( D ) is good at singing and she dreams of being a



B. player



B. artist



B )26.He wants to be a(n)_____ . He is good at drawing.

C.actor D.musician

C. lives D .to live

(C)27. --Do you know where he _____ ? --Sorry,I ’ m new here.

(C)28. The girl ________ glasses is ________ red.

A. with ;with B .in;in C.with ; in

A .new


C. young

; with

(D)29. Jack is too short. I need a _____ boy. to help me do the work.

D. Tall

( C ) you leave the room,please remember_________off(关掉 )the light.




Amy is one of my __16__ at a hotel and she meets lots of

people__17__.She is __18__ to everyone and likes helping is over seventy

years old,__19__ she looks very is of __20__ height and has

long curly gray __21__ .She likes to wear a purple __22__ like a movie

really likes __23__ shopping when she is free and she always buys many

beautiful always __24__, “ Old people still want __25__ beautiful!And

I don't mind how young people think of me.

( A

( C

)ay B.nobody C.every day

” Peoplerveryall muclikehe.

B .work C.working D. is work

D.no body

( B

) B .friendly C. bad D .badly

( C

) B.also C. but D.and

( A

) B.very C.never D . /

( C

B.look C.hair D.build

( B

)g B.looks C.look D.be

( C

) B. goes C.going D. to

( A


B. speaks C.tells D.say

( C ) do

B. be C.to be D. /

Almost everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone likes to read stories about

dogs.36.__C__He has a large police dog named dogs are very

Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the

park.37.__A__One Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my stayed a

long time.38.__D__Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for his the

visitor still stayed.39.__B__He walked around the room several times and then sat

down in front of the visitor and looked at the visitor paid no attention( 没注

意 ).He went on y , 40.__F__He went out of the room and came back

a few minutes sat down again in front of the visitor, but this time he took the

visitor's cap in his mouth.

A. Jack likes these long walks very much.

became very worried.

C.I have a friend.

talked and talked.

likes eating some meat.

got angry.

G.I have a dog.

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